#include "undef.h"
#include "exits.h"
#include "special.h"

Zone		= frobozz
Author		= "root"
Quest		= FindPainting

EndZone		= frobozz

Mobile            = cyclops
Name	= "The Cyclops"
Location	= crossection@frobozz
Strength	= 150
Armor		= 0
Damage		= 11
Aggression	= 0
Speed           = 0
MFlags		= BarSouth
Desc		= "A giant man-eating cyclops looks down at you wondering
 whether he should eat you or not."
EndMobile		= cyclops

Mobile		= thief
Name	= "The Thief"
Location	= connecting@frobozz
Strength	= 100
Armor		= 0
Damage		= 7
Aggression	= 25
MFlags		= Thief, PickStuff
Desc		= "Someone looking like a thief leans casually against the wall."
EndMobile		= thief

Mobile		= maintainer
Name	= "The Maintainer"
Location	= office@frobozz
Strength	= 70
Armor		= 0
Damage		= 7
Aggression	= 0
Desc		= "A very old maintainer walks slowly around mumbling to
 himself  'Why has my shift down here lasted for 70 years ?'"
EndMobile		= maintainer

Mobile		= adventurer
Location	= dark@frobozz
Strength	= 74
Armor		= 0
Damage		= 8
Aggression	= 5
Desc		= "An old adventurer is here, taking a rest."
EndMobile		= adventurer

Mobile		= teller
Name	= "The Teller"
Location	= tellers@frobozz
Strength	= 70
Damage		= 7
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Desc		= "An old grey-haired teller walks around searching for money."
EndMobile		= teller

Object		= Window_houseW
Name	= "window"
Location	= IN_ROOM:houseW@frobozz
OFlags		= Openable, NoGet
Linked		= Window_kitchen
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc1		= "The window is slightly ajar."
Desc0		= "The window is open giving free exit into a kitchen."
EndObject		= Window_houseW

Object		= Window_kitchen
Name	= "window"
Location	= IN_ROOM:kitchen@frobozz
OFlags		= Openable, NoGet
Linked		= Window_houseW
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc1		= "The window is closed."
Desc0		= "The window is open, letting in a mild breeze."
EndObject		= Window_kitchen

Object		= Chimney_kitchen
Name	= "chimney"
Location	= IN_ROOM:kitchen@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0		= "
Looking up inside the chimney you see blue sky, looking down you see nothing
because it is dark down there in what must be a cellar.  Climbing down the
chimney is only allowed if your name is Santa Claus."
EndObject		= Chimney_kitchen

Object		= Chimney_cellar
Name	= "chimney"
Location	= IN_ROOM:cellar_chimney@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine		= "
The chimney is terribly dirty and black inside, but it provides an easy climb
up into the kitchen above you if you open the grating that is sits halfway up
inside the chimney"
EndObject		= Chimney_cellar

Object		= Grating_cellar
Name	= "grating"
Location	= IN_ROOM:cellar_chimney@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet, Openable
Linked		= Grating_kitchen
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Examine		= "
The grating is made of sturdy steel bars covered covered with sticky pitch 
and black ash."
EndObject		= Grating_cellar

Object		= Grating_kitchen
Name	= "grating"
Location	= IN_ROOM:kitchen@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked		= Grating_cellar
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Examine		= "
The grating is set down in the middle of the chimney leading to the cellar,
beyond your reach."
EndObject		= Grating_kitchen

Object		= Shield_attic
Name	= "shield"
Location	= IN_ROOM:attic@frobozz
OFlags		= Armor, WearOnArms, ExcludeWear, GetFlips
Armor		= 10
Size		= 10
Weight		= 10
State		= 0
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "A dust covered shield is thrown into the corner."
Desc1		= "
A shield made of steel has been dropped here for some reason."
EndObject		= Shield_attic

Object		= Mithril_jacket
Name	= "jacket"
Altname	= "armor"
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:Trophy_case@frobozz
OFlags		= Armor, WearOnBody, ExcludeWear
Armor		= 13
Size		= 10
Weight		= 10
Desc0		= "A jacket made of interwoven Mithril rings is lying here."
Examine		= "
This jacket will surely protect you against most enemies whether they are
nasty beasts or (wo)men.  It is made of thousands of small Mithril rings 
woven together with treads of hardened steel."
EndObject		= Mithril_jacket

Object		= key_attic
Name	= "key"
Location	= IN_ROOM:attic@frobozz
OFlags		= Key
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
BaseValue		= 3
Desc0		= "A small key has been left here."
EndObject		= key_attic

Object		= fire_chimney
Name	= "flames"
Altname	= "fire"
Location	= IN_ROOM:cellar_chimney@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet, Lit, Lightable, Extinguish
State		= 0
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "
Through a small crack in the floor inside the chimney some gas leaks out, 
and it burns with a small flame."
Desc1		= "
Some odorless gas leaks through a crack in the floor inside the chimney."
EndObject		= fire_chimney

