/* Cathedral Zone - Written by Lavinrac - treznor@netcom.com */

#include "undef.h"
#include "exits.h"
#include "special.h"

Zone		= cathedral
Author		= "Lavinrac"
Quest		= Cathedral

#define FOUNT_CATH_PURE		2

int *used_fountain;

EndZone		= cathedral

Mobile            = Priest
Name	= "The Priest"
PFlags		= NoSteal, NoHassle
Location	= inchurch@cathedral
Strength        = 50
Damage          = 10
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 0
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "The Priest stands here, looking upon you solemnly."
EndMobile             = Priest

Mobile            = Drool
MFlags		= BarEast
Location	= royal@cathedral
Strength        = 100
Damage          = 15
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 50
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
Drool the Wolf is here, panting and drooling, hungry for his next meal, YOU!"
EndMobile             = Drool

Mobile            = Spit
MFlags		= BarEast
Location	= royal@cathedral
Strength        = 100
Damage          = 15
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 50
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "Spit the Wolf bounds about, slobbering stupidly."
EndMobile             = Spit

Mobile            = Vladimir
MFlags		= Thief
Location	= n_top@cathedral
Strength        = 350
Damage          = 20
Armor           = 10
Aggression      = 0
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
Vladimir the &+rVampire&* stands here in the &+Ylight&* of the stained &+Cglass&* window."
Examine         = "It appears as if he is about to take a bite out of you!."
EndMobile             = Vladimir

Mobile            = Inky
Location	= side2@cathedral
Strength        = 150
Damage          = 10
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 30
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
&+BInky&* the &+WApparition&* hovers above your head menacingly."
EndMobile             = Inky

Mobile            = Blinky
Location	= side2@cathedral
Strength        = 150
Damage          = 10
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 30
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
&+MBlinky&* the &+WApparition&* hovers above your head menacingly."
EndMobile             = Blinky

Mobile            = Stinkie
Location	= side2@cathedral
Strength        = 150
Damage          = 10
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 30
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
&+yStinky&* the &+WApparition&* hovers above your head menacingly."
EndMobile             = Stinkie

Mobile            = Lasher
MFlags		= CanFrost, NegFireball, NegFrost, NegMissile
Location	= s_porch@cathedral
Strength        = 300
Damage          = 20
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 100
Speed           = 3
Desc	     = "
Lasher, spirit of the &+cwinds&*, rips through your path savagely!"
EndMobile             = Lasher

Mobile            = Countess
Name	= "Bathory"
SFlags		= Female
Location	= s_top@cathedral
Strength        = 250
Damage          = 18
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 60
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "Countess Bathory &+Rscreams&* as you walk in on her bath!"  
EndMobile             = Countess

Mobile            = Astasia
Name	= "Seductress"
SFlags		= Female
Location	= astbed@cathedral
Strength        = 300
Damage          = 15
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 80
Speed           = 1
Desc	     = "
You have disturbed Astasia the Seductress's well deserved beauty sleep!" 
EndMobile             = Astasia

Mobile            = Spiderman
MFlags		= BarWest, CanMissile
Location	= cobwebs@cathedral
Strength        = 200
Damage          = 15
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 50
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "The Spider Man is having you for dinner tonight!"
EndMobile             = Spiderman

Mobile            = Millarca
SFlags		= Female
Location	= milbed@cathedral
Strength        = 300
Damage          = 20
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 50
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "Countess Millarca, the Vampiress invites you in for a bite."
EndMobile             = Millarca

Mobile            = Sorbet
Location	= sorbtomb@cathedral
Strength        = 250
Damage          = 20
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 50
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
You have awakened Sorbet the &+LDark&* from his (almost) eternal slumber."
EndMobile             = Sorbet

Mobile            = Spot
MFlags		= BarEast, BarWest
Location	= wolven@cathedral
Strength        = 60
Damage          = 8
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 50
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "Spot the &+RHellhound&* guards the east hall visciously."
EndMobile             = Spot

Mobile            = RinTinTin
MFlags		= BarWest, BarEast
Location	= wolven@cathedral
Strength        = 60
Damage          = 8
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 20
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
RinTinTin the &+RHellhound&* is playing with a snake in the west corner."
Examine         = "
He seems not to notice you, as he plays with the remains of a snake."
EndMobile             = RinTinTin

Mobile            = Benji
MFlags		= BarEast, BarWest
Location	= wolven@cathedral
Strength        = 60
Damage          = 8
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 20
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
Benji the &+RHellhound&* licks his lips at the sight of you!"
EndMobile             = Benji

Mobile            = Ironmail
Name	= "The Ironmail"
Location	= limbo@limbo
Strength        = 300
Damage          = 20
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 100
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
The Ironmail seems to have come alive, and is attacking you!"
EndMobile             = Ironmail

Mobile            = Platemail
Name	= "The Platemail"
Location	= limbo@limbo
Strength        = 300
Damage          = 20
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 100
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
The Platemail seems to have come alive, and is attacking you!"
EndMobile             = Platemail

Mobile            = WolfArmor
Name	= "The WolfArmor"
Location	= limbo@limbo
Strength        = 300
Damage          = 20
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 100
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
The WolfArmor seems to have come alive, and is attacking you!"
EndMobile             = WolfArmor

Mobile            = Elisabeth
SFlags		= Female
Location	= vambed@cathedral
Strength        = 100
Damage          = 16
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 30
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "Elisabeth stares at you with &+Rlust&* in her eyes."
EndMobile             = Elisabeth

Mobile            = Drolza
SFlags		= Female
Location	= vambed@cathedral
Strength        = 100
Damage          = 12
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 30
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
Drolza longs to suck out your &+rblood&* as slowly as possible!"
EndMobile             = Drolza

Mobile            = Gwendolyn
SFlags		= Female
Location	= vambed@cathedral
Strength        = 100
Damage          = 14
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 30
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "Gwendolyn smiles coyly and beckons you closer."
EndMobile             = Gwendolyn

Mobile            = Ashram
PFlags		= NoSteal, NoMagic
MFlags		= Cross
Location	= secroom@cathedral
Strength        = 200
Damage          = 15
Armor           = 0
Aggression      = 100
Speed           = 2
Desc	     = "
Ashram the &+RDemon &+LKnight&* peers at you &+bcoldly&*, calculating your weaknesses."
EndMobile             = Ashram

Mobile            = LeSuorac
PFlags		= NoExorcise, NoSummon, NoZap, NoSteal, NoMagic
MFlags		= CanFireball, CanMissile, CanFrost, CanShock, Thief
Location	= vamcrypt@cathedral
Strength        = 3000
Damage          = 40
Armor           = 20
Aggression      = 0
Speed           = 0
Desc	     = "
LeSuorac the &+RVampire&* grins as he prepares to &+Rslaughter&* you &+Wmercilessly!&*"
Trap		= all
{  int p;

   if (param_s.pl == mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_LESUORAC) &&
      alive(mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_LESUORAC)) && 
    bprintf("You sink your teeth into Lesourac's flesh, taking him completely"
            " by surprise!\nHe is paralyzed in your grip as you draw away his"
            "life's &+lblood&*.  As you\nfinish, his body crumples in a heap "
            "on the floor.  With a sorrowful gaze,\nit looks up at you, and "
            "you see the face of the once good St. Suorac.  His\nflesh falls "
            "to &+Lashes&*, and all that remains are his &+Wbones&*.\n");
    if ((p = find_pretender (param_s.pl)) >= 0) 
    dumpstuff (param_s.pl, ploc(param_s.pl));
EndMobile             = LeSuorac

