Name        { 30-40} The Academy~
Builders    Gorsha~
VNUMs       201 250
Security    100
Recall      1
Flags       256
Version     107
Creator     Gorsha~
Llevel      0
Ulevel      0
Sounds      &YVarious means of artistic expression can be heard throughout the Academy.~
Music       hero.mid V=50 L=1 P=50 T=Background~

Another board memeber, Frieden, looks over some papers.
Frieden stands calmly reading the latest business of the Academy.  He is
famous for his ability to stay calm in the worst of situations.  There is
not a wrinkly on his face even though he is said to be well over fifty.  He
slowly goes about his business without losing stride.  You guess one would
have to be this way to run such a gigantic undertaking such as the Academy. 
67 176 0 0 0 0 S
45 3 90 90 0 6000d0+0 0d0+0
450 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
>speech_prog p problems~
if ispc($n)
say Ahh, I see Schickeria has mentioned some
say of our problems. Yes, locked underneath the
say school is a massive force of negative energy.
say It always causes trouble when we can least
say afford it. I would love to get my hands on a
say piece of that fiend.
>give_prog Void Darkness~
if ispc($n)
say Wow! You brought back part of the negative
say energy force! You can't use it like that
say thought. Let me see what I can do with it.
mpjunk void
mpoload 207
give spirit $n
say That should help you out more than that
say darkness.
One of the board members, Schickeria, stands here.
Here stands one of the most beautiful women in the entire world.  She has
hair as gold as sunrays.  She wears the Academy standard robe except her
robe has a golden trim and has an aura radiating from it.  She stands
against a staff to help support her weight while completing Academy
67 16408 0 0 0 0 S
45 3 90 90 0 6000d0+0 0d0+0
450 0 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
>all_greet_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
say Welcome!
say How may I help you?
>speech_prog hi hello hey whatsup whatup howdy~
if ispc($n)
say Just ask anything you want. I'm sorry
say if we can't be much help. The ACADEMY
say is going through some rough times right
say now.
>speech_prog p academy~
if ispc($n)
say Well, we have had some problems concerning
say what is underneath the school.
say I guess we didn't do as good of a job
say as we thought.
emote whispers to you, "If you want to know more, ask Frieden about our problems."
Academy Guard~
An Academy Guard~
A guard stands at attention.
The guard isn't covered in the normal guard armor.  This one seems to be
covered in a loose shirt with an even looser pair of pants.  The extra
fabric hangs off the sides of the guard's legs.  A mask covers the face so
nobody can see any expression.  The guard stands perfectly still while
watching you through the slit in the mask.  
67 40 262144 0 0 0 S
40 3 80 80 0 5000d0+0 0d0+0
400 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
the receptionist~
The receptionist stands ready to greet any visitors.
The receptionist is a small and lanky man.  He is dressed in a blue robe
that looks like the one on the guards.  He holds a board with a list in one
of his hands.  
67 56 4194304 0 0 0 S
38 3 76 76 0 4750d0+0 0d0+0
380 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
>all_greet_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
say Welcome! You're in luck. Two board members are in now.
say Go on to the north.
Female Singer~
a female singer~
A young woman is singing on stage.
A woman in her early twenties dances around on stage while singing her
song.  She seems to have the audience under her spell with the song.  
67 0 0 0 0 0 S
35 3 70 70 0 4500d0+0 0d0+0
350 1 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
Alyana sings a soothing song with her lute.
Alyana sits on a pillow holding her lute in her lap.  She slowly plucks
the strings making a sweet melody.  Everyone around is captured by her
beautiful voice.  She has the most soothing voice you have ever heard, and
you don't feel the same urge to fight anymore.  As you listen to her sing,
you become more relaxed.  There is a bowl sitting in her lap filled with
several VIP passes.  
67 0 16 0 0 0 S
38 3 76 76 0 4750d0+0 0d0+0
380 0 0
0 0 2
0 0 0
>give_prog VIP Pass~
if ispc($n)
say Thank you, kind soul.
say Hopefully this may help you on your adventures.
mpjunk pass
cast 'combat mind' $n
a speaker~
A speaker stands behind a pulpit giving a speech.
An elderly woman speaks about the politics surrounding the Academy.  She
is constantly pumping her fists in the air trying to illustrate her point.  