Object            = Rug_living
Name	= "rug"
Location	= IN_ROOM:living@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet, GetFlips
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Desc0         = "The heavy rug has been moved aside revealing a trapdoor."
Examine         = "
The oriental rug is very heavy and must have been quite expensive, but being
very tattered and covered with muddy footsteps it isn't even worth offering
to the Gods, they would probably lower your score if you do so."
Trap		= all
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONPUSH:
      if (state (OBJ_FROBOZZ_RUG_LIVING) == 1)
	  setobjstate (OBJ_FROBOZZ_RUG_LIVING, 0);
	  setobjstate (OBJ_FROBOZZ_TRAPDOOR_LIVING, 2);
	  bprintf ("You move the rug and uncover a trapdoor!\n");
	  sprintf (globalbuf, "%s moves the heavy rug and uncovers a trapdoor!\n",
		   pname (mynum));
	  sillycom (globalbuf);
	  bprintf ("You move the rug, but find nothing.\n");
	  sprintf (globalbuf, "%s moves the rug.\n", pname (mynum));
	  sillycom (globalbuf);
      param_s.ret = -1;
   default: break;
EndObject             = Rug_living

Object		= Trapdoor_living
Name	= "trapdoor"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:living@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet, Openable, Lockable
Linked		= Trapdoor_cellar
State		= 3
MaxState	= 3
Desc0		= "The trapdoor leads down into darkness."
EndObject		= Trapdoor_living

Object 		= Trapdoor_cellar
Name	= "trapdoor"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:cellar@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet, Openable, Lockable
Linked		= Trapdoor_living
State		= 3
MaxState	= 3
Desc0		= "The trapdoor is open."
Desc1		= "The trapdoor is closed."
Desc2		= "The trapdoor is closed and locked."
Desc3		= "The trapdoor is closed and locked."
EndObject		= Trapdoor_cellar

Object		= Mailbox_houseN
Name	= "mailbox"
Altname	= "box"
Location	= IN_ROOM:houseN@frobozz
OFlags		= Container, Openable
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
BaseValue		= 25
Size 		= 30
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A red painted mailbox sits here open."
Desc1		= "A red painted mailbox sits here.  It is closed."
EndObject		= Mailbox_houseN

Object		= Leaflet_mailbox
Name	= "leaflet"
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:Mailbox_houseN@frobozz
BaseValue		= 10
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A leaflet has been left here for some reason."
Examine		= "
The leaflet is written with zorkian letters and thus in zorkian language.
You do recognize some letters but most of them are unknown. The leaflet is
signed with a fancy signature in which you recognize the following
letters:  Pie po t Fl t e d." 
EndObject		= Leaflet_mailbox

Object		= Nest_tree
Name	= "nest"
Location	= IN_ROOM:tree@frobozz
OFlags		= Container, NoGet
Size		= 6
Weight		= 1
EndObject		= Nest_tree

Object		= Jewel_egg
Name	= "jewelegg"
Altname	= "egg"
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:Nest_tree@frobozz
OFlags		= GetFlips
BaseValue		= 500
Size 		= 5
Weight		= 15
Desc0		= "
There is a large egg here encrusted with precious jewels and covered with
fine gold inlay, and ornamented in lapis lazuli and mother-of-pearl.
The egg appears extremely fragile."
EndObject		= Jewel_egg 

Object 		= Trophy_case
Name	= "trophycase"
Altname	= "case"
Location	= IN_ROOM:living@frobozz
OFlags		= Container, NoGet
Size		= 50
Desc0		= "
A trophycase which is nailed to the floor sits in the corner."

EndObject 		= Trophy_case
Object		= Torch_living
Name	= "torch"
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:Trophy_case@frobozz
OFlags		= Lightable, Extinguish, Weapon
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Size		= 10
BaseValue		= 15
Weight		= 5
Damage		= 9
Desc0		= "A long torch has been left burning on the ground."
Desc1		= "A long unlit torch is here."
EndObject		= Torch_living

Object		= Sandwich1_kitchen
Name	= "sandwich"
Location	= IN_ROOM:kitchen@frobozz
OFlags		= Food
Size		= 10
BaseValue		= 30
Desc0		= "A hot pepper&ham sandwich has been left here."
EndObject		= Sandwich1_kitchen

Object		= Sandwich2_kitchen
Name	= "sandwich"
Location	= IN_ROOM:kitchen@frobozz
OFlags		= Food
Size		= 10
BaseValue		= 25
Desc0		= "A strong-smelling cheese-sandwich is here."
EndObject		= Sandwich2_kitchen

Object		= Sword_living
Name	= "longsword"
Altname	= "sword"
Location	= IN_ROOM:living@frobozz
OFlags		= Weapon
Size		= 45
Weight		= 20
BaseValue		= 400
Damage		= 17
Desc0		= "
A long well-balanced longsword used in many wars has been left here."
EndObject		= Sword_living

Object		= Stiletto_thief
Name	= "stiletto"
Altname	= "knife"
OFlags		= Weapon
Location	= WIELDED_BY:thief@frobozz
Size		= 15
Weight		= 20
Damage		= 18
BaseValue		= 70
Desc0		= "An assassins stiletto has been forgotten here."
Examine		= "
You tremble and quiver as you think of what this stiletto has been used for.
It has a long razor sharp blade which will cut through clothing and what's
beneath with ease..."
EndObject		= Stiletto_thief

Object		= Crystals_work
Name	= "crystals"
Altname	= "crystal"
Location	= IN_ROOM:work@frobozz
OFlags		= GetFlips
State		= 0
MaxState	= 1
BaseValue		= 100
Size		= 10
Weight		= 20
Desc0		= "
Some beautiful crystals reflecting light in different colors have been left
on the bench."
Desc1		= "Some beautiful crystals has been left here."
EndObject		= Crystals_work

