C4 Function Reference~
c4index c4a1.2~
^a^vAppendix 1.2: C4 Function Library Reference Index^V

^CThe function listing found below is an index for the available 
function groups. Detailed information on the individual functions
can be accessed by typing help on the function name itself preceeded
with a "_" (ie: "help _ThingGetExtra"). 

^rKeyword         C4 Function Group
^b------------    ---------------------------- 
^Gc4system        ^cSystem Functions                 ^C           THING
^Gc4string        ^cString processing                ^C         Hierarchy:
^Gc4send          ^cSend message / communication                   
^Gc4thing         ^cTHING manipulations              ^a           THING
^Gc4world         ^cWLD functions                    ^a   .---------`---------.
^Gc4exit          ^cEXIT functions                   ^a  WLD                BASE
^Gc4base          ^cBASE functions                   ^a             .---------|
^Gc4object        ^cOBJ manipulations                ^a            CHR       OBJ
^Gc4character     ^cCHR functions                    ^a         .---`---.
^Gc4player        ^cPLR functions                    ^a        PLR     MOB
^Gc4extra         ^cEXTRA manipulations              ^a
^Gc4property      ^cProperty minipulations           ^a
^Gc4misc          ^cMiscellaneous functions          ^a
c4exit c4iexit~
^rExit Functions
^gexit  ^rExitFind        ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gstr ^pkey^a)
^gexit  ^rExitDir         ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gint ^pdir^a)
^gexit  ^rExitReverse     ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitGetDir      ^a(^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetDir      ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a, 
                       ^gint ^pdir^a)
^gint   ^rExitIsCorner    ^a(^gexit ^pex1^a, ^gexit ^pex2^a)
^gexit  ^rExitCreate      ^a(^gthing WLD ^pfromroom^a, ^gint ^pdir^a, 
                       ^gstr ^pkey^a, ^gstr ^pdesc^a, ^gint ^pflag^a,
                       ^gint ^pKeyObj^a, ^gthing WLD ^ptoroom^a)
^gint   ^rExitFree        ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitGetFlag     ^a(^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetFlag     ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pflag^a)
^gint   ^rDoorSetFlag     ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pflag^a)
^gint   ^rExitGetFlagBit  ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetFlagBit  ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rExitClearFlagBit^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rDoorSetFlagBit  ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rDoorClearFlagBit^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rExitGetKeyObj   ^a(^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetKeyObj   ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pKeyObj^a)
^gint   ^rDoorSetKeyObj   ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pKeyObj^a)
^gstr   ^rExitGetKey      ^a(^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetKey      ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gstr ^pkey^a)
^gstr   ^rExitGetDesc     ^a(^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetDesc     ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gstr ^pdesc^a)
^gthing ^rExitGetWorld    ^a(^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetWorld    ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gthing WLD ^proom^a)

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _ExitFind
c4player c4iplayer~
^rPlayer Functions
^b------ ---------
^g<null>^rPlayerWrite       ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a)
^gint   ^rPlayerGetBank     ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a)
^gint   ^rPlayerSetBank     ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a, ^gint ^pcredits^a)
^gint   ^rPlayerBank        ^a(^gthing MOB/OBJ teller^a, ^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a, 
                       ^gstr ^pcmd^a)
^gint   ^rPlayerGainFame    ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a, ^gint ^pfame^a)
^gint   ^rPlayerGainInfamy  ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a, ^gint ^pinfamy^a)
^gint   ^rPlayerSolvedQuest ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a, ^gstr ^pmessage^a
                       ^gint ^pexp^a, ^gint ^pfame^a, ^gstr ^pproperty^a, ^gint ^ppvalue^a)
^gint   ^rPlayerGetRace     ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a)

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _PlayerWrite
c4system c4isystem~
^rSystem Functions
^gint   ^rNumber          ^a(^gint ^plow^a,^gint ^phi^a)
^gint   ^rDice            ^a(^gint ^proll^a,^gint ^pdice^a)
^gint   ^rVersion         ^a()
^gint   ^rC4Version       ^a()

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _Number
^rString Functions
^gint   ^rHello           ^a(^gstr ^phellostr^a)
^gint   ^rYesNo           ^a(^gstr ^pyesnostr^a)
^gint   ^rStrLen          ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a)
^gint   ^rStrIn           ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2^a)
^gint   ^rStrAt           ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2^a, ^gint ^pword^a)
^gint   ^rStrAtExact      ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2^a, ^gint ^pword^a)
^gint   ^rStrIsCmd        ^a(^gstr ^pstring^a, ^gstr ^pcommand^a)
^gint   ^rStrExact        ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2^a)
^gint   ^rStrCmp          ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2^a)
^gint   ^rStrICmp         ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2^a)
^gint   ^rStrNCmp         ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2, ^gint ^pmaxlen^a)
^gint   ^rStrNICmp        ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2, ^gint ^pmaxlen^a)

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _StrLen
^rSend Functions
^g<null>^rSendAction      ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psource^a, 
                       ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdestination^a,
                       ^gint ^pflags^a, ^gstr ^pstring^a)
^g<null>^rSendActionStr   ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psource^a, 
                       ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdestination^a,
                       ^gint ^pflags^a, ^gstr ^pstring^a, ^getc ^pp1^a... )
^g<null>^rSendThing       ^a(^gthing PLR ^pdestination^a, ^gstr ^pmessage^a)
^g<null>^rSendThingStr    ^a(^gthing PLR ^pdestination^a, ^gstr ^pmessage^a, ^getc ^pp1^a, ^getc ^pp2...^a)

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _SendAction
^rExtra Functions
^gextra ^rExtraGetNext    ^a(^gextra ^pextralist^a)
^gstr   ^rExtraGetKey     ^a(^gextra ^pe^a)
^gstr   ^rExtraGetDesc    ^a(^gextra ^pe^a)
^gstr   ^rExtraFind       ^a(^gextra ^pextralist^a, ^gstr ^pkey^a)
^gstr   ^rExtraFree       ^a(^gthing ^psomething^a, ^gextra ^pe^a)
^aextra ExtraCreate     (thing something, str key, str desc)
^aextra ExtraSetKey     (extra someextra, str newkey)
^aextra ExtraSetDesc    (extra someextra, str newdesc)

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _ExtraGetNext
^rThing Functions
^gstr   ^rThingGetName    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^gint   ^rThingGetType    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^gstr   ^rThingGetDesc    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^gthing ^rThingGetContain ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^gthing ^rThingGetNext    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^gextra ^rThingGetExtra   ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^gint   ^rThingTo         ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pit^a, ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pto^a)
^gthing ^rThingFind       ^a(^gstr ^pkey^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a, ^gthing ^psearch_thing^a, 
                       ^gint ^pflags^a, ^gint ^poffset^a)
^gint   ^rThingGetWait    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^gint   ^rThingSetWait    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a, ^gint ^pwaitval^a)
^gint   ^rThingGetIdleWait^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^gint   ^rThingSetIdleWait^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a, ^gint ^pwaitval^a)

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _ThingGetName
^rWorld Functions
^gthing ^rWorldOf         ^a(^gint ^pvirtual_num^a)
^gint   ^rWorldGetVirtual ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a)
^gint   ^rWorldGetType    ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a)
^gint   ^rWorldSetType    ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a, ^gint ^ptype^a)
^gint   ^rWorldGetFlag    ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a)
^gint   ^rWorldSetFlag    ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a, ^gint ^pflag^a)
^gint   ^rWorldGetFlagBit ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rWorldSetFlagBit ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rWorldClearFlagBit ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _WorldOf
^rBase Functions
^gstr   ^rBaseGetKey      ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pbasething^a)
^gstr   ^rBaseGetLDesc    ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pbasething^a)
^gthing ^rBaseGetInside   ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pbasething^a)
^gint   ^rBaseGetConWeight^a(^gthing PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pbasething^a)
^gint   ^rBaseGetWeight   ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pbasething^a)

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _BaseGetKey
^rObject Functions
^gthing ^rObjectCreate    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdstthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^gthing ^rObjectCreateNum ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdstthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a,
                       ^gint ^pnumber^a))
^gint   ^rObjectFree      ^a(^gthing OBJ ^pobject^a)
^gint   ^rObjectRemove    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdstthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^gint   ^rObjectStrip     ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psrcthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual_low^a,
                       ^gint ^pvirtual_high^a, ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdstthing^a)
^gint   ^rObjectStripInv  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psrcthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual_low^a,
                       ^gint ^pvirtual_high^a, ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdstthing^a)
^gint   ^rObjectStripEqu  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psrcthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual_low^a,
                       ^gint ^pvirtual_high^a, ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdstthing^a)
^gthing ^rObjectContain   ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pcontainthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^gint   ^rObjectCount     ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pcontainthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^gint   ^rObjectCountInv  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pcontainthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^gint   ^rObjectCountEqu  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pcontainthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^gint   ^rObjectBuy       ^a(^gthing MOB ^pmerchant^a, ^gthing PLR/MOB ^pbuyer^a,
                       ^gstr ^pcommand^a, ^gint ^pmarkup^a, ^getc ^pv1...^a)
^yint   ^yObjectSell      ^a(^gthing MOB ^pmerchant^a, ^gthing PLR/MOB ^pseller^a,
                       ^gstr ^pcommand^a, ^gint ^pmarkdown^a, ^getc ^pvs1...^a)
^gint   ^rObjectRedeem    ^a(^gthing MOB ^pmerchant^a, ^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcustomer^a,
                       ^gstr ^pcommand^a, ^gint ^pmarkdown^a, ^gint ^pflag^a)
^gint   ^rObjectGetVirtual^a(^gthing OBJ ^pobject^a)

