apropos_phrases (["__INIT - obsolete apply":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","socket_write() - send a message from a socket":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","inverse \\- \"sends VT100 \"blink\" escape sequence":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","set_skill() \\- create a new skill in a living object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","receive_healing() \\- heal a living object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","allocate() - allocate an array":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/arrays","move_player() \\- move a player into a given room":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","telnet_suboption - process telnet suboptions":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","strsrch() - search for substrings in a string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","rm() - remove a file":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","mkdir() - make a directory":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","objects - return an array of all loaded objects":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","catch() - catch an evaluation error":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","capitalize() - capitalize a string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","emote \\- \"an efun to implement the emote command":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","quit() \\- prepare to destroy a body object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","random() - return a pseudo-random number":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","spell_cast() \\- initialize a monster as a spellcaster":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","get_root_uid - get the root uid":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","getuid() - return the user id (uid) of an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/security","reclaim_objects - reclaim any lingering objets":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","valid_link - controls the use of link(3)":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","say \\- \"displays message to others in the same room":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","init_setup() \\- initialize a body prior to use.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","destruct \\- \"overrides the destruct efun":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","socket_error() - return a text description of a socket error .SH SYNOPSIS #include <socket_err.h>":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","load_object() - find or load an object by file name":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","map_mapping() - modify an mapping of elements via application of a function":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/mappings","move_or_destruct - ask an object to move to the specified destination":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","file_exists \\- \"determines if a file exists":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","set_living_name() - set a living name for a living object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/properties","bold \\- \"sends VT100 \"bold\" escape sequence":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","query_heart_beat() - query the status of an object's heartbeat":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","clonep() - determine whether or not a given variable points to a cloned object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","allocate_buffer() - allocate a buffer":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/buffers","execute_attack() \\- make a single meelee attack against a target.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","receive_message - provides the interface used by the message efun.":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","lock_func \\- \"determines whether a particular key can open this object":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","set_eval_limit() - set the maximum evaluation cost":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","object_name - called by the driver to find out an object's name":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","resolve() - resolve an internet address to domain name, or vice versa":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","pick_lock \\- \"attempts to pick a lock":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","interactive() - detects whether or not a given object is an interactive":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","write \\- \"displays message to this_player()":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","link() - link a file to another":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","process_value() - give a value from a described function call":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","create - object initialization":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","domain_stats() - returns statistics gathered on domains; author_stats() - returns statistics gathered on authors":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","switch_body() \\- change the connection from one body to the next":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","remove_env() \\- remove an environment variable from a living object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","mud_name \\- returns the name of the mud":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","query_idle() - determine how many seconds an interactive player has been idle":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","receive() - displays a message to the current object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","in_input() - determines if a player is inputting to an input_to":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","set-env() \\- set a value in the users environment variables.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","shout \\- \"displays message to others in the mud":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","get_save_file_name - back up editor file on abnormal exit":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","member_array() - returns index first occurence of a given item in an array":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/arrays","values() - return an array of the values from the (key, value) pairs in a mapping":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/mappings","debugmalloc() - dumps information on malloc'd memory to a file.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/debugging","path_file \\- \"extracts file and path from a full pathname":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","delete \\- used to delete a property in an object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","unwield_weapon() \\- Cause a monster to stop wielding a weapon.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","valid_shadow - controls which objects can be shadowed":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","break_string() - break a string at regular intervals":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","catch_tell - provides an interface to interact with users":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","author_file - determine the author for a given object":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","function_exists() - find the file containing a given function in an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","resolv_path \\- \"calculates path name needed for cd command":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","next_inventory() - return the next object in the same inventory":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","find_player() - find a player by name":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","exec() - switches a player (interactive) connection from one object to another":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","all_caps \\- converts a string to upper case":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","move_object() - move current object to another environment":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","user_path \\- \"constructs a pathname for a user's personal directory":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","valid_socket - protects the socket efunctions.":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","printf, sprintf - formatted output conversion":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","net_dead - called by the MudOS driver when an interactive object drops its connection":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","process_input - provide a hook for the MudOS driver to send a copy of what the player is typing to the player object.":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","rename() - rename a file":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","cp() - copy a file":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","strcmp() - determines the lexical relationship between two strings.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","read_bytes() - reads a contiguous series of bytes from a file into a string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","clear_screen \\- \"returns escape sequence to clear VT100 screen":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","receive_object \\- lets object decide whether or not to receive others.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","heal_up() - restore an object's good health.