67 0 0 0 0 0 S
38 3 76 76 0 4850d0+0 0d0+0
380 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Small Halfling~
a small halfling~
A small halfling sits on a stoll awaiting your answer.
The halfling's grin starts to waver as he sits awaiting your answer.  He
starts to spin around on his chair whistling an annoying tune.  
67 40 16 0 0 0 S
33 2 66 66 0 3800d0+0 0d0+0
330 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
>all_greet_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
say Welcome to the Academy of Enlightenment!
say Would you like one of our VIP passes?
>speech_prog no nope nadda nah~
if ispc($n)
say Oh..thats too bad. Enjoy yourself anyway.
>speech_prog yes yah yup alright ok okay~
if ispc($n)
say Our special VIP passes are only 10000 gold coins.
>bribe_prog 10000~
if ispc($n)
say Thank you! Here you go, Enjoy!
mpoload 205
give VIP $n
The famous sculptor, Metinni, cowers in the corner.
Metinni looks to be in his late forties.  A slight beard has started to
take shape on his face.  He seems to be very frightened of something as he
is shaking in the corner.  A blank look is on his face as he looks off to
the east.  
67 0 0 0 0 0 S
34 3 68 68 0 4000d0+0 0d0+0
340 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Student Painter~
an amateur painter~
A young painter is closely observing everyone around.
Fresh paint drips from the hands of this young artist.  There is a
collection of white canvas under his arm.  He must have just bought some new
65 0 0 0 0 0 S
33 2 66 66 0 4000d0+0 0d0+0
330 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Student Orator~
a student~
A student wanders around passing out pamphlets and brochures.
The student is dressed in a long toga.  He is walking around passing out
little pamphlets to everyone that passes by.  
65 0 0 0 0 0 S
38 3 76 76 0 4100d0+0 0d0+0
380 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Amateur Sculptor~
an amateur sculptor~
An amateur sculptor walks around aimlessly.
A young man is wearing a dirty apron.  He walks around with a blank stare.  
65 0 0 0 0 0 S
33 3 66 66 0 4000d0+0 0d0+0
330 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
a begger~
A humble begger sits to the side of the door.
Flies have made themselves at home around this man.  The rags covering
this man are barely holding on anymore.  He sits here with a small tin cup
sitting next to him.  
67 8 0 0 0 1000 S
31 2 62 62 0 3750d0+0 0d0+0
20 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
>all_greet_prog 100~
if ispc($n)
say How ya doing there, adventurer? Mind sparing a few coins?
>bribe_prog 10~
say Thank you, kind soul! May you find what you seek.
Fire Elemental~
a fire elemental~
A massive flame spurts out of the furnace.
A large flame is coming out of the furnace.  The heat is almost too much
to handle.  Smaller flames are flying out from the body of the fire, and
they are starting to get closer to your clothing.  
67 33554432 4 0 0 0 S
42 4 84 84 0 4900d0+0 0d0+0
420 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Water Elemental~
a water elemental~
A massive wave of water comes flying out of the sink.
Large particles of water have combined into a tidal wave.  All you can
see is a large wave of water coming down on you.  
99 0 4 0 0 0 S
42 4 84 84 0 4900d0+0 0d0+0
420 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
a tornado~
A swirl of air has increased into a tornado.
A small tornado has started to take shape.  Tiny particles of dirt and
debris from the room are being thrown in all directions.  
99 16384 4 0 0 0 S
46 3 92 92 0 5100d0+0 0d0+0
460 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Earth Elemental~
an earth elemental~
The earth has combined into one being.
The floor of this room starts to come up into the air.  After a second,
they all start to combine together into a moving and sentient being.  But
more important is that it is coming right for you.  
67 0 16777216 0 0 0 S
46 1 92 92 0 5100d0+0 0d0+0
460 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
An aura of negative energy fills the room.