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _ObjectCreate
^rCharacter Functions
^gthing ^rCharThingFind   ^a(^gthing PLR ^pcharacter^a, ^gstr ^pkey^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a, 
                       ^gthing ^psearch_thing^a, ^gint ^pflags^a, ^gint ^poffset^a)
^gint   ^rCharAction      ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gstr ^paction^a)
^gint   ^rCharActionStr   ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gstr ^paction^a, ^getc^p p1...^a)
^gint   ^rCharActionStrip ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gstr ^paction^a)
^gint   ^rCharGetLevel    ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^gint   ^rCharGetHitP     ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^gint   ^rCharSetHitP     ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gint ^phitpoints^a)
^gint   ^rCharGetHitPMax  ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^gint   ^rCharGetMovePMax ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^gint   ^rCharGetPowerPMax^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^gint   ^rCharGetMoney    ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^gint   ^rCharSetMoney    ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gint ^pmoney^a)
^gint   ^rCharGetExp      ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^gint   ^rCharGainExp     ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gint ^pexp^a)
^gint   ^rCharGainExpGroup^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gint ^pexp^a)
^gint   ^rCharPractice    ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gstr ^pcommand^a,
                       ^gint ^ppracflag^a, ^gint ^pnopracflag^a, ^gint ^pmaxlevel^a)
^gthing ^rCharGetFighting ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^gint   ^rCharIsLeader    ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^gthing ^rCharGetLeader   ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^gthing ^rCharGetFollower ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^g<null>^rCharAddFollower ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pfollower^a,^gthing PLR/MOB ^pgroupMember^a)
^g<null>^rCharRemoveFollower ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _CharAction
^rProperty Functions
^gint   ^rPropertySetStr  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^ppropthing^a, ^gstr ^ppKey^a, ^gstr ^ppValue^a)
^gint   ^rPropertySetInt  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^ppropthing^a, ^gstr ^ppKey^a, ^gint ^ppValue^a)
^gint   ^rPropertyExist   ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^ppropthing^a, ^gstr ^ppKey^a)
^gint   ^rPropertyGetInt  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^ppropthing^a, ^gstr ^ppKey^a)
^gstr   ^rPropertyGetStr  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^ppropthing^a, ^gstr ^ppKey^a)
^gstr   ^rPropertyFree    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^ppropthing^a, ^gstr ^ppKey^a)

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _Number
c4miscellaneous c4fight c4mobile~
^rMiscellaneous Functions
^g<null>^rFightStart      ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^paggressor^a, ^gthing PLR/MOB ^ptarget^a)
^g<null>^rFightStop       ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pparticipant^a)
^gint   ^rFightDamage     ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^paggressor^a, ^gint ^pdamage^a, 
                       ^gint ^phitNum^a, ^gint ^pdamFlag^a, ^gint ^pdamType^a, 
                       ^gstr ^pweaponName^a)
^gint   ^rFightDamageRaw  ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^paggressor^a, ^gthing PLR/MOB ^ptarget^a,
                       ^gint ^pdamage^a)
^gthing ^rMobileCreate    ^a(^gthing WLD ^pdstthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^gthing ^rMobileCreateNum ^a(^gthing WLD ^pdstthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a,
                       ^gint ^pnumber^a))
^gint   ^rMobileGetVirtual^a(^gthing MOB ^pmobthing^a)
^gint   ^rMobileFree      ^a(^gthing MOB ^pmobthing^a)

^anote: to get help on a specific function, preceed the function with a "_".
^a      eg:   help _FightStart
_Version _CVersion~
^gint   ^rVersion         ^a()
^gint   ^rC4Version       ^a()
^C      Version() returns the version number for Crimson II. C4Version()
       returns the version number for the C4 language. 

      The lowest 8-bits represent the minor version. The next 8-bits 
       (bits 8-15) represent the major version. The remaining bits are 
       set to zero. 

^a        {
        int Major,Minor;
        SendThingStr(EVENT_THING,"Major=%i Minor=%i\n",Major,Minor);

^C      See also: ^Gc4system
^gint   ^rNumber          ^a(^gint ^plow^a,^gint ^phi^a)
^C      Returns a random number between <^plow^C> and <^phi^C>. The random number
       may take the values of <^plow^C> or <^phi^C>.

^C      See also: ^Gc4system ^rDice
^gint   ^rDice            ^a(^gint ^proll^a,^gint ^pdice^a)
^C      Returns the result of a random rolling of dice. <^pdice^C> specifies the
       number of sides on the dice. <^proll^C> specifies how many times the dice
       are rolled. 

^C      Example:
^a        {
        int Roll;
        /* I want to roll a 6-sided dice, 3 times, and add the results. */

^C      See also: ^Gc4system ^rNumber
_StrCmp _StrICmp _StrNCmp _StrNICmp~
^gint   ^rStrCmp          ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2^a)
^gint   ^rStrICmp         ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2^a)
^gint   ^rStrNCmp         ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2, ^gint ^pmaxlen^a)
^gint   ^rStrNICmp        ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2, ^gint ^pmaxlen^a)
^C      Compares <^ps1^C> and <^ps2^C>. Returns:
^a        < 0 if s1 is less than s2
^a       == 0 if s1 is the same as s2
^a        > 0 if s1 is greater than s2.
^C      Returns 0 on error.

      StrCmp() does a simple comparrison until the end of one or both of the 
       strings is reached. It is preferable to use ^rStrExact^C.

      StrICmp() is the same as StrCmp() except it does a case-insensitive 

      StrNCmp() makes the same comparison as StrCmp(), but looks at no
       more than <^pmaxlen^C> characters.

      StrNICmp() makes the same comparrison as StrICmp(), but looks at no
       more than <^pmaxlen^C> characters.

^C      See also: ^Gc4string ^rStrExact StrAt StrIn StrIsCmd StrLen Hello
^gint   ^rHello           ^a(^gstr ^phellostr^a)
^C      Returns 1 (TRUE) if the <^phellostr^C> consists of a str in the
       form "say hello" or "say hi" or similar salutations. Return 0 if
       <^phellostr^C> is not a system-compatible salutations string.
      Basically, use this function if you want players to be able to walk
       up and say "hi" to start a conversation with an MOB/OBJ/whatever.
      This function is the system-supported and recommended salutation-parser 
       so that the salutation-interface remains consistent.
^a        Hello(COMMAND) /* returns 1 if salutation, 0 otherwise */

^C      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4string ^rStrIsCmd StrExact StrIn StrAt
^gint   ^rYesNo           ^a(^gstr ^pyesnostr^a)
^C      Returns 1 if the <^pyesnostr^C> consists of a str in the
       form "say yes". Returns -1 if <^pyesnostr^C> is in the form 
       "say no". Returns 0 if <^pyesnostr^C> is not a system-compatible 
       YesNo string.
^a        YesNo(COMMAND) /* returns 1 if YES, -1 if NO, 0 otherwise */

      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4string ^rStrIsCmd StrExact StrIn StrAt Hello
^gint   ^rStrLen          ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a)
^C      Returns the number of characters in <^ps1^C>, including spaces,
       return characters, etc.
      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4string
^gint   ^rStrIn           ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2^a)
^C      Returns 1 (TRUE) if <^ps2^C> can be found anywhere in <^ps1^C>. Comparisons
       are case-insensitive. Returns 0 (FALSE) if <^ps2^C> is nowhere in <^ps1^C>.

^a        StrIn("hello there","hello");   /* returns 1 */
        StrIn("Why, hELLo there!","ell"); /* returns 1 */
        StrIn("nobody is here","boo");    /* returns 0 */
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4string ^rStrExact StrAt StrIsCmd StrCmp Hello
^gint   ^rStrAt           ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2^a, ^gint ^pword^a)
^C      Returns 1 (TRUE) if <^ps1^C> is at location <^pword^C> of <^ps2^C>. NOTE: <^pword^C>
       of <^ps2^C> only has to START with <^ps1^C>! Returns 0 (FALSE) if <^pword^C>
       location of <^ps2^C> does not start with <^ps1^C>. Comparisons are case 
^a        StrAt("hi","say hi there", 0);   /* returns 0 */
^a        StrAt("hi","say hi there", 1);   /* returns 1 */
^a        StrAt("hi","say hi there", 2);   /* returns 0 */
^a        StrAt("john","then there was Johnathon the bear", 3); /* returns 1 */
^C      NOTE: the function "Hello" is the recommended salutation-parser
       to handle generic "say hi" and "say hello" type commands.
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4string ^rStrAtExact StrExact StrIn StrIsCmd StrCmp Hello
^gint   ^rStrAtExact      ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2^a, ^gint ^pword^a)
^C      Returns 1 (TRUE) if <^ps1^C> is at location <^pword^C> of <^ps2^C>. NOTE: <^pword^C>
       of <^ps2^C> has to MATCH <^ps1^C>! If <^pword^C> of <^ps2^C> isn't followed by a space 
       or end-of-string marker, 0 (FALSE) is returned. Comparisons are case insensitive.  
^a        StrAt("hi","say hi there", 0);   /* returns 0 */
^a        StrAt("hi","say hi there", 1);   /* returns 1 */
^a        StrAt("hi","say hi there", 2);   /* returns 0 */
^a        StrAt("john","then there was Johnathon the bear", 3); /* returns 0 */
^C      NOTE: the function "Hello" is the recommended salutation-parser
       to handle generic "say hi" and "say hello" type commands.
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4string ^rStrAt StrExact StrIn StrIsCmd StrCmp Hello
^gint   ^rStrIsCmd        ^a(^gstr ^pstring^a, ^gstr ^pcommand^a)
^C      Returns 1 (TRUE) if <^pstring^C> is either equal to, or an abreviation
       of <^pcommand^C>. This command emulates the parsing functionality of
       the MUD and is the preferred way to determine if a specific command
       has been typed. 
^a        StrIsCmd("sa","say");   /* returns 1 */
^a        StrIsCmd("LOOK","look");   /* returns 1 */
^a        StrIsCmd("listing","list");   /* returns 0 */
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4string ^rStrExact StrIn StrAt StrCmp Hello
^gint   ^rStrExact        ^a(^gstr ^ps1^a, ^gstr ^ps2^a)
^C      Returns 1 (TRUE) if <^ps1^C> is exactly equal (case insensitive) 
       to <^ps2^C>. This is the preferred function to do exact string matching 
       because it directly uses the string functionality of the MUD.

