#include "undef.h"
#include "exits.h"

Zone		= waste
Author		= "Unknown"
Quest		= greatsword
EndZone		= waste

Mobile		= beast
Name	= "The Beast"
Location	= flaming@waste
Strength	= 100
Damage		= 15
Aggression      = 100
Armor		= 0
Speed           = 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
Desc		= "
A huge, fiery beast stands before you, 12 feet tall and rippling with muscle."
EndMobile             = beast

Mobile		= wolf
Name	= "The Wolf"
Location	= waste_2
Strength	= 100
Damage		= 12
Aggression      = 100
Armor		 = 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
Desc		= "
A huge slavering dust wolf stalks you, ready to pounce at any moment."
EndMobile             = wolf

Mobile		= flame
Name	= "The Flame"
Location	= Hall@waste
Strength	= 200
Damage		= 10
Aggression      = 30
Armor		= 0
Speed           = 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
MFlags		= NegFireball
Desc		= "
A giant, flickering and glowing flame dances before you in an incandescent
haze of heat.  It seems almost alive."
EndMobile             = flame

Mobile		= efreet
Name	= "The Efreet"
Location	= guard@waste
Strength	= 120
Damage		= 12
Aggression      = 30
Armor		= 0
Speed           = 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
MFlags		= NegFireball
Desc		= "A huge, flaming efreet glares ferociously at you."
EndMobile             = efreet

Mobile		= guard
Name	= "The Guard"
Location	= top@waste
Strength	= 50
Damage		= 10
Aggression      = 30
Armor		 = 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
Desc		= "
A strange looking guard of some sort watches you cautiously."
EndMobile             = guard

Mobile		= lavaman
Name	= "The Lavaman"
Location	= crack@waste
Strength	= 40
Damage		= 12
Aggression      = 30
Armor		 = 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
MFlags		= NegFireball
Desc		= "A lavaman snarls harshly as he sees you."
EndMobile             = lavaman

Mobile		= djinni
Name	= "The Djinni"
Location	= king@waste
Strength	= 130
Damage		= 10
Aggression      = 60
Armor		= 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
Desc		= "A huge djinni glares at you and flexes his muscles."
EndMobile             = djinni

Object		= throne
Location	= IN_ROOM:king@waste
OFlags		= GetFlips
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
BaseValue		= 500
Size		= 200
Weight		= 200
Desc0		= "
A huge golden throne sits here, a masterpiece of regal style."
Desc1		= "A huge throne is set against the western wall."
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONDROP:
     if (param_s.misc == D_INPIT)
     {  int i;
        if (alive(i = max_players + MOB_WASTE_DJINNI) == -1 &&
	    pscore(i) == param_s.plx)
    default: break;
EndObject		= throne

Object		= greatsword
Altname	= "sword"
Location	= WIELDED_BY:djinni@waste
OFlags		= Weapon, Lightable, Lit, NoDonate
Damage		= 25
BaseValue		= 1200
Size		= 100
Weight		= 100
Desc0		= "
A huge flaming greatsword is lying here, burning fiercely."
EndObject		= greatsword

Object      	= staff
Location	= CARRIED_BY:beast@waste
OFlags		= Lit
BaseValue   	= 200
Size      	= 10
Weight    	= 20
Desc0   	= "A golden staff shines before you with a hellish red light."
EndObject       	= staff

Object      	= ball
Location	= IN_ROOM:gardens@waste
BaseValue    	= 200
Size     	= 5
Weight    	= 5
Desc0   	= "A golden ball has been placed here, glittering gently."
EndObject       	= ball

Object      	= door_fire
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:fire@waste
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked    	= Door_king
State     	= 2
MaxState  	= 2
Desc0   	= "The door is open."
Desc1   	= "The door is closed."
Desc2   	= "The door is locked."
EndObject       	= door_fire

Object      	= Door_King
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:king@waste
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked    	= Door_fire
State     	= 2
MaxState  	= 2
Desc0    	= "The door is open."
Desc1    	= "The door is closed."
Desc2    	= "The door is locked."
EndObject       	= Door_King

Location	= "Before"
North		= waste_1
East		= Flaming@waste
South		= waste_2
West		= waste_2
Trap		= all
   if (event == E_ONMISC && param_s.misc == VERB_PRAY)
        if (pfighting(mynum) != -1)
	  bprintf("Not while fighting!\n");
	  param_s.ret = -1;
      if ((MY_RANDOM()%100) < 50)
	  bprintf("You feel as if some force is offended.  There is a terrific lurch as if the\n"
		  "very ground is alive, and then everything clears.\n");
	bprintf("No one seems to hear you, perhaps later?\n");
      param_s.ret = -1;
Title		= "&+WBefore The Gates&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing on a vast windswept plain, formed entirely of black
volcanic dust.  The dark gloomy wastes extend as far as your eye can follow,
reflecting strangely against a fiery red sky...
   The only landmark in sight is a huge golden citadel whose walls reflect the
flames and blood-red glow of the hellish skies above.
EndLocation	= "Before"

Location	= "Flaming"
East		= Hall@waste
West		= Before@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WThe Flaming Gates&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing before a set of gigantic flaming gates, wrought entirely of
a strange, blood tinged gold.  The gates reflect the hellish, fiery red glow
from two huge lava channels which flank the path you walk.  To the east through
the gates everything becomes a confusing mass of reflected flames against gold.
EndLocation	= "Flaming"

