### CREDITS ###

This is a list of credits for work towards the code release. This is in
addition to the normal Diku, Merc and ROM credits and pertains to people
who have contributed to this code release.

Because this code was developed at a MUD I no longer associate with many
ideas and contributions stemmed from there. Although I no long associate
with these people, and this release itself is work done by me, I have
acknowledged ideas and contributions where applicable. (actually only one
other person contributed code in "joint" authorship and all that code is
gone or rewritten now). 

This was necessary because I wanted to release this code back into the
MUDing community so everyone could use it, and I could only do this if the
release was my own work and not a joint project (unless the co-author
agreed to release it, which he probably wouldn't have since I no longer
associate with him.). So here it is, the release in which I hope people
will at least find some useful snippets or ideas in.

The following are ackowledgements for ideas and contributions:

Coding --
	-Thrym started the code with some initial basic setup stuff such
as an improved nanny() sequence which has since been rewritten but who's
ideas and methods were of value. 
	-Help with the object limit code which was previously packaged
with the preexisting code base, but which he wanted to implement. I
handled the coding and implementation of object loading but he had started
it off by going over the pre-existing limits code.
	-Lots of little modifications to tweak things into a form we
prefered. I have since changed most of this but credit for the original
ideas and pointers on what would be good to change are his. (eg, changing
hide so you can't do it in forests - an idea which in turn was sourced
from other muds but implemented by Thrym on the former code base and then
removed by me and reworked into this release cos I liked the idea).
	-Clan coding. Thrym set up the basics of clan induction by mortal
leaders and the idea of clans members gaining powers came from discussions
with him and other people (although the idea behind this was also sourced
from many other places previously).
	-Thrym who put in MOBProgs from the patch. I was going to
remove these because I was told to release the code I had to remove any
previous code by others  and either rewrite it myself or ask for their
permission to use it (as I no longer work with them), but was then told
that "patched" code such as MOBProgs was not included in such copyright as
it was sourced from already licensed authors.
	-Race and class creation. Thrym did some nice work on the nanny()
function. I have since rewritten it but his original work was nice and
gave good ideas.

Ideas and playtesting --	
	Lots and lots of players at the mud this code release was
	developed on. Clan ideas were contributed by Xyza, Styx, Thrym,
	Adorno, and others, with many of their ideas pre-sourced from 
	another mud. Ideas behind the coding go to them and the other
	muds that ideas were derived from.

Beta Testing --
	Special thanks go to Barsak and Myles who worked with me 
	when nobody else wanted to put in the time to develop a new code
	base. Lots of hours were spent coding piles of new things and
	trying to debug and balance them alone, and these two helped a lot
	when it seemed nobody else wanted to work on it.

	Also thanks to Shylok, Mackle and Ohmo for giving lots of support
	in developing the code ("It's a good mud, don't waste it by just 
	quiting!".."You work we'll play".."You've got too much time on your

Finally an afterword:

	Tartarus code was developed while I was an immortal named Ceran at
Darkmists mud but due to their lack of help in building I eventual left
with my original coding (some might claim they 'kicked me out', but I
actually left and took MY code with me. It was my taking of the code which
I had written which made them angry as they claimed it was not mine but
'theirs' - a claim made by immortals who hadn't even been on the mud when
I'd coded most of it!). Strangely their claims that I couldn't 'take'
my own code was reflected by their continual use of my code and all of my
areas (which were written soley by me and one other person I knew in RL
who also wanted the areas removed), -despite- the fact I emailed them and
their provider informing them I did not want my areas used there anymore.

	This release is the code that I implemented and contains many
ideas formed there, but implemented by me without coding help other than
the small code modifications Thrym made (he reworked pre-existing base
merc/diku/rom code while I implemented new features such as morphing and 
dual wields).

	Thanks go out to Styx and Thrym who first decided to build a new
mud and who invited me to code on the mud. They now run the mud with new
additions made by later immortals, and this code release doesn't contain
any of that code so please don't ask for that code, this is merely the
base work that -I- developed over the ROM2.4b source.

	The twenty odd areas and all the code I had written are a
testament to the effort and time I put into this project and I hope others
can gain some use and enjoyment from it.