
. Fixed a severe bug, where this_player() returned non-zero value when the
  object was destructed. The basic idea is that it should never be possible
  to refer to a destructed object.

. 'nomask' functions and variables wasn't checked for correctly. 'private'
  functions were fixed, so that they can no be called through call_other().

. This is a short summary of how special types are handled:

    'static' variables: Will not be saved at save_object(), nor modified at
    restore_object(). 'static' functions can not be called through
    call_other(). 'static' inheritance will make all inherited definitions

    'private' variables and functions: Can not be accessed by a sub class
    inheriting their definitions. Functions can not be called through
    call_other(). 'private' inheritance will make all variables and functions

    'nomask' functions and variables can not be redefined by a sub class.
    'nomask' inheritance will make all inherited definitions 'nomask'.

    'public' variables and functions can be redefined by a sub class, even if
    they have been inherited 'private'ly. 'public' inheritance will make all
    inherited definitions 'public'. 

    The type 'protected' is reserved, but does not mean anything currently.


. From now on, I ( will not develop new major features. 
  I will only use minimum time to fix bugs. The goal is to make the game 
  driver as bug free and stable as possible. I will not either incorporate 
  new big features from others, as that has proven to require much time from 

. Fixed a bug in the initialization code, which did become a recursive
  function call.

. The statment catch(exec(...)) could crash the game.


. JnA: Fixed some bugs in parse_command(). Empty commands and patterns 
  will not dump the driver. Multi word id's is now possible. 'word word' 
  is not.

. RW: Fixed a lot of #else XXX and #endif XXX that ought to have the XXX
  within comments. Apparently a lot of compilers complain mightily.

. RW: Applied fix to apply_low() in interpret.c. References to functions in 
  swapped objects were kept and made the game dump.  Fix supplied by Dworkin.

. It is now possible to initialize non-local variables. If such 
  initialization is used, then a function __INIT() will automatically be 
  defined, which can be called. __INIT() is automatically called when the 
  object is created for the first time, as well as when it is cloned. The 
  __INIT() function will also call __INIT() of all inherited files, if 
  there are any. Strict types are enforced. Example:
    object created_me = this_player();
  The variables are initalized and __INIT is called in the same order as
  variables are declared respectively inherit statements are encountered.

. Fixed a bug in set_notify(), which would crash the game if the value of
  this_player() was 0.

. previous_object() should now behave the same way, independent of if the 
  called function was found in the cache or not.

. A bug was fixed which cold crash the game driver by the following code:
    int test;
    void test() {
      test = "test"->(int)test;
      test = 1;

. A new function, 'string *inherit_list(object ob)' will return the names
  of all files inherited by 'ob'.


. Fixed a fatal bug in say() when an object was given as a second optional


. create_wizard() is now only defined for compatibility mode.

. The -D flag is now parsed before master.c is loaded.

. It is no longer possible to shadow a function that is defined as 'nomask'.

. previous_object() is now also set when doing call_other(this_object()). I
  examined the code to mudlib 2.4.5, and found no case where code would be
  broken.  Tell me if I am wrong ! It is unlikely, as you normally don't do

. Fixed some type tests of binary operator '-' in regards to arrays. (It is
  allowed to subtract arrays from each other.)

. A new function is defined in master.c: query_player_level(string type).
  It is supposed to be a portable function that defines what permissions a
  player has depending on his level. It is used by the game driver. Be sure 
  to copy this function to your master.c, and update it !

. A new efun has been defined: 'string *regexp(string *list, string pattern)'.
  It takes an array 'list' of strings, and returns a new array of the strings
  that matched 'pattern'.

. Sorry, some NULL:s had been used again in array.c.

. New efun: object *deep_inventory(object *ob);
  This function returns the recursive inventory of an object. The returned 
  array of objects is flat, ie there is no structure reflecting the 
  internal containment relations.
. When the user gives a 'e file' command from inside the editor session, then
  the file name has to be transformed to correct path if not given with a
  leading slash. This is only needed in native mode. A function 'string 
  make_path_absolute(string file)' is called in master.c to do this job. For 
  example, when Lars does 'e file.c', then make_path_absolute() could 
  transform this into '/w/lars/file.c'.

. Efun rename() only worked for native mode, so it was changed so as to be
  undefined for compatibility mode.

. Allocating much fewer strings when compiling, as pointers to identical 
  strings can be shared.

. The value of this_player() could be wrong sometimes in 'catch_tell'.

. A saved file name from yyerror() has to be stored with a leading slash
  in native mode.

. Using ed() without arguments to edit the file with the last error now also
  works for native mode, if query_real_name() is defined in the player object.

. say() now allows a list of objects to be avoided.

. Fixed a bug in ed() when starting a new ed() session from the function call
  executed when ed() finished.

. The argument to 'set' in 'ed' can now be 80 characters, and will give error
  if exceeded (instead of crashing the game).