^C      See also: ^Gc4string ^rStrIsCmd StrIn StrAt StrCmp Hello
_SendThing _SendThingStr~
^g<null>^rSendThing       ^a(^gthing PLR ^pdestination^a, ^gstr ^pmessage^a)
^g<null>^rSendThingStr    ^a(^gthing PLR ^pdestination^a, ^gstr ^pmessage^a, ^getc ^pp1^a, ^getc ^pp2...^a)
^C      Sends <^pmessage^C> to <^pdestination^C> thing exclusively. This is 
       a good procedure to send information to a single player, keeping 
       the <^pmessage^C> private to that player.

      SendThing() sends an untouched string 
      SendThingStr() sends a substitute string 

      NOTE: normally, for sending information to players, it is 
            ^ySTRONGLY^C recommended that ^rSendAction^C be used.

^C      See also: ^Gc4send c4preface ^rSendAction
_SendAction _SendActionStr~
^g<null>^rSendAction      ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psource^a, 
                       ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdestination^a,
                       ^gint ^pflags^a, ^gstr ^pstring^a)
^g<null>^rSendActionStr   ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psource^a, 
                       ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdestination^a,
                       ^gint ^pflags^a, ^gstr ^pstring^a, ^getc ^pp1^a... )
^C      These functions are the general-purpose message-sending functions used
       in C4. <^psource^C> and <^pdestination^C> specify any two things, and
       can be TNULL. Unlike the ^rCharAction^C and similar commands, the 
       ^rSendAction^C commands send raw strings and thus require terminating
       "\n" characters to generate line feeds.

      The message <^pstring^C> is sent to one or more things, depending on 
       the value of <^pflags^C>:
^a        value of <^pflags^a>  effect
        ----------------  ------
        SEND_ROOM         All characters in the same room as <^psource^a> recieve
                          <^pstring^a>. If <^psource^a> is type WLD (room), all
                          characters inside the room recieve <^pstring^a>.
        SEND_SRC          <^psource^a> thing will recieve <^pstring^a>.
        SEND_DST          <^pdestination^a> thing will recieve <^pstring^a>.
        SEND_VISIBLE      If a character receiving <^pstring^a> has had their 
                          vision affected (eg blindness), <^pstring^a> will 
                          be modified accordingly.
        SEND_AUDIBLE      If a character receiving <^pstring^a> has had their
                          hearing affected (eg deaf), <^pstring^a> will be 
                          modified accordingly.
        SEND_CAPFIRST     $n and $N substitution values will be capitalized
                          (ie: thing names will be capitalized). See below.
        Note: these values can be ORed (|) together to form multiple affects.

^C      ^rSendAction ^Cand ^rSendActionStr^C are capable of parser-level
       substitutions. This means that information about <^psource^C> and
       <^pdestination^C> can be inserted into <^pstring^C> automatically
       using reserved escape sequences. For the escape sequences, small 
       letters operate on <^psource^C> and capital letters operate on 

^C      Reserved escape sequences:
^a        $n, $N    Name of <^psource^a> and <^pdestination^a>, respectively
^a        $l, $L    Long description
^a        $d, $D    Description
^a        $a, $A    "a" or "an", as appropriate
^a        $s, $S    "his", "hers", or "its", as appropriate
^a        $m, $M    "him", "her", or "it", as appropriate

^C      Examples: assume EVENT_THING is "Mary" (PLR), CODE_THING is "Tom" (PLR), 
                and SPARE_THING is "knife" (OBJ).
          SEND_CAPFIRST, "$n waves $m arm behind $N, without $N seeing it.\n");
          "You hear a loud CLANG as $n drops $A $N on the floor.\n");
^C      will print out:
^a        "Mary waves her arm behind Tom, without Tom seeing it." to everyone
        in the same room as Mary, including Mary, but NOT to Tom.

        "You hear a loud CLANG as tom drops a knife on the floor.\n" to 
        everyone in the same room as Tom, but NOT to Tom.
^C      Notice in the above examples the effect of the SEND_CAPFIRST.

^C      See also: ^Gc4send c4preface ^rSendThing CharAction
^gextra ^rExtraGetNext    ^a(^gextra ^pextralist^a)
^C      Returns the next extra in <^pextralist^C>.
      Returns ENULL on error or end of extra list.

^C      See also: ^Gc4extra ^rThingGetExtra ExtraFind
^gstr   ^rExtraGetKey     ^a(^gextra ^pe^a)
^C      Returns the key list for <^pe^C>. 
      Returns NULL on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4extra ^rExtraFind ExtraGetDesc
^gstr   ^rExtraGetDesc    ^a(^gextra ^pe^a)
^C      Returns the description for <^pe^C>. 
      Returns NULL on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4extra ^rExtraFind ExtraGetDesc
^gstr   ^rExtraFind       ^a(^gextra ^pextralist^a, ^gstr ^pkey^a)
^C      Returns the extra in <^pextralist^C> with a keyword 
       matching <^pkey^C>. <^pextralist^C> is usually the first extra
       in an extra list returned by ^rThingGetExtra.
^C      Returns ENULL on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4extra ^rThingGetExtra ExtraGetNext ExtraGetKey
^gstr   ^rExtraFree       ^a(^gthing ^psomething^a, ^gextra ^pe^a)
^C      Deletes (removes) the extra <^pe^C> from <^psomething^C>'s 
       extra list. 

^C      WARNING: Don't refer to an extra once it's free'ed. Refer to
       c4ov_pointers for more information.

^C      See also: ^Gc4extra ^rExtraFind
^gint   ^rThingGetType    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^C      Returns the type of thing <^psomething^C>. Returns the following values:
^a        TTYPE_UNDEF
^a        TTYPE_WLD
^a        TTYPE_OBJ
^a        TTYPE_PLR
^a        TTYPE_MOB
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^a      See also: ^Gc4thing ^rSendAction SendThing
^gstr   ^rThingGetName    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^C      Returns the tSDesc field of <^psomething^C>, usually the thing's name.
^C      Returns NULL on error.

^a      See also: ^Gc4thing ^rBaseGetKey
^gstr   ^rThingGetDesc    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^C      Returns the tDesc field of <^psomething^C>, usually the thing's description
      Returns NULL on error.

^a      See also: ^Gc4thing ^rThingGetKey
^gextra ^rThingGetExtra   ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^C      Returns the first extra in the extra list for <^psomething^C>.
      Returns ENULL on error or empty extra list.

^a      See also: ^Gc4thing ^rExtraFind ExtraGetNext ExtraGetKey
^gthing ^rThingGetNext    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^C      Returns the next thing contained in the same container as <^psomething^C>.
       The container could be an object containing objects, or a MOB/PLR
       containing objects, or a WLD containing MOB/PLR/OBJ.
      Returns TNULL on error or end of list.

^a      See also: ^Gc4thing ^rThingFind ThingGetContain
^gint   ^rThingGetWait    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^C      Returns <^psomething^C>'s tWait value. 
      The tWait value, if >0, is decremented each segment (about 1 second or 
       'round' of play). <^psomething^C> is allowed to move or perform 
       actions if the tWait value is zero. If tWait is >0, <^psomething^C> 
       is essentially 'frozen' until tWait reaches zero. When 'frozen', 
       <^psomething^C> will still receive messages and be able to see and 
       hear what's going on. However, any commands entered/typed by 
       <^psomething^C> will not be parsed (ie happen) until tWait reaches zero.
      Setting tWait to a negative number will allow <^psomething^C> to
       'speed up' commands which would otherwise take a segment to complete.
       For example, suppose <^psomething^C> has a negative tWait value, and
       <^psomething^C> tries picking a lock. Picking a lock takes 1 segment to 
       accomplish. Essentially, <^psomething^C> normally cannot move or 
       otherwise take any action for 1 segment. However, since <^psomething^C>
       has a negative tWait value, picking the lock will only increment
       tWait by 1, resulting in a negative or zero tWait value, and thus
       <^psomething^C> may immediately make another action.
      Currently, the operations which act upon tWait and require a segment
       (ie a round of play) to accomplish are:
^a        Casting spells
^a        Fleeing from a fight
^a        Movement
^a        Picking mechanical locks
^a        Hacking electronic locks
^C      Note that the tWait value has no affect on fighting. A PLR/MOB
^C       'frozen' with a tWait value >0 still gets their normal fighting 
         rounds, and a PLR/MOB with tWait <0 doesn't get any extra rounds.
         The execution of C4 scripts also does not depend in any way on 
         the tWait value.
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^a      See also: ^Gc4thing ^rThingSetWait ThingGetIdleWait ThingSetIdleWait
^gint   ^rThingSetWait    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a, ^gint ^pwaitval^a)
^C      Sets <^psomething^C>'s tWait value to <^pwaitval^C>. 
^C      For a detailed description of the tWait value, refer to ThingGetWait.
^C      Returns <^psomething^C>'s previous tWait value, or 0 on error.

