C4 Script Language Help~
c4 script language programming~

^a                        ^v C 4   C O N T E N T S ^V

^rSection  Keyword      Description
^b-------  -----------  ---------------------------------------------------------
^P  1.     ^Gc4intro      ^CIntroduction - philosophy behind the c4 language 
^P  2.     ^Gc4basics     ^CC4 Structure Basics - a quick lesson in C
^P  3.     ^Gc4stuff      ^CC4 Data Types, Object Hierarchy, and Events
^P  4.     ^Gc4commands   ^CThe C4 Commands in Crimson II - compile & decomp
^P  5.     ^Gc4reference  ^CC4 Reference
^P  6.     ^Gc4modify     ^CModifying C4
^P  7.     ^Gc4optimize   ^COptimization of C4 code
^P  A 1    ^Gc4library    ^CC4 Function Library Reference
^P  A 2    ^Gc4glossary   ^CGlossary of Terms
^P  A 3    ^Gc4reserved   ^CList of C4 Reserved Words

^bUseage:   ^Chelp ^G<keyword> 
c4intro c41.~
^a^v1. Introduction^V

^C  Welcome to the C4 language. If terminology is used which you don't understand,
please refer to the glossary in Appendix 3. 
^C  Before we get into the C4 language itself, let's look briefly at the 
history of MUD's.
^C  First, there were MUD's. Then, there were MUD derivatives (MUSH etc.). Ok, 
history lesson's over.
^C  One problem with all these was this: if you wanted to do something special, 
something one-of-a-kind, and just a little funky, you had to go to the source
code, whip off a new function, recompile the sucker, debug your routines,
and then reboot the server with the new binary. Yuck.
^C  So what we've done is put a compiler/interpreter/decompiler right inside the
MUD. Thus you can make those one-of-a-kind routines on-the-fly when you feel
like it, on-line, right inside the MUD, with people around you playing the 
game. Everything is done in real-time.
^C  Sound cool? Great! First, let's go over some basic concepts you'll need:

^C- Everything in the Crimson II MUD is a THING. A fountain is a THING, a player 
is a THING, a room is a THING. Everything and anything is a THING.
^C- Every THING can have C4 code attached to it. When something happens (eg: 
someone types the command "say hello"), C4 code can be trigered and run to
respond to the event (eg: in this case, a mob may "say hello" in response).
That's the whole purpose of the C4 language - to make the game special, 
responsive, and interesting.
^C- C4 is a subset of C; if you know how to program in C, you know to program
in C4. C4 was designed in this way to minimize the learning curve for
many users wishing to create their own areas.  

^C  If you are new to C4, I would suggest you take your time and read this
C4 help document over several days. Once you have the basics of how to 
create and modify C4 properties figured out, you can go on to read the more
in-depth concepts of this document to create more interesting C4 scripts.
c4basics c2.~
^a^v2. C4 Structure Basics^V

^C  C4 is based completely on the C language. For a great book on C, refer to
any one of the 10 million books teaching it. My personal favorite (and what I
learned with) is the book by Kernigham and Ritchie, the people who created C
in the 1970's. The book is brief, simple, to-the-point, and very well written.
No, I don't work for them - sheish. If you already know C, skip down to 
section 2.2 where the differences between C4 and C are discussed. 
Otherwise, what follows is a very brief introduction to C and, by 
association, C4. I assume you have SOME programming experience so you know
what I'm talking about when I say `variable'. If you are completely new to
programming altogether, I would reccommend you complement this manual with 
another manual designed to teach programming basics. The book "Oh! Pascal!"
might work well, or that one by Kernigham and Ritchie might work well too.

^rSection  Keyword      Description
^b-------  -----------  ---------------------------------------------------------
^P   2.1   ^Gc4struct     ^CC4 Structure (a basic introduction to C & C4)
^P   2.2   ^Gc4diff       ^CDifferences between C and C4
c4struct c42.1~
^a^v2.1 C4 Structure^V

^C  A C4 program is basically one line long. 
  What's that? How is this feat accomplished? Do we have some kind of killer
language library with instructions to do absolutely everything? 
  No no, calm down. Let me explain. The following is a valid C4 program:
^a    ;  

^C  No, you don't have a corrupted file. That's all there is to it; a semicolon.
Learn this now, and learn it well: EVERY LINE IN A C4 PROGRAM ENDS WITH A
SEMICOLON. Now, this isn't very interesting, so let's put a command in our 

^a    a=1;

^C  Okay! What we are doing is assigning the variable `a' the value of 1. Cool.
Boring. We want now to add more lines to spice this program up. How do we do 
that? We use a compound statement. We create a compound statement by using
`{' and `}'. Let's do that:

^a    {

^C  Notice how the `{' and `}' enclose our statement `a=1;'. NOTE: we didn't
use a semicolon with the braces; the braces serve a similar function to the
semicolon. A semicolon says "that's the end of the statement" for a single-line
statement; braces say "that's the end of the statement" for a multi-line 
statement. Confused? Sorry. Let's go on and you'll get the hang of it. 
We can now put as many statements inside the braces as we want:

^a    { 
^C  Notice that it's still `considered' a single line. Everything between the
'{' and '}' is considered to be "a single line". But enough of the single
line bit. Let's move on. 
  We can't actually just pull variables out of mid-air like I've done above.
We have to `declare' the variables BEFORE WE USE THEM. We do this at the 
start of the compound statement:

^a    {
      int a,b,c;


^C  What we've done is declared a,b, and c as variables of type `int'. `int' 
stands for `integer'. In C4, `int' variables are signed, 32-bit integers. That
means they go from -2147483648 to +21474835, and are whole numbers - no 
fractions or decimal places. 
  Okay, we're buzzing along. Let's do something interesting. Let's add:

^a    { 
      int a,b,c;


^C  You now know how to do math in C4. The parentheses are optional, but work
as expected to maintain an order of prescedence. 
  C4 incorporates all the normal operators + - * / %(mod), and the rest found
in standard C. Refer to section 5.3 for a complete discussion of them all.

