/* Minor additions by Marty to make it a teeny bit different from what most
 * players are used to ;)
#include "undef.h"
#include "exits.h"

Zone		= village
Author		= "Unknown"

EndZone		= village

Mobile        = Locksmith
Name	= "The locksmith"
Location	= locksmith@village
Strength    = 90
Damage      = 8
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 95
Speed       = 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
MFlags		= NegFireball, NegFrost, NegShock, NegMissile
Desc	 = "A crazy looking man stands here looking at you."
EndMobile         = Locksmith

Mobile        = Baker
Name	= "The baker"
Location	= Store@village
Strength    = 50
Damage      = 8
Armor       = 2
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Desc	 = "A thin tall looking baker stands here."
EndMobile         = Baker

Mobile        = Lady
Name	= "The lady"
Location	= Store@village
Strength    = 80
Damage      = 8
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 5
SFlags		= Female
Desc	 = "A Lady stands here looking around for something."
EndMobile         = Lady

Mobile        = Child
Name	= "The child"
Location	= Road10@village
Strength    = 20
Damage      = 4
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 5
MFlags		= PickStuff
SFlags		= Female
Desc	 = "A small child looks very lost."
EndMobile         = Child

Mobile        = Armorer
Name	= "The armorer"
Location	= Armory@village
Strength    = 200
Damage      = 10
Armor       = 10
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
MFlags		= PickStuff
PFlags		= NoSummon
Desc	 = "A bulky looking armorer stands before you."
EndMobile         = Armorer

Mobile        = Barman
Name	= "The barman"
Location	= Saloon1@village
Strength    = 80
Damage      = 8
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 10
Speed       = 0
Desc	 = "A barman is here serving drinks."
EndMobile         = Barman

Mobile        = Drunk1
Name	= "The drunk"
Location	= Saloon1@village
Strength    = 30
Damage      = 5
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 20
Speed       = 5
Desc	 = "A drunk stumbles around in front of you."
EndMobile         = Drunk1

Mobile        = Drunk2
Name	= "The drunk"
Location	= Saloon1@village
Strength    = 50
Damage      = 5
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 40
Speed       = 0
Desc	 = "A drunk stumbles around in front of you."
EndMobile         = Drunk2

Mobile        = BankTender
Name	= "The tender"
Location	= Bank@village
Strength    = 50
Damage      = 6
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
MFlags		= PickStuff
SFlags		= Female
Desc	 = "A small looking bank tender waits here patiently."
EndMobile         = BankTender

Mobile        = BankGuard
Name	= "The Officer"
Location	= Vault1@village
Strength    = 160
Damage      = 8
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 80
Speed       = 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
MFlags		= NegFrost, NegFireball, BarNorth
Desc	 = "The banks security officer stands here looking very tough and mean."
EndMobile         = BankGuard

Mobile        = BankManager
Name	= "The manager"
Location	= Office@village
Strength    = 100
Damage      = 8
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
Desc	 = "A chubby looking bank Manager stands here wearing a suit."
EndMobile         = BankManager

Object      = sack
Location	= IN_ROOM:alley@village
OFlags		= Container, Openable
BaseValue    = 30
Size      = 50
Weight    = 2
MaxState  = 1
Desc0   = "A very large sack has been left here."
Desc1   = "A very large sack has been left here. The sack is closed."
EndObject       = sack

Object      = fire
Altname	= "flames"
Location	= IN_ROOM:seadog@village
OFlags		= Extinguish, Lit, NoGet
Desc0   = "A huge fire burns in the center of the room."
EndObject       = fire

Object      = poker
Altname	= "weapon"
Location	= IN_ROOM:seadog@village
OFlags		= Weapon
Damage    = 5
BaseValue    = 10
Size      = 5
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A heavy iron poker has been left here."
Examine   = "
This poker looks a bit more dangerous than a card game, and it appears to be
slightly bent from meeting various adventurers' heads with force!"
EndObject       = poker