Object		= Cup_store
Name	= "cup"
Location	= IN_ROOM:store@frobozz
State		= 0
MaxState	= 1
OFlags		= GetFlips
Size		= 5
Weight		= 20
BaseValue		= 200
Desc1		= "
A small cup made of platinum is partly hidden among the dust on the top shelf."
Desc0		= "A small cup made of platinum is left on the ground."
EndObject		= Cup_store

Object		= Door_bottom
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:bottom@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine		= "
The hinges are severely corroded due to the damp climate brought in by the
presence of the dam.  Luckily the door is stuck in an open position."
EndObject		= Door_bottom

Object		= Door_steep2
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:steep2@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine		= "The door is corroded stuck in an open position."
EndObject		= Door_steep2

Object		= Door_top
Name	= "steeldoor"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:top@frobozz
Linked		= Door_pway
OFlags		= NoGet, Openable, Lockable
State		= 2
MaxState	= 2
Desc0		= "An open steeldoor leads north into a large passage."
Desc1		= "A sturdy steeldoor bars an exit to the north."
Desc2		= "A sturdy steeldoor bars an exit to the north."
EndObject		= Door_top

Object 		= Door_pway
Name	= "steeldoor"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:pway@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet, Openable, Lockable
Linked		= Door_top
State		= 2
MaxState	= 2
Desc0		= "An open steeldoor leads south into a dark passage."
Desc1		= "A sturdy steeldoor bars an exit to the south."
Desc2		= "A sturdy steeldoor bars an exit to the south."
EndObject		= Door_pway

Object		= Door_main
Name	= "oakdoor"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:main@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet
EndObject		= Door_main

Object		= Door_bank
Name	= "oakdoor"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:bank@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet
EndObject		= Door_bank

Object		= Door_side
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:side@frobozz
Linked		= Door_luncheon
OFlags		= NoGet, Openable, Lockable
State		= 2
MaxState	= 2
Desc0		= "The door is open."
Desc1		= "The door is closed."
Desc2		= "The door is closed."
EndObject		= Door_side

Object		= Door_luncheon
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:luncheon@frobozz
Linked		= Door_side
OFlags		= NoGet, Openable, Lockable
State		= 2
MaxState	= 2
Desc0		= "The door is open."
Desc1		= "The door is closed."
Desc2		= "The door is closed."
EndObject		= Door_luncheon

Object		= Painting_outside
Name	= "painting"
Altname	= "picture"
Location	= IN_ROOM:outside@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet, PushToggle
Linked		= Button_outside
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc1		= "An old and surely valuable painting hangs on the wall."
Desc0		= "
An old painting is moved slightly to one side revealing a button."
Examine		= "
This is a magnificent painting depicting the reverend Pierpont Flathead,
known both for his economic skills and his great skill in baseball.
Upon closer inspection you, due to your knowledge in art, discover that
this is just a copy of the original painting.  The painting is attached
to the wall by two rails on top and bottom of the frame."
Trap		= all
{  if (state(THIS_OBJECT) == 1)
EndObject		= Painting_outside

Object		= Button_outside
Name	= "button"
Location	= IN_ROOM:outside@frobozz
Linked		= Painting_outside
OFlags		= Pushable, NoGet, Destroyed
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Examine		= "The button is small and insignificant."
Trap		= all
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONPUSH:
      if (state (OBJ_FROBOZZ_VAULTDOOR_OUTSIDE) == 1)
	  sendf (LOC_FROBOZZ_OUTSIDE, "Without a sound the whole southern "
		 "wall moves some feet westwards!\n");
	  sendf (LOC_FROBOZZ_VAULT, "Without a sound the whole northern wall "
		 "moves some feet westwards!\n");
          param_s.ret = -1;
      if (state (OBJ_FROBOZZ_VAULTDOOR_OUTSIDE) == 0)
	  sendf (LOC_FROBOZZ_OUTSIDE, "The southern wall glides some feet "
		 "to the east closing the vault!\n");
	  sendf (LOC_FROBOZZ_VAULT, "The northern wall glides some feet to "
		 "the east closing the vault!\n");
          param_s.ret = -1;
      if (state (OBJ_FROBOZZ_VAULTDOOR_OUTSIDE) == 2)
	  bprintf ("Nothing happens.\n");
	  param_s.ret = -1;
   default: break;
EndObject		= Button_outside

Object		= Window_outside
Name	= "window"
Location	= IN_ROOM:outside@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine		= "
The window is made of thick quartz through which bright light shines. As you
move your hand in front of the window, the light increases in intensity and
scans over your hand just as if it tries to identify something. This must be
another project of the once famous Frobozz Magic Equipment Company."
Trap		= all
{  if(param_s.misc != OBJ_FROBOZZ_LEAFLET_MAILBOX) 
      bprintf("Nothing happens.\n");
   else if(state(OBJ_FROBOZZ_VAULTDOOR_OUTSIDE) == 2) 
      bprintf("You hear a nearly inaudible click from "
	      "the southern wall.\n");
      bprintf("Nothing happens.\n");
EndObject		= Window_outside

Object		= Vaultdoor_outside
Name	= "vault"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:outside@frobozz
Linked		= Vaultdoor_vault
OFlags		= NoGet
State		= 2
MaxState	= 2
Desc0		= "
The whole southern wall is moved 3 feet westwards and the vault is open."
EndObject		= Vaultdoor_outside

