 ** Another try of me to make a nice Zone
 ** ZoneName: TheNewWorld
 ** ZoneAuth: Marty
 ** Copyright: 1996 Marty, although it isn't possible to have a secure
 **            copyright with aber zones, I strongly hope you will not use
 **            this zone without prior permission from me.
#include "undef.h"
#include "exits.h"
#include "special.h"

Zone		= TheNewWorld
Author		= "Marty"


char *tofloor1names[] = { "Level 1", "Level 1", "" };
char *tofloor2names[] = { "Level 2", "Level 2", ""};
char *tofloor3names[] = { "Level 3", "Level 3", ""};

EndZone		= TheNewWorld

Mobile       = Baker
Location	= MuirBakery@TheNewWorld
Strength   = 90
Damage     = 10
Aggression = 0
Speed      = 0
Wimpy      = 10
MFlags		= GrabHostile
Desc	= "The baker stands behind his counter, waiting for another paying customer." 
Examine    = "
The Baker says 'How may I be of service to you?'"
EndMobile        = Baker

Mobile       = Bartender
Name	= "Mechail"
Location	= Stable@TheNewWorld
Strength   = 100
Damage     = 80
Aggression = 0
Speed      = 0
Desc	= "Mechail the bartender is standing behind the bar waiting for orders."
EndMobile        = Bartender

Mobile       = Drunk
Location	= MuirVilRoad1@TheNewWorld
Strength   = 80
Damage     = 6
Speed      = 2
Wimpy      = 10
Desc	= "A drunk wanderer is standing here."
PFlags		= NoHassle
EndMobile        = Drunk

Mobile       = Farmer
Location	= MuirVilRoad1@TheNewWorld
Strength   = 90
Damage     = 8
Aggression = 0
Speed      = 3
Wimpy      = 10
MFlags		= PickStuff
Desc	= "A local farmer is viewing the meadows."
Examine    = "
A middle aged Farmer, not very strong, but tough from all the hard work on
the fields."
EndMobile        = Farmer

Mobile       = LogLady
Name	= "Jasha"
Location	= Cabin@TheNewWorld
MFlags		= NoSteal
PFlags		= NoHassle, NoSteal
SFlags		= Female
Strength   = 100
Damage     = 8
Aggression = 0
Speed      = 0
Desc	= "A small young lady named Jasha is working here."
Examine    = "
Jasha is a small slender lady with a small face and large blue eyes. She's
cleaning the cabin at the moment. She looks quite lonely."
Trap		= all
  if (event == E_ONGIVE)
  {   if (param_s.ob == OBJ_THENEWWORLD_FLOWERS && (plev(THIS_PLAYER) = LVL_APPREN))
      {   bprintf("Jasha thanks you for the flowers.\n"
                  "Jasha says &+C'Here accept this amulet as gift'\n"
                  "Jasha says &+C'If you rub it, it will bring you to the sacred place on the hill.'&*\n");
EndMobile        = LogLady

Mobile       = Sheep
Location	= Lake@TheNewWorld
Strength   = 40
Damage     = 4
Aggression = 0
Speed      = 0
Desc	= "A sheep is drinking from the lake water."
EndMobile        = sheep

Object     = Amulet
Location	= WORN_BY:LogLady@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= Wearable, WearOnNeck, NoGet, MagicLit, Lightable
State    = 0
MaxState = 0
Damage   = 5
BaseValue   = 200
Desc0  = "A small golden amulet has been left here"
Examine  = "
A small golden amulet attached to a finely grafted necklace."
Trap		= all
  if (event == E_ONACTION && EQ(param_s.buf,"rub"))
  {  if (odamage(param_s.ob) > 0)
     {  bprintf("As you rub the amulet you are suddenly surrounded by a thick black smoke.\n"
                "You try to get away but it's too late, you can't escape.\n"
                "After a while the smoke dissappears and you find yourself in different\n"
                 "%s suddenly dissappears in a thick black cloud.\n",pname(mynum));
                 "%s suddenly appears out of a thick black smoke.\n",pname(mynum));
        if (odamage(param_s.ob) == 0)
        {   oclrbit(param_s.ob,OFL_MAGICLIT);
            bprintf("You feel the magic flowing out of the amulet.\n");
        bprintf("The magic of the amulet seems to have worn off.\n");
     param_s.ret = ACT_RET_GOOD;
EndObject      = Amulet

Object     = Bed
Location	= IN_ROOM:Cabin@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine  = "
A soft bed with some soft sheets."
EndObject      = Bed

