 ** Lexer - a package with procedures to get tokens from a zone file and place 
 **         all pertinant information about it in the token record. The 
 **         reason this is used is to provide some abstraction between the 
 **         text of the file and the parser. Only these functions have to 
 **         worry about file IO and string formats, while the parser gets 
 **         all file information through the lexer. This provides some 
 **         abstraction between the file and the parser, which will make 
 **         the parser less complex in the long run. All token records 
 **         should be freed from memory after they are used to save on memory 
 **         usage by the generate function
 ** Functions provided:
 **       get_token  - function that gets a token from a file and returns a 
 **                    token record,
 **                    defined in gen.h
 **       xfopen     - used to open a file for lexing
 **       free_token - removes the token or strings of tokens (in the case of 
 **                    a description or examine) from memory 

#define LEXER_C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gen.h"
#include "events.h"

int           theline = 1;  /* keeps track of the line the file is on */
token_record *new_stack;    /* holds a stack of tokens, used to keep track of for
                               freeing later */
token_record *old_stack;    /* a stack of older tokens */
int           num_in_stack; /* the number in the new stack */

 ** lowercase - converts a string to entirely lowercase
 ** Parameters: str - the string to convert
 ** ret - same string passed in, but in lowercase

char *xlowercase (char *str, int thesize)
{ char *oldstring;
  char *newstring;
  char *returnstr;

  newstring = (char *) memAlloc(char,thesize,REC_CHAR);

  returnstr = newstring;
  for (oldstring = str; *oldstring != '\0'; oldstring++)
    if (isupper (*oldstring))
      *newstring = tolower (*oldstring);
      *newstring = *oldstring;
  *newstring = '\0';
  return returnstr;

 ** uppercase - converts a string to entirely uppercase
 ** Parameters: str - the string to convert
 ** ret - same string passed in, but in lowercase

char * uppercase (char *str)
{ char *p;

  for (p = str; *p; p++)
    if (islower (*p))
      *p = toupper (*p);
  return str;

 ** lowercase - converts a string to entirely lowercase
 ** Parameters: str - the string to convert
 ** ret - same string passed in, but in lowercase

char * lowercase (char *str)
{ char *p;

  for (p = str; *p; p++)
    if (isupper (*p))
      *p = tolower (*p);
  return str;

 ** free_token - frees up the memory a token or string of tokens were occupying
 ** Parameters: tokenptr - the token record to free

void free_token(token_record *tokenptr)
   if (tokenptr == NULL)

   if (tokenptr->more != NULL)

   mem_usage -= sizeof(tokenptr);
   tokenptr = NULL;

 ** free_stack - frees a stack from memory
 ** Parameters: tokenptr - the token record to add

void free_stack(token_record *tokenptr)
   token_record *tmp_ptr;
   token_record *free_ptr; 

   tmp_ptr = tokenptr;
   tokenptr = NULL;

   while (tmp_ptr != NULL)
      free_ptr = tmp_ptr;
      tmp_ptr = tmp_ptr->next_tok;

 ** add_to_stack - adds a token to the new stack
 ** Parameters: tokenptr - the token record to add

void add_to_stack(token_record *tokenptr)
   token_record *tmp_ptr;
   tmp_ptr = new_stack;
   if (tmp_ptr == NULL)
      new_stack = tokenptr;
      new_stack->next_tok = NULL;

   while (tmp_ptr->next_tok != NULL)
      tmp_ptr = tmp_ptr->next_tok;

   tokenptr->next_tok = NULL;
   tmp_ptr->next_tok = tokenptr;

 ** get_ttype - returns the token type given a certain string
 ** Parameters: tokenstr - the pointer to the token string
 ** ret - the integer fitting with the token defines found in gen.h

int get_ttype(char *tokenstr, Boolean get_event)
   char *tempstr;
   int the_last; 
   int i;  /* used in for loop */

   tempstr = xlowercase(tokenstr, TOKENSTRLEN);

   if (get_event)
   {  int event_id;

      if ((event_id = find_event_num(tempstr)) >= 0)
      {   xfree(tempstr,REC_CHAR);
          return event_id;

   the_last = (T_LAST-1);

   for (i=0; i < the_last; i++)
   {  /* I made it casecompare, because i know i will be as silly to put some
       * tokens with cases in the table - Marty
      if (!strcasecmp(TokenNames[i], tempstr))
          /*  printf("yes!\n"); */
         return (i+1);

   if (!isalnum(*tokenstr))
      return T_OTHER;

   if (!strcasecmp(tokenstr, "true") || !strcasecmp(tokenstr, "false"))
      return T_BOOLEAN;

   return T_IDENTIFIER;

 ** xfopen - opens a read file, as well as resets globals for reading. This 
 **          should be used to open a file that is intended for the lexer to 
 **          parse through. You should only have one file open at a time 
 **          for use by the function get_token or else file line numbers 
 **          will be all screwed up
 ** Parameters: filename - the string filename to open
 ** ret - the pointer to the file