Object            = Ironmail
Name	= "Ironmail"
Location	= IN_ROOM:armhall@cathedral
Desc0         = "
The &+LIronmail&* stands proudly at your left.  It looks to be finely crafted."
Trap		= all
if (event == E_ONGET && param_s.misc == DURING_GET)
{   bprintf("The %s comes alive and attacks you!\n", oname(THIS_OBJECT));
             "\001p%s\003 takes the %s.\n",pname(THIS_PLAYER),oname(THIS_OBJECT));
              "The %s comes alive and attacks \001p%s\003!\n", oname(THIS_OBJECT), 

    switch (THIS_OBJECT) {
      setploc(mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_WOLFARMOR), ploc(THIS_PLAYER));
      hit_player(mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_WOLFARMOR), THIS_PLAYER, -1);
      setploc(mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_PLATEMAIL), ploc(THIS_PLAYER));
      hit_player(mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_PLATEMAIL), THIS_PLAYER, -1);
      setploc(mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_IRONMAIL), ploc(THIS_PLAYER));
      hit_player(mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_IRONMAIL), THIS_PLAYER, -1);
EndObject             = Ironmail

Object            = Platemail
Name	= "Platemail"
Location	= IN_ROOM:armhall@cathedral
Desc0         = "
A beautiful set of Platemail is displayed to your right."
UseTrap		= all:Ironmail
EndObject             = Platemail

Object            = WolfArmor
Name	= "WolfArmor"
Location	= IN_ROOM:armhall@cathedral
Desc0         = "
A tastefully sculpted suit of &+yWolfArmor&* stands here &+Cmagestically&*."
UseTrap		= all:Ironmail
EndObject             = WolfArmor

Object            = plate 
Name	= "plate"
Location	= IN_ROOM:inchurch@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0         = "
There is a plate here for offerings to the church. 
Your contribution will be very appreciated."
Trap		= all
   if (alive(mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_PRIEST)) &&
      send_msg (ploc(THIS_PLAYER), 0, LVL_MIN, LVL_MAX, THIS_PLAYER, NOBODY,
              "\001p%s\003 puts the %s into the plate.\n",
              pname(THIS_PLAYER), oname(THIS_OBJECT));

      if (pdam(mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_PRIEST)) != 10) {
         bprintf("Nothing happens.\n");

    if (obaseval(param_s.misc) >= 50 && pdam(mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_PRIEST)) == 10) 
         bprintf("The priest, sworn to silence, quickly writes a note and gives"
                 " it to you.\n");
         bprintf("The priest gives you the churchkey.\n");
         send_msg (ploc(THIS_PLAYER), 0, LVL_MIN, LVL_MAX, THIS_PLAYER, NOBODY,
                "The Priest gives \001p%s\003 the churchkey.\n"
                "The Priest gives \001p%s\003 the note.\n", 
                pname(THIS_PLAYER), pname(THIS_PLAYER));
         setpdam(mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_PRIEST), 15);
      bprintf("The priest looks insulted, as he hands the %s back to you.\n",
      send_msg (ploc(THIS_PLAYER), 0, LVL_MIN, LVL_MAX, THIS_PLAYER, NOBODY,
                "The Priest gives the %s back to \001p%s\003.\n",
                oname(THIS_OBJECT), pname(THIS_PLAYER));
EndObject             = plate

Object            = note
Name	= "note"
Location	= IN_ROOM:limbo@limbo
Desc0         = "A note has been left here."
Examine         = "
    The note reads:
   |                                                                          \ 
   | You are indeed a generous soul! From the looks of you I'd say a fine     | 
   | warrior as well, a rare combination. We apologize for the shabbiness     |
   | of this little church, but a terrible tragedy has overcome us. Many      |
   | years ago, a terrible vampire invaded our little village. Our protector, |
   | Saint Suorac, tried to fight him, but to no avail. The Vampire easily    |
   | defeated our valiant hero, and plunged the Cathedral into &+Ldarkness&*,      |
   | transforming it into his &+rdemonic lair&*, a malignant blot against the      |
   | &+Cskyline&*. It may be beyond salvation, for it houses many &+Levil&* creatures,  |
   | But hidden deep within are our precious holy relics. There are five of   |
   | them. We urgently need for someone to brave the evils of the cathedral   |
   | and return our relics to us. Four of the relics are material things of   |
   | great spiritual value... The fifth is the very bones of Saint Suorac     |
   | himself. It is our custom to save the bones of our holy defender, as a   |
   | symbol of faith. If you are up to it, we would be most grateful if you   |
   | would take up this quest, kill the vampire, and return our relics to     |
   | this humble church. Perhaps when all this is over, we can return and     |
   | rebuild our Cathedral into the holy place it once was. The &+RVampire&*       |
   | cannot be defeated easily. Find a way to use his powers against him.     |
   | Take this key, it is old and &+yrusty&*, but it should open at least one of   |
   | the doors.                                                               |
EndObject             = note    

Object            = ChurchKey
Name	= "ChurchKey"
Altname	= "key"
OFlags		= Key
Location	= CARRIED_BY:Priest@cathedral
BaseValue          = 200
Size            = 1     
Weight          = 1
Desc0         = "A old Church Key has been left here."
Examine         = "
The Key is large and badly &+yworn.&* It appears to have been made several hundred 
years ago."
EndObject             = ChurchKey

Object            = Holy_Robes
Name	= "robes"
Altname	= "holy"
Location	= WORN_BY:Priest@cathedral
OFlags		= Armor, WearOnBody, Wearable, WearOnBack
BaseValue          = 500
Size            = 5
Weight          = 5
Armor           = 5
Desc0         = "
The robes of the Holy Defender of the Cathedral shine with a &+Cm&+ca&+Cg&+ci&+Cc&+ca&+Cl &+Wlight&*."
EndObject             = Holy_Robes

Object            = bushes_n
Name	= "bushes"
Altname	= "bush"
Location	= IN_ROOM:path1@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked          = bushes_s
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Desc0         = "
The &+Gbushes&* have been hacked away, allowing passage south."
Desc1         = "Thick &+Gbushes&* form a wall to the south."
Examine         = "
The &+Gbushes&* have a small &+Lblack&* vertical dotted line on them. As you follow the
line toward the ground, you see a tiny picture of a pair of scissors. In tiny
letters you are instructed to '&+Wcut here&*'."
Trap		= all
      if (state(OBJ_CATHEDRAL_BUSHES_N) == 0) 
         bprintf("The &+Gbushes&* have already been shredded!\n");
      bprintf("You cut down the wall of &+Gbushes&*, revealing a "
             "\001p%s\003 cuts down the wall of &+Gbushes&*, revealing a "
             "passageway.\n", pname(THIS_PLAYER));
      setobjstate(OBJ_CATHEDRAL_BUSHES_N, 0);
EndObject             = bushes_n

Object            = bushes_s
Name	= "bushes"
Altname	= "bush"
Location	= IN_ROOM:path2@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked          = bushes_n
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Desc0         = "The &+Gbushes&* to the north have been shredded."
Desc1         = "Thick &+Gbushes&* form a wall to the north."
Examine         = "Looks like every other &+Gbush&* you've ever seen."
EndObject             = bushes_s