. Players not yet in a room will not receive shout messages.

. Extended efun debug_info() with a second type of info, which is really even
  more of the first type. Try 'debug_info(0, ob)' and 'debug_info(1, ob)'.

. JnA: Changed exec() so that it calls valid_exec(program_name) in master.c.
  Earlier versions enforced program_name to be secure/login.c

. Fixed a memory leak by calling YYACCEPT instead of doing return from the
  yacc parser.


. Implemented a "range" argument to index operators, which can be used on
  strings and arrays. extract() and slice_array() are no longer needed.
  The syntax is: 'expr1[expr2 .. expr3]' where 'expr1' is either a string 
  or an array of any type of elements. 'expr2' and 'expr3' must be numbers.
  extract() will remain for compatibility, but slice_array() has been replaced
  by a simulated efun in mudlib_simul_efun.c.

. Functions defined in mudlib_simul_efun.c could fail to be used if it was a
  complex expression.

. Fixed bug in read_bytes(), which did not terminate strings properly with
  a 0-byte.

. Made make_func more robust, so as to verify that no buffers are overwritten.

. The -lpc flag is now supplied to the indent program.

. The efun filter_objects() has been renamed as filter_array(), as that is
  really what it does. An entry has been added to mudlib_simul_efun.c for
  the sake of compatibility.

. sort_array() has been made more portable.

. Allows -DFLAG as arguments to the game driver, which will define symbols
  for all LPC files loaded.

. Made efun trace usable in compatibility mode.

. New efun: intersect_alist(), does a fast set intersection on alists. The
  operator '&' does set intersection on arrays in general.


. Fixed a severe allocation bug in get_dir().

. Fixed a bug that could crash the game if the simul_efun file was destructed.

. The value of error() was used in array.c. Sigh. Also, NULL was used, while
  stdio.h was not included. it is more proper to us 0.

. Functions that are 'static' in mudlib_simul_efun.c will not overide any
  efuns and will never be called automatically.

. Doing "set_heart_beat(0)" followed by "set_heart_beat(1)" in the heart beat
  would leave the object for every firts in the list of objects to get
  heart beats.

. The file func_spec has been renamed to func_spec.c, so as to enable the
  C preprocessor to use it as input. The old file 'func_spec' can be removed.
  Look at the end of func_spec.c for LPC efuns conditionally defined. You might
  want to change the list.  There is currently only one.


. get_dir() and ls() will now also return files with the suffix .i.

. Fixed a function in array.c that was defined in the ANSI way.

. read_bytes() will no longer convert newlines to spaces.

. xt: -o replaced with #define COMPAT_MODE

. xt: rename() now checks that you have write permission on the file
  you move.

. Catching errors when calling reset() was not done.

. A new efun, "mixed debug_info(int, ...)", to be used for general debug
  information. The first number defines what kind of debugging information.
  Currently, only 0 is allowed, which will print info about an object (second

. get_dir() now returns a zero length array if no files in directory.

. Fixed a bug in ls() and get_dir(), which would fail in some circumstances.

. Runtime type check of third argument to tell_room was missing.

. A substitution in ed.c that yielded a too long line was likely to crash
  the game.

. indent() popped off it's arguments before it was used. Can be dangerous.

. Preventing against explicit calls of ::functions through call_other() and

. The efun ls() is no longer needed because of get_dir(), and has been removed.
  There is a file mudlib_simul_efun.c, which can define functions to replace
  obsolete efuns etc. This file has a definition of ls() if you don't want to
  fix all occurences in your mudlib code. The provided master.c now as a
  function named get_simul_efun(), which is supposed to return the name of this
  simul-efun file. Users of both COMPAT_MODE and native mode can use this
  get_simul_efun() in master.c. Beware of other things in the provided master.c,
  as they are specially for COMPAT_MODE. Expect more obsolete efuns to disappear
  in the future. Because of this simul_efun mechanism, compatibilty is
  maintained.  For more details, look in source code or in the LPmud.texinfo


. Got rid of the shift/reduce conflict from lang.y.

. Renamed the game driver to 'driver' instead of 'debug'.

. Enabled subtracting of arrays, which will do a set operation.

. Enabled default argument to some efuns. For example, all_inventory() will
  use this_object() as argument if none specified.

. There can now be third optional argument to tell_room(), an array of 
  objects to be excluded.

. There is a new function:
    string *get_dir(string)
  that takes a path as argument and returns an array of file names in that
    get_dir("/w"); returns ({ "w" })
    get_dir("/w/"); and get_dir("/w/."); return contents of directory "/w"
    get_dir("/");, get_dir("."); and get_dir("/."); return contents of
        directory "/".

. New efun:
  mixed assoc(mixed key, mixed *keys, mixed *|void data_or_fail, mixed|void fail);
  Searches a key in an alist.

