*	Zone name:	Ancient						*
*	Author:		Elmo						*

#include "undef.h"
#include "exits.h"
#include "special.h"

Zone		= ancient
Author		= "Elmo"
Quest		= Sundisc

EndZone		= ancient

Mobile            = quetzalcoatl
Location	= Anc7@ancient
Strength        = 1000
Damage          = 20
Aggression      = 0
Armor		= 0 
PFlags		= NoSummon
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = ""
EndMobile             = quetzalcoatl

Mobile            = alligator
Location	= Anc44@ancient
Strength        = 100
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 75
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = "A huge &+Galligator&* thinks you could do as dinner for him."
EndMobile             = alligator

Mobile            = bloodyjaws
Location	= Anc44@ancient
Strength        = 100
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 75
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = "
Another &+Ralligator&* stares hungrily at you blood in his jaws."
EndMobile             = bloodyjaws

Mobile            = mosquito
Name	= "The Mosquito"
Location	= Anc18@ancient
Strength        = 60
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 80
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = "A &+Ggiant mosquito&* is thinking no good about you."
EndMobile             = mosquito

Mobile            = bloodthirsty
Location	= Anc18@ancient
Strength        = 60
Damage          = 8
Aggression      = 80
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = "
A &+Rbloodthirsty mosquito&* thinks your blood would taste good."
EndMobile             = bloodthirsty

Mobile            = hungry
Location	= Anc18@ancient
Strength        = 50
Damage          = 12
Aggression      = 80
Armor		= 0 
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = "
A very &+Bhungry mosquito&* orders a bloody mary (a la you)."
EndMobile             = hungry

Mobile            = old
Location	= Anc18@ancient
Strength        = 60
Damage          = 8
Aggression      = 50
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = "An &+Mold mosquito&* is considering attacking you."
EndMobile             = old

Mobile            = tiny
Location	= Anc18@ancient
Strength        = 80
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 90
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = "
A &+Ytiny mosquito&* before you looks even more energetic than the others."
EndMobile             = tiny

Mobile            = mummy
Name	= "The mummy"
Location	= Anc22@ancient
Strength        = 150
Damage          = 12
Aggression      = 30
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = "There's something rotten in the corner."
EndMobile             = mummy

Mobile            = monolith
Name	= "The monolith"
Location	= Anc25@ancient
Strength        = 250
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 0
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = "A huge &+Wmonolith&* stands before you black as the night."
EndMobile             = monolith

Mobile            = cockroach
Name	= "The cockroach"
Location	= Anc42@ancient
Strength        = 150
Damage          = 12
Aggression      = 50
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = "A giant &+Gcockroach&* runs around the floor."
EndMobile             = cockroach

Mobile            = pacamac
Location	= Anc46@ancient
Strength        = 100
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 15
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
MFlags		= BarNorth
Desc	     = "&+YPacamac&* the town guardsman is blocking your way."
EndMobile             = pacamac

Mobile            = tenoc
Location	= Anc46@ancient
Strength        = 100
Damage          = 8
Aggression      = 10
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
MFlags		= BarNorth
Desc	     = "&+WTenoc&* the younger guardsman looks at you curiously."
EndMobile             = tenoc

Mobile            = rattlesnake
Name	= "The rattlesnake"
Location	= Anc55@ancient
Strength        = 150
Damage          = 15
Aggression      = 0
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = "The &+Rrattlesnake&* is keeping horrifying noises before you."
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONMOVE:
      if (!ishere (OBJ_ANCIENT_CHAIN) || !ishere (OBJ_ANCIENT_RBLOCK) ||
	  !ishere (OBJ_ANCIENT_RCOINS) || !ishere (OBJ_ANCIENT_RPLATE) )
   default: break;
EndMobile             = rattlesnake

Mobile            = anara
Location	= Anc48@ancient
Strength        = 100
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 0
Armor		= 0
SFlags		= Female
Desc	     = "A female servant is cleaning the floor with a broom."
EndMobile             = anara

Mobile            = cuezcon
Location	= Anc46@ancient
Strength        = 120
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 25
Armor		= 0
Desc	     = "A male servant is carrying food to someone."
EndMobile             = cuezcon

Mobile            = emperor
Name	= "The Emperor"
Location	= Anc50@ancient
Strength        = 400
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 30
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc	     = "The Son of the &+YSun God&* is sitting here on his throne."
EndMobile             = emperor

Mobile            = arantxa
Location	= Anc53@ancient
Strength        = 120
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 33
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
SFlags		= Female
MFlags		= CanFrost
Desc	     = "
&+YArantxa &+Wthe Astronomer&* is radiating the light of ancient wisdom around her."
EndMobile             = arantxa

Mobile            = aczuma
Location	= Anc51@ancient
Strength        = 150
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 60
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
MFlags		= CanMissile
Desc	     = "&+RAczuma &+Wthe Warlord&* is practising his spells."
EndMobile             = aczuma

Mobile            = mano
Location	= Anc54@ancient
Strength        = 120
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 25
Armor		= 0
Speed		= 0
MFlags		= CanShock, BarNorth
Desc	     = "
An evil glance of &+MMano &+Wthe Priest&* nails your boots to the floor."
EndMobile             = mano

Object		= OldSpear
Name	= "spear"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc2@ancient
OFlags		= Weapon
Damage		= 8
BaseValue		= 25
Size		= 5
Weight		= 5
Desc0		= "An old spear lies here on the ground."
Examine		= "
This old spear has seen death and sorrow more than you could ever dream of."
EndObject		= OldSpear

Object		= StonyKnife
Name	= "knife"
Altname	= "stony"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc8@ancient
OFlags		= Weapon
Damage		= 14
BaseValue		= 15
Size		= 2
Weight		= 2
Desc0		= "A stone knife has been left here."
Examine		= "There's &+rblood&* all over the blade."
EndObject		= StonyKnife

Object		= TlalocStatue
Name	= "statue"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc15@ancient
OFlags		= Container, NoGet
Size		= 5
Desc0		= ""
Examine		= "
The statue is far too heavy to lift. The eyes of it seem to be two big gems."
EndObject		= TlalocStatue