  Now what we are going to do is use what's called a FUNCTION. Oooooooooooo.
Functions are the heart of C4. They do everything for you. Let's look at a
simple one and disect it:

^a    Version()
^C  Notice the two parts to the function: the function name (ie: "version") and
the parentheses which are REQUIRED; later you'll see why. How do we use a
function? Well functions are used in many different ways depending on how 
they are built. This function returns an integer value corresponding to the
version of C4 you have. Let's use it in a program:

^a    {
      int a;
^C  The function "Version()" returns a value of type `int' which we then assigned
to the variable `a'. Cool. Not all functions return values; some just do stuff.
Let's look at those parenthesees now. Here's another function:

^a    { 
      thing d;

^C  Whoah! Too much! Ok, let's first introduce our next variable type: `thing'. 
Remember that everything in Crimson II is a THING. A variable of type 
`thing' holds a reference to a THING. This is called, in some circles, a 
pointer. But don't worry if your pointer arithmetic is poor - it's simplified
in C4. Let's look at how it works. 
  If I am a person in the real world, you would want to refer to me by my 
name. My name is Corbin. So, when you wanted to refer to me, you would 
say "hey Corbin!". A pointer variable in C4 is like my name - a reference.
  Next, the function "worldthing" has the number 116 inside it's 
parenthesees! How'd it get there? You see, 116 is what we call a parameter.
We are giving the function worldthing the number 116 and expecting it to return
a value based on that number. In this case, the function worldthing looks at
it's parameter, and returns the `thing' reference to the room in Crimson II
whose number is 116. If, in the real world, 116 was my Social Insurance
Number, a call to WorldOf(116) might return my name "Corbin".
  Let's look at this all again:

^c    C4                               Real World
^B    --                               ----------
^a    Suppose there exists a room,     Suppose there exists a person 
    somewhere in the "universe",     named "Corbin" with a SIN of 116
    numbered 116.

    WorldOf(116) gives us            WorldOf(116) gives us a pointer
    a pointer to the room.           to person #116. IE: "Corbin"

^C  Let's take this a step further. Suppose there's another function 
called "DropAnEggOn()" which drops an egg on a specified THING. Remember,
we will tell the function DropAnEggOn() WHICH thing to drop an egg onto by
specifying it as a parameter (ie: DropAnEggOn("Corbin")).
What would happen if:

^c    C4                               Real World
^B    --                               ----------
^a    d=WorldOf(116);                  d=WorldOf(116);
    DropAnEggOn(d);                  DropAnEggOn(d);

    This would drop an egg on        This would drop an egg on 
    room number 116.                 Corbin!!

^C  Too confusing! Sorry, I'm not here to completely teach
pointers - it took me long enough myself. Look elsewhere for help.
  There are other variable types, but they are also pointer types similar to
`thing'. Refer to chapter 3.

  Our program is not much use if it just runs through linearly. We need some
way to branch and loop. Let's look at looping first:

^a    {
      int a;
      while(a<5) a=a+1;

^C  Okay! The `while' statement loops. It will do the statement immediately 
following it until the condition in it's parenthesees is no longer valid. (ie:
in this case, `a' is no longer less than 5). How do we get more than one
statement executed by the while? Look:
^a    {
      int a;
      thing b; 

      while(a<5) {

^C  Holy Smoke! Complicated! Be sure to keep track of your braces! So as long as
`a' is less than 5, the while loop will do both lines of code. Cool! Note how
we used `a' as a parameter to `worldthing'. Cool! In C4, as in C, just about
anything goes. Let's do something really complicated with lots of parenthesees:

^a    {
      int a,b,c,d;

      while(a<5) {
        while( (b<5) && ((c+5)<10) ) {

^C  Overload! The first `while' is easy to figure out. It's the same as last
time. However, the next one reads as follows:

^a    while `b' is less than 5 
    ( `c' plus 5 ) is less than 10

^C  Get it? You can use parenthesees to your heart's content. The funny `&&' sign
is a logical-AND operator. Again, refer to section 5.1. The other two operators
are really cool. They read as follows:

^a    c+=2;    is the same as   c=c+2;
    b++;     is the same as   b=b+1; 

^C  They are just shorthand operators. 
  Moving on! Now for branching:

^a    {
      int a;
      if (a<2) a=2;

^C  The infamous `if' statement. Similar to the `while' statement eh? Just 
without the looping. However, unlike the `while', we can have an else 
statement as well:

^a    { 
      int a; 
      if (a<2) a=2;
      else a=4;

^C  This time, a=4 at the end of the program. It goes like this:

^a      IF 'a' is less than 2, do something (ie: assign a=2).
      Otherwise, do something ELSE (ie: in this case, assign a=4). 

^C  Got it? Now let's add Braces to our if..else statement:

^a    {
      int a,b,c;

      while(a<5) {
        if (a<2) {
        else {

^C  Not as exciting as some of the other examples, but you get the idea. 

  Now on to comments. You can comment your program by putting comments
inbetween "/*" and "*/". Look:

^a    {
      int a;   /* this is a comment and will be ignored */

      /* Comments can go anywhere */
      a= /* even inside statements */ 5;

^C  Got it? It's pretty easy. Because comments are somewhat special (ie: they
don't serve any gramatical purpose in the C4 code), you may notice that
C4 will tend to "move your comments around". It will do this when it compiles
and then decompiles your code. Actually, your system administrator may have
disabled comments altogether (to save memory) in which case C4 will turf 
any and all comments you make in your code. 