97 335544320 4194324 0 0 -1000 S
50 3 100 100 0 5500d0+0 0d0+0
500 19 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

a table~
A table stands in the middle of the room.~
12 0 0 0 0 0 1
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
999 1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
a sink~
A sink has been installed against the wall.~
12 0 0 0 0 0 1
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
999 1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
a furnace~
The furnace has been left wide open.~
12 33554432 0 0 0 0 1
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
999 1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
a rift~
A rift appears in the pattern of colors.~
29 0 0 0 0 0 1
100 100
227~ 0~ 0~ 0~
999 1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
VIP Pass~
a VIP pass for the Academy of Enlightenment~
A gold covered ticket sits on the ground.~
8 0 0 0 0 1 1
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 4 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
Void Darkness~
a Void of Darkness~
9 84 0 0 0 1025 40
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 1600 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
18 6
100 -1
115 -1
Lighted Spirit~
a Lighted Spirit~
A small light dances above your head.~
1 805306433 0 0 0 1 40
100 100
0~ 0~ -1~ 0~
1 1600 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
12 40
3 1
19 3
18 5
Nice Breeze~
a nice breeze~
A nice breeze flows right by.~
9 2 0 0 0 1025 37
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
5 1480 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
13 37
18 8
14 37
Moisturizer Lotion~
some moisturizer~
Some lotion has been smeared on the ground.~
9 0 0 0 0 129 35
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 1400 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
13 35
19 6
2 1
Tiny Spark~
a tiny spark~
&rA tiny spark has fallen off a passing flame.~
9 33554432 0 0 0 32769 35
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
2 1400 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
19 6
1 1
13 35
Stone Plate~
a stone plate~
A stone plate lies forgotten.~
9 536870976 0 0 0 9 37
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
40 1480 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
19 19
18 5
Loose Shirt~
a loose shirt~
A shirt flaps is being carried on a strong gust of wind.~
9 0 0 0 0 9 32
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 1280 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
25 11
13 32
12 32
Guardian Mask~
a Guardian mask~
A piece of cloth has two slits cut into it.~
9 0 0 0 0 65537 31
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 1240 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
304 -1
2 1
Light Staff~
a Light Staff~
A staff is made from a light type of wood.~
5 33554464 8192 0 0 8193 33
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 7~
2 1320 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
19 8
18 12
2 1
1 1
Academy Robe~
the Academy Robe~
A long gold embroidered robe lies crumpled on the ground.~
9 2 0 0 0 9 38
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
10 1520 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
12 38
13 38
18 21
Fresh Dew~
fresh dew~
&CFresh dew glistens in the light.~
8 0 0 0 0 1 1
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 4 0
0 0
0 0
218 0 0
Bag Cool Air~
a bag of cool air~
A bag fills with air as some wind passes.~
8 0 0 0 0 1 1
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 4 0
0 0
0 0
218 0 0
Ice Cubes~
ice cubes~
Some ice cubes are beginning to melt.~
8 134217728 0 0 0 1 2
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
2 8 0
0 0
0 0
222 216 217
Metal Deposit~
a deposit of metal~
A deposit of metal sticks out of the ground.~
8 536870912 0 0 0 1 1
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 4 0
0 0
0 0
221 0 0
Hot Coals~
some hot coals~
Some hot coals are still slightly burning.~
8 33554432 0 0 0 1 1
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 4 0
0 0
0 0
221 0 0
Red Hot Piece Metal~
a red hot piece of metal~
A piece of metal is glowing a bright orangish red.~
8 33554432 0 0 0 1 2
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
2 8 0
0 0
0 0
222 219 220
Iron Bar~
an iron bar~
An iron bar sits on the ground.~
18 0 0 0 0 1 1
100 100
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~
1 4 0
0 0
0 0
0 221 218
a rift~
A rift is constantly changing colors.~
29 0 0 0 0 0 1
100 100
211~ 0~ 0~ 0~
999 1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0

The Stairway~
A set of marble stairs are embedded into the ground.  They climb up the
slight hill that has appeared before you.  Up ahead, you can see pillars
reaching up into the sky.  There seems to be not one speck of dirt upon any
of the marble.  The sound of voices and music can be heard coming over the
0 0 2
Rd     0
0 0 202
0 0 18180
The Academy Entrance~
The stairs come to a halt at the top of the hill.  A marble walkway
continues on towards a doorway to what seems to be one of the largest
buildings ever seen on this land.  The voices heard earlier can be heard
again from within the doors.  There seems to be SIGN posted to the side of
the door.  