Object      = Bread
OFlags		= Food
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:DisplayCounter@TheNewWorld
State     = 0
MaxState  = 0
BaseValue    = 20
Size      = 2
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A delicious loaf of bread lies here on the ground."
Examine   = "
That should taste good."
EndObject       = Bread

Object      = ButtonUp
Name	= "button"
Altname	= "up"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Elevator@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0   = "You can see a button marked 'up' here."
Trap		= all
   AT_REC *p;

   switch (event) {
   case E_ONPUSH:
       if (p == NULL)
       {  bprintf("NULL\n");
       if (p->state == Moving)
       {  bprintf("It won't respond.\n");
       if (state(ELEVATORST) == 0)
       {  bprintf("You're already at the top floor.\n");
       {  if (state(ELEVATORST) == 1)
          {  replace_ports(ELE_LOC,tofloor1locs, tofloor1names);
          {  replace_ports(ELE_LOC,tofloor2locs, tofloor2names);
   default: break;
EndObject       = ButtonUp

Object      = beer
Name	= "beer"
Location	= IN_ROOM:MuirBakery@TheNewWorld
Desc0   = "A bottle of the finest beer has been left here."
OFlags		= Booze
BaseValue    = 30
Size      = 2
EndObject       = beer

Object      = ButtonDown
Name	= "button"
Altname	= "Down"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Elevator@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0   = "Besides the up button you can see a button marked 'down'."
Trap		= all
   AT_REC *p;

   switch (event){
   case E_ONPUSH:
       p = find_AT(ELE_LOC);
       if (p == NULL)
       if (p->state == Moving)
       {  bprintf("It won't respond.\n");
       if (state(ELEVATORST) == 2)
       {  bprintf("You're already at the bottem floor.\n");
       {  if (state(ELEVATORST) == 1)
          {  replace_ports(ELE_LOC,tofloor3locs, tofloor3names);
          {   replace_ports(ELE_LOC,tofloor2locs, tofloor2names);
   default: break;
EndObject       = Buttondown

Object     = Cupboard
Location	= IN_ROOM:Cabin@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine  = "
A small cupboard with some plates and cups, nothing of interest."
EndObject      = Cupboard

Object     = DisplayCounter
Name	= "Counter"
OFlags		= Container, NoGet
Location	= IN_ROOM:MuirBakery@TheNewWorld
State    = 0
MaxState = 0
Desc0  = "A large display counter covers most of the space."
Examine  = "
A large display counter with various types of bread that are sold here."
EndObject      = DisplayCounter

Object     = Fire
Location	= IN_ROOM:Cabin@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= NoGet, Lit
Examine  = " 
A nice warm fire."
EndObject      = Fire

Object     = flowers
OFlags		= Food, GetFlips, NoMobGet
State    = 1
Maxstate = 1
BaseValue   = 10
Desc0  = "A small bouquet of flowers has been left here."
Desc1  = "Some nice smelling flowers grow on the side of the path."
Examine  = "
A nicely organised group of flowers."
Location	= IN_ROOM:MuirVilroad1@TheNewWorld
EndObject      = flowers

Object     = Grave
Location	= IN_ROOM:BeforeLogCabin@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine  = "
At the head end of the grave a small wooden plank is fastened on a small
wooden stick. The grave is nameless."
EndObject      = Grave

Object     = HarborSign
Name	= "sign"
Location	= IN_ROOM:HarborEntrance@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= NoGet
Trap		= all
  if (event == E_ONEXAMINE)
  {  time_t t;

     /* Print header */
          "|             ISLAND FERRY SERVICES             |\n"
          "|  Your daily ticket to the rest of the world!  |\n"
          "|                                               |\n"
          "| Boat         Arrival time       Destination   |\n"
          "| --------------------------------------------- |\n");

     /* Request time */

     /* -1 means the at is stranded */
     if (t == -1)
         bprintf("| GodenDottir  - Cancelled -                  |\n");
     /* -2 means the at is boarding at the requested location*/
     else if (t < -1)
          bprintf("| GodenDottir  Boarding           Village Jetty  |\n"); 
          bprintf("| GodenDottir  in %-2ld minute(s)    Village Jetty |\n", (t / 30));

EndObject      = HarborSign

Object     = InnSign
Name	= "sign"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Mansion@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0  = "A large sign has been placed on the front door of the mansion."
Examine  = "
Federation of Islands:


Due to a heavy storm this building has been declared unsafe for occupation.
Please do not enter.
EndObject      = InnSign

Object     = JettySign
Name	= "sign"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Jetty@village
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0  = "A sign stands here with the departure times of the ferry."
Trap		= all
  if (event == E_ONEXAMINE)
  {  time_t t;

     /* Print header */
          "|             ISLAND FERRY SERVICES             |\n"
          "|  Your daily ticket to the rest of the world!  |\n"
          "|                                               |\n"
          "| Boat         Arrival time       Destination   |\n"
          "| --------------------------------------------- |\n");

     /* Request time */

     /* -1 means the at is stranded */
     if (t == -1)
         bprintf("| GodenDottir  - Cancelled -                  |\n");
     /* -2 means the at is boarding at the requested location*/
     else if (t < -1)
          bprintf("| GodenDottir  Boarding           Malau Island  |\n"); 
          bprintf("| GodenDottir  in %-2ld minute(s)    Malau Island  |\n", (t / 30));

EndObject      = jettySign

Object     = stone
Location	= IN_ROOM:Entrypoint@start
Altname	= "Woodpile"
OFlags		= NoGet
State    = 0
Maxstate = 2
Desc1  = "A large woodpile has been placed on the stone."
Desc2  = "A large fire burns in the woodpile on the stone."
EndObject      = stone

Object      = TIGBook
Name	= "Book"
Altname	= "Guide"
Location	= IN_ROOM:MuirBakery@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= NoGet
State     = 0
Maxstate  = 0
Desc0   = "A thick book rests on a reading desk in the Tourist Information Centre."
Examine   = "

The history of Muir dates back to the old days that Darkness ruled the world.
In those times Satan used this place as a sanctuary for his loyal servents.
Because of this, the island has never been very populair with many humans.

At the end of the Age of Satan, the best magicians and warriors were able to
capture Satan and exiled him to the Moon. This was done by a secret ritual 
in which magic was used to hold Satan in control. It is said that The actual
ceremony that transported The spirit of Satan to the moon, was done at the
stone circles at the top of the hill, that is the centre of this island.

The myth also tells that the spirit of Satan still influences people who are
continuously in a drunken state. It also says that the magicians made sure
that people could travel to the moon when the spirit would gain control again,
to slay it once more.
EndObject       = TIGBook

/* Remeber on which floor we are. */
Object      = ElevatorState
Location	= IN_ROOM:Elevator@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= NoGet
State     = 3
Maxstate  = 3
EndObject       = ElevatorState

 ** Begin Doors section
Object     = CabinInDoor
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Cabin@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= NoGet, Openable
Linked   = CabinOutDoor
State    = 1
Maxstate = 1
Desc0  = "The cabin door is open."
Desc1  = "The cabin door is closed."
EndObject      = CabinInDoor

Object     = CabinOutDoor
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:BeforeLogCabin@TheNewWorld
OFlags		= NoGet, Openable
Linked   = CabinInDoor
State    = 1
Maxstate = 1
Desc0  = "The door outside is open."
Desc1  = "The door outside is closed."
EndObject      = CabinOutDoor

Object     = PlanksStable
Name	= "planks"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Stable@TheNewWorld
Linked   = PlanksPassage
OFlags		= NoGet
State    = 1
MaxState = 1
Desc0  = "Some planks have been moved aside showing a passage down."
Examine  = "
Some loosely secured planks. Its too dark to see whats beneath it."
Trap		= all
  switch (event) {
  case E_ONPUSH:
      {  bprintf("You shift the planks aside and reveal a secret exit.\n");
         if (alive(MOB_THENEWWORLD_BARTENDER+max_players) != -1)
         {  bprintf("Michail nods at you in agreement.\n");
      } else 
      {  bprintf("You place the planks over the secret exit.\n");
  default: break;
EndObject      = PlanksStable

Object     = PlanksPassage
Name	= "Planks"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Passage@TheNewWorld
Linked   = PlanksStable
OFlags		= NoGet, PushToggle
State    = 1
MaxState = 1
Desc0  = "The planks have been moved aside showing an exit out."
Desc1  = "The planks have been placed over the exit."
EndObject      = PlanksPassage


Location	= "SteepPath"
East		= ForestEdge@TheNewWorld
Up		= entrypoint@start
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WSteep Path&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are on a small rocky path leading down the side of the hill. It winds
its way down the hillside towards the eastern part of the island, where it
disappears in a small forest.
EndLocation	= "SteepPath"