  Let's re-look at functions now. Functions are the heart and soul of how you
get things done. Functions do different things. This one:

^a    SendThing(a,"hello");

^C  sends a message to a THING. Suppose that the variable `a' of type `thing' 
pointed to a character playing the game. What we just did was sent that
character a message saying "hello". Cool hu? Here's another:

^a    SendRoom(a,TNULL,"hello");

^C  This one sends the message "hello" to everyone who happens to be in the room
pointed to by `a'. Ignore the TNULL for now. Notice that if there are more
than one parameters to a function, you separate them with commas. You can 
even recursively call functions:

^a    SendRoomStr(a,TNULL,"This is version %i\n",Version());

^C  will tell everyone in room `a' what version of C4 is running. 

  Now SendRoomStr is a good example of a special function. Notice the format
of the function - ie: the message "This is version %i\n". First let's break 
this down. We can all understand the bit "This is version", but after that, 
we're lost. Okay. The "\n" is a special "escape" character. Any time you
put a '\' inside some ""'s, C4 will interpret this as an "escape" character.
The 'n' the the "\n" escape character tells C4 WHICH escape character to 
use. In this case, "\n" represents a CARRIDGE RETURN. Get it? There are
escape characters for line feed, back space, etc. 
  Now for the next part - the "%i". The '%' tells C4 we want to perform
a substitution, in this case an 'i' (integer) substitution. C4 then looks
at the NEXT parameter in the parameter list, expecting to find an 
integer parameter, and will shove that integer into the "%i" space, and then
print our complete string.  Get it? So in our example above, the following
will happen:

^a    1) SendRoomStr(a,TNULL,"This is version %i\n",Version());

    2) C4 looks at "This is version %i\n" and finds the "%i" at the end.

    3) C4 looks at the NEXT parameter, in this case "Version()" and 
       finds that it is indeed an integer parameter, as we expected
       because we put "%i" (as opposed to "%s" for STRING substitutions).

    4) C4 performs the Version() function, let's say returning 10.

    5) C4 will translate our original string into the following:
       "This is version 10" 
       and, what you can't see, is the "\n" has been turned into 
       a carridge return character.

^C  Refer to the introduction of the C4 reference for more help. 

  Now, one more little quickie, and we're done. At some point you may just
want to quit right out of your C4 program - right now - and execute not a 
single solitary instruction more. For this most dignified situation, behold,
the stop command:

^a    stop;

^C  This command will stop a C4 program in its tracks. It immediately forces 
the program execution to end, and get on with MUD life elsewhere. Here's 
an example:

^a    {
      int a;
      if (a==1) {

^C  Completely pointless program, but it illustrates a point (pun not intended). 
This program would never get to the point of assigning a=2; because of the 
if-statement, it would exit before it ever got there. 

  Well, this wraps up our quick guide to the C4 language structure. Hope this
helped. If it's not good enough, please please please refer to ANY book which
is designed to teach you C.
c4diff c42.2~
^a^v2.2 Differences Between C and C4^V

^C  I WARN YOU NOW, C4 does NOT incorporate all of the functionality found in C. 
C4 is a SUBSET of C. 

  In C4, you don't need a main() statement. NO FUNCTION STATEMENT is required.
Just start right on out with an open-brace. The EVENT dictates which code
is run, not the function name, so we don't use function names, not even main().

  In c4, if you try to do an infinite loop, eg:

^a    while(1);

^Cyou will be stopped. There is a maximum instruction counter built into the
C4 interpreter; if C4 executes too many instructions, it will exit no matter
where it happens to be in the code. Should this happen, your code will be
un-flagged as a valid C4 executable and will NOT be executed until recompiled.
You will probably never ever have this happen to a legitimately long program 
because the default maximum settings is rediculously high (he he... famous
last words, eh? Oh, and NOBODY will ever need more than 24-bits for a memory
address because people will NEVER have more than 1 megabyte of memory, right?)
However, should you ever require a higher maximum, contact your system 
administrator and they can adjust it. But if your C4 program is that large, 
you should probably have a special function added to C4 via the Crimson2 
source file "function.c" to perform such a complex operation more efficiently. 

^C  The structure of C is, for the most part, preserved in C4. Use braces, 
semicolons, parentheses, single and double quotes, and comments as you
would in normal C. The C++ comment descriptor "//" is also recognized, although
it is converted to /* and */ when decompiled. Note that because of the internal 
comment storage mechanism, and the decompile mechanism, comments may tend to 
`move around' a bit when code is compiled and decompiled. Also, for same said
reasons, your code will be completely re-formated when decompiled.

^C  C4 is fully recursive; statements such as this are valid:

^a  while(a) {
    if ((b>2*Version())||(c++<10)) e++;
    else {
        /* EVENT_THING and CODE_THING are system variables */

^CFeatures C4 can handle:
^a  variables
  recursive braces, brackets, etc.
  if() else statements
  while statements
  stop statements - check the end of section 2.1 on how to use this!!!

^CFeatures C4 cannot (yet) handle:
^a  ?:: operators
  * & . -> [] pointer operators (unfortunately, this means NO arrays)
  for(;;) statements
  switch() case statements
  break; statements
  do-while statements
  return statements - currently operates the same as a "stop" statement
  continue statements

^C  YOU WILL NOTICE HOWEVER, that the reserved-word list contains all of these
things; the words are reserved in case the functionality is added at a later
date. We wouldn't want people defining variables called "switch" and then 
later offer the switch statement - and force them to rewrite code in the

  As for variables, you only have the following types: 
  (variables are discussed in more depth in chapter 3 "help c4stuff" )

^w  int      ^a- equivalent to `signed long int' in C - 32 bit signed integer
             on systems that have 32-bit capabilities. If your machine's 
             smallest addressable "byte" is 64-bits long, int's will also
             be 64-bits.
^w  str      ^a- string (different from C) pointer
             a string is one of these: "hello there". It's not an array of
             characters, it a str. 
^w  thing    ^a- thing pointer
^w  extra    ^a- extra pointer
^w  exit     ^a- exit pointer

^C  You can also use a "property" as a form of static variable. Refer to 
chapter 3 (help c4stuff) for more information on properties. 