Object		= gameboard
Location	= IN_ROOM:seadog@village
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0		= "A gameboard has been left here."
Examine		= "It's a monopoly board!"
Trap		= all
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONEXAMINE:
       bprintf("As you examine the board you realize it is a game of Monopoly!\n");
EndObject		= gameboard

Object      = knife
Altname	= "weapon"
Location	= IN_ROOM:yard@village
OFlags		= Weapon
Damage    = 4
BaseValue    = 10
Size      = 2
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A small filleting knife has been left here carelessly."
EndObject       = knife

Object      = oar
Location	= IN_ROOM:shed@village
OFlags		= Weapon
Damage    = 5
BaseValue    = 15
Size      = 4
Weight    = 4
Desc0   = "A single oar from a boat lies here."
EndObject       = oar

Object      = jug
Location	= IN_ROOM:barman@village
OFlags		= Container
BaseValue    = 40
Size      = 2
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A large toby jug has been left here, its face a hideous grin."
Examine   = "
This jug is shaped somewhat like a stout man with a cocked hat for the brim."
EndObject       = jug

Object	  = whiskey
Altname	= "booze"
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:jug@village
OFlags		= Food, Booze
Size	  = 2
Desc0	  = "
You see a puddle of whiskey on the ground. Some fool must have spilled it here."
Examine   = "
It isn't the best in the world, but it looks like it will give you a buzz.."
EndObject	  = whiskey

Object	  = draught
Name	= "beer"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Saloon1@village
OFlags		= GetFlips, Food, Booze
Size	  = 2
Weight	  = 2
Maxstate  = 1
State	  = 1
Desc0   = "Someone has thoughtlessly left a draught beer here."
Desc1	  = "There is a draught beer on the counter here."
Examine   = "Look like cheap, run of the mill, draught beer."
EndObject	  = draught

Object      = raft
Altname	= "boat"
OFlags		= Boat
Location	= IN_ROOM:cove@village
BaseValue    = 20
Size      = 100
Weight    = 100
Desc0   = "A small wooden raft has been dumped here."
EndObject       = raft

Object      = boat
Location	= IN_ROOM:jetty@village
BaseValue    = 20
Size      = 100
OFlags		= Boat
Weight    = 100
Desc0   = "A small rowing boat has been left here."
EndObject       = boat

Object      = bed
Location	= IN_ROOM:barman@village
OFlags		= NoGet
Size      = 100
Weight    = 200
Desc0   = "
The barman's bed lies here, it doesn't appear to have been slept in."
EndObject       = bed

Object      = sheets
Location	= IN_ROOM:barman@village
BaseValue    = 10
Size      = 20
Weight    = 30
Desc0   = "Some sheets lie strewn on the floor."
EndObject       = sheets

Object      = map
Location	= IN_ROOM:slanted@village
BaseValue    = 100
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc0   = "
A worn and battered old treasure map lies torn and tattered before you."
Examine   = "Nothing doing here... yet..."
EndObject       = map

Object      = pebble
Altname	= "stone"
Location	= IN_ROOM:cove@village
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc0   = "A bored pebble sits at your feet, philosophizing."
Trap		= all
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONKILL:
      bprintf("The pebble gets annoyed and goes to philosophize elsewhere.\n");
      param_s.ret = -1;
   default: break;
EndObject       = pebble

Object      = rat
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:barrel@village
BaseValue    = 1
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc0   = "A dead rat lies rotting on the floor before you."
EndObject       = rat

Object      = bell
Location	= IN_ROOM:barman@village
BaseValue    = 120
Size      = 30
Weight    = 40
Desc0   = "
A huge brass ships bell has been placed here, its gleaming surface evidently
well polished."
Trap		= all
   switch(event) {
   case E_ONMISC:
     if (param_s.misc == VERB_RING)
     {  broad("There is an almighty &+BBONG!&*\n");
        param_s.ret = -1;
  default: break;
EndObject       = bell