  Three modes of calling:
   i) With exactly two arguments, the second being an array which's first
      element is no array.
      In this case the entire array is searched for the key; -1 is returned
        if not found, else the index ( like member_array, but faster ).

   ii) With two or three arguments, the second being an array which's first
       element is an array.
       The array has to have a second element of the same size;
       the key is searched in the first and the associated element of the
       second array that is element of second argument is returned if succesful;
       if not, 0 is returned, or the third argument, if given.

   iii) With three or four arguments, the second being an array of keys
        ( first element no array ) and the second is a matching data array.
        returns 0 or fourth argument ( if given ) for failure,
        or the matching entry in the array given as third argument for success.

  Complexity : O( lg(n) ) , where n is the number of keys.

  Return value is undefined if another list is given in place of a presorted
  key list.

. New efun:
  mixed insert_alist( mixed key, mixed data_or_key_list..., mixed * alist);
  inserts an entry into an alist, or shows the place where this is to be done.
  When called with the last argument being an alist:
  The first argument is a key to be inserted, the second and all the
  following but the last are data to associate it with.
  The last has to be an array with as much elements as key and data arguments
  are given, the matching key and data arrays; this should be already an
  alist, or the return value will neither be an alist.
  Return value is the enlarged assoc list ( array of two arrays ).
  If the key is already in the list, the data is simply replaced
  in the returned list.

  When called with the last argument beinig a list of non-lists:
  The call has to be done with exactly two arguments.
  The first argument is a key to be inserted in the presorted key list
  ( first element of an array that is an alist )
  that has to be given as second argument. Return value is the index
  where the key has to be inserted to preserve the structure of a presorted
  alist, or the index where the key has been found.
  Return value is an int.
  CEVEATS: when called with certain string keys, the correct place might
    change after the call. So better don't use this mode of calling with
    a string key.

  Complexity O( lg(n) + a*n ) Where n is the number of keys and s is
  a very small constant ( for block move );

. New efun:
  mixed *order_alist(mixed *keys, mixed *|void data, ...);
  Creates an alist.
  Either takes an array containing keys, and others containing the associated
  data, where all arrays are to be of the same length,
  or takes a single array that contains as first member the array of keys
  and has an arbitrary number of other members containing data, each of wich
  has to be of the same length as the key array.
  Returns an array holding the sorted key array and the data arrays; the same
  permutation that is applied to the key array is applied to all data arrays.

  Complexity is O( n * lg(n) * m ) , where n is the number of elements in the key
  array and m is the number of data arrays + 1;

  Note that the the dimensions of the arrays are used the other way than in lisp
  to allow for faster searching.

  Keys have to be of type integer, string or object. Types can be mixed.

. New efun:
  mixed *sort_array(mixed *arr, string greater_fun, object ob);
  Returns an array sorted by the ordering function ob->greater_fun()
  The function 'greater_fun' in the object 'ob' is continously passed two
  arguments which are two of the elements of the array 'arr'. It should return
  true or a positive number if the first argument is greater than the second.

. A parse_old.c was copied from 3.0.45 parse.c, and the new parse.c is not 
  used currently.


. RW: query_snoop was declared as returning string while actually returning
  object. Fixed in efun_spec.

. Fixed a bug in log_file(), which called valid_read instead of valid_write()
  (does not apply to the -o mode).

. The saved commandgiver in call_out() was not properly freed in 
  circumstances of errors.

. JnA: Added read_bytes() to read a given number of bytes from a given 
  position in a file. This will be used in CDlib to implement the worldmap.

. JnA: Remade the principal functionality of parse_command(). It is now a lot
  more efficient if properly supported by the mudlib. This makes it not
  backwards compatible, meaning the old parse_command() is run in -o mode.

. JnA: this_player(1) returning current_interactive

. Applied changes for MSDOS.

. JnA: move_or_destruct: should call move(to,1) in objects in mudlib 3.0
  It is dubious if the objects should be moved at all and not just destructed.

. New restrictions has been defined for when a shadow may be used. A function
  query_allow_shadow() is called in master.c, which should return 0 or 1
  to deny respectively allow shadowing. The example in the provided master.c
  will define such a function that is compatible with the old way of calling
  query_prevent_shadow() in the victim. It is thus easy to change the shadowing
  into both allow never, allow always and allow sometimes, whatever you prefer.

. The file lang.y is now automatically generated from prelang.y and postlang.y
  with make_func, which uses func_spec.

. JnA: Added docs in parse.c and some support functions in master.c


. Fixed a bug in call_out, where destructed objects would not increment the
  time to next object in ther list of call outs to be executed.

. call_out will now save and restore this_player(). That means that 'write()'
  will send messages to the player etc. It also means that efuns requiring
  valid_read and valid_write in the player object can be used (was only needed
  for -o mode).

