Realms of Aurealis General Information and Tips:

[Further information can be gained on the capitalized words by using HELP]

Races, Classes, skills, guilds, and hometowns:

  When you enter the game the first time, you are asked to select a  
variety of things.  You chose a RACE.  This is the type of character you
or DROW.  Each RACE has particularities related to it.  For instance, DROW
have permanent INFRAVISION and fight better at night, while DWARVES have
an increased resistance to magical affects.  Type RACES for some info on
SOME of the races that populate Aurealis.
  Depending on what RACE you picked, you can choose to be one of a variety
of CLASSES.  Some of which are MAGE, CLERIC, WARRIOR and THIEF.  Each
class has its own unique combination of SKILLS and SPELLS, which normally
must be PRACTICED and learned.  Some CLASSES are more powerful than others
in certain situations, while the others may be more beneficial in other
situations.  A WARRIOR feels right at home pounding his/her opponent to
the ground with brute force, while a THIEF would choose a more conspicious
approach.  Classes are always being expanded for the most part, so do not
be suprised if you suddenly lose or gain a spell or skill overnight.
  Also depending on what RACE you chose, you can choose from a list of
available HOMETOWNS.  This is where certain races call home and choose to
SETTLE.  Some races simply are isolationists, such as DROW, and do not
want most other races inhabiting their homelands.  Because of such, a
DRAKYN may not call Sschaanntynlan his home.  Other pecularites exist as
well.  There are some HOMETOWNS that are large cities of a varied culture
which support and promote interracial diversity, such as Aria.  Any RACE
can SETTLE in the GATEWAY of Aria.  See help on SETTLE for more hometown
  It is not unusual that people belonging to different classes, by joining
their efforts and combining their skills, find their chances of survival and
progress greatly improved. Indeed, a team consisting of members from all 
classes can be an extremely powerful unit; capable of opening doors without
keys, creating food supplies out of nothing, and destroying an enemy in
several different ways. It is not advisable for a new player to offend the
members of such a GROUP!

Practicing and training skills:

  In order to learn the tricks of your specific trade, you need to find
your GUILD, which may take a little exploring. However, you can usually
find a guild in any reasonably populated city. Once you've found it, you
need to look up your guildmaster and PRACTICE.  As you become more skilled
and powerful, it's possible that you will outgrow your average GUILDMASTER, 
and thus must seek the knowledge and training of some other one who is
more experienced and can better train you.  Thus it's wise to explore many
hometowns and other cities and villages during your journies, so when this
happens, you will be prepared.


  It is never wise to travel without the proper equipment. You may
purchase this in the SHOPS found in any larger city, or you may be lucky
and find some left around, dropped by someone who doesn't need it anymore,
for one reason or another.  There are also, of course, other ways to
aquire equipment, from slaying a powerful beast, to robbing nobles, to
pillaging shopkeeps.  Be warned, however, acts of violence such as these
mentioned, can only lead to battle usually.  One other way to get equipment 
is by paying attention to the AUCTION channel.  While we here at Aurealis
realize that this is not entirely realistic, it does allow for a trade
based system to take place between players.  See help AUCTION for further
info on it.
  Some equipment found throughout the Realms takes a high level of skill
and mastery to be used effectively.  The inexperienced adventurer is not
expected to be able to master that Great Flaming Axe with a couple swings.
Thus some equipment of a special nature, usually magical, requires the
skill of a higher level adventurer than the average level one.  Do not get
frustrated, within time you will be able to master any item in the game
and there are far more than enough items suited for each level of player.

About Staying Fit - Eating and Drinking:

  At one time or another, you'll see the message "You are hungry". This
means that it's time to find something edible before too long. People
don't starve to death in this world, so have no fear. However, when you
are hungry, you do not build up lost energy, so eventually you'll be
unable to do anything but sit around and feel sorry for yourself, until
someone comes by. Then, you can only hope that it's a benevolent person,
rather than a greedy thief or a warrior lusting for blood.

Notes on Experience, Levels, Role Playing and "Power Mudding":

  We know the point behind any RPG such as this is to get as powerful as
you can as quickly as you can.  We've all got our own RPGs on computer at
home and we do the same thing.  The point of these type of games is to
have FUN, and that does not change here.  While we DO NOT ENFORCE ROLE
PLAYING IN ANY FORM, we STRONGLY ADVISE IT.  Role Playing (RP) brings so
much more enjoyment out of the game for some and for others it's a bore.
That's life :).  If you choose to RP here at Aurealis, you may be REWARDED
for good RP, i.e. playing well in character, not spamming GOSSIP or OOC
every 2 minutes, etc etc.  Those not choosing to RP will not be PENALIZED
in any way, shape or form, other than the fact they obviously will not be
rewarded for good RP.  Normally, if you type WHO, those players with the
[RP] in their title are ones which are actively taking part in Role
Playing.  If you are not, please do not inhibit anybody else from doing

General hints and things you should be aware of:

** Type POLICY now :). **
   Type NEWS for updates and changes.
   Read UPDATE BOARDS for latest updates and changes.
   HELP MAP for a general broad view of Aurealis.

   See help on your class:
    Mage, Cleric, Shaman, Warrior, Thief, Bard, Ranger, Monshai, Warlock.