Object      = barrel
Altname	= "cask"
Location	= IN_ROOM:cellar@village
OFlags		= Openable, Container, NoGet
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Size      = 100
Weight    = 100
Desc0   = "An open wooden barrel stands before you."
Desc1   = "A large wooden barrel squats in a corner."
EndObject       = barrel

Object      = Top_Boards
Name	= "floorboards"
Altname	= "floorboard"
Location	= IN_ROOM:cellar@village
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked    = Bot_Boards
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Size      = 50
Weight    = 50
Desc0   = "
One of the floorboards has been lifted, allowing access down under the cellar,
to some kind of passage."
Trap		= all
  switch(event) {
  case E_ONOPEN:
    if (state(OBJ_VILLAGE_TOP_BOARDS) != 0)
      bprintf("You shift the floorboards, with much heaving and tugging, to "
	      "reveal an exit\nbeyond.\n");
      setobjstate(OBJ_VILLAGE_TOP_BOARDS, 0);
      param_s.ret = -1;
  default: break;
EndObject       = Top_Boards

Object      = Bot_Boards
Name	= "floorboards"
Altname	= "floorboard"
Location	= IN_ROOM:passage@village
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked    = Top_Boards
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Size      = 50
Weight    = 50
Desc0   = "
The floorboards above you have been lifted, to allow access to some kind of
room above."
UseTrap		= all:Top_Boards
EndObject       = Bot_Boards

Object      = flag
Location	= IN_ROOM:chamber@village
BaseValue    = 50
Size      = 10
Weight    = 5
Desc0   = "An old Jolly Roger flag has been left here, carefully folded."
EndObject       = flag

Object	  = silk
Location	= IN_ROOM:chamber@village
BaseValue    = 150
Size      = 40
Weight    = 40
Desc0   = "A bale of valuable silk has been dropped here."
EndObject       = silk

Object      = Outer_door
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Vault1@village
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked    = Inner_door
State     = 2
MaxState  = 2
Desc0   = "The door is open."
Desc1   = "The door is closed."
Desc2   = "The door is locked."
EndObject       = Outer_door

Object      = Inner_door
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Vault2@village
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked    = Outer_door
State     = 2
MaxState  = 2
Desc0   = "The door is open."
Desc1   = "The door is closed."
Desc2   = "The door is locked."
EndObject       = Inner_door

Object      = batten
Location	= WIELDED_BY:BankGuard@village
OFlags		= Weapon
Damage    = 6
BaseValue    = 50
Size      = 5
Weight    = 5
Desc0   = "A small solid batten is here."
EndObject       = batten

Object      = SilverCoins
Name	= "coins"
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:box@village
BaseValue    = 250
Size      = 3
Weight    = 5
Desc0   = "A large pile of silver coins sits here."
EndObject       = SilverCoins

Object      = Money
Altname	= "cash"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Vault2@village
BaseValue    = 300
Size      = 1
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A large bundle of money is here."
EndObject       = Money

Object      = pen
Altname	= "biro"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Office@village
BaseValue    = 50
Size      = 1
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A small gold biro is here."
EndObject       = pen

Object      = desk
Location	= IN_ROOM:Office@village
OFlags		= NoGet
Size      = 100
Weight    = 200
Desc0   = "
The manager's desk is here covered with papers."
EndObject       = desk

Object      = box
Location	= IN_ROOM:Vault2@village
OFlags		= Container, Openable
BaseValue    = 30
Size      = 25
Weight    = 2
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Desc0   = "A safety deposit box has been left here."
Desc1   = "A safety deposit box has been left here. The box is closed."
EndObject       = box

Object      = Leather
Name	= "Armor"
Altname	= "armor"

OFlags		= WearOnBody, ExcludeWear, Armor
Location	= WORN_BY:Armorer@village
BaseValue    = 100
Size      = 15
Weight    = 10
Armor     = 10
Desc0   = "A suit of leather armor lies here."
EndObject       = Leather

