#include "undef.h"
#include "exits.h"

Zone		= blizzard
Author		= "Unknown"

EndZone		= blizzard

Mobile            = seamas
Location	= stream@blizzard
MFlags		= Thief
Strength        = 70
Armor		 = 0
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 0
Desc	     = "
&+YSeamas &+Wthe Leprechaun&* eyes you cautiously, an evil grin upon his face."
Trap		= all
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONGIVE:
      if ((onum(param_s.ob) == OBJ_FOREST_PIPES))
      {  setoloc(param_s.ob, param_s.pl, CARRIED_BY);
         bprintf("Seamas takes the pipes, thanks you, and begins to play a haunting melody.\n");
         broad("A haunting pipe melody echoes through the air.\n");
         param_s.ret = -1;
EndMobile             = seamas

Mobile            = yeti
Name	= "The Yeti"
Location	= pass2@blizzard
Strength        = 80
Armor		= 0
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 30
Speed		= 0
MFlags		= NegFrost, NoHeat
Desc	     = "A huge, furry &+Cyeti&* rears up threateningly in front of you!"
EndMobile             = yeti

Object	= snow_ice
Name	= "snow"
Location	= IN_ROOM:snow_temple@blizzard
MaxState	= 1
State		= 1
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked		= snow_ice@kastle
Desc0		= "
A hole has been chipped through the ice that covered a stairway leading down."
Desc1		= "Ice encrusted snow is piled up against one ruined wall."
EndObject		= snow_ice

Object      = garland
Location	= IN_ROOM:shady@blizzard
OFlags		= WearOnNeck
BaseValue    = 100
Size      = 6
Weight    = 1
Desc0   = "
A beautiful garland of flowers sends a sweet smell wafting around you."
Examine   = "
You see written on it, in small flowing letters, the words....
EndObject       = garland

Object      = talisman
Location	= IN_ROOM:elemental@blizzard
OFlags		= WearOnNeck, WearBlMagic, MagicLit, Lightable
BaseValue    = 100
Size      = 2
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A battered silver talisman has been dumped here."
EndObject       = talisman

Object      = branch_village
Name	= "branch"
Altname	= "stick"
Location	= IN_ROOM:R_Land@blizzard
OFlags		= Lightable, Extinguish, Weapon
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Damage    = 2
Size      = 2
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A burning branch has been left here."
Desc1   = "An old branch has been dropped here."
EndObject       = branch_village

Object      = pick
Location	= IN_ROOM:snow_temple@blizzard
OFlags		= Weapon
Damage    = 11
BaseValue    = 20
Size      = 5
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A small but well made ice pick has been dropped here."
EndObject       = pick

Object      = stick
Altname	= "branch"
Location	= IN_ROOM:valley@blizzard
OFlags		= Lightable, Extinguish, Weapon
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Damage    = 2
BaseValue    = 10
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc0   = "A burning stick lies on the ground."
Desc1   = "An old stick lies on the ground."
EndObject       = stick

Object      = Reset_Stone
Name	= "stone"
Location	= IN_ROOM:shady@blizzard
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0   = "
A huge stone stands in the center of the clearing, 
its sides strangely marked and scored."
Examine   = "
The ancient runes, battered as they are, indicate that the stone can be
struck to reset the game."
Trap		= all
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONKILL:
      sys_reset ();
      param_s.ret = -1;
   default: break;
EndObject       = Reset_Stone

Object      = scimitar
Altname	= "sword"
Location	= IN_ROOM:shady@blizzard
OFlags		= Weapon
Damage    = 7
BaseValue    = 30
Size      = 12
Weight    = 10
Desc0   = "A long, curved scimitar has been placed here."
Examine   = "
This is a hefty and gruesome weapon, much favoured by orcs, who often use them
for cutting cakes, trimming toe nails, and ripping out the insides of hobbits!"
EndObject       = scimitar

Object      = SignBridge
Name	= "sign"
Location	= IN_ROOM:bridge@blizzard
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0   = "A sign has been posted by the bridge."
Examine   = "
       /                       |    |  
      < WEST  Blizzard Pass 8m |    |  
       \_______________________|    |__________________  
                               |    |                  \ 
              _________________|    | 5 m Village  EAST > 
             /                 |    |__________________/ 
            < SOUTH  Forest 2m |    | 
             \_________________|    | 
                               |    | 
                               |    | 
                               |    | 
                               |    | 
                               |    | 
                               |    | 
                        &+R(*)&*    |    |   &+Y(*)&* 
&+G________________________&+G\|/&+G____&*|    |&+G___&+G\|/__________________________________&*
EndObject       = SignBridge