^C  You can use any C operator on `int' variables and numerical constants. Only
the operators = and the logical operators == and != work on str, thing, extra
and exit types because they're pointer types.


^a  eg: a=(5/0);    will result in `a' being assigned a value of 0.
                  Remember our motto: NO ERRORS. NO CRASHES.

^C  Pointer operators *, &, ., and -> don't work; it's too hard to type-check 
such things. Besides, you shouldn't need them (some MORE famous last words!
I'm pushing it, aren't I. Yeah, and nobody should NEED file names longer
than 8 characters, followed by three ^%&$*#@^$ useless extension characters).

  ++ and -- are different! Example:

^C  in C:

^a     c=5; 
     if (c++) a=c;   

^C  results in c=6, a=5.  

  in C4: 

^a     c=5; 
     if (c++) a=c;   

^C  results in c=6, a=6. 

^C  You see, in C4 the pre- and post- operators -- and ++ work only pre- and post-
to the immediate function (in this case, "c++"). In C, they work over the 
entire statement (in this case, "if (c++)a=c;").

  In standard C, you can define your own functions. In C4 you cannot. You can 
only use the functions which have been built-in to the code. If you have 
access to the source code for Crimson II along with a compiler, debugger,
etc., you may easily add your own functions. 

  In C4, function names are processed CASE-INSENSITIVE. This is a really big
difference. So the following function calls will be interpreted the same:

^a    version();

^C  and in all cases, when you compile and then decompile, the function call will
be barfed-back according to how it's coded in Crimson II. In this case:

^a    Version();

^C  We did this because (we all know) the error messages from C4 are not always
very helpful in tracking down errors. This feature let's the coder get away
with miniscule case differences. Also (and more importantly) this results
in all the functions coming out from decompile with nice capitalization so that
everyone can read what they are. Example:

^a     thisisareallyscrewyfunction();

^C  comes out:

^a     ThisIsAReallyScrewyFunction();

^C  Much prettier to look at, no? Well, a LITTLE prettier at least.

  I think it's valuable to point out that in standard C, variable declarations
MUST be the first thing following an open brace {. In C4, it doesn't matter
where the variable declarations occur, just as long as you declare them before
you use them. It's a good idea to put them at the start just so you don't drive
your C-fanatic friends crazy however. :) The decompiler will automatically move
all variable declarations to the start of the program anyways.
c4stuff c43.~
^a^v3. C4 Data Types, Object Hierarchy, Events and Properties^V

^rSection  Keyword      Description
^b-------  -----------  ---------------------------------------------------------
^P   3.1   ^Gc43.1        ^CC4 Events
^P   3.2   ^Gc43.2        ^CC4 Data Types
^P   3.3   ^Gc43.3        ^CC4 Object Hierarchy
^P   3.4   ^Gc43.4        ^CC4 Properties
^a^v3.1 Events^V

^C  Crimson II is an event-driven system. This means that when something walks
into a room, something dies, or somebody says something, an event occurs to
handle the situation. We can connect C4 code to several of these event so that
the event is handled differently than normal, or simply enhanced in some way.
  It's 5:00 AM when I'm typing this so I'm going to jump right in.
  Every event is a PROPERTY attached to an object (OBJ), a mobile (MOB), or a 
room (WLD). 
  Suppose somebody walks into a room. Crimson II checks to see if the room or
anything inside the room has an @ENTER property. If it does, it runs the C4
code inside the @ENTER property. The C4 code may do just about anything. For
an example, let us suppose that the room is a poison gas room. The C4 code might
check to see if the creature entering the room has a gas mask; the code would
search the creatures inventory, and leave it alone if it finds a mask. If the
code doesn't find a mask, it might inflict dammage or even kill the creature.
That's how events work. They respond to things happening in the game. 
  For a complete description of the supported events, refer to 5.3.
^a^v3.2 C4 Data Types^V

^C  There are only five data types in C4: int, thing, str, extra, exit. 

^a^v3.2.1 int^V

^C  The int data type is a 32-bit signed integer data type. It works basically
like any integer type in C or any other language. You can perform mathematical
operations on int data types, and do everything else you'd expect. 

^a^v3.2.2 thing^V

^C  The thing data type is the first, and most important, of the pointer data
types. As will be explained later in section 3.3, everything in Crimson II is
a thing. A player is a thing. An object is a thing. If you want to refer to 
a thing, you have to use a thing data type. Confused yet? :)
  Let me illustrate with an example:
^a    {
    int i;
    thing t;


^C  In this example, we define two variables: i and t. i is of type int. It's
a plain-old every day 32-bit signed integer. t is of type thing. It points 
to a thing in the game. In this example, we assign t to the value returned
by the function worldthing. This function returns a pointer to the room whose
number is specified in the parameter to worldthing (in this case, i, which 
equals 2). Why would we want to do this? Suppose we want to send a message 
to everyone in room #2. We could do it like this:

^a    {
    int i;
    thing t;

    roomsend(t,TNULL,"Hello there everyone in room #2.");

^C  You see, to send a message to room number 2, we need a pointer to it; a thing
  Pointer data types cannot have mathematical functions performed on them as 
in C. You can only compare (==, !=) and assign (=) pointer data types in C4.

^a^v3.2.3 str^V

^C  The next pointer datatype is str. str are C4's equivalent to strings. Look:

^a    {
    str a;
    a="hello there";
^C  Notice how the str datatype is treated as a single piece of data - not an
array of characters as in C. That's because it's a pointer data type. C4 
stores the string array "hello there" in memory and, when you ask for it, 
passes you a pointer to the array to put in a. 
  Don't try to do things like *, [], or & with the data, though; they won't
work. str datatypes are stored as a complex data type in memory, not simply
as an array of characters. Thus such operators would really gum things up.