Object		= WhiteGem
Name	= "gem"
Altname	= "white"
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:TlalocStatue@ancient
BaseValue		= 200
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A massive &+Wwhite&* gem glistens before your eyes."
Examine		= "You feel the hatred of gods descending above you."
EndObject		= WhiteGem

Object		= BlueGem
Name	= "gem"
Altname	= "blue"
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:TlalocStatue@ancient
BaseValue		= 200
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A big &+Bblue&* gem twinkles before your eyes."
Examine		= "
You can't exactly remember what happened to those who found the grave of 
King Tut, but you feel deep inside that you should get rid of this cursed
EndObject		= BlueGem

Object		= canoe
Name	= "boat"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc19@ancient
BaseValue		= 20
OFlags		= Boat
Size		= 5
Weight		= 5
Desc0		= "An old canoe has been forgotten here."
Examine		= "
It is made of leather and could give you a safe passage through the waters."
EndObject		= canoe

Object		= QAltar
Name	= "altar"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc8@ancient
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0		= ""
Examine		= "The surface of this altar is smooth and tidy."
EndObject		= QAltar

Object		= BigCross
Name	= "cross"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc20@ancient
OFlags		= NoGet
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "Looks like someone had moved the cross a bit..."
Desc1		= ""
Examine		= "This is a big cross, believe me."
Trap		= all
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONPUSH:
      if (state (OBJ_ANCIENT_BIGCROSS) > 0)
	  setobjstate (OBJ_ANCIENT_BIGCROSS, 0);
	  if (state (OBJ_ANCIENT_MOONCROSS) > 0)
	      send_player("You move the cross to one side, but nothing happens.\n");
	      send_player("You hear a loud hollow sound from a room nearby!\n");
	      setobjstate (OBJ_ANCIENT_HOLE_ANC31, 0);
	  setobjstate (OBJ_ANCIENT_BIGCROSS, 1);
	  setobjstate (OBJ_ANCIENT_HOLE_ANC31, 1);
	  send_player("You move the cross back into place.\n");
   default: break;
EndObject		= BigCross

Object		= EmbPot
Name	= "pot"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc22@ancient
OFlags		= GetFlips, Container
BaseValue		= 40
Size		= 3
Weight		= 3
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "A small clay pot has been tossed here."
Desc1		= ""
EndObject		= EmbPot

Object		= EmbBalsam
Name	= "balsam"
Altname	= "cream"
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:EmbPot@ancient
BaseValue		= 25
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "Some &+Wwhite&* balsam has been dropped here."
Examine		= "
The smell of this balsam fills your mind with strange thoughts of mummies
and preservation."
Trap		= all
  switch (event) {
  case E_ONUSE:  
    send_player("You start applying the embalming balsam ...\n");
    send_player("You begin to feel sleepy, and after a while some mummies\n"
	    "turn up helping you with the embalming ...\n");
    death_trap("\tThe mummies carry you away to a safe restingplace."
	       " You are dead...");
  default: break;
EndObject		= EmbBalsam

Object            = HealBalsam
Name	= "balsam"
Altname	= "cream"
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:SunPot@ancient
BaseValue          = 25
Size            = 1
Weight          = 1
Desc0          = "Some creamy balsam has been left here."
Examine		= "
Hmmm...the balsam has a very antiseptic smell.  Applying this balsam can
perhaps heal some wounds in short time."
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONUSE:
     if (pstr(param_s.plx) < maxstrength(param_s.plx) - 20) 
        setpstr(param_s.plx, pstr(param_s.plx) + 20);
        send_player("You feel some of your wounds dissappear.\n");
     else if (pstr(param_s.plx) < maxstrength(param_s.plx)) 
        setpstr(param_s.plx, maxstrength(param_s.plx));
        send_player("The balsam heals all your wounds!\n");
        send_player("The balsam has a nice cooling effect.\n");
  default: break;
EndObject             = HealBalsam

Object		= SkyMap
Name	= "map"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc26@ancient
BaseValue		= 80
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "A rather torn map has been left here."
Desc1		= "There's a map lying on the floor."
Examine         = ""
Trap		= all
   if (event == E_ONEXAMINE)
   {    if (ploc (param_s.plx) == LOC_ANCIENT_ANC53)
	  send_player("You feel like you are flying....\n"
		      "     ....and land on a desolate planet,"
		   "obviously far from the sun.\n\n\n");
	  send_player("You ain't lost, Mac... yet!\n");
EndObject		= SkyMap

Object		= WarMask 
Name	= "mask"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc27@ancient
OFlags		= Armor, WearOnFace, ExcludeWear, GetFlips
Armor		= 7
BaseValue		= 200
Size		= 2
Weight		= 4
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "A heavy &+Ygolden&* mask is dumped here."
Desc1		= "A heavy &+Ygolden&* mask is hanging on the wall."
Examine		= "
The mask has covered some upper class soldiers face protecting it and making
the bearer look more scaring."
EndObject		= WarMask

Object		= BShield
Name	= "shield"
Altname	= "bronze"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc27@ancient
OFlags		= Armor, WearOnArms, ExcludeWear
Armor		= 8
BaseValue		= 50
Size		= 2
Weight		= 2
Desc0		= "A small bronze shield is lying on the ground."
Examine		= "
The shield is small, but seems to be good for protecting you against the hits 
of your enemies."
EndObject		= BShield

Object		= MoonCross
Name	= "cross"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc30@ancient
OFlags		= NoGet
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "The cross seems to be somewhat out of its' original place."
Desc1		= ""
Examine		= "You might have seen something like this before."
Trap		= all
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONPUSH:
      if (state (OBJ_ANCIENT_MOONCROSS) > 0)
	  setobjstate (OBJ_ANCIENT_MOONCROSS, 0);
	  if (state (OBJ_ANCIENT_BIGCROSS) > 0)
	      send_player("You move the cross to one side, but nothing happens.\n");
	      send_player("You hear a loud hollow sound from a room nearby!\n");
	      setobjstate (OBJ_ANCIENT_HOLE_ANC31, 0);
	  setobjstate (OBJ_ANCIENT_MOONCROSS, 1);
	  setobjstate (OBJ_ANCIENT_HOLE_ANC31, 1);
	  send_player("You move the cross back into place.\n");
   default: break;
EndObject		= MoonCross

