# codes: s = single, a = to all in room
#        h = hostile action, i = ignore if you are ALOOF.
# A %~ indicates him/her, %^ indicates his/her.
#                           (note the subtle difference :-) )
# %~ him/her.
# %^ his/her.
# %a is actor, the person who performs the action.
# %t means the name of the target for that action.
# %<str1%:str2%> selects str1 if target is male, str2 if target is female.
# #[str1%/str2%] selects str1 if actor is male, str2 if actor is female.
# for the last two, both str1 and str2 may contain % codes, example:
# string str1% < str2% / str3% <str4% / str5%> str6% > str7
# if target is male, the result will be str1str2str7
# if target is female, the result will be str1str3str5str6str7
# str4 will never show, since it is the male text inside a portion that is
# only handled when the target is female.
# command sahiotf
# message-list
# s = single, takes a target as argument.
# a = all, may be directed to all in a room, no target as argument.
# h = hostile.
# i = wizards may ignore this action if performed by mortals.
# o = object, may take an object as argument (use %o in messages).
# t = text, may take a text as argument (use %m in messages).
# f = far, target do not have to be in the same room as actor.
# message-list is a list of messages of the following form.
# type:message
# type is one of: all, me, target, sender, others.
# if type is a, then all and me must both be present.
# if type is s then target and sender must both be present.
# either type a or s should be specified, a is assumed if neither is
# present.
 in the messages the following codes are defined:
# %~ refer to him/her depending on gender of actor in all messages except
# 'sender' where it refer to gender of target.
# %^ refer to his/her but otherwise like %~.
# %a is name of actor.
# %t is name of target.
# %o is name of object if o is present.
# %m is the message text if t is present.
# %[...x...%/...y...%]  select string x if actor is male, otherwise string y.
# %<...x...%:...y...%>  as above but if target instead of actor.
# if command has 's' option defined and others is missing, no message
# will be sent and the only people who recieve notice is the performer
# and target of the action.
# (By Alf)

:accuse s
target:%a puts all the blame on you.
sender:%<He%:She%> did it! Not me!
others:%a points a finger at %t and yells '%<He%:She%> did it!'

:ahh a
all:%a says "Ahhh..now i get it"
me: Ahh..now i get it.

:applaud a
all:%a gives a round of applause.
me:You applaud wholeheartedly.

:bearhug s
target:%a gives you a great, big, bone-crushing bearhug!
sender:You give %t a great, big, bone-crushing bearhug!
others:%a gives %t a great, big, bone-crushing bearhug!

:beg as
all:%a begs the Gods for mercy.
me:The Gods fall down laughing at your request for mercy.
target:%a is desperately trying to squeeze a few coins from %t.
sender:You desperately try to squeeze a few coins from %t
others:%a is desperately trying to squeeze a few coins from %t

:blanket as
all:%a hides under a blanket.
me:You pull a blanket over your head to hide underneath.
target:%a offers you a blanket to hide underneath.
sender:You offer %t a blanket to hide underneath.
others:%a offers %t a blanket to hide underneath.

:blink sa
all:%a blinks %^ eyes in disbelief!
me:Blink, blink!
target:%a blinks at you in disbelief!
sender:You blink at %t in disbelief!
others:%a blinks at %t in disbelief!

:blush a
all:%a blushes a lovely shade of red.
me:Your cheeks are burning.

:bounce a
all:%a bounces around.
me:B O I N G !!

:bop as
all:%a bops himself!
me:Stupid, stupid, stupid !
target:%a bops you on the head for being such a sillybilly.
sender:You bop %t on the head for being such a sillybilly.
others:%a bops %t on the head.

:bow sa
all:%a bows gracefully.
me:You bow to your audience.
target:%a bows before you.
sender:You bow to %t.
others:%a bows to %t.

:brb as
all:%a puts on his shades and says "I'll be back....in a sec".
me:You try to look cool "I'll be back!!! 
target:%a tells you %[He%/She%]'ll be right back.
sender:You tell %t you'll be right back.
others:%a tells %t %[He%/She%]'ll be right back.

:budha a
me:You sit down and think about the meaning of life.
all:%a starts to meditate.

