/* Fantasy Zone
 * by Illusion

#include "undef.h"
#include "special.h"


Zone		= fantasy
Author		= "Illusion"
EndZone		= fantasy

Mobile		= squirrel
Name	= "Squirrel"
Location	= forest2@fantasy
Strength	= 30
Damage		= 8
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 10
Speed		= 10
Desc		= "A curious little squirrel is here looking around."
EndMobile		= squirrel

Mobile		= muckman
Name	= "Muckman"
Location	= swamp3@fantasy
Strength	= 120
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 90
Speed		= 2
Desc		= "An angry looking muckman is here, dripping with his own mud."
EndMobile		= muckman

Mobile		= snake
Name	= "Snake"
Location	= swamp5@fantasy
Strength	= 70
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 70
Desc		= "A rather large snake is here hissing at you."
Speed		= 5
EndMobile		= snake

Mobile		= crow
Name	= "Crow"
Location	= dforest4@fantasy
Strength	= 60
Damage		= 8
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 40
Speed		= 8
Desc		= "A black crow is perched on a nearby tree."
EndMobile		= crow

Mobile		= wolf
Name	= "Wolf"
Location	= dforest9@fantasy
Strength	= 100
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 70
Speed		= 4
Desc		= "A large mean looking wolf is here."
EndMobile		= wolf

Mobile		= dwarf
Name	= "Dwarf"
Location	= dcave7@fantasy
Strength	= 120
Damage		= 8
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 80
Speed		= 5
Desc		= "A crazed dwarf is here swinging his axe around."
EndMobile		= dwarf

Mobile		= bat
Name	= "Bat"
Location	= dcave11@fantasy
Strength	= 60
Damage		= 8
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 80
Speed		= 4
Desc		= "A large black bat hovers above you."
EndMobile		= bat

Mobile		= goldminer
Name	= "Miner"
Location	= mountain13@fantasy
PFlags		= NoSteal
Strength	= 100
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 100
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "An old miner is here digging away with a gleam in his eye for gold."
EndMobile		= goldminer

Mobile		= miner
Name	= "Miner"
Location	= mountain9@fantasy
Strength	= 100
Damage		= 8
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 40
Speed		= 2
Desc		= "A dwarven miner is here chipping away at the rocks."
EndMobile		= miner

Mobile		= shopkeeperone
Name	= "Shopkeeper"
Location	= ForestShop@fantasy
PFlags		= NoSteal, NoHassle
Strength	= 100
Damage		= 0
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "An old elven shopkeeper stands at his counter eager to serve you."
Trap		= all
            (onum (THIS_OBJECT) == OBJ_FANTASY_GOLDNUGGET ||
             onum (THIS_OBJECT) == OBJ_QUARRY_NUGGET      ||
             onum (THIS_OBJECT) == OBJ_QUARRY_NUGGET1     )) 
           bprintf ("The shopkeeper smiles at you as he places the golden sword on"
                    "the counter\nfor you to take.\n\n");
           setobjstate (OBJ_FANTASY_GOLDSWORD, 0);
EndMobile		= shopkeeperone

Mobile		= shopkeepertwo
Name	= "Shopkeeper"
Location	= DForestShop@fantasy
PFlags		= NoSteal, NoHassle
Strength	= 100
Damage		= 0
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "An old dwarven shopkeeper stands at his counter eager to serve you."
Trap		= all
            onum (THIS_OBJECT) == OBJ_FANTASY_SILVER) 
           bprintf ("The shopkeeper smiles at you as he places the silver sword and"
                    "the silver\narmor on the counter for you to take.\n\n");
           setobjstate (OBJ_FANTASY_SILVERSWORD, 0);
           setobjstate (OBJ_FANTASY_SILVERARMOR, 0);
EndMobile		= shopkeepertwo

Mobile		= silvermonster
Name	= "Snake Creature"
Location	= dcave16@fantasy
Strength	= 380
Damage		= 15
Armor		= 10
Aggression	= 100
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "An ancient snake creature stands here hissing at you."
Trap		= all
{   sendf (THIS_PLAYER, "The wall to the west suddenly collapses as the "
                        "monster lets out its\nlast breath..\n");
EndMobile		= silvermonster

Mobile		= guard
Name	= "Guard"
Location	= castle3@fantasy
MFlags		= BarNorth
Strength	= 150
Damage		= 14
Armor		= 10
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "A castle guard stands here, not letting you pass to the north."
EndMobile		= guard

Mobile		= julius
Name	= "Julius"
Location	= castle8@fantasy
PFlags		= NoSteal
MFlags		= CanFireball, CanMissile
Strength	= 300 
Damage		= 12
Armor		= 10
Aggression	= 10
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "Lord Glaive's magician Julius is here studying various spells."
Trap		= all
{   int save_mynum = mynum;
      sendf (THIS_PLAYER, "You grab Julius and order him to tell you where "
             "Lord Glaive is as he\nlets out his last breath.. "
             "Julius waves his hands and you start to\nfeel faint.. you "
             "awaken finding yourself in a different place..\n");
      setup_globals (THIS_PLAYER);
      trapch (LOC_FANTASY_TREE1);
      setup_globals (save_mynum);

EndMobile		= julius

Mobile		= glaive
Name	= "Lord Glaive"
Location	= tree2@fantasy
PFlags		= NoSteal
Strength	= 500
Damage		= 15
Armor		= 15
Aggression	= 10
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "Lord Glaive is standing here with his sword at his side."
EndMobile		= glaive

Object		= dwarfaxe
Altname	= "axe"
Name	= "Axe"
Location	= WIELDED_BY:dwarf@fantasy
OFlags		= Weapon
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 280
Damage		= 12
Size		= 10
Weight		= 10
Desc0		= "A large battleaxe has been left here."
Examine		= "A mighty weapon, sure to strike fear into your enemies!"
EndObject		= dwarfaxe

