Name        { 10-20} The Tar Pits~
Builders    None~
VNUMs       2450 2499
Security    100
Recall      1
Flags       256
Version     107
Creator     Sparhawk~
Llevel      0
Ulevel      0
Music       u3_combt.mid V=50 L=1 P=50 T=Background~

detached hand~
a Detached Hand~
A Detached Hand is here, letting its fingers do the walking.
This is probably one of the strangest things that you have ever seen, a
hand that seems to be missing its body is walking around on its fingers
here, sunlight glints off of a ring that is on its finger.  
3 0 0 0 0 0 S
10 1 20 20 750 750d0+0 0d0+1
100 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
undead tiger~
an undead tiger~
An Undead Tiger attacks you!
A large obviously dead cat is standing here, it has incredibly long teeth
and it looks very, very angry.  This tiger has the look of something
35 0 0 0 0 0 S
20 1 40 40 2750 2750d0+0 0d0+2000
200 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
Undead canine~
a undead canine~
An Undead Canine attacks you!
This strange creature seems to have crawled right out of the tar pits. 
It attacks you as if it is compelled to do so.  At one time it seems to have
been a rather large dog like animal.  
35 0 0 0 0 -500 S
10 1 20 20 750 750d0+0 0d0+4000
100 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Giant Maggot~
a Giant Maggot~
A Giant Maggot looks very hungry.
This hugs maggot is probably one of the more sickening things that you
have ever seen.  The only good thing about it being here is that there is
only one of them.  
35 0 0 0 0 0 S
10 1 20 20 750 750d0+0 0d0+1
100 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
undead rat~
an undead rat~
An Undead Rat sees you and attacks!
This poor rat has been made to come back from death and serve another, it
is almost co,pletly decayed away but still the magic that holds it to this
world is too strong for it to escape back to death.  
35 0 0 0 0 0 S
15 1 30 30 1500 1500d0+0 0d0+2000
150 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
large tentacle~
a Large tentacle~
A Large Tentacle tries to pull you into the tar.
A large tar covered tentacle is coming out of the tar pits and is trying
to pull you in.  It seems that it does not like to eat out, so it is trying
to get some take home.  
35 0 0 0 0 0 S
15 1 30 30 1500 1500d0+0 0d0+1
150 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
carnivorous plant~
a carnivorous plant~
A Carniverous Plant attacks you!
This is not what you would call a friendly plant, after all most plants
don't want to eat you.  It looks like it was well designed to do what it
does, eat living things.  
35 0 0 0 0 -500 S
15 1 30 30 1500 1500d0+0 0d0+5000
150 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Humaniod skeleton~
a Humaniod skeleton~
A Human Skeleton jumps up and swings its weapon at you!
This is another case of something that has apparently been pulled out of
the tar pit.  Its movements are shambling and it seems to have only one
goal.  Killing you!  
35 0 0 0 0 0 S
10 1 20 20 750 750d0+0 0d0+1
100 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
an undead dinosaur~
an undead dinosaur~
An Undead Dinosaur spots you and attacks!
This is probably the oldest thing that you have ever seen, it is so
ancient that all of the skin has decayed off the bones leaving just a
terrifing display of baones claws and teeth.  
35 0 0 0 0 0 S
20 1 40 40 2750 2750d0+0 0d0+10000
200 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
big rock~
a big rock~
A Big Rock sits here.
A very big rock is sitting in the path, it does not seem to be covered in
tar like the rest of the rocks in the area.  It almost seems like something
has dragged it across the pathbecause there seems to be impressions in the
ground from it.  
3 0 0 0 0 0 S
10 1 20 20 750 750d0+0 0d0+1
100 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
rotting bear~
a Rotting Bear~
A Rotting Bear attacks you!
This once proud bear has been animated for someone elses purposes, its
eyes seem to cry out against this entrappment, but it attacks you as it
knows it must.  It has no choice.  
35 0 0 0 0 0 S
10 1 20 20 750 750d0+0 0d0+1
100 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
skeleton miner~
a skeleton miner~
A Skeleton Miner is digging in the tar
This once human skeleton is digging through the tar looking for the bones
of the poor unfortunates who have slipped and fallen off of this part of the
path into the tar pits.  
3 0 0 0 0 0 S
20 1 40 40 2750 2750d0+0 0d0+1
200 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
a Zombie~
A Zombie shambles toward you to attack.
This poor creature is missing a foot, it must be the foot you saw to the
north.  It moans as it walks forward to attack you.  Its gait is awkward
from the missing foot.  