^a^v3.2.4 extra^V

^C  The next pointer datatype is extra. Extra's are, as described in section 
3.3, properties or extras attached to objects, mobiles, or rooms. They 
are basically extra descriptions of these things and simply help keep track
of a variety of str's. extra's are a bit more obscure and you may never have
to deal with them. Here's an example anyways:

^a    {
    extra e;
    thing t;


^C  The extra, e, now points to the first extra in a potentially big long line
of extras attached to room #2. The extras might be things like shelves, or
secret passageways, or any other little description which is added on to the
room and the player can "look at <extra key word>" and glean a little more
detail out of the MUD. 

^a^v3.2.5 exit^V

^C  The last pointer datatype is exit. Exit's are attached to world (wld) 
things, and represent passages from one room to the next. There will
be much more written about exits in a little while... but right now
I'm too busy formatting this help file to fill in all the details.
^a^v3.3 Object Hierarchy^V

^C  Okay. This is the biggie. I'm guna use graphics.
  Everything is a thing:

^a  THING (datatype)

^C  Things can be one of several data types. Some are rooms (WLD):

^C  Or of the `base' sub-category: (don't worry too much about this detail)

    |             |
   WLD          BASE

^C  Objects fall under the base sub-category:

    |             |
   WLD          BASE

^C  Players and Mobiles fall under a sub-category under BASE called 
character (CHR):

    |             |
   WLD          BASE
                  |        |
                 CHR      OBJ
              |       |
             PLR     MOB

^C  You only have to know this hierarchy when manipulating low-level things.
Most of the time, you won't care because you use `thing' datatype variables
to point to rooms, people, mobiles, or objects - we don't care!
  Where this all becomes important is when you want to do some groovy things
with low-level stuff. 
  For example, players and mobiles have experience points; objects and rooms
do not. This is clear when you know that players and mobiles fall under the 
character (CHR) sub-category. Now the graph starts to make sense. Let's
^C  Take the BASE sub-category. One of it's functions is BaseGetInside.
Anything belonging to the BASE sub-category can be `inside' another
thing. Thus, we know from the chart that objects, players, and mobiles
can be `inside' something else. Room (WLD) things cannot be inside other
things. This makes sense. People (PLR) belong inside rooms (WLD), not the other
way around. Object can be `inside' (ie held by - as in inventory) players
or mobiles. Cool eh? And the player or mobile is in turn inside the room.
Yay. The function we started with, BaseGetInside, returns a pointer to a thing.
The pointer returned points to the thing that contained what you passed

^a  Room number 2. 
  Inside room number 2 is-----+
                              |--> Joe (a player)
                              |    Joe is carrying ---+
                              |                       |--> a knife
                              |                       |--> some bread
                              |                       |--> a box
                              |--> Sue (a MOB)
                                   Sue is carrying ---+
                                                      |--> a gun

^C  If we called BaseGetInside(Joe), we would get a pointer pointing to room
2. If we called BaseGetInside(box), or BaseGetInside(bread), we would 
get a pointer to Joe. Get it? I hope so, because what follows is the
entire data structure laid out for your analysis. The fields listed on the
left are accessable by the function calls listed to the right. Some functions
change things, others just tell you what's there. Refer to the big long
function index list for help.

^a          /* list data structures and their functions here */
| int   tType
| str   tSDesc
| str   tDesc
| extra tExtra
| int   tWait
| extra tProperty
| FLAG  tFlag
| thing tNext
| thing tContain
+-> WLD
|     thing wThing
|     int   wVirtual
|     int   wArea
|     FLAG  wFlag
|     int   wType
|     EXIT  wExit
+-> BASE
    | thing bThing
    | str   bKey
    | str   bLDesc
    | thing bInside
    | int   bConWeight
    | int   bWeight
    | BASELINK bLink
    +-> OBJ
    |     BASE  oBase
    |     FLAG  oEquip
    |     OBJTEMPLATE oTemplate
    |     FLAG  oAct
    |     ODETAIL oDetail
    |     APPLY oApply[]
    +-> CHR
        | BASE  cBase
        | int   cAura
        | int   cLevel
        | int   cHitBonus
        | int   cArmor
        | int   cHitP
        | int   cMoveP
        | int   cPowerP
        | int   cHitPMax
        | int   cMoney
        | int   cExp
        | int   cPos
        | int   cSex
        | FLAG  cAffectFlag
        | AFFECT cAffect
        | thing cFollow
        | thing cLead
        | FLAG  cEquip
        | thing cWeapon
        | thing cFight
        | EXIT  cFightExit
        | int   cFightRange
        | int   cResist[]
        +-> PLR
        |     CHARACTER pCharacter
        |     int   pRace
        |     int   pClass
        |     int   pPractice
        |     int   pBank
        |     int   pMovePMax
        |     int   pPowerPMax
        |     int   pHunger
        |     int   pThirst
        |     int   pIntox
        |     int   pStr
        |     int   pDex
        |     int   pCon
        |     int   pWis
        |     int   pInt
        |     FLAG  pSystem
        |     STR   pPassword
        |     FLAG  pAuto
        |     FLAG  pSockPref
        |     int   pScreenLines
        |     int   pTimeTotal
        |     int   pTimeLastOn
        |     int   pAttempts
        |     int   pSkill[]
        +-> MOB
              CHARACTER mCharacter
              MOBTEMPLATE mTemplate
              thing mTrack
^a^v3.4 Properties^V

^C  Properties are similar to extras in that they can be attached to things,
deleted, and manipulated. However, while extras provide the players of the
mud with "extra descriptions" of things, properties are normally invisible 
to players. Properties are meant to serve as a form of variable. However, these
variables will keep their values and are unique to the thing they are attached

^C  Properties are manipulated by use of several functions (refer to the
help item c4property). However, their use is essentially the same as for a

^C  Let me rephrase what I've said, because properties are ESSENTIAL to cool
game programming. Suppose you have a knife which can only be used twice. 
You may choose to attach a script to the knife which blocks an action whenever
the knife is used. But how do you restrict it's use to only twice? The first
time the knife is used, you might attach a "knife-used" property to the 
knife with an integer value of 1. You would do this with the following code:

^a    PropertySetInt(KnifeThing,"knife-used",1);

^C  The second time you use the knife, your script detects the that the knife
has already been used once by calling another procedure:

^a    if (PropertyGetInt(KnifeThing,"knife-used")>0)
      ... etc

^C  and it would then update the "knife-used" property to reflect it's second

^a    PropertySetInt(KnifeThing,"knife-used",2);



^C  Once the property "knife-used" is set to 2 or more, your script completely
blocks the player from using the knife again. 