:burp a
all:%a burps rudely.
me:Excuse yourself!

:cackle a
all:%a throws back %^ head and cackles with glee!
me:You cackle gleefully.

:caress s
target:%a gently caresses you with a twinkle in %^ eye.
sender:You can't help but smile as your hands glide over %t's smooth, soft flesh.
others:%a gently caresses %t.

:censor asi
all:%a censors %~self.
target:%a slaps a sign that says 'CENSORED' over your mouth!
sender:You have censored %t.
others:%a slaps a sign that says 'CENSORED' over %t's mouth.

:cheer a
all:%a cheers with great gusto!
me:You cheer wholeheartedly.

:chuckle a
all:%a chuckles politely.
me:You chuckle politely.

:clap a
all:%a claps wildly!
me:You clap wildly!

:clover s
target:%a picks a beautiful four leafed clover and hands it to you.
sender:You pick a four leafed clover and hand it to %t.
others:%a picks a clover and gives it to %t.

:confuse as
all:%a is totally confused.
me:You succeed in confusing yourself totally.
target:%a has confused you so much that your head spins.
sender:You make no sense whatsoever!
others:%a is totally confusing %t.

:comb a
all:%a combs %^ hair.  Sparks fly!
me:You comb your hair.  Perfect!

:comfort s
target:%a comforts you, and offers %^ sympathy.
sender:You comfort %t.
others:%a comforts %t, and offers %^ sympathy.

:congrat s
target:%a cheers you on and congratulates you on your success.
sender:You congratulate %t
others:%a cheers %t on congratulates %~ success.

:cool a
all:%a lifts an eyebrow behind %^ dark shades and says 'COOL!'
me:You are really cool!

:cough a
all:%a coughs noisily.
me:Cover your mouth when you do that!

:cry a
all:%a bursts into tears.

:cuddle s
target:%a cuddles you.
sender:You cuddle %t.
others:%a cuddles %t.

:curtsey as
all:%a curtseys gracefully.
me:You curtsey gracefully.
target:%a curtseys gracefully towards you.
sender:You curtseys gracefully towards %t.
others:%a curtseys gracefully towards %t.

:dance sa
all:%a does the disco duck.
me:Feels silly, doesn't it?
target:%a sweeps you across the dance floor.
sender:You sweep %t off %^ feet.
others:%a and %t dance around.

:drool sai
all:%a starts drooling all over the place.
me:Slibber, slobber!
target:%a drools all over you. Yuck!
sender:You starts to drool as you see %t.
others:%a takes one look at %t and then starts to drool.

#duh added by marty
:duh a
all:%a goes Duh!

:eek as
all:%a leaps onto a table and screams 'Eeeeeeek!'
target:%a leaps onto a table and screams 'Eeeeeek!' at the sight of you.
sender:%t is terrifying!!
others:%a leaps onto a table and screams 'Eeeeeek!' at the sight of %t.

:embrace s
target:%a gives you a warm and loving embrace.
sender:Arms are for hugging, eh?
others:%a gives %t a warm and loving embrace.

#erm added by marty
:erm a
all:%a says "errrm.."

#evil added by ultima
:evil sa
all:%a grins evilly.
me:You grin evilly.
target:%a grins at you with lust in %^ eyes!
sender:Watch it, bub!
others:%a grins evilly at %t!

:fart a
all:%a lets off a real rip-roarer.
me:How rude!

:finger si
target:%a uses the international sign language showing you %^ middle finger.
sender:You think %t is a dork, huh? Try to behave.
others:%a uses the international sign language showing %t %^ middle finger.

:flip a
all:%a flips head over heels.
me:You flip head over heels.

:fnord s
target:%a points a finger at you and shouts 'FNORD'
sender:You point a finger at %t and shout 'FNORD!'
others:%a points a finger at %t and shouts 'FNORD!'

:fondle s
target:%a fondles you.
sender:You fondle %t.
others:%a fondles %t.

:french s
target:%a gives you a deep and passionate kiss..it seems to take forever...
sender:You show %t what a REAL kiss is like!
others:%a gives %t a deep and passionate kiss.