FILE *xfopen(char *filename)
   num_in_stack = 0;
   theline = 1;
   return fopen(filename, "r");

 ** goto_next_char - positions the file pointer right at the next character
 ** Parameters: thefile - the file pointer for the next
 ** ret - 1 for success, -1 for failure

int goto_next_char(FILE *thefile)
   char thechar = '\r';

   while ((thechar == '\r') || (thechar == '\t') || (thechar == ' ') || 
                                                           (thechar == '\n'))
      if (thechar == '\n')

      if (feof(thefile))
         return -1;
      thechar = (char ) fgetc(thefile);
   ungetc((int) thechar, thefile);
   return 1;

 ** check_next_char - returns the next char that isnt \t, \r, or space. This 
 **                   function also puts the char back in the stream to avoid 
 **                   disturbing it
 ** Parameters: thefile - the file pointer for the next
 ** ret - the character found, or space for end of file

char check_next_char(FILE *thefile)
   char thechar = '\r';

   while ((thechar == '\r') || (thechar == '\t') || (thechar == ' ') ||
          (thechar == '\n')) 
      if (feof(thefile))
         return ' ';

      thechar = (char ) fgetc(thefile);
   ungetc((int) thechar, thefile);
   return thechar;

 ** xend_of_line - checks if the next valid char is a newline
 ** Parameters: thefile - the file pointer for the next
 ** ret - 1 for it is end of line, 0 for not, -1 if it finds eof

int xend_of_line(FILE *thefile)
   char thechar = '\r';

   while ((thechar == '\r') || (thechar == '\t') || (thechar == ' ')) 
      if (feof(thefile))
         return -1;
      thechar = (char ) fgetc(thefile);
   if (thechar == '\n')
      ungetc((int) thechar, thefile);
      return 1;  
   ungetc((int) thechar, thefile);
   return 0;

 ** next_line - positions the file pointer at the beginning of the next line, 
 **             ignoring all it reads in
 ** Parameters: thefile - the file pointer for the next
 ** ret - 1 for success, -1 for end of file reached

string_record *get_str_until(FILE *thefile, char until1, char until2)
   string_record *temp_str;
   string_record *str_ptr;
   int           count = 0;
   char          nextchar;

   temp_str = (string_record * ) memAlloc (string_record,1,REC_STRING);
   temp_str->the_string = (char *) memAlloc(char,TOKENSTRLEN,REC_CHAR);
   temp_str->the_string[0] = '\0';
   str_ptr = temp_str;

   nextchar = (char) fgetc(thefile);

   if (feof(thefile))
      return temp_str;

   while ((nextchar != until1) && (nextchar != until2)) 
      str_ptr->the_string[count] = nextchar;
      nextchar = (char) fgetc(thefile);
      if (feof(thefile))
          return temp_str;
      if (nextchar == '\n')
         str_ptr->the_string[count+1] = '\0';
         str_ptr->the_string = (char *)realloc(str_ptr->the_string,strlen(str_ptr->the_string) + 1);
         str_ptr->nextstr = (string_record * ) memAlloc (string_record,1,REC_STRING);
         str_ptr = str_ptr->nextstr;
         str_ptr->the_string = (char *) memAlloc(char,TOKENSTRLEN,REC_CHAR);
         str_ptr->the_string[0] = '\0';
         count = -1;
         nextchar = (char) fgetc(thefile);
         if (feof(thefile))
            return temp_str;
   ungetc((int) nextchar, thefile);
   str_ptr->the_string = (char *)realloc(str_ptr->the_string,strlen(str_ptr->the_string) + 1);
   return temp_str;

 ** next_line - positions the file pointer at the beginning of the next line, 
 **             ignoring all it reads in
 ** Parameters: thefile - the file pointer for the next
 ** ret - 1 for success, -1 for end of file reached

int next_line(FILE *thefile)
   char thechar = '\0';

   while (thechar != '\n')
      if (feof(thefile))
         return -1;
      thechar = (char ) fgetc(thefile);

   return 1;

 ** get_token - gets the next token or description from the file and returns a 
 **             token record containing the following:
 **               - the_type   - the type of the token, all types defined in 
 **                              gen.h
 **               - the_string - the string of the token
 **               - line       - the line number the token is found on
 **               - more       - if until is defined and it gets more than one 
 **                              line, this will point to the next token 
 **                              record holding the next string
 ** Parameters: thefile - the file pointer, indicating where to get a token from
 **             until -   gets a long line of strings until a specific 
 **                       character, like for descriptions 
 ** ret - a pointer to a token record. If it was successful, the_type will 
 **       contain a number greater than 0. If not, it will contain one of the 
 **       following numbers:
 **          -1 = reached end of file
 **          -2 = number of strings too long (greater than 100) for the room 
 **               description which probably signifies they forgot to close 
 **               off a string
 **          -3 = invalid token - started with an integer, but had an alpha 
 **               character in it such as 12bob. A number must be only a number.
 **          -4 = the string length exceeded TOKENSTRLEN (128?) without finding
 **               a \n

