 ** Inviswand bug fix.. 
 ** its quite simple in fact.. it only needed a few extra lines in putcom
 ** to let a room catch the put command and add a vis check to when the
 ** room closes.
 ** here's the fix:
 ** in objsys.c in the command putcom there are two special event calls
 ** to the two objects involved in a put.
 ** make it look like this and this fix should work:
   /* Check objects that take part in this action */
   if (obj_fun(c) != NULL) 
   {  obj_fun(c)(E_ONPUT);
      if (param_s.ret != 1)
   if (obj_fun(a) != NULL)  /* No else, you never know where the code is placed */
   {   obj_fun(a)(E_ONPUT);
       if (param_s.ret != 1)
   /* Finally check the room for the inviswand bug */
   if (rom_fun(ploc(mynum)) != NULL)
   {   rom_fun(ploc(mynum))(E_ONPUT);
       if (param_s.ret != 1)
#include "undef.h"
#include "exits.h"
#include "special.h"

Zone		= tower
Author		= "Unknown"
Quest		= InvisWand

EndZone		= tower

Mobile            = wraith
Name	= "The Wraith"
Location	= Wraith@tower
Strength        = 60
Armor		= 0
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 50
Speed           = 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
MFlags		= Cross, DrainScr
Desc	     = "The chill shadowy form of a wraith swirls and dances around you."
EndMobile             = wraith

Mobile            = shazareth
Name	= "Shazareth"
Location	= Sorcerer@tower
Strength        = 99
Armor		= 0
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 100
Speed           = 0
PFlags		= NoSummon
MFlags		= CanFrost
Desc	     = "Shazareth The Sorcerer stands here."
EndMobile             = shazareth

Mobile            = cat
Name	= "The Cat"
Location	= Sorcerer@tower
Strength        = 20
Armor		= 0
Damage          = 10
Aggression      = 0
MFlags		= Blind
SFlags		= Female
Desc	     = "A black cat stares at you from the shadows, purring gently."
EndMobile             = cat

Object      = shelf
Altname	= "wall"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Black@tower
OFlags		= NoGet, PushToggle
Linked    = Panel
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Desc0   = "
A wooden shelf on the north wall looks as if it once held many ancient tomes.
There is a passageway beneath the shelf."
Desc1    = "
A wooden shelf on the north wall looks as if it once held many ancient tomes."
Examine   = "
The shelf seems to be on some kind of wooden sliders, maybe you could push it?"
EndObject       = shelf

Object      = panel
Altname	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Candle@tower
OFlags		= NoGet, PushToggle
Linked    = Shelf
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Desc0   = "A small wooden panel is open in the southern wall."
EndObject       = panel

Object      = red_candle
Name	= "candle"
Altname	= "red"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Candle@tower
OFlags		= Extinguish, Lightable
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
BaseValue    = 20
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc0   = "A red candle burns here, emitting a soft flickering flame."
Desc1   = "There is a red candle here."
EndObject       = red_candle

Object      = blue_candle
Name	= "candle"
Altname	= "blue"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Candle@tower
OFlags		= Extinguish, Lightable
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
BaseValue    = 20
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc0   = "A blue candle burns here, emitting a soft flickering flame."
Desc1   = "There is a blue candle here."
EndObject       = blue_candle

Object      = green_candle
Name	= "candle"
Altname	= "green"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Candle@tower
OFlags		= Extinguish, Lightable
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
BaseValue    = 20
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc0   = "A green candle burns here, emitting a soft flickering flame."
Desc1   = "There is a green candle here."
EndObject       = green_candle

Object      = scroll
Location	= IN_ROOM:Scroll@tower
BaseValue    = 20
Size      = 20
Weight    = 1
Desc0   = "A tattered scroll lies at your feet."
Examine   = ^
The scroll reads:
"Read the words in the true light
 and be amazed as you take flight"
Trap		= all
   int foo,z;

   if (event == E_ONEXAMINE)
   {  foo = carries_obj_type (param_s.plx, OBJ_WINDOW_BALL);
      if (foo < 0)
      if (((z = carries_obj_type (param_s.plx, OBJ_TOWER_RED_CANDLE)) > -1 &&
	   state (foo) == 1 &&
	   otstbit (z, OFL_LIT)) ||
	  ((z = carries_obj_type (param_s.plx, OBJ_TOWER_BLUE_CANDLE)) > -1 &&
	   state (foo) == 2 &&
	   otstbit (z, OFL_LIT)) ||
	  ((z = carries_obj_type (param_s.plx, OBJ_TOWER_GREEN_CANDLE)) > -1 &&
	   state (foo) == 3 &&
	   otstbit (z, OFL_LIT)))
	  bprintf ("Everything shimmers and then solidifies into a different "
	  destroy (param_s.ob);
	  teletrap (LOC_TOWER_POTION);
	  param_s.ret = -1;
EndObject       = scroll