Object            = mural
Name	= "mural"
Location	= IN_ROOM:se_chap@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0         = "There is a mural hanging here."
Examine         = "
Judging from these paintings, the life of a virgin is mighty dull!"
EndObject             = mural

Object            = portal_n
Name	= "portal"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:n_portal@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine         = "
The &+Bportal&* is open, but as you look through you cant see much of anything."
EndObject             = portal_n

Object            = portal_c
Name	= "portal"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:c_portal@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine         = "
As you peer intently at the &+ywoodgrain&* of the boards covering the door, 
nothing happens."
EndObject             = portal_c

Object            = portal_s
Name	= "portal"
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:s_portal@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine         = "
There is a crude picture of a fish painted on the door, it may warrant closer
EndObject             = portal_s

Object            = picture
Name	= "picture"
Altname	= "fish"
Location	= IN_ROOM:s_portal@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine         = "
It's a &+RRed&* Herring.  &+W(Get moving there's nothing useful here.)&*"
EndObject             = picture

Object            = door_nside
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:n_aisle1@cathedral
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked          = door_trap
State           = 2
MaxState        = 2
Desc0         = "The door is open."
Desc1         = "The door is closed."
Desc2         = "The door is locked."
EndObject             = door_nside

Object            = door_trap
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:side2@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked          = door_nside
State           = 2
MaxState        = 2
Desc0         = "The door is open."
Desc1         = "The door is closed, and no amount of fiddling will open it."
Desc2         = "The door is locked."
EndObject             = door_trap

Object            = door_sside
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:side1@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked          = door_saisle
State           = 2
MaxState        = 2
Desc0         = "The door is open."
Desc1         = "The door is closed."
Desc2         = "The door is secured by a lock of unusual design."
Trap		= all
      bprintf("The church door slowly swings open.\n");
      setobjstate(OBJ_CATHEDRAL_DOOR_SSIDE, 0);
   bprintf("You'd try to sneak into a CHURCH?  How uncivilized.  If you "
            "obtained a\nproper key and the blessing of the church, maybe "
            "you could get in!\n");
EndObject             = door_sside
Object            = door_saisle
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:s_aisle1@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked          = door_sside
State           = 2
MaxState        = 2
Desc0         = "The door is open."
Desc1         = "The door is closed."
Desc2         = "The door is locked."
Trap		= all
{   if (!(used_fountain[mynum] & FOUNT_CATH_PURE))
    {  bprintf ("You can't open that!\n");
    else {
      bprintf ("Ok\n");
      setobjstate (OBJ_CATHEDRAL_DOOR_SAISLE, 0);
EndObject             = door_saisle

Object            = fountain_up
Name	= "fountain"
Location	= IN_ROOM:crossbay@cathedral
OFlags		= PushToggle, NoGet
Linked          = fountain_down
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Desc0         = "
The &+rfountain&* has been moved, revealing a dark passage downward."
Desc1         = "
A &+Cmagnificent&* fountain of &+rblood&* dominates the room."
Examine         = "
&+rBlood&* jets from the mouths of twisting and writhing creatures, their bodies
rival the work of great masters, yet their faces are those of gargoyles. The
&+rblood&* looks warm and inviting. Its smell wafts toward your nose enticingly."
Trap		= all
{  if (!(used_fountain[mynum] & FOUNT_CATH_BLOOD)) 
      bprintf("Your body quivers with the first taste... but longs for more.  "
              "You greedily\nslurp continuously from the fountain.  Soon it is"
              " empty.  As you lick your\nlips, your tongue catches on your "
              "canine teeth.  Poking at them with your\n");
      bprintf("finger, you realize they are elongated slightly, and quite a "
              "bit sharper\nthan you remember.  You feel very peculiar, and "
              "suddenly realize it is\nbecause your senses have sharpened "
              "intensely!  Everything around you seems\nalive with motion, ");
      bprintf("but its only the effect of the increased clarity with\nwhich "
              "you see.  Smell and hearing have also improved tremendously.  "
              "You are\nstill quite thirsty and are wishing there was more in "
              "the fountain.\n");
     used_fountain[mynum] |= FOUNT_CATH_BLOOD;
     bprintf("The fountain no longer flows.  It has been drained.\n");
else catch_init
{  if (!used_fountain)
      used_fountain = (int *)calloc(max_players,sizeof(int));
EndObject             = fountain_up

Object            = window
Name	= "window"
Altname	= "glass"
Location	= IN_ROOM:n_top@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Desc0         = "
The window has been shattered, &+Ylight&* streams into the room."
Examine         = "
The window is bolted shut securely, yet it looks pretty fragile."
Trap		= all
{  if (state(OBJ_CATHEDRAL_WINDOW) == 1 &&
       alive(max_players+MOB_CATHEDRAL_VLADIMIR) != -1) 
   {  int pl;

      bprintf("You smash the window to pieces!\n\n");
      bprintf("As the shards of glass fall to the floor, Vladimir shrieks in "
              "agony.  You are\nhorrified as you watch him on the floor as "
              "his body smokes as he is\nburned alive...&+rBlood&* pours "
              "from his body and his flesh turns &+Lblack&*.  He darts\n");
      bprintf("madly to his coffin and manages to pry the lid off and climb "
              "in, but before he\ncan close the lid, his body turns to &+L"
              "ashes&*, and is no more.  Contemplating\nwhat happened, you "
              "realize that the window must have been made of Vladimir's\n");
      bprintf("native &+ysoil&* and thus it protected him from the searing "
               "\001p%s\003 smashes the window to pieces.\n", pname(THIS_PLAYER));
      setobjstate(OBJ_CATHEDRAL_WINDOW, 0);
      setobjstate(OBJ_CATHEDRAL_COFFIN_TOWER, 0);
      pl = mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_VLADIMIR);
      dumpstuff(pl, ploc(pl));
      setploc(pl, LOC_DEAD_DEAD);
      setpstr(pl, 0);
      bprintf("The window has already been shattered!\n");
EndObject             = window

Object            = coffin_tower
Name	= "coffin"
Location	= IN_ROOM:n_top@cathedral
OFlags		= Container, NoGet
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Desc0         = "The &+ycoffin&* has been ripped open."
Desc1         = "The sacred &+ycoffin&* of Vladimir is here."
Examine         = "Do I come in your house and snoop around &+WYOUR&* bed?"
Trap		= all
if (event == E_ONOPEN || event == E_ONGET)
{   if (ploc(mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_VLADIMIR)) == ploc(THIS_PLAYER))
    {   bprintf("Vladimir won't allow you near it.\n");
EndObject             = coffin_tower

Object            = sliver
Name	= "sliver"
Altname	= "piece"
Location	= IN_CONTAINER:coffin_tower@cathedral
BaseValue          = 200
Size            = 5
Weight          = 5
Desc0         = "A small sliver of &+ywood&* is here."
Examine         = "Why look! It's a piece of the crucifix! (Yeah right..)"
EndObject             = sliver

Object            = fountain_down
Name	= "fountain"
Location	= IN_ROOM:vaulcham@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked          = fountain_up
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Desc0         = "
A hole in the ceiling leads up into the cathedral's crossing bay."
Desc1         = "
The hole in the roof is covered by the bottom of the fountain."
EndObject             = fountain_down

Object            = door_lowhall
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:lowhall@cathedral
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked          = door_astbed
State           = 2
MaxState        = 2
Desc0         = "The door is open."
Desc1         = "The door is closed."
Desc2         = "The door is locked."
EndObject             = door_lowhall

