
-=RoAOLC's mob editing tool, continued=-

Notes on each of the submenus:
Submenu 1 - This is the mob's vnum. Changing its value will clone the mob
     to the new vnum.
Submenu 2 - The mob's keywords are what players use to interact with the
     mob (such as looking, attacking, and so forth). The first keyword
     should be what you would call the mob using one word (such as 'dog'
     for a mob called 'a vicious, angry dog').
Submenu 3 - The shortdesc is the mob's proper name, such as 'a vicious,
     angry dog.' Do not use a capitol letter for the first word, unless
     that word is a proper name (like Jimbo). See wizhelp on CAPS for more.
Submenu 4 - The longdesc is how the mob looks in the room. 'A vicious,
     angry dog stands here, growling firecely.'
Submenu 5 - The desc is what the mob looks like when looked at. This
     should have no fewer than three lines.
Submenu 6 - Affected brings a number of conditions which may affect your
     mob. see wizhelp MAFFECTS for more.
Submenu 7 - Affected2 brings you more conditions for your mob. See
     wizhelp MAFFECTS2 for mob affects information.
Submenu 8 - The mob's alignment will determine how a player's alignment
     will change upon fighting this mob. -1000 to -250 is evil, -249
     to 250 is neutral, and 251 to 1000 is good.
Submenu 9 - The mob's level is what determines the 'consider' commands
     message to the player, along with how succeptible it is to certain
     level-based spells. See wizhelp on the chart and zoneadjust commands
     for more information.
Submenu 10 - This field determines the mob's hitroll, 40 being a very
     good hitter and 0 being terrible.
Submenu 11 - The mob's AC may be anything that a player's may be. Just
     keep in mind its natural defenses.
Submenu 12 - This is how much gold the mob carries around.
Submenu 13 - This fields determines how much experience the mob is worth.
     See also wizhelp on the chart and zoneadjust commands.
Submenu 14 - The mob's hit points as a dice roll.
Submenu 15 - The mob's mana as a dice roll.
Submenu 16 - The mob's move as a dice roll.
Submenu 17 - What position the mob currently is in.
Submenu 18 - What position the mob is in when it is loaded or reset.
Submenu 19 - The mob's gender: Neutral, Male, Female, or Random(M/F).
Submenu 20-25 - The mob's basic attributes.
Submenu 26 - The mob's bare-hands damage dice.
Submenu 27 - Specials give even more capacity to mobs. See wizhelp
     MSPECIALS for more information.
Submenu 28 - The mob's extra specials. See wizhelp MXTRA for more.
Submenu 29 - A list of physical types for mobs. These will play an
     important role in how mobs act.
Submenu 30 - The mob's size.
Submenu 31 - The mob's native language.
Submenu 32 - This submenu gives you fields to put in mob strings, which are
     used for shopkeeps, randoms, and reactors. Remember that none of these
     three is compatible in the same mob with any of the others. See wizhelp
     on MRANDOM, MSHOPKEEP, and MREACTOR for more.
Submenu 33 - This submenu is used with the Mobproc xtra special. See
     wizhelp on MOBPROC.
Submenu 34 - This is the lowest level player that the mob, if a guildmaster,
     may train. Mobs in hometowns may not train higher than level 20.
Submenu 35 - This is the highest level player that the mob, if a guildmaster,
     may train. Mobs in hometowns may not train higher than level 20.
Submenu 36 - The mob's walkin/walkout. The syntax is the same as for players.
Submenu 37 - The mob's shopkeep data, if a shopkeep. See wizhelp on
Submenu 38 - The mob's saving throws.