Object      = runes
Altname	= "writing"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Scroll@tower
OFlags		= NoGet
MaxState  = 1
Desc0   = "Some mysterious runes are etched on the wall."
Examine   = "
The runes are worn and hard to read, but seem to allude to some kind of
mystical ball which radiated a 'true color' of some sort."
EndObject       = runes

Object      = candlestick
Location	= IN_ROOM:Spell@tower
OFlags		= Weapon
State     = 2
MaxState  = 2
Damage    = 4
BaseValue    = 100
Size      = 20
Weight    = 40
Desc0   = "
A hefty gold candlestick lies here, a candle flickering brightly within it."
Desc1   = "A hefty gold candlestick lies here, with a candle in it."
Desc2   = "A hefty gold candlestick lies here."
Examine   = "
The candlestick is very ornate, with fancy scrollwork and small figurines of
dragons and knights locked in mortal combat."
Trap		= all
{  if (onum(param_s.misc) != OBJ_TOWER_RED_CANDLE && 
       onum(param_s.misc) != OBJ_TOWER_BLUE_CANDLE &&
       onum(param_s.misc) != OBJ_TOWER_GREEN_CANDLE) 
      bprintf("You can't do that.\n");
   if (state(THIS_OBJECT) != 2) 
      bprintf("There's already a candle in it!\n");
   bprintf("The candle fixes firmly into the candlestick.\n");
   setpscore(THIS_PLAYER, pscore(THIS_PLAYER) + 50);
   osetarmor(THIS_OBJECT, param_s.misc);
   if (otstbit(param_s.misc, OFL_LIT)) 
      osetbit(THIS_OBJECT, OFL_LIT);
      setobjstate(THIS_OBJECT, 0);
   setobjstate(THIS_OBJECT, 1);
   oclrbit(THIS_OBJECT, OFL_LIT);
EndObject       = candlestick

Object      = cauldron
Location	= IN_ROOM:Potion@tower
OFlags		= NoGet
MaxState  = 1
Desc0   = "A large cauldron bubbles away before you."
Examine   = "
It is the latest luxury model, with contoured edges,inlaid paneling, a timer,
and even a simmer control!  It is also dark black and big enough to cook a man
Trap		= all
{   bprintf("You feel funny and pass out....\n");
    bprintf("You wake up elsewhere....\n");
EndObject       = cauldron

Object      = fire
Altname	= "ashes"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Potion@tower
OFlags		= NoGet, Lit, Lightable, Extinguish
MaxState  = 1
Desc0   = "A large fire blazes away in one corner."
Desc1   = "The ashes of a fire smoulder in a corner."
EndObject       = fire

Object      = wand
Location	= IN_ROOM:Magical@tower
OFlags		= Weapon
State     = 0
MaxState  = 0
Damage    = 10
Armor     = 0
BaseValue    = 100
Size      = 2
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A short, slender wand lies here."
Examine   = "It seems to be discharged."
Trap		= all
   switch (event){
   case E_ONEXAMINE:
        if (oarmor (param_s.ob) != 0)
	  bprintf ("It seems to be charged.\n");
	  param_s.ret = -1;
   case E_ONMISC:
        if (param_s.misc == VERB_WAVE)
           if (oarmor (param_s.ob) > 0)
	      osetarmor (param_s.ob, oarmor (param_s.ob) - 1);
	      players[param_s.plx].me_ivct = 60;
	      setpvis (mynum, 10);
	      bprintf ("You seem to &+Cs&+Wh&+Ci&+Wm&+Cm&+We&+Cr&* and blur.\n");
	      param_s.ret = -1;
   default: break;
EndObject       = wand