Object		= Cheese1
Name	= "cheese"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc37@ancient
OFlags		= Food, GetFlips
BaseValue		= 20
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "A slice of tasty Emmental cheese has been dropped here."
Desc1		= ""
Examine		= "It sure looks tasty."
EndObject		= Cheese1

Object		= Cheese2
Name	= "cheese"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc37@ancient
OFlags		= Food, GetFlips
BaseValue		= 20
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "A slice of tasty Emmental cheese has been dropped here."
Desc1		= ""
Examine		= "It even smells good."
EndObject		= Cheese2

Object		= SunPot
Name	= "pot"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc33@ancient
OFlags		= Container, GetFlips
BaseValue		= 10
Size		= 2
Weight		= 2
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "A big pot made of clay stands before you."
Desc1		= ""
Examine		= "You've seen hundreds of these in museums."
EndObject		= SunPot

Object		= SunRod
Name	= "rod"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc33@ancient
BaseValue		= 100
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A &+Wsilver&* rod twinkles before you."
Examine		= "The rod might be used by priests or lords in ceremonies."
EndObject		= SunRod

Object		= QFeather
Name	= "feather"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc17@ancient
BaseValue		= 100
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "There's a big colorful feather on the ground."
Examine		= "The feather glistens in all the colors of rainbow."
EndObject		= QFeather

Object		= SunAltar
Name	= "altar"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc35@ancient
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0		= ""
Examine		= "
The altar is covered with blood all over it. The blood is dried a long time
ago, but it still makes you shivering."
EndObject		= SunAltar

Object		= Pedestal
Name	= "pedestal"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc36@ancient
OFlags		= NoGet
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc1		= "
Your toe hits a cylindrical object standing on the ground, but the blinding
light makes it difficult to see what it is."
Examine		= "
Shielding your eyes from the sun with your hands you see that something has
been attached to the pedestal, but taken away afterwards."
EndObject		= Pedestal

Object		= Hole_Anc31
Name	= "hole"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc31@ancient
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked		= Hole_Anc38
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "A large hole leads to a cave under the pyramid."
Desc1		= ""
Examine		= ""
EndObject		= Hole_Anc31

Object		= Hole_Anc38
Name	= "hole"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc38@ancient
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked		= Hole_Anc31
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "A large hole leads out to the daylight."
Desc1		= ""
EndObject		= Hole_Anc38

Object		= Fountain_Of_Youth
Name	= "fountain"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc41@ancient
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0		= ""
Examine		= "
The water looks fresh and clean.  Through the water, written on the bottom
of the fountain you see the words &+YFOUNTAIN OF YOUTH&*."
Trap		= all
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONCONSUME:
      if (pscore(param_s.plx) >= 20)
      {  setpscore(param_s.plx, pscore(param_s.plx) -20);
         send_player("You feel younger and less experienced....\n");
   default: break;
EndObject		= Fountain_Of_Youth

Object		= Uranium 
Name	= "stone"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc42@ancient
BaseValue		= 250
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A small rock shimmers in the corner."
Examine		= "As you examine this stone you feel a sudden headache."
EndObject		= Uranium

Object		= White_Jewel 
Name	= "jewel"
Altname	= "gem"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc43@ancient
BaseValue		= 400
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "
In the hand of the poor fellow you discover a glistening white jewel."
Examine		= "
You wonder about the destiny of the former bearer of this mighty &+Wwhite&* gem."
EndObject		= White_Jewel

Object		= SLamp
Name	= "lamp"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc48@ancient
OFlags		= Lit
BaseValue		= 20
Size		= 2
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A lit lamp is bringing light in the otherwise dim chamber."
Examine		= "You just can't figure out how to extinguish it."
EndObject		= SLamp

Object		= Meal
Name	= "lunch"
Altname	= "food"
Location	= CARRIED_BY:cuezcon@ancient
OFlags		= Food
BaseValue		= 30
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A delicious lunch is waiting for you here."
Examine		= "You've never eaten this before, but it sure smells good."
EndObject		= Meal

Object		= ABroom
Name	= "broom"
Location	= WIELDED_BY:anara@ancient
OFlags		= Weapon
Damage		= 5
BaseValue		= 15
Size		= 2
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "An old broom has been left here."
Examine		= "Feel like cleaning up the place, mate?"
EndObject		= ABroom

Object		= SunDisc
Name	= "disc"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc49@ancient
OFlags		= lit, unlocateable
BaseValue		= 800
Size		= 4
Weight		= 4
State		= 1
MaxState	= 2
Desc0		= "A giant &+YSun Disc&* is shining brightly here."
Desc1		= "
There's an extremely bright golden disc attached to the ceiling. It looks as
you will need more then just 'two hands and a Black & Decker' if you want to
remove it...."
Desc2		= "
Securely attached to a pedestal on the ground is a brightly shining sundisc."
Examine		= "It looks very valuble."
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONGET:
   if (param_s.misc == BEFORE_GET)
    if (param_s.ob == OBJ_ANCIENT_SUNDISC && state(param_s.ob) == 1) 
      if (!iscarrby(OBJ_ANCIENT_ESTONE, param_s.plx) ||
          !iscarrby(OBJ_ANCIENT_QFEATHER, param_s.plx)) 
         send_player("You feel that you need more magical equipment "
              "than just your hands for this job.\n");
         param_s.ret = 0;
        setobjstate(OBJ_ANCIENT_SUNDISC, 0);
   case E_ONPUT:
     if (param_s.ob == OBJ_ANCIENT_PEDESTAL)
     { send_player("The sundisc fits perfectly on top of the pedestal with a loud "
       send_msg(ploc(param_s.plx), 0, LVL_MIN, LVL_MAX, param_s.plx, NOBODY,
	       "You hear a loud click as %s puts the sundisc on "
	       "the pedestal.", pname(mynum));
       setoloc(OBJ_ANCIENT_SUNDISC, ploc(param_s.plx), IN_ROOM);
       setobjstate(OBJ_ANCIENT_SUNDISC, 2);
       setobjstate(OBJ_ANCIENT_PEDESTAL, 0);
       setpscore(param_s.plx, pscore(param_s.plx) + ovalue(OBJ_ANCIENT_SUNDISC)*3);
   default: break;
EndObject		= SunDisc