:frown sa
all:%a frowns.
me:Is something wrong?
target:%a frowns at you.
sender:What did %<he%:she%> do this time?
others:%a frowns at %t.

:gasp sa
all:%a gasps in astonishment!
me:You gasp in astonishment.
target:%a gasps at you!
sender:Shocked, aren't we?
others:%a gasps at %t!

:giggle a
all:%a giggles in a fit of uncontrollable mirth.
me:You giggle inanely.

:glare s
target:%a fixes you with an icy glare!
sender:You glare icily at %t.
others:%a fixes %t with an icy glare!

:groan a
all:%a groans miserably!
me:You groan miserably.

:growl sa
all:%a growls.
me:You growl.
target:%a growls angrily at you.
sender:You growl at %t.
others:%a growls at %t.

#grin changed by ultima
:grin sa
all:%a grins broadly.
me:You grin broadly.
target:%a grins at you!
sender:You grin broadly at %t
others:%a grins broadly at %t!

:grope sh
target:%a gropes you.
sender:<Well what sort of noise do you expect here?>
others:%a gropes %t.

#grumble added by marty
:grumble a
all:%a grumbles...

:headb sh
target:%a bangs %^ head against yours. OUCH that hurts.
sender:You bang your head against %t %^ head. Something tells you that wasn't a smart move.
other:%a bangs %^ head against %t %^ head. Oooh that must have hurt.

:hiccup a
all:%a hiccups loudly.

#hide added by marty
:hide a
me:You hide under a blanket of embarrasment.
all:%a hides under a blanket of embarrasment.

:hifive sa
all:%a gives everyone a high five!
me:You jump up and give everyone a high five!
target:%a gives you a powerful high five!
sender:You give %t a powerful high five!
others:%a gives %t a powerful high five!

:hmm a
all:%a humms and umms in deep thoughts.

:hold s
target:%a holds you lovingly.
sender:You hold %t like you never want to let go.
others:%a holds %t lovingly.

:home as
all:A little dwarf comes in, points at %a and says: 'Time to go home #[lad.%/young lady.%]'
me:A little dwarf comes in, points at you and says: 'Time to go home #[lad.%/young lady.%]'
target:%a points at you and says: 'Time to go home %<lad%:young lady%>!'
sender:You point at %t and say: 'Time to go home %<lad%:young lady%>!'
others:%a points at %t and says: 'Time to go home %<lad%:young lady%>!'

:hug s
target:%a hugs you close.
sender:You hug %t.
others:%a hugs %t.

:innoc a
all:%a points a finger at %^ chest and says 'Who? ME?'
me:They made me do it!!!

:jojo a
all:%a bounces like a jojo.
me:You start bouncing like a jojo.

:kick s
target:%a kicks you.  "Ooof!"
sender:You kick %t.
others:%a kicks %t!

:kiss s
target:%a kisses you lightly on the cheek!
sender:Oh, how sweet!
others:%a kisses %t lightly on the cheek!

:kvetch a
all:%a bitches and moans at the state of the world.
me:Oy vey!  You think *you've* got troubles?

:laugh sa
all:%a falls down laughing.
me:You fall down laughing.
target:%a laughs at you!
sender:You laugh at %t.
others:%a laughs at %t.

:lick s
target:%a licks you. (You don't want to know where!)
sender:You lick %t.
others:%a licks %t.

:love as
all:%a seems to shine of internal peace, love and happiness.
me:You get a feeling of internal peace, love and happiness inside you.
target:%a whispers to you sweet words of love.
sender:You tell your true feelings to %~.
others:%a whispers to %t sweet words of love.

:massage s
target:%a expertly massages your neck and shoulders.
sender:You expertly massage %t.
others:%a expertly massages %t's neck and shoulders.

:math a
me:2 + 2 is...
all:%a says: 2 + 2 = ....5?

:moan a
all:%a starts moaning.
me:You start to moan.

:mumble a
all:%a mumbles to %~self.
me:What a fascinating topic!

:nervous as
all:%a looks around nervously.
me:Heee leave your nails alone.
target:%a looks nervously at you and start biting %^ nails.
sender:You look nervously at %t.

