#include "undef.h"
#include "exits.h"

Zone		= newbie
Author		= "Rex"

EndZone		= newbie

Mobile		= Mike
Location	= hill@newbie
Strength	= 50
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "
Mike thinks he's doing a pretty good job at blocking the way west."
MFlags		= BarWest
PFlags		= NoSummon
EndMobile		= Mike

Mobile		= Paddy
Location	= bottom@newbie
Strength	= 55
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "
Paddy looks at you curiously from behind a tree stump."
EndMobile		= Paddy

Mobile		= Stanley
Location	= entrance@newbie
Strength	= 60
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "
Stanley giggles at you as you pass him unaware."
EndMobile		= Stanley

Mobile 		= Tricia
Location	= stream@newbie
Strength	= 65
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
SFlags		= female
Desc		= "
Tricia is sitting on a stone, gazing out over the water."
EndMobile		= Tricia

Mobile		= Shanon
Location	= pool@newbie
Strength	= 65
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed	 	= 0
Desc		= "
Shanon giggles at you as you vainly watch your reflection in the pool."
SFlags		= female
EndMobile		= Shanon

Mobile		= Colleen
Location	= track@newbie
Strength	= 65
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "Colleen is here, quietly picking flowers."
SFlags		= female
EndMobile		= Colleen

Mobile		= Malcomb
Location	= lawn@newbie
Strength	= 65
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "
Malcomb is carrying a handful of clovers to his girlfriend."
EndMobile		= Malcomb

Mobile		= Danny
Location	= valley@newbie
Strength	= 70
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "
Danny wonders where he should hide his new pot of gold."
EndMobile		= Danny

Mobile		= Erik
Location	= square@newbie
Strength	= 70
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "
Erik whistles happily as he darts from tree to tree."
EndMobile		= Erik

Mobile		= Molley
Location	= stream_2@newbie
Strength	= 70
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
SFlags		= female
Desc		= "Molley smiles happily as she skips stones."
EndMobile		= Molley

Mobile		= Tallie
Location	= stream_3@newbie
Strength	= 75
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
SFlags		= female
Desc		= "
Tallie quickly darts behind a rock as you approach her."
EndMobile		= Tallie

Mobile		= Millie
Location	= nend@newbie
Strength	= 75
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
SFlags		= female
Desc		= "You caught Millie dancing happily in the grass."
EndMobile		= Millie

Mobile		= Samson
Location	= tunnel@newbie
Strength	= 75
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "
Samson just found a four-leaf clover in the patch and is running home to show 
it off."
EndMobile		= Samson

Mobile		= Sally
Location	= mine@newbie
Strength	= 80
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "
Sally is rushing home to fix dinner for her children."
EndMobile		= Sally

Mobile		= Clyde
Location	= tree@newbie
Strength	= 90
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "Clyde rushes after his wife Sally."
EndMobile		= Clyde

Mobile		= Scottie
Location	= roots@newbie
Strength	= 100
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Desc		= "
Scottie peers at you curiously from the shadows."
EndMobile		= Scottie

Object		= clover
Armor		= 3
BaseValue		= 30
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Location	= IN_ROOM:hut@newbie
Desc0		= "A small green clover is wilting away here."
OFlags		= wearonbody, armor
Examine		= "
Upon closer examination you see that this is a four-leaf clover."
EndObject		= clover

Object		= pitchfork
Altname	= "fork"
Damage		= 15
BaseValue		= 600
Size		= 10
Weight		= 3
Location	= IN_ROOM:cellar@newbie
Desc0		= "
An old rusty pitchfork lies here.  Perhaps you should pick it up."
OFlags		= Weapon
Examine		= "
It looks rather rusty, but it would probably make a fine weapon."
EndObject		= pitchfork

Object		= leaf
BaseValue		= 50
Size		= 1
Weight		= 2
Location	= IN_ROOM:clearing@newbie
Desc0		= "An oak leaf lies on the ground here."
Examine		= "
The leaf is very beautiful and seems to shine with inner magic."
EndObject		= leaf

Object		= moss
BaseValue		= 50
Size		= 1
Weight		= 1
Location	= IN_ROOM:dead@newbie
Desc0		= "Growing on the tree is a bit of moss."
Examine		= "
The moss is fragile and looks like it could fall apart in your hands."
EndObject		= moss

Object		= shield
BaseValue		= 200
Size		= 10
Weight		= 5
Location	= IN_ROOM:top@newbie
Desc0		= "A small shield lies here."
OFlags		= wearonarms, excludewear, armor
Armor		= 10
Examine		= "
It's a small shield but it would probably protect you in battle."
EndObject		= shield