Object		= SunThrone
Name	= "throne"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc50@ancient
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0		= "The throne is set on the north wall."
Examine		= "The throne is not for mortals."
EndObject		= SunThrone

Object		= ATalisman
Name	= "talisman"
Location	= WORN_BY:aczuma@ancient
OFlags		= WearonNeck
BaseValue		= 80
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A small gold talisman lies here."
Examine		= "It's a kind of an animal figure."
EndObject		= ATalisman

Object		= ACloak
Name	= "cloak"
Location	= WORN_BY:arantxa@ancient
OFlags		= Armor, WearOnBody
Armor		= 5
BaseValue		= 50
Size		= 3
Weight		= 2
Desc0		= "An astronomers cloak is here carefully folded."
Examine		= "It has a golden snakefigure on it."
EndObject		= ACloak

Object		= PWand
Name	= "wand"
Location	= CARRIED_BY:mano@ancient
BaseValue		= 200
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "There's a long curved wand leaning against the wall."
Examine		= "It's garnished with silver and small jewels."
EndObject		= PWand

Object		= RPlate
Name	= "plate"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc55@ancient
BaseValue		= 200
Size		= 2
Weight		= 2
Desc0		= "A gold plate lies on the floor"
Examine		= "Pure &+Ygold!&*"
EndObject		= RPlate

Object		= Chain
Name	= "chain"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc55@ancient
BaseValue		= 100
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A gold chain has been tossed on the floor."
Examine		= "It looks like it has been torn apart from something."
EndObject		= Chain

Object		= RBlock
Name	= "block"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc55@ancient
BaseValue		= 150
Size		= 2
Weight		= 4
Desc0		= "A huge silver block twinkles before you."
Examine		= "Might be valuable."
EndObject		= RBlock

Object		= RCoins
Name	= "coins"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc55@ancient
BaseValue		= 400
Size		= 3
Weight		= 4
Desc0		= "There are small silver and gold coins all over the place."
Examine		= "
The coins have a hole in the center and beautiful carvings around it."
EndObject		= RCoins

Object		= LBook
Name	= "book"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc58@ancient
OFlags		= GetFlips
BaseValue		= 1000
Size		= 3
Weight		= 2
State		= 1
Maxstate	= 1
Desc0		= "An old book is lying here."
Desc1		= ""
Examine         = ""
Trap		= all
   if (event == E_ONEXAMINE)
      if (oarmor (param_s.ob) > 0)
      {  send_player("The Book contains old writings. You can make out\n"
	  	   "the names of old mages like 'Elmo' and 'Infidel'.\n");
	  send_player("Ancient wisdom fills your head, you feel much more capable...\n");
	  osetarmor (param_s.ob, 1);
EndObject		= LBook

Object		= EStone
Name	= "stone"
Altname	= "block"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Anc60@ancient
BaseValue		= 100
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A small stone block fills the emptiness."
Examine		= "It's black as the night."
EndObject		= EStone

Location	= "Anc1"
East		= Anc2@ancient
LFlags		= OutDoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WWay Up to the Mountains&*"
Desc		= ^
You find yourself on the edge of a vast mountain range. To the east you can
see a large square-shaped clearing. Further east you can see some kind of a
temple while on the north-east on the edge of you sight lie two pyramid-
shaped buildings. Despite the strange looking buildings you find the eastward
path more inviting than the high mountains to the west.
EndLocation	= "Anc1"

Location	= "Anc2"
East		= Anc3@ancient
West		= Anc1@ancient
LFlags		= OutDoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WLarge Clearing&*"
Desc		= ^
You are standing on a large square-shaped clearing. Pieces of old weapons 
and arrowheads on the ground tell you that the grass over here has once been
manured with blood. Nearby to the north you see the San Juan river. Passages 
lead west towards a mountain range and east to a some kind of a street. 
EndLocation	= "Anc2"

Location	= "Anc3"
North		= Anc9@ancient
East		= Anc6@ancient
South		= Anc4@ancient
West		= Anc2@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WCalle de los Muertos&*" 
Desc		= ^
You find yourself on an ancient passageway which seems to have been the 
main street of an old town. The street is wide and paved with large grey 
flagstones. The street leads to the north while the southern way disappears 
under flourishing grass mat. The path to the west leads to a clearing and to 
the east there is a temple.
EndLocation	= "Anc3"

Location	= "Anc4"
North		= Anc3@ancient
South		= Anc5@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WOvergrown street&*"
Desc		= ^
A long time ago this town might have been a major center in this area. However,
time has done its' job and you can hardly discern the pavement under your
feet. The street leads north into the town. To the south there is a swamp 
which does not look very inviting.
EndLocation	= "Anc4"

Location	= "Anc5"
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime, Death
Title		= "&+WThe Swamp&*"
Desc		= ^
You have entered a large swamp area. Suddenly you find out that you can't 
move your feet any more.

The Swamp Thing rises up from the mud...
You are swallowed by the Swamp Thing...
You are not feeling very good now...

EndLocation	= "Anc5"

Location	= "Anc6"
East		= Anc7@ancient
West		= Anc3@ancient
Up		= Anc7@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WBefore the Temple&*"                    
Desc		= ^
You are standing on a large opening covered with grass right before a huge
temple to the east. The temple is made of large clay bricks and there is a
stairway leading up to its' top. You see large stone animal figures beside
the stairs. You can still go back west to the street. 
EndLocation	= "Anc6"

Location	= "Anc7"
East		= Anc8@ancient
West		= Anc6@ancient
Up		= Anc8@ancient
Down		= Anc6@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WStone Stairs&*"
Desc		= ^
You are going your way up the temple stairs sweating and panting. Breathing
deeply you stop and lean against a statue besides the stairs. Examining the 
statue more closely, you figure out that the statue is actually a big head of
a snake decorated with stony feathers. The snake has an evil grin on his face 
and you are glad it is not alive. The stairs lead upwards to the top of the
temple and down back to the clearing.
EndLocation	= "Anc7"