^C  You may like to think of properties as a form of post-it note; you can 
write whatever you like on a post-it note (property) and then sneak up behind
something and stick it to it's back. It'll stay there for you to refer to or
change in the future. Also, you can sneak up and rip it right off (deleting
it) if you so wish. Nobody in the game can see properties except gods and
C4 scripts. 

^C  Properties can be set to integer values or string values. Integer values
are simply stored as string values and are translated to and from integer
form when required. Property key words are case-insensitive, so the following
keys would all access the same property: "knife-used", "Knife-Used", 
"KNIFE-used". However, the string must otherwise match EXACTLY.

^C  NOTE: Remember, C4 code is also attached to things as a property; don't
go naming properties with names like "@IDLE". In fact, to guard against this
possibility, the property functions will return an error condition if you 
try to access a property starting with "@".
c4commands c44.~
^a^v4. The C4 Commands in Crimson II - compile & decomp^C

^C  How do we do all this neat C4 stuff? Use the following commands:

  comp <thing - key word>
  - Compiles all uncompiled code attached to <thing>.
  - eg: comp willie
  - special: comp '        
    will compile the room you are currently in.

  decomp <thing - key word>
  - Decompiles all compiled code attached to <thing>.
  - eg: decomp key
  - special: decomp '
    will decompile the room you are currently in.

  dump <thing - key word>
  - does a hex dump of all code (compiled or uncompiled) attached to <thing>.
  - eg: dump clerk
  - special: dump '
    will dump the room you are currently in.

  disass <thing - key word>
  - does a disassembly of all compiled code attached to <thing>.
  - disassembly shows the internal interpreter commands, data, and structures
    actually executed by the C4 interpreter. Programs are run entirely in 
    POSTFIX (reverse-Polish) notation. I'm allowed to say that - I'm part
    Polish. Furthermore, there are no accumulators (ie: registers); all 
    commands use the stack - exclusively! Unless you are monkeying with the 
    compiler/interpreter/decompiler, you probably will never need to use this. 
    If you're dying to see how it works, however, it's kinda cool to look at. 
    In case you're wondering, there is no way to `assemble' the disassembled 
    code back into binary, yet.
  - eg: disass screw
  - special: disass '
    will disassemble the room you are currently in.

  There are also area-editing versions of the compile and decompile commands.
  mdecomp, odecomp, wdecomp, adecomp - decompile scripts
  mcompile, ocompile. wcompile, acompile - compile scripts
  - these functions also allow an all parameter to compile/decompile all the
    scripts in an area.

^C  That's it for special C4 commands. As more are added, this list will grow.
C4 programs are edited as normal extras or properties, or as source code in 
the Crimson II data files.
c4reference c45.~
^a^v5. C4 Reference^V

^rSection  Keyword      Description
^b-------  -----------  ---------------------------------------------------------
^P   5.1   ^Gc4operators  ^CC4 Operators ( + , - , etc.)
^P   5.1   ^Gc4variables  ^CC4 System Variables
^P   5.2   ^Gc4events     ^CCrimson II Events

^rIf you were looking for a function reference:
^P   A 1   ^Gc4library    ^CC4 Function Library Reference
c4operators c45.1~
^a^v5.1 C4 Operators^V

^cBoolean Operators:
^a  &&  - and
  ||  - or
  ==  - equal 
  !=  - not equal
  <=  - less than or equal
  >=  - greater than or equal
  <   - less than
  >   - greater than
  !   - NOT

^cBinary Operators:
^a  >>= - right-shift assign
  <<= - left-shift assign
  |=  - or assign
  ^=  - xor assign
  &=  - and assign
  <<  - left-shift
  >>  - right-shift
  `   - complement
  &   - and
  |   - or

^cInteger Operators:
^a  -=  - subtract assign
  +=  - add assign
  %=  - mod assign
  /   - divide assign
  *=  - multiply assign
  --  - subtract 1
  ++  - add one
  +   - add
  -   - subtract
  *   - multiply
  /   - divide 
  %   - mod

^cAssignment Operators:
^a =   - equal
c4variables c45.2~
^a^v5.2 C4 System Variables^V

^C  System variables have pre-defined values set for you by C4. They can be
used similar to any other variable with one exception: you may not assign 
values to non-changeable system variables. Your code will not compile if 
you try.

^c  Variable Name        Datatype       Description
^b  -------------        --------       -----------

^wNon-changeable system variables:
^a  NULL                 str            null str pointer, value 0
  TNULL                thing          null thing pointer, value 0
  ENULL                extra          null extra pointer, value 0
  XNULL                exit           null exit pointer, value 0
  TRUE                 int            value 1
  FALSE                int            value 0
  YES                  int            value 1
  NO                   int            value 0
  EVENT_THING          thing          pointer to the thing which caused 
                                      the event to happen.
  CODE_THING           thing          pointer to the thing which has the 
                                      code being executed.
  SPARE_THING          thing          pointer to third thing involved in 
                                      the event. Useage depends on event.
  EXIT                 exit           pointer to exit for @ENTRY, @EXIT.
  TIME                 int            time, in seconds, since last reboot.
  SEGMENT              int            Segments executed since last reboot. 
                                      1 segment = .2 seconds
  COMMAND              str            Only used by the @COMMAND event.
                                      str containing the complete command 
                                      line typed in by the player.
  CMD_CMD              str            * see note 
  CMD_SRCKEY           str            * see note
  CMD_SRCOFFSET        int            * see note
  CMD_SRCNUM           int            * see note
  CMD_DSTKEY           str            * see note
  CMD_DSTOFFSET        int            * see note

^wChangeable system variables:
^a  BLOCK_CMD            int          If this var is set to a non-zero value,
                                      the event will not be executed - in 
                                      essence, it will be `blocked'. Default 
                                      value is 0 (FALSE) which will allow the 
                                      event to happen normally.