. Fixed a bug in log_file() which would only work for -o mode because
  valid_write was called with wrong argument.

. Fixed a memory leak in load_object() which would not deallocate used arrays.

. Changed the way reference counts for programs were updated, the old one was
  ugly and buggy.

. The 'status' command was cleaned up. The command 'status tables' can also be
  given for verbose information about various tables.

. Added interface for 'mudwho'. Define symbol MUDWHO in config.h and
  some constants in mudwho.h if you want to use it.

. Fixed a bug in smart_log(), which could crash the game for very long
  error messages.

. JnA: Replaced '*' in process_string with '@@', which is more uncommon

. xt: made new efun rename().

. cat() now returns number of lines that was printed.

. It is now considered an error if objects are destructed at call of init().

. Strings were not freed when multiple calls of notify_fail() was done.

. The switch-statement has now been fixed so that it is poossible to do
  'return' in it. It is also possible to use numeric intervals like
  'case 1..100:'.

. JnA: Fixed small bug in new_call_out which dumped the GD if 
  command_giver == 0

. JnA: Fixed a bug with fclose() in restore_object(), dumped the GD

. RW: snoop: Added a backwards compatible patch to set_snoop. There is 
  now a new function in comm1.c (new_set_snoop) that defines the
  mudlib 3.0 version of set_snoop. The difference is that the efun
  in !o_flag mode takes two arguments, snooper and snopee and checks
  with the function valid_snoop() in master.c if this is permissable
  or not. The new function breaks previous snoops if necessary
  relying on the mudlib to decide if this is ok or not. Neither does
  the new function write anything to the player, but expects the mudlib
  to take care of that as well. The efun returns the object snooped on if
  success, otherwise 0. Note however, that in o_flag mode, the
  functionality is just as before.

. RW: query_snoop: Fixed so that in !o_flag mode query_snoop can only be
  called from the master object.


. Made a constant array of size 0, for all to share. This saves memory, and
  means that all variables set to ({}) uses as much memory as variables
  containing numbers. It will also mean that the test "({}) == ({})" will 
  evaluate to true.

. The types of arguments to '+' is now checked (when type testing is enabled).
  Expect errors if there is a call_other with no cast.

. Implemented switch() statement, which takes a number or string as argument
  (thanks to J|rn Rennecke!) It uses a sorted table to speed up searching.
  Strings are very efficient, using the shared string table. Don't have a
  return statement inside the switch statement. It will crash the game due
  to a bug.

. The definition of INC_LIST in config.h has been removed. Instead, there
  is a function 'define_include_dirs()' in master.c that returns an array
  of these strings. That also means that the master.c is compiled without
  automatica search for include files. If master.c inlucde any files, make
  sure these has absolute path. This is simply found out when the game driver
  is started :-)

. Fixed some bugs in preload(). It didn't behave well when there was an error.
  Nor did it free the array of castle names.

. Changed read_file(), to take an optional start and end argument.

. Fixed a bug in 'ed', which could crash the game when trying to edit a file
  that you did not have permissions to.


. Added an option 'excompatible', which means that round brackets in reg exp
  needn't be escaped.

. The regexp now allows \< and \> for matching start and end of word.

. Fixed more bugs with the flushing of inet packages.

. JnA: Total rehack of parse_command. Even I couldn't read the old mess.

. JnA: Fixed a small bug in process_string which produced a star to much.


. JnA: "destruct_environment_of" is now called in master when the environment
  of an object gets destructed and the destructed environment does not
  have an environment itself, ie in rooms. This is so players will not
  get disconnected when the room they are in get destructed.
  If this func does not exist in master or does not move the object from
  its location then the object is destructed.

. Efuns can now be access with the syntax 'efun::fun' where 'fun' is the name
  of the efun. That means that efuns can be accessed even if it has
  been redefined.

. The bug that required prototypes for recursive functions has been fixed.

. If a command moves the player and returns 0, then an error will be
  generated. This was silently accepted previously.

. JnA: process_string() is called from notify_no_command() i comm1.c
  This enables notify_fail() to work with 'value by function call'.
  Rehacked process_string() so it looks presentable, it didn't before.

. Added add_xverb().

. Fixed bugs in the auto indent option of ed.

. The '?' command in ed started the search on the wrong line.

. 'ed' can now handle names for new files.

. Fixed a bug when a player went link-dead with inet packets pending and some
  other bugs for handling flushing.


. Types are now checked for all arguments to efuns. Expect errors if you
  have not casted the return value from call_other(). No argument types are
  checked if the the type checking is not enabled (which is done by defining the
  type of a function definition).

. Inet packets are now buffered, and flushed later.

. The master.c (in -o mode) is now allowed to read and write any file in the
  mudlib (but not outside).

. The code for the efun creat_wizard() is now moved to master_creat_wizard()
  in master.c (see example). It is thus easy to customize.


