_ _ _ T R A N S P O R T  R O O M  G U I D E _ _ _
                 by Cyng Swiftwoot
1) The Menus ...
In the roomedit submenu number 7, select the TRANSPORT FLAG.
This will designate that room as being the room which 'moves'
(ie, the boat, the landslide, the giant dragonfly, whatever).
This will also give you two new submenus: the Transport String
Menu (10), and the Transport Data Menu (11).
    A) The Transport String Menu (submenu #10)
    RoA OLC(v2.0) Transport String Menu
1.) Keywords:
2.) Short_desc:

3.) Long_desc:
4.) Travel Messg:
5.) Arrive Messg:
-->1: This is for looking at the transport as it enters the 'dock'
-->2: This is the transport's name.
-->3: This is what you get when you look at the transport.
-->4: This is what is shown right before the transport moves on
to the next room on its path.
-->5: This is what is shown when the transport arrives at a dock.
    RoA OLC(v2.0) Transport String Menu
1.) Keywords: boat small dinghy wooden
2.) Short_desc: a small, wooden dinghy
3.) Long_desc: This small dinghy is made from a dark wood, and looks to be only
slightly seaworthy. You wonder exactly how far it will take you.
4.) Travel Messg: The oars slap the surface of the water and the dinghy moves on.
5.) Arrive Messg: With a thud, a small dinghy bumps up against the dock.
    B) The Transport Data Menu
    RoA OLC(v2.0) Transport Data Menu
1.) Start Location|Port1: 0
2.) Port2: 0
3.) Port3: 0
4.) Port4: 0
5.) TDockWait: 0
6.) TTravelWait: 0
7.) TTicketNum: 0

-->1: This is the room vnumber of the tranpsort's first dock, and where it
is when the zone is first activated.
-->2-4: These are the room vnumbers of the up to 3 additional docks. If you don't
wish to have exactly 4 docks, make the unused vnumbers be -1 (not 0).
-->5: This number should be how many quarter ticks you want the transport to
hang out before moving on when it's at one of its ports.
-->6: This is how many quarter ticks you wish the transport to hang out before
it moves on when it's going through the normal, non-port rooms.
-->7: This should be the vnumber of the item which one needs in order to board
the transport. This item is automatically removed from the player's inventory
when s/he boards/enters the transport. If you do not wish to have a ticket, use
-1 (not 0) for this number.
2) The Rooms ...
    A) Room Terrain Types
--> ALL rooms along the path (including the ports) MUST be of the same terrain
type. They have to all be inside, or field, or underwater, or whatever you want
them to be. If they are not all of the same terrain type, the transport won't be
able to travel, and you'll get SYSERRor spams.
--> The transport room can be of a terrain type of its own, if you wish.
--> The path upon which the transport travels MUST be walkable and connected.
Each room along this path MUST be connected to the next in line and the one before
it. Yes, this means that morts can skip the transport and walk the path instead.
To get around this, feel free to make all of these rooms DEATH and/or FLY_DEATH.
The transport will protect them (see next note).
--> The roomflags of the path rooms will have no effect upon mortals who are IN
the transport. If a room along the path is DEATH, only people walking the path
will die. Nobody who is IN the transport will die. The same goes for regen flags,
portal flags, everything else. This is because, if you're in the transport room,
you don't actually move. The descripts of the rooms which you're supposedly
moving through are displayed, but you never actually enter those rooms.
--> The title of ths subsection should be 'rooms' as opposed to 'room terrain
types.' Silly me.
--> The transport room can 'be' more than one room. It can have exits, though it
needs none, and can have a 'below decks' and a 'crow's nest' and whatever else
that you wish it to have. ONLY ONE of the rooms needs to be a transport. The
rest can just be normal rooms. BUT, you only see the scenery going by when you're
in the transport=flagged room.
    B) Making the Rooms
--> I would suggest making all of the rooms, making sure that they all are of
the same terrain type, and linking them together in a path BEFORE giving the
transport room its transport flag. This way, you avoid all of the annoying
SYSERRors in the syslog.
--> Try to make the rooms describe exactly WHY you have made them DEATH and/or
FLY_DEATH (if you have done so), so that people don't say, 'I didn't know.'
Treat these rooms like normal DTs in that respect. You only need to make the
first and last room along the path (not including the docks. That'd be silly)
--> For a few examples of transport rooms, check out 23030, 23098, and 2513.
Lock the zones and edit the rooms only after asking their owners, however,
but seeing an example of a working transport room may be helpful.