Object		= dwarfarmor
Altname	= "armor"

Name	= "Armor"
Location	= WORN_BY:dwarf@fantasy
OFlags		= Armor, Wearable, WearOnBody
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
BaseValue		= 400
Armor		= 18
Size		= 60
Weight		= 60
Desc0		= "A full suit of armor has been left on the ground."
Examine		= "It looks to have been used before, but still looks protective."
EndObject		= dwarfarmor

Object		= guardsword
Altname	= "sword"
Name	= "Sword"
Location	= WIELDED_BY:guard@fantasy
OFlags		= Weapon
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 200
Damage		= 20
Size		= 10
Weight		= 10
Desc0		= "A longsword has been dropped here."
EndObject		= guardsword

Object		= guardarmor
Altname	= "armor"
Name	= "Armor"
Location	= WORN_BY:guard@fantasy
OFlags		= Armor, Wearable, WearOnBody
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 300
Armor		= 18
Size		= 8
Weight		= 8
Desc0		= "A suit of armor has been left here."
EndObject		= guardarmor

Object		= glaivesword
Altname	= "sword"
Name	= "Sword"
Location	= WIELDED_BY:glaive@fantasy
OFlags		= Weapon
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 300
Damage		= 25
Size		= 10
Weight		= 10
Desc0		= "Lord Glaive's longsword has been dropped here."
EndObject		= glaivesword

Object		= glaivearmor
Altname	= "armor"
Name	= "Armor"
Location	= WORN_BY:glaive@fantasy
OFlags		= Armor, Wearable, WearOnBody
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 300
Armor		= 20
Size		= 8
Weight		= 8
Desc0		= "Lord Glaive's suit of armor has been left here."
EndObject		= glaivearmor

Object		= minerpick
Altname	= "pick"
Name	= "Pick"
Location	= WIELDED_BY:goldminer@fantasy
OFlags		= Weapon
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 100
Damage		= 12
Size		= 10
Weight		= 10
Desc0		= "A pickaxe has been dropped here."
EndObject		= minerpick

Object		= pick
Name	= "Pick"
Location	= WIELDED_BY:miner@fantasy
OFlags		= Weapon
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 90
Damage		= 10
Size		= 10
Weight		= 10
Desc0		= "A miner's pick has been left here."
EndObject		= pick

Object		= stonesword
Name	= "stonesword"
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave14@fantasy
OFlags		= NoGet
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
Size		= 0
Desc0		= "A massive stone block rests in the middle of the room."
EndObject		= stonesword

Object		= swordinstone
Altname	= "sword"
Name	= "Sword"
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave14@fantasy
OFlags		= GetFlips, Weapon
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
BaseValue		= 400
Damage		= 20
Size		= 20
Weight		= 20
Desc0		= "A finely crafted greatsword rests on the ground."
Desc1		= "A mighty greatsword sticks out of the stone."
Examine		= "It is a finely crafted greatsword with ancient dwarven writing on the hilt."
EndObject		= swordinstone

Object		= goldnugget
Altname	= "gold"
Name	= "Gold"
Location	= CARRIED_BY:miner@fantasy
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 100
Size		= 2
Weight		= 2
Desc0		= "A large gold nugget rests on the ground nearby."
Examine		= "A real 24 karet hunk of gold, probably good for trading."
EndObject		= goldnugget

Object		= goldsword
Altname	= "sword"
Name	= "Sword"
Location	= IN_ROOM:ForestShop@fantasy
OFlags		= Weapon
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
BaseValue		= 400
Damage		= 18
Size		= 18
Weight		= 18
Desc0		= "A finely crafted golden sword lays on the ground."
Desc1		= "A finely crafted golden sword rests behind the counter."
Examine		= "A fine golden sword that looks to be very powerful."
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONGET:
   if (param_s.misc == BEFORE_GET)
    if (param_s.ob == OBJ_FANTASY_GOLDSWORD && state (param_s.ob) == 1) {
      bprintf ("As you go to take the sword the shopkeeper mentions he would "
	     "like a gold\nnugget in exchange for it. He then mentions that "
	"in the mountains behind\nhis shop there are many gold mines.\n\n");
      param_s.ret = 0;
    else if (param_s.ob == OBJ_FANTASY_SILVERSWORD && state (param_s.ob) == 1) {
      bprintf ("As you go to take the sword the shopkeeper mentions he would "
	     "like a bag\nof silver in exchange for it. He then speaks of "
	   "the dwarven cave to the west\nthat is said to have many hidden "
	     "treasures guarded by a monster.\n\n");
      param_s.ret = 0;
    else if (param_s.ob == OBJ_FANTASY_SILVERARMOR && state (param_s.ob) == 1) {
      bprintf ("As you go to take the armor the shopkeeper mentions he would "
	     "like a bag\nof silver in exchange for it. He then speaks of "
	   "the dwarven cave to the west\nthat is said to have many hidden "
	     "treasures guarded by a monster.\n\n");
      param_s.ret = 0;
   default: break;
EndObject		= goldsword

Object		= silver
Name	= "Silver"
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave17@fantasy
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 300
Size		= 3
Weight		= 2
Desc0		= "A bag full of silver has been left on the ground."
Examine		= "A large bag with a good amount of silver in it."
EndObject		= silver

Object		= ruby
Name	= "Ruby"
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave17@fantasy
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 200
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A large red ruby lays on the ground."
Examine		= "A fine ruby, sure to please the Gods."
EndObject		= ruby

Object		= diamond
Name	= "Diamond"
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave17@fantasy
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 200
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A gleaming diamond rests of the ground for the taking."
Examine		= "A very beautiful diamond."
EndObject		= diamond