3 0 0 0 0 0 S
15 1 30 30 1500 1500d0+0 0d0+2000
150 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
small bone golem~
a Small Bone Golem~
A Small Bone Golem is standing here.
A creature that is completly made of bone is standing here, it is not
moving and looks best left alone.  
3 128 0 0 0 0 S
22 1 44 44 2500 2500d0+0 0d0+10000
220 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
tar monster~
a Tar Monster~
A Tar Monster crreps along the ground here.
This creature looks like a slug but it seems formed out of the tar
itself.  It moves along the ground very slowly, it seems to be peacefull.  
3 0 0 0 0 0 S
15 1 30 30 1500 1500d0+0 0d0+2000
150 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Zombie Worker~
a Zombie Worker~
A Zombie Worker is shambling around the piles of bones.
This creature looks like it might have been an ogre when it was alive,
now there is no real way to tell, seeing as the only noise it can make is a
steady low moan.  
3 4096 0 0 0 0 S
20 1 40 40 2750 2750d0+0 0d0+1000
200 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
a Vulture~
A Vulture is eating a rotting corpse.
This is a very large bird, it must have good feeding grounds for it to
have gotten this big.  It looks like it will leave you alone if you do not
disturb its dinner.  
3 524288 0 0 0 0 S
15 1 30 30 1500 1500d0+0 0d0+2000
150 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
reanimated Raptor~
a Reanimated Raptor~
A Reanimated Raptor screams at your intrusion!
This is not a nice thing to look at, it has deep hollow eyes and that
show absolutely no fear of you whatsoever.  It is cicling the room and is
obviously there to deal with intuders.  
3 128 0 0 0 0 S
22 1 44 44 2500 2500d0+0 0d0+10000
220 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
The Necromancer~
The Necromancer~
The Necromancer does not look happy with your presence.
This man looks almost as desicated as some of his creations, his skin is
taunt on his body as if doing what he has been doing is draining the very
life out of him.  He has a strange sense of power about him though, and his
frailness does not make him appear weak.  
3 16512 0 0 0 -500 S
25 1 50 50 2500 2500d0+0 0d0+25000
250 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
>all_greet_prog 100~
say What are you doing here?!

Vision Terminous trading card~
a Vision Terminous Trading Card.~
A trading card of Vision Terminous lies here, and in mint condition too!~
8 167772163 8192 0 0 1 0
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
>get_prog 99~
mpechoat $n &WGood Idea! Better keep it, it just might be worth something some day.
bronze ring~
bronze ring~
A bronze ring sits on the ground.~
9 0 0 0 0 131 10
100 100
5~ 0~ 0~ 0~
2 80 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
19 1
18 1
2 1
5 1
Wooden key~
wooden key~
A wooden key sits on the ground.~
18 0 0 0 0 1 1
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
Bone Sword~
bone sword~
A bone sword sits on the ground.~
5 0 0 0 0 8193 10
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 3~
2 8 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
18 5
19 5
skull shaped boulder~
a skull shaped boulder~
A skull shaped boulder~
15 0 0 0 0 0 0
100 100
0~ 1~ 0~ 0~
200 1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
Bone House~
Bone House~
Bone House~
13 1 0 0 0 0 0
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
Study key~
a key sits on the ground.~
Study Key~
18 0 0 0 0 1 1
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
a large Desk~
A large desk sits in the middle of the room.~
12 3 0 0 0 0 0
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
0 1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
cloak undead~
cloak of the undead~
A cloak sits here, crumpled up.~
9 3 0 0 0 1025 20
100 100
10~ 0~ 0~ 0~
4 200 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
18 5
19 5
13 20
potion skull~
Potion Of the Skull~
Potion Of the Skull~
10 268435456 0 0 0 1 10
100 100
100~ cure light~ cure light~ cure poison~
2 100 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0

A darkening path~
The smell of tar is drifting at you from a northerly direction.  The path
that you are walking on seems to sink down under your feet, this place has a
feeling of death about it.  There appears to be nothing alive at all in this
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2451
0 0 17784
A dark path~
The odor of tar coming from the north is getting much stronger now, you
hear a faint bubbling noise up ahead of you.  The absence of any living
creature seems wrong.  You wonder what kind of place you are heading
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2452
0 0 2450
Approaching the tar pits~
The odor of death and decay can be detected above the smell of tar now. 