Object		= Vaultdoor_vault
Name	= "vault"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:vault@frobozz
Linked		= Vaultdoor_outside
OFlags		= NoGet
State		= 2
MaxState	= 2
Desc0		= "
The whole northern wall is moved 3 feet westwards and the vault is open."
EndObject		= Vaultdoor_vault

Object		= Original_vault
Name	= "painting"
Altname	= "picture"
Location	= IN_ROOM:vault@frobozz
Size		= 30
Weight		= 15
BaseValue		= 400
Desc0		= "
An painting of Pierpont Flathead has been left carefully on the ground."
Examine		= "
This is a magnificent painting depicting the reverend Pierpont Flathead,
known both for his economic skills and his great skill in baseball. Your
trained eye in recognizing old and valuable art tells you immediately that
this painting is an original.  It will certainly top you own private art-
Trap		= all
if (event == E_ONDROP && param_s.misc == D_INPIT)
EndObject		= Original_vault

Object		= Notes_vault
Name	= "notes"
Altname	= "bills"
Location	= IN_ROOM:vault@frobozz
Size		= 5
Weight		= 1
BaseValue		= 300
Desc0		= "A heap of notes in zorkian currency is left here."
Examine		= "
Counting up the notes you come to about 10 000 zork-mids.  A small fortune !"
EndObject		= Notes_vault

Object 		= Chest_chairman
Name	= "chest"
Altname	= "steelchest"
Location	= IN_ROOM:chairman@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet, Container, Openable, Lockable
State		= 2
MaxState	= 2
Size		= 20
Desc0		= "Fastened to the floor is an open sturdy steelchest."
Desc1		= "Fastened to the floor is a closed sturdy steelchest."
Desc2		= "Fastened to the floor is a locked sturdy steelchest."
EndObject		= Chest_chairman

Object		= Coins_chairman
Name	= "coins"
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:Chest_chairman@frobozz
Size		= 5
Weight		= 5
BaseValue		= 100
Desc0		= "A stash of neatly stacked coins has been left here."
Examine		= "
You estimate that there are 40 gold coins each worth 50 zorkmids."
EndObject		= Coins_chairman

Object 		= Blackboard_chairman
Name	= "blackboard"
Location	= IN_ROOM:chairman@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet, PushToggle
Linked		= Blackboard_behind
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "
The blackboard, being pushed aside, reveals a hole in the northern wall."
Desc1		= "
A heavy blackboard showing figures of the last financial investments of the
bank is leaning against the northern wall."
Examine		= "
The blackboard is made of one single piece of black marble, measuring about
6 times 8 feet, and 2 inches in thickness.  It's surface has a smoothness that
permits chalk being used for writing and drawing.  You do have an eye for art,
but the numbers, financial formulas and curves showing income and expenses
tell you nothing, so you leave the blackboard as it is."
EndObject		= Blackboard_chairman

Object		= Blackboard_behind
Name	= "blackboard"
Location	= IN_ROOM:behind@frobozz
Linked		= Blackboard_chairman
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0		= "
The blackboard is pushed aside, giving passage to the south."
Desc1		= "The blackboard bars your way to the north."
Examine		= "
The blackboard, being made of black marble, is very heavy and is very 
difficult to move from this crouched position you are in, but you may
manage it if you try hard enough."
EndObject		= Blackboard_behind

Object		= Hole_chairman
Name	= "hole"
Location	= IN_ROOM:chairman@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine		= "The hole is big enough to provide a crawl to the north."
EndObject		= Hole_chairman

Object		= Hole_behind
Name	= "hole"
Location	= IN_ROOM:behind@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet
EndObject		= Hole_behind

Object		= Hole_ending
Name	= "hole"
Location	= IN_ROOM:ending@frobozz
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine		= "
The hole being about 2 feet in diameter appears to be very smooth inside
and putting your ear closer to it you think you can hear a strange sound
coming up from far far away."
EndObject		= Hole_ending

Location	= "houseN"
North		= forest1@frobozz
East		= houseE@frobozz
West		= houseW@frobozz
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WNorthern End of the House&*"
Desc		= ^
You are standing in an open field north of a white house, with a boarded front 
door.  The house is surrounded with dense forest to the north and the east, 
and west of the house a deep canyon splits the country from north to south.
There's a path which runs north into the forest and two smaller paths which
run from the front door and around the house east and west.
EndLocation	= "houseN"

Location	= "houseW"
North		= houseN@frobozz
East		= ^Window_houseW@frobozz
South		= houseS@frobozz
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WWestern End of the House&*"
Desc		= ^
You are standing west of the small white house, which has a small window set
into the wall.  The view westwards is magnificent, showing a deep canyon
cutting through the landscape from the north and southwards.  On the other
side of the canyon you can see vast fields stretching several miles into the
land before ending where a big mountain range cuts out through the surface of
the earth.  This view certainly makes the white house look small and insign-
ificant, which at its western wall offers nothing but a small window.
There is a tiny little path going around the house to the north and south here.
EndLocation	= "houseW"

Location	= "houseS"
East		= houseE@frobozz
West		= houseW@frobozz
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WSouthern End of the House&*"
Desc		= ^
You are on the south side of the house.  All windows are nailed shut with 
planks.  The path continues its way around the house leading east and west.
EndLocation	= "houseS"

Location	= "houseE"
North		= houseN@frobozz
East		= forest4@frobozz
South		= houseS@frobozz
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WEastern End of the House&*"
Desc		= ^
You are on the eastern side of the white house on a path that seems
to continue around the house.  All windows here are boarded.
An old and overgrown path leads east into a dense forest.
EndLocation	= "houseE"

