.DT basic calls Discworld Creator Help basic calls .SH To reset a room or item .SP 5 5 Sometimes, all you need to do to solve a player's problem is to reset the room or item that seems to have a problem. Use great care when updating rooms, because this will clear out any items in the room that don't belong there. Update syntax is: %^CYAN%^update <path> %^RESET%^(if you know the path to the item or room.) %^CYAN%^update <item> in <player> %^RESET%^(to update something in the player's inv.) %^CYAN%^update here %^RESET%^(to update the room you are in.) .EP .SH How to drop or move your Bulletin board .SP 5 5 If you've picked up your bulletin board, and would like to drop it, or stow it in a pocket, or backpack, first use the call: %^CYAN%^call set_drop() board%^RESET%^. .EP .SH How to emote and talk to other Creators .SP 5 5 The command %^CYAN%^cre%^RESET%^ does a few things, depending on syntax: .EP .SI 5 %^CYAN%^cre <text>%^RESET%^ sends the text as a chat to all creators, %^CYAN%^cre@ <text>%^RESET%^ sends the text as an emote to all creators, %^CYAN%^cre?%^RESET%^ lists all the creators currently visible to you, and online. .EI