Object      = wintergreen
Altname	= "food"
Location	= IN_ROOM:ravine@blizzard
OFlags		= Food, GetFlips
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
BaseValue    = 30
Size      = 1
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A sprig of wintergreen has been left here."
Desc1   = "Peeking out of the snow you spy some wintergreen."
Examine   = "
As you examine the sprig of wintergreen, you break a leaf, releasing the
delicious aroma of fresh mint."
EndObject       = wintergreen

Location	= "pass"
North		= blizzard@blizzard
South		= pass2@blizzard
Up		= window@window
East		= Mithdan1@Mithdan
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime, cold
Title		= "&+WBlizzard Pass&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are trudging through deep snow as you follow a narrow track that winds
down a long pass leading ever southward, its end is hidden by the flurries of
snow that are still falling.  On either side of you the mountains tower high
above the pass, their peaks veiled in clouds.  At one point, however, the cliff
is nowhere near as steep and a fair way up a single window has been cut,
looking out across the snows. To the east a snowy path leads among the trees.
EndLocation	= "pass"

Location	= "blizzard"
North		= haven@haven
East		= crevasse@blizzard
South		= pass@blizzard
West		= gate@blizzard
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime, cold
Title		= "&+WBlizzard&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are lost in a blizzard, almost blinded by the driving snows. The howling
icy wind sends huge clouds of snow whistling across the plain totally obscuring
your view.
   The snows extend in all directions save north, where a lighted inn offers
warmth, food, and shelter from the elements.
EndLocation	= "blizzard"

Location	= "gate"
West		= entry@newbie
North		= dark@valley
East		= haven@haven
South		= blizzard@blizzard
Trap		= all
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONMOVE:
     if (param_s.ob == 3)
	if (plev(param_s.plx) > 6)
	    bprintf("You are too mighty a warrior to enter here.\n");
	    param_s.ret = -1;
   default: break;
LFlags		= cold, Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WGate of Sorcerors&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are outside The Gate of Sorcerors.  Its mighty pillars tower up around
you, shielding you from the worst of the snow that is falling and from some of
the icy winds.  The ancient arched gateway between the pillars leads north into
a wide magically lit passage which disappears into the roots of the earth.
   You may enter the gate to the north, a lighted inn to the east, or trudge
south into the snows.
EndLocation	= "gate"

Location	= "crevasse"
North		= blizzard@blizzard
South		= blizzard@blizzard
West		= blizzard@blizzard
Down		= bottom@blizzard
Title		= "&+WCrevasse&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing on the edge of a deep crevasse looking down into darkness.
Heavy snow is falling all around you partially hiding the distant mountains in
clouds of whiteness.
   The snows extend in all direction save east, where the crevasse bars the
route.  You could clamber down into the crevasse but would have great problems
in getting back out of it.
EndLocation	= "crevasse"

Location	= "bottom"
East		= elemental@blizzard
Title		= "&+WCrevasse Bottom&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are at the bottom of the crevasse.  Daylight, and a great deal of snow,
comes through the top of the crevasse.  A single man-made passage leads east
into a strange temple.
EndLocation	= "bottom"

Location	= "elemental"
West		= bottom@blizzard
Title		= "&+WElemental Temple&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in the Temple Of The Elements, surrounded by decorations depicting
Earth, Air, Fire and Water.  This strange icy place gives off a feeling of
unbalance and growing evil.
There is a blinking construction sign here.
EndLocation	= "elemental"

Location	= "pass2"
North		= pass@blizzard
South		= m_pass@blizzard
West		= S_Cave@icecave
LFlags		= cold, Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe Pass&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are following the pass as it runs north-south through the mountains.
There is a small cavemouth to the west.
EndLocation	= "pass2"

Location	= "m_pass"
North		= pass2@blizzard
South		= n_pass@blizzard
LFlags		= cold, Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe Pass&*"
Desc		= ^
   You make your way down the pass, using only the stone piles as markers of
where the pass actually lies. High mountains block your way and east. The
pass continues to the north and south of here.
EndLocation	= "m_pass"

Location	= "n_pass"
North		= m_pass@blizzard
South		= pass3@blizzard
LFlags		= cold, Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WNarrow Pass&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are trudging along a gloomy narrow pass pelted with snow while the icy
wind feels like daggers stabbing into your unprotected flesh.  The pass
continues north and south.
EndLocation	= "n_pass"

Location	= "pass3"
North		= n_pass@blizzard
East		= ravine@blizzard
South		= s_pass@blizzard
LFlags		= cold, Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe Pass&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are trudging along the pass.  The wind here whips around in a circular
pattern, almost veiling a narrow ravine leading eastwards.  The pass continues
north and south.
EndLocation	= "pass3"

Location	= "ravine"
East		= snow_temple@blizzard
West		= pass3@blizzard
LFlags		= cold, Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WRavine&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are on a path climbing up a narrow ravine towards the crumbling remains
of a snow shrouded temple.
EndLocation	= "ravine"