. Added handling of hexadecimal numbers in lex.c and fixed a line number
  counting bug.

. Fixed a bug for not clearing the O_RESET_STATE flag by moving it from 
  apply() to apply_low().

. The setup in the editor can now be saved. Use 'hset' for info. The save
  setup mechanism is in master.c: save_ed_setup() and retrieve_ed_setup().
  There are two mechanisms provided. One that save setup into a file, and
  one that saves setup in the player dedicated flags. The file saving
  method is default.

. Errors are now logged by calling function log_error(file_name, message)
  in master.c. It is thus easy to change how to handle error messages.
  The old function, get_log_file() in master.c has been removed. This is yet
  another step of moving hard coded dependencies from the game driver to
  the master.c object.


. A new file, func_desc, has been created that defines number of arguments,
  return types and types of arguments for all efuns. A program, make_func, will
  automatically generate a file efun_defs.c that is included into lex.c.
  The base for compile time type checking is also done this way.

. JnA: get_log_file() added to get the filename of where to log errors for a 
  given file. This is a function in wiz_list.c called from smart_log. It
  calls the corresponding function in /secure/master. It is not used
  in -o mode.

. JnA: Fixed a bug in map_array that dumped the GD when map on a nonexistent
  function was performed.

. A major change has been done with the way reset() is called. When the
  object is loaded first time, create() is called instead of reset(0). When it
  is time for next 'reset', then reset() will be called (without arguments).
  The -o flag is a compatible mode as usual. A good coding technique may be
  to call reset() from create(). The mudlib.n found at
  has been changed apropriately.


. Fixed a bug in catch() that could crash the game. This happened when the 
  code inside catch called a local function, which did something that 
  triggered an error.

. JnA: trace() and traceprefix() fixed to work with mudlib3 in a correct way

. RW: A missing call to valid_write() in log_file() added.

. JnA: Local log files should be under peoples homedirs, not in /log This has
  been fixed for mudlib3.

. JnA: Efun geteuid() added for 3.0, the simul_efun version had no possibility
  of finding out effuser 'from the start'. This messed up the secsystem.

. move_object() in -o mode will clear the O_RESET_FLAG, which will force a
  new call of reset() sometime. This is only needed in -o mode.

. Added protection against snooping loops.

. Fixed a fatal bug in shadow(), that crashed the game when asking for shadow
  while non existed.


. Provided support for IRIS-4D/340 using gcc (defining 'sgi').

. create_wizard() will no longer make a workroom when in -o mode, so as to
  be compatible.

. The definition of CASTLE_ROOM (in config.h) has a new meaning when not
  defined. In that case, the castle will be put in the same room as the

. The verify_create_wizard() defined in master.c was bad. A correct one
  is now supported (for 2.4.5). If this function is incorrect or non-existent,
  then create_wizard() can never be called successfully.

. clean_up() now gets a flag as argument, which will be non-zero if the the
  program of this object is used for inheritance by other objects.


. Fixed a bug in shadowing, how catch_tell was called.  It would fail when
  catch_tell is defined by the player object.

. Fixed several bugs in the tracing mechanisms.

. Changed mechanism of calling clean_up() slightly. Only objects that defines
  the function will be called. And, only clean_up() that returns non-zero
  will be called again. This will minimize calls of clean_up(), while still
  cost very litte to maintain.

. When an object is destructed, all pointers to it from the stack is
  immediately removed. All tests of destructed objects as arguments on
  the stack has been removed. Previously, there were tests in many efuns.

. A simple command procedure, 'configure' is provided, that asks for
  configuration details to be used by the Makefile. It will answers in, and reuse it if wanted. The idea is to simplify updates of
  new versions of LPmud.


. Added a protection against recursive call of assert_master_ob_loaded().
  This could happen when error in master object.

. JnA: Fixed some bugs in process_string, it actually works now :-)

. Fixed a bug in eval_instruction() where F_INDENT was executed. Added a 
  missing 'break;', which would be disastrous when illegal file name was given.

. Added new commands to the editor: help and indenting. There are thus two ways
  to indent LPC code. Probably only one needed. Which one is preferred ?
. Fixed several bugs in the swap/reset/clean_up logic. Recommended values
  are that the swap time is short (less than 30 minutes), and that reset time
  is medium (aprox 60 minutes), and that time to clean_up is long
  (greater than 1.5h hours). Any feedback of how to best tune these values
  are welcome. The call of reset will be done once, and not yet again until
  the object has been touched. This enables reset'ed objects to stay swapped
  out. If you have a mudlib that has no ojbects that defines 'clean_up', then
  you may better define this time as 0, which means never call clean_up (and
  thus never swap the object in needlessly). A well implemented usage
  of clean_up is better than the swap algorithm, as even cloned objects
  can be cleaned up and a self destruction is more efficient than swapping
  (memory wise).