Object      = Bread
Altname	= "food"
OFlags		= Food
Location	= CARRIED_BY:Baker@village
BaseValue    = 10
Size      = 5
Weight    = 5
Desc0   = "A freshly baked loaf of bread is here."
EndObject       = Bread

Object      = Donut
Altname	= "food"
OFlags		= Food
Location	= CARRIED_BY:Baker@village
BaseValue    = 15
Size      = 2
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A freshly baked donut covered in chocolate icing is here."
EndObject       = Donut

Object      = gates1
Name	= "gates"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:gates@village
Linked    = gates2
OFlags		= NoGet
State     = 0
Maxstate  = 0
Desc0   = "The gates of the village are open."
Examine   = "
The gates are a constant reminder of how the world was before it was ruled
by the Masters of this world. Nowadays they are a tourist attraction
EndObject       = gates1

Object      = gates2
Name	= "gates"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:bridge@blizzard
Linked    = gates1
OFlags		= NoGet
State     = 0
Maxstate  = 0
Desc0   = "The gates of the village are open."
Examine   = "
The gates are a constant reminder of how the world was before it was ruled
by the Masters of this world. Nowadays they are a tourist attraction
EndObject       = gates2

Location	= "Green"
North		= Church@start
East		= Track@village
West		= VMarket@village
South		= entry@mcastle
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WThe Village Green&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing on a square of grass in the center of the village.  A road
leads east into the rest of the village.
   To the north is a small church, and a path leads west onto the village
market place, and to the gates of the village.
To the south, you can see what appears to be a castle.
EndLocation	= "Green"

Location	= "VMarket"
East		= green@village
West		= Gates@village
NorthWest	= stjames_1@stjames
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WThe Village Market&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing on a large square near the village gates. On special days
this square is completely filled with merchants selling their products. In the
middle of the square a very old oak provides some shadow from the sun. To the 
east the square changes into the village green. To the west you can see the old
gates that protected the village from the evils of the forest.
EndLocation	= "VMarket"

Location	= "Gates"
East		= VMarket@village
West		= bridge@blizzard
South		= r_land@blizzard
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WThe Village Gates&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in the opening of the village gates. Many adventurers 
before made the step outside. An unknown number of them aren't around any
more to tell their story. The gates used to be heavily guarded, but it has
been a while now since the gates were closed. To the east you can enter
the village marketplace while to the west a path leads into the forest.
   Just outside the gates you can go south to a rough patch of land to the 
south of the village.
EndLocation	= "Gates"

Location	= "Track"
North		= path0@jbs
East		= Road1@village
West		= Green@village
South		= Hospital@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WVillage Track&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are following a path which leads east through the village towards the
sea.  To the west a few buildings are clustered around the village green, while
to the east the village becomes a collection of small houses and narrow
streets.  To the north are high walls and to the south is a hospital.
EndLocation	= "Track"

Location	= "Road1"
North		= Yard@village
East		= Road2@village
South		= Alley@village
West		= Track@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WVillage Road&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are following a narrow dirt road which leads east into the village.  To
the north a track leads into a small yard of some sort, to the south it leads
down a narrow walled alley to the village well.
EndLocation	= "Road1"

Location	= "Yard"
South		= Road1@village
West		= Shed@village
North		= entrance@townhall
East		= bpath1@townhall
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WYard&*"
Desc		= ^
  You are in a small yard which is surrounded by several building. A large
tree stands in the centre of the village as some kind of reminiscence of old
forgotten times. The Town hall is to the north of here. A small path to the
east leads between the Town Hall and another building. To the west you can see
a small shed. A path leads south back to the main village road.
EndLocation	= "Yard"

Location	= "Alley"
North		= Road1@village
Down		= Well2@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WNarrow Alley&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a narrow alleyway which dead ends to the south.  The
alley is dark and dismal and is simply a walled passage down to a small well
which appears to serve the village itself.
EndLocation	= "Alley"

Location	= "Road2"
North		= Road3@village
East		= Shore@village
South		= Inn_Yard@village
West		= Road1@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WVillage Road&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are following the narrow main street of the village which leads east and
west.  To the south, the worn sign of the Old Seadog Inn flaps quietly in the
EndLocation	= "Road2"