^a      See also: ^Gc4thing ^rThingGetWait ThingGetIdleWait ThingSetIdleWait
_ThingGetIdleWait _ThingSetIdleWait~
^gint   ^rThingGetIdleWait    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^gint   ^rThingSetIdleWait    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a, ^gint ^pwaitval^a)
^C      ThingGetIdleWait  returns <^psomething^C>'s tIdleWait value. @IDLE 
       events occur every four segments (rounds). However, it is not 
       always desireable to have @IDLE events run so frequently. 
^C      If <^psomething^C> has an attached @IDLE event, each time its 
       @IDLE event is called, and tIdleWait=0, the C4 events runs. If
       tIdleWait>0, however, then tIdleWait is decremented by 1 and 
       the @IDLE event does not occur.
^C      If tIdleWait <0 then @IDLE will never occur. This "turns off" the
       @IDLE event.
      ThingSetIdleWait sets <^psomething^C>'s tIdleWait to <^pwaitval^C>.
^C      Returns 0 on error.
^a      See also: ^Gc4thing ^rThingGetWait ThingSetWait
^gthing ^rThingGetContain ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^C      Returns the first thing that <^psomething^C> contains.
      Returns TNULL on error.

^a      See also: ^Gc4thing ^rThingGetNext ThingFind
^gint   ^rThingTo         ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pit^a, ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pto^a)
^C      Sends the thing <^pit^C> into the thing <^pto^C>. If <^pit^C> is PLR/MOB, then
       <^pto^C> must be WLD (You can't stuff JoePlayer(PLR) into a bag(OBJ) for
       example). If <^pit^C> is OBJ, <^pto^C> can be anything. Use this function
       to transfer an item from one PLR/MOB to another, or to transfer 
       a PLR/MOB to a new room, or just about anything inbetween.
      If two characters are fighting, and you move one to another room, the
       fighting will be stopped.
      Returns 1 (TRUE) if successful, otherwise 0 (FALSE).

^a      See also: ^Gc4thing ^rThingFind ThingGetContain BaseGetInside
^gthing ^rThingFind       ^a(^gstr ^pkey^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a, ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psearch_thing^a, 
                       ^gint ^pflags^a, ^gint ^poffset^a)
^C      General-purpose search engine. Will search <^psearch_thing^C> for 
       a THING with a keyword list containing <^pkey^C> or virtual number
       <^pvirtual^C>. Only one of <^pkey^C> or <^pvirtual^C> is required;
       if both are specified, both will be used and searched for. The
       <^pflags^C> parameter specifies the operation of the search and
       can be one or more flags as specified below, or-ed together. The
       parameter <^poffset^C> forces the search to continue until the
       <^poffset^C>th THING is found. 

^C      NOTE: If you are searching for things which are visible by a
      character, use CharThingFind which will only return things visible
      by a character.

      If no <^pkey^C> is desired, use NULL. If no <^Pvirtual^C> is desired,
       use -1. If no <^psearch_thing^C> is specified, use TNULL. If <^pflags^C>
       is equal to 0, ThingFind will always return TNULL. If <^poffset^C> is
       not desired, use 0 for ThingFind to return the first object found.

      Flag values (multiple flags may be or'ed (|) together:
^a        TF_PLR           search for a PLR
^a        TF_OBJ           search for an OBJ
^a        TF_MOB           search for a MOB
^a        TF_PLR_ANYWHERE  search for PLR *anywhere* in game
^a        TF_MOB_ANYWHERE  search for MOB *anywhere* in game
^a        TF_OBJ_ANYWHERE  search for OBJ *anywhere* in game
^a        TF_PLR_WLD       search for PLR inside a WLD(room)
^a        TF_MOB_WLD       search for MOB inside a WLD(room)
^a        TF_OBJ_WLD       search for OBJ inside a WLD(room)
^a        TF_WLD           search for WLD, treat <^pkey^a> as keylist
^a        TF_OBJINV        search for OBJ in a PLR/MOB inventory
^a        TF_OBJEQUIP      search for OBJ in a PLR/MOB equipment list
^a        TF_CONTINUE      continue last search
^a        TF_ALLMATCH      find everything - overrides all other flags

^C      Example:
^a        t=ThingFind("dude",162,WorldOf(184),TF_MOB|TF_PLR,2)
^C      t will point to the second MOB/PLR found in room #184 whose virtual 
       number is 162 OR whose keylist includes "dude".
^C      Returns thing found, TNULL if nothing is found or on error.

^a      See also: ^Gc4thing ^rThingTo ThingGetContain BaseGetInside 
                CharThingFind WorldOf
^gthing ^rCharThingFind   ^a(^gthing PLR ^pcharacter^a, ^gstr ^pkey^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a, 
                       ^gthing ^psearch_thing^a, ^gint ^pflags^a, ^gint ^poffset^a)
^C      This function operates exactly the same as ThingFind, except this 
       function will not return any thing which <^pcharacter^C> cannot see
       (because it's invisible, room is dark, etc). 

       Refer to ThingFind for further documentation.

^a      See also: ^Gc4thing c4character ^rThingFind ThingTo BaseGetInside 
                WorldOf ThingGetContain
^gthing ^rWorldOf         ^a(^gint ^pvirtual_num^a)
^C      Returns the room with the virtual number specified by <^pvirtual_num^C>.
      Returns TNULL on error (ie room doesn't exist).

^a      See also: ^Gc4world ^rWorldGetVirtual BaseGetInside ThingTo 
^gint   ^rWorldGetVirtual ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a)
^C      Returns the virtual number of <^pworld^C>.
      Returns 0 on error.

^a      See also: ^Gc4world ^rWorldOf BaseGetInside ThingTo
_WorldGetType _WorldSetType~
^gint   ^rWorldGetType    ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a)
^gint   ^rWorldSetType    ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a, ^gint ^ptype^a)
^C      These functions allow you to view and change the type of
	  WorldSetType will return the type of <^pworld^C> BEFORE it
	   is changed to <^ptype^C>.

^C      <^ptype^C> may be one of the following values:
^C       (note: MP cost is different for each and shown in []'s)
^a        WT_INDOORS       [1] 
^a        WT_CITY          [2] 
^a        WT_FIELD         [3] 
^a        WT_FOREST        [4] 
^a        WT_HILLS         [4] 
^a        WT_MOUNTAIN      [5] 
^a        WT_WATERSWIM     [4] 
^a        WT_WATERNOSWIM   [1] cannot cross without boat
^a        WT_UNDERWATER    [4] can drown 
^a        WT_VACUUM        [3] explosive decompression
^a        WT_DESERT        [3] become thirsty faster (forthcoming)
^a        WT_ARCTIC        [3] 
^a        WT_ROAD          [1] 
^a        WT_TRAIL         [2] 

^a      See also: ^Gc4world ^rWorldOf WorldGetFlag
_WorldGetFlag _WorldSetFlag~
^gint   ^rWorldGetFlag    ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a)
^gint   ^rWorldSetFlag    ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a, ^gint ^pflag^a)
^C      These functions allow you to view and change the flags 
       affecting <^pworld^C>. 
	  WorldSetFlag will return the type of <^pworld^C> BEFORE it
	   is changed to <^pflag^C>.

      Flag values (multiple flags may be or'ed (|) together:
^a        WF_DARK           Light source required to see
^a        WF_DEATHTRAP      Instant death for PLR/MOBs
^a        WF_NOMOB          MOB won't wander in by itself
^a        WF_VACUUM         Explosive decompression
^a        WF_NOGOOD         No good PLR/MOB can enter
^a        WF_NONEUTRAL      No neutral PLR/MOB can enter
^a        WF_NOEVIL         No evil PLR/MOB can enter
^a        WF_NOPSIONIC      No psionic abilities will work in room
^a        WF_SMALL          Only 3 people max can fit in room
^a        WF_PRIVATE        No snooping allowed (forthcoming)
^a        WF_DRAINPOWER     Continual PP drain (loss) while in room
^a        WF_NOTELEPORTOUT  No teleporting out of room allowed
^a        WF_NOTELEPORTIN   No teleporting into room allowed

^a      See also: ^Gc4world ^rWorldOf WorldGetFlagBit
_WorldGetFlagBit _WorldSetFlagBit WorldClearFlagBit~
^gint   ^rWorldGetFlagBit ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rWorldSetFlagBit ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rWorldClearFlagBit ^a(^gthing WLD ^pworld^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^C      These functions operate on only the specified <^pbit^C>s in
       the flag field for <^pworld^C>. 
	  WorldGetFlagBit will return the status of the <^pbit^C> bits
	   with all other bits masked out (ie: set to 0).
	  WorldSetFlagBit will set the <^pbit^C> bits to a value of 1
	   while leaving any other bits in the flag field unchanged.
	   WorldSetFlagBit will return the value of these bits BEFORE
	   they are set, as in the WorldGetFlagBit function. 
	  WorldClearFlagBit will set the <^pbit^C> bits to a value of 0
	   while leaving any other bits in the flag field unchanged.
	   WorldSetFlagBit will return the value of these bits BEFORE
	   they are set, as in the WorldGetFlagBit function. 