Location	= "Hall"
North		= Crystal@waste
South		= Salamander@waste
West		= Flaming@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WFiery Hall&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a fiery red hall whose walls are caked with sulphur.
It's very hot in here, but strangely the heat doesn't seem to be affecting you
too badly.  Twisting, flame-lined passages lead north and south.
EndLocation	= "Hall"

Location	= "Salamander"
North		= Hall@waste
South		= Passage@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WSalamander's Fire Pit&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing on a precarious catwalk high above a pit of molten fire.
Huge walls of fire and molten rock leap up around you, in stunning crescendos
of sound and light.  By some strange chance, maybe magical, the fires never
touch the path itself.
EndLocation	= "Salamander"

Location	= "Crystal"
South		= Hall@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WCrystal Fire&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a huge, crystal-carved hall, designed so that the
glittering crystal walls pick up the fiery light from around you and scatter it
back in rainbows of red and yellow light. A single arched crystal doorway leads
EndLocation	= "Crystal"

Location	= "waste_1"
North		= waste_1
East		= waste_1
South		= waste_2
West		= waste_3
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WWasteland&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are traversing a black and dusty wasteland, a dull, black, flat, mind
numbing extent which recedes on and on and on...
EndLocation	= "waste_1"

Location	= "waste_2"
North		= waste_1
East		= waste_1
South		= waste_1
West		= waste_2
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WWasteland&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are traversing a black and dusty wasteland, a dull, black, flat, mind
numbing extent which goes on and on and on...
EndLocation	= "waste_2"

Location	= "waste_3"
North		= waste_2
East		= waste_2
South		= waste_2
West		= Crack@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WWasteland&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are traversing a black and dusty wasteland, a dull, black, flat, mind
numbing extent which goes on and on and on...
EndLocation	= "waste_3"

Location	= "Crack"
North		= waste_2
East		= waste_3
South		= waste_2
West		= waste_2
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WFiery Crack&*"
Desc		= ^
   You stand at the top of a huge fiery crack gazing down into the boiling
flame beyond.  The ground shakes and trembles under the continued pounding
from deep beneath the world.
EndLocation	= "Crack"

Location	= "Passage"
North		= Salamander@waste
East		= Ledge@waste
West		= Gardens@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WFiery Passage&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are walking down a narrow fiery passage, the walls glow and pulsate with
a dull red light.  You have to tread carefully to avoid burning yourself on
some of the hotter parts of the floor.  The passage leads east and west, and a
turning leads north towards a fiery pit.
EndLocation	= "Passage"

Location	= "Gardens"
East		= Passage@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WBurning Gardens&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a wide open room.  The ceiling ends in a fancy wave of
rolled gold, which artfully reflects the fiery red skies down across the pools
of molten metal which form the centerpiece of the room.  The light from the
skies and the molten pits flickers around the room, flashing off the polished
and carved golden walls.
EndLocation	= "Gardens"

Location	= "Ledge"
East		= Tunnel@waste
West		= Passage@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WFiery Ledge&*"
Desc		= ^
   You stand on a wide golden path, set on a high ledge overlooking a huge
crater.  The tremendous flames and explosions shake the whole mountain around
you, making the fiery red skies seem to vibrate and dance with each flash and
rumble.  The ledge goes back underground to the east and west.
EndLocation	= "Ledge"

Location	= "Tunnel"
East		= Foot@waste
West		= Ledge@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WFiery Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are walking along a trembling, and shaking volcanic tunnel of some sort.
The glowing walls are thick with sulphur, and the stench makes you want to
throw up.  The passage enters an open air amphitheatre to the west, but to the
east it continues towards some steps.
EndLocation	= "Tunnel"

Location	= "Foot"
East		= Guard@waste
West		= Tunnel@waste
Up		= Golden@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WThe Foot Of The Golden Stairs&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing at the foot of a huge golden staircase, which rises upwards
out of sight, reflecting the fiery red light, like a river of molten flame.
Passages lead east and west to other halls.
EndLocation	= "Foot"

Location	= "Guard"
West		= Foot@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WGuard Room&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a red burning guardroom which glitters redly with the
heat of the surrounding rock.  A single doorway leads west.
EndLocation	= "Guard"

Location	= "Golden"
Up		= Top@waste
Down		= Foot@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WThe Golden Stairs&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are ascending a set of golden stairs, which reflect a fiery red light
from the hot rocks all around it. The stairs lead upwards to some kind of guard
room, and downwards to a passage.
EndLocation	= "Golden"

Location	= "Top"
West		= Fire@waste
Down		= Golden@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WTop Of Stairs&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing at the top of a set of glowing golden stairs.  A wide, gold
lined doorway leads west into a huge hall.
EndLocation	= "Top"

Location	= "Fire"
East		= Top@waste
West		= ^door_fire@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WThe Fire Hall&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in the center of a vast hall, lit by huge fountains of
molten rock.  The walls are carved, and inlaid with polished gold so that they
reflect huge fiery figures, in a stunning almost life-like fashion.  A huge
arched doorway leads east, while to the west there is a small bronze door.
EndLocation	= "Fire"

Location	= "King"
East		= ^door_king@waste
UseTrap	= all:Before
Title		= "&+WThe Fiery King's Hall&*"
Desc		= ^
   You stand in a small fantastically carved hall, decorated with millions of
reflecting crystals which collect the fiery red which glows through a huge
glass dome high above you, and scattering it around the hall, so that the ruddy
glow of its walls burns like some incandescent hell.
   There is a small bronze door to the east.
EndLocation	= "King"