* NOTE: The CMD_* variables are subsets of the COMMAND variable. The COMMAND
        is parsed by the MUD's command line parser, and the CMD_* variables
        are set accordingly. For example, suppose the user typed:
          put 4 3.bread 2.basket
        This line would be parsed as so:
          COMMAND       = "put 4 3.bread 2.basket"
          CMD_CMD       = "put"
          CMD_SRCKEY    = "bread"
          CMD_SRCOFFSET = 3
          CMD_SRCNUM    = 4
          CMD_DSTKEY    = basket
          CMD_DSTOFFSET = 2
        These variables give you all the benefits of the powerful mud 
        parser, without having to worry about anything yourself! It is 
        strongly recommended that users implement parsing using the CMD_*
        variables as opposed to manually parsing the COMMAND variable!!!!
        Manually parsing the COMMAND variable can lead to inconsistancies.
^a^v5.3 Crimson II Events^V

^C  Events trigger C4 code; they're what makes C4 code run. Any MOB, OBJ, or
WLD thing can have C4 code attached to run when certain things happen. You
attach this code to a thing by creating a property for the thing with the
property key list containing the title of the event desired. The event title
must start with @ and must be all-caps. Invalid events will be compiled, but
ignored (ie never run).

^c  Event Name        Description
^b  ----------        -----------
^a  @ENTER            Attached to WLD, MOB, OBJ
                    Occurs when MOB or PLR enters a room.
                    Everything in the room is allowd to run @ENTER

^a  @EXIT             Attached to WLD, MOB, OBJ
                    Occurs when MOB or PLR leaves a room.
                    Everything in the room is allowd to run @EXIT

^a  @COMMAND          Attached to WLD, MOB, OBJ, AREA
                    Occurs whenever a PLR enters a command
                    Provided with @COMMAND event is the COMMAND system variable
                     containing the command line the PLR entered, and the
                     BLOCK_CMD system variable which, if set to a non-zero 
                     value, will cause the command to NOT be processed.

^a  @FIGHTING         Attached to WLD, MOB, OBJ
                    Occurs ???????????
^a  @DEATH            Attached to WLD, MOB, OBJ, AREA
                    Occurs when PLR or MOB in room dies.

^a  @USE              Attached to OBJ
                    Occurs when a PLR or MOB tries to use the object

^a  @RESET            Attached to AREA
                    Occurs when the areas reset delay has elapsed

^a  @AFTERRESET       Attached to AREA or WLD
                    Called immediately after an area reset. Note that 
                    unlike every other after event this one is slightly
                    different from the corresponding normal event.

^a  @DAMAGE           Attached to ???
                    Occurs ????

^a  AfterEvents       After events are exactly the same a normal events
                    except that they are called after the event not before
                    it. Why? Lets look at an example: We assign a mob a
                    @ENTER event to "say hello", Now someone enters the 
                    room and what happens, the mob says hello BEFORE they
                    enter the room. Now there is a way around this, but
                    the afterevents are much more convenient!

c4modify c46.~
^a^v6. Modifying C4^V

^rSection  Keyword      Description
^b-------  -----------  ---------------------------------------------------------
^P   6.1   ^Gc4function   ^CAdding Functions to C4
^P   6.2   ^Gc4language   ^CModifying the C4 Language
c4function c46.~
^a^v6.1 Adding Functions to C4^V

^C  It is extremely easy to add functionality, in the form of functions, to C4. 
The file function.c is a self-contained file with every function available 
within C4. The functions are defined using the FNPROC definition (look at the
existing functions). Parameters are passed to the function via the Param[]
variable. Param[0] is the first parameter, Param[1] the second and so on. 
You can't use Param[] directly - it's a structure. The structure for Param
is contained in the file interp.h:

^atypedef struct InterpVarType {
  BYTE    iDataType;  /* type of data */
  LWORD   iInt;       /* integer data */
  void    *iPtr;      /* pointer data */

^C  Param[] is of type InterpVarType. The field iDataType is filled-in for you
by the interpreter and can be:

^a  CDT_UNDEF      undefined (invalid)
  CDT_NULL       null (invalid)
  CDT_INT        int - value stored in Param[].iInt
  CDT_STR        str - pointer stored in Param[].iPtr
  CDT_THING      thing - pointer stored in Param[].iPtr
  CDT_EXTRA      extra - pointer stored in Param[].iPtr
  CDT_EXIT       exit - pointer stored in Param[].iPtr

^C  Note that under normal circumstances, you will not need to type-check the
your input because the compiler will not compile invalid function calls. For
example, if SomeFunct() requires a thing pointer , and the C4 coder calls does
SomeFunct(5), the compiler will spit out an error and won't compile.
  The only exception to this rule is if you define your function with the last
parameter of type CDT_ETC. This parameter type is for functions which can 
accept a variable number of parameters. THIS IS DANGEROUS! Please read and 
understand the note at the end of this section concerning the CDT_ETC data 
type before you try using it!!!
  The value returned from the function (if there is one) is put into the
variable Return. Return has the same structure as the interpreter's 
stack - when you return values you are actually putting values directly 
into the interpreter's stack!

^atypedef struct InterpStack {
  INTERPVARTYPE *iVariable;  /* used internally by interp - don't use!! */
  BYTE    iDataType;  /* type of data - set for you by interp. */
  LWORD   iInt;       /* integer data goes here */
  void    *iPtr;      /* pointer data (thing, str, extra) goes here */

^C  Return integer values in Return->iInt. Return pointer (str, thing, extra)
values in Return->iPtr. Don't ever touch iDataType or iVariable or evil things
may happen.