      For a description of the valid values for <^pbit^C>, refer
	   to WorldGetFlag/WorldSetFlag.

^a      See also: ^Gc4world ^rWorldOf WorldGetFlag
^gstr   ^rBaseGetKey      ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pbasething^a)
^C      For things of BASE type (ie PLR, MOB, & OBJ), returns <^pbasething^C>'s
       player name (for PLR), key list for MOB & OBJ.
      Returns NULL on error.
^gstr   ^rBaseGetLDesc    ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pbasething^a)
^C      For things of BASE type (ie PLR, MOB, & OBJ), returns <^pbasething^C>'s
       long description; the player title (PLR) or like "A Black Pistol
       is lying here" for MOB & OBJ.
      Returns NULL on error.
^gthing ^rBaseGetInside   ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pbasething^a)
^C      Returns the thing that <^pbasething^C> is inside. If PLR or MOB, this 
       will be the WLD they are currently in. For OBJ, it coult be a WLD, 
       a PLR/MOB if it's in that PLR/MOB's inventory, or OBJ if it is inside 
       something like a container of some sort (eg: binside(bread)=bag  
       and binside(bag)=JanePlayer)
      Returns TNULL on error.
^gint   ^rBaseGetConWeight^a(^gthing PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pbasething^a)
^C      Returns the total weight of everything inside <^pbasething^C>. For 
       PLR/MOB, this is the total weight of everything the PLR/MOB is 
       carying. For OBJ, it's the total weight of everything that's inside 
       the OBJ
      Returns 0 on error.
^gint   ^rBaseGetWeight   ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pbasething^a)
^C      For things of BASE type (ie PLR, MOB, & OBJ), returns <^pbasething^C>'s
      Returns 0 on error.
_ObjectCreate _ObjectCreateNum~
^gthing ^rObjectCreate    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdstthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^gthing ^rObjectCreateNum ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdstthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a,
                       ^gint ^pnumber^a))
^C      Creates the object with the virtual number <^pvirtual^C>, and gives it
       to the thing <^pdstthing^C>. ObjectCreateNum will create <^pnumber^C>
       objects, up to a maximum of 200. 
      ObjectCreate returns a pointer to the newly created object. 
      ObjectCreateNum returns a pointer to the last object created.
      Returns TNULL on error.
^gint   ^rObjectRemove    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdstthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^C      Destroys the object with the virtual number <^pvirtual^C> that the 
       thing <^pdstthing^C> contains. It will destroy only the first object
       of number <^pvirtual^C> that it finds, and then stop. Returns 1 (TRUE) if
       an object was successfully destroyed. 
      Returns 0 error.

^C      WARNING: Don't refer to an object once it's free'ed. Refer to
       c4ov_pointers for more information.
^gint   ^rObjectFree      ^a(^gthing OBJ ^pobject^a)
^C      Destroys the object <^pobject^C>. Returns 1 (TRUE) if successful.
      Returns 0 on error.

^C      WARNING: Don't refer to an object once it's free'ed. Refer to
       c4ov_pointers for more information.

^gthing ^rObjectContain   ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pcontainthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^C      Returns the first object <^pvirtual^C> that is found being contained
       by <^pcontainthing>. <^pvirtual^C> is the object's virtual object 
       number. Returns TNULL if no object is found being contained by 
       <^pcontainthing^C> with a virtual object number <^pvirtual^C>.
      Returns TNULL on error.
_ObjectCount _ObjectCountInv _ObjectCountEqu~
^gint   ^rObjectCount     ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pcontainthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^gint   ^rObjectCountInv  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pcontainthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^gint   ^rObjectCountEqu  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pcontainthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^C      Returns the number of objects that are found being contained
       by <^pcontainthing^C> with virtual number <^pvirtual^C>. Returns
       0 if no object is found being contained by <^pcontainthing^C> with a 
       virtual object number <^pvirtual^C>.
      ObjectCount counts ALL objects, whether they are equipped or not.
      ObjectCountInv only counts inventory items (ie: NOT equipped objects).
      ObjectCountEqu only counts equipped items (ie: NOT inventory objects).
      Returns 0 on error.

      See also: ^Gc4object ^rObjectContain ObjectFree ObjectStrip
_ObjectStrip _ObjectStripInv _ObjectStripEqu~
^gint   ^rObjectStrip     ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psrcthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual_low^a,
                       ^gint ^pvirtual_high^a, ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdstthing^a)
^gint   ^rObjectStripInv  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psrcthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual_low^a,
                       ^gint ^pvirtual_high^a, ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdstthing^a)
^gint   ^rObjectStripEqu  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psrcthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual_low^a,
                       ^gint ^pvirtual_high^a, ^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^pdstthing^a)

^C      Moves all objects with virtual numbers between <^pvirtual_low^C> 
       and <^pvirtual_high^C> (including <^pvirtual_low^C> and 
       <^pvirtual_high^C>) from <^psrcthing^C> to <^pdstthing^C>. If
       <^pdstthing^C> is TNULL, the objects are deleted (free'ed).
      ObjectStrip removes items whether they are in the inventory or equipped.
      ObjectStripInv only removes items in the inventory (unequipped).
      ObjectStripEqu only removes items if they are equipped. 
      Returns the number of objects moved, or 0 on error.

^C      WARNING: Don't refer to an object once it's free'ed. Refer to
       c4ov_pointers for more information.

^C      See also: ^Gc4object c4character ^rObjectFree ObjectCount
^gint   ^rObjectBuy       ^a(^gthing MOB ^pmerchant^a, ^gthing PLR/MOB ^pbuyer^a,
                       ^gstr ^pcommand^a, ^gint ^pmarkup^a, ^getc ^pv1...^a)
^C      This function is an all-in-one shop-keeper function for implementing
       the "buy" and "list" commands. The most common call for this function 
       is for a shop-owner MOB to call this with a line similar to:

^a         if (ObjectBuy(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,COMMAND,110,...))
^a         else if (ObjectSell(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,COMMAND,80,...)) etc.

^C       <^pmerchant^C> represents the "seller" of the object(s). 
       <^pbuyer^C> represents a MOB/PLR which as issued a command similar to:

^a         buy 10.stockings

^C     or

^a         list

^C      ObjectBuy will parse <^pcommand^C> for the buy and list commands, 
       assuming "bu","b","lis","li", and "l" are all matches. 
      <^pmarkup^C> represents how much the merchant will mark-up the 
       item price, based on the price of the object's price in the 
       object's template. <^pmarkup^C> is a percentage value; 100 equals
       100% markup (no markup) -- item is sold for the price listed in the
       object template -- 145 equals 145% markup, and so on. Values for
       <^pmarkup^C> UNDER 100 will be converted to 100 to avoid the situation
       whereby a merchant could sell an object for less that it would buy it
       back (producing a great money-making situation).
      <^pv1^C> etc. represent a list of object virtual numbers; these 
       are the items which the merchant has unlimited stock of. For example, 
       if <^pv1^C>=100, the merchant will never "run out" of object #100's.
       <^pv1^C> etc, MUST be of type INT.
      <^pmerchant^C> will also sell any items in its inventory (NOT 
      This function also searches the inventory list of <^pmerchant^C> 
       and removes any items found which the merchant has an "unlimited" 
       supply of. 
      This function returns the number of objects bought. -1 is returned
       if the command was processed, but no purchases were made (eg: if
       the "list" command was issued). 0 is returned if the command was
       NOT processed, or an error occurred.

^C      See also: ^Gc4object ^rObjectSell CharGetMoney CharSetMoney
^gint   ^rObjectSell      ^a(^gthing MOB ^pmerchant^a, ^gthing PLR/MOB ^pseller^a,
                       ^gstr ^pcommand^a, ^gint ^pmarkdown^a, ^getc ^pvs1...^a)
^C      This function is an all-in-one shop-keeper function for implementing
       the "sell" and "value" commands. The most common call for this function 
       is for a shop-owner MOB to call this with lines similar to:

^a         if (ObjectSell(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,COMMAND,80,...))
           else if (ObjectBuy(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,COMMAND,110,etc...

^C       <^pmerchant^C> represents the "buyer" of the object(s). 
       <^pseller^C> represents a MOB/PLR which as issued a command similar to:

^a         sell rifle

^C      or

^a         value pistol

^C      ObjectSell will parse <^pcommand^C> for the sell commands, 
       assuming "sel","se", "s", "valu", "va", etc,  are all matches. 
      <^pmarkdown^C> represents how much the merchant will mark-down the 
       item price, based on the price of the object's price in the 
       object's template. <^pmarkdown^C> is a percentage value; 100 equals
       100% markdown (no markdown) -- item is bought for the price listed in 
       the object template -- 80 equals 80% markdown -- item is bought for
       80% of the price listed in the object template, and so on. Values for
       <^pmarkdown^C> ABOVE 100 will be converted to 100 to avoid the situation
       whereby a merchant could sell an object for less that it would buy it
       back (producing a great money-making situation).
      <^pvs1^C> etc. represent a list of object virtual numbers or object
       category types; these are the items which the merchant will purchase.
      For example: if <^pvs1^C>=100, the merchant will purchase object #100's.
       If <^pvs2^C>="WEAPON", the merchant will purchase any object from 
       type "WEAPON" type. See below for a list of weapon types. <^pvs1^C>
       etc. MUST be of either type INT or STR. INT parameters are assumed
       to be object virtual numbers. STR parameters are assumed to be 
       string object types.
      This function returns 1(TRUE) if the command was processed, or
       0(FALSE) if the command was NOT processed or if an error occurred.