:nibble s
target:%a nibbles on your ear.
sender:You nibble %t's ear.
others:%a nibbles %t's ear.

:nod sa
all:%a nods solemnly.
me:You nod solemnly.
target:%a nods to you in agreement.
sender:You nod to %t in agreement.
others:%a nods to %t in agreement.

:nose as
all:%a blows his nose really loud.
me:You blow your nose really loud.
target:%a rubs his nose against yours.
sender:You rub your nose against %t %^ nose.
others:%a rubs his nose against %t %^ nose.

:nudge s
target:nudges you experimentally.
sender:You nudge %t experimentally.  Nope, out like a light!
others:%a nudges %t experimentally.

:nuzzle s
target:%a softly nuzzles your neck.
sender:You nuzzle %t's neck softly.
others:%a nuzzles %t's neck softly.

:onion a
all:%a pulls out an onion and weeps.

:pant sa
all:%a pants like a dog.
me:You pant like a dog.
target:%a gazes hungrily at you and pants in anticipation!
sender:Unable to control yourself, your jaw drops at the sight of %t!
others:%a gazes hungrily at %t and pants in anticipation!

#party added by marty
:party a
me:You jump up and shout PARTY!
all:%a jumps up with renewed energy and shouts PARTY!

:peer s
target:%a peers at you quizzically
sender:You peer quizzically at %t

:pinch s
target:%a pinches you. Ouch!
sender:You pinch %t.
others:%a pinches %t.

#pizza added by ultima
:pizza asf
all:%a devours a piece of pizza in the incredible speed of 2 seconds.
me:Yummy, that tasted real good!!
target:A pizzaboy arrives, offering you a pizza from %a !
sender:Cleaning up your fridge leaves you a piece of pizza, which you send to %t!
others:%a calls the pizzaservice to order a pizza for %t.

:poke s
target:%a pokes you in the ribs.
sender:You poke %t in the ribs.
others:%a pokes %t in the ribs.

:ponder a
all:%a ponders about that most difficult question.
me:You ponder the wonders of the universe.

:pout a
all:%a pouts.
me:Ah, don't take it so hard.

:puke ash
all:%a pukes on %^ shoes.
me:You puke on your shoes.
target:%a pukes all over you!
sender:You puke all over %t!
others:%a pukes all over %t!

:purr a
all:%a purrs contentedly.

:puzzled a
all:%a looks puzzled. Maybe he has lost his mind..
me:What was I thinking about..

:rdance a
me:You start dancing in circles.
all:%a performs a beautiful raindance.

#rofl added by ultima
:rofl a
all:%a rolls on the floor laughing hysterically.
me:You fall on the floor laughing hysterically.

:rose sf
target:%a sends you a single, perfect, deep red rose @>-,-'--
sender:You send %t a single, perfect, deep red rose.
others:%a sends %t a single, perfect, deep red rose.

:ruffle s
target:%a ruffles your hair playfully.
sender:You ruffle %t's hair playfully.
others:%a ruffles %t's hair playfully.

#scare added by marty
:scare s
target:%a sneaks behind you and shouts BOOH!
sender:You sneak behind %t and scare the living daylights out of him
others:%a sneaks behind %t and shouts BOOH!

:scream a
all:%a screams loudly!

:shake as
all:%a shakes and quivers like a bowlful of jelly.
me:You're shaking in your boots.
target:%a shakes your hand.
sender:You shake hands with %t.
others:%a shakes hands with %t.

:shiver a
all:%a shivers from the cold.

:shrug a
all:%a shrugs helplessly.
me:You shrug.

:sigh a
all:%a sighs loudly.
me:You sigh.

:sing as
all:%a sings in Italian.
me:Oh sole mio!
target:%a sings a beautiful love song for you.
sender:You sing a beautiful love song for %t.
others:%a sings a beautiful song for %t.

:slap si
target:%a slaps you across the face!
sender:You slap %t across the face!
others:%a slaps %t across the face!

:smirk a
all:%a smirks.
me:You smirk.

:smooch s
target:%a kisses you deeply.
sender:What a kiss!  I'd rate that an 8!
others:%a kisses %t deeply.

