^WMonster Flags^x
 1         Perm                   Monster is permanent
 2         Hidden                 Monster is hidden
 3         WasHidden              Monster was hidden before and will rehide again
 4         FactionNoGuard         If the player is in good standing with the
                                  monster, the monster will not passively
                                  guard exits
 5         ^yUnused^x
 6         NoPrefix               Don't add a prefix article
 7         Aggro                  Monster is aggresive
 8         GuardLoot              Monster will prevent player from getting treasure
 9         BlocksExits            Monster will prevent player from leaving the
                                  room (excluding flee) during combat
 10        Follows                Monster will follow a player who walks out
                                  of the room during combat
 11        Flees                  Monster will flee
 12        Scavenger              Monster will randomly get items from the ground
 13        Male                   Monster is male
 14        SA:Poisons             Monster will poison
 15        Undead                 Monster is undead
 16        NoStealPeek            Monster cannot be peeked and cannot be
                                  stolen from
 17        ^yUnused^x
 18        SA:Casts               Monster can cast spells
 19        Scavenged              Monster has already scavenged something
 20        ^yUnused^x
 21        MagicOnly              Monster can only be harmed by magic
 22        FactionAssist          Monster will assist members of primeFaction
 23        +1ToHit                Player needs +1 weapon or better to be hit
 24        Talks                  Monster uses old talk system (DONT SET)
 25        NoKill                 Monster cannot be harmed
 26        FixedGold              Monster has a fixed amount of gold
 27        TalkAggro              Monster becomes aggressive after talking
 28        NoFactionAggro         Don't aggro based on faction
 29        CanRiposte             Can riposte regardless of other rules
 30        Darkness               Monster is carrying a darkness item
 31        ^yUnused^x
 32        ^yUnused^x
 33        CanPledgeTo            Players can pledge to monster
 34        CanRescindTo           Players can rescind to monster
 35        SA:Diseases            Monster causes disease
 36        SA:Dissolves           Monster can dissolve items
 37        Selling                Players can purchase items from this monster
 38        Trades                 Players can trade items with this monster
 39        PassiveGuard           Monster passively prevents players from
                                  going through an exit (exit needs flag 19-PassiveGuard)
 40        GoodAggro              Monster will attack good-aligned players
 41        EvilAggro              Monster will attack evil-aligned players
 42        DieDesc                Monster has additon description after death
                                  (requires special file)
 43        CastPercent            Monster cast magic percent flag
 44        ResistStun             Monster resists stun
 45        NoCircle               Monster cannot be circled
 46        SA:Blinds              Monster can blind
 47        FollowDM               Monster will follow DM (DONT SET - used for possessing)
 48        ^yUnused^x
 49        ^yUnused^x
 50        ^yUnused^x
 51        Charmed                Monster is charmed
 52        Mobile                 Monster will wander around the area
 53        Scripted               Monster is scripted (requires special file)
 54        TakeLoot               Monster will try to take players' loot
 55        FastWander             Monster will quickly wander around the area
 56        Pet                    Monster is a pet
 57        ^yUnused^x
 58        ^yUnused^x
 59        ^yUnused^x
 60        ^yUnused^x
 61        ^yUnused^x
 62        ^yUnused^x
 63        Sexless                Monster is sexless
 64        ^yUnused^x
 65        ^yUnused^x
 66        ^yUnused^x
 67        ^yUnused^x
 68        ^yUnused^x
 69        ^yUnused^x
 70        ^yUnused^x
 71        ^yUnused^x
 72        NoMobile               Monster will not wander
 73        ^yUnused^x
 74        ^yUnused^x
 75        ^yUnused^x
 76        ^yUnused^x
 77        ^yUnused^x
 78        ^yUnused^x
 79        ^yUnused^x
 80        ^yUnused^x
 81        ^yUnused^x
 82        ^yUnused^x
 83        ^yUnused^x
 84        ^yUnused^x
 85        ^yUnused^x
 86        ^yUnused^x
 87        ^yUnused^x
 88        ^yUnused^x
 89        ^yUnused^x
 90        ^yUnused^x
 91        Regen                  Monster regenerates
 92        +2ToHit                Player needs +2 weapon or better to be hit
 93        +3ToHit                Player needs +3 weapon or better to be hit
 94        ^yUnused^x
 95        StealAggro             Monster will steal from players during combat
 96        Steals                 Monster will steal from players
 97        ^yUnused^x
 98        ^yUnused^x
 99        ^yUnused^x
 100       Assisted               Monster will be assisted by any monster with
                                  101-WillAssist (DONT SET - use assist fields)
 101       WillAssist             Monster will assist any monster with
                                  100-Assisted (DONT SET - use assist fields)
 102       NightOnly              Monster will only come at night
 103       OutlawAggro            Monster will aggro outlaws
 104       ^yUnused^x
 105       ^yUnused^x
 106       ^yUnused^x
 107       Wields                 Monster will wield weapons in their inventory
 108       ^yUnused^x
 109       ^yUnused^x
 110       DayOnly                Monster will only come during the day
 111       SneakLoad              Don't show when monster arrives
 112       ^yUnused^x
 113       ^yUnused^x
 114       NoDodge                Monster cannot be dodged
 115       ^yUnused^x