Location	= "Inn_Yard"
North		= Road2@village
East		= Seadog@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WInn Yard&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in the yard of the Old Seadog Inn.  The inn itself stands
to the east, a battered structure half timbered and sagging, with that pleasant
atmosphere of ages.  To the north a narrow gateway leads back onto the road.
EndLocation	= "Inn_Yard"

Location	= "Seadog"
East		= Behind@village
West		= Inn_Yard@village
Title		= "&+WThe Old Seadog&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in the 'Old Seadog' inn.  The inn radiates age and charm,
with its oak beam roof, and many seafaring momentos secured firmly around the
walls.  Even the bar is a single thick oak slab, worn and chipped with years of
service to rowdy sailors.
   The door out is west.
EndLocation	= "Seadog"

Location	= "Behind"
East		= Barman@village
West		= Seadog@village
Down		= Steps@village
Title		= "&+WBehind The Bar&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing behind the bar of the 'Old Seadog'.  The bar surface is
worn and pitted from years and years of heavy use.  Names are carved into its
surface, 'Black Sea Pete', 'Grey Hook', 'Moog The Kipper', no doubt some of the
pirates who long ago made this their haunt.
   A narrow stairway leads down, and a small room can be seen through a low
doorway to the east.
EndLocation	= "Behind"

Location	= "Barman"
West		= Behind@village
Title		= "&+WBarman's Room&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are crouched in the barman's small, and very personalized room.  The
walls have a large collection of battered naval memorabilia fastened securely
to them.  Indeed, even the lone window is a porthole, giving the room that
distinctive sea-cabin look.  A single low doorway leads west into the inn
EndLocation	= "Barman"

Location	= "Steps"
Up		= Behind@village
Down		= Cellar@village
Title		= "&+WCellar Steps&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing on the narrow, precarious steps which lead down into the
cellars of the inn.  A pale shaft of light shines down from the top of the
steps, revealing the cellars below.
EndLocation	= "Steps"

Location	= "Shore"
East		= Jetty@village
West		= Road2@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WVillage Shore&*"
Desc		= ^
   You stand on the sea shore, to the east of the village. A narrow jetty leads
east out into the waves.  The road also leads westwards back into the center of
the village.
EndLocation	= "Shore"

Location	= "Jetty"
East		= sea_2@sea
West		= Shore@village
North		= eastcoast30@eastcoast
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WThe Jetty&*"
Desc		= ^
   You stand on the jetty, looking east across the waves.  A path leads west
along the jetty back to the village. To the north you can see the remains of
the old village defense wall.
EndLocation	= "Jetty"

Location	= "Well1"
LFlags		= Death
Title		= "&+WDown The Well&*"
Desc		= ^
   You slip and lose your grip, then plunge helplessly into the waters below...
EndLocation	= "Well1"

Location	= "Well2"
East		= Tunnel@village
Up		= Alley@village
Down		= Well1@village
Title		= "&+WDown The Well&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are hanging part of the way down the village well, looking upwards
towards the light above.  The well descends further but it gets very slippery.
A narrow passage leads east into absolute darkness.
EndLocation	= "Well2"

Location	= "Tunnel"
East		= Dirt@village
West		= Well2@village
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WNarrow Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are squeezing down a narrow dirt tunnel, quite crudely dug, and
supported with old ships timbers.  The tunnel leads westwards towards a faint
light, or descends steeply to the east.
EndLocation	= "Tunnel"

Location	= "Dirt"
North		= Slanted@village
East		= Chamber@village
West		= Tunnel@village
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WDirt Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are clambering along a low dirt tunnel which leads east and west.
A wider tunnel joins from the north.
EndLocation	= "Dirt"

Location	= "Chamber"
South		= Passage@village
West		= Dirt@village
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WDim Chamber&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a dim, and secret chamber deep underground.  Narrow
rough passages lead west and south.
EndLocation	= "Chamber"