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","crc32() - compute the cycle redundancy code for a buffer or string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/buffers","previous_object() - returns the object(s) that called the current function":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","call_out() - delayed function call in same object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","unwield() \\- unwields (removes) weapon from a player's hands":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","flag - handle mudlib specific flags specified at driver startup":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","create_door \\- \"sets up a door in a room inheriting /std/doors.c":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","objectp() - determine whether or not a given variable is an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","input_to() - causes next line of input to be sent to a specified function":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","opcprof() - reports statistics on calling frequencies of various efuns":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","parse_command() - try to match a string with a given pattern":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","arch \\- returns the current operating system architecture":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","slow_shutdown - informs the mud that a slow shutdown is in progress":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","gettype \\- Returns an integer representation of the argument type":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","domain_file - determine the domain for a given object":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","handle_history() \\- check a string against the history queue, and add it":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","delete_temp \\- delete a temporary property in an object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","command() - execute a command as if given by the object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","wizardp() - determines if a given object had enable_wizard() performed in it":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/properties","socket_accept() - accept a connection on a socket":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","save_data() \\- save a user's body data to file.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","member_group \\- \"tests whether a player is a member of a given group":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","connect() \\- receive a connection and swap it into the user's body":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","query_hb_status() \\- indicate whether a monster's heartbeat is on":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","get_dir() - returns information pertaining to a filesystem directory":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","destruct_env_of - allows master to relocate object when environment is destructed":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","int notify_fail( string | function str );":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","acos() - return the arccosine of a float":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/math","query_temp \\- query a temporary property in an object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","message() - deliver messages to \"living\" objects":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","clean_up - periodically called in inactive objects":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","shadow() - shadow one or more functions in some object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","init_skills() \\- initialize a living object's skills.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","query_host_name() - return the host name":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","mkdirs \\- \"creates multiple subdirectories":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","clone_object() - load a copy of an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","inherit_list() - get a list of parents of an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","disable_commands() - makes a living object non-living":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","query_user() \\- return 1 if this object is a user body.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","socket_connect() - initiate a connection on a socket":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","wield_weapon() \\- cause a monster to wield a weapon.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","log_error - log errors intelligently":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","getopt() \\- process options for a command":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","call_other() - call a function in another object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/core","writef \\- \"formats strings & optionally writes them":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","moncontrol() - turns on/off profiling during execution":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/debugging","reset_eval_cost() - resets the evaluation cost remaining":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","unique_mapping() - create a mapping from an array based on a function":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/mappings","deep_inventory() - return the nested inventory of an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","swap - swap out a file explicitly":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","query_link() \\- return a pointer to the connection of the current body.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","write_prompt - called when the parser wants a prompt to be written.":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","uptime() - return the number of seconds elapsed since the last driver reboot":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","clear_bit() - zero a bit in a bit string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","rmdir() - remove a directory":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","link_data() \\- query the information in a body's connection object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","master() - returns the master object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","compile_object - serves as the mudlib interface for the virtual object facility":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","query_snoop() - return the snooper of an interactive object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","call_out_info() - get pending call_out() information":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","query_ip_number() - return the ip number for a player object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","edit() \\- allow a user to begin editing a file.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","clean_up_attackers() \\- remove dead or absent monsters from the attack list":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","substr \\- \"does search & replace in a string":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","data_file \\- \"returns a path name for an object":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","exclude_array \\- \"deletes a range from a copy of an array":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","hiddenp() - determines if a given object is hidden":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","socket_release() - release ownership of a socket to another object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","initialize_link \\- \"sets the status of a door to match that of the linked door":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","errorp() - determine whether or not a given variable is an error code":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","query_load_average() - forces an error to occur in an object.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","die() \\- produce death in a living body object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","replace_program() - replaces the program in this_object()":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","tsh() \\- force the user to execute a script of commands":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","traceprefix() - sets the prefix determining which objects to trace":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/debugging","generate_source() - generates the C code corresponding to a give object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/core","set_privs() - set the privs string for an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/security","valid_override - controls the use of efun::":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","save_ed_setup - save a user's editor setup or configuration settings":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","replace_string() - replace all instances of a string within a string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","write() - send a message to current player":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","format_string \\- \"minimal string formatting for those without sprintf":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","set_author - set the author associated with an object.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/properties","dump_variable \\- \"returns a text representation of its argument, regardless of type":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","sin() - return the sine of a float":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/math","pointerp() - determine whether or not a given variable is an array":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/arrays","pow() - find an exponent of a float":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/math","query_skills() \\- return a copy of a living object's skill mapping.