Object            = door_astbed
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:astbed@cathedral
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked          = door_lowhall
State           = 2
MaxState        = 2
Desc0         = "The door is open."
Desc1         = "The door is closed."
Desc2         = "The door is locked."
EndObject             = door_astbed

Object            = door_catacomb
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:catacomb@cathedral
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked          = door_sorbtomb
State           = 2
MaxState        = 2
Desc0         = "The door is open."
Desc1         = "The door is closed."
Desc2         = "The door is locked."
EndObject             = door_catacomb

Object            = door_sorbtomb
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:sorbtomb@cathedral
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked          = door_catacomb
State           = 2
MaxState        = 2
Desc0         = "The door is open."
Desc1         = "The door is closed."
Desc2         = "The door is locked."
EndObject             = door_sorbtomb

Object            = door_armor
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:armhall@cathedral
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked          = door_secroom
State           = 2
MaxState        = 2
Desc0         = "The door is open."
Desc1         = "The door is closed."
Desc2         = "The door is locked."
EndObject             = door_armor

Object            = door_secroom
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:secroom@cathedral
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked          = door_armor
State           = 2
MaxState        = 2
Desc0         = "The door is open."
Desc1         = "The door is closed."
Desc2         = "The door is locked."
EndObject             = door_secroom

Object            = DarkArmor
Altname	= "armor"
Location	= WORN_BY:ashram@cathedral
OFlags		= Armor, WearOnBody, Wearable, ExcludeWear
BaseValue          = 100
Size            = 10
Weight          = 10
Armor           = 25
Desc0         = "
The &+LDark &+BArmor&* of the dreaded knight Ashram lies here gleaming."
EndObject             = DarkArmor

Object            = door_crypt
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:cryptent@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked          = door_reliq
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Desc0         = "Through some clever mechanism, the door has been opened."
Desc1         = "The door is shut tightly."
EndObject             = door_crypt
Object            = door_reliq
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:reliq@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Linked          = door_crypt
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Desc0         = "Through some clever mechanism, the door has been opened."
Desc1         = "The door is shut tightly."
EndObject             = door_reliq

Object            = grail
Name	= "grail"
Altname	= "cup"
Location	= IN_ROOM:reliq@cathedral
BaseValue          = 200
Desc0         = "There is some sort of cup on a pedestal in the fountain."
Examine         = "
The &+YHoly Grail&+W!&* (A small oval sticker on the cup displays the words MADE IN
EndObject             = grail

Object            = fountain_pure
Name	= "fountain"
Location	= IN_ROOM:reliq@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
State           = 1
MaxState        = 1
Desc0         = "The fountain is temporarily out of service."
Desc1         = "The fountain here runs with &+Ccool &+Bwater&*."
Examine         = "
The fountain flows with &+Ccool &+Wclear&* liquid. Your thirst for &+rblood&* subsides as
you look at it."
Trap		= all
{  if (!(used_fountain[mynum] & FOUNT_CATH_PURE) &&
      bprintf("The &+Ccool &+Wwater&* trickles down your throat softly and "
              "you feel a new vigor.\nYour senses dull, vision seems blurry "
              "and colors less vibrant.\n");
      setobjstate(OBJ_CATHEDRAL_FOUNTAIN_PURE, 0);
      used_fountain[mynum] |= FOUNT_CATH_PURE;
      bprintf("The fountain is empty!\n");
EndObject             = fountain_pure

Object            = door_vambed
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:vambed@cathedral
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked          = door_library
State           = 2
MaxState        = 2
Desc0         = "The door is open."
Desc1         = "The door is closed."
Desc2         = "The door is locked."
EndObject             = door_vambed

Object            = mantle
Name	= "mantle"
Location	= WORN_BY:Astasia@cathedral
OFlags		= WearOnBack, Wearable, Lit, MagicLit
BaseValue          = 100
Size            = 1
Weight          = 1
Desc0         = "
The mantle of the virgin lies here.. what the seductress was doing wearing it
you have no idea..."
Examine         = "Just your everyday holy religious simple cloth shroud."
EndObject             = mantle

Object            = door_library
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:library@cathedral
OFlags		= Openable, Lockable, NoGet
Linked          = door_vambed
State           = 2
MaxState        = 2
Desc0         = "The door is open."
Desc1         = "The door is closed."
Desc2         = "The door is locked."
EndObject             = door_library

Object            = china
Name	= "china"
Location	= IN_ROOM:milbed@cathedral
BaseValue          = 100
Size            = 5
Weight          = 5
Desc0         = "A set of &+Wfine china&* sits on the table."
Examine         = "Ohhh!! The holy china set!"
EndObject             = china

Object            = coin
Name	= "coin"
Location	= IN_ROOM:library@cathedral
BaseValue          = 400
Size            = 5
Weight          = 5
Desc0         = "A small shiny &+Ycoin&* lies on the ground here"
Examine         = "
It was probably discarded by some poor guy who couldn't use it in that copy
EndObject             = coin

Object            = sarcophagus
Name	= "sarcophagus"
Location	= IN_ROOM:vamcrypt@cathedral
OFlags		= NoGet
Examine         = "
The sarcophagus is covered with expertly sculpted &+Rf&+Yl&+Ra&+Ym&+Re&+Ys&* licking up from the 
ground. Strange to see flame carved from &+ywood&*..."
Trap		= all
      bprintf("You set the sarcophagus a fire!\n");
               "\001p%s\003 sets the sarcophagus a blaze!\n", pname(THIS_PLAYER));
               "The door to the west magically opens.\n");
      setobjstate(OBJ_CATHEDRAL_SARCOPHAGUS, 0);
      setobjstate(OBJ_CATHEDRAL_DOOR_CRYPT, 0);
      bprintf("It's already lit!\n");
EndObject             = sarcophagus

Object            = bones
Name	= "bones"
Altname	= "bone"
Location	= IN_ROOM:limbo@limbo
BaseValue          = 200
Size            = 5
Weight          = 5
Desc0         = "
The &+WBones&* of St. Suorac lie scattered across the floor."
Examine         = "&+GS&+gl&+Gi&+gm&+Gy&*, &+Cg&+co&+Co&+ce&+Cy &+Wbones!&*"
EndObject             = bones

Location	= "church"
South		= inchurch@cathedral
East		= path1@cathedral
LFlags		= Light, Outdoors
Title		= "Path To Church"   
Desc		= ^
   You are walking on a narrow dirt path bordered on each side by tall &+Gbushes&*
which block out the &+Csky&*. A &+Wcool&* wind blows across your face, and to the south
you see the open doors of a tiny, broken down old church welcoming you.
EndLocation	= "church"