Object      = ball
Location	= IN_ROOM:Treasure@tower
OFlags		= NoGet, Lit, Lightable, Extinguish
MaxState  = 3
Desc0   = "A ball of light floats in the centre of the room."
Desc1   = "The centre of the room is filled with an expanding ball of light."
Desc2   = "The room is filled with an expanding ball of light."
Examine   = "
You attempt to examine the ball closer, but it's much too bright.  Your eyes
 start watering and you get a headache."
Trap		= all
{  int i;
   if (onum(param_s.misc) == OBJ_TOWER_WAND && oarmor(param_s.misc) == 0) 
      if (alive(i = mobile(MOB_TOWER_SHAZARETH)) == -1 &&
	  pscore(i) == THIS_PLAYER) 
      bprintf("The wand seems to soak up energy.\n");
      osetarmor(param_s.misc, 4);
    bprintf("Nothing happens.\n");
EndObject       = ball

Object      = coins
Location	= IN_ROOM:Treasure@tower
BaseValue    = 200
Size      = 10
Weight    = 10
Desc0   = "Some silver coins lie piled up in a heap on the floor."
Examine   = "
The coins are very tarnished, but seem to be silver.  They could be valuable."
EndObject       = coins

Object      = staff
Altname	= "runed"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Treasure@tower
BaseValue    = 400
Size      = 10
Weight    = 3
Desc0   = "A long runed staff lies here, etched with strange markings."
Examine   = "
You attempt to decipher the runes.  They seem to be some kind of a protective
spell, maybe against other magical items."
EndObject       = staff

Object      = orb
Location	= IN_ROOM:Treasure@tower
BaseValue    = 50
Size      = 2
Weight    = 6
Desc0   = "A small gold orb has been left here."
Examine   = "
The orb is golden, and probably dates from the times of the good king Pippin."
EndObject       = orb

Object      = ring
Location	= WORN_BY:Shazareth@tower
OFlags		= WearOnHands
BaseValue    = 100
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc0   = "A small gold ring has been dropped here."
Examine   = "It looks as if it will fit tightly on any sized finger."
EndObject       = ring

Object      = sceptre
Altname	= "scepter"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Ante@tower
OFlags		= Weapon
Damage    = 7
BaseValue    = 100
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc0   = "A large silver sceptre has been placed here."
Examine   = "
The sceptre tapers to a narrow end, scarcely two inches in diameter, which
seems scratched and worn away.  Otherwise, the silver finish is perfect."
EndObject       = sceptre

Object      = DoorNote
Name	= "note"
Altname	= "sign"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Sorcerer@tower
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0   = "A note has been pinned to the door."
Examine   = "
&+WWarning to experienced adventurers!&*

I would like to warn you that the quest has been changed here from what you are
probably used to. I have decided to stick more to the original story and have
made it &+rIMPOSSIBLE&* to use the put xxx in yyy trick. This is a bug which is
on almost all muds!

The real solution lies in this door here, examine it and dont get locked in!

EndObject       = DoorNote

Object      = Door_Treasure
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Treasure@tower
OFlags		= NoGet, Openable, Lockable
Linked    = Door_Shazareth
State     = 1
MaxState  = 2
Desc0   = "The door to the north is open."
Desc1   = "The door to the north is closed."
Desc2   = "The door to the north is locked."
Examine   = "
The door is made of solid marble and perfectly fits the doorway.  It is very
smooth and appears to be unmarked in any way, except for a single, large red
eye at its center, which appears to follow you around the room."
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONOPEN:
      bprintf("You can't shift the door at all from this side.\n");
      param_s.ret = -1;
   default: break;
EndObject       = Door_Treasure

Object      = Door_Shazareth
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Sorcerer@tower
OFlags		= NoGet, Openable, Lockable
Linked    = Door_Treasure
State     = 1
MaxState  = 2
Desc0   = "The door is open."
Desc1   = "The door is closed."
Desc2   = "The door is locked."
Examine   = "
The door is made of solid marble and perfectly fits the doorway.  It is very
smooth and appears to be unmarked in any way, except for a single, large red
eye at its center, which appears to follow you around the room."
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONOPEN:
     if (state(ob1) >= 1)
	bprintf("It seems to be magically closed.\n");
	bprintf("It's already open.\n");
      param_s.ret = -1;
   default: break;
EndObject       = Door_Shazareth

Object      = book
Location	= IN_ROOM:Black@tower
OFlags		= Getflips
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
BaseValue    = 30
Desc0   = "There is a large mystical looking book here."
Desc1   = "A large book rests on the shelf."
Examine   = "
The book details the preparation of a potion of magical strength recovery.