Object		= shield
Name	= "Shield"
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave17@fantasy
OFlags		= Armor, Wearable, WearOnArms
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
Armor		= 8
BaseValue		= 150
Size		= 5
Weight		= 5
Desc0		= "A finely polished shield lays on the ground."
EndObject		= shield

Object		= gauntlets
Name	= "Gauntlets"
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave17@fantasy
OFlags		= Armor, Wearable, WearOnHands
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
Armor		= 10
BaseValue		= 200
Size		= 4
Weight		= 4
Desc0		= "A set of gauntlets have been left on the ground."
Examine		= "A very protective looking set of gauntlets."
EndObject		= gauntlets

Object		= bag
Name	= "Bag"
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave17@fantasy
OFlags		= GetFlips, Container
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 100
Size		= 30
Weight		= 25
Desc0		= "A nice sized bag rests on the ground."
Desc1		= "A nice sized bag rests in the corner."
EndObject		= bag

Object		= silversword
Altname	= "sword"
Name	= "Sword"
Location	= IN_ROOM:DForestShop@fantasy
OFlags		= Weapon
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
BaseValue		= 500
Damage		= 25
Size		= 20
Weight		= 20
Desc0		= "A beautiful silver greatsword lies on the ground."
Desc1		= "A beautiful silver greatsword rests behind the counter."
Examine		= "A very finely crafted silver greatsword with an ancient inscription on it."
UseTrap		= all:goldsword
EndObject		= silversword

Object		= silverarmor
Altname	= "armor"
Name	= "Armor"
Location	= IN_ROOM:DForestShop@fantasy
OFlags		= Armor, Wearable, WearOnBody
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
BaseValue		= 500
Armor		= 20
Size		= 60
Weight		= 60
Desc0		= "A full suit of silver armor rests on the ground."
Desc1		= "A full suit of silver armor rests behind the counter."
Examine		= "A full suit of shiny silver armor that looks extremely protectful."
UseTrap		= all:goldsword
EndObject		= silverarmor

Object		= branch
Altname	= "stick"
Name	= "Branch"
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave1@fantasy
OFlags		= Lightable
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 40
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A nice sized branch rests on the ground."
EndObject		= branch

Object		= mana
Name	= "Mana"
Location	= WORN_BY:glaive@fantasy
OFlags		= Wearable, WearOnNeck, EnhanceMagic, FastHeal
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
BaseValue		= 600
Size		= 2
Weight		= 2
Desc0		= "The pendant of mana has been left here on the ground."
Examine		= "
The pendant is attached to a necklace. As you feel the pendant in your 
hand, you feel a magical force."
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONUSE:
    if (ploc (param_s.plx) == LOC_FANTASY_TREE2) 
    {  bprintf ("As you put the Pendant of Mana around your "
	     "neck the world begins to blur and\nshake around "
	     "as your eyes close. You feel yourself floating in "
	     "air and then\nthe moving stops. You open your eyes "
	     "in a different part of the world..\n\n");
       setploc (param_s.plx, LOC_FANTASY_START);
       trapch (ploc (param_s.plx));
       bprintf ("You have freed the mana tree from the grasp of the "
	     "evil Lord Glaive.\n\n");
       /*    set_quest (mynum, Q_MANA);*/
  default: break;
EndObject		= mana

Object		= leafshield
Altname	= "shield"
Name	= "Shield"
Location	= IN_ROOM:tree1@fantasy
OFlags		= Wearable, Armor, WearOnArms
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
Armor		= 10
BaseValue		= 200
Size		= 5
Weight		= 5
Desc0		= "A large leaf from the mana tree has fell to the ground."
Examine		= "A leaf from the tree of mana, looks quite protective."
EndObject		= leafshield

Object		= dcavefire
Altname	= "torch"
Name	= "Fire"
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave2@fantasy
OFlags		= NoGet, Lit
State		= 0
MaxState	= 0
Desc0		= "A small torch hangs on the cave wall."
Examine		= "It is fastened securely to the wall."
EndObject		= dcavefire

Object		= treeforest
Altname	= "tree"
Name	= "Tree"
Linked		= treecave
Location	= IN_ROOM:dforest14@fantasy
OFlags		= Pushable, NoGet
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "A fallen tree reveals an entrance to a cave."
Examine		= "An old rotten tree, looks like it could be easily pushed over."
EndObject		= treeforest

Object		= treecave
Altname	= "tree"
Name	= "Tree"
Linked		= treeforest
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave1@fantasy
OFlags		= NoGet
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
EndObject		= treecave

Object		= cavewallin
Altname	= "wall"
Name	= "Wall"
Linked		= cavewallout
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave17@fantasy
OFlags		= NoGet
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "A collapsed wall gives an exit to the east."
EndObject		= cavewallin

Object		= cavewallout
Altname	= "wall"
Name	= "Wall"
Linked		= cavewallin
Location	= IN_ROOM:dcave16@fantasy
OFlags		= NoGet
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc0		= "A collapsed wall gives an exit to the west."
EndObject		= cavewallout

Location	= "start"
East		= forest1@fantasy
West		= shady@blizzard
LFlags		= Outdoors, NoMobiles
Title		= "Forest Clearing"
Desc		= ^
  You are standing in a clearing in a forest. All around the clearing 
there are trees that stand as tall as giants, this must be a very old 
forest. To the north you see a large waterfall that seems to go up for 
miles and miles and you stare at it in awe. The clearing becomes smaller 
and turns into a very large path to the east.
EndLocation	= "start"

Location	= "forest1"
West		= start@fantasy
East		= forest2@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Old Forest"
Desc		= ^
  As you look up you notice that the trees seem to almost touch the sky. 
The path that you are walking on is covered with pine needles and pine 
cones of various sizes and sorts. The path continues to the east and 
there is a clearing to the west.
EndLocation	= "forest1"