 116       ^yUnused^x
 117       AggroShoplifter        Monster is attacking a shoplifter
 118       Chasing                Monster chasing someone
 119       HardCircle             Monster resists circle - circled as if undead
 120       WillYell               Monster will yell for help
 121       HasYelled              Monster yelled for help - DONT SET
 122       NoShowYell             Monster doesn't actually yell for help, but
                                  mobs arrive to help
 123       BeneCast               Monster is a benevolent spellcaster
 124       Logged                 Anything that happens to the monster will be
                                  logged until saved
 125       ^yUnused^x
 126       ^yUnused^x
 127       LvlBaseStun            Level-based stunnable
 128       NoTouch                Monster resists touch-of-death
 129       Greedy                 Monster will sometimes steal cash instead of killing
 130       Subdues                Monster will sometimes knock the player
                                  unconscious and haul them off to jail
 131       LvlRestrict            Monster can only be killed/attacked by
                                  someone less than maxLevel
 132       NoBackstab             Monster cannot be backstabbed - for really
                                  small creatures and stuff like slimes
 133       ^yUnused^x
 134       ^yUnused^x
 135       ^yUnused^x
 136       ^yUnused^x
 137       ^yUnused^x
 138       ^yUnused^x
 139       ^yUnused^x
 140       ^yUnused^x
 141       ^yUnused^x
 142       ^yUnused^x
 143       ^yUnused^x
 144       ^yUnused^x
 145       ^yUnused^x
 146       ^yUnused^x
 147       ^yUnused^x
 148       ^yUnused^x
 149       ^yUnused^x
 150       ^yUnused^x
 151       ^yUnused^x
 152       ^yUnused^x
 153       ^yUnused^x
 154       ^yUnused^x
 155       ^yUnused^x
 156       ^yUnused^x
 157       NoLvl1                 Monster uneffected by level 1 spells
 158       NoLvl2                 Monster uneffected by level 2 spells or lower
 159       NoLvl3                 Monster uneffected by level 3 spells or lower
 160       NoLvl4                 Monster uneffected by level 4 spells or lower
 161       NoKick                 Monster cannot be kicked (for things like slimes)
 162       SA:DeathScream         Monster screams like a banshee
 163       WillSneak              Monster will sneak around
 164       isSneaking             Monster is sneaking
 165       ^yUnused^x
 166       RandAggro              Monster will randomly become aggressive
 167       NoPoison               Monster cannot be poisoned
 168       NoCharm                Monster cannot be charmed
 169       SpecUndead             Monster turned as 'special' undead -- harder
                                  to turn
 170       ^yUnused^x
 171       ^yUnused^x
 172       ^yUnused^x
 173       NoExpLoss              Monster does not make player lose exp when
                                  they die
 174       ^yUnused^x
 175       ^yUnused^x
 176       ^yUnused^x
 177       ^yUnused^x
 178       ^yUnused^x
 179       ^yUnused^x
 180       SA:Petrifies           Monster's touch can turn to stone
 181       ^yUnused^x
 182       AlwaysAggro            Monster ALWAYS aggressive, ignoring other
                                  rules that can override aggro
 183       KillsPerms             Monster will attack perm creatures
 184       KillAllMobs            Monster attacks all mobs it will not assist
 185       KillMaster             Monster kills master - not pet
 186       ^yUnused^x
 187       FastTick               Monster fast ticks when no one in room
 188       RestrictXP             Lower exp after max-killable level
 189       ^yUnused^x
 190       ^yUnused^x
 191       TollKeeper             Monster is a tollkeeper
 192       AlignVary              Monster's alignment will vary
 193       AssistHitChance        Monsters assist each others' chance to hit
 194       Sweeper                Monster is a streetsweeper - cleans rooms
                                  (will pick up a lot of objects)
 195       CustomType             Monster is custom - has no specific mtype
 196       NoAdjust               Monster will not adjust on loading
 197       ^yUnused^x
 198       ^yUnused^x
 199       ^yUnused^x
 200       ^yUnused^x
 201       StayActive             Monster will remain on active list until killed
 202       NoAutoCrit             Monster will not be auto-critted
 203       ^yUnused^x
 204       AntiMagic              Monster is anti-magic - blocks magic in room
 205       MageStun               Monster is mage/lich stun only
 206       SA:FireAura            Monster has fire aura attack
 207       SA:ColdAura            Monster has cold aura attack
 208       SA:NauseaAura          Monster has a nauseating aura
 209       SA:NegAura             Monster has a negative life-draining aura
 210       SA:WindAura            Monster has a turbulent wind aura
 211       ^yUnused^x
 212       ^yUnused^x
 213       ^yUnused^x
 214       SA:Wounding            Monster has wounding attack
 215       Berserk                Monster is berserk (DONT SET)
 216       SA:Berserking          Monster will berserk
 217       Teleported             Monster was teleported (DO NOT SET)
 218       ^yUnused^x
 219       ^yUnused^x
 220       ^yUnused^x
 221       RaceAggroInvert        Race aggro invert flag
 222       ClassAggroInvert       Class aggro invert flag
 223       ^yUnused^x
 224       SaveFull               Save the full mob to a roomfile instead of
                                  just a reference
 225       DeityAggroInvert       Deity aggro invert flag
 226       ^yUnused^x
 227       ^yUnused^x
 228       ^yUnused^x
 229       ^yUnused^x
 230       ^yUnused^x
 231       Raiding                Monster is raiding (DO NOT SET)
 232       ^yUnused^x
 233       ^yUnused^x
 234       ^yUnused^x
 235       ^yUnused^x
 236       ^yUnused^x
 237       ^yUnused^x