Location	= "ForestEdge"
North		= NorthPath1@TheNewWorld
East		= InForest@TheNewWorld
West		= SteepPath@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WForest Edge&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing at the edge of the forest. To the west a path leads up to
the hilltop. The large boulders on the top of the hill are clearly visible
from this point.
   You also notice a small narrow path that leads to the north following the
forest edge.
EndLocation	= "ForestEdge"

Location	= "InForest"
West		= ForestEdge@TheNewWorld
East		= InForest2@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WIn The Forest&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are strolling through the small forest that covers tha eastern part of
the island. The nature is full of life. You can hear various birds singing,
and see some wildlife you have never seen this close up. The path you follow
continues in the east-west direction.
   To the south west you can see a lumber yard.
EndLocation	= "InForest"

Location	= "InForest2"
West		= InForest@TheNewWorld
East		= BeforeLogCabin@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WIn The Forest&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are still in the forest. From here you can hear the waves crash onto
the island shore. To the east you can see a small smoke plume reaching
through the tree tops. The path continues to the east and west from here.
EndLocation	= "InForest2"

Location	= "BeforeLogCabin"
West		= InForest2@TheNewWorld
North		= ^CabinOutDoor@TheNewWorld
East		= Shore@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WBefore the LogCabin&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing before a small log cabin. A few feet to the east you can
see the sea shore through the trees. A well filled woodrack stands near the
entrance of the cabin. A small porch gives protection against rain and wind.
You can see a small smoke plume coming out of the chimney. 
   The cabin looks out over a small grassfield. At the edge of the
grassfield you can see a small grave.
EndLocation	= "BeforeLogCabin"

Location	= "Cabin"
South		= ^CabinInDoor@TheNewWorld
Title		= "&+WInside The Log Cabin&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing inside the log cabin. The cabin looks cosy and feels
warm. A small fireplace provides some light and warmth that fills the whole
   On the right side of the cabin is a small cooking stove and some
cupboards. In the middle of the room stands a table with a couple of chairs,
while to the right you can see a nice large bed.
EndLocation	= "Cabin"

Location	= "Shore"
West		= BeforeLogCabin@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WThe Rocky Shore&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing on the rocky shore on the eastern side of the island. To
the west you can see a small log cabin between the trees. Sharp edged
rocks block your way north and south of here. The waves crash onto the shore
with great force.
EndLocation	= "Shore"

Location	= "NorthPath1"
South		= ForestEdge@TheNewWorld
North		= NorthPath2@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WFollowing the Forest Edge&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are following a path at the forest edge towards the north. The path 
stays at the bottom of the hill. Although the path is vague you can still
make out that the path continues to the north.
EndLocation	= "NorthPath1"

Location	= "NorthPath2"
South		= NorthPath1@TheNewWorld
North		= NorthPath3@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WOn the Path&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are on a vague path that continues to the north and south of here. On
the west side a large meadow covers this side of the hill on the middle of
the island. At the top you can see some large boulders. Further to the south
you can see that the path approaches the edge of a dense forest.
   To the north you can the path becomes clearer and you can make out a
small crossing further to the north.
EndLocation	= "NorthPath2"

Location	= "NorthPath3"
South		= NorthPath2@TheNewWorld
North		= MuirVilRoad1@TheNewWorld
West		= WestPath1@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WOn a path&*"
Desc		= ^
   You keep following the path until you reach the crossing. To the west a
well maintained path leads towards the western end of the island. To the
north you can see the entrance of a harbor. A vague path continues to the
south of here.
EndLocation	= "NorthPath3"

Location	= "WestPath1"
East		= NorthPath3@TheNewWorld
West		= WestPath2@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WOn a path&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are on a path that curves along the hill towards the western side of
the island. To the northeast you can see the harbor. The path is surrounded
by a large meadow and it continues to the east and west.
EndLocation	= "WestPath1"

Location	= "WestPath2"
East		= WestPath1@TheNewWorld
West		= WestPath3@TheNewWorld
South		= Lake@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WOn a path&*"
Desc		= ^
   You keep on following the path until you reach a small lake in a
depression on the side of the hill. A small path leads to the edge of the
lake that is surrounded by small trees and various other vegetation.
EndLocation	= "WestPath2"

Location	= "Lake"
North		= WestPath2@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WAt the edge of the lake&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing at the edge of the shallow lake. It must have been
filled by one of the last rains, since you can't find any other natural
source around here. The water is cool and refreshing.
EndLocation	= "Lake"