     Bat's Wing
     Toad's Foot
     Lizard's Claw
     Four Pints of Blood
     Eagle's Egg

Stir well and leave to simmer for at least 10 minutes."
EndObject       = book

Object      = hole
Location	= IN_ROOM:Sorcerer@tower
OFlags		= NoGet
MaxState  = 1
Desc0   = "There is a small hole carved into the south wall."
Examine   = "It's about 2 inches in diameter."
Trap		= all
{  char ar[128];
   if (onum(param_s.misc) == OBJ_TOWER_SCEPTRE && 
       state(OBJ_TOWER_DOOR_SHAZARETH) == 1) 
      setobjstate(OBJ_TOWER_DOOR_TREASURE, 0);
      strcpy(ar, "The door clicks open!\n");
      sendf( oloc(OBJ_TOWER_DOOR_TREASURE), ar);
      sendf( oloc(OBJ_TOWER_DOOR_SHAZARETH), ar);
   bprintf("Nothing happens.\n");
EndObject       = hole

Object      = Door_Tower
Name	= "door"
Location	= IN_ROOM:base@tower
OFlags		= NoGet, Openable
Linked    = Door_Golem@Castle
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Desc0   = "The door is open."
Desc1   = "The door is closed."
Examine   = "
You see a jet black marble door, etched with runes and strange symbols which
you do not recognize.  You see no locks of mortal means."
EndObject       = Door_Tower

Object      = fountain
Location	= IN_ROOM:Sorcerer@tower
OFlags		= Extinguish, Lit, NoGet
Examine   = "
You see a fountain of fire, not the sort to jump into on New Year's Day,
though it would seem very cosy to have in the living room."
EndObject       = fountain

Object      = potion
Location	= IN_ROOM:Treasure@tower
BaseValue    = 250
Size      = 2
Weight    = 2
Desc0   = "A potion of restore strength lies here."
Examine   = ^The potion has a small label saying "Restore Strength" on it.^
Trap		= all
{   setpstr(THIS_PLAYER, maxstrength(THIS_PLAYER));
    bprintf("You feel much much stronger!\n");
EndObject       = potion

Object      = crown
Location	= IN_ROOM:Treasure@tower
OFlags		= WearOnHead, ExcludeWear
BaseValue    = 400
Size      = 12
Weight    = 10
Desc0   = "A beautiful gold crown lies here."
Examine   = "
The crown seems suitable for a king, since it is lavishly decorated with
sparkling gems and has a silken lining.  Wouldn't you want to be one ?"
EndObject       = crown

Object      = chute_Top
Name	= "chute"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Ante@tower
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0   = "There is a chute in the wall, too small to climb down."
Trap		= all
{  if (onum(param_s.misc) == OBJ_CASTLE_RUNESWORD) 
      bprintf("You can't let go of it!\n");
   bprintf("It vanishes down the chute....\n");
   sendf(oloc(OBJ_TOWER_CHUTE_BOT), "The %s comes out of the chute.\n", 
   setoloc(param_s.misc, oloc(OBJ_TOWER_CHUTE_BOT), IN_ROOM);
EndObject       = chute_Top

Object      = chute_Bot
Name	= "chute"
Location	= IN_ROOM:Magical@tower
OFlags		= NoGet
Desc0   = "There is a chute in the wall, too small to climb up."
Trap		= all
{   bprintf("You can't do that, the chute leads up from here!\n");
EndObject       = chute_Bot

Location	= "Base"
North		= ^Door_Tower@tower
East		= Black@tower
Title		= "&+WBase of the Tower&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are now inside the black tower which stretches up out of the castle.
The walls glisten with sorcery and from high above come the noises of high
level spells and experimentation.
   A doorway leads east into another room, and a door lies north.
EndLocation	= "Base"

Location	= "Black"
North		= ^Shelf@tower
West		= Base@tower
Title		= "&+WBlack Tower&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in a small dark room in one of the lower levels of the black tower.
It appears to be a store room for spell ingredients which line the shelves on
the northern wall.  An archway leads west to the tower entrance.
EndLocation	= "Black"