Location	= "Anc8"
West		= Anc7@ancient
Down		= Anc7@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WQuetzalcoatl's Temple&*"
Desc		= ^
Looking back down where you came from makes you feel dizzy so you decide 
to pay more attention to a huge monolith laying before you. The monolith 
is four feet high and twelve feet wide. Its' face is smooth, but covered 
with dark red and brown spots all over it. This is probably a place where
the priests of this ancient city used to worship their God of Earth and the 
Universe later known as Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs. The sight could easily 
turn a flesh-eating beast to a true vegetarian.
EndLocation	= "Anc8"

Location	= "Anc9"
North		= Anc10@ancient
South		= Anc3@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WCalle de los Muertos&*"
Desc		= ^
You are following a wide street paved with large flagstones. The street 
continues to the north. You can see a bridge further north bridging your 
way over a river. Two great pyramids are dominating the northern horizon
while to the south-east there's a temple of some sort.
EndLocation	= "Anc9"

Location	= "Anc10"
North		= Anc16@ancient
East		= Anc11@ancient
South		= Anc9@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe Bridge&*"     
Desc		= ^
You have arrived at a wide stone bridge. The bridge consists of four huge 
monoliths placed side by side over the river and pavement made of smaller 
flagstones quite like the others in the town. The San Juan river flows 
gently under the bridge to the east. You are considering a little refreshing
dive into the river, but as you see all the alligators you think it might
be better to take a boat.
EndLocation	= "Anc10"

Location	= "Anc11"
East		= Anc12@ancient
West		= Anc10@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime, OnWater
Title		= "&+WRio San Juan&*"
Desc		= ^
The San Juan river gently flows to the east. The alligators keep their
distance. They seem to know that they can't break your well made boat to
reach their supper.
EndLocation	= "Anc11"

Location	= "Anc12"
East		= Anc13@ancient
West		= Anc11@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime, OnWater
Title		= "&+WRio San Juan&*"
Desc		= ^
Your small boat floats slowly along the river. You notice a slight increase
in the speed the river flows. You look at the river bank to find a nice calm
place to get ashore. The shore, however, is crowded by alligators and you
find it quite forbidding. You have to choose whether to keep going further
east or back west to the bridge.
EndLocation	= "Anc12"

Location	= "Anc13"
North		= Anc44@ancient
East		= Anc14@ancient
West		= Anc12@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime, OnWater
Title		= "&+WRio San Juan&*"
Desc		= ^
The river flows quite fast and you have to make a decision quickly 
between the river and the alligators. You are breathing heavily as you 
try to keep your boat steady. The river continues east and west. To the 
northern shore you see some sort of building. Unfortunately you have to 
pass by some hungry alligators before you can step ashore. You desperately
try to remember how Crocodile Dundee did the trick.
EndLocation	= "Anc13"

Location	= "Anc14"
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime, OnWater, Death
Title		= "&+WRio San Juan&*"
Desc		= ^
The river has suddenly turned into a rapids and you find it impossible to 
turn back. You keep fighting against the stream, but its' power turns your
small boat upside down making you wish you were a salmon. All this time 
the river flows endlessly to the sea.
EndLocation	= "Anc14"

Location	= "Anc44"
North		= Anc15@ancient
South		= Anc13@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe Stone Jetty&*"
Desc		= ^
You decided to choose the alligators. Quicky you clamber to the jetty and 
prepare yourself for the battle. The alligators, however, start preparing 
themselves for dinner. They obviously liked your decision which makes you 
think that maybe it would have been a better idea to go further east along 
the river despite the rapids. To the north you see a little sanctuary.
EndLocation	= "Anc44"

Location	= "Anc15"
South		= Anc44@ancient
LFlags		= NoMagic
Title		= "&+WThe Sanctuary of Tlaloc&*"
Desc		= ^
Your heart beats fast and you stop for a while to breath deep and recover
from the battle with the alligators. You have an odd feeling that Mr Dundee
didn't have so much trouble with the 'gators. You wipe the sweat from your 
forehead and look around. You find yourself in a small room sanctified to 
some God of these unknown people. On the north wall there stands a small 
bronze statue decorated with colorful stones. The statue stands firmly on 
the floor and it's almost impossible to move. The stone decorations, 
however, seem to be quite loose on the statue. Maybe you still can bring 
something home to your sweetheart from your adventures - if you survive, 
that is.
EndLocation	= "Anc15"

Location	= "Anc16"
North		= Anc20@ancient
South		= Anc10@ancient
West		= Anc17@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WCalle de los Muertos&*"
Desc		= ^
The street disappears north to a great pyramid as far as you can see. To 
the north you can see a big cross standing aside the street. To the west 
there is a path leading somewhere in the marshlands. Back to the south 
there is a bridge crossing the San Juan river.
EndLocation	= "Anc16"

Location	= "Anc17"
East		= Anc16@ancient
West		= Anc18@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WStony Path&*"
Desc		= ^
You are walking along a narrow stony path which leads westwards to vast
marshlands. The mosquitos have found your blood very tasty and you start 
slapping them on your skin. If this is what it is like here, what might it 
be when you go further to the west?  You wonder if you will catch malaria 
in this place.  The path leads west and back to the east.
EndLocation	= "Anc17"

Location	= "Anc18"
East		= Anc17@ancient
South		= Anc19@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WStony Path&*"
Desc		= ^
Well well... Now you know what it is when you go further to the west. 
A number of magnum size mosquitos attack you buzzing madly of thirst for 
your blood. You feel, however, strong devotion to your liquid of life and
decide not to give up without a fight. As you prepare yourself for the 
battle you quickly look around and notice two escape ways - one back east 
where the less enormous mosquitos were and one south to the river bank.
EndLocation	= "Anc18"

Location	= "Anc19"
North		= Anc18@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WRiver Bank&*"
Desc		= ^
You stand on a slippery river bank watching carefully where to step to 
avoid slipping down to the river. The water is calm and quite warm, but a 
strange feeling inside makes you decide not to take a bath. There is no way
out of this place exept back north. 
EndLocation	= "Anc19"