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","find_object() - find an object by file name":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","erase_line \\- \"returns escape sequence to erase VT100 line":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","uniq_array \\- \"eliminates duplicate entries from an array":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","disable_wizard() - remove wizard priveleges from an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","children() - returns an array of objects cloned from a given object.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","receive_damage() - do damage to a living object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","add_action() - bind a command verb to a local function":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","epilog - returns an array of the filenames of the objects to be preloaded.":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","retrieve_ed_setup - retrieve a user's editor setup or configuration settings":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","socket_address() - return the remote address for an efun socket":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","iwrap - wraps with indentation of second line onward.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","query_vision() \\- determine whether an object can see, and how much.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","strtype \\- Returns a string representation of the argument type":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","continue_attack() \\- begin a new round of combat.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","update_link \\- \"updates the status of a door linked to one in this room, and sends an appropriate message to the linked room":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","query_idle_string \\- \"returns string describing how long player has been idle":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","release_object() - determine whether an object will let its contents go.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","get_char \\- \"temporary patch to allow use of get_char on platforms where it hasn't yet been implemented.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","move - ask an object to move to the specified destination":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","getoid \\- \"returns the number at the end of a numbered file name":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","setup() \\- do necessary initialization when swapping into a body object":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","stringp() - determine whether or not a given variable is a string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","query_history() \\- return a user's queue of recent commands":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","to_float - convert an int to a float":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/types","valid_write - checks if a certain person has write permission on a file":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","remove_action - unbind a command verb from a local function":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","socket_listen() - listen for connections on a socket":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","coinvalue() \\- return the value, in base units, of a given coin type":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","deep_inherit_list() - get a list of ancestors of an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","set_outside() \\- notify the weather daemon that a room is outside.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","basic_commands() \\- do any add_actions for commands coded in the body":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","ctime() - return a time string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","lower_case() - return the lowercase version of a given string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","clear_line \\- \"returns escape sequence to clear VT100 line":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","version \\- returns the current driver version":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","id() \\- checks to see if a string is a legal id for the object":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","slice_array \\- \"implements old-style slice_array":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","inherits() - determine if an object inherits a given file":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","directory_exists \\- \"determines if a directory exists":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","read_file() - read a file into a string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","get_objects() - like get_object() but with added bells and whistles":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","reload_object - return an object to its just-loaded state":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","valid_compile_to_c - controls whether or not an object may be compiled via LPC->C at runtime":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","cache_stats() - report various driver and mudlib statistics":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","find_object_or_load \\- \"find an object, loading it into memory if necessary":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","set - sets the value of a property in an object":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","set_hide() - set the hide flag on a hidable object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","index \\- \"returns position of target in array":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","to_int - convert a float or buffer to an int":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/types","move_around() \\- cause a moving monster to move.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","sort_array() - sort an array":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/arrays","filter_array() - return a selective sub-array":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/arrays","error - generate a run-time error":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","base_name \\- \"gets the base name of an object":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","socket_create() - create an efun socket":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","move() \\- move an item from one environment to another.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","remove_call_out() - remove a pending call_out":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","tell_object() - send a message to an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","export_uid() - set the uid of another object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/security","add_temp \\- add to a temporary property.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","floor() - round a float down to the nearest integer":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/math","filter_mapping() - remove some elements of a mapping based on a function":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/mappings","users() - return an array of objects containing all interactive players":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","arrayp() - determine whether or not a given variable is an array":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/arrays","query_snooping() - return the object than an object is snooping":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","dump_socket_status() - display the status of each LPC socket":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","first_inventory() - return the first item in an object's inventory":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","enable_wizard() - give wizard priveleges to an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/properties","bufferp() - determine whether or not a given variable is a buffer":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/buffers","make_path_absolute - resolve relative path name":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","visible() - determines if an object can be detected [by another object]":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","receive_snoop - catch incoming snoop text":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","find_call_out() - find a call out scheduled to be called next":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","total_wealth() \\- return the wealth of the object in lowest-value coins":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","set_bit() - set a bit in a bitstring":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","valid_object - allows control over which objects can be loaded":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","regexp() - regular expression handler":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","intp() - determine whether or not a given variable is an integer":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/types","localtime() - convert to local time":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","temp_file \\- \"creates pathname for a temporary file":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","merge \\- \"merges two arrays or mappings into a single mapping":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","more() \\- display a file to the user, one screen at a time.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","coins_carried() \\- return the number of coins in the object's wealth.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","process_string() - give a string with replaced calldescriptions":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","int notify_fail( string str );":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","set_light() - update or query an object's light level":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/properties","query_prevent_shadow() \\- prevent assigning a shadow to the given object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","socket_acquire() - assume ownership of a socket":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","privs_file - specifies the privs string to give to a newly created object":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","malloc_status() - report various statistics related to memory usage.