Location	= "inchurch"
North		= church@cathedral
Trap		= all
{  setpfighting(THIS_PLAYER,-1);
   if (ploc(mynum) == LOC_CATHEDRAL_INCHURCH &&
       alive (mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_PRIEST)) &&
       pdam (mobile(MOB_CATHEDRAL_PRIEST)) == 15 &&
       in_inventory (OBJ_CATHEDRAL_MANTLE, THIS_PLAYER) &&
       in_inventory (OBJ_CATHEDRAL_SLIVER, THIS_PLAYER) &&
       in_inventory (OBJ_CATHEDRAL_CHINA, THIS_PLAYER) &&
       in_inventory (OBJ_CATHEDRAL_GRAIL, THIS_PLAYER) &&
       in_inventory (OBJ_CATHEDRAL_BONES, THIS_PLAYER)) 
     bprintf("The priest is so excited that you've completed the quest, he"
             " breaks his silence:\n");
     bprintf("Priest says '&+WOh thank you mighty Hero!!  You have returned "
             "and given our holy\n&+Wrelics back to us.  We can never repay "
             "you for this adequately, but please\n&+Waccept this small token"
            " of our unending gratitude.  Perhaps when your time\n"
            "&+Wcomes... you will return here to die, and we can enshrine "
            " your body as we\n&+Wwould have enshrined that of Saint "
            "Suorac's, had he not been killed by that\n&+Whorrid vampire."
    bprintf ("\nThe Priest gives you the Holy Robes.\n");
             "The Priest gives \001p%s\003 the Holy Robes.\n",
LFlags		= Light, Peaceful
Title		= "Small Church"
Desc		= ^
   Inside the church, you look down a short aisle at the simple altar, its
altarpiece &+Cilluminated &+Wbrilliantly&* by the &+Ylight&* from its small clerestory
windows above your head. Though tiny, this church has a spiritual quality to
it that is quite refreshing. By the altar sits a plate for donations.
EndLocation	= "inchurch"

Location	= "path1"
South		= ^bushes_n@cathedral
East		= royal@cathedral
West		= church@cathedral
LFlags		= Light, Outdoors
Title		= "Path to the &+RCathedral&*"   
Desc		= ^
   As you step onto the path, you see a towering giant to the east. 
The cathedral rises high into the air, its twin towers soaring above even the 
&+Lstorm&* clouds which brew overhead, and add an air of &+ggloom&* to the place. Strong
winds lash at your flesh, urging you away. A wall of &+Gbushes&* looms to the south.
EndLocation	= "path1"

Location	= "path2"
North		= ^bushes_s@cathedral
South		= path3@cathedral
LFlags		= Light, Outdoors
Title		= "Hidden Path"
Desc		= ^
   The &+Gbushes&* to the north are cut away, allowing your safe passage, to the
south this path continues around the tower. The &+Gbushes&* around you protect 
you from the buffeting winds of the &+Lstorm&* above.
EndLocation	= "path2"

Location	= "path3"
North		= path2@cathedral
East		= path4@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Outdoors
Title		= "Path"
Desc		= ^
   The &+gshrubbery&* here is so thick it slows down your progress considerably,
but at least the weather is unlikely to affect you. The continuing path is 
barely visible to the east.
EndLocation	= "path3"

Location	= "path4"
West		= path3@cathedral
East		= path5@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Outdoors
Title		= "Beside The &+LTower&*"
Desc		= ^
   The tower wall rises up to the north, and as you look up you cannot see
to the top of it. The path goes on both east and west, through the thick 
canopy of &+gfoliage&*.
EndLocation	= "path4"

Location	= "path5"
West		= path4@cathedral
East		= side1@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Outdoors
Title		= "Beside the &+rCathedral&*"
Desc		= ^
   The &+Gleaves&* hang low here, and your head brushes against them as you pass. 
The path continues into deep &+gfoliage&* to the west, but to the east it clears
up somewhat, and what little &+Ylight&* there is streams in as the leaves part.
EndLocation	= "path5"

Location	= "side1"
West		= path5@cathedral
North		= ^door_sside@cathedral
Trap		= all
{  if (param_s.ob == EX_NORTH)
   {  bprintf ("The door swings shut behind you.\n");
      setobjstate (OBJ_CATHEDRAL_DOOR_SSIDE, 1);
LFlags		= Dark, Outdoors
Title		= "Side Door"
Desc		= ^
   The &+Csky&* above seems lighter here, and the winds fade. you are surrounded
by walls of &+Ggreen&* on all sides but north. In that direction, surrounded by
the &+givy&* that crawls all about the sides of the cathedral, is a heavy &+ywooden&* 
door, with a quite substantial lock of a type you've never seen the likes of.
EndLocation	= "side1"

Location	= "side2"
South		= ^door_trap@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Outdoors
Title		= "Trap Door"
Desc		= ^
   As you exit the cathedral, the door slams shut, and its heavy bolts fall
into place. You can hardly see a thing through the thick &+Wfog&*. Wraithlike
forms swoop down at your head making you duck in terror.  You can fight them,
but it is unlikely you can budge the door, should you survive the battle.
EndLocation	= "side2"

Location	= "royal"
West		= path1@cathedral
East		= c_portal@cathedral
North		= n_portal@cathedral
South		= s_portal@cathedral
LFlags		= Light, Outdoors
Title		= "The &+YRoyal&* Portals"
Desc		= ^
   The Western Facade of the Cathedral looms up before you into the &+Wmisty
&+Csky&*. A triad of grand portals lie before you. Each is flanked by monolithic
jamb statues, sculptured figures which stand flat against the architecture, 
and watch over the portals to this mighty cathedral. You are struck by the 
malign expressions on their faces, for they look much more like grinning 
&+Rdevils&* than the holy figures one would expect to find at the doors of a mighty
EndLocation	= "royal"

Location	= "s_portal"
West		= royal@cathedral
LFlags		= Light, Outdoors
Title		= "The South Portal"
Desc		= ^
   As you step forward into the &+Ldarkness&* of the portal, you realize it has
been boarded over with &+ywood&*. You try to budge the old and &+Lrotting &+yboards&*,
but to no avail. You will have to try another way in.
EndLocation	= "s_portal"

Location	= "c_portal"
West		= royal@cathedral
LFlags		= Light, Outdoors
Title		= "The Central Portal"
Desc		= ^
   This is the grandest of the three portals. Overhead you can barely make
out the details of its bizarre tympanum sculpture. Above the door, in a half
moon shaped area enclosed by a pointed arch, is a sculpture of an enthroned
man, hooded and wearing a flowing cape which is tattered at the ends. His
arms are outstretched and underneath them, smaller figures writhe in agony, 
as tiny swirling demons whip around their heads and torment them mercilessly.
The Door itself is heavily boarded, and though it looks worn and battered,
the &+ywood&* holds firm at any attempt to force your way through.
EndLocation	= "c_portal"

Location	= "n_portal"
West		= royal@cathedral
East		= eterdark@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Outdoors
Title		= "The North Portal"
Desc		= ^
   You step into the &+Ldarkness&* of the portal, and to your surprise the way to
the east appears clear, though it leads into complete &+Ldarkness&*. The jamb
statues here are the most hideous of all. Their heads are mere skulls, some
of which display gaping cracks, thier feet rest upon what appear to be the
artists rendition of bodies &+ydecaying&*.
EndLocation	= "n_portal"

Location	= "eterdark"
LFlags		= Death
Title		= "&+BEternal &+LDarkness&*"
Desc		= ^
   You plunge face first into &+Beternal &+Ldarkness&*, never to be heard from again.
Perhaps you will appreciate the messages in sculpture more in the afterlife.
As you look on from above, the figures on the portal pack themselves more 
tightly together, and another figure, shaped like you, with a split skull
for a head, emerges from the marble wall to join them.
EndLocation	= "eterdark"

Location	= "n_tower"
South		= nave1@cathedral
Up		= n_stairs@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "The North Tower"
Desc		= ^
   The Walls of the tower are covered with countless years of &+gmold&* and &+ydust&*.
Above you the stairs continue upwards.
EndLocation	= "n_tower"

