^WObject Flags^x
 1         Perm                   Object is permanent
 2         Hidden                 Object is hidden
 3         Invisible              Object is invisible
 4         SomePrefix             "some" prefix
 5         PushPullSpringsTrap    Pushing or pulling this object springs the
                                  room's trap
 6         NoPrefix               No prefix
 7         Fishing                Can be used to fish
 8         NoWgtContain           Container of weightless holding
 9         TempPerm               Temporarily permanent
 10        InvPerm                Inventory-permanent
 11        NoMageLich             Mages and liches cannot wear/use object
 12        LightSource            Object serves as a light
 13        GoodOnly               Usable only by good players
 14        EvilOnly               Usable only by evil players
 15        NoEnchant              Object cannot be enchanted
 16        NoFix                  Object cannot be repaired
 17        ClimbGear              Climbing gear
 18        NoTake                 Object cannot be taken
 19        Scenery                Part of room description/scenery (hidden,
                                  cannot be searched for)
 20        Darkness               Object creates magical darkness
 21        Hot                    Object is hot (can be used in cooking)
 22        RandEnchant            Object is randomly enchanted
 23        Cursed                 Object is cursed
 24        Worn                   Object is being worn
 25        FloorUse               Can be used from the floor
 26        Devours                Container devours items
 27        FemaleOnly             Usable by only females
 28        MaleOnly               Usable by only males
 29        SexlessOnly            Usable by only sexless creatures
 30        PledgeOnly             Usable by only pledged players
 31        Magic                  Object is magical (displays (M) with detect-magic)
 32        ClassInvert            Invert class-restriction rules
 33        Assassin               Only Assassins may use
 34        Berserker              Only Berserkers may use
 35        Cleric                 Only Clerics may use
 36        Fighter                Only Fighters may use
 37        Mage                   Only Mages may use
 38        Paladin                Only Paladins may use
 39        Ranger                 Only Rangers may use
 40        Thief                  Only Thieves may use
 41        Vampire                Only Vampires may use
 42        Monk                   Only Monks may use
 43        Deathknight            Only Deathknights may use
 44        Druid                  Only Druids may use
 45        Lich                   Only Liches may use
 46        Werewolf               Only Werewolves may use
 47        Bard                   Only Bards may use
 48        Rogue                  Only Rogues may use
 49        Disposable             Object will not keep area room in memory
 50        NoShatter              Weapon will never shatter
 51        AlwaysCrit             Weapon will always critical
 52        Lucky                  Object is a luck charm
 53        Casts                  Weapon casts spells on hit (realm-offensive only)
 54        TwoHands               Weapon requires two hands to wield (no
                                  double wield)
 55        EquipEffect            Equiping this object bestows an effect
 56        JustLoaded             Object was just loaded on a monster and
                                  hasn't been obtained by a player yet so exp
                                  can be gained from stealing it
 57        ChaoticOnly            Chaotics only
 58        LawfulOnly             Lawfuls only
 59        TmpEnchant             Temporarily enchanted
 60        StartingItem           Starting item - cannot be stolen or pawned
                                  for money
 61        ^yUnused^x
 62        Clan1                  Only clan 1 may use
 63        Clan2                  Only clan 2 may use
 64        Clan3                  Only clan 3 may use
 65        Clan4                  Only clan 4 may use
 66        Clan5                  Only clan 5 may use
 67        Clan6                  Only clan 6 may use
 68        Clan7                  Only clan 7 may use
 69        Clan8                  Only clan 8 may use
 70        Clan9                  Only clan 9 may use
 71        Clan10                 Only clan 10 may use
 72        ^yUnused^x
 73        ^yUnused^x
 74        ^yUnused^x
 75        ^yUnused^x
 76        ^yUnused^x
 77        ^yUnused^x
 78        ^yUnused^x
 79        ^yUnused^x
 80        ^yUnused^x
 81        LoadAll                When trading, load all RandomObjects, rather
                                  than a random one