Location	= "forest2"
West		= forest1@fantasy
North		= mountain1@fantasy
East		= forest3@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Aside the River in the Forest"
Desc		= ^
  You are next to a river that you figure runs from the waterfall that 
you saw back in a clearing. The trees here are a little shorter than 
the other ones that you have seen. There is a bridge that goes over the 
river that leads up to some mountains to the north and to the east the 
forest continues.
EndLocation	= "forest2"

Location	= "forest3"
West		= forest2@fantasy
East		= forest4@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Old Forest"
Desc		= ^
  You are once again in the forest with trees that seem to have been 
growing for centuries. The sound of chipmunks running on the branches of 
the trees seems to sooth you a little bit and you look down the path and 
notice a small pond up ahead.
EndLocation	= "forest3"

Location	= "forest4"
West		= forest3@fantasy
North		= forestshop@fantasy
East		= swamp1@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors, NoMobiles
Title		= "Small Pond in Forest"
Desc		= ^
  There is a large clearing in the forest here with a small pond in the 
middle of it. The pond is a beautiful shade of blue and you can see 
little fish swimming around in it. To the north is a small shop and to 
the east is what looks to be the beginning of a swamp.
EndLocation	= "forest4"

Location	= "forestshop"
South		= forest4@fantasy
LFlags		= NoMobiles, Peaceful
Title		= "Small Shop"
Desc		= ^
  This is a small shop with assorted weapons hanging on the walls behind 
the large desk that the shopkeep is sitting at. The shopkeep smiles at 
you and gestures for you to sit down and rest.
EndLocation	= "forestshop"

Location	= "mountain1"
South		= forest2@fantasy
North		= mountain2@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors, NoMobiles
Title		= "Head of Mountain Path"
Desc		= ^
  Looking ahead you notice that the mountains that this path goes through 
are pretty impressive. They seem to just continue onward and upward forever.
The path continues to the north and the forest is to the south.
EndLocation	= "mountain1"

Location	= "mountain2"
South		= mountain1@fantasy
Up		= mountain3@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Mountain Path"
Desc		= ^
  The mountain path is climbing quite quickly and you stop to catch your 
breath before deciding to go onward. Against a cliff face to the north 
there are a few vines that look to be a few inches thick which would give
plenty of support for a body to climb up them. 
EndLocation	= "mountain2"

Location	= "mountain3"
Down		= mountain2@fantasy
Up		= mountain4@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Vines leading up the mountain"
Desc		= ^
  You are climbing up a large set of vines that leads up the side of the 
mountain. The vines continue to the north and to the south is a path.
EndLocation	= "mountain3"

Location	= "mountain4"
Up		= mountain5@fantasy
Down		= mountain3@fantasy
East		= mountain6@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Ledge"
Desc		= ^
  You are standing on a ledge that leads to the east of here. You look at 
the mountain wall and notice some more vines leading to the north but 
they don't look quite as supportive as the ones that you just climbed up 
EndLocation	= "mountain4"

Location	= "mountain5"
LFlags		= Outdoors, Death
Title		= "Vines leading up the mountain"
Desc		= ^
  You grab ahold of the vines and start to climb up them. About halfway 
up the vine starts to rip and tear, you try to climb down as fast as you 
can but it's too late..the vine rips and you plummet hundreds of feet to 
the ground smashing your head against a large rock...
EndLocation	= "mountain5"

Location	= "mountain6"
West		= mountain4@fantasy
East		= mountain7@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Mountain Path"
Desc		= ^
  You are on a small mountain path that is only a few feet wide as you 
look down the side of the mountain you feel a little sick to your stomach.
The path winds to the east and goes back to a ledge to the west.
EndLocation	= "mountain6"

Location	= "mountain7"
West		= mountain6@fantasy
East		= mountain8@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "In front of Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The path here leads right into a cave that looks to be lit by something 
from inside.
EndLocation	= "mountain7"

Location	= "mountain8"
West		= mountain7@fantasy
North		= mountain9@fantasy
LFlags		= NoMobiles
Title		= "Cave Entrance"
Desc		= ^
  You are at the cave entrance that is lit by several torches that have 
been stuck into the walls. The cave leads to the north.
EndLocation	= "mountain8"

Location	= "mountain9"
South		= mountain8@fantasy
East		= mountain11@fantasy
West		= mountain10@fantasy
Title		= "Mountain Cave"
Desc		= ^
  You are inside of the cave now and it is a little dark in here but you 
can still see fairly well. To the east the cave continues and to the west
there is a rather dark mine shaft, you can't see where it leads to..
EndLocation	= "mountain9"

Location	= "mountain10"
LFlags		= Death
Title		= "Mine Shaft"
Desc		= ^
  You walk into the mine shaft and start to fall..you land in a pool of 
water and knock your head on the bottom and are knocked out..you drown..
EndLocation	= "mountain10"

Location	= "mountain11"
West		= mountain9@fantasy
East		= mmaze1@fantasy
Title		= "Mountain Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The cave is a little bit lighter here and to the east the passage looks 
to start twisting and turning alot.
EndLocation	= "mountain11"

Location	= "mountain12"
West		= mmaze7@fantasy
East		= mountain13@fantasy
Title		= "Mountain Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The cave is a little bit lighter here and to the west the passage looks 
to start twisting and turning alot.
EndLocation	= "mountain12"

Location	= "mountain13"
West		= mountain12@fantasy
Title		= "End of Mountain Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The cave looks to end here. There are shovels and picks laying around 
that the miners must use to chip away the rock to search for gold.
EndLocation	= "mountain13"