Location	= "Westpath3"
West		= Mansion@TheNewWorld
East		= WestPath2@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WOn a path&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are on a well maintained path that leads towards the western part of
the island. To the west you can see an old mansion, while to the east you
can see a small lake and meadows for as far as you can see. Behind the lake
you can see the steep hillside of the hill that lies in the middle of the 
   A brisk sea wind brings in some cold air.
EndLocation	= "Westpath3"

Location	= "Mansion"
East		= WestPath3@TheNewWorld
South		= Stable@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= OutDoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WEntrance of Manau Inn&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are at the entrance of what used to be the Manau Inn. Half of the
building has collapsed and the other half is barely standing up. The porch
of the building is still standing though, and so is the stable at the side
of the house. 
EndLocation	= "Mansion"

Location	= "Stable"
North		= Mansion@TheNewWorld
Down		= ^PlanksStable@TheNewWorld
Title		= "&+WThe Manau Island Stable&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in the stable of the Manau Inn. It seems the Inn has moved to the
stable after the storm struck. A small bar has been made of some wood and
barrels. Some of the stables have been converted to provide an improvised
sleeping room for the paying guests. 
   The floor of the tap-room has been covered by wooden planks to beautify
the room. Although its all very primitive it still has a nice ambience.
EndLocation	= "Stable"

Location	= "Passage"
Up		= ^PlanksPassage@TheNewWorld
North		= Elevator1@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WA Secret Passage&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a secret passage that leads up into the Manau Inn
Stable, and leads north into a large underground cavern. Small steps have
been cut out of the rocks to make the descent a little easier for older
EndLocation	= "Passage"

Location	= "Elevator1"
South		= Passage@TheNewWorld
Title		= "&+WThe Cavern&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a rather large cavern. The walls of the cave are hard
and moist. Small puddles of water lie here and there on the ground. The
whole place is lit by a few small torches high upon the walls. One torch
hangs a bit lower and seems to light a door or something. 
   A Small path to the south has been worn out by people walking.
EndLocation	= "Elevator1"

Location	= "Elevator2"
South		= Passage@TheNewWorld
Title		= "&+WThe Cavern 2&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a rather large cavern. The walls of the cave are hard
and moist. Small puddles of water lie here and there on the ground. The
whole place is lit by a few small torches high upon the walls. One torch
hangs a bit lower and seems to light a door or something. 
   A Small path to the south has been worn out by people walking.
EndLocation	= "Elevator2"

Location	= "Elevator3"
South		= Passage@TheNewWorld
Title		= "&+WThe Cavern 3&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a rather large cavern. The walls of the cave are hard
and moist. Small puddles of water lie here and there on the ground. The
whole place is lit by a few small torches high upon the walls. One torch
hangs a bit lower and seems to light a door or something. 
   A Small path to the south has been worn out by people walking.
EndLocation	= "Elevator3"

Location	= "Elevator"
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONINIT:
			"The Elevator keeps on moving in a steady pace.\n",
			"The doors open as the elevator stops moving.\n",
			"The doors open.\n",
			"The doors close and the elevator starts to move.\n",
			"The doors close.\n",
   default: break;
Title		= "&+WInside the Elevator&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are inside an elevator. The floor of the elevator is furnished with a
soft red carpet. The ceilings are made of the best type of wood you have
ever seen.
EndLocation	= "Elevator"

 ** Ship's piers.
 ** Pier1: Pier where the ship to the main island lands..
 ** Pier2: Pier where the ship to the other islands stops.
Location	= "HarborEntrance"
West		= Pier1@TheNewWorld
East		= Pier2@TheNewWorld
South		= Guardpost@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= NoMobiles
Title		= "&+WThe Harbor&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are at the entrance of the main harbor of this island. There are two
large piers here where the ferries to the other islands stop. On the western 
pier lands The Godendottir, to the eastern pier lands The Stormer.
   A sign shows the departure times of both ships.
EndLocation	= "HarborEntrance"

Location	= "Pier1"
East		= HarborEntrance@TheNewWorld
Title		= "&+WWestern Pier&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing on the most western pier. The pier is about 100 feet
long and is made of wood and rocks. The pier is also meant to break big
waves when storms set in. To the east you can see the eastern pier.
EndLocation	= "Pier1"