Location	= "kitchen"
South		= living@frobozz
West		= ^Window_kitchen@frobozz
Up		= attic@frobozz
Title		= "&+WThe Kitchen&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in a tiny kitchen.  The strong smell of food indicates that something
edible has been prepared here recently.  A few empty shelves line the eastern
wall and under them is a bench.  The bench bears the marks of a very sharp
knife being used for the preparation of food.  A bricked chimney is standing
at the south wall.
A narrow stair ascends into darkness, while a doorway leads south into
a living room.  A small window is set into the western wall.
EndLocation	= "kitchen"

Location	= "living"
North		= kitchen@frobozz
Down		= ^Trapdoor_living@frobozz
Title		= "&+WThe Living-Room&*"
Desc		= ^
This is the living room of the small white house, and in earlier days it must
have been at least a bit comfortable, but now it offers nothing.  The windows
are boarded shut with nailed pieces of planks and the remaining parts of
furniture and a large oriental rug are badly ravaged.  
There is a single exit north into the kitchen.
EndLocation	= "living"

Location	= "attic"
Down		= kitchen@frobozz
Title		= "&+WThe Attic&*"
Desc		= ^
You are on top of the stairs which ends here in a small attic.
The attic is for the moment empty, but there are signs here showing that it
has recently been used as a resting and sleeping place.
EndLocation	= "attic"

Location	= "forest1"
North		= forest2@frobozz
East		= forest4@frobozz
South		= houseN@frobozz
West		= forest2@frobozz
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WIn the Forest&*"
Desc		= ^
This is where the dense forest starts.  Paths leads off in every direction.  
The one going southwards leads to a white house situated in an open field.
Faint chirps from a song bird can be heard from somewhere east of here.
EndLocation	= "forest1"

Location	= "forest2"
North		= forest3@frobozz
East		= forest3@frobozz
South		= forest1@frobozz
West		= forest1@frobozz
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WIn the Forest&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in a dense forest with paths going off in all directions.
EndLocation	= "forest2"

Location	= "forest3"
North		= pool@frobozz
East		= forest4@frobozz
South		= forest4@frobozz
West		= forest2@frobozz
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WIn the Forest&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in a dense forest with paths going off in all directions.
A particular large tree stands high above the rest of the forest to the south.
EndLocation	= "forest3"

Location	= "forest4"
North		= forest3@frobozz
East		= forest3@frobozz
South		= forest1@frobozz
West		= forest1@frobozz
Up		= tree@frobozz
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WIn the Forest&*"
Desc		= ^
This is a path winding through a dimly lit forest.  The path heads
north-south here, but there is also a small and overgrown path coming
in from the east and continuing west from here.
One particular large tree with some low branches stands at the edge
of the path.
EndLocation	= "forest4"

Location	= "pool"
South		= forest3@frobozz
Up		= Falls@valley
Trap		= all
{  if (param_s.ob == EX_UP && gotanything(THIS_PLAYER))
   {   bprintf("The steep and slippery sides of the pool make it impossible "
               "to climb up\n without dropping everything first.\n");
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WBy the Pool&*"
Desc		= ^
You are standing on a ledge a couple of feet above a pool filled with water
from the waterfall above you.  The noise of the waterfall hitting the pool is
quite immense, but you still feel relaxed by being here.  A few salmon are
swimming around in the clear water snapping a fly now and then. A rainbow
spans the pool in the spray of the waterfall. 
The water flows southwards forming a river which through thousands of years
has dug out a big canyon cutting through the land.  To the west, across the
canyon, you can see large fields and further beyond, a mountain range.
A tough, but manageable climb will take you up into the mountain above, while
a track leads south into a vast forest.
EndLocation	= "pool"

Location	= "tree"
Down		= forest4@frobozz
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WUp in the Tree&*"
Desc		= ^
You are about 10 feet above the ground nestled among some large
branches.  The nearest branch above you is above your reach.
Beside you on the branch is a small bird's nest.
EndLocation	= "tree"

Location	= "cellar"
North		= cellar_chimney@frobozz
South		= crossection@frobozz
Up		= ^Trapdoor_cellar@frobozz
Title		= "&+WCellar&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in a cellar right under the livingroom.  The air here is a bit damp,
and together with an odd human-like smell drifting in from the south this
place is not where you would like to stay for the night.
A faint light shines in from the north while a passage leads south into
darkness and what you sense is danger.  You may of course also retreat
back up into the livingroom.
EndLocation	= "cellar"

Location	= "cellar_chimney"
South		= cellar@frobozz
Up		= ^Grating_cellar@frobozz
Title		= "&+WCellar&*"
Desc		= ^
This part of the cellar is not that damp due to a faint, but fresh
and warm wind that blows out of a chimney.  The chimney leads up to the
kitchen making this a chance for you to climb up safer parts of the world.
There is also an exit to the south.
EndLocation	= "cellar_chimney"

Location	= "crossection"
North		= cellar@frobozz
South		= stairs@frobozz
East		= connecting@frobozz
West		= lookout@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WCross-Section&*"
Desc		= ^
You are at the cross-section of two passages, one which comes from the north 
and continues south into a steep descending tunnel and another which comes in 
from the west and continues eastward.
EndLocation	= "crossection"