Location	= "mmaze1"
North		= mmaze2@fantasy
East		= mmaze5@fantasy
South		= mmaze3@fantasy
West		= mountain11@fantasy
LFlags		= Maze
Title		= "Lost in Mountain Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The cave twists and turns here and you cannot tell which direction you 
last came from. You can see a lighter area to the west of here.
EndLocation	= "mmaze1"

Location	= "mmaze2"
North		= mmaze3@fantasy
East		= mmaze4@fantasy
South		= mmaze4@fantasy
West		= mmaze2@fantasy
LFlags		= Maze
Title		= "Lost in Mountain Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The cave twists and turns here and you cannot tell which direction you 
last came from.
EndLocation	= "mmaze2"

Location	= "mmaze3"
North		= mmaze8@fantasy
East		= mmaze2@fantasy
South		= mmaze3@fantasy
West		= mmaze4@fantasy
LFlags		= Maze
Title		= "Lost in Mountain Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The cave twists and turns here and you cannot tell which direction you 
last came from.
EndLocation	= "mmaze3"

Location	= "mmaze4"
North		= mmaze1@fantasy
East		= mmaze2@fantasy
South		= mmaze3@fantasy
West		= mmaze6@fantasy
LFlags		= Maze
Title		= "Lost in Mountain Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The cave twists and turns here and you cannot tell which direction you 
last came from.
EndLocation	= "mmaze4"

Location	= "mmaze5"
North		= mmaze1@fantasy
East		= mmaze5@fantasy
South		= mmaze4@fantasy
West		= mmaze5@fantasy
LFlags		= Maze
Title		= "Lost in Mountain Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The cave twists and turns here and you cannot tell which direction you 
last came from.
EndLocation	= "mmaze5"

Location	= "mmaze6"
North		= mmaze3@fantasy
East		= mmaze7@fantasy
South		= mmaze7@fantasy
West		= mmaze6@fantasy
LFlags		= Maze
Title		= "Lost in Mountain Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The cave twists and turns here and you cannot tell which direction you 
last came from.
EndLocation	= "mmaze6"

Location	= "mmaze7"
North		= mmaze6@fantasy
East		= mountain12@fantasy
LFlags		= Maze
Title		= "Lost in Mountain Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The cave twists and turns here and you cannot tell which direction you 
last came from. You see a lighter area to the east of here.
EndLocation	= "mmaze7"

Location	= "mmaze8"
North		= mmaze7@fantasy
East		= mmaze5@fantasy
South		= mmaze2@fantasy
West		= mmaze6@fantasy
LFlags		= Maze
Title		= "Lost in Mountain Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The cave twists and turns here and you cannot tell which direction you 
last came from.
EndLocation	= "mmaze8"

Location	= "swamp1"
West		= forest4@fantasy
East		= swamp2@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors, NoMobiles
Title		= "Swampy Forest Path"
Desc		= ^
  The forest seems to mix into a swamp here. The swamp looks to extend to 
the east.
EndLocation	= "swamp1"

Location	= "swamp2"
West		= swamp1@fantasy
South		= swamp3@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Swampy Path"
Desc		= ^
  You are now inside of a swamp area. The air has a foul odor to it and 
you start to feel a little sick as you look down at the mud around your 
feet. The path looks to head to the south from here.
EndLocation	= "swamp2"

Location	= "swamp3"
North		= swamp2@fantasy
South		= swamp4@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Swamp"
Desc		= ^
  The path that you thought you were walking on seems to have 
disappeared. You are starting to get a little sick of this swamp as you 
pick up your feet and look at the sludge on the bottom of your shoes.
EndLocation	= "swamp3"

Location	= "swamp4"
North		= swamp3@fantasy
South		= swamp5@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Murky Swamp"
Desc		= ^
  The swamp here is a little more murky than the other swampy areas that 
you have seen so far. The mud is very cold here and you start to feel 
like this swamp will never end.
EndLocation	= "swamp4"

Location	= "swamp5"
North		= swamp4@fantasy
South		= swamp6@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Murkier Swamp"
Desc		= ^
  The swamp is still getting murkier and even colder as you trudge 
onward. Your legs are half frozen now and you are starting to lose all 
hope of ever making it out of this swamp.
EndLocation	= "swamp5"

Location	= "swamp6"
North		= swamp5@fantasy
South		= swamp7@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Less Murky Swamp"
Desc		= ^
  The swamp is looking a little murky here. You feel a little bit better 
as you look to the south and notice that the swamp is coming to an end.
EndLocation	= "swamp6"

Location	= "swamp7"
North		= swamp6@fantasy
South		= dforest1@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "End of Swamp"
Desc		= ^
  You smile happily and sigh a breath of relief as you realize that you 
have reached the end of the swamp. To the south you can see a forest 
which makes you feel even better.
EndLocation	= "swamp7"

Location	= "dforest1"
North		= swamp7@fantasy
West		= dforest2@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors, NoMobiles
Title		= "Beginning of Dwarven Forest"
Desc		= ^
  A sign here tells you that you are entering the Dwarven Forest. You 
know that the dwarfs are a nice bunch of people, but the monsters lurking 
in their ancient forest are not. 
EndLocation	= "dforest1"

Location	= "dforest2"
East		= dforest1@fantasy
West		= dforest3@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Beginning of Path"
Desc		= ^
  You are on what looks to be the beginning of a path that winds through 
the vast forest ahead of you. You are surrounded by a huge forest that 
seems to never end.
EndLocation	= "dforest2"

Location	= "dforest3"
West		= dforest4@fantasy
East		= dforest2@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Path"
Desc		= ^
  You are on a path that leads through the dwarven forest. You marvel at 
the beauty of this ancient forest and look up towards the clear blue sky.
EndLocation	= "dforest3"