0 0 2
Rd     0
3 0 224
0 0 201
In the Board Room~
A large round table is standing in the middle of the room.  Twelve chairs
are placed around the table.  Many great tapestries and paintings adorn the
walls.  Each showing a story of epic adventure or of true love.  Maybe if
one is lucky, they can catch a board member in this room.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 204
Before the Boardroom Entrance~
Many guards are standing at attention along the walls.  A large engraving
of the Academy's Coat of Arms is engraved in the floor.  A bright red carpet
has been rolled out on the floor splitting into two paths around the Coat of
Arms before becoming one again.  The boardroom can be seen only a short
distance ahead.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 203
0 0 207
Behind the Stage~
Many nervous musicians are crowded around behind the stage.  Some are
tuning their instruments while others are busy finding the right pitch for
their next song.  People are quickly moving around trying to get organized
before their time on stage.  There is one specific person in the back who
seems to have gathered quite a crowd before herself.  A set of stairs can
also be seen behind one of the instrument cabinets.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 206
0 0 229
At the Main Stage~
The music is overwhelming as the band continues to play.  The crowd seems
to be really getting into the music.  Several people have started to dance
along the stage.  There is a slight path going west to east but it keeps
filling with dancing people.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 207
0 0 210
0 0 205
At the Waiting Area~
Many people are standing in line behind a desk.  There is a row of guards
blocking passage to the north.  A lanky man is standing to the side with a
clipboard watching all that come into the room.  This must be the reception
area for the board of the Academy.  A lovely CARPET is rolled out here to
make everyone's stay comfortable.  The heat from the bonfire to the south
makes the atomsphere quite nice while people wait.  
0 12 0
Rd     0
The carpet has been frayed from the exposure to the bonfire.  You notice
a trapdoor peeking out from under the carpet.  If only you had something
that could pry open the door...  
A lovely carpet is spread out over the floor.  There seems to be a slight
tear in it near the pit.  
0 0 204
0 0 208
7 222 211
0 0 206
Before the Pulpit~
This is the famous Pulpit of Individuality.  This is the place where all
the philosophers come to debate spirituality, morality, and other issues. 
In fact, there is a speaker this very minute putting the crowd into a trance
with his ideas.  Everyone is pushing around trying to get closer to hear
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 209
0 0 212
0 0 207
Behind the Stage~
All the different philosophers are gathered in this back room discussing
their views on a wide range of topics.  A rack of fine wines sits against
the back wall.  Many of the people are making it a priority to try out the
wine.  There is a descending ramp leading down to the cellar.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 208
0 0 231
In the Bench Rows~
The music is becoming louder as you approach the stage.  The crowds start
to become larger as well.  Little children are on the shoulders of their
fathers trying to get a better view of the show.  Other musicians are
walking around trying to grab the attention of the passers-by.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 206
0 0 213
Inside Oblivion~
All the noises from the other parts of the Academy disappear as you walk
through the doorway.  An odd silence takes over your senses.  The walls are
constantly changing colors, making it hard to understand anything.  There
seems to be a slight difference of the pattern in the corner of the room.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
7 222 207
In the Middle of the Crowd~
People seem to be getting more anxious.  The voice is getting louder here
than before.  More people are becoming annoyed with each other as they all
compete for the best spots to listen.  Many philosophers are walking around
giving everyone pamphlets and brochures.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 208
0 0 215
Near the Last Row of Benches~
The stage can be seen in front of the benches.  This last row seems to be
empty as everyone has crowded the first few to get closer to the band.  You
can hear the soft sounds of the lute player from here.  The gentle high
notes of the singer echo off the walls of the Academy.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 210
0 0 214
0 0 216
Along the Main Hallway~
The walkway comes to a halt before a great pit.  A great bonfire has been
built inside this pit.  The heat from the fire must be what keeps the entire
Academy warm.  The sounds of musicians can be heard from the west, and the
voices of orators are heard booming from the east.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 215
0 0 217
0 0 213
At the End of the Crowd~
All that can be seen are the backs of hundreds of people.  They all seem
to be looking up ahead to the northeast.  All you can hear is a voice giving
a speech.  It must be an important person to attract such a crowd.  There is
a slight path northwards moving through the crowd.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 212
0 0 218
0 0 214
At the Sculpture Display~
Many different sculptures can be seen on display here.  Cases surround
you with all the different pieces that can be seen.  Students walk around
looking within each case for their studies.  There are several groups of
students discussing the different sculptures.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 213
0 0 217
0 0 219
Along the Main Walkway~
As the walkway continues, there seems to be less physical artwork, but
more of the mental and spiritual kind.  The sounds of different musicians
can be heard mixing with the orators.  Great arguments can be heard taking
place further down the hall.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 214
0 0 218
0 0 220
0 0 216
At the Paint Display~
There are several paintings hanging on the wall.  Many of the most
beautiful works on canvas hang on the Academy's walls.  A student studies
one of the paintings as she takes notes in a small journal.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 215
0 0 221
0 0 217
At the Sculpture Display~
Many different sculptures can be seen on display here.  Cases surround
you with all the different pieces collected by the Academy.  Students walk
around looking within each case for their studies.  There are several groups
of students discussing the different sculptures.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 216
0 0 220
0 0 223
In the Main Walkway~
This is the main walkway of the Academy.  It runs straight down the
center of the building.  Many different types of people walk around you. 
