^WPlayer Flags^x
 1         ^yUnused^x
 2         Hidden                 Player is hidden
 3         *Hardcore*             A hardcore character: death is permanent
 4         NoSeeBroad             Don't show broadcasts
 5         NoLong                 Don't show long description
 6         NoShort                Don't show short description
 7         IgnoreGossip           Don't show gossip channel
 8         IgnoreClan             Don't show clan channel
 9         Portal                 Player has an active portal
 10        NoAutoAttack           Player will not automatically attack
 11        DMInvis                Staff member is invisible
 12        Sleeping               Player is sleeping
 13        Male                   Player is male
 14        Sexless                Player is sexless
 15        Wimpy                  Player has wimpy mode set
 16        Eaves                  Staff is eavesdropping (tells and group chat)
 17        AutoInvis              Automatically turn on DM Invis if idle for
                                  over 100 minutes
 18        UniqueToDecay          Player has a unique that must decay
 19        Prompt                 Display status prompt
 20        Frenzy                 Player is frenzying (werewolves)
 21        MXPEnabled             Player wants to use MXP
 22        MXPActive              MXP is active: make sure we need to close it
 23        Praying                Player is praying
 24        AreaInvertColor        Overland colors are inverted (brightness)
 25        Prepared               Player is prepared for traps
 26        *TtoBound              *t takes staff to bound room
 27        AnsiOn                 Ansi Color is on
 28        Spying                 Staff is spying on someone
 29        Chaotic                Player is chaotic
 30        ReadingFile            Player is reading a file
 31        NoMobTickMsg           Staff does not want to see mob tick broadcasts
 32        NoMobAggroMsg          Staff does not want to see mob aggro broadcasts
 33        NoMobDeathMsg          Staff does not want to see mob death broadcasts
 34        CanChooseTitle         Player can choose a custom title
 35        NoSummon               Player does not want to be summoned
 36        IgnoreAll              Ignore all messages
 37        IgnoreSMS              Ignore text messages
 38        NoTrackStats           Do not track statistics
 39        Darkness               Player is carrying a darkness item
 40        Pledged                Player is pledged to a clan
 41        mIRC                   mIRC Color
 42        SeeHooks               Whether or not to show this DM successful
                                  hooks as they happen
 43        ShowSkillProgress      Show skill progress
 44        CannotChooseTitle      Player has lost the privilege of choosing a
                                  custom title
 45        SeeAllHooks            Whether or not to show this DM all hooks as
                                  they happen
 46        Charmed                Player is charmed
 47        NoLogin                Player does not want to see login messages
 48        ViewZones              Staff wants to see zones on the overland
                                  (cleared on login)
 49        Secure                 Player has passed security check
 50        NoPort                 No-port that has been authorized
 51        DMAlias                DM is aliasing (possessing a mob)
 52        BloodSac               Player is in blood sacrifice mode
 53        NLPrompt               Print newline after promp
 54        Berserk                Player is berserking
 55        DmLogWatch             Staff is watching the log channel
 56        Misted                 Player is misted
 57        Endurance              Player is running
 58        ClassIgnore            Player is ignoring class sends
 59        NoGroup                Player is ignoring group broadcasts
 60        +1ToHit                Player is immune to normal weapons
 61        JustStatMod            Player just removed a stat-modifying effect
 62        R-Stun                 Player resists stun
 63        ShowAllPrefs           Show all preferences by default
 64        Compact                Show compact output
 65        ShowTicks              Show ticks
 66        JustRefunded           Player just refunded something and cannot haggle
 67        ^yUnused^x
 68        ^yUnused^x
 69        ^yUnused^x
 70        ^yUnused^x
 71        HideForumPosts         Player does not want to see forum post notifications
 72        FullForumPosts         Player wants to see first few lines of forum posts
 73        Outlaw                 Player is an outlaw
 74        Trained                Player just trained
 75        NoCompute              DM flag only: don't compute ac
 76        MistedSneak            Sneak while misted
 77        Focused                Player is focused
 78        Stunned                Player is stunned
 79        ^yUnused^x
 80        NoAutoWear             Player won't wear all when they log on
 81        ^yUnused^x
 82        ^yUnused^x
 83        ^yUnused^x
 84        NoFollow               Player cannot be followed
 85        Shoplifted             Player was caught shoplifting
 86        LagProt                Lag protection set (auto-hazy / auto-disconnect)
 87        LagProtOn              Lag detection routines currently in operation
 88        LPActive               Check for lag protection activated
 89        DMSilence              Player silenced by DM
 90        DMBlind                Player blinded by DM
 91        NoMsg                  Staff will not see *msg channel
 92        CanAward               DM only. Allows CTs to award roleplaying xp
                                  if set
 93        NoCashTrain            Player doesn't need cash to level (for p-testing)
 94        AutoSplit              Player has auto gold split turned on
 95        ^yUnused^x
 96        P-Tester               Player is a p-tester
 97        NoShowStats            HP/MP will not show when followed
 98        NoCastSummon           Player cannot cast summon - for summon slaves
 99        NoGetAll               Player cannot get all - for people abusing it
 100       CanOutlaw              DM only. Allows a CT to use *outlaw command
 101       OutlawAggro            Outlaw will be attacked by outlaw aggros
 102       ExpLossOutlaw          Outlaw will lose experience when killed
 103       LinkDead               Player is linkdead (shouldn't be considered 2x-logging)
 104       Unconscious            Player is unconscious
 105       Incognito              Staff is incognito
 106       BrainDead              Player is brain dead
 107       ^yUnused^x
 108       CanList                DM only. Caretaker can use *list command
 109       ^yUnused^x
 110       ^yUnused^x
 111       Can*broad              DM only. Caretaker can use *broad
 112       XPinPrompt             XP shows in player prompt
 113       HasMail                Player has unread mudmail
 114       NoSeeMail              Player will not see new mail notification
 115       PlyPoison              Poisoned by player
 116       MobPoison              Poisoned by monster
 117       NoRecall               Hazy looked for 2nd in lag protection
 118       NoAlColor              Extra color options
 119       NoPkill%               P-kill percent not shown
 120       NoAuction              Will not see auction broadcasts
 121       KillsLogged            All player's kills logged
 122       SuperEaves             Staff is eavesdropping (says)
 123       CanTellSelf            Player is allowed to send tell messages to themself
 124       SavesSet               Saving throw values defined. DO NOT UNSET
                                  THIS FLAG!