Location	= "dforest4"
North		= dforestshop@fantasy
East		= dforest3@fantasy
West		= dforest5@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "In Front of a Shop"
Desc		= ^
  To the north of here is a little shop that has a sign that shows that 
it is a weapons and armor shop. Perhaps you can get a good deal on a new 
sword in here.
EndLocation	= "dforest4"

Location	= "dforestshop"
South		= dforest4@fantasy
LFlags		= NoMobiles, Peaceful
Title		= "Dwarf Shop"
Desc		= ^
  This is a fine shop full of many powerful looking weapons and strong 
armor. The shopkeep is busy polishing up silver weapons and silver armor 
as he looks up at you and fixes his hair. He greets you and welcomes you 
to his shop.
EndLocation	= "dforestshop"

Location	= "dforest5"
East		= dforest4@fantasy
Up		= dforest6@fantasy
West		= dforest7@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Fork in Path"
Desc		= ^
  The path looks to fork into two different directions here. You can stay 
on the path through the Dwarven Forest, or you can hike up to the Cave of 
EndLocation	= "dforest5"

Location	= "dforest6"
North		= gaia1@fantasy
Down		= dforest5@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "In front of the Gaia Cave"
Desc		= ^
  As you stand in front of this cave you notice that the cave entrance 
looks alot like a face of somesort. There are tiny holes for eyes and a 
large hole for a mouth. You notice that the "mouth" has some silver on 
EndLocation	= "dforest6"

Location	= "dforest7"
East		= dforest5@fantasy
West		= dforest8@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Forest Path"
Desc		= ^
  The path is partially covered with leaves that are falling from the 
branches of the trees above you. The sound of the leaves rustling from 
the wind is very soothing to you and you sigh happily.
EndLocation	= "dforest7"

Location	= "dforest8"
East		= dforest7@fantasy
North		= dforest9@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Shady Path"
Desc		= ^
  The trees have blocked out the sun here making it a little shadier than 
the other parts of the forest. A cool breeze blows through your hair 
sending a small chill down your neck.
EndLocation	= "dforest8"

Location	= "dforest9"
North		= dforest10@fantasy
South		= dforest8@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors, NoMobiles
Title		= "End of the Path"
Desc		= ^
  The path seems to end here and the dwarven forest continues onward. You 
look into the forest and see the rustling of animals of various shapes 
and sizes. You know that the dwarven forest is a place that is full of 
danger and evil monsters. You also know that the forest is a place full 
of mystery and many treasures lie within it.
EndLocation	= "dforest9"

Location	= "dforest10"
South		= dforest9@fantasy
West		= dforest11@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Inside of the Dwarven Forest"
Desc		= ^
  The dwarven forest seems to be a lot darker than the other parts that 
you have been through so far. You can not hear the sounds of birds 
chirping here and you feel a little uneasy because of it.
EndLocation	= "dforest10"

Location	= "dforest11"
East		= dforest10@fantasy
West		= dforest12@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Dwarven Forest"
Desc		= ^
  As you go further into the forest you being to feel a little more 
uneasy about being here. You have a feeling that there are things looking 
at you but when you turn around there is nothing there.
EndLocation	= "dforest11"

Location	= "dforest12"
North		= dforest13@fantasy
East		= dforest11@fantasy
West		= dforest15@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Southeast corner of a circular path"
Desc		= ^
  The path seems to be in the shape of a circle through here. The path 
curves to the north and to the west. The trees here are very dense and 
you figure that they are at least a few hundred years old.
EndLocation	= "dforest12"

Location	= "dforest13"
West		= dforest14@fantasy
South		= dforest12@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Northeast corner of a circular path"
Desc		= ^
  The path seems to be in the shape of a circle through here. The path 
curves to the west and to the south. The trees here look very healthy and 
EndLocation	= "dforest13"

Location	= "dforest14"
East		= dforest13@fantasy
South		= dforest15@fantasy
West		= ^treeforest@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Northwest corner of a circular path"
Desc		= ^
  The path seems to be in the shape of a circle through here. The path 
curves to the south and to the east. The trees here look very weak and 
EndLocation	= "dforest14"

Location	= "dforest15"
North		= dforest14@fantasy
East		= dforest12@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Southwest corner of a circular path"
Desc		= ^
  The path seems to be in the shape of a circle through here. The path 
curves to the east and the north. The trees look very ancient and 
admirable and you just start to wonder how old they could be.
EndLocation	= "dforest15"

Location	= "dforest16"
South		= gaia5@fantasy
West		= dforest17@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Dwarven Forest"
Desc		= ^
  You have reached the other side of the dwarven forest on the other
side of the Gaia cave. A small path leads to the west and the entrance
to the Gaia cave is to the south. Looking to the north you see the top
of the waterfall that you saw from the clearing earlier.
EndLocation	= "dforest16"

Location	= "dforest17"
West		= dforest18@fantasy
East		= dforest16@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Further into the Forest"
Desc		= ^
  The forest seems to have a large clearing up ahead to the west. You
can still see the waterfall to the north, and you see some sort of 
large tree at the top of the waterfall.
EndLocation	= "dforest17"

Location	= "dforest18"
West		= airship1@fantasy
East		= dforest17@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "Large Clearing"
Desc		= ^
  You are standing in a large clearing. To the west is what looks like
an airship of some sort. The waterfall and the tree at the top of it
are much clearer now, and you realize that the tree is the Tree of Mana,
the source of life for the world.
EndLocation	= "dforest18"

Location	= "dcave1"
East		= ^treecave@fantasy
West		= dcave2@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "In front of the Dwarf Mine"
Desc		= ^
  You are in front of what looks to be an old abandoned mine. This area 
looks to be long forgotten as well, there are overgrown shrubs and bushes 
that are partially covering the entrance to the cave.
EndLocation	= "dcave1"

