                     Realms of Aurealis Immortal Handbook

General rules of immortality:

    Fellow Immortals, we realize you all are fully developed, independant
    human beings with your own opinions and lifestyle.  By no means are
    the following rules intended to insult anyone's intelligence or do
    they intend to take away from anyone's personal RL freedom.  During
    RoA's existence, however, situations have forced us to create and
    now strictly enforce rules concerning immortal behavior on RoA.  In
    ML, here on RoA, as an immortal... you are required to follow the 
    following guidelines as best you can.  We believe them to be rather
    straight forward, but, if you have questions... simply ask.

 1: No giving ANY physical help to mortals.  In other words, no loading
    money, objects, no healing, no transferring, no teleporting,
    no summoning, no statting mobs/objs for mortal benefit,
    or anything else that isn't N O R M A L immortal behavior.

 2: No loading mobs without a legitimate reason or permission.

 3: Other than normal building activity, you may only load EQ for yourself
    for personal immortalish attire.

 4: Immortals exist on RoA to make the mud a better place to play.  That
    is your sole reason for existence here.  Please remember that during
    your day to day activities here.
 5: Use common sense and maturity (to a point of course). What mortals see
    you do, reflects what they think about the mud.

 6: Top level decisions related to RoA are usually made by a majority vote
    which includes votes from every Immortal here.  However, please remember
    that some decisions will be made without consultation of some or all of
    the general Immortal staff.  Opinions are always welcome.

 7: Image.  All immortals here reflect the image of RoA itself.  Any and
    all decisions you make must take this fact into account.  If it is deemed
    that your actions/attitude is inappropriate for the image of RoA, you
    will be disciplined.  Please be aware of this rule, it will be enforced
    much more than before.

RoA Immortal Ethical guidelines:

 1: Act in the best interest of RoA.
 2: Protect the image and reputation of RoA AND its Immortal staff.
 3: Always consider the appearance of your actions.
 4: Disclose potential violations by another Immortal immediately.
 5: When in doubt... ask!

Remember, it is your responsibility to follow these guidelines, not our
responsibility to prevent you from breaking the rules.
	ALL action taken as a result of questionable behavior is
   PURELY at the discretion of the IMPLEMENTORS of Realms of Aurealis.
        To save yourself from unnecessary scrutiny and guilt,
	simply refrain from any action that could be seen as a 
	means of cheating or poor/unacceptable behavior.

RoA Intellectual Property Policy (IPP):

  Areas (mobs/objects/rooms/mobprocs/etc) are considered to be intellectual
  property and are "owned" by the builder who creates them.  However, RoA
  reserves the right to maintain a copy of ALL areas built on RoA.  In
  addition, RoA reserves the right to alter its version of all areas whenever
  it deems it necessary and/or appropriate without the original author's
  consent.  However, RoA does not reserve the right to solicit or exchange
  any areas on RoA without the author's consent.  All builders must agree
  to this IPP before they can build on RoA.

							|  Realms  |
							|    of    |
							| Aurealis |