. LA: Fixed some bugs in lex.c.

. The swap file is now automatically removed at shutdown().

. Fixed a slight bug in save_array() that would save object as ",0" instead
  of "0,".

. query_level is no longer called from 'set_living_name()'. The results
  is that wizard commands will again give points to the wizlist structure.
  This should be solved in a cleaner way.

. Fixed some bugs in 'ed', for how to handle '\'.

. The 'ed_buffer' pointer has been moved into the interactive structure
  from the object structure.

. The command ed(), can now use a second argument, which is the function
  to be called when the player exits ed. It will be called in the same
  object that called ed().

. JnA: Fixade 'fixen' i make_unique

. The call of clean_up() has been modified. There is a constant in config.h
  that defines how long time until clean_up is called in an object. This
  call is independent of reset() and swapping. It is recommended that the
  swapping time is something short, like 10 minutes to 30 minutes, while
  the time to clean_up is longer.


. When create_wizard() is called, the function 'verify_create_wizard'
  will be called with the name the object that did the call. If this
  function returns 0, then create_wizard() will fail. Note that
  'valid_castle_place' is no longer called. Sorry for the change. See example
  in the provided master.c.

. It is now allowed again to do add_action() to a function named 'exit',
  but only when not in -o mode.

. Fixed a bug in shout(), that could modify the string argument.

. Fixed yet another memory leak at compilation by ensuring that epilog()
  is called.


. The call to legal_path() is done again (for the version not using -o).

. Added support for NeXT.

. Added support for using the system malloc.

. A new access permission system has been added, much better than the old.
  Look at ACCESS.ALLOW for more information. Don't forget to copy this file
  to your mudlib if you use this new system (specified by config.h) !

. Fixed a bug in make_unique(), which assigned an svalue without updating
  the ref count.

. Now testing and calling reset() from call_other(), as was done in
  2.4.5. This test was accidently lost in 3.0.


. The 'status' command now reports the space used of object including

. LA: Added object names in tracing.

. LA: Added traceprefix to limit trace information.

. LA: Merged changes to evaluate expression in #if.
  Also added processing of defined in the expressions.

. Fixed a memory leak in ed() when doing command 'x'.

. There is a new function 'get_wiz_name()' that should be defined in
  the master.c object. A master.c file is provided with the source, which
  includes an example.

. Fixed a memory leak in the compilation that occured when there was a
  compilation error.


. Fixed a bug in the shadow logic wich would fail to report facts about

. Fixed a bug in make_unique(), which didn't work when third argument
  was missing.

. Fixed a function
   int find_call_out(string func_name);
  which will return the time until this call out will occur.

. Fixed a function
   int interactive(object ob);
  which will return a non-zero number if object ob is an interactive player.

. The symbol "LPC3" will automatically be defined when loading
  objects. It can be used for '#ifdef LPC3' etc. The symbol 'COMPAT_FLAG'
  will automatically be defined if '-o' is specified as argument.

. The swapping algorithm has been changed. A test is done for every object,
  comparing to a time stamp. If the object hasn't been touched for a while,
  it could be subject for swapping. Here comes the new thing: the function
  'clean_up' will be called in the object. If the object still remains,
  the old swapping algorithm will continue. That means that objects that
  would never be subject to swapping (cloned objects) now has a chance
  to self-destruct. It also means that rooms that contains no important
  data can self-destruct. Self-destruction saves more memory than
  swapping, as swapping only frees the program code, while self-destruction
  also frees the internal object representation.


. Fixed a bug in player_parser, which could dereference a dangling pointer
  (the sentence of a command just executed could be deallocated if the 
  command moved the player).

. Fixed a bug in transfer(), which would not check prevent_insert correctly.
  This bug did only affect the -o mode.

. The hard-coded command 'status' now displays information about allocated

. The file void.c is no longer loaded, nor needed. The only difference, is that
  objects in destroyed rooms are also destroyed, instead of being moved
  to the void.

. LA: Added some checking when hname starts to avoid looping in select.

. Fixed a bug in call of hname, which could be problems on some architecture.

. There was a test in ed_start, that only allowed ed() to be started
  by a special object. The test is removed, and is not needed as
  valid_path_name() is called instead.


. Line number reports were off one line per #if - #endif.

. Error reports were given for calling specific functions defined
  by inheritance.

. Specific function calls defined by inheritance are now resolved

. Function 'implode()' now returns empty string instead of 0 for empty arrays.

. JnA: All array efuns are now returning ({}) not int 0, explode is dubious

. JnA: filter_array and map_array can now take its 'object' argument as a
  string in the same manner as the first argument to call_other()


. All calls to master_ob are now checked, to see if it has been destructed.
  A function 'assert_master_ob_loaded()' will reload master_ob if destructed.
  Do not do 'apply(fun, master_ob, args)' any more, but rather
  'apply_master_ob(fun, args)'.