token_record *get_token(FILE *thefile, char until, Boolean get_event)
   token_record *tokenptr;  /* holds the struct to store the token info in */
   token_record *strptr;    /* Used to str. together tokens for a desc. list */
   char nextchar;           /* holds the next char. to examine from the file */
   int counter = 0;         /* counts the num. of chars in the next token */
   int size_list = 0;       /* checks size of linked list for > 100, 
                               i.e. a problem */
   int num_chars;           /* number of chars gotten in the current string */   

   if (num_in_stack == 10)
      old_stack = new_stack;
      new_stack = NULL;
      num_in_stack = 0;

   /* creates a new token structure */
   tokenptr = (token_record * ) memAlloc(token_record,1,REC_TOKEN);
   tokenptr->the_string[0] = '\0';
   tokenptr->token_type = 0;
   tokenptr->more = NULL;
   tokenptr->line = 0;

   /* if they passed in a file that was already at the end */
   if (feof(thefile))
      tokenptr->token_type = -1;
      tokenptr->more = NULL;
      return tokenptr;

   /* get a character */
   nextchar = (char ) fgetc(thefile);

   if (until == '\n')
      for ( ; ; )
         tokenptr->line = theline;
         /* if it is a newline */
         if (nextchar == '\n')

         /* if it is a tab, carriage return, or space ignore it */
         else if ((nextchar == '\r') || (nextchar == '\t') || (nextchar == ' '))
            counter = 0;

         /* if it is an identifier */
         else if (isalpha(nextchar))
            while (isalnum(nextchar) || (nextchar == '_') || (nextchar == '@'))
               tokenptr->the_string[counter] = nextchar;
               nextchar = (char) fgetc(thefile);
            ungetc((int) nextchar, thefile);
            tokenptr->the_string[counter] = '\0';
            tokenptr->token_type = get_ttype(tokenptr->the_string, get_event);
/*             printf("type1: %d\n", tokenptr->token_type); */
            tokenptr->more = NULL;
            return tokenptr;

         else if (isdigit(nextchar))
            while (isdigit(nextchar))
               tokenptr->the_string[counter] = nextchar;
               nextchar = (char) fgetc(thefile);

            /* make sure we dont have a number first with alpha following somewhere, since
               if the first character of a token is a number, we dont want any following
               characters to be an alpha, like 12bob would be invalid. bob12 would be fine */
            if (isalpha(nextchar))
               tokenptr->token_type = -3;
               tokenptr->more = NULL;
               return tokenptr;

            ungetc((int) nextchar, thefile);
            tokenptr->the_string[counter] = '\0';
            tokenptr->token_type = T_NUMERICAL;
            tokenptr->more = NULL;
            return tokenptr;

         /* it must be some sort of non-identifer */
            tokenptr->the_string[0] = nextchar;
            tokenptr->the_string[1] = '\0';
            tokenptr->token_type = get_ttype(tokenptr->the_string, get_event);
/*            printf("type2: %d\n", tokenptr->token_type); */
            tokenptr->more = NULL;
            return tokenptr;

         /* get another character */
         nextchar = (char ) fgetc(thefile);
         if (feof(thefile))
            tokenptr->token_type = -1;
            tokenptr->more = NULL;
            return tokenptr;

   /* they have specified an until character, get all strings until the until char */

      num_chars = 0;

      /* set strptr to the first token structure */
      strptr = tokenptr;

      /* while we dont get the until or end of file, keep getting characters */
      while (!feof(thefile) && (nextchar != until))
         size_list = 0;
         strptr->line = theline;

         /* if we hit a newline create a new token struct and attach it to the more element,
            hence we have a linked list of strings */
         if (nextchar == '\n')
            num_chars = 0;
            nextchar = (char ) fgetc(thefile);
            if (nextchar == until)
               strptr->more = NULL;
               strptr->the_string[counter] = '\0';
               counter = 0;
               strptr->more = (token_record * ) memAlloc(token_record,1,REC_TOKEN);
               strptr = strptr->more;

               /* the description is waaay too large, probably a forgotten 'until' character */
               if (size_list > 100)
                  tokenptr->token_type = -2;
                  tokenptr->more = NULL;
                  return tokenptr;

         /* if we hit the end of file, we allow it and just stop getting strings */         
         else if (!feof(thefile))
            strptr->the_string[counter] = nextchar;
            nextchar = (char ) fgetc(thefile);
            if (num_chars >= TOKENSTRLEN)
               tokenptr->token_type = -4;
               tokenptr->more = NULL;
               return tokenptr; 
      strptr->the_string[counter] = '\0';
      strptr->token_type = T_STRING;
      strptr->more = NULL;

      return tokenptr;
   return NULL;