Location	= "n_stairs"
Down		= n_tower@cathedral
Up		= n_top@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "The Spiral Stairs"
Desc		= ^
   These stairs seem to spiral up endlessly, and you wonder if you have gone
so high as to rise above even the &+Lstorm&* which is brewing above the cathedral.
As you finally approach the top, a great &+Ylight&* shines down upon you which 
seems to answer your question, that in fact you have climbed a very long way.
EndLocation	= "n_stairs"

Location	= "n_top"
Down		= n_stairs@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Top of the North Tower"
Desc		= ^
   The room you have entered is &+Wbrightly &+Yilluminated&* by magnificent stained
glass windows, which filter the &+Ylight&* and give everything an otherworldly
&+Gglow&*. In the middle of the room sits an open casket, of fine &+ymahogany&* with
&+Wwhite silk&* interior. A vase of &+Rroses&* sits upon the windowsill.
EndLocation	= "n_top"

Location	= "s_tower"
North		= nave1@cathedral
Up		= s_stairs@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "The South Tower"
Desc		= ^
   This room is bare, except for the staircase spiralling upward into
EndLocation	= "s_tower"

Location	= "s_stairs"
Down		= s_tower@cathedral
Up		= s_top@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "The Stairs"
Desc		= ^
   The stairs are rickety and worn with age, but they seem secure enough to
support your weight. There appear to be no windows in this tower, as you
cannot make out any &+Ylight&* from above. At the top the stairs emerge into a
small unlit room.
EndLocation	= "s_stairs"

Location	= "s_top"
Down		= s_stairs@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "The Top of the South Tower"
Desc		= ^
   In the center of this room is a large &+Liron &+blantern&*, mounted solidly on the
floor. The windows which used to bring &+Ylight&* in by day, and allow the lantern 
to shine out by &+Lnight&*, have been &+yboarded&* over. &+LCobwebs&* are strewn over 
everything, and a &+gmusty&* smell fills your nostrils.
EndLocation	= "s_top"

Location	= "nave1"
North		= n_tower@cathedral
South		= s_tower@cathedral
East		= nave2@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "The Nave"
Desc		= ^
   You stand at the beginning of the long nave of the cathedral, which
stretches out a great distance to the east. The triforiums run along the
northern and southern sides, with great columns of polished &+Wwhite&* marble 
soaring upward into &+Ldarkness&* to support the vaulted ceiling, which is only
barely visible. The clerestory windows are blocked off by the &+Lstorm&* raging
outside, and no light passes through. To your north, through a high arch,
lies the northern tower. Likewise, to the south, there is another tower.
To the west the royal portals appear to be boarded up, but the nave continues
to the east.
EndLocation	= "nave1"

Location	= "nave2"
North		= n_aisle1@cathedral
South		= s_aisle1@cathedral
West		= nave1@cathedral
East		= nave3@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "The Nave"
Desc		= ^
   You are partway down the nave. The wall of columns continues to your north 
and south. Thick, &+Ldark &+rred&* stains mar the columns. You can make your way to 
the side aisles through any of the archways between the columns. To the west 
the nave continues toward the royal portals. To the east it leads toward the 
choir and the apse. Several chairs, broken and battered, are strewn about the 
EndLocation	= "nave2"

Location	= "n_aisle1"
South		= nave2@cathedral
North		= ^door_nside@cathedral
East		= n_aisle2@cathedral
Trap		= all
{  if (param_s.ob == EX_NORTH)
      setobjstate (OBJ_CATHEDRAL_DOOR_NSIDE, 1);
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "North Aisle"
Desc		= ^
   The walls to the west and north are made of huge blocks of marble, stained
by centuries of &+bgrime&* and &+gfungi&*. The wall to the north is interrupted by a
large &+ywooden&* door, with metal handles. The door is swung back, and beyond it
you can make out only &+Ldarkness&*. Howling sounds reach your ears from beyond
the doorway. To the east the aisle continues.
EndLocation	= "n_aisle1"

Location	= "s_aisle1"
South		= ^door_saisle@cathedral
North		= nave2@cathedral
East		= s_aisle2@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "South Aisle"
Desc		= ^
   To the west the wall of the tower rises up, and tattered drapery of a deep
&+Mpurple&* hue hangs down from high above your head. To the south is a rather 
large doorway. The aisle continues to the east, or you may enter the nave to
the north.
EndLocation	= "s_aisle1"

Location	= "nave3"
North		= n_aisle2@cathedral
South		= s_aisle2@cathedral
West		= nave2@cathedral
East		= crossbay@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+LThe Nave&*"
Desc		= ^
   Where once this Nave inspired awe, now only &+Ldarkness&* reigns, the &+Wlight&* of
&+Yheaven&* can no longer shine in, and the place takes on an air of &+bgloom&* matched
by few places you have ever been in. The columns to the north and south seem
to tower menacingly over you. Through these columns lie the side aisle which
runs along the nave. To the east is the crossing bay, and to the west the nave
continues toward the portals.
EndLocation	= "nave3"

Location	= "n_aisle2"
South		= nave3@cathedral
West		= n_aisle1@cathedral
East		= n_tran@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "North Aisle"
Desc		= ^
   Long ago crowds lined up along this aisle, waiting to see the holy relics
housed in the east end of the cathedral. Now the mosaic paintings they once
appreciated while they waited are in disrepair. Tiles litter the floor, and
what is left of the wall mosaics is covered in a thick coat of &+Lgrunge&*.
EndLocation	= "n_aisle2"

Location	= "s_aisle2"
North		= nave3@cathedral
West		= s_aisle1@cathedral
East		= s_tran@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "South Aisle"
Desc		= ^
   This is where you would wait to see the holy relics, but now the cathedral
is deserted and the reliquaries desecrated. the pictorial illustrations on
the wall here are marred irrepairably by time.
EndLocation	= "s_aisle2"

Location	= "crossbay"
North		= n_tran@cathedral
South		= s_tran@cathedral
West		= nave3@cathedral
East		= choir@cathedral
Down		= ^fountain_up@cathedral
Trap		= all
{  if (param_s.ob == EX_DOWN) 
      if (!(used_fountain[mynum] & FOUNT_CATH_BLOOD)) 
        bprintf("Your soul is too pure to pass into this dark realm...\n");
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "The Crossing Bay"
Desc		= ^
   This is the crossing bay, where the nave and the transept cross. The
transept hall lies to the north and south. To the east the nave continues
through the choir and toward the apse. A fountain sits here, burbling. As
you peer down into the fountain, you notice it runs &+Rred&* with &+rblood&*, rather
than &+Wclear &+Bwater&*, and yet it looks strangely tantalizing.
EndLocation	= "crossbay"

Location	= "n_tran"
North		= n_porch@cathedral
South		= crossbay@cathedral
West		= n_aisle2@cathedral
East		= n_aisle3@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Northern End of the Transept"
Desc		= ^
   The aisles branch off to the east and west. The crossing bay is to the 
south, and to the north an Open portal leads out into the &+cmist&*.
EndLocation	= "n_tran"

Location	= "n_porch"
South		= n_tran@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Outdoors
Title		= "Northern Porch"
Desc		= ^
   As you emerge from the cathedral, you see a tall spiked &+Lfence&* of &+ggothic&*
design. You could climb it... if you were into impalement. Beyond the fence
lie desolate mountains, and above you &+Lstorm clouds&* roll, and &+Wlightning&* arcs
down in the distance.
EndLocation	= "n_porch"