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","user_exists \\- \"determines whether a user exists":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","unique_array() - partitions an array of objects into groups":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/arrays","improve_skill() \\- credit the user with skill use points.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","sizeof() - return the number of elements in an array or mapping":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/types","query_attackers() \\- return the list of the object's attackers.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","set_reset - modify the time until reset on an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","reset - allows an object to do self-maintenance":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","valid_hide - allows or disallows objects to hide and see hidden objects":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","log() - returns the natural logarithm of a float":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/math","sscanf() - match substrings in a string.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","get_object() - does its best to get its object - dead or alive.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","to_object \\- \"converts a string to the corresponding object":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","query_ghost() \\- return 1 if this object is a ghost body.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","write_bytes() - writes a contiguous series of bytes to a file":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","cease_all_attacks() \\- clear the player's attacker list.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","set_status \\- \"sets the status (open, closed, locked) of a door in a room inheriting /std/doors.c":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","possessive \\- \"provides an appropriate possessive pronoun":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","read_buffer() - read from a file and return a buffer, or return part of a buffer as a string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/buffers","data_dir \\- \"returns a partial pathname for an object to be saved in DATA_DIR":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","get_config() - query various driver config settings":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","stat() - returns information pertaining to a file or a directory":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","tail() - displays the latter portion of a file":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","shadowp() - determine whether or not a given object it shadowing another":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","force_me() \\- force a living object to execute a command.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","creator_file \\- \"extracts creator name from a complete pathname":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","crypt() - encrypt a string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","do_nicknames() \\- replace any nicknames in a user's command.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","restore_object() - restore values of variables from a file into an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","nullp() - determine whether or not a given variable is null.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/types","set_malloc_mask() - sets the mask controlling display of malloc debug info":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/debugging","unequip_armor() \\- Cause a monster to stop equipping armor.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","add \\- adds a property to an object's data":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","seteuid() - set the effective user id (euid) of an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/security","restore_body() \\- load a body's saved data.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","change_skill_level() \\- directly set the level of a living object's skill.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","pluralize_verb \\- \"converts singular form of noun to plural":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","functionp() - determine whether or not a given variable is a function pointer.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/types","destroy_autoload_obj() \\- destroy the user's autoloading objects":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","function_profile() - get function profiling information for an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","socket_error() - return a text description of a socket error":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","creator_file - specifies the uid to give to a newly created object":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","query - returns the value of a property in an object":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","connect - returns a pointer to the user (player) object to the driver":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","query_env \\- get the value of a living object's environment variables.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","logon - attach an object to a login connection":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","dump_prog() - dump/disassemble an LPC object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/debugging","living() - detects whether or not a given object is \"living\"":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/properties","trace() - sets trace flags and returns the old ones.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/debugging","get_char - causes next character of input to be sent to a specified function":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","query_ip_name() - return the ip name of a given player object.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","save_object() - save the values of variables in an object into a file":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","snoop() - snoop an interactive user":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","mapp() - determine whether or not a given variable is a mapping":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/mappings","equip_armor() \\- cause a monster to equip a piece of armor.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","virtualp() - determine whether a given variable points to a virtual object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","max_eval_cost() - returns the maximum evaluation cost":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","asin() - return the arcsine of a float":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/math","shutdown \\- \"overrides the driver's shutdown efun":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","inverse \\- \"sends VT100 \"inverse\" escape sequence":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","new() - load a copy of an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","socket_bind() - bind a name to a socket":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","match_path() - search a mapping for a path":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/mappings","wrap \\- \"implements simple word wrap":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","exp() - find e to the power of a float":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/math","shutdown() - shutdown the driver":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","destruct() - remove an object from the games":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","livings() - return an array of all living objects":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","in_edit() - determine if a player is in the editor":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","get_bb_uid - get the backbone uid":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","present() - find an object by id":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","preload - preload an object into memory.":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","ceil() - round a float up to the nearest integer":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/math","strlen() - returns the length of a string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","underscore \\- \"sends VT100 \"underscore\" escape sequence":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","environment() - return the environment of an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","sqrt() - returns the square root of a float":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/math","pluralize \\- \"converts singular form of noun to plural":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","remove \\- remove an object from the game.