*                               QUARRY.ZONE                                 *
*                        Core Zone:  Author Unknown                         *
*               Distribute with full Dyrt distribution only                 *
*                     Edited by Rex on 20 December 1995                     *
#include "undef.h"
#include "exits.h"

Zone		= quarry
Author		= "Unknown"

EndZone		= quarry

Object		= hammer
Altname	= "weapon"
Location	= IN_ROOM:quarry_2
OFlags		= Weapon
Damage		= 5
BaseValue		= 10
Size		= 8
Weight		= 6
Desc0		= "A large hammer has been left around here for some reason."
Examine   	= "
The hammer is worn from years of use, and you wonder how many people have hit
themselves on the fingers with this over the years, and also of course ponder
how many people's fingers you could hit with it too!"
EndObject       	= hammer

Object      	= rock
Location	= IN_ROOM:quarry_3
BaseValue    	= 1
Size      	= 1
Weight    	= 1
Desc0   	= "A small rock has been dropped here."
Examine   	= "
The rock appears to have some kind of gemstone imprisoned within it.  If only
you could find a suitable tool to smash the rock with."
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONKILL:
      bprintf ("You smash it apart to reveal a gem inside.\n");
      create (OBJ_QUARRY_GEM);
      setoloc (OBJ_QUARRY_GEM, oloc (OBJ_QUARRY_ROCK), ocarrf (OBJ_QUARRY_ROCK));
      destroy (OBJ_QUARRY_ROCK);
      param_s.ret = -1;
   default: break;
EndObject       	= rock

Object      	= gem
Altname	= "uncut"
Location	= IN_ROOM:quarry_3
OFlags		= Destroyed
BaseValue    	= 100
Size      	= 1
Weight    	= 1
Desc0   	= "A small, uncut gem lies before you."
Examine   	= "
You could easily mistake this uncut gem for a small stone, but it does have
some special sheen."
EndObject       	= gem

Object      	= pick
Altname	= "weapon"
Location	= IN_ROOM:quarry_7
OFlags		= Weapon
Damage    	= 10
BaseValue    	= 10
Size      	= 6
Weight    	= 4
Desc0   	= "An old pick has been dumped here."
Examine   	= "
This pick is of the heavy mining variety used for splitting rocks, it's quite
good on heads too..."
EndObject       	= pick

Object      = ale
Altname	= "skin"
Location	= IN_ROOM:quarry_7
OFlags		= Food
BaseValue    = 10
Size      = 10
Weight    = 5
Desc0   = "A skin of ale has been dropped here."
Examine   = "How about getting loaded?  The ale looks good enough."
EndObject       = ale

Object      = sandwich
Altname	= "food"
Location	= IN_ROOM:quarry_7
OFlags		= Food
BaseValue    = 10
Size      = 5
Weight    = 5
Desc0   = "A delicious-looking sandwich has been put here."
Examine   = "It's a two-inch thick roast beast sandwich!"
EndObject       = sandwich

Object      = nugget
Location	= IN_ROOM:quarry_13
BaseValue    = 50
Size      = 1
Weight    = 5
Desc0   = "A gold nugget twinkles before you."
Examine   = "It's just a small gold nugget, shaped like a small rock."
EndObject       = nugget

Object      = Nugget1
Name	= "nugget"
Location	= IN_ROOM:quarry_18
BaseValue    = 200
Size      = 1
Weight    = 8
Desc0   = "A large gold nugget twinkles before you."
Examine   = "It's just a large gold nugget, shaped like a rock."
EndObject       = Nugget1

Object      = golddust
Altname	= "dust"
Location	= IN_ROOM:quarry_6
BaseValue    = 150
Size      = 10
Weight    = 5
Desc0   = "A small bag of gold dust lies in a crumpled heap at your feet."
Examine   = "I wouldn't open the bag if I were you.  You might spill it!"
EndObject       = golddust

Location	= "quarry_1"
East		= quarry_3
West		= r_land@blizzard
Down		= quarry_3
Title		= "Steep Drop"
Desc		= ^
   You are following a path which plunges steeply downwards into a narrow
quarry, which stretches out to the east.
EndLocation	= "quarry_1"

Location	= "quarry_2"
East		= quarry_7
South		= quarry_3
Title		= "Quarry North"
Desc		= ^
   You are at the north end of the quarry.  The quarry extends away to the
south.  To the east a small battered stone hut appears to have once served the
workmen's needs.
EndLocation	= "quarry_2"

Location	= "quarry_3"
North		= quarry_2
East		= quarry_4
West		= quarry_1
Up		= quarry_1
Title		= "Quarry South"
Desc		= ^
   You stand at the southern end of the quarry.  To the north the sides of the
quarry are marked by years of excavations. A path to the west climbs steeply up
amongst the stones.  It appears some mining was in progress here as there is a
low tunnel to the east.
EndLocation	= "quarry_3"

