
Occassionally, there are those adventurers who achieve the highest possible
mortal level in these realms.  In some circumstances, they are granted the
status of immortality, where they go on to conquer new challenges and
possibly explore and expand the known realms.  In other circumstances, they
wish to remain a part of the mortal world to attain even more power, wealth,
fame, and knowledge.  To achieve this, they must learn a different way of
life, in fact, lead an entirely new existence.  The immortals of Aurealis
have provided a way for this to transformation to take place happen, but not 
without sacrifice.  Herein is provided the details of those sacrifices and 
benefits which will result if an adventurer chooses to %B%4remort%0.

%B%6Remort Requirements%0:
You must be of Lord or Lady level.  (Level 70 currently.)
You must have enough experience to immort.
    (If you do, you will be notified repeatedly.)
You must have a minimum amount of high level EQ on your person.
You must have all EQ in inventory, not worn, and not in containers.
You must have classes available to your race.

%B%6What Remort Does to You%0:
Sets you back to level 1.
Changes your class.  (The one which you pick.)
Removes all EQ on your person at the time you remort. (See EQ bonus below.)
Removes all affects on your person at the time you remort.
Rerolls you.
Applies any EQ bonus to your stats.  Most noteably Hit/Mana/Move.

%B%6EQ Bonus%0:
There is a sacrifice involved in remorting.  You need a certain amount of high
level EQ to remort.  Anything above and beyond that minimum is called your
EQ bonus.  The more bonus points you have, the more bonus points that are
applied to your stats after you are remorted.  The bonus apply is done by the
mud automatically.  It is applied at random with some basis on class, race, and
character age.  You could choose to meet the bare minimum, and have no bonus
applied.  You could choose to sacrifice as much high level EQ as you can to
receive a better bonus.  If after you remort, you are not satisfied with your
stats, you can %B%6reroll%0 as any other level 1, but %B%1any EQ bonus that
was applied will be lost if you reroll%0.

%B%6After You Reroll%0:
All the skills from your previous class will not be immediately apparent. 
%B%1Minimum levels for skills and objects STILL apply%0.  For example:  If
you know of a spell that you were finally able to learn at level 65 and you
remort, that spell will not be available until you reach 65 again.  This does
not apply to all skills and spells.  Multi-attack skills should not be affected
by this.

Object/Room restrictions now apply to your NEW class.  If you were a warrior, 
and were using a !CLERIC mace, after you remort into a cleric, you will no
longer be able to use that mace.

The experience you gain after remorting will be signifigantly less than you
gained before remorting.  The more you remort, the more signifigant the exp 
drop will be.

%B%6Remort Strategies%0:
Class selection is vital in remorting.  A Warrior remorting into a Mage is
generally much more powerful than a Mage remorting into a Warrior.  In this
particular instance, the reason is mana gain after remort.  If you remort from
Mage to Warrior, you will be rerolled with new stats and lose all that great
Mage mana you had.  Since Warrior's do not gain signifigant mana when they
level, all your previously learned Mage spells would be less effective.

Use EQ bonuses.  Sacrifice as much high level EQ as you can.  You will see
the results in your stats, most noteably, hit/mana/move.  How nice to start
a newbie character with hundreds of hit points :).  The point distribution
of EQ bonuses may be unbalanced (you may end up with 200 hitpoints and only
50 move), but every little bit helps.