^C      List of object types:
^C      (More may be added by the sysadmin)

^C      See also: ^Gc4object ^rObjectBuy CharGetMoney CharSetMoney
^gint   ^rObjectRedeem    ^a(^gthing MOB ^pmerchant^a, ^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcustomer^a,
                       ^gstr ^pcommand^a, ^gint ^pmarkdown^a, ^gint ^pflag^a)
^C      This is a general-purpose bio- or chip- sample redeeming function.
       The idea is that <^pcustomer^C> has given the "redeem" request to
       <^pmerchant^C> in their <^pcommand^C>. The <^pmerchant^C> will then
       check the <^pcustomer^C> for biological or technical (chip) scans. If
       scans are found, the <^pcustomer^C> will be given money and the scans
       removed. The scans will me marked down to <^pmarkdown^C>%. 
       IE: <^pmarkdown^C> can be 0-100.

^C      The <^pflag^C> can be one or more of the following:
^a         OR_BIO      - redeems BIOLOGICAL scans
^a         OR_CHIP     - redeems TECHNOLOGICAL (chip) scans
^a         OR_RICH     - will generate money in order to buy scans. 
                       WITHOUT OR_RICH, the mob will only buy scans
                       if it has enough money itself to cover the cost.

^C      See also: ^Gc4object ^rObjectBuy CharGetMoney CharSetMoney
^gint   ^rObjectGetVirtual^a(^gthing OBJ ^pobject^a)
_CharAction _CharActionStr~
^gint   ^rCharAction      ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gstr ^paction^a)
^gint   ^rCharActionStr   ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gstr ^paction^a, ^getc^p p1...^a)
^C      Forces <^pcharacter^C> to take action <^paction^C>, as though they had typed
       it in from their keyboard, with one big difference; When someone types
       something in at their keyboard, it may cause a C4 script to execute,
       such as an @COMMAND event. With the `force' function, the <^paction^C> 
       will NOT, I repeat NOT, cause a C4 action to be taken. 
       So say two MOBs, m1 and m2, are in a room. m1 is programed with C4 to
       respond to someone saying "hi" (ie typing "say hi" on their keyboard).
       If m2 is forced to say hi (ie CharAction(m2,"say hi")), m1 will NOT 
       respond.  You see, that would cause C4 scripts to be called recursively, 
       and that might just lead to problems; imagine two MOBs programmed to 
       respond to someone saying "hi" by responding with "hi". They would have 
       a wonderful conversation - indefinately - forever - can we say "crash".
       The function returns 1 (TRUE) if the action was successfully executed.
^a        CharAction(JoePlayer,"fight guard") 
^a        This will force JoePlayer to attack the PLR/MOB "guard"
^C      Returns 0 on error.
^gint   ^rCharGetLevel    ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^C      Returns <^pcharacter^C>'s current level.
      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4char ^r
_CharGetHitP _CharGetHitPMax~
^gint   ^rCharGetHitP     ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^gint   ^rCharGetHitPMax  ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^C      CharGetHitP() returns the <^pcharacter^C>'s hit points. 
      CharGetHitPMax() returns the <^pcharacter^C>'s maximum hit points. 
      Returns 0 on error.
^gint   ^rCharGetMovePMax ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^C      CharGetMovePMax() returns the <^pcharacter^C>'s maximum movement points. 
      Returns 0 on error.
^gint   ^rCharGetPowerPMax^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^C      CharGetPowerPMax() returns the <^pcharacter^C>'s maximum power points. 
      Returns 0 on error.
^gint   ^rCharSetHitP     ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gint ^phitpoints^a)
^C      Sets the <^pcharacter^C>'s hit points to <^phitpoints^C>. If successful, 
       returns <^pcharacter^C>'s previous hit points. If you try to set the 
       hit points beyond the <^pcharacter^C>'s maximum hit points, the hit 
       points will be set to <^pcharacter^C>'s max hit points.
      Returns 0 on error.
^gint   ^rCharGetMoney    ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^C      Returns the <^pcharacter^C>'s money. 
^C      Returns 0 on error.
^gint   ^rCharSetMoney    ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gint ^pmoney^a)
^C      Sets the <^pcharacter^C>'s money to <^pmoney^C>. If successful, 
       returns <^pcharacter^C>'s previous amount.
      Returns 0 on error.
^gint   ^rCharGetExp      ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^C      Returns the <^pcharacter^C>'s experience. 
^C      Returns 0 on error.
^gint   ^rCharGainExp     ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gint ^pexp^a)
^C      Increments <^pcharacter^C>'s experience by <^pexp^C>. If successful, 
       returns <^pcharacter^C>'s previous experience.
      A function directly setting the experience level is not provided because
       the function ^rCharGainExp^C does level/practice/etc. modification
       processing as well as experience processing, which requires both the
       current experience and skill levels, and the new experience points.
      Moral: use this function and don't bitch - it's complicated.
^gint   ^rCharGainExpGroup^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gint ^pexp^a)
^C      A group is a bunch of things tied together internally. <^pcharacter^C> 
        should point to any PLR/MOB in the group. This function gives the 
        group <^pexp^C> experience points, distributing it accordingly.
^C       Returns 0, always.

^C       See also: ^Gc4character ^rCharGainExp CharPractice
^athing CharFind        (thing WLD room, int mob_virtual)
^C      Use of this function is not advised. This function is slated
       to be phased out. Use ThingFind instead.

^gint   ^rCharPractice    ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gstr ^pcommand^a,
                       ^gint ^ppracflag^a, ^gint ^pnopracflag^a, ^gint ^pmaxlevel^a)
^C      This function evaluates the command line <^pcommand^C> and, if found
       to be a valid practice command, processes the command accordingly.
       The skills available for practice are defined by <^ppracflag^C>, and
       explicit exclusions may be included in <^pnopracflag^C>. The 
       practice level will not exceed <^pmaxlevel^C>. The flags
       <^ppracflag^C> and <^pnopracflag^C> may be one or more of the 
       following, or-ed together:

^a        SF_WEAPON      SF_MELEE       SF_LASER       SF_SLUG
^a        SF_BLASTER     SF_ION         SF_SUPPORT     SF_PLASMA

^C      Returns 1 if command is process as practice command, otherwise 0.

^C      More on this function later. 

^C      See also: ^Gc4character ^rCharGainExp CharGainExpGroup
^gthing ^rCharGetFighting ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^C      Returns the thing <^pcharacter^C> is currently fighting. 
       NOTE that this returns the thing <^pcharacter^C> is trying to hit;
       the thing returned isn't necessarily fighting <^pcharacter^C>. 
^a        suppose: player 'a' is fighting player 'b'
^a                 player 'b' is fighting player 'c'
^a        CharGetFighting('a') returns 'b'
^a        CharGetFighting('b') returns 'c'  
       Returns TNULL on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4character 
^gint   ^rCharIsLeader    ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^C      Returns 1(TRUE) if <^pcharacter^C> is the leader of the party
       <^pcharacter^C> belongs to.
      Returns 0 on error. 

^C      See also: ^Gc4character ^rCharGetLeader CharGetFollower
^gthing ^rCharGetLeader   ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^C      Returns the thing leading the party <^pcharacter^C> is 
       currently a member of.
^C      Returns TNULL on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4character ^rCharIsLeader CharGetFollower
^gthing ^rCharGetFollower ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^C      Returns the thing following <^pcharacter^C>. Characters in a party
       are arranged in a linked-follow-chain; starting with the leader, 
       each member in the party points to the next member of the party. 
       Use this function to loop through all of the members of the party.
^C      Returns TNULL on error or if <^pcharacter^C> is the last member
      of the party.

^C      See also: ^Gc4character ^rCharGetLeader CharIsLeader
^g<null>^rFightStart      ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^paggressor^a, ^gthing PLR/MOB ^ptarget^a)
^C      Starts a fight between <^paggressor^C> and <^ptarget^C>. 
^C      If <^paggressor^C> is already fighting someone, the fight will continue, 
       but <^paggressor^C> will now hit <^ptarget^C> instead of the previous
^C      If <^ptarget^C> is currently fighting something, <^ptarget^C>'s 
       current fight will contine. Otherwise, <^ptarget^C> will start
       fighting <^paggressor^C>.
^C      If <^ptarget^C> has friends (is in a group), any friends not already
       engaged in a fight themselves will attack <^paggressor^C>.

^C      See also: ^Gc4fight ^rFightStop FightDamage FightDamageRaw CharGetFighting
^gint   ^rFightDamage     ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^paggressor^a, ^gint ^pdamage^a, 
                       ^gint ^phitNum^a, ^gint ^pdamFlag^a, ^gint ^pdamType^a, 
                       ^gstr ^pweaponName^a)
^C      Inflicts <^paggressor^C>'s target with damage. NOTE that for this
       function to be of any use, <^paggressor^C> must already be engaged
       in a fight! You can get <^paggressor^C>'s target by calling
^C      The target will be inflicted with <^pdamage^C> points TOTAL of damage,
       minus any resistances the target may have. 
^C      The target will be hit <^phitNum^C> times. 
^C      The type of attack is specified by <^pdamFlag^C> and can be one or more
       of the following:
^a        FD_EMR         FD_LASER       FD_PSYCHIC     FD_ACID
^a        FD_POISON

^C      <^pdamType^C> is not currently used and should be left 0. However, 
       it can take ONE of the following: (DO NOT "OR" (|) THESE TOGETHER)
^a        FR_EMR         FR_LASER       FR_PSYCHIC     FR_ACID
^a        FR_POISON      FR_NONE
^C      <^pweaponName^C> is a STR with the type of weapon used.