Location	= "quarry_4"
West		= quarry_3
Down		= quarry_5
LFlags		= NoMobiles
Title		= "Tunnel"
Desc		= ^
   You are crouched in a low damp tunnel.  A single exit leads west out of the
tunnel.  A treacherous wooden ladder leads down into the darkness below
EndLocation	= "quarry_4"

Location	= "quarry_5"
East		= quarry_6
West		= quarry_4
Down		= quarry_9
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Ladder"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing at the bottom of a treacherous wooden ladder.  Another
ladder descends yet further through the floor of the rough-hewn tunnel you find
yourself in.  The tunnel leads east.
EndLocation	= "quarry_5"

Location	= "quarry_6"
West		= quarry_5
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Tunnel's End"
Desc		= ^
   You are at the end of a small tunnel, at what appears to be an abandoned
face.  The only way back is westwards.
EndLocation	= "quarry_6"

Location	= "quarry_7"
West		= quarry_2
Title		= "Stone Store"
Desc		= ^
   You are in a cold, damp stone store, which was evidently warm and cosy at
one time.  The store appears to still be used by someone, as there are marks on
the floor.
EndLocation	= "quarry_7"

Location	= "quarry_8"
LFlags		= Death
Title		= "Mineshaft"
Desc		= ^
   The rungs break beneath your feet and without a chance to recover you plunge
helplessly into the black cold water below...
EndLocation	= "quarry_8"

Location	= "quarry_9"
East		= quarry_10
Up		= quarry_5
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Bottom Of Ladder"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing at the bottom of a long wooden ladder which travels upwards
through a square shaft in the roof.  The tunnel you are standing in leads
EndLocation	= "quarry_9"

Location	= "quarry_10"
West		= quarry_9
Down		= quarry_11
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Mine Tunnel"
Desc		= ^
   You stand at the eastern end of a narrow mine tunnel.  Apart from scrambling
back westwards along the tunnel, a narrow wooden ladder exits downwards through
a shaft at your feet.
EndLocation	= "quarry_10"

Location	= "quarry_11"
Up		= quarry_10
Down		= quarry_12
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Ladder"
Desc		= ^
   You are scrambling down a ladder which descends through a narrow vertical
shaft in the rock.  Water streams down the sides of the ladder making it
slippery and dangerous.
EndLocation	= "quarry_11"

Location	= "quarry_12"
East		= quarry_13
Up		= quarry_11
Down		= quarry_14
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Ladder Ledge"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing on a narrow wooden ladder which plunges deep into the
ground.  A single narrow and very roughly hewn passage leads east off the
side of the ladder.
EndLocation	= "quarry_12"

Location	= "quarry_13"
West		= quarry_12
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Rough Face"
Desc		= ^
   You are crouched in a narrow passage, at what appears to have been a face
of some sort.  To the west is a huge wooden ladder which plunges down deeper
underground, as well as climbing upwards towards the surface.
EndLocation	= "quarry_13"

Location	= "quarry_14"
Down		= quarry_15
Up		= quarry_12
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Ladder"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing on a wet slippery ladder that plunges down a narrow mossy
shaft deep underground.  The air is already noticeably colder and you feel
closed in and claustrophobic.
EndLocation	= "quarry_14"

Location	= "quarry_15"
Up		= quarry_14
Down		= quarry_16
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Ladder"
Desc		= ^
   You are hanging onto a vertical wooden ladder, slippery with damp and hard
to grasp with your wet cold fingers.  All around you the narrow tight walls of
the shaft seem to press crushingly inwards.
EndLocation	= "quarry_15"

Location	= "quarry_16"
Up		= quarry_15
Down		= quarry_17
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Ladder"
Desc		= ^
   You are in a narrow constricting vertical shaft, hanging onto a cold and
rotting ladder.  The walls are damp and wet, and you too are also soaking and
cold.  Your numb fingers are finding it hard to keep a grip on the ladder, and
your feet slide off rungs with frightening regularity.
EndLocation	= "quarry_16"

Location	= "quarry_17"
West		= quarry_18
Up		= quarry_16
Down		= quarry_18
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Bottom Of The Mine"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing at the bottom of a treacherous ladder which climbs up a
narrow vertical shaft.  To the west you can crawl along a low, heavily shored
up tunnel towards a face.  Another ladder leads further down, but it is rotted
and descends only about ten feet before it disappears into the flooded depths
of the mine.
   To judge from the moss and slime on the wall, this part of the mine is often
flooded too.
EndLocation	= "quarry_17"

Location	= "quarry_18"
East		= quarry_17
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Narrow Face"
Desc		= ^
   You are crouched at a narrow face deep in the mine.  The low roof and tight
rough walls seem to be closing in on you, and you shake as you think of the
huge weight of rock above your head.  A single crawl leads east to a ladder.
EndLocation	= "quarry_18"