^WRoom Flags^x
 1         Shoppe                 You can also use the trapexit to set the
                                  storage room, otherwise it defaults to this
                                  room + 1
 2         Dump                   Dropped items recycled for 5gp
 3         Training               Training flag. See *dmh train
 4         Training               Training flag. See *dmh train
 5         Training               Training flag. See *dmh train
 6         Training               Training flag. See *dmh train
 7         Training               Training flag. See *dmh train
 8         MobJail                A jail room a monster takes you to (as
                                  opposed to staff)
 9         DarkAlways             Always naturally dark
 10        DarkNight              Naturally dark at night
 11        PostOffice             Players can send/read mail here
 12        NoPkill                Safe room, no playerkilling
 13        NoPortTo               Cannot teleport to this room
 14        HealFast               Heal faster in this room
 15        OnePly                 1-player only inside
 16        TwoPly                 2-players only inside
 17        ThreePly               3-players only inside
 18        NoMagic                No magic will work here
 19        PermTracks             Permanent tracks
 20        Earth                  Earth realm
 21        Air                    Air realm
 22        Fire                   Fire realm
 23        Water                  Water realm
 24        GrpWander              Player-dependent monster wanders
 25        PHarm                  Harmful room
 26        Toxic                  Poisonous gas
 27        MPDrain                Mana draining room
 28        Stun                   Stunning room
 29        NoSummonOut            Can not be summon out
 30        CanPledge              Can pledge to clans here
 31        CanRescind             Can rescind from clans here
 32        NoPotion               Potions will not work
 33        Magic+                 Magical bonus room
 34        NoLog                  Player will relog in room 1
 35        VampireCoven           Room is vampire coven
 36        Indoors                Players won't hear weather messages,
                                  darkmetal is safe
 37        Jail                   Jail room
 38        NoCastPort             Teleport cannot be cast here
 39        Lottery                Can buy lottery ticket; must set 1-Shoppe flag
 40        DesertHarm             Heat damage during the day, cold damage at night
 41        BuyStrg                Can purchase storage rooms here
 42        StrgRm                 Is a storage room
 43        NoClair                Cannot be claired in this room
 44        NoFlee                 Cannot flee from this room
 45        RH:Vines               Vines try to strangle you (druids immune)
 46        CanShoplift            You can attempt to shoplift
 47        Forest                 Room is forest
 48        Ethereal               Room is ethereal
 49        OppRealm+              The opposite realm of the room is given a bonus
 50        Pawn                   Can sell items
 51        RH:IcyWater            Icy water damage
 52        NoTrackTo              Other players cannot track to this room
 53        DropDestroy            Environment destroys dropped items
 54        NoSummonTo             Cannot summon anyone to this room
 55        NoTrackOut             Cannot track out of this room
 56        Realm+                 Room's realm adds to same realms spell damage
 57        OutlawSafe             Outlaws may not be killed, are damaged by lightning
 58        Bank                   Can perform bank transactions
 59        ATM                    Magic money machine - withdraw and balance
                                  only: used mainly for jails to bail out
 60        ^yUnused^x
 61        Guild:OpenAccess       This room belongs to a guild, but anyone may enter
 62        NoRecall               Word of recall does not work
 63        LogToTrapExt           Player will relog into room specified by
                                  trap exit
 64        HardMove               Hard to move from room
 65        Electricity            Electricity realm
 66        Cold                   Cold realm
 67        HardFlee               Hard to flee from this room
 68        NoMist                 Mists cannot enter
 69        DisperseMist           Mists will be forced to unmist
 70        ^yUnused^x
 71        CanBuildShop           Can build a shop here
 72        MagicDark              Magically dark
 73        Underwater             Room is underwater and players will drown
 74        NoDodge                Cannot dodge here
 75        Aramon                 Only worshipers of Aramon may enter
 76        Ceris                  Only worshipers of Ceris may enter
 77        Enoch                  Only worshipers of Enoch may enter
 78        Gradius                Only worshipers of Gradius may enter
 79        Ares                   Only worshipers of Ares may enter
 80        Kamira                 Only worshipers of Kamira may enter
 81        Jakar                  Only worshipers of Jakar may enter
 82        Linothan               Only worshipers of Linothan may enter
 83        Mara                   Only worshipers of Mara may enter
 84        Arachnus               Only worshipers of Arachnus may enter
 85        Underground            Players won't hear weather messages,
                                  darkmetal is safe
 86        CanBuildGldHall        Can build a guildhall here
 87        WasBuildGldHall        A guildhall has been built here
 88        RH:Archers             Elven archers
 89        RH:Moss                Deadly underdark moss
 90        WasBuildShop           A shop has been built here
 91        Construction           Room is under construction
 92        Typo                   A typo was found here
 93        CanBuildHouse          Can build a house here
 94        WasBuildHouse          A house has been built here
 95        WinterCold             Room is cold during the winter
 96        NoPrevious             Player does not record this as previous room
 97        ShopStorage            Must be set in storage room for room flag 1
                                  (Shoppe) to work
 98        AlwaysWinter           Treat this room as winter regardless of season
 99        CanAlwaysMist          Vampires can always turn to mist here,
                                  regardless of time of day
 100       Limbo                  Room is Limbo (where players go when they die)
 101       NoSpringTrapOnEnter    A player entering this room won't spring any traps