There are displays of sculptures to the left and paintings to the right.  Up
ahead on can see the entryway to the boardroom.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 217
0 0 221
0 0 224
0 0 219
Paint Display~
There are several paintings hanging on the wall.  Many of the most
beautiful works on canvas can be seen hung on the wall.  A couple of the
paintings have a small plaque with the artists name attached to the wall
below the painting.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 218
0 0 225
0 0 220
At the Rear Display~
There are more sculptures on display in this room.  These are the
masterpieces of the Academy's grand collection.  The famous sculptor,
Metinni, has several pieces on display including Simon's Rec.  The heat from
the furnaces can be felt coming up through the stairwell in the corner.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 223
0 0 245
At the Sculpture Display~
Many different sculptures can be seen on display here.  Cases surround
you with all the different pieces collected by the Academy.  Students walk
around looking within each case for their studies.  There are several groups
of students discussing the different sculptures.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 219
0 0 224
0 0 222
At the Check-In Desk~
As you walk into the Academy, you are suddenly hit with waves of light,
music, speeches, and many other typical noises of an Academy.  People of all
kinds can be seen walking to and from the different parts of the Academy. 
Also, there seems to be some kind of counter to your side.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 220
0 0 225
3 0 202
0 0 223
At the Painting Display~
There are several paintings hung on the wall.  There is one PAINTING that
catches your eye.  Almost all the paintings have a positive, colorful motif,
but this one is in severe contrast with the rest.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
As you look at the painting, you feel yourself being drawn into it.  You
feel a raging battle between good and evil within yourself.  You feel your
energy being sucked away more and more the longer you stare at the painting.
You feel yourself about to collapse when a strong burst of negativity flies
through you breaking your focus on the painting.  
0 0 221
0 0 226
0 0 224
At the Rear Painting Display~
Here lies the greatest collection of paintings in the land.  All the
famous artists send their pieces to be displayed here.  Even Schickeria has
put her greatest piece on display here.  Her OIL PAINTING of the epic battle
between good and evil is probably the most famous piece of art in the known
0 8 0
Rd     0
You notice the battle between Good and Evil in the painting.  The four
elements are being brought together by both sides as weapons against each
other.  You sit back in confusion at the thought of this.  
You notice the battle between Good and Evil in the painting.  The four
elements are being brought together by both sides as weapons against each
other.  You sit back in confusion at the thought of this.  
0 0 225
0 0 246
Pain and Suffering~
&zYou find yourself encased in a wall of nothingness.  There is nothing
here as you seemingly float and your own breathing seems loud.  
0 12 0
Rd     0
0 0 228
Inside a Black Void~
&zYou find yourself encased in a wall of nothingness.  There is nothing
here as you seemingly float and your own breathing seems loud.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 227
0 0 230
Inside the Green Room~
The walls are completely covered in green velvet, which sends a weird
sensation down your spine everytime you brush against it.  All the people
waiting to take the stage are green in the face.  This scene makes you
wonder if this is called the Green Room because of the walls or the faces.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 232
0 0 205
Inside a Black Void~
&zYou find yourself encased in a wall of nothingness.  There is nothing
here as you seemingly float and your own breathing seems loud.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 228
0 0 234
Inside a Dressing Room~
This is the entrance to the dressing rooms.  Many booths have been built
along the walls.  Many people are hurrying about trying to get dressed and
prepared before they take the stage.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 236
0 0 209
Inside a Storage Room~
Many different types of instruments adorn the walls and cabinets of this
room.  Several musicians are sitting on stools attempting to tune their
instrument.  You have never seen so many tools of music in your life.  Also,
there is a group of young men and women trying to work out the words to one
of their songs.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 229
0 0 233
Inside the Repair Shop~
A large desk covered with tools stands along the east wall.  This must be
where the instruments are repaired after being damaged.  As of this minute,
there are no instruments being repaired.  Every other minute you could swear
that you feel a slight rumbling beneath your feet.  