Location	= "lookout"
East		= crossection@frobozz
Title		= "&+WLookout-Point&*"
Desc		= ^
You are standing on a wide ledge overlooking a huge cavern.  The river
in the canyon west of the house comes into the cavern through a large
opening to the north, filling it with water.  Bright light shines
through the opening of the cavern and, reflected by the water, it
illuminates the cavern with dim light.
The water flows slowly southwards into a huge reservoir in the deeper
parts of the cave.
An eastward path leads back to where you came from.
EndLocation	= "lookout"

Location	= "connecting"
North		= work@frobozz
East		= store@frobozz
West		= crossection@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WWide Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in a wide and smooth tunnel with an entrance just north of you
which leads into a room which looks like a workshop.  The tunnel continues 
to the east another 10 or 15 feet where it is abruptly cut off by a brick 
wall.  There is an arched opening in the brick wall, through which you can 
see racks and shelves.
EndLocation	= "connecting"

Location	= "work"
South		= connecting@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WWizards Workshop&*"
Desc		= ^
This is probably the place where the once mighty and powerful Wizard of 
Frobozz developed his spells and potions.  There is a long, wide and very 
sturdy workbench here.  Attached to it are handcuffs and chained clammers 
used for immobilizing strong beings.  Deep marks in the bench bears signs 
of a hooved animal once held here against its will.
EndLocation	= "work"

Location	= "store"
West		= connecting@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WStoreroom&*"
Desc		= ^
You have entered a rather large storeroom which is filled with racks
that seem to have been robbed of their contents.  Along the walls,
shelves have been suspended, most of them containing nothing but dust.
You may reenter the tunnel from where you came, to the west.
EndLocation	= "store"

Location	= "stairs"
North		= crossection@frobozz
South		= steep1@frobozz
Down		= steep1@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WStairs&*"
Desc		= ^
You stand on top of a long flight of stairs descending hundreds of feet
down into darkness.  The steps are nearly worn down of use by people and
other beings walking, running and crawling up and down here for dozens
of centuries.
EndLocation	= "stairs"

Location	= "steep1"
North		= stairs@frobozz
South		= stairs2@frobozz
Up		= stairs@frobozz
Down		= stairs2@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WSteep Passage&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in a steep passage leading southwards.  The ceiling of the
passage is high above you, making space for those bigger creatures like
cyclops ands such.
EndLocation	= "steep1"

Location	= "stairs2"
North		= steep1@frobozz
South		= bottom@frobozz
Up		= steep1@frobozz
Down		= bottom@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WStairs&*"
Desc		= ^
You are about 20 steps from the bottom of the stairs.  You notice the small
growth of slippery moss and lichen covering both steps and walls.  You can
hear small splashing noises coming up from down below.
EndLocation	= "stairs2"

Location	= "bottom"
North		= stairs2@frobozz
South		= damE@frobozz
East		= steep2@frobozz
Up		= stairs2@frobozz
Title		= "&+WBottom of the Stairs&*"
Desc		= ^
You are standing by the east wall of an enormous cavern.  This cavern
is in fact a huge reservoir of water, and stretching out before you to
the west is an artificial dam wall.
Up to the north is a steep stairway, and one step up from the ground
right east of you is a large and heavy steeldoor, which is corroded stuck in
an open position.  The east end of the dam wall is south.
EndLocation	= "bottom"

Location	= "damE"
North		= bottom@frobozz
East		= office@frobozz
West		= dam@frobozz
Down		= foot@frobozz
Title		= "&+WEast End of Dam&*"
Desc		= ^
You are standing on the eastern part of a dam wall.
The dam wall, being about 30 meters wide continues westwards to the other
end of the cavern. Through a door to the east there's a little office
obviously used by maintenance personnel in the times when there where
more traffic here than at present.  There's also a flight of steps leading
down on the south side of the dam wall.  It disappears into the deep and
dark dry area of the cavern which is kept dry by the dam wall.
To the north you can make out the beginning of a staircase leading up.
EndLocation	= "damE"

Location	= "foot"
Up		= damE@frobozz
Down		= outlet@frobozz
Title		= "&+WHalfway Down the Stairs&*"
Desc		= ^
You are halfway down a flight of stairs which leads up into a high vaulted
cavern which is dimly lit.  Down below you, in the darkness, is a outlet 
of some power lines.
EndLocation	= "foot"

Location	= "outlet"
Up		= foot@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WThe Outlet&*"
Desc		= ^
You are down at the base of the dam wall which stretches up hundreds of feet 
above you.  Right above you, out of the wall, three thick power lines emerge
and they are stretched over a small, but very fast-flowing river out of sight
to the southwest.  A very fast-flowing river emerges out of the dam wall a 
couple of yards west of you and disappears out of sight into southern parts of
the cavern.  There is no way of following the river southwards or crossing it.
Sparks jump now and then from lots of tiny cords which hang down from the 
three power lines, thus enlightening the place in a strange blue and green light.
Th The place is surely in lack of maintenance, so you would better get
out of here.  It can be done by climbing a flight of stairs which is
cut out in the side of the wall.
EndLocation	= "outlet"

Location	= "dam"
East		= damE@frobozz
West		= damW@frobozz
Title		= "&+WThe Dam&*"
Desc		= ^
Standing here on the middle of this huge damW all makes you feel small
compared to your surroundings.  Way down below you on the south side of
the dam wall you hear the sound of fast flowing water and to the north
the huge cavern stretches out for hundreds of yards.  The dam wall
continues to the east and west.
EndLocation	= "dam"