Location	= "Anc20"
North		= Anc21@ancient
South		= Anc16@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime, Peaceful
Title		= "&+WBeneath the Cross&*"
Desc		= ^
You stand beneath a huge cross wondering the reason of its' presence. It 
looks like it has been here more than thousand years - long before anyone 
knew anything of the Christian faith. From some strange markings on its' base 
you draw the conclusion that there might be one more cross like this 
somewhere in the town (what a detective!).
EndLocation	= "Anc20"

Location	= "Anc21"
North		= Anc23@ancient
East		= Anc31@ancient
South		= Anc20@ancient
West		= Anc22@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WCalle de los Muertos&*"
Desc		= ^
The street continues further north where the shape of the huge moon 
pyramid breaks the horizon. To the east you see a massive building made 
of clay and stones rising up to the skies before you. At this very moment 
the greatness of this ancient culture fills your mind and you can't help 
looking at this breathtaking view while holding your breath. You shake your
head and draw your mind back to reality. To the west you notice a small house.
EndLocation	= "Anc21"

Location	= "Anc22"
East		= Anc21@ancient
Title		= "&+WEmbalming Chamber&*"
Desc		= ^
You have stepped into a small chamber, though you can't figure out the 
purpose of its' being. You see piles of used bandages in the corner and a 
couple of big pots made of clay placed near the northern wall. There's a 
stone platform in the middle of the room. This might have been some kind 
of a hospital or something. You hear a loud crack!
EndLocation	= "Anc22"

Location	= "Anc23"
North		= Anc24@ancient
South		= Anc21@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WCalle de los Muertos&*"
Desc		= ^
You leave the huge sun pyramid behind your back and head to the at least 
as big moon pyramid to the north. The pyramid's mighty figure rises up to 
the northern sky hiding the big emmental behind its' shape. You still 
have a long walk to do to reach the pyramid. The street leads north and south.
EndLocation	= "Anc23"

Location	= "Anc24"
North		= Anc25@ancient
South		= Anc23@ancient
West		= Mountain_5@Mountain
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WCalle de los Muertos&*"
Desc		= ^
The closer you get, the bigger it becomes. Before the pyramid you see a 
large square surrounded by several little houses and other buildings. The 
square seems to be worth a closer look with its' carved monoliths and 
boulders, but the pyramid, dominating the view, steals that privilege to 
EndLocation	= "Anc24"

Location	= "Anc25"
North		= Anc28@ancient
East		= Anc26@ancient
South		= Anc24@ancient
West		= Anc27@ancient
Up		= Anc28@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WLarge Square&*"
Desc		= ^
You have arrived at a large square. In the middle you see three twenty 
foot long monoliths around a small stone table guarding it from intruders.
To the north a stony stairway leads up the side of the moon pyramid. 
To the east and west there are several small buildings and the street leads
southwards back to where you came from.
EndLocation	= "Anc25"

Location	= "Anc26"
West		= Anc25@ancient
Title		= "&+WThe Observatory&*"
Desc		= ^
This small round shaped building has several little windows in all 
directions. The walls are covered with paintings and markings that leave 
you in ignorance of the higher sciences of the people who used to reign 
this ancient city. You understand, though, that this building has been 
used for observing the planets and stars. The planet Venus, seems to have 
had some significance to these people - maybe as a God or something like
EndLocation	= "Anc26"

Location	= "Anc27"
East		= Anc25@ancient
Title		= "&+WAncient Armoury&*"
Desc		= ^
This little armoury is a good example of the extraordinary architecture 
of this town. Because of the excellent construction, the building is still in 
rather good condition. Several little things have been left on the table 
and the shelves. You examine the room carefully without finding any other 
exits except the one to the east.
EndLocation	= "Anc27"

Location	= "Anc28"
North		= Anc29@ancient
South		= Anc25@ancient
Up		= Anc29@ancient
Down		= Anc25@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WStairway to the Moon&*"
Desc		= ^
A wide stairway paved with stone leads steeply upwards to the top of the 
moon pyramid. The moons shines brightly behind the top of the pyramid 
its' light climbing up the side of this huge building like a snake 
pursuing its' prey. 
EndLocation	= "Anc28"

Location	= "Anc29"
North		= Anc30@ancient
South		= Anc28@ancient
Up		= Anc30@ancient
Down		= Anc28@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WStairway to the Moon&*"
Desc		= ^
The stairs seem endless and you are breathing heavily, wishing you were 
in better condition. You glance up and it almost looks like you were much 
closer to the moon than just a moment ago. You wipe away the sweat on 
your forehead and keep climbing up the stairs.
EndLocation	= "Anc29"

Location	= "Anc30"
North		= Anc37@ancient
South		= Anc29@ancient
Down		= Anc29@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WTop of the Moon Pyramid&*"
Desc		= ^
You finally reach the top of the pyramid, understanding now the purpose of 
the physical training your friends used to keep in good condition. 
Before you, the moon shines brightly, appearing to be a gigantic wheel of
cheese.  You can imagine yourself taking a few steps ahead and grabbing a 
slice of that great big cheese. Before you on the floor there is a big cross-
shaped figure. The carvings on the stone floor are telling tales about secret
halls of ancient kings and holy men.  You wonder where these mighty halls
might be located, and you think that the cross has something to do with it.
EndLocation	= "Anc30"

Location	= "Anc31"
East		= ^Hole_Anc31@ancient
West		= Anc21@ancient
Up		= Anc32@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WBefore the Sun Pyramid&*"
Desc		= ^
You are standing in front of a large green opening. The sun casts it last
faint rays to the side of the sun pyramid. It gives an impression of a snake 
climbing down from the top of the pyramid
EndLocation	= "Anc31"

Location	= "Anc32"
East		= Anc33@ancient
Up		= Anc34@ancient
Down		= Anc31@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WStairway to the Sun&*"
Desc		= ^
You stand half-way to the top of the pyramid. The rising sun casts its' 
rays in your eyes making you half blind. It spreads its' mighty power over 
the land and its' warmth gives you the strength needed to do the rest of 
the climb. In front of you, there's a wide doorway leading inside the 
pyramid. The stairway leads up and down.
EndLocation	= "Anc32"