The sound of bubbling is much clearer, up ahead you can see steaming tar"
pits.  This place has the look of death about it.  Upon looking north you
see the partially decayed corpse of a large mammal.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2456
0 0 2451
Path through the tar pits~
To the south and west of you are impassable tar pits.  A large cat like
corpse looks at you from the far side of the path, it snarls at you.  There
are gnawed on bones on the side of the path here.  The steam here is
drifting across the path.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2460
0 0 2454
Path through the tar pits~
To the north and south of you are impassable tar pits.  Growling can be
heard from here but now you can not tell what direction it is coming from. 
Bones are piled to the side of the path here.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2455
0 0 2453
Path through the tar pits~
To the south and east of you are impassable tar pits.  This is a desolate
part of the path, there seems to be nothing moving whatsoever.  The steam
from the tar stings your eyes when you look for any other details.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2462
0 0 2454
Path through the tar pits~
A large mammilian animal was trapped in the tar pits quite a long time
ago, even in its decayed state it seems ready to stand up and attack you. 
To the north and west of you are impassable tar pits.  You hear the bubbling
of tar all around you.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2457
0 0 2452
Path through the tar pits~
To the north and south of you are impassable tar pits.  The unholy
screams of some creature can be heard from somewhere to the west.  Steam
coming off of the tar around you is making the area surrounding you look
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2458
0 0 2456
Path through the tar pits~
To the north and south of you are impassable tar pits.  There seems to be
something moving in the tar right at your feet, it seems to be groaning. 
The fog is getting much thicker here and your vision is becoming obscured.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2459
0 0 2457
Path through the tar pits~
To the south and east of you are impassable tar pits.  Steam is getting
into your eyes from the bubbling tar arround you.  Gut wrenching cries can
be heard from all around you.  What kind of place could this be?  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2466
0 0 2458
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  A dead tree
partially blocks the path here, its branches have mostly fallen off but it
appears something with very large claws has ripped the rest of them off.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2467
0 0 2453
The wrong turn~
To the north, south and west of you are impassable tar pits.  The only
way that you can go from this path is the way you just came.  You must have
taken a wrong turn.  You might want to turn around and go back now.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2462
Path through the tar pits~
To the north of you is an impassable tar pit.  A broken sword lies on the
ground here and signs of a recent stuggle are apparent in the dirt here.  In
the dirt you can see where a body has been dragged down into the tar.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2463
0 0 2455
0 0 2461
Path through the tar pits~
To the north and south of you are impassable tar pits.  Steam from the
tar burns your eyes, a bubbling sound is coming from behind you.  A few
stones and bones are scattered on the path here.  
0 4 0
Rd     0
0 0 2464
0 0 2462
Path through the tar pits~
To the north and south of you are impassable tar pits.  There is actually
some small living vegetation here, a twisted savage looking plant that is
all thorns and stump.  The plant almost looked like it smiled when you
walked close to it.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2465
0 0 2463
Path through the tar pits~
To the south and east of you are impassable tar pits.  Steam from the tar
drifts across the path here, making it hard to see anything here.  Your
boots are sinking into the ground here, it seems softer than the rest of the
places you have been so far.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2469
0 0 2464
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  Just to the right
of you a decaying haumaniod form lies on the ground.  It semms that it is
lying in wait for you.  Its sword glints wickedly in your light.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2470
0 0 2459
Path through the tar pits~
To the north and west of you are impassable tar pits.  The trees here are
also clawed to pieces, something has made it thier personal vendetta to
destroy all of the remaining living trees here.  Large clawed prints are in
the path here.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2468
0 0 2460
Path through the tar pits~
To the south and east of you are impassable tar pits.  This part of the
path has been completly destroyed, the devastation is unbelievable.  Steam
from the tar makes it hard to see here but you can hear something moving
around here.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2472
0 0 2467
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  Large rocks stick
out of the ground at odd angles here, something must have done this because
it does not look like a natuaral formation.  Tar bubbles and boils here.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2473
0 0 2465
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  An occasional loud
popping sound comes from within the tar.  It is as if some magical force
were churning it deep underground.  A feral growl can be heard from the
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2474
0 0 2466
Path through the tar pits~
To the south and west of you are impassable tar pits.  The path is so
narrow here it would be a miracle if you can get across without falling into
the tarpit.  It is obvious that others have suffered this fate before you.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2475