Location	= "damW"
East		= dam@frobozz
Title		= "&+WWestern End of the Dam&*"
Desc		= ^
You have come to the west end of the dam wall.  The dam wall stops
abruptly here where the western wall of the cavern begins.
The only exit is to the east.
EndLocation	= "damW"

Location	= "office"
West		= damE@frobozz
Title		= "&+Wdam Office&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in the dam office, which according to piles of dust and dead
insects must have been unused for decades.  There is an old desk here,
worn down both with age and with rough use from the maintenance-
personnel which used this room as their base when doing work on the dam.
EndLocation	= "office"

Location	= "steep2"
Up		= steep3@frobozz
Down		= bottom@frobozz
West		= bottom@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WSteep Passage&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in a steep and narrow tunnel leading up.  This tunnel has
certainly not been used by to many guests, because the steeps are still
rough hewn and not worn down like other stairs in the area.  It has
probably been used only by people who once upon a time took care of the dam.
Down to the west is a large and sturdy steeldoor leading back into the cavern.
EndLocation	= "steep2"

Location	= "steep3"
Up		= top@frobozz
Down		= steep2@frobozz
East		= top@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WSteep Passage&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in a steep passage which around the next corner right east of
you seems to swing up to the north.  The passage also descends down
to the west.
EndLocation	= "steep3"

Location	= "top"
North		= ^Door_top@frobozz
Down		= steep3@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WTop of the Steep Passage&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in the uppermost part of a long passage which goes down to the south
as a steep and narrow passage leading into complete darkness.
EndLocation	= "top"

Location	= "pway"
North		= by@frobozz
East		= blocked@frobozz
South		= ^Door_pway@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WPassageway&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in a wide and high vaulted passageway which comes in from the
north and branches off into an eastward tunnel that is no less in
Carved into the rock of the two main tunnels are two big arrows; one
pointing to the north and the other to the east.  Under the first
arrow the word BANK is written and under the second one the words
MAIN GUE have been written.
EndLocation	= "pway"

Location	= "blocked"
West		= pway@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WBlocked-off Passage&*"
Desc		= ^
You are standing in the wide and high vaulted passage.  Unfortunately the
passage has been block off by what to normal standards looks like a
major cave-in.  The cave-in consists of nothing but large and immovable
rocks.  From marks and scratches on the rocks you realize that there
have been other people here before you who have tried to make a
passage through the cave-in.  You might as well give up the thought of
getting beyond this major rockfall.  A wiser decision is to reenter
to the west and try the north or south passage.
EndLocation	= "blocked"

Location	= "by"
North		= side@frobozz
East		= main@frobozz
South		= pway@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WBy the Bank&*"
Desc		= ^
You are standing at the corner of a building which looks like a bank.
It could as well be something else, but the word BANK was the first
word that entered your mind when getting near th the place.
Let's say it is a bank.
The bank is actually not another cave, but it is built in a large cave,
and may therefore be called a building.
The main entrance to the bank is to the east, and north of here there
is a door which also leads into the bank.
A wide and high vaulted tunnel starts here and leads south.
EndLocation	= "by"

Location	= "main"
East		= boulder@frobozz
West		= by@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WThe Main Entrance&*"
Desc		= ^
You stand in front of the main entrance of the bank which is dominated by
a huge and arched oakdoor set between mighty pillars carved out of
rock in one piece.  The door is barred with strong iron bars and it
will take you a lot of work to get through it.
It is possible to go east and west from the main entrance.
EndLocation	= "main"

Location	= "boulder"
West		= main@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WBlocked passage&*"
Desc		= ^
The tunnel east of the bank is stopped abruptly by a boulder which fills the 
tunnel with rock from ground stone-dust size up to the size of rocks which 
will never be moved by humans alone.  Even a mouse won't be able to crawl 
through this boulder.  Thus, the only exit for you is to the west.
EndLocation	= "boulder"

Location	= "side"
North		= ^Door_side@frobozz
South		= by@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WSide Entrance&*"
Desc		= ^
This is the west side of the bank of Frobozz and it seems much more
promising than the main entrance.  That is due to a door of normal
size and construction which is situated right in front of you in a
corner of the building.  The bank is certainly in lack of windows, but
you have already figured out that the bank trusts the Great Under-
ground Empire's inhabitants because this side entrance will certainly
not be impossible to break down even for you.
EndLocation	= "side"

Location	= "bank"
North		= tellers@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WThe Bank of Frobozz&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in the main hall of the bank of Frobozz.  The roof is held up
by mighty stone pillars like those you saw outside the main door
which leads into this room.  The ceiling is made of dark wood, and
combined with the light colours which the walls are decorated with and
the fine gold inlay in the massive pillars the whole room resembles
something like a temple raised for a highheld god.
Right to the north is the tellers' room and that's where you may
withdraw spare money or let the bank take care of them.
In the south wall of this stunning room there is the main entrance to
the bank.  The door is barred with strong iron bars which makes the
bank look very safe.
EndLocation	= "bank"

Location	= "vault"
North		= ^Vaultdoor_vault@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WIn the Vault&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in the main vault of the bank of Frobozz.  The walls are made of the
strongest concrete available and they are probably several feet thick.
EndLocation	= "vault"