Location	= "snow_temple"
West		= ravine@blizzard
Down		= f1@doom
LFlags		= cold, Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WSnow Temple&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in the snowy ruins of an ancient temple.  The view from here is
stunning and very picturesque but the lashing snow and icy wind are enough to
dissuade you from sightseeing.
EndLocation	= "snow_temple"

Location	= "s_pass"
North		= pass3@blizzard
South		= e_pass@blizzard
LFlags		= cold, Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WSouthern Pass&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are trudging down the pass.  The towering mountains, their heads cloaked
in snow, seem to leer down at you as your feet crunch into the fresh, deep and
rather cold snow.  The pass continues north and south.
EndLocation	= "s_pass"

Location	= "e_pass"
North		= s_pass@blizzard
East		= valley@blizzard
West		= Path1@Orchold
Up		= Path1@Orchold
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe End Of The Pass&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are at the southern end of the pass.  The snow gives way rapidly to a
pleasant autumn sun, its gentle beams filling the whole vista with a shimmering
beautiful golden hue.  Tracks lead North, and East.
EndLocation	= "e_pass"

Location	= "valley"
North		= grove@oaktree
East		= bridge@blizzard
South		= woods@blizzard
West		= e_pass@blizzard
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe Valley&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in a green and fair valley amidst the gently murmuring oaks.  The
sun shines gently through the trees sending dancing, golden beams rippling
across the shadowy grass while midges dance between the branches.  One
particularly large oak tree rises up to the north.
EndLocation	= "valley"

Location	= "bridge"
East		= gates@village
South		= stream@blizzard
West		= valley@blizzard
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe Humpbacked Bridge&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing on a crumbling humpbacked bridge looking over the side down
onto a wide but shallow stream.  The sun sparkles gently off the ripples as the
stream passes across pebbles and rocks and the fish swim between them. You hear
the faint roar of a waterfall somewhere downstream.
   You can go east or west across the bridge or follow the stream southwards.
EndLocation	= "bridge"

Location	= "woods"
North		= valley@blizzard
East		= waterfall@blizzard
South		= shady@blizzard
West		= Mpath@valley
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WIn The Woods&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in the woods. The great trees cast green shadows across the flowers
and undergrowth as they sway peacefully in the wind.  You can walk in any
EndLocation	= "woods"

Location	= "waterfall"
East		= r_land@blizzard
North		= path@femnaz
South		= grassy@blizzard
West		= woods@blizzard
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe Waterfall&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in a secluded clearing beside a waterfall which sprays cool water
gently over you.  Several paths diverge here, leading south, east and west.
EndLocation	= "waterfall"

Location	= "r_land"
North		= Gates@village
East		= quarry_1@quarry
West		= waterfall@blizzard
South		= plain1@plain
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WRough Land&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are on a patch of rough land to the south of the village.  To the east
is an old, seemingly deserted quarry.  Other paths lead north and west. To the
south you can see the beginnings of a large plain.
EndLocation	= "r_land"

Location	= "woods2"
North		= woods3@blizzard
East		= woods3@blizzard
South		= woods3@blizzard
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe Woods&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in the woods listening to the trees as they rustle in the wind.
There are no visible tracks here, but you could travel through the woods in any
direction, save to the west where thick holly bushes block the route.
EndLocation	= "woods2"

Location	= "woods3"
North		= green@village
East		= woods3@blizzard
South		= woods3@blizzard
West		= woods2@blizzard
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WThe Woods&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in the woods, walking amongst the huge trunks watching the birds as
they flit from branch to branch, filling the air with their lively chirping
EndLocation	= "woods3"

Location	= "shady"
North		= woods@blizzard
South		= Mountain_1@Mountain
East		= start@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime, Peaceful 
Title		= "&+WShady Clearing&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in a shady clearing surrounded by proud and mighty oaks.  The oaks
are surrounded by hollies and thick bushes, while creepers and weeds girdle
their ancient trunks.  There is a route from the clearing to the north and 
there are paths that lead of to the east, west and south of here.
EndLocation	= "shady"

Location	= "grassy"
North		= waterfall@blizzard
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WGrassy Clearing&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in a grassy clearing beside a crystal clear, spring-fed pool that
reflects the swaying trees above.  A sandy path leads north alongside the
burbling stream.
EndLocation	= "grassy"

Location	= "stream"
North		= bridge@blizzard
West		= F6@Forest
LFlags		= Outdoors, Realtime
Title		= "&+WStream Bank&*"
Desc		= ^
   You stand on a quiet grassy stream bank.  The water burbles gently past you,
shaded by the thick trees and bushes which grow along the bank.  Towering oaks
cast dark shimmering shadows across the almost mirrorlike rippling water which
flickers in the light.  The undergrowth blocks any way southwards along the
stream, but thins out to the north and west where paths lead off.
EndLocation	= "stream"