0 12 0
Rd     0
0 0 232
Inside a Black Void~
&zYou find yourself encased in a wall of nothingness.  There is nothing
here as you seemingly float and your own breathing seems loud.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 230
0 0 237
In an Empty Room~
You have walked into a completely empty room.  The room is spotless. 
There is not one speck of dust anywhere.  The only thing in this room is a
rather loud wind blast that keeps whipping by your head.  You can feel an
intense wind sweep the room.  
0 12 0
Rd     0
0 0 236
Inside a Dressing Room~
There are several stalls here that allow the speakers to dress in
privacy.  This must be where the Academy keeps the props for their plays
because there are several dressers full of clothing.  A walk-in closet
filled with different stage props also stands against the wall.  A huge gust
of wind comes sweeping in from the west.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 231
0 0 235
Inside a Black Void~
&zYou find yourself encased in a wall of nothingness.  There is nothing
here as you seemingly float and your own breathing seems loud.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 234
0 0 239
Inside a Black Void~
&zYou find yourself encased in a wall of nothingness.  There is nothing
here as you seemingly float and your own breathing seems loud.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 239
Inside a Black Void~
&zYou find yourself encased in a wall of nothingness.  There is nothing
here as you seemingly float and your own breathing seems loud.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 237
0 0 240
0 0 238
Inside a Black Void~
&zYou find yourself encased in a wall of nothingness.  There is nothing
here as you seemingly float and your own breathing seems loud.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 239
In a Workroom~
You have entered the workroom of the Academy's sculpturers.  There are
chunks and pieces of materials spread around the floor.  A huge table sits
against the north wall.  By the look of the table, it must be where they do
their work.  Pieces of a statue are spread all over as if there was some
kind of accident here.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 242
0 0 245
Before a Furnace~
A massive metal contraption is standing against the far wall.  This must
be the furnace.  Flames are bellowing out of the door, sending off a
blistering attack of heat.  The furnace is shaking as if its about to burst.
There is an eerie vibe flowing from within the furnace.  
0 12 0
Rd     0
0 0 241
At a Cleaning Area~
You have entered the cleaning area.  A long sink has been installed here
so that the artists may wash themselves off.  The sink is overflowing with
water, and it is starting to fill the room.  Already the water is up above
your ankles.  There is water dripping off the ceiling as well.  What could
have made such a mess?  
0 12 0
Rd     0
3 0 244
At Color 101~
There are finished and unfinished paintings scattered about.  Many of
them have been torn apart.  You can't believe your eyes at the amount of
damage that has been done.  Many young artists are huddled in the corner
pointing and screaming at something to the west.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 246
3 0 243
In a Supply Room~
There are crates stacked against the walls.  There is an intense heat
coming from the north.  You must be getting closer to the furnace.  Also,
you can hear someone moving about to the north.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 241
0 0 222
In a Supply Room~
There are cartons of paints sitting along the walls.  Canvases and paper
can be seen on top of the cabinets.  The floors are quite sticky from all
the paints that have been spilled.  The room is colorful for it seems that
the painters must use the walls for practice.  The walls are covered with
small portraits or landscapes.  
0 8 0
Rd     0
0 0 244
0 0 226

M 202 spec_cast_cleric


M 0 213 1 202
M 0 201 1 203
E 0 215 0 5
M 0 202 1 203
E 0 215 0 5
O 0 201 0 203
M 0 203 3 204
E 0 212 0 5
E 0 213 0 8
E 0 214 0 20
M 0 206 1 205
M 0 205 1 206
M 0 203 3 207
E 0 212 0 5
E 0 213 0 8
E 0 214 0 20
M 0 207 1 208
O 0 204 0 211
M 0 211 3 215
M 0 212 3 223
M 0 208 1 224
M 0 210 3 225
O 0 223 0 227
M 0 217 1 233
G 0 219 0
E 0 211 0 5
M 0 216 1 235
E 0 208 0 16
G 0 217 0
M 0 218 1 239
E 0 206 0 16
G 0 222 0
M 0 209 1 241
M 0 214 1 242
E 0 210 0 9
G 0 220 0
O 0 203 0 242
M 0 215 1 243
E 0 209 0 13
G 0 216 0
O 0 202 0 243