 125       ^yUnused^x
 126       RaceIgnore             Player ignoring race broadsend
 127       AFK                    Player is away from keyboard
 128       ^yUnused^x
 129       GlobalGag              Player globally gagged
 130       NoProfit               Don't show shop profits
 131       ^yUnused^x
 132       ^yUnused^x
 133       IgnoreTell             Player ignores send/tell messages
 134       L:Alien                Player speaks alien language (unknown)
 135       L:Dwarven              Player speaks dwarven
 136       L:Elven                Player speaks elven
 137       L:Halfling             Player speaks halfling
 138       L:Common               Player speaks common
 139       L:Orcish               Player speaks orcish
 140       L:Giantkin             Player speaks giantkin
 141       L:Gnomish              Player speaks gnomish
 142       L:Troll                Player speaks language of trolls
 143       L:Ogrish               Player speaks ogrish
 144       L:DarkElven            Player speaks dark elven
 145       L:Goblinoid            Player speaks goblinoid
 146       L:Minotaur             Player speaks language of minotaurs
 147       L:Celestial            Player speaks celestial (seraph)
 148       L:Kobold               Player speaks kobold
 149       L:Infernal             Player speaks infernal (cambion)
 150       L:Schnai               Player speaks barbarian
 151       L:Kataran              Player speaks kataran
 152       ^yUnused^x
 153       ^yUnused^x
 154       ^yUnused^x
 155       LangColor              Player sees language colors
 156       LangSet                Player language been initialized
 157       ^yUnused^x
 158       Proxy                  Player is allowed to multi-log (use *2x instead)
 159       SecretWatcher          Player does not show up as a watcher
 160       No Group Exp (Abused)   No group exp due to abuse
 161       Watcher                Player is a watcher
 162       CanMudmailStaff        Player can mudmail CTs and DMs
 163       NoDuelBroad            Player will not see duel messages
 164       Bugged                 Player is bugged for observation
 165       LostDuel               Player just died in a duel - DO NOT SET
 166       Mistbane               Player can hit mist
 167       XPsplit                Player has xp split turned on
 168       NoPkill                Player cannot be pkilled right now
 169       PermDeath              Player sees perm deaths
 170       ^yUnused^x
 171       ^yUnused^x
 172       NoNewbie               Player ignoring newbie channel
 173       ^yUnused^x
 174       ^yUnused^x
 175       ^yUnused^x
 176       Sitting                Player is sitting
 177       No*wts                 Cannot use *wts command
 178       CreatingGuild          Player is currently attempting to create a
                                  new guild
 179       ^yUnused^x
 180       ^yUnused^x
 181       Free-Action            Player under free-action spell
 182       No*flushcrtobj         Builder doesn't have to *flushcrtobj (auto-flush)
 183       NoMobNumbers           Player does not see mob numbers
 184       Can*reboot             Can use *reboot command
 185       ChangeStats            Can change stats
 186       *jailed                Jailed by *jail command. DO NOT SET
 187       ^yUnused^x
 188       KillAggro              Player attacks aggros first
 189       PasswordOK             Password is current
 190       NoMPTick               Player cannot tick MP
 191       NoHPTick               Player cannot tick HP
 192       Anchor                 Player under anchor spell
 193       KilledByMob            Just killed by mob
 194       ^yUnused^x
 195       DoctorKiller           Player is a doctor killer
 196       Surname                Player has chosen surname
 197       NoSetSurname           Player cannot use surname command
 198       ^yUnused^x
 199       AdultChannel           Player can use adult channel
 200       Veteran                Player can use veteran channel
 201       CantBroadcast          Player cannot broadcast
 202       ChosenAlign            Player has chosen alignment
 203       CantSuicide            Player cannot suicide - cool off period
 204       Builder:Mobs           Builder can make mobs
 205       Builder:Objs           Builder can make objs
 206       HasDarkmetal           Player has a darkmetal item (DONT SET)
 207       ^yUnused^x
 208       ^yUnused^x
 209       ^yUnused^x
 210       ^yUnused^x
 211       ^yUnused^x
 212       ^yUnused^x
 213       ^yUnused^x
 214       ^yUnused^x
 215       ^yUnused^x
 216       ^yUnused^x
 217       ^yUnused^x
 218       ^yUnused^x