. JnA: New scheme for preloading in 3.0, epilog() in master returns an array
  of filenames and the gamedriver calls preload() in master with each of
  those filenames as argument. This is done in: preload_objects()

. The 'status' command now also shows the reserved memory area.

. JnA: make_unique debugged, it should not dump the game anymore

. JnA: process_string added to speed up 'value by function call' especially
  in the say/'met' strategy used in mudlib3.

. Moved array manipulation functions into array.c

. The type system has been extended with checks for number of arguments.
. The check is only done when type check is enabled. Functions can now be
. declared of type 'varargs', which will turn off this check.


. There was a bug in '>=' for strings.

. Fixed bug in >>=

. LA: Added a 'trace()' efun to aid debugging.

. Fixed a bad efficiency bug in add_to_mem_block().

. Fixed a bug in crypt(), which would generate bad salts.

. Implemented "int member_array(mixed elem, mixed *arr);" It will search
  for "elem" as an item in array "arr", and return the index if found.
  Otherwise, -1 is returned.


. save_object() should not do fatal error whwn failure to open file for

. The '#pragma strict_types' are now not propagated from #include files.

. catch() is defined to return a value of type 'mixed'.

. living() now only accepts an 'object' as argument.

. objectp(), stringp(), intp() accepts any type.

. explode() with empty string will no longer crash the game.

. clear_vector_refs() now really does clear the ref counts.

. count_ref_from_call_outs() failed to count references for arguments to
  call outs.

. Fixed updating of total_prog_block_size, so that the 'status' commands
  reports correct info about programs.


. exit() wasn't called in the -o mode.

. present(object ob, object env) returned 'env', not 'ob' when true.

. Fixed a severe memory leak in instruction F_RETURN.

. Added a search list of where to search for include files.

. ctime() returned current time, instead of using the argument.

. Fixed some changes for SCO unix and AIX.


. JnA: When epilog() is called with o_flag false, it gets e_flag as argument.
  Because preloading of objects is done in /secure/master.c in mudlib3.0

. xt: In 3.0 void is in /d/Standard/void.c instead of /room, because of the
  new security stuff.

. query_level should not be called from error() if the living object
  is non-interactive or destructed.

. A more careful limitation of number of read characters is used in comm1.c
  when reading characters from players. It is difficult, becaus the read
  text can expand up to a factor 3 in worst case.

. Sources to some sub-programs are now provided in subdirectory 'util'.
  The compiled results of these will be moved the a binary directory that
  is defined in Makefile.

. The new binaries are 'indent' (for reindenting LPC from inside the game),
  and restart_mud (which is really a command procedure).

. The definition of MUD_LIB has been moved from config.h to Makefile.

. The function 'version()' had a bad return type, which was changed 
  to 'string'.


. LA: Added query_ip_name changes.

. LA: Added latest fixes to lex.c.

. ',' is allowed in the end of lists again: ({ 1, 2, 3, });

. filter_objects() was accidently renamed to filter_array(). It has been
  renamed again, to filter_objects().

. query_ip_name() has been implemented. It uses an asynchronous process, to
  ensure that no slow down is experienced.


. Changed restore_size(), to return -1 for failures instead of the legal 
  value 0.

. Implemented "#pragma strict_types", which will ensure strict type checking
  for the rest of the code in that file.

. Changed priority of assigment and the '?' - ':' operator, which was

. Fixed how '\' was used in the 's' command to ed.


. Fixed the type returned by '&&' and '||' operator.

. The type checker now allows indexing on strings.

. Indexing on a type 'mixed' now gives a type 'mixed'.

. Use of an undeclared variable would give it a random type, which could
  crash the game.

. Fixed some memory leaks when restore_array failed.

. create_wizard() can return 0, which must not be pushed as a string.


. Fixed load_object() to take an extra parameter for not resetting object 
  after load. This is used in mudlib 3.0 for inherited objects. Only when the
  ENTIRE object is loaded (all inherited objects loaded) is its reset() called.

. Fixed bug in input_to(), which did not check if command_giver was a valid

. A program truncated just after a string start with " would generate a fatal

. load_first_objects() should load objects using find_object(), not

. When swapped objects are destructed, they have to be loaded.


. Allowed '*' i type of argument declarations.

. Fixed bug in error message printed when type error.

. The numeric value 0 can now be used to index arrays and strings. It did
  generate a type error.

. Fixed a better test of type equality.


. Fixed bug in dump_trace(), which could crash the game when in heart beat.

. Fixed bug in save_object(), which enabled wizards to save anything on their
  own player save file.

. Fixed lex.c, so that comments are allowed in '#if' statements, and so that
  the '#if' statement allows expressions of the type '!VAR'.


. Fixed some type tests and better error messages when type problems.

. Fixed several small bugs when parsing commands.