Object		= stone
Altname	= "rock"
BaseValue		= 40
Size		= 3
Weight		= 2
Location	= CARRIED_BY:Molley@newbie
Desc0		= "A perfectly smooth flat rock lies here."
Examine		= "This rock looks perfect for skipping on water!"
EndObject		= stone

Object		= diamond
Altname	= "chip"
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
BaseValue		= 200
Location	= IN_ROOM:mine@newbie
Size		= 2
Weight		= 1
Desc0		= "A small diamond chip lies here."
Desc1		= "
A small diamond chip is a bit loose from the wall..."
Examine		= "
This little chip doesn't look too valuable, but it is light to carry."
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONGET:
    if (param_s.misc == BEFORE_GET)
      bprintf("The diamond is packed into the wall a little better than you thought.\n");
      bprintf("By pulling it out you cause the mine to settle, sealing the tunnel.\n");
      setoloc(param_s.ob, param_s.plx, CARRIED_BY);
      setexit(LOC_NEWBIE_MINE, 0, 0);
   default: break;
EndObject		= diamond

Object		= root
Location	= IN_ROOM:tree@newbie
BaseValue		= 70
Size		= 4
Weight 		= 2
Desc0		= "A small root lies loose here."
Examine		= "
It's just a twisted brown root.  What did you expect to see?"
EndObject		= root

Object		= pot
Location	= CARRIED_BY:Mike@newbie
OFlags		= container
BaseValue		= 100
Size		= 15
Weight		= 4
Desc0		= "A small pot lies on the ground here."
Examine		= "
This looks like a fair-sized pot.  You wish it was full of gold."
EndObject		= pot

Location	= "entry"
West		= trail_1@newbie
East		= gate@blizzard
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WThe Forest Trail&*"
Desc		= ^
	You have wandered into a forest filled with very large and majestic 
trees of every type imaginable.  The quietness of the forest amazes you as your 
feet crunch quietly on the fallen pine needles.  The path that you are on leads 
to the west.
EndLocation	= "entry"

Location	= "trail_1"
West		= trail_2@newbie
East		= entry@newbie
North		= hut@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WForest Trail&*"
Desc		= ^
	Walking a little bit deeper into the forest you notice how tranquil 
everything is.  You start to feel a little strange, however, and you get light 
butterflies in your stomach as you get the feeling that you might be intruding. 
 To the north you notice a small hut, and to the west the forest continues.  
The section of forest to the west seems to be made up almost entirely of very 
large oak trees.
EndLocation	= "trail_1"

Location	= "hut"
South		= trail_1@newbie
Down		= cellar@newbie
Title		= "&+WInside the Hut&*"
Desc		= ^
	You have entered a small hut.  The structure is falling down and is 
badly in need of maintenance.  There are holes in the wood that make up that 
walls, which allow for some light to get through.  On the floor you notice a 
small green object that seems to be wilting away.  You wonder what it is and 
how it got there.
EndLocation	= "hut"

Location	= "cellar"
Up		= hut@newbie
Title		= "&+WIn the Cellar&*"
Desc		= ^
	If the hut you are standing in was in better repair, this would be a 
very dark and foreboding room.  The shape of the walls, however, allows you to 
look around and see that this is a simple storage area which the owner of this 
hut must have once used to keep his gardening tools.
EndLocation	= "cellar"

Location	= "trail_2"
East		= trail_1@newbie
West		= clearing@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WForest Trail&*"
Desc		= ^
	The trail continues toward the west and up ahead seems to open up into 
an area dominated by very old oak trees.  You see what appears to be a cluster 
of them up ahead.
EndLocation	= "trail_2"

Location	= "clearing"
East		= trail_2@newbie
North		= dead@newbie
South		= enchanting@newbie
West		= grand@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WOak Clearing&*"
Desc		= ^
	You have reached the cluster of oaks, but as you stand at the edge of 
it, you notice that it is not a cluster, but a ring of trees!  In the center of 
the ring is the largest oak tree you have ever seen.  You stare up at it with a 
feeling of utter awe.  You suddenly feel very small and insignificant.
EndLocation	= "clearing"

Location	= "dead"
South		= clearing@newbie
West		= northern@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WA Dead Oak&*"
Desc		= ^
	In front of you is a tree that was apparently struck by lightning.  You 
feel sad as you look at what is left of it.  The tree almost seems to cry out 
in pain.
EndLocation	= "dead"

Location	= "northern"
South		= grand@newbie
East		= dead@newbie
West		= small@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WThe Northern Oak&*"
Desc		= ^
	You have reached the northern-most tree in the circle.  This one seems 
to be one of the youngest in the cluster, even though they all seem to be about 
the same age.  This tree is just a little smaller and the bark is just a bit 
smoother than many of the others.
EndLocation	= "northern"