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","tell_group \\- \"sends a message to a list of players":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","set_temp - set a temporary property in an object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","ed() - edit a file":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","eval_cost() - returns the evaluation cost remaining":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","all_previous_objects() - returns an array of objects that called the current function":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","reg_assoc() - A regular pattern substring extractor":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","break_string() - break a string at regular intervals .SH SYNOPSIS string break_string( string str | int foobar, int len, void | int indent | string indent );":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","member_array() - returns index of an occurence of a given item in an array or string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/arrays","shout() - sends a message to all living objects":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","id - function called by present() in order to identify an object":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","objective \\- \"provides an appropriate object pronoun":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","error_handler - function in master object to handle errors":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","floatp() - determine whether or not a given variable is a float":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/types","throw() - forces an error to occur in an object.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","__INIT - function added to objects to handle initialization of variables.":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","userp() - determine if a given object was once interactive":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","all_inventory() - return the inventory of an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","crash - function in master that is called in the event the driver crashes":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","load_autoload_obj \\- load a user's autoloading objects.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","init_commands() \\- add the command hook add action and set the path.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","this_object() - return the object pointer of the calling object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","dump_file_descriptors() - dump the MudOS process file descriptor table":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/debugging","format_time \\- \"Converts an int to a string representation of the time.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","dumpallobj() - report various statistics on all objects that have been loaded":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","check_light \\- Determine if an object is a light source.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","say() - send a message to all users in the same environment":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","valid_seteuid - secures the use of seteuid(3)":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","compute_autoload_array() \\- compute a list of objects to save for later":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","query_skill_points() \\- return the number of use points of an object's skills.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","map_array() - modify an array of elements via application of a function":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/arrays","file_name() - get the file name of an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","exec \\- \"overrides the driver's efun":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","geteuid() - return the effective user id of an object or function":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/security","origin() - determine how the current function was called":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","socket_close() - close a socket":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/sockets","map_delete() - remove a (key, value) pair from a mapping based on the key":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/mappings","tan() - return the tangent of a float":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/math","up_line \\- \"returns escape sequence to move cursor up a line":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","debug_info() - display debug information":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/debugging","mud_status() - report various driver and mudlib statistics":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","snoop \\- \"overrides the driver's snoop efun":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","enable_commands() - allow object to use 'player' commands":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","tell_room \\- \"sends a message to all objects in a room":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","cos() - return the cosine of a float":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/math","create_ghost() \\- create a ghost object and swap the user into it.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","allocate_mapping() - pre-allocate space for a mapping":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/mappings","rusage() - reports information gathered by the getrusage() system call":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","set_debug_level() - sets the debug level used by the driver's debug() macro":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/debugging","cmd_hook() - find the appropriate command to handle a user's input.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","atoi - \"converts a string to an integer":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","do_alias() \\- apply global and user-defined aliases to the input string.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","ppossessive \\- \"provides an appropriate possessive pronoun":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","write_buffer() - write a buffer to a file, or read into a buffer from a source":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/buffers","atan() - return the tangent of a float":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/math","modify_skill() \\- temporarily alter the level of a living object's skill.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","subjective \\- \"provides an appropriate subject pronoun":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","find_living() - find a living object matching a given id":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","query_verb() - return the name of the command currently being executed":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","article \\- \"simul_efun to return 'a' or 'an', according to passed string":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","set_heart_beat() - enable or disable an object's heartbeat":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/objects","init - function in an object called by move_object() to initialize verb/actions":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","unequip \\- \"unequips (removes) armor from player":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","undefinedp() - determine whether or not a given variable is undefined.":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/types","write_file() - appends a string to a file":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","query_privs() - return the privs string for an object":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/security","time_expression() - return the amount of real time that an expression took":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","query_auto_load \\- \"used in player-held objects that need to reload automatically at each login":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","valid_save_binary - controls whether or not an object can save its program":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","query_monster() \\- return 1 if this object is a monster body.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","kill_ob() \\- cause an object to enter combat with an opponent.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","tell_object \\- \"send message to an object":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","query_current_attacker() - return the object at the top of the attack list.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","refs - return the number of references to a data structure":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/types","time() - return the number of seconds since January 1, 1970":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/system","memory_info - obtain info on object/overall memory usage":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/state","valid_asm - controls whether or not a LPC->C compiled object can use asm { }":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","query_skill_stats() \\- return the level of the stat associated with each skill.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","file_size() - get the size of a file":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/filesystem","keys() - return an array of the keys from the (key, value) pairs in a mapping":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/mappings","valid_read - checks if a certain person has read permission on a file":"/doc/driverdoc/applies","explode() - break up a string":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings","commands() - returns some information about actions the user can take":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/interactive","identify() - convert a mixed variable to an identifying string":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","set_link() \\- set a pointer to a body's connection object.":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","comptype \\- Returns 1 if args are the same, 0 if they are not":"/doc/functions/untroffed/simul_efuns","each() - iterate over the (key, value) pairs in a mapping":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/mappings","relay_message() \\- handle a received message in a monster":"/doc/functions/untroffed/lfuns","implode() - concatenate strings":"/doc/driverdoc/efuns/strings",])