Location	= "Anc33"
West		= Anc32@ancient
Title		= "&+WInside the Sun Pyramid&*"
Desc		= ^
A big stone block separates the ceiling from the floor looking anything 
but steady. Seems that the ancient architects never learned to construct
vaults even though they had the skill to build these great monuments. 
This wide, but rather low room has obviously served as some kind of a storage
room since there are several clay pots near the back wall.  
EndLocation	= "Anc33"

Location	= "Anc34"
Up		= Anc35@ancient
Down		= Anc32@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WStairway to the Sun&*"
Desc		= ^
Up you go and you feel the endless strength of the sun making your climb 
to the top easier. You feel like a new-born child as you go up the last 
steps. Suddenly you notice that the sun has risen high up to the sky. 
The time seems to have lost its' significance to you.  
EndLocation	= "Anc34"

Location	= "Anc35"
East		= Anc36@ancient
Down		= Anc34@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WTop of the Sun Pyramid&*"
Desc		= ^
You are standing on the top of the pyramid the sun shining brightly into your
face. Right before you there is a small altar probably made for sacrificing 
young virgins to the sun God.  You might feel a great relief that you are no 
longer a virgin, but just simply another, run of the mill, filthy foul-
mouthed wanderer.
EndLocation	= "Anc35"

Location	= "Anc36"
West		= Anc35@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WBefore the Sun&*"
Desc		= ^
The brightness of the sun forces you to cover your eyes. Your skin 
feels like burning, but you keep feeling your way through the heat. Suddenly 
you feel something laying down on the floor and start wondering about what 
you have found.
EndLocation	= "Anc36"

Location	= "Anc37"
South		= Anc30@ancient
Title		= "&+WBefore the Moon&*"
Desc		= ^
You cautiously take some steps ahead and stand right before the moon. 
As you examine it more closely you suddenly start feeling a strange
desire for dairy products. My, this great heavenly body really is one 
big Emmental cheese. Maybe you could cut a piece or two of it. 
EndLocation	= "Anc37"

Location	= "Anc38"
East		= Anc39@ancient
West		= ^Hole_Anc38@ancient
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WDamp Passage&*"
Desc		= ^
The ground has given way in the rain uncovering a passage leading east
into the darkness. You slide down the wet sand to the beginning of the
EndLocation	= "Anc38"

Location	= "Anc39"
East		= Anc40@ancient
South		= Anc42@ancient
West		= Anc38@ancient
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WMoist Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
You have discovered a moist dark passageway that disappears under the 
great sun pyramid. The air inside this narrow tunnel is stuffy and you
seriously consider whether you should go further or not. The tunnel 
continues to the east. To the south you see a narrow crack which makes 
you once again think about losing weight to make it easier to move 
between those rugged stone walls.
EndLocation	= "Anc39"

Location	= "Anc40"
North		= Anc45@ancient
East		= Anc41@ancient
West		= Anc39@ancient
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WMoist Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
The passageway leads further to the east and widens in the distance to 
some kind of cavern. You notice that the floor has become wet and you 
regret putting on sandals instead of the boots you had on when comming into
this hot part of the world. The water on the floor seems to come from the
cavern. To the north you see a low side tunnel.
EndLocation	= "Anc40"

Location	= "Anc41"
West		= Anc40@ancient
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WThe Fountain Cave&*"
Desc		= ^
You enter a round walled chamber which has a fountain gurgling in the center.
The water flows out to the direction where you came from. On the back wall 
there are carvings on the stone. The walls block your way to any other 
direction, but west.
EndLocation	= "Anc41"

Location	= "Anc42"
North		= Anc39@ancient
South		= Anc43@ancient
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WSouthern Side Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
The tunnel is widening as you move further to the south and seems to end
in a small chamber just a few yards before you. The walls are glistening
in the dim light coming from your torch. It looks like the rock around you
would consist of various valuable minerals. Despite this splendid sight 
you feel quite uncomfortable and start feeling dizzy for some reason.
EndLocation	= "Anc42"

Location	= "Anc43"
North		= Anc43@ancient
East		= Anc43@ancient
South		= Anc43@ancient
West		= Anc43@ancient
LFlags		= Dark, NoMagic, SoundProof
Title		= "&+WRoom of the Lost Hope&*"
Desc		= ^
You see pieces of old bleached bones covering the ground. Hundreds of 
cockroaches have occupied a skeleton of some poor adventurer in the corner.
Even though this is a miserable sight you are still wondering, why is this 
place called the room of the lost hope...
EndLocation	= "Anc43"

Location	= "Anc45"
North		= Anc46@ancient
South		= Anc40@ancient
LFlags		= NoMobiles
Title		= "&+WNorthern Side Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
Suddenly you notice that you no longer need a torch, because the walls of 
this cave are emitting dim light. The light turns brighter as you walk 
north along the cave.
EndLocation	= "Anc45"

Location	= "Anc46"
North		= Anc47@ancient
South		= Anc45@ancient
Title		= "&+WThe Edge of Downtown&*"
Desc		= ^
As you walk further the walls turn smooth and the floor is covered with
complicated and extremely beautiful ornaments. The ornaments are surrounding 
a long series of small pictures that seem to tell tales about this town's 
history. The story begins with a flourishing dynasty and an emperor who 
ruled the surrounding plains. To find out more you have to walk further 
to a large underground hall to the north. You notice that you still can 
turn back to the south.
EndLocation	= "Anc46"

Location	= "Anc47"
North		= Anc49@ancient
East		= Anc52@ancient
South		= Anc46@ancient
West		= Anc48@ancient
Down		= Anc55@ancient
Title		= "&+WThe Square of the Souls Forgotten&*"
Desc		= ^
The story of the pictures goes on as you enter a large hall that has exits 
to all directions. You find out that, not long before the town above you was
abandoned, the astronomers found a new bright star in the sky. The star
was thought to be a sign of destruction coming to the town. You can see 
more of these pictures leading to each direction.
EndLocation	= "Anc47"

Location	= "Anc48"
East		= Anc47@ancient
Title		= "&+WThe Hall of the Servants&*"
Desc		= ^
You step into a less decorated room that is obviously meant to be the 
servants' accomodation. There's a table before the back wall and a lamp 
brings light into this otherwise dim chamber. By studying the pictures on 
the floor, you find out that most of the slaves and servants were killed
when the upper class moved down underground. The ghosts of these poor people
still wander these lands of blood. To prevent the ghosts from entering
the underground town many guardians have been placed at the entrance.
The only exit is to the east.
EndLocation	= "Anc48"