0 0 2472
Path through the tar pits~
To the north and east of you are impassable tar pits.  The devastation on
the path continues here.  Whatever has been doing this has no respect for
living things at all.  You see the bodies from a group of adventurers that
crossed its path some time ago.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2468
0 0 2471
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  Bones are scattered
all over the path here.  It looks like something died halfway in and out of
the tar.  The smell of tar is overpowering here and the steam is burning
your eyes.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2477
0 0 2469
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  A large skull
shaped boulder lies just to the left of you.  There are many, many clawed
pawprints on the ground here.  Steam from the molten tar drifts across the
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2478
0 0 2470
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  Bones have been
stacked high here most of the bones are of creatures that you have never
seen.  It seems that someone has been mining the bones out of the tarpits.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2479
0 0 2471
In front of a huge door~
To the south and west of you are impassable tar pits.  A heavy wooden
door is to your east.  It appears that you have found your way out of the
tar pits at last.  Multiple piles of bones are all around this large
clearing.  You are in front of what looks like a sizable building.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2480
7 2461 2487
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  Scraps of tar
covered cloth are strewn on the ground here, rotting vegetation makes this
part of the path seem even more dismal than the rest.  From somewhere in the
distance you hear a mournful howling.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2481
0 0 2473
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  Some time ago a
large tree once proudly stood here, but now all that remains is a rotting
stump and some dead branches sticking haphazardly out of the tar.  Stean
from the tar clings to your flesh like a shroud.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2482
0 0 2474
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  The piles of bones
reach even higher into the skies here.  For same reason it looks as if some
of them have been made into a house here.  What on earth could live in such
a horrible place?  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2483
0 0 2475
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  There seems to have
been quite a few complete skeletons pulled out of the tar pits to this
point, because this part of the path is full of complete skeletons also.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2484
0 0 2476
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  Swamp gas rising
off the tar pits is making you nauseous, not to mention the detached foot
that lays in the middle of the path in front of you.  A low grumbling noise
can be heard from the south of here.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2485
0 0 2477
Path through the tar pits~
To the east and west of you are impassable tar pits.  Small rocks are
scattered about here, making travel extremly difficult.  Tar has splattered
on the path here, it almost seems that something crawls in and out of the
tar leaving this black trail.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2486
0 0 2478
Path through the tar pits~
To the north and west of you are impassable tar pits.  More piles of
bones are stacked here, they seem to be being sorted into the different
creatures they originally came from.  It even looks like someone is trying
to make new constructs to them.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2484
0 0 2479
Path through the tar pits~
To the north and east of you are impassable tar pits.  On this section of
path it seems that entire skeletons have been carefully stacked together. 
They are loaded on wooden pallets and look like they are being made ready to
be moved somewhere.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2480
0 0 2483
Path through the tar pits~
To the north and west of you are impassable tar pits.  Buzzards are
slowly cicling in the sky above you.  There is a corpse on the ground here
that seems to be the object of their affections.  Steam is obscuring most of
the corpse but there seems to be movement.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2486
0 0 2481
Path through the tar pits~
To the north an east of you are impassable tar pits.  Steam from the tar
stings your eys as it rises.  A large tree has fallen into the tar here, its
skelatal branches rise out of the mist like bony fingers reaching for the
skies.  To the west of you there are vultures in the sky.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
0 0 2482
0 0 2485
Necromancers workshop~
To the north and south of you are solid stone walls, just to the east of
you is an ornately carved oaken door.  This room is full of huge vats with
bones sticking out of them, rows and rows of bottles are all along the
walls.  This appears to be some kind of demented workshop.  
0 0 0
Rd     0
7 2487 2488
7 2461 2476
Necromancers study~
To the north, south and east of here are solid stone walls.  Books line
the walls here, in the middle of the room is a desk.  Rows of bottles and
open books with notes in them are on a smaller table to the west side of the
0 4 0
Rd     0
7 2487 2487



M 0 2451 1 2451
E 0 2451 0 13
M 0 2453 1 2453
M 0 2456 1 2456
M 0 2458 1 2458
M 0 2461 1 2461
G 0 2461 0
M 0 2462 1 2462
M 0 2464 1 2464
M 0 2466 1 2466
E 0 2466 0 20
M 0 2468 1 2468
M 0 2469 1 2469
O 0 2474 0 2474
P 0 2499 0 2474
M 0 2474 1 2474
M 0 2475 1 2475
M 0 2477 1 2477
O 0 2479 0 2479
M 0 2479 1 2479
M 0 2482 1 2482
M 0 2484 1 2484
M 0 2485 2 2485
M 0 2487 1 2487
G 0 2487 0
O 0 2488 0 2488
M 0 2488 1 2488
E 0 2489 0 16