Location	= "luncheon"
East		= tellers@frobozz
South		= ^Door_luncheon@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WLuncheon Room&*"
Desc		= ^
You have just entered the bank-personnel's luncheon room.  The room is
abandoned just as if something terrible has happened.  They did not
even have time to clear the place from the waste and rubbish from their
meals.  The mess surely indicates that they didn't wait guests to pop in.
There is a door in the south wall and an entrance into the more important
parts of the bank.
EndLocation	= "luncheon"

Location	= "tellers"
North		= chairman@frobozz
East		= outside@frobozz
South		= bank@frobozz
West		= luncheon@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WThe Tellers Room&*"
Desc		= ^
You have entered the tellers' room.  This is where the transactions of
money once in the past happened.  There are about a dozen of tidy and
rather impressing desks here which were used by the tellers when
doing business with their clients.  The desks are now covered with
dust.  To the south, through a high and arched opening you can look
into an impressive hall.  It is probably the main hall of the bank of
Frobozz.  Through a similar, but smaller opening to the north you see
a large and representable office.  There is also a doorway to the east
and to the west a doorway leads back into the luncheon room.
EndLocation	= "tellers"

Location	= "outside"
South		= ^Vaultdoor_outside@frobozz
West		= tellers@frobozz
Title		= "&+WOutside the Vault&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in what must be the entrance to the vault of the bank because written
on top of the southern wall are the letters "V A U L T".  But you can't seem
to find the vault door.  Is it simply a walk-through-wall or is the vault door
fitted so nicely into the wall that you can't find it ?
The room is lit by some kind of light which comes through a thick-glassed 
window measuring 1 foot in square set into the northern wall.
The tellers' room lies to the west.
EndLocation	= "outside"

Location	= "chairman"
North		= ^Blackboard_chairman@frobozz
South		= tellers@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WChairmans Office&*"
Desc		= ^
It is clear from the size both the room and its contents that this must
be the chairman's office.  The room measuring about 10 times 8 yards
contains nothing of excess, but the stuff that has been placed here
is of extraordinary quality and must surely have costed many a tellers
wages.  Right in front of you completely dominating the room is a large
mahogany desk which is one of the bigger you have seen.  Right behind it
placed up to the wall is a cupboard which in quality and splendor must
have been made by Chippendale himself.  More discretely in one corner
an inviting sitting-group almost begs you to take a seat.
To the south an opening leads into the tellers' room.
EndLocation	= "chairman"

Location	= "behind"
South		= ^Blackboard_behind@frobozz
West		= rough@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WBehind the Blackboard&*"
Desc		= ^
You are behind the large cupboard in a dusty and roughly made passage-
way which leads eastwards into darkness.  A strong wind blow from the west.
EndLocation	= "behind"

Location	= "rough"
East		= behind@frobozz
West		= drafty@frobozz
Up		= drafty@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WRough and Narrow Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in an uneven, rough, narrow and ascending tunnel leading up
to the west and down to the east.  There is a strong draft blowing
through the tunnel which nearly threatens to blow out your light out.
EndLocation	= "rough"

Location	= "drafty"
North		= dark@frobozz
South		= rough@frobozz
Down		= rough@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WDrafty Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
This is the top of the ascending tunnel which comes up from the east.
There is a passage to the north from which a strong draft comes out
nearly making extinguishing your light.
EndLocation	= "drafty"

Location	= "dark"
East		= ending@frobozz
South		= drafty@frobozz
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WDark and Drafty Chamber&*"
Desc		= ^
You have entered a dark and drafty chamber.  The draft is not that
strong here, but that is because this chamber is much bigger than the
narrow tunnel you used to get here.
This chamber is nearly pitch dark, but a few sunbeams manage to get
through a crystal grating in the ceiling.  The grating is just
reachable but the size of it prevents you from climbing through it when opened.
Worth noticing are the extremely dark walls of this chamber.  It is as
if they are made of light-absorbing material.
There is an exit to the south and another exit into a pitch dark
chamber to the east.
EndLocation	= "dark"

Location	= "ending"
West		= dark@frobozz
Trap		= all
   char ms[128];
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONJUMP:
      sprintf (ms, "%s jumps into the hole and disappears!\n", pname (mynum));
      sillycom (ms);
      setploc (mynum, LOC_WINDOW_GLITTERING);
      bprintf ("You jump into the hole...\n\n\n\nAnd fall....."
	       "Until the tunnel stops abruptly\n"
	       "and ends as a hole in a ceiling, "
	       "through which you fall and land\n");
      sprintf (ms, "%s comes falling through a hole in the ceiling and lands\n",
	       pname (mynum));
      sillycom (ms);
      if (ploc (mynum) == ploc (max_players + MOB_WINDOW_GIANT))
	  bprintf ("on the stomach of a snoring giant!\n");
	  sillycom ("on the stomach of the the snoring giant!\n");
	  hit_player (max_players + MOB_WINDOW_GIANT, mynum, -1);
	  bprintf ("on the ground with a thud, hurting yourself badly!\n");
	  sillycom ("on the ground with a loud thud, being badly hurt!\n");
	  if (plev (mynum) < LVL_APPREN)
	    setpstr (mynum, pstr (mynum) / 2);
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WEnding Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
You are in at a dead end of a small cave.  Right there in front of you on the
floor is a hole, somewhat 2 feet in diameter.  Peering down into the hole you
see nothing but darkness.  
There is an exit leading west into a pitch dark chamber.
EndLocation	= "ending"