Location	= "Anc49"
North		= Anc50@ancient
South		= Anc47@ancient
Title		= "&+WThe Hall of the Sun God&*"
Desc		= ^
You feel strong magical powers surrounding you as you enter this room. 
The story tells that there was a disc of the mighty Sun God originally 
placed on top of the huge sun pyramid by the sun God himself. After the 
messages about the destruction were received, the priests had a holy 
stone and a feather of the sacred Quetzalbird, brought from a hermit 
living at the Tropic of Cancer to move this holy item. 
Passages lead north and south.
EndLocation	= "Anc49"

Location	= "Anc50"
South		= Anc49@ancient
Title		= "&+WThe Emperor's Audience Room&*"
Desc		= ^
The power of the sun is burning your heart, but you bravely step ahead 
finding yourself in a large hall made for the emperor of this forgotten 
town. The emperor is believed to be the son of the sun God and you have
obviously put your nose into the wrong place. Escape way is back south.
EndLocation	= "Anc50"

Location	= "Anc51"
South		= Anc52@ancient
Title		= "&+WThe Warlord's Living Quarters&*"
Desc		= ^
You enter a chamber decorated with paintings of great wars on the walls. 
The warlord earned his eternal home by guarding the city from the mountain 
tribes living south of the city. He also saved the emperor from assasins 
who tried to take his life, after the priests had predicted the devastation.
The only exit is to the south.
EndLocation	= "Anc51"

Location	= "Anc52"
North		= Anc51@ancient
East		= Anc53@ancient
South		= Anc54@ancient
West		= Anc47@ancient
Title		= "&+WThe Hall of the Lords&*"
Desc		= ^
This is a small entrance hall which leads to the rooms of the upper class. 
Some of the tales show how the son of the sun God let some of his most 
faithful subjects follow him to this desperate escape from the destruction. 
There are doorways in every direction.
EndLocation	= "Anc52"

Location	= "Anc53"
West		= Anc52@ancient
Title		= "&+WThe Chief Astronomer's Residence&*"
Desc		= ^
The emperors' chief astronomer walks these underground caverns. She was the
first one to notice the signs of destruction on the sky years ago. 
Signs of her wisdom and skill can still be found in the deserted town. 
There are calendars and large astronomical maps covering the walls. 
Surprisingly you find your birthday on the calendar - and the day of your 
death! The only way out is to the west.
EndLocation	= "Anc53"

Location	= "Anc54"
North		= Anc52@ancient
Title		= "&+WThe Priest's Accommodation&*"
Desc		= ^
Saying your prayers every night before you go to bed seems to pay. The walls 
of the room you just entered are covered with silver reflecting the expensive
tastes of the priest living here. The room has no natural light, but two 
burning torches on the south wall are bringing light over the place. The 
exit is to the north.
EndLocation	= "Anc54"

Location	= "Anc55"
Up		= Anc47@ancient
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WThe Rattler's Treasury&*"
Desc		= ^
The natives might like snakes and even worship them, but the snake living 
in this dim cellar doesn't much like you. Its' presence reminds you about
your mortality and makes you consider whether to leave at once or try to
slay that rattling thing before you. You suddenly notice that the floor
is covered with gold items and your natural greed makes you consider the
the matter even harder. The snake, however, is guarding these valuables so
you can't just take them and leave. It might already be too late to escape
back up.
EndLocation	= "Anc55"

Location	= "Anc56"
Down		= Anc57@ancient
LFlags		= Cold
Title		= "&+WPluto&*"
Desc		= ^
Now what?! You suddenly find yourself in a world totally different from where
you were. This desolate cold planet, however, makes you feel strange peace
of mind and freedom you never had on Earth.
Below you, you feel there's a cave.
EndLocation	= "Anc56"

Location	= "Anc57"
South		= Anc59@ancient
East		= Anc60@ancient
West		= Anc58@ancient
Up		= Anc56@ancient
LFlags		= Cold
Title		= "&+WThe Hall&*"
Desc		= ^
You climb down the stairs and come into a hall which has exits west, south,
up and down. The hall itself has no furniture, but the floor is so soft that 
you could actually sleep on it. The ceiling is emitting blue light and the 
walls are covered with somewhat extraordinary pictures about the history
of spacetravels. 
EndLocation	= "Anc57"

Location	= "Anc58"
East		= Anc57@ancient
LFlags		= Cold, Peaceful, NoMagic
Title		= "&+WLibrary&*"
Desc		= ^
The wisdom of the universe has been collected on the shelves of this room 
in the form of old books, written centuries ago by wizards and mages who 
reigned these, now so desolated lands. The books have been written in some 
unknown language so you can't share the wisdom with those wizards who died
a long time ago. The owner of the books, however, seems not to have this
problem for the books look as if they have been read through thousands of
times during the preceding centuries.
EndLocation	= "Anc58"

Location	= "Anc59"
North		= Anc57@ancient
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONMISC:
     if (param_s.misc == VERB_MEDITATE)
     {  if (oarmor (OBJ_ANCIENT_LBOOK) == 0)
	   bprintf ("You &+bmeditate&*, but nothing seems to happen.\n");
	   bprintf ("&+RYou are teleported!&*\n\n\n");
	   trapch (LOC_ANCIENT_ANC35);
           param_s.ret = -1;
   default: break;
LFlags		= Cold, NoMagic, NoMobiles, NoSummon, Peaceful, Soundproof, OnePerson
Title		= "&+WMeditation Room&*"
Desc		= ^
Faint light coming from the ceiling allows you to see that there's absolutely 
nothing in this room. It is probably made for finding enlightment by 

You assume the lotus position.
You start chanting your mantra.
EndLocation	= "Anc59"

Location	= "Anc60"
West		= Anc57@ancient
LFlags		= Cold
Title		= "&+WEmpty Room&*"
Desc		= ^
You have entered an empty room.
EndLocation	= "Anc60"