Location	= "small"
North		= trail_3@newbie
South		= western@newbie
East		= northern@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WSmall Oak&*"
Desc		= ^
	This particular tree seems like it has lost a few limbs in its day.  
You feel sad for it and decide to move on before you get too depressed.  You 
notice another small path to the north, and to the south, you can still see the 
other trees that comprise this marvelous ring.
EndLocation	= "small"

Location	= "western"
North		= small@newbie
South		= corner@newbie
East		= grand@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WWestern Oak&*"
Desc		= ^
	You are now standing at the base of the western-most oak in the ring.  
This particular tree captures your attention because it seems almost as 
grandiose as the center tree, although you almost get a feeling that the center 
tree would never allow for such competition.
EndLocation	= "western"

Location	= "corner"
North		= western@newbie
East		= southern@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WCorner Oak&*"
Desc		= ^
	This tree is in the southwestern corner of the ring.  If trees could 
appear 'ordinary,' this one would, except for one small detail.  There would 
appear to be a small hole between the roots about the size of your hand... but 
you don't really think there could be anything down there... or do you?
EndLocation	= "corner"

Location	= "southern"
West		= corner@newbie
East		= enchanting@newbie
North		= grand@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WSouthern Oak&*"
Desc		= ^
	You now stand near the base of the southern-most tree of the ring.  You 
look back at the center tree and are still amazed at the size and grandeur of 
it.  You wonder again how all this happened.
EndLocation	= "southern"

Location	= "enchanting"
North		= clearing@newbie
West		= southern@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WEnchanting Oak&*"
Desc		= ^
	This particular tree is rather beautiful to look at.  Its branches are 
healthy and wide-spread.   The tree seems almost happy and you think it look a 
little out of place here in this ring.
EndLocation	= "enchanting"

Location	= "grand"
North		= northern@newbie
South		= southern@newbie
East		= clearing@newbie
West		= western@newbie
Up		= top@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WThe Grand Oak&*"
Desc		= ^
	You are now standing at the base of this VERY large oak tree.  This 
tree is absolutely breath-taking!  You look at the other trees circling around 
it and wonder how such a freak of nature occurred.  You look up at the massive 
branches and discover you can easily climb up the tree.
EndLocation	= "grand"

Location	= "top"
Down		= grand@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WTop of the Oak Tree&*"
Desc		= ^
	You are sitting safely in a fork in the tree trunk.  You feel kind of 
bad for climbing the tree, but you see that it was worth the effort, if only 
because of the view you get of the forest from where you sit.  You feel like a 
king on a throne as you look down into a valley to the northwest.  You wonder 
what could be down there.  You decide to climb down and have a look.
EndLocation	= "top"

Location	= "trail_3"
South		= small@newbie
West		= hill@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WForest Path&*"
Desc		= ^
	You have left the circle of oaks and are back on a trail that leads 
north, then turns to the west.  The trail gets steep here and goes down into a 
lush valley that is covered in green.  Everywhere, green.
EndLocation	= "trail_3"

Location	= "hill"
East		= trail_3@newbie
West		= bottom@newbie
Down		= bottom@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WPath to the Valley&*"
Desc		= ^
	You are picking your way down the hill and into a lush-looking valley.  
Out of the corner of your eye, you think you see something moving among the 
EndLocation	= "hill"

Location	= "bottom"
East		= hill@newbie
West		= entrance@newbie
South		= lawn@newbie
Up		= hill@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WBottom of the Hill&*"
Desc		= ^
	You have just come to the bottom of the hill.  You are standing in a 
very beautiful valley with tall trees all around you.  Out of the corner of 
your eye, you think you see something move.  You hear a sound that resembles 
giggling.  Could something be laughing at you? Watching you???
EndLocation	= "bottom"

Location	= "entrance"
East		= bottom@newbie
South		= track@newbie
West		= stream@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WEntrance to the Village&*"
Desc		= ^
	All around you is green!  You seem to have stepped into an enchanted 
village.  You still think you hear giggling and curious whispers as you wander 
EndLocation	= "entrance"

Location	= "stream"
East		= entrance@newbie
South		= pool@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WBy the Stream&*"
Desc		= ^
	A small rippling stream flows by here.  The very sounds that the stream 
makes lifts your spirits and you feel like you could stay here forever.  All of 
a sudden, something to the south flashes in front of your eyes.  You feel sure 
by now that this is not just your imagination.
EndLocation	= "stream"

Location	= "pool"
North		= stream@newbie
South		= stream_2@newbie
East		= track@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WBy the Pool&*"
Desc		= ^
	The stream widens into a sort of pool before it continues downstream 
and out of the village.  You can see your reflection in the clear water, and 
while looking into the pool, you see something very small dart behind you.
EndLocation	= "pool"