Location	= "s_tran"
North		= crossbay@cathedral
South		= s_porch@cathedral
West		= s_aisle2@cathedral
East		= s_aisle3@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Southern End of the Transept"
Desc		= ^
   To your north lies the crossing bay, and the nave. South of here is an
open portal onto the southern porch. The Aisle stretches out to the east and
west, parallel to the nave.
EndLocation	= "s_tran"

Location	= "s_porch"
North		= s_tran@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Outdoors
Title		= "Southern Porch"
Desc		= ^
   A tall spiked &+Lfence&* bars all directions but the way you came. Attempting 
to get over it would only result in multiple nasty wounds. A heavy &+Wfog&*
obscures your vision beyond the &+Lfence&*.
EndLocation	= "s_porch"

Location	= "choir"
North		= n_aisle3@cathedral
South		= s_aisle3@cathedral
West		= crossbay@cathedral
East		= apse@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+BThe Choir&*"
Desc		= ^
   This part of the nave was designed as a convenient place to house the
choir, in front of and below the altar. It is nothing but a large empty
chamber now, and the only singing you hear is the cry of &+Lbats&* above which
your footsteps have awakened.
EndLocation	= "choir"

Location	= "n_aisle3"
South		= choir@cathedral
West		= n_tran@cathedral
East		= n_amb@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "North Aisle"
Desc		= ^
   Just another action packed, thrilling hallway... the monotony is almost
too much to bear.
EndLocation	= "n_aisle3"

Location	= "s_aisle3"
North		= choir@cathedral
West		= s_tran@cathedral
East		= s_amb@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "South Aisle"
Desc		= ^
   As you reach yet another mind-numbingly dull aisle... your thoughts begin
to drift. Is it really worth it? Should i continue with this quest? Perhaps
its better to remain a mortal forever?
EndLocation	= "s_aisle3"

Location	= "apse"
West		= crossbay@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+WThe Apse&*"
Desc		= ^
   You finally reach the apse of this once mighty church. Here above the
choir, and at the end of the long nave, you see the altar where patrons used
to pray. It stands before you in shameful condition. Huge chunks of shaped 
marble litter the floor, remnants of a grand sculptured altarpiece, now in 
ruin. Behind the altar lies a monstrous wallpainting. Seering &+Rred &+Beyes&* gaze 
down upon you hatefully, and wide grinning mouths show pointed teeth and drip 
&+rblood&*, under a &+Rreddish&*-&+Mpurple &+Csky&*. 
EndLocation	= "apse"

Location	= "n_amb"
West		= n_aisle3@cathedral
East		= ne_amb@cathedral
North		= n_chap@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Northern Ambulatory"
Desc		= ^
   The aisle continues here around the apse. A chapel lies to the north.
EndLocation	= "n_amb"

Location	= "n_chap"
South		= n_amb@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Oneperson
Title		= "North Chapel"
Desc		= ^
   Inscribed in the marble walls you read:
	Herein lies the Holy China Set, used by our lord at his last supper.

   Despite the inscription, you see that the box in the center of the room is
   most clearly empty. 
EndLocation	= "n_chap"

Location	= "ne_amb"
West		= n_amb@cathedral
South		= e_amb@cathedral
North		= ne_chap@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Northeastern Ambulatory"
Desc		= ^
   The aisle continues here around the apse. A chapel lies to the north.
EndLocation	= "ne_amb"

Location	= "ne_chap"
South		= ne_amb@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Oneperson
Title		= "Northeast Chapel"
Desc		= ^
   Sculpted in low relief in the wall is a crucifix, and at the bottom of the
wall is an open case made of pure &+Ygold&*. On the inside of its lid it describes
the contents as a piece of the Crucifix. But you can see no such thing here.
The case looks empty.
EndLocation	= "ne_chap"

Location	= "e_amb"
North		= ne_amb@cathedral
South		= se_amb@cathedral
East		= e_chap@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Eastern Ambulatory"
Desc		= ^
   The aisle continues here around the apse. A chapel lies to the east.
EndLocation	= "e_amb"

Location	= "e_chap"
West		= e_amb@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Oneperson
Title		= "East Chapel"
Desc		= ^
   This chapel is the largest of the five. The walls here are decorated with
fine paintings of St. Suorac. Against the wall is a large reliquary, in
which the bones of St. Suorac were supposed to be stored. Unfortunately they
never made it here since according to the Priest he was killed by the vampire,
and the cathedral turned into a &+rdemonic &+blair&*.
EndLocation	= "e_chap"

Location	= "se_amb"
North		= e_amb@cathedral
South		= se_chap@cathedral
West		= s_amb@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Southeastern Ambulatory"
Desc		= ^
   The aisle continues here around the apse. A chapel lies to the south.
EndLocation	= "se_amb"

Location	= "se_chap"
North		= se_amb@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Oneperson
Title		= "Southeast Chapel"
Desc		= ^
   Here you see murals illustrating the life of the Virgin. There is also a 
&+Cglass&* case in which once was housed the Mantle of The Virgin, but the lid is 
smashed in.
EndLocation	= "se_chap"

Location	= "s_amb"
West		= s_aisle3@cathedral
East		= se_amb@cathedral
South		= s_chap@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+gSouthern Ambulatory&*"
Desc		= ^
   The aisle continues here around the apse. A chapel lies to the south.
EndLocation	= "s_amb"

Location	= "s_chap"
North		= s_amb@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Oneperson
Title		= "South Chapel"
Desc		= ^
   This reliquary is meant to house the &+Yholy grail&*, fabled to have been used
by Jesus himself at the last supper. The case is empty, and you see no trace
of the &+Ygrail&*. You find it odd that so many churches claim to have the &+Yholy
&+Ygrail&*, but you assume that as long as these people think their grail is THE
grail, thats all that matters.
EndLocation	= "s_chap"


Location	= "vaulcham"
Up		= ^fountain_down@cathedral
North		= vaulhall@cathedral
East		= lowhall@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Vaulted Chamber"
Desc		= ^
   The ceiling here is of crude concrete vaulting, with no decorative aspect.
The hall branches off to the north and east. It is utterly dark and still
here, and the floor is covered with a thick layer of &+ydust&*.
EndLocation	= "vaulcham"

Location	= "lowhall"
South		= lowpass@cathedral
West		= vaulcham@cathedral
East		= ^door_lowhall@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Low Vaulted Hall"
Desc		= ^
   The ceiling in this room is lower, and even more crudely constructed. Bits
of concrete lie about the floor. To the east is an elegantly crafted door,
looking very out of place. The low passage continues to the south.
EndLocation	= "lowhall"

Location	= "astbed"
West		= ^door_astbed@cathedral
LFlags		= Light
Title		= "&+MAstasia's BedChamber&*"
Desc		= ^
   As you enter the room, you marvel at the huge posterbed before you. The
room has a rather ethereal quality, and a faint light shines from the
chandolier hanging from the marble tiled ceiling. In one corner is a 
magnificently crafted armoire, trimmed with &+Ygold&*. 
EndLocation	= "astbed"

Location	= "lowpass"
North		= lowhall@cathedral
South		= cobwebs@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Low Passage"
Desc		= ^
   The vaulting of the ceilings has abruptly ceased here. This passage looks   
as if it were carved out of the &+Lrock&* with a shovel, more than anything else.
To the north lies a vaulted hall. Your view south is blocked by &+Lcobwebs&*.
EndLocation	= "lowpass"