Location	= "dcave2"
East		= dcave1@fantasy
North		= dcave3@fantasy
LFlags		= NoMobiles
Title		= "Entrance to Dwarf Mine"
Desc		= ^
  Once inside of the mine you realize that your first impression was 
probably correct, this mine has been long forgotten. A thick layer of 
dust covers the walls, the floor and the ceiling. The mine looks to lead 
to the north, and the exit is to the east.
EndLocation	= "dcave2"

Location	= "dcave3"
North		= dcave4@fantasy
South		= dcave2@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Dwarf Mine"
Desc		= ^
  The mine has gotten a little darker now that you are past the entrance. 
It is a little colder too and you shiver slightly and look around. You 
can see that the mine leads onward to the north and you can see the 
entrance to the south.
EndLocation	= "dcave3"

Location	= "dcave4"
South		= dcave3@fantasy
West		= dcave5@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Turn in the Dwarf Mine"
Desc		= ^
  The mine has not gotten much colder, but it sure is getting a little 
bit darker. Looking around you see that the mine turns to the west.
EndLocation	= "dcave4"

Location	= "dcave5"
East		= dcave4@fantasy
West		= dcave6@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Dwarf Mine"
Desc		= ^
  A cold chill blows in from the tunnel in front of you and you clench 
your teeth to stop them from chattering from the cold. Looking at the 
walls you notice that there may be some minerals still left here for the 
taking. The passage continues to the west.
EndLocation	= "dcave5"

Location	= "dcave6"
East		= dcave5@fantasy
South		= dcave7@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Another turn in the mine"
Desc		= ^
  You can no longer see any kind of light coming from the way you came 
and it is still getting colder in here. You look around for an exit and 
find one to the south.
EndLocation	= "dcave6"

Location	= "dcave7"
North		= dcave6@fantasy
West		= dcave8@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Yet another turn in the mine"
Desc		= ^
  While shining around your light you notice that the walls seem to 
sparkle a little bit. Looking around you find an exit to the west.
EndLocation	= "dcave7"

Location	= "dcave8"
East		= dcave7@fantasy
South		= dcave9@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "And another turn in the mine"
Desc		= ^
  You are hit by a smell of rotting meat as you enter this corridor and 
you being to feel a little sick to your stomach. You figure that some 
worker just left some food down here long ago and it has been rotting 
ever sense. The passage leads to the south.
EndLocation	= "dcave8"

Location	= "dcave9"
North		= dcave8@fantasy
South		= dcave10@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Mine gets a little smaller"
Desc		= ^
  The mine seems to get a little bit smaller here and you begin to feel 
claustrophobia set in. You look down the passage way and see that it 
turns up ahead.
EndLocation	= "dcave9"

Location	= "dcave10"
North		= dcave9@fantasy
East		= dcave11@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Turn in the mine"
Desc		= ^
  Looking around this mine is beginning to make you feel uneasy and you 
don't know how much longer you can stand being in here. You can see that 
the passage turns to the east.
EndLocation	= "dcave10"

Location	= "dcave11"
East		= dcave12@fantasy
South		= dcave15@fantasy
West		= dcave10@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "A fork in the passage"
Desc		= ^
  The passage looks to lead in three different directions here. The 
passage leads to the east, to the south, and back to the west.
EndLocation	= "dcave11"

Location	= "dcave12"
East		= dcave13@fantasy
West		= dcave11@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Eastern Passageway"
Desc		= ^
  This passageway is a little bit warmer than the passages that you have 
been in already, this makes you feel a little bit better. The passage 
continues to the east.
EndLocation	= "dcave12"

Location	= "dcave13"
South		= dcave14@fantasy
West		= dcave12@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Turn in the passageway"
Desc		= ^
  The passageway turns to the south here. You can see some sort of light 
coming from the end of the passage.
EndLocation	= "dcave13"

Location	= "dcave14"
North		= dcave13@fantasy
Title		= "End of Passageway"
Desc		= ^
  This room is warm and bright and you start to feel a sense of good 
enter your soul. Upon the walls are pictures of what looks like an evil 
being that destroyed part of the dwarven empire. It shows a great fight 
between the monster and a dwarf with a sword.
EndLocation	= "dcave14"

Location	= "dcave15"
North		= dcave11@fantasy
Down		= dcave16@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Southern Passageway"
Desc		= ^
  A cold blast of air jets from the chamber below you and you turn your 
head from the freezing jet of air. The blast of air also brought up a 
horrible stench of rotting meat and you start to choke a little. You can 
turn back and go north or go downward.
EndLocation	= "dcave15"

Location	= "dcave16"
North		= dcave15@fantasy
West		= ^cavewallout@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Lower Passage"
Desc		= ^
  Now you see where the stench was coming from, there are rotting bodies 
all over the floor and the walls have blood stains on them.
EndLocation	= "dcave16"

Location	= "dcave17"
East		= ^cavewallin@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Treasure Room"
Desc		= ^
  Now you see what the monster was guarding all this time, a treasure 
room filled with many assorted treasures and wonders. You also see dead 
bodies laying around, people that have tried to get to this room before but 
have failed in their quest for riches.
EndLocation	= "dcave17"

Location	= "gaia1"
South		= dforest6@fantasy
North		= gaia2@fantasy
Trap		= all
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONENTRY:
    if ((!iswornby (OBJ_FANTASY_SILVERARMOR, param_s.plx )
	 && !iscarrby (OBJ_FANTASY_SILVERSWORD, param_s.plx))) 
      bprintf ("The Gaia Cave will not let you enter..\n");
      param_s.ret = -1;
    } else
       bprintf ("The Gaia Cave seems to like the silver armor "
	     "and sword, you\nare allowed to pass.\n\n");
   default: break;
LFlags		= Dark, NoMobiles
Title		= "Entrance to Gaia Cave"
Desc		= ^
  The Gaia cave is a very strange place, you can feel that something is 
alive in here yet you do not see anything moving.
EndLocation	= "gaia1"