Location	= "Passage"
North		= Chamber@village
Up		= ^bot_boards@village
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WPassage End&*"
Desc		= ^
   The passage here ends with a blank stone wall, possibly foundations to a
building.  Above you is a set of floorboards.
EndLocation	= "Passage"

Location	= "Cellar"
Up		= Steps@village
Down		= ^top_boards@village
Trap		= all
    switch(event) {
    case E_ONTIMER:
       if (randperc() < 10)
          sendf(LOC_VILLAGE_CELLAR ,"The floorboards creak alarmingly as you move around.\n");
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WCellars&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are stooped down low, in the cellars of the 'Old Seadog'.  The room is
dark and shadowy lit only by a pale light from high above at the top of the
steps.  The room stinks of cheap ale and rotting wood.
EndLocation	= "Cellar"

Location	= "Slanted"
North		= Narrow@village
South		= Dirt@village
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WSlanted Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are clambering down a fairly wide earthen passage which descends from a
junction of passages towards a turning of some sort.  The dirt floor is hard,
as if heavy objects have passed this way many times.
EndLocation	= "Slanted"

Location	= "Narrow"
East		= Cave@village
South		= Slanted@village
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WNarrow Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are clambering down a narrow tunnel which slopes downwards and east
turning from the south.  From the east you can smell the sea and hear the sound
of waves against the shore...
EndLocation	= "Narrow"

Location	= "Cave"
East		= Cove@village
West		= Narrow@village
Title		= "&+WSea Cave&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a low, reasonably dry sea cave.  The cave echoes the
gentle pounding of the waves on the sandy beach to the east.  A single narrow
passage leads west into darkness.
EndLocation	= "Cave"

Location	= "Cove"
East		= sea_7@sea
Up		= ^ladder2pirate@pirate
West		= Cave@village
Title		= "&+WSecret Cove&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a secret cove surrounded by high black crags.  A narrow
cavemouth leads west into darkness. The rocks and pounding surf along the shore
here makes launching boats well nigh impossible.
EndLocation	= "Cove"

Location	= "Hospital"
North		= Track@village
LFlags		= Peace
Title		= "&+WThe Village Hospital&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in the waiting room of the hospital.  On the south wall is a
door with a sign reading "Emergency" above it.  From the sounds coming from
within, it seems as if the doctors are frantically trying to save someone.
EndLocation	= "Hospital"

Location	= "Shed"
East		= Yard@village
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WRotting Boat Shed&*"
Desc		= ^
    As you enter the smell of old, rotting mouldy wood surrounds you. The shed
is cluttered with old broken boats, fishing nets and other useless rubbish.
EndLocation	= "Shed"

Location	= "Road3"
North		= Road4@village
South		= Road2@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WVillage Road&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are follow a narrow street of the village which leads north and south.
This road looks to have been constructed more recently than the old main
street of the village.
EndLocation	= "Road3"

Location	= "Road4"
North		= Road5@village
South		= Road3@village
West		= Road6@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WMain Street&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are at an intersection in the village road. To the north you can see
some shops, amongst which there is what looks like a weapons shop. The west
leads to accommodation, the bank and some other stores, while to the south
is the older part of the village.
EndLocation	= "Road4"

Location	= "Road5"
North		= Road8@village
South		= Road4@village
West		= Saloon1@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WMain Street&*"
Desc		= ^
   The newly built main street might well become the main street of the town. 
This part of it heads north-south. To the west is a saloon. Looks like a pretty
mean place to go.
EndLocation	= "Road5"

Location	= "Road6"
North		= Saloon1@village
East		= Road4@village
West		= Road7@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WMain Street&*"
Desc		= ^
   The newly built main street might well become the main street of the town. 
This part of it heads east-west. To the north is a saloon. Looks like a pretty
mean place to go.
EndLocation	= "Road6"

Location	= "Road7"
North		= Bank@village
East		= Road6@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WMain Street&*"
Desc		= ^
    Standing in Main street, there is a bank to the north, and the back of
the church is to the south.
EndLocation	= "Road7"