Location	= "cobwebs"
North		= lowpass@cathedral
West		= milbed@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+LCobwebs&*"
Desc		= ^
   The dimensions of this room seem to be made out by the thicker portions of
webbing, rather than by walls. you can vaguely make out exits to the north and
west. In the center of the room is a small bed. Its &+Ybrass&* head and base rise 
a few feet into the air. You feel fear in the gathering gloom, and there's 
suddenly a movement in the corner of the room. There's nothing you can do, as 
you realize with &+Rfright&*...
EndLocation	= "cobwebs"

Location	= "milbed"
East		= cobwebs@cathedral
LFlags		= Light
Title		= "&+GMillarca's Bedchamber&*"
Desc		= ^
   This room is decked out in fine victorian style, with elegant baseboards
and trim. A large mirror adorns the wall, and a king-sized canopy bed is
perched in the center of the room. Plush carpeting cushions your feet as you
walk. A table sits in the corner, filled with nicknacks.
EndLocation	= "milbed"

Location	= "vaulhall"
North		= eastcat@cathedral
South		= vaulcham@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Vaulted Hall"
Desc		= ^
   The walls here are bare, as is the floor. Heavy &+ydust&* rises to the north.
EndLocation	= "vaulhall"

Location	= "eastcat"
South		= vaulhall@cathedral
West		= catacomb@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Eastern Catacombs"
Desc		= ^
   Here is where the dead were buried in compartments in the walls, so many
centuries ago. &+yDust&* covers everything, and you cant see far, having stirred 
up the &+ydust&* upon entering.
EndLocation	= "eastcat"

Location	= "catacomb"
North		= ^door_catacomb@cathedral
East		= eastcat@cathedral
West		= westcat@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Catacombs"
Desc		= ^
   The catacombs continue here and to the east and west. To your north there
appears to be an opening in the wall large enough for you to squeeze into.
EndLocation	= "catacomb"

Location	= "sorbtomb"
South		= ^door_sorbtomb@cathedral
LFlags		= Light
Title		= "&+MThe &+GTomb &+Bof &+YSorbet&*"
Desc		= ^
   The place looks like some &+CP&+Rs&+Yy&+Wc&+Bh&+Go&+Md&+Ce&+Rl&+Yi&+Wc &+BNightmare&+W! &+RC&+Go&+Yl&+Bo&+Mr&+Cs&* swirl about you,
engulfing you in illusory images and strange sensations.
EndLocation	= "sorbtomb"

Location	= "westcat"
South		= wolven@cathedral
East		= catacomb@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Western Catacombs"
Desc		= ^
   The &+ydust&* here is chokingly thick, and obscures your vision. You hear
scraping and panting to the south.
EndLocation	= "westcat"

Location	= "wolven"
North		= westcat@cathedral
West		= armhall@cathedral
East		= weaphall@cathedral
LFlags		= Light
Title		= "&+yWolven Hall&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are surrounded by low-relief sculptures of wolves. However, in these
works the wolves are displayed heroically, rather than as wicked cowardly
EndLocation	= "wolven"

Location	= "armhall"
East		= wolven@cathedral
South		= ^door_armor@cathedral
LFlags		= Light
Title		= "&*Hall of &+LArmor"
Desc		= ^
   The walls of this room are made up of cubicles, each containing a suit
of armor and a small plaque describing it. It looks much like a museum 
EndLocation	= "armhall"

Location	= "secroom"
North		= ^door_secroom@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Secret Room"
Desc		= ^
   I can't tell you what this room looks like. Its a secret. If you grope
around in the void long enough, perhaps you'll find something.
EndLocation	= "secroom"

Location	= "weaphall"
West		= wolven@cathedral
South		= carnage1@cathedral
LFlags		= Light
Title		= "Hall of Weapons"
Desc		= ^
   The floor here is smoothly tiled, as is the high ceiling. Racks line the
walls, and upon the racks sit weapons of all types from all places and times.
Whomever built this place seems to have a fascination for collecting fine
things, or perhaps he just gets bored living for all eternity, and collecting 
gives him a purpose. A piercing stench rises from the south.
EndLocation	= "weaphall"

Location	= "carnage1"
North		= weaphall@cathedral
South		= carnage2@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "Hall of &+RCarnage&*"
Desc		= ^
   You nearly lose your lunch as you enter this place. Stinking &+yrotting&* flesh
lines the floor, ceiling, and walls. bodies in various stages of &+Ldecay&* line
the place. The floor is covered in a thick layer of &+Rreddish &+rooze&*, which must
be the same stuff which is dripping slowly onto you from above.
EndLocation	= "carnage1"

Location	= "carnage2"
North		= carnage1@cathedral
West		= cryptent@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+RCarnage &+LHall&*"
Desc		= ^
   Row upon row of chairs stretch out around you, and a tiny faraway stage
commands your attent...  Oh.. thats Carnagie Hall.. My mistake...

   You stand among more of the same decaying mess as you see to the north.
An exit to the west looks slightly more inviting.
EndLocation	= "carnage2"

Location	= "cryptent"
North		= vamcrypt@cathedral
South		= vambed@cathedral
West		= ^door_crypt@cathedral
East		= carnage2@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark
Title		= "&+LCrypt Entrance&*"
Desc		= ^
   The walls here are made up entirely of hideous snarling gargoyles. The
dark &+Lgrey&* stone is damp and &+Bcold&* to the touch. You feel a &+Cchill&* set in that 
goes straight to your bones. Exits lead north and south, but you wonder if 
it isn't better to turn tail and run back to the east. The outline of a door
marks the wall to the west. No handles or other markings appear on the wall.
EndLocation	= "cryptent"

Location	= "vambed"
North		= cryptent@cathedral
West		= ^door_vambed@cathedral
LFlags		= Light
Title		= "The &+rVampire's &+gBedchamber&*"
Desc		= ^
   As you step in, you nearly trip, as the floor is not too solid. You notice
that the floor here is one big mattress. The room itself is dome-shaped.
Piles and piles of pillows of all shapes and sizes line the walls. There is
a small door in the west wall.
EndLocation	= "vambed"

Location	= "library"
East		= ^door_library@cathedral
LFlags		= Light, Soundproof, Private
Title		= "The Library"
Desc		= ^
   This is LeSuorac's private library. Here you see shelf upon shelf of fine 
volumes. As you browse you notice the works of Anne Rice have a prominent
place in this library. In the corner is a copy machine, but it doesn't
accept change, only those silly little copy cards.
EndLocation	= "library"

Location	= "vamcrypt"
South		= cryptent@cathedral
LFlags		= Light
Title		= "The &+rVampire's &+LCrypt&*"
Desc		= ^
   The walls here alternate between towering engaged corinthian columns and
flat surfaces of marble brickwork. Flowing red velvet drapery falls between 
the columns. High above, shrouded in mist, is the single groin-vault that
forms the ceiling of this crypt. Your breath echoes off the walls, disturbing 
the solitude that this chamber provides. The space is dominated by a platform
upon which rests a lone sarcophagus.
EndLocation	= "vamcrypt"

Location	= "reliq"
East		= ^door_reliq@cathedral
LFlags		= Dark, Oneperson
Title		= "The Secret Reliquary"
Desc		= ^
   There is little to see here in this tiny round chamber. The whole thing is
crudely built of blocks of &+Lstone&*, and you have to duck down just to stand.
EndLocation	= "reliq"