 82        R-Dissolve             Object resists dissolve
 83        Reclaimed              Object has been reclaimed
 84        ^yUnused^x
 85        ^yUnused^x
 86        ^yUnused^x
 87        ^yUnused^x
 88        ^yUnused^x
 89        ^yUnused^x
 90        ^yUnused^x
 91        ^yUnused^x
 92        Drinkable              You can drink the object
 93        Eatable                You can eat the object
 94        AlwaysDrop             Monsters always drop this object
 95        ConsumeHeal            Consumable object that will heal the player
 96        ^yUnused^x
 97        ^yUnused^x
 98        ^yUnused^x
 99        ^yUnused^x
 100       Clan11                 Only clan 11 may use
 101       Clan12                 Only clan 12 may use
 102       ^yUnused^x
 103       ^yUnused^x
 104       ^yUnused^x
 105       Custom                 Object is a custom
 106       NoShopLift             Object cannot be shoplifted
 107       Stolen                 Object was shoplifted (so people can't sell
                                  shoplifted items)
 108       ^yUnused^x
 109       HitsMist               Object can hit misted vampire
 110       Silver                 Object made of silver - extra damage to werewolf
 111       HoldBonus              Object confers a bonus to hit if held
 112       ^yUnused^x
 113       NoSteal                Object cannot be stolen
 114       1hShield               Object is a small shield
 115       ^yUnused^x
 116       ^yUnused^x
 117       ^yUnused^x
 118       ^yUnused^x
 119       NoPawn                 Object not pawnable
 120       BreakDrop              Object breaks when drops
 121       Lore                   Player may only have a limited number of
                                  this object
 122       RaceSelInvert          Invert race-selective rules
 123       Dwarf                  Only Dwarves may use
 124       Elf                    Only Elves may use
 125       Half-Elf               Only Half-Elves may use
 126       Halfling               Only Halflings may use
 127       Human                  Only Humans may use
 128       Orc                    Only Orcs may use
 129       Half-Giant             Only Half-Giants may use
 130       Gnome                  Only Gnomes may use
 131       Troll                  Only Trolls may use
 132       Half-Orc               Only Half-Orcs may use
 133       Ogre                   Only Ogres may use
 134       Dark-Elf               Only Dark-Elves may use
 135       Goblin                 Only Goblins may use
 136       Minotaur               Only Minotaurs may use
 137       Seraph                 Only Seraphs may use
 138       Kobold                 Only Kobolds may use
 139       Cambion                Only Cambions may use
 140       Barbarian              Only Barbarians may use
 141       Kataran                Only Katarans may use
 142       Envenomed              Object has been envenomed
 143       NullMagic              Object does not reveal that it is magical to detect-magic
 144       NoBreak                Object does not break
 145       CanTouchWith           Monks can use touch-of-death with this
                                  weapon wielded
 146       JustBought             Object was just bought and is refundable
 147       NoDrop                 Can't drop or otherwise get rid of this object
 148       DisplayFile            Display file all at once
 149       Breaked                Object is broken by break command
 150       SmallBow               Objext is a small bow
 151       CoinOperated           Coin operated object
 152       Prepared               Object is being prepared
 153       StrengthBow            Missile weapon uses strength bonus
 154       Unique                 Object is unique or limited
 155       NoBulkCont             Bulkless container object
 156       NoBulk                 Bulkless object
 157       ^yUnused^x
 158       NoPeekAt               Object can not be peeked at
 159       Bash+                  Object does extra bash damage equal to dice
 160       Keep                   Object is being kept - cannot be dropped or
                                  sole on accident
 161       NoBackstab             Cannot backstab with this weapon
 162       SaveFull               Save the entire object to pfile/roomfile
                                  instead of just a reference. Mainly used
                                  when a ct/dm has changed an item, cleared
                                  when *saving or for custom
 163       BodyPart               Object cannot be peeked/stolen, unset when
                                  monster dies
 164       Darkmetal              Object is a darkmetal item (destroyed in sunlight)
 165       Tiefling               Only Tieflings may use