Location	= "Road8"
North		= Road9@village
East		= Armory@village
South		= Road4@village
West		= Weaponshop@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WMain Street&*"
Desc		= ^
    You see an armory to the East and a weapons shop to the West.  The Main
street continues to the north and south.
EndLocation	= "Road8"

Location	= "Road9"
North		= Road10@village
East		= Store@village
South		= Road8@village
West		= Locksmith@village
LFlags		= Outdoors
Title		= "&+WMain Street&*"
Desc		= ^
    Standing near the northern end of main street, you can see
a general store on the eastern side of the road. While on the west
there is a strange looking little shop.
EndLocation	= "Road9"

Location	= "Road10"
South		= Road9@village
East		= entry@lww
LFlags		= Outdoors, NoMobile
Title		= "&+WMain Street&*"
Desc		= ^
    This is the northern end of main street. An old gatehouse still stands
here although it serves no purpose anymore. The thick wooden gates that used
to protect the city from the outside wold have been removed. There are a few 
houses around here. 
    A small path leads north from here towards a large farm.
EndLocation	= "Road10"

Location	= "Armory"
West		= Road8@village
Title		= "&+WArmory&*"
Desc		= ^
    Looking around this shop, you see piles of useless armor. The time
it would take to look through it all for something useful you decide
isn't worth it. 
EndLocation	= "Armory"

Location	= "Weaponshop"
East		= Road8@village
Title		= "&+WWeapons Shop&*"
Desc		= ^
    This store has been abandoned for some time. The cob webs have built 
up across the single room shop. There are several tables, and in the
back you notice an old forge. Unused for a long time.
EndLocation	= "Weaponshop"

Location	= "Locksmith"
East		= Road9@village
Title		= "&+WLocksmith's&*"
Desc		= ^
    This run down little building apparently serves as a shop for the
local locksmith. The air smells of dust, and something rotting. Looking
round you are unable to find the source of the smell, but understand
why no one comes in here.
EndLocation	= "Locksmith"

Location	= "Store"
West		= Road9@village
Title		= "&+WGeneral Store&*"
Desc		= ^
    The store is packed tight with shelves containing various items
that towns people would need for there every day lives. But not a lot of
good to a seasoned adventurer like you. There is a small bakery over
by the southern wall, opposite the counter where you would pay for the 
items you wanted.
EndLocation	= "Store"

Location	= "Bank"
South		= Road7@village
West		= Office@village
Down		= Vault1@village
Title		= "&+WThe Bank&*"
Desc		= ^
    This is only a small bank, the village has yet to grow sufficiently
to support anything larger. The counter is on the western side of the bank
behind which lies the managers office. There is a set of stairs leading 
EndLocation	= "Bank"

Location	= "Office"
East		= Bank@village
Title		= "&+WManager's office&*"
Desc		= ^
    Entering a well decorated room, you see a large book shelf, filled
with interesting titles, several chairs and a window looking out into
some trees.
EndLocation	= "Office"

Location	= "Vault1"
North		= ^Outer_door@village
Up		= Bank@village
Title		= "&+WBefore the Vault&*"
Desc		= ^
    At the bottom of the stairs you enter a small, cold steel walled 
chamber. There is a single door in the north wall made of thick steel
EndLocation	= "Vault1"

Location	= "Vault2"
South		= ^Inner_door@village
Title		= "&+WVault&*"
Desc		= ^
    Luckily the vault itself is open. You enter a small, dull room
made completely of steel. There are many shelves, and lockable drawers
lining the walls.
EndLocation	= "Vault2"

Location	= "Saloon1"
East		= Road4@village
South		= Road6@village
Title		= "&+WThe bar&*"
Desc		= ^
    A smoke filled saloon is filled with people. Looking around you see
several tables, and a bar toward the north. There are exits back into
the fresh air outside, heading both south and east.
EndLocation	= "Saloon1"