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	*RSWAP (room swap)

Roomswap will swap the location of two rooms (ie, misc.2013 and test.55),
updating everything related to these rooms (exits, offline players, etc).

You will periodically receive messages informing you of what the background
process has found that needs updating. Messages preceeded by
a magenta ^MRS^x denote messages the background process has sent, messages
preceeded by a yellow ^YRS^x denote messages the current mud has sent.
: ^MRS: ^eReceiving test.2.^x
^MRS: ^e Receiving test.4.^x
^MRS: ^e Receiving test.5.^x
: ^YRS: ^eReceiving Dominus.^x
Player saved.
Anything that is saved by the current mud will appear as a message in yellow.

^WLocked Exits:^x
If you are moving areas (ie, from "misc" to "druid"), room swap will
require confirmation to continue if there is a locked exit in the room.
Keys will have to be updated because they are area-specific.

Only one room-swap process can be running at a time. If you attempt to start
one while one is already running, the request will be put in a queue. You
don't need to be logged on for this to work - you may enter rooms into the
queue and log off. Any staff member can use these commands; builders will be
limited to the rooms they have the authorization to edit.

^e*rswap [area]^x      - move to next open room in [area].
  This will search the area for the next available room, then will continue
  swapping the current room with that room. This is good for moving large
  sections of rooms into another area.

  : *rswap misc

^e*rswap []^x   - move to specific room (will swap if room exists).
^e*rswap [id]^x        - move to specific room (will swap if room exists).
  This will move the current room to the specified room. If both rooms exist,
  they will trade places.

  : *rswap misc.123

^e*rswap [-range source target loop]^x
^e*rswap [-range source.low:high target]^x
  This will swap a range of rooms, starting from source [],
  moving all rooms to target [ or area]. If an id is not specified,
  the script will search for the next empty room in that area. The script
  will loop through "loop" number of rooms or from low to high before exitting.

  ^WExample:^x - these two commands will have the same result
  : *rswap -range misc.2000 hp 200
  : *rswap -range misc.2000:2200 hp

^e*rswap [-info]^x     - print roomswap info.
  This info will list all data in memory that must be checked, what jobs are
  in the queue, and what processes are being watched.

^e*rswap [-cancel #]^x - cancel current roomswap job, # is 1 by default.
  This will cancel the current job that is running. The next item in the queue
  will start. If provided with a number, that job will be cancelled.

^e*rswap [-abort]^x    - abort all roomswap jobs (empty queue).
  This will cancel the current job and remove all items from the queue.