. Reinstalled call of 'load_first_objects()' when -o flag is used.

. Added automatic include of documentation of lfuns and efuns into the
  LPmud.doc document. They should be sorted also (by make_docs).


. function_exists() and file_name() returns a leading '/' on the file names,
  which was incompatible with mudlib 2.4.5 and older. This was fixed
  when using -o flag.


. Efuns file_name() and function_exists() returns filename with leading '/'

. Efun living() returns 0 for other arguments than objects.

. Implemented: string read_file(string).

. Added a new complex permission system. Look at LPmud.doc for more 

. New function: version(). Will return "03.00.14" for this version.
  The number 14 is the patchlevel.

. Improved the line number report given at errors.

. Fixed bug in 'ed', that made it impossible to use.


. player_parse() did not always restore current_object in time, which means 
  that static declared functions sometimes was not found.

. fixed save_object(), which were broken when used in compatibility mode.

. Fixed a bad bug in the inherit handling in lang.y. The error would occur
  sometimes when multiple inheritance was used. An almost random address could
  be called.

. The documentation is slowly growing.


. call_out_info() returns an array of all pending call outs.
  Every item in the array consists of 4 items (but only if the object not is
   * 0:   The object.
   * 1:   The function (string).
   * 2:   The delay.
   * 3:   The argument.
  Probably only interesting for administrators.


. Fixed the shadowing data structure, to enable an unlimited number of
  shadows to one object.

. Objects must inherit std/object.c if they want to be moved, or moved into.
  The -o flag will as usual remove this requirement.

. Fixed a bug in restore_object and save_object, so that the 'static' 
  information is used.

. Merged from Marion's version:
   Fixed some bugs.
     swap now relocates the program pointers
     main recognizes '-s<num>' for an alternate time to swap as an invocation
     fixed the double include of time.h in interpret.c
     function_exists had a null dereference when an overloaded function was
     involved in the examined object - fixed
     set reference debugging to level 3

. save_object() and restore_object() can now handle arrays.

. Included a large amount of fixes by Klaus Rennecke.


. write() from a shadowing object will now be transfered to the shadowed

. say() will likewise be sent to objects around the shadowed object when
  called from a shadowing object.

. Fixed some line number counting bugs.


. The function destruct() was changed to behave differently. Instead of moving
  objects with 'transfer()', they will be moved with the function 'move()'
  called internally in the objects. As usual, when the -o flag is specified,
  the old behaviour is used.

. A new function shadow(), has been defined


. The flag -o is now required when using the game driver with a mudlib of
  version 2.4.6 or older. The flag stand for 'old compatibility mode'.

. The following changes are nullified with the -o flag:
    move_object():      Can only move current_object.
    transfer():         Not supported any longer.
    move_object():      exit() is not called any longer when a player leaves
                        a room.

. Fixed a bug in create_wizard(). create_wizard() can take a second
  argument, which is an optional domain name. That allows wizards too be
  groped into domains, which resides in a common directory.


. Fixed bug in find_player().

. The documentation file was renamed to, as it
  was really on nroff -me format.


. Added the empty statement.


. Functions and variables now have both a flag field and a type field. The type
  field is the type specified by the LPC program. The flag field is information
  that the compiler found out.

. Fixed type 'private', and 'private inherit' statement. Type 'no_mask' can
  also be used.


. Fixed some bugs. Default port number is now 3000.


. Added flag -m, to use another mudlib directory.

. Added the ? : conditional expression.

. Added a function exec(), which can be called from player.c to replace
  with a new player object.

. Add catch_tell(), which also catches strings sent to the monster with


. The '+' instruction can add two arrays, and make a new big array with the
  two arguments concatenated.


. The type testing now seems to work. The types are enabled when the
  type is defined for a function. Types available are 'int', 'status' (same
  as 'int'), 'string', 'object', 'void' and 'mixed'. Any type can be
  combined with a '*' to form an array of types. For example,
  'int *' would declare an array of numbers.

. The function 'command()' now returns the evaluation cost if successful,
  otherwise 0.


. Number of arguments are checked at compile time, if possible.

. lex isn't used any more, and no i-files need to be saved. The preprocessor
  is built into the parser.

. Strings written with write(), are now seen by NPCs. This means that more
  intelligent monsters can be made.

. A special object, /obj/master.c, is called at startup. This gives
  possibilities to do special initialization, and debugging. This file must
  exist ! You will find it in the source dir to 3.0.

. Multiple inheritance is allowed.

. Swapping of objects are done when a specified time has passed with no
  reference of the object.

. The reset is now called when a specified time has passed.

. Player save files are saved in subdirectories named 'a' to 'z', after
  the first letter of the player name. These directories has to be created
  as /players/a /players/b/ etc. This also means that a wizard with a name
  of only one character, suddenly will find saved characters in his directory.

. New types: 'mixed', and 'type *'.