Location	= "track"
North		= entrance@newbie
West		= pool@newbie
East		= lawn@newbie
South		= square@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WMain Village Track&*"
Desc		= ^
	The path widens here and you now see that you have indeed entered a 

small village.  In all of the grass around you, you can feel little eyes 
watching you.  The Leprechauns who live here seem very curious, and you being 
to wonder if you might be able to catch one.
EndLocation	= "track"

Location	= "lawn"
West		= track@newbie
South		= valley@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WGreen Lawn&*"
Desc		= ^
	The grass you are walking on is perfectly green and very soft.  The 
hill continues gently down to the south.  You have an uncontrollable urge to 
roll down the hill.   But you keep your composure as you search for whatever 
might be watching you.
EndLocation	= "lawn"

Location	= "valley"
West		= square@newbie
North		= lawn@newbie
South		= tunnel@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WIn the Valley&*"
Desc		= ^
	This is the lowest point of the valley.  To the north and south the 
hill slopes gently up.  You can still see the stream curving off to the west.  
A curious tunnel is coming up to the south.
EndLocation	= "valley"

Location	= "square"
East		= valley@newbie
West		= stream_2@newbie
North		= track@newbie
South		= nend@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WSmall Clearing&*"
Desc		= ^
	You are now in the tiniest of clearings you have ever seen.  It reminds 
you somewhat of a miniature version of the village greens that were commonly 
found in Colonial American towns.
EndLocation	= "square"

Location	= "stream_2"
East		= square@newbie
North		= pool@newbie
South		= stream_3@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WFurther Downstream&*"
Desc		= ^
	The water forms more of a stream once again at this point.  The water 
moves a little faster and you can see more signs of erosion.  For the first 
time you notice that it is not really grass that you are walking on, but 
EndLocation	= "stream_2"

Location	= "stream_3"
North		= stream_2@newbie
East		= nend@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WBend in the Stream&*"
Desc		= ^
	Here the stream bends off to the west.  You watch the sunlight dance 
off the ripples and find it all extremely relaxing.
EndLocation	= "stream_3"

Location	= "nend"
West		= stream_3@newbie
North		= square@newbie
East		= tunnel@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WEnd of the Path&*"
Desc		= ^
	You have reached the end of the main village path.  To the west you can 
see the water slowly heading away from you.  To the east is the entrance to a 
EndLocation	= "nend"

Location	= "tunnel"
West		= nend@newbie
North		= valley@newbie
South		= mine@newbie
Title		= "&+WEntrance to the Mine Tunnel&*"
Desc		= ^
	Ahead of you is a long tunnel that reminds you of a mine of some kind.  
It should logically be dark in there, but something in the walls seems to 
reflect sunlight from the outside and light the tunnel for you.
EndLocation	= "tunnel"

Location	= "mine"
North		= tunnel@newbie
East		= tree@newbie
Title		= "&+WIn the Mine&*"
Desc		= ^
	The walls are, as you can now see, lit by the reflection of the sun on 
small diamond chips in the walls.  If you try hard enough, you may be able to 
pry a chip or two loose.  As you do this, you cause a minor quake that seas the 
exit behind you.  It looks like the only way out of here is to the east.
EndLocation	= "mine"

Location	= "tree"
West		= mine@newbie
Up		= roots@newbie
Title		= "&+WBeneath the Roots&*"
Desc		= ^
	You have left the mine and are standing in an area beneath a tree's 
roots.  Looking straight up you can see the structure of the root system.  
There is a root nearby and it looks like, with a little effort, you could reach 
it and pull yourself up.
EndLocation	= "tree"

Location	= "roots"
Up		= corner_2@newbie
Down		= fall@newbie
Title		= "&+WIn the Roots&*"
Desc		= ^
	You are sitting amidst the roots of a tree.  You notice now that to go 
back down now would probably be fatal.  You do, however, notice that there is a 
hole between two of the biggest roots that you think you might be able to fit 
EndLocation	= "roots"

Location	= "corner_2"
North		= western@newbie
East		= southern@newbie
LFlags		= outdoors
Title		= "&+WCorner Oak&*"
Desc		= ^
	You have come out from between the roots of the tree.  You remember 
that when you last passed this tree the hole was the size of your hand.  You 
panic as you realize that you must have shrunk while on your journey.  As you 
look around, the trees look much bigger than they did before.  Just when you 
decided that you are stuck at this small size forever, you feel yourself 
growing once again back to your normal size.  You shake your head in disbelief 
and decide to go back to the safety of the mighty Gate of Sorcerers.
EndLocation	= "corner_2"

Location	= "fall"
South		= tree@newbie
Title		= "&+WFalling...&*"
Desc		= ^
	You ignore your	better judgment and you jump down from the roots.  
You land with a thud, bewildered and banged up a bit, but not seriously hurt.  
Brushing the dirt off of your clothes, you look around for an exit.
EndLocation	= "fall"