:snap a
all:%a snaps %^ fingers.
me:You snap your fingers.

:sneer sa
all:%a sneers contemptously.
me:Oh, I just love evil players!
target:%a sneers contemptously at you!
sender:You sneer contemptously at %t.
others:%a sneers contemptously at %t!

:snowb si
target:%a conjures a snowball out of thin air and throws it in your face!
others:%a conjures a snowball out of thin air and throws it in %t's face!

:squeeze s
target:%a squeezes you fondly.
sender:You squeeze %t fondly.
others:%a squeezes %t fondly.

:smile sa
all:%a smiles happily.
me:You smile happily.
target:%a smiles at you.
sender:You smile at %t.
others:%a smiles at %t.

:sneeze a
all:%a sneezes.

:snicker a
all:%a snickers under %^ breath.
me:You snicker.

:sniff a
all:%a sniffs.
me:You sniff.

:snore a
all:%a snores loudly.

:snuggle s
target:%a snuggles up to you.
sender:You snuggle %t.
others:%a snuggles up to %t.

:sob a
all:%a sobs.
me:DIRT comforts you.

:sodit a
me:SOD IT!
all:%a shouts: SOD IT!

:spank s
target:%a puts you over %^ knee and gives you a sound spanking!
sender:You put %t over your knee and give %~ a sound spanking!
others:%a gives %t sound spanking!

:spit sah
all:%a spits on the ground.
target:%a spits on you!
sender:You spit on %t.
others:%a spits on %t!

:stare sa
all:%a stares into space.
me:You stare into space.
target:%a stares deep into your eyes.
sender:You stare dreamily at %t.
others:%a stares dreamily at %t.

:strut a
all:%a struts proudly.
me:Strut your stuff!

:sulk a
all:%a sulks in the corner.
me:You sulk.

:tap s
target:%a taps you on the shoulder in an attempt to get your attention.
sender:You tap %t on the shoulder in an attempt to get %^ attention.
others:%a taps %t on the shoulder in an attempt to get %^ attention.

:tease s
target:%a is teasing you half to death!
sender:Hee, hee!  That'll get %~!
others:%a teases %t!

:thank s
target:%a thanks you whole-heartedly.
sender:You thank %t.
others:%a thanks %t whole-heartedly.

:think as
all:%a is thinking about %^ next hot date.
me:What's on your mind?
target:%a is thinking about you...
sender:Oh, isn't %<he%:she%> wonderful!

:toilet a
all:%a runs off, screaming "Oh shit....i really can't hold it up much longer!"
me:Arghh....now i really have to go quickly or else.........

:twiddle a
all:%a twiddles %^ thumbs.
me:You twiddle your thumbs.

#uzi added by marty
:uzi a
me:You pull out an uzi and go beserk.
all:%a pulls out an uzi and shoots at nothing. RATATATATATATA

:waltz sa
all:%a has put on %^ %[top hat and tuxedo%/finest gown%] and is looking for someone to waltz with.
me:You need someone to waltz with...
target:%a sweeps you off your feet while whistling the tunes of a waltz.
sender:Whistling the melody of a waltz, you sweep %t off %<his%:her%> feet.
others:%a sweeps %t off %<his%:her%> feet to the tune of a waltz.

:whistle sa
all:%a whistles appreciatively.
me:You whistle appreciatively.
target:%a whistles appreciatively at you.
sender:You whistle appreciatively at %t.
others:%a whistles appreciatively at %t.

:wiggle a
all:%a wiggles %^ bottom.
me:You wiggle your bottom.

:wink sa
all:%a winks suggestively.
me:You wink.
target:%a winks suggestively at you.
sender:You wink at %t.
others:%a winks at %t.

:worship sa
all:%a falls to the ground in shameless worship of the gods of MUD.
me:You fall to your knees in reverance of the gods of MUD.
target:%a snivels and grovels and shamelessly worships you.
sender:You worship %t.
others:%a falls down to worship %t.

:yawn a
all:%a yawns.
me:My, what big teeth you have!

# These two lines must be left at the end of this file.
# Terrible things could happen if they're missing.