^C      Example: in an @FIGHTING event, the following adds an extra attack
               doing 5d10 damage done by a single acid/poison combo attack.
^a        {
        FightDamage(CODE_THING,Dice(5,10),1,FD_ACID|FD_POISON,0,"acid cloud");

^C      Returns TRUE (1) if the target died as a result of this call, 
       FALSE (0) otherwise.
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4fight ^rFightStart FightDamageRaw FightStop CharGetFighting
^gint   ^rFightDamageRaw  ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^paggressor^a, ^gthing PLR/MOB ^ptarget^a,
                       ^gint ^pdamage^a)
^C      Inflicts target with damage. NOTE that the aggressor thing is optional.
       If present aggressor will be credited with experience in the event that 
       target is killed by the damage inflicted.

       This function silently inflicts the damage, the script calling this should
       probably send a message to the player so that they know what is going on!

^C      Example: in an @AFTEREXIT, the following inflicts damage on the exitee.
^a      {
        FightDamageRaw(TNULL, EVENT_THING,Dice(5,10));
        SendThing(EVENT_THING, "^rYou trip and hurt yourself!\n");

^C      Returns TRUE (1) if the target died as a result of this call,
       FALSE (0) otherwise.
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4fight ^rFightStart FightDamage FightStop CharGetFighting
^g<null>^rFightStop       ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pparticipant^a)
^C      If <^pparticipant^C> is currently fighting something, the fight is

^C      See also: ^Gc4fight ^rFightStart FightDamage CharGetFighting
^gint   ^rPropertySetStr  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^ppropthing^a, ^gstr ^ppKey^a, ^gstr ^ppValue^a)
^C      Writes <^ppValue^C> into the <^ppKey^C> property of <^ppropthing^C>.
       If the property <^ppKey^C> does not exist, this function will create it.
       If the property <^ppKey^C> already exists, this function will overwrite
       it with the str specified in <^ppValue^C>.
      Returns 1 if successful, or 0 if there is an error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4property ^rPropertySetInt PropertyGetStr PropertyGetInt
_MobileCreate _MobileCreateNum~
^gthing ^rMobileCreate    ^a(^gthing WLD ^pdstthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a)
^gthing ^rMobileCreateNum ^a(^gthing WLD ^pdstthing^a, ^gint ^pvirtual^a,
                       ^gint ^pnumber^a))
^C      Creates the mobile with the virtual number <^pvirtual^C>, and puts it
       in the room <^pdstthing^C>. MobileCreateNum will create <^pnumber^C>
       mobiles, up to a maximum of 200. 
      MobileCreate returns a pointer to the newly created MOB. 
      MobileCreateNum returns a pointer to the last MOB created.
      Returns TNULL on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4mobile c4character ^rObjectCreate
^gint   ^rPropertySetInt  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^ppropthing^a, ^gstr ^ppKey^a, ^gint ^ppValue^a)
^C      Writes <^ppValue^C> into the <^ppKey^C> property of <^ppropthing^C>.
       If the property <^ppKey^C> does not exist, this function will create it.
       If the property <^ppKey^C> already exists, this function will overwrite
       it with the str specified in <^ppValue^C>.
      Returns 1 if successful, or 0 if there is an error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4property ^rPropertySetStr PropertyGetStr PropertyGetInt
^gint   ^rPropertyExist   ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^ppropthing^a, ^gstr ^ppKey^a)
^C      This function check to see if the property <^ppKey^C> exists in the
       property list of <^ppropthing^C>. 
      Returns 1 if the property <^pKey^C> exists, else 0.

^C      See also: ^Gc4property ^rPropertyGetStr PropertyGetInt PropertyFree
^gint   ^rPropertyGetInt  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^ppropthing^a, ^gstr ^ppKey^a)
^C      This function finds the <^ppKey^C> property connected to <^ppropthing^C>
       and returns the value of the property as a signed integer (int).
      Returns 0 if the property <^pKey^C> does not exist or if there's an error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4property ^rPropertyGetStr PropertySetInt PropertySetStr
^gstr   ^rPropertyGetStr  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^ppropthing^a, ^gstr ^ppKey^a)
^C      This function finds the <^ppKey^C> property connected to <^ppropthing^C>
       and returns the value of the property as a str.
      Returns NULL if the property <^pKey^C> does not exist or if there's an 

^C      See also: ^Gc4property ^rPropertyGetInt PropertySetInt PropertySetStr
^gstr   ^rPropertyFree    ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^ppropthing^a, ^gstr ^ppKey^a)
^C      This function finds the <^ppKey^C> property connected to <^ppropthing^C>
       and frees the property (deletes it - removes it from <^ppropthing^C>'s 
       property list).
      Returns 1 if successful, or 0 if there's an error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4property ^rPropertyExist PropertySetInt PropertySetStr
^g<null>^rPlayerWrite     ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a)
^C      This function causes <^pplayer^C>'s clone stats to be updated.
       Essentially, this saves the player's stats so that the new stats are
       restored should the player die. This is essential for areas where
       "brain dumps" are performed.

^C      See also: ^Gc4player 
^gint   ^rPlayerGetBank   ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a)
^C      Returns the <^pplayer^C>'s bank balance. 
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4player ^rPlayerSetBank PlayerBank CharGetMoney
^gint   ^rPlayerSetBank   ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a, ^gint ^pcredits^a)
^C      Sets the <^pplayer^C>'s bank balance to <^pcredits^C>. 
^C      Returns the <^pplayer^C>'s previous bank balance. 
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4player ^rPlayerGetBank PlayerBank CharSetMoney
^gint   ^rPlayerGetRace     ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a)
^C      Returns the <^pplayer^C>'s RACE type. The valid types are:


^C      Returns 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4player
^gint   ^rPlayerBank      ^a(^gthing MOB/OBJ teller^a, ^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a, 
                       ^gstr ^pcmd^a)
^C      This function is an all-in-one bank teller function for implementing
       the "withdraw", "deposit", and "balance" commands. The most common 
       call for this function is for an OBJ or MOB to call this with lines 
       similar to:

^a         if (PlayerBank(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,COMMAND)) {
^C      If <^pteller^C> is of type OBJ, the text shown to the player will be
       machine-like and cold. If <^pteller^C> is of type MOB, the text
       will be more personable and warm.
^C      <^pplayer^C> is the player whose bank account is to be accessed. 
       <^pcmd^C> is a command line STR to be parsed and checked for a banking

^C      Returns 1 if a bank command was processed, othersise 0.
^C      Returns 0 on error.
^C      See also: ^Gc4player ^rPlayerGetBank CharGetMoney
^gint   ^rPlayerGainFame   ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a, ^gint ^pfame^a)
^C      Adds/Subtracts fame to the player in question. Gives them a message
^C      telling them what happened.
^C      Returns the <^pplayer^C>'s adjusted fame. 
^C      You can check their current fame by passing a <^pfame^C> of 0.
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^C      NOTE: Generally speaking the first time a quest is solved it should
        award the player with a point of fame. I suppose if it was 
        inconceivably hard, you MIGHT, *MAYBE* award 2 points.

^C      See also: ^Gc4player ^rPlayerGainInfamy
^gint   ^rPlayerGainInfamy   ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a, ^gint ^pinfamy^a)
^C      Adds/Subtracts infamy to the player in question. Gives them a message
^C      telling them what happened
^C      Returns the <^pplayer^C>'s adjusted infamy. 
^C      You can check their current infamy by passing a <^pinfamy^C> of 0.
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^C      NOTE: Infamy is uniformly a bad thing, something players should try
        to avoid. So this function should be used very sparingly as 
        punishment for misdeeds. The mud server itself will award infamy 
        pts to players caught stealing or killing other players.

^C      See also: ^Gc4player ^rPlayerGainFame
^gint   ^rPlayerSolvedQuest ^a(^gthing PLR ^pplayer^a, ^gstr ^pmessage^a
                       ^gint ^pexp^a, ^gint ^pfame^a, ^gstr ^pproperty^a, ^gint ^ppvalue^a)
^C      The All-in-one, everything but the kitchen sink, player solved a quest
^C      function, so simple even a poorly-trained, one-eyed, lobotomized monkey
^C      could figure out how to use it.

^C      This function will let a player solve a quest exactly once and then
^C      not do anything forever after.
^C      Returns 0 on error or if they have already solved the quest. 
^C      (Property <^pproperty^C> is >= <^ppvalue^C>)
^C      Returns <^ppvalue^C> if they have just solved the quest

^C      Typically you would do something like this with it:
^C      PlayerSolvedQuest(EVENT_THING, 
^C                        "You've solved the quest!\n",
^C                        5000,
^C                        1,
^C                        "MyAreaName-QuestName",
^C                        1);

^C      See also: ^Gc4player
^gexit  ^rExitFind        ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gstr ^pkey^a)
^C      Returns the exit from <^proom^C> which has a keyword match with
      Returns XNULL if a match is not found or on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitDir ExitReverse ExitGetDir ExitGetFlag
^gexit  ^rExitDir         ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gint ^pdir^a)
^C      Returns the exit from <^proom^C> which goes in <^pdir^C> direction.
      Returns XNULL on error.