Location	= "Pier2"
West		= HarborEntrance@TheNewWorld
Title		= "&+WEastern Pier&*"
Desc		= ^
  You are standing on the eastern pier. This is the landing place of the
Stormer which provides a regular transport between this island and the
island Muir. The pier is not as long as the western pier, but still reaches
far into the sea.
EndLocation	= "Pier2"

/* The Ships, Exits are attached at regular intervals by the code */

Location	= "GodenDottir"
North		= GodenCabin@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WOn the Godendottir&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are on board of the Godendottir. Its a fairly large ship, with a
spacey cabin, which allows shelter in when there is rain. The large two
masts allow this ship to go faster than most known ships.
EndLocation	= "GodenDottir"

Location	= "GodenCabin"
South		= Godendottir@TheNewWorld
Trap		= all
   int i;
   static int  locs[] = { LOC_THENEWWORLD_PIER1, LOC_VILLAGE_JETTY, -1};
   static char *names[] = {"Malau Pier","Village Jetty", ""};

   switch (event) {
   case E_ONINIT:
        i = register_AT(LOC_THENEWWORLD_GODENDOTTIR, locs,
                       names, Moving);
   default: break;
LFlags		= NoMobiles
Title		= "&+WThe Godendottir Cabin&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are inside the cabin of The Godendottir. Some banks and table has
been placed here to provide some resting place for the older and tired
travellers. Large windows allow you to look outside at the sea. An exit
leads south onto the deck of the ship.
EndLocation	= "GodenCabin"

Location	= "DesertRose"
Trap		= all
   int i;
   static char *names[] = {"Muir Harbor","Hotel Fare", ""};

   switch (event) {
   case E_ONINIT:
        i = register_AT(LOC_THENEWWORLD_DESERTROSE, locs,
                       EX_DOWN,EX_UP,LOC_THENEWWORLD_PIER2,10,"Desert Rose", 
                       names, Moving);
             "The Desert Rose moves swiftly over the water.\n",
             "The picolo says &+C'Everyone for %s hop on now'&*\n",
             "The %s is quickly secured to the pier of %s\n",
             "The %s arives at the %s.\n",
             "The %s quickly moves away from the pier.\n",
             "The %s quickly moves out of sight.\n",
   default: break;
LFlags		= NoMobiles
Title		= "&+WOn The Desert Rose&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are on board of the Desert Rose. It is a small dingy that transports
people from the Island of Muir to the Hotel Fare, which lies on a small
island just of the coast of Muir.
EndLocation	= "DesertRose"

Location	= "FareHotelPier"
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WIn front of Hotel Fare&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing on the pier of the Hotel Fare. The hotel is situated on
a small island a couple of miles off the coast of Malau. It is seen as a
tourist attrection and most of the time it is quite a busy place.
   You can see the Island of Malau at the horizon. 
EndLocation	= "FareHotelPier"

Location	= "MuirVilRoad1"
South		= NorthPath3@TheNewWorld
North		= MuirVilRoad2@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= OutDoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe Village Road&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are on the village road that leads to the village to the north and to
the Malau Harbor. While walking you pass various small buildings and farms, 
that are scattered across the countryside. A winding path leads east into the 
   The fresh ocean wind makes this quite a pleasant place to take a walk and
see some wildlife. 
EndLocation	= "MuirVilRoad1"

Location	= "MuirVilRoad2"
South		= MuirVilRoad1@TheNewWorld
West		= MuirBakery@TheNewWorld
North		= GuardPost@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= OutDoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe Village of Muir&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are at the edge of the village. To the south the village passes
through some agricultural ground until it disappears into the thick forests of
the inlands of Malau Island.
   To the west of here the baker has a small shop which also serves as
Tourist Information Centre.
EndLocation	= "MuirVilRoad2"

Location	= "MuirBakery"
East		= MuirVilRoad2@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WInside the Bakery&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are inside the Bakershop of the Village. The smell of freshly baked
bread fills the room, making you hungry. At the left side of the shop a
small section has been freed to serve as Tourist Information Centre.
EndLocation	= "MuirBakery"

Location	= "GuardPost"
North		= HarborEntrance@TheNewWorld
South		= MuirVilRoad2@TheNewWorld
LFlags		= Outdoors, RealTime
Title		= "&+WThe National Guard Post&*"
Desc		= ^
   You have arrived at the back end of the village. The National Guard has put
up a GuardPost to protect the village against the pirates and to discourage
transports of illegal goods. A Path leads east away from the seashore into the 
thick wilderness of the forest.
EndLocation	= "GuardPost"