Location	= "Candle"
South		= ^Panel@tower
West		= Scroll@tower
Title		= "&+WCandle Room&*"
Desc		= ^
   This room looks like a cross between a Queen video and Madam Toussaud's
after an arson attack, as candles of all shapes, sizes and colors fill the
room.  A passageway leads west.
EndLocation	= "Candle"

Location	= "Scroll"
East		= Candle@tower
Title		= "&+WScroll Room&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in a large, dry and well lit store room for scrolls, which would
appear to be the Sorcerer's supply.
EndLocation	= "Scroll"

Location	= "Potion"
South		= Spell@tower
Title		= "&+WPotion Store Room&*"
Desc		= ^
   This would appear to be the potion preparation and store room for the
Sorcerer, as around you lie shelves once lined with glass vials and bottles
ready to be filled.  A single doorway leads south.
EndLocation	= "Potion"

Location	= "Spell"
North		= Potion@tower
Title		= "&+WSpell Room&*"
Desc		= ^
   This room would appear to be one of the Sorcerer's many spell rooms as its
scorched walls show the signs of many a fireball spell or a more dangerous
variant of it.  A single scorched doorway leads north.
EndLocation	= "Spell"

Location	= "Magical"
East		= Wraith@tower
Title		= "&+WMagical Item Storeroom&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in a large storeroom which would be packed with magical
artifacts in normal times but it seems that the Sorcerer is using their power
for a large spell project that crackles from the top-most level of the tower.
   A doorway leads through to the east to the wraith room, and you tremble at
the thought of the creature which may lie through it, a creature which has been
known to slay even Enchanters in but a single blow...
EndLocation	= "Magical"

Location	= "Wraith"
North		= Levitation@tower
West		= Magical@tower
Title		= "&+WWraith Room&*"
Desc		= ^
   You find yourself in the room where the Sorcerer keeps his undead creatures,
in particular his pet Wraith, until he needs them.  Exits lead north and west.
EndLocation	= "Wraith"

Location	= "Levitation"
South		= Wraith@tower
Up		= Ante@tower
Title		= "&+WLevitation Room&*"
Desc		= ^
   You find yourself in a completely black room, even light seems afraid to go
here.  It is completely bare of adornment, and even the walls wouldn't stay if
they had somewhere else to lean!
   There is a single exit in the ceiling high above, and another to the south.
You seem to be floating!
EndLocation	= "Levitation"

Location	= "Ante"
East		= Sorcerer@tower
Down		= Levitation@tower
Title		= "&+WSorcerer's Ante-room&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are standing in the Sorcerer's ante-room, which sizzles with magical
energy.  Apart from the hole in the floor the only exit available is to the
EndLocation	= "Ante"

Location	= "Sorcerer"
East		= Ledge@tower
South		= ^Door_Shazareth@tower
West		= Ante@tower
Title		= "&+WSorcerer's Room&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are in a very large and exceedingly magical room, devoted to the pursuit
of magic in all its form.  Flames dance over the walls to light the scene,
although they are merely for effect as a permanent fire fountain erupts from
the center of the room.  Gargoyles wink at you from the walls and objects move
quietly in complex patterns, getting on with the jobs they have been given.
   There is a door to the south, and a doorway leads west.  A splendid arched
window looks east across the world.
EndLocation	= "Sorcerer"

Location	= "Treasure"
North		= ^Door_Treasure@tower
Trap		= all
   switch (event) {
   case E_ONGET:
   case E_ONPUT:
     if (state(OBJ_TOWER_DOOR_TREASURE) == 0 && pvis(THIS_PLAYER) == 0 && 
     {  char *s;
        setobjstate(OBJ_TOWER_DOOR_TREASURE, 1);
        sendf(LOC_TOWER_TREASURE, s = "The door clicks shut...\n");
        sendf(obj_loc(olinked(OBJ_TOWER_DOOR_TREASURE)), s); /*Other side of door*/
   default: break;
Title		= "&+WTreasure Chamber&*"
Desc		= ^
   This is large treasure store and naturally everything in it belongs to the
Sorcerer and might take a rather nasty attitude to being removed.
EndLocation	= "Treasure"

Location	= "Ledge"
West		= Sorcerer@tower
Title		= "&+WThe Window Ledge&*"
Desc		= ^
   You are perched on a precarious window ledge looking down the black tower
into the courtyard below.  The safety (?) of the Sorcerer's Room is back west.
EndLocation	= "Ledge"