Location	= "gaia2"
South		= gaia1@fantasy
West		= gaia3@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Entering the Gaia Cave"
Desc		= ^
  You swear that something is alive in this cave, you just can't figure 
out what it is.
EndLocation	= "gaia2"

Location	= "gaia3"
East		= gaia2@fantasy
West		= gaia4@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Past the Entrance"
Desc		= ^
  It is beginning to get a bit darker in the cave as you go furthur into 
the cave. You still have this feeling that something is watching you in 
here, you just can't figure out what it is.
EndLocation	= "gaia3"

Location	= "gaia4"
North		= gaia5@fantasy
East		= gaia3@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Towards the Exit"
Desc		= ^
  Looking to the north you can see the end of the Gaia cave. You still have
an uneasy feeling of something watching you though.
EndLocation	= "gaia4"

Location	= "gaia5"
North		= dforest16@fantasy
South		= gaia4@fantasy
LFlags		= Dark, NoMobiles
Title		= "End of the Gaia Cave"
Desc		= ^
  You have reached the end of the Gaia cave, looking out of the cave you
notice that the dwarven forest must cover the entire area around the cave.
EndLocation	= "gaia5"

Location	= "airship1"
East		= dforest18@fantasy
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONENTRY:
      if (param_s.misc == LOC_FANTASY_AIRSHIP1) 
         bprintf ("The airship begins to take off as you fly over the world..\n");
         setploc (param_s.plx, LOC_FANTASY_CASTLE1);
         trapch (ploc (param_s.plx));
         param_s.ret = -1;
   default: break;
LFlags		= Outdoors, NoMobiles
Title		= "On The Airship.."
Desc		= ^
  You are onboard of a mighty airship..
EndLocation	= "airship1"

Location	= "airship2"
West		= castle1@fantasy
Trap		= all
  switch(event) {
  case E_ONENTRY:
    if (param_s.misc == LOC_FANTASY_AIRSHIP2)
    {  bprintf ("The airship begins to take off as you fly over the world..\n");
       setploc (param_s.plx, LOC_FANTASY_DFOREST18);
       trapch (ploc (param_s.plx));
       param_s.ret = -1;
  default: break;
LFlags		= Outdoors, NoMobiles
Title		= "On The Airship.."
Desc		= ^
  You are onboard of a mighty airship..
EndLocation	= "airship2"

Location	= "castle1"
East		= airship2@fantasy
North		= castle2@fantasy
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "In Front of Castle Glaive"
Desc		= ^
  You are standing in front of a monsterous looking castle that seems to
reach up to the sky. The black walls block out most of the sunlight 
allowing only a few rays on sunlight to strike against the ground 
revealing large bushes that climb the sides of the castle walls. The 
drawbridge leading into the castle is open allowing you to see inside
of the dimly lit entrance.
EndLocation	= "castle1"

Location	= "castle2"
North		= castle3@fantasy
South		= castle1@fantasy
Title		= "Entrance to Castle Glaive"
Desc		= ^
  The inside of Castle Glaive is just as illumating as the outside is.
Dark statues are set along the walls and you can make out shadows of
figures lurking in the dark corners.
EndLocation	= "castle2"

Location	= "castle3"
North		= castle4@fantasy
South		= castle2@fantasy
Title		= "Main Hallway"
Desc		= ^
  You are in the main hallway of Castle Glaive. You look to the north
to see what is furthur up ahead but the dim lighting prevents you
from doing so.
EndLocation	= "castle3"

Location	= "castle4"
South		= castle3@fantasy
East		= castle5@fantasy
Title		= "Main Hallway"
Desc		= ^
  The hallway is very dim and you can only make out the direction
the hall goes, which is to the east.
EndLocation	= "castle4"

Location	= "castle5"
East		= castle6@fantasy
West		= castle4@fantasy
Title		= "Eastern Hallway"
Desc		= ^
  There is a bit of light coming from the hallway to the east of 
here that helps to illuminate this hallway. You see blocked off 
doors to the north and south in the hallway and realize that there 
is no way to go through them and decide to head to the east instead.
EndLocation	= "castle5"

Location	= "castle6"
North		= castle7@fantasy
West		= castle5@fantasy
Title		= "Eastern Hallway"
Desc		= ^
  This looks to the be the end of the eastern hallway as it branches
to the north.
EndLocation	= "castle6"

Location	= "castle7"
North		= castle8@fantasy
South		= castle6@fantasy
Title		= "Northern Hallway"
Desc		= ^
  Looking at the walls you see writings of the Tree of Mana, the 
very lifeforce of this world. There is a room to the north with 
an eerie light burning in it and you can see a dark figure moving
EndLocation	= "castle7"

Location	= "castle8"
South		= castle7@fantasy
Title		= "The Magician's Room"
Desc		= ^
  This is the room of Julius, the magician to Lord Glaive. Looking
at the walls you see more writings of the Tree of Mana and many
scriptures that you can not even read. The room is slightly cluttered 
with various papers and books and you wonder what Julius could be up to.
EndLocation	= "castle8"

Location	= "tree1"
North		= tree2@fantasy
Title		= "The Path to the Tree of Mana"
Desc		= ^
  You look to the north and see the mighty Tree of Mana. You can feel
it's magical energy even from this distance and begin to feel your
very lifeforce be returned to you.
EndLocation	= "tree1"

Location	= "tree2"
South		= tree1@fantasy
Title		= "The Tree of Mana"
Desc		= ^
  You are standing before the mighty Tree of Mana. It's great branches
loom up towards the sky as it takes in the sun's warm rays and passes
the life of the sun back onto the land. Large green leaves that have 
fallen from the tree partially cover the ground.
EndLocation	= "tree2"