      Valid Directions are:

^a        EDIR_WEST     EDIR_UP       EDIR_DOWN

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitFind ExitReverse ExitGetDir ExitGetFlag
^gexit  ^rExitReverse     ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a)
^C      WLD <^proom^C> has exit <^pex^C>. ExitReverse returns the exit
       which would lead back from where <^pex^C> points, back to <^proom^C>.
      Returns XNULL on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitFind ExitDir ExitIsCorner
_ExitGetDir _ExitSetDir~
^gint   ^rExitGetDir      ^a(^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetDir      ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a, 
                       ^gint ^pdir^a)
^C      ExitGetDir returns the direction that <^pex^C> takes, 0 on error.
^C      ExitSetDir sets <^pex^C> to leave from it's parent room <^proom^C>
       via the direction <^pdir^C>. If <^proom^C> already has an exit leaving
       in the direction of <^pdir^C>, the function fails and returns 0.
      ExitSetDir returns 1 if successful, 0 on error.

      Valid Directions are:

^a        EDIR_WEST     EDIR_UP       EDIR_DOWN

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitFind ExitDir ExitIsCorner ExitReverse
^gint   ^rExitIsCorner    ^a(^gexit ^pex1^a, ^gexit ^pex2^a)
^C      This esoteric function determines if there is a bend in a
       pair of exits. IE: if you leave north from one room and com
       in from the west into the destination, we could reasonably assume
       that there is a corner in the way. This is important for resolving
       line-of-sight issues.

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitReverse ExitDir ExitFind
^gexit  ^rExitCreate      ^a(^gthing WLD ^pfromroom^a, ^gint ^pdir^a, 
                       ^gstr ^pkey^a, ^gstr ^pdesc^a, ^gint ^pflag^a,
                       ^gint ^pKeyObj^a, ^gthing WLD ^ptoroom^a)
^C      ExitCreate creates a new exit from room <^pfromroom^C> to 
       <^ptoroom^C> via direction <^pdir^C>. The exit will assume 
       key and desc values of <^pkey^C> and <^pdesc^C> respectively, which
       may be SNULL if key/desc values are not required or desired.
       <^pKeyObj^C> is the key reference to the exit; set this to -1 if you
       don't intend to use a key with the exit. 
      This function will not succeed if an exit going direction <^pdir^C>
       already exists.

      Returns the newly created exit if successful, XNULL on error. 

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitCreate ExitFind ExitDir
^gint   ^rExitFree        ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a)
^C      ExitFree frees the exit <^pex^C> from room <^proom^C>. 
      Returns 1 if successful, 0 on error.

^C      WARNING: Don't refer to an exit once it's free'ed. Refer to
       c4ov_pointers for more information.

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitCreate ExitFind ExitDir
_ExitGetFlag _ExitSetFlag _DoorSetFlag~
^gint   ^rExitGetFlag     ^a(^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetFlag     ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pflag^a)
^gint   ^rDoorSetFlag     ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pflag^a)
^C      ExitGetFlag returns <^pex^C>'s eFlag field, 0 on error.
^C      ExitSetFlag sets <^pex^C>'s eFlag to <^pflag^C>. ExitSetFlag
       returns the previous eFlag value, 0 on error.
	  DoorSetFlag acts as ExitSetFlag, except both <^pex^C> and the
	   reverse exit are affected (see ExitReverse).
      The eFlag field can be one or more of the following, OR-ed together:
^a        EF_ISDOOR     - exit is a door users can open/close 
^a        EF_PICKPROOF  - door cannot be picked 
^a        EF_LOCKED     - door is currently locked
^a        EF_CLOSED     - exit is currently closed
^a        EF_HIDDEN     - exit is hidden
^a        EF_ELECTRONIC - Players must use hacking skill, not lock picking.

^C      Note: exits and doors are only one-way; if you wish to open/close
       a door/exit going both ways, you must explicitly call ExitSetFlag
       on both exits. You can use ExitReverse to find the complementing
       returning exit associated with an exit.

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitFind ExitDir ExitReverse ExitIsCorner
_ExitGetFlagBit _ExitSetFlagBit _ExitClearFlagBit _DoorSetFlagBit _DoorClearFlagBit~
^gint   ^rExitGetFlagBit  ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetFlagBit  ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rExitClearFlagBit^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rDoorSetFlagBit  ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^gint   ^rDoorClearFlagBit^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pbit^a)
^C      These functions access and modify the Flag of <^pex^C> 
       similar to ExitGetFlag, except that only the bits specified
	   in <^pbit^C> are affected.
	  ExitGetFlagBit returns the status of ONLY <^pbit^C> bits. Other
	   bits are set to 0.
	  ExitSetFlagBit sets <^pbit^C>s to 1. 
	  ExitClearFlagBit sets <^pbit^C>s to 0.
	  DoorSetFlagBit and DoorClearFlagBit act similar to 
	   ExitSetFlagBit and ExitClearFlagBit, except both <^pex^C> and
	   the reverse exits are affected (see ExitReverse).

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitFind ExitDir ExitReverse ExitGetFlag
_ExitGetKeyObj _ExitSetKeyObj _DoorSetKeyObj~
^gint   ^rExitGetKeyObj   ^a(^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetKeyObj   ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pKeyObj^a)
^gint   ^rDoorSetKeyObj   ^a(^gthing WLD ^proom^a, ^gexit ^pex^a, ^gint ^pKeyObj^a)
^C      ExitGetKey returns <^pex^C>'s eKeyObj field, 0 on error.
      The eKeyObj determines the key or code which will open/close
       the door/exit. The eKeyObj must match the equivalent code
       in a key object held by a PLR/MOB in order for the PLR/MOB to
       be able to open/close the door.
	  DoorSetKeyObj acts as ExitSetKeyObj, except both <^pex^C> and
	   the reverse exit are affected (see ExitReverse).

^C      ExitSetKey changes <^pex^C>'s eKeyObj to <^pKeyObj^C>.
      ExitSetKeyObj returns the previous eKeyObj value, 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitFind ExitDir ExitGetFlag ExitIsCorner
_ExitGetKey _ExitSetKey~
^gstr   ^rExitGetKey      ^a(^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetKey      ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gstr ^pkey^a)
^C      ExitGetKey returns <^pex^C>'s eKey discription str, NULL
       on error.

^C      ExitSetKey changes <^pex^C>'s eKey to <^pkey^C>. <^pkey^C>
       can be SNULL to remove the eDesc.
      ExitSetKey returns 1 if successful, 0 on error.

^C      For access (ie: key) settings, refer to ExitGetKeyObj.

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitGetDesc ExitGetKeyObj ExitFind ExitDir 
_ExitGetDesc _ExitSetDesc~
^gstr   ^rExitGetDesc     ^a(^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetDesc     ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gstr ^pdesc^a)
^C      ExitGetDesc returns <^pex^C>'s eDesc discription str, NULL
       on error.

^C      ExitSetDesc changes <^pex^C>'s eDesc to <^pdesc^C>. <^pdesc^C>
       can be SNULL to remove the eDesc.
      ExitSetDesc returns 1 if successful, 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitGetKey ExitSetKey ExitFind ExitDir 
_ExitGetWorld _ExitSetWorld~
^gthing ^rExitGetWorld    ^a(^gexit ^pex^a)
^gint   ^rExitSetWorld    ^a(^gexit ^pex^a, ^gthing WLD ^proom^a)
^C      ExitGetWorld returns the WLD which <^pex^C> points to, 
         ENULL on error.

^C      ExitSetWorld changes <^pex^C> to point to WLD <^proom^C>. 
       ExitSetWorld returns 1 if successful, 0 on error.

^C      See also: ^Gc4exit ^rExitFind ExitDir ExitReverse WorldOf
^g<null>^rCharAddFollower ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pfollower^a,^gthing PLR/MOB ^pgroupMember^a)
^C      Adds <^pfollower^C> to the group to which <^pgroupMember^C> belongs, 

^C      See also: ^Gc4Char ^rCharRemoveFollower
^g<null>^rCharRemoveFollower ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a)
^C      Removes <^pcharacter^C> from the group to which it belongs, 

^C      See also: ^Gc4Char ^rCharAddFollower
^gint   ^rMobileGetVirtual^a(^gthing MOB ^pmobthing^a)
^C      Returns the virtual number for <^pmobthing^C>.

^C      See also: ^Gc4Misc ^rMobileFree
^gint   ^rMobileFree      ^a(^gthing MOB ^pmobthing^a)
^C      Frees <^pmobthing^C>.

^C      See also: ^Gc4Misc ^rMobileGetVirtual
^gint   ^rCharActionStrip ^a(^gthing PLR/MOB ^pcharacter^a, ^gstr ^paction^a)
^C      This will cause <^pcharacter^C> to perform the command specified
       in the string <^paction^C>. NOTE that this command will STRIP the
       first word from <^paction^C> **BEFORE** <^pcharacter^C> performs
       the action.
^C      This function is used in circumstances where you want someone to
       be able to address someone/something. IE: Pets or robot servants.
       Using this fuction, a player can say "George get gun" or 
       "sally kill rat"; the C4 program can check CMD_CMD to see if
       the character was sucessfully addressed, and if so, can call
       CharActionStrip to perform the action.

^C      See also: ^Gc4Char ^rCharAction CharActionStr