IN EITHER Return->iInt OR Return->iPtr!!! As I said, you are putting these
values directly into the interpreter's stack; if you muck things around, 
you will get unpredictable results from your function, and you may even cause 
the MUD to become unstable and/or crash. 

^C  Once you've written your function, add an entry in fTable (located at the
very bottom of function.c). This entry defines, in order, 
  1) the function name, as accessed from within C4
  2) the function name, as called by the interpreter
  3) the data type of the returned value, CDT_NULL (ie: 0) if none.
  4) an array of data types, terminated with CDT_NULL, representing
     the types of the parameters to be passed to the function.

  So a single entry looks like this:

^a{ "Cook",  (void*)FnCook,  CDT_INT, {CDT_INT, CDT_STR, 0} },
^a   ^^^^           ^^^^^^   ^^^^^^^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^aC4 Funct     Interp Funct  Return Type        Parameter Type(s)

^C  In C4 this function would be used like this:

^a    {
    int a,b;
    str c;


^C  From within function.c, you have unlimited access to everything Crimson II 
has to offer. However, before you go hog wild, let me impose upon you some 
philosophies of C4. 
  Remember our motto: NO ERRORS. NO CRASHES. 
  To achieve this, I have tried very hard to compose C4 such that the C4 coder
is (virtually) incapable of crashing the MUD. I have even included a maximum
instruction counter in the interpreter to handle would-be infinite loops.
One major stepping stone (pain in the ass is more like it) is that nothing, 
and I mean NOTHING, can be allocated and then left to the C4 coder to 
deallocate. We cannot let the coder create an object, and at their discretion 
give it to someone later - what if the coder doesn't give it to anyone - the 
pointer to the object is lost when the code ends and the object is left floating
in space forever, consuming space. Instead, the C4 coder must specify a 
destination for the object when creating a new one. Thus this problem is 
  So to keep your system stable, and as error-free as possible, try to keep
you functions safe, do killer error-checking on types, and don't leave anything
for the C4 coder to do - do it all WITHIN YOUR FUNCTION.
  NOTE that the compiler will enforce data types to match (ie str's where str's
should go, things's where things' should go, etc.). In fact, the compiler
is rather brutal about insisting that function calls are `just right'. However,
problems may arise in that a coder can still send NULL pointers; if you
try to do a -> operator on a NULL pointer, guess what - segmentation fault. 
Example: suppose you code "ThingWait()" which returns the integer tWait in the
THING data structure. If the user goes "ThingWait(TNULL)" and you just go ahead
and do "Return->iInt=Param[0].iPtr->tWait", Crimson II will seg-fault and crash.
  Also, if you have a `thing' data type passed to your function, check it's 
type (ie thing->tType). If you are accessing WLD information on something
that's a PLR, you won't exactly be getting correct information; if you try
to get a pointer out of a non-compatible structure - friendly segmentation
fault again. :)
  Oh, and if you get weird errors, make sure the function you are calling has
it's .h file included at the top of function.c! 

^yIMPORTANT NOTICE: This notice is regarding the use of the CDT_ETC paramter
type. If you want to create a function which can accept a variable number of 
parameters, similar to the "printf" statement in C, you use the CDT_ETC 
parameter type in your function definition. HOWEVER, there are few rules
you MUST follow in using this data type: 

^a  1) You may only have ONE parameter defined as CDT_ETC in your function
     parameter list, and it MUST be the LAST one, immediately preceeding 
     the terminating CDT_NULL parameter! If you do not follow this important
     rule, the stack in the compiler (compile.c) will be corrupted and your
     MUD will be extremely unstable, if it works at all.

     example entry in function table: 
     { "SomeFunct",  (void*)SomeFunct,  0, {CDT_INT, CDT_STR, CDT_ETC, 0} },

^a  2) When you use the variable number parameters in your function in 
     function.c, you MUST do type checking YOURSELF! For example, If you 
     expect a parameter of type CDT_INT, before you use the parameter, 
     check it's iDataType field to make sure it's CDT_INT. If it's not, 
     how you handle the situation is up to you. 

     Why is this important? Since the compiler does not know the number or
     type of parameters passed via the CDT_ETC type, it cannot do any 
     type checking whatsoever. If you process a parameter incorrectly, 
     the results are unpredictable at best, and will cause segmentation 
     faults at worst, crashing Crimson II.

^a  3) The parameter list passed to your function will be terminated by a
     parameter with it's iDataType field set to CDT_NULL. This is your
     ONLY way to determine how many parameters your function has been
     passed. Actually, the parameter list is ALWAYS terminated with 
     CDT_NULL. However, this fact is only important with variable-length 
     parameter lists.

^C  Remember, you can use type-cast variables BEFORE your CDT_ETC
parameter call, and their presence and type will be enforced as normal.
It is only the CDT_ETC parameter you have to watch out for. 
  For an example of how to properly use the CDT_ETC parameter type, and how
to check your parameter types and length, look at the existing functions
built with the CDT_ETC parameter type. A good example is the function
SendThingStr, which is modeled after the "printf" function in C. 
c4language c46.2~
^a^v6.2 Modifying the C4 Language^V

^C  Do you want to get fancy? Do you wish to delve deeper into the depths of 
C4 and the inner-workings of the compiler/interpreter/decompiler? 
Okay, here's how it goes:

^acode.*       - interface to the rest of the MUD - try to keep it clean :)
codestuf.*   - definitions common to all C4 modules
compile.*    - compiler module
interp.*     - run-time interpreter module & hex dump
decomp.*     - decompiler module & disassembler
function.*   - all C4 user functions

^c  To add a system variable
^b  ------------------------
^a  Start in codestuf.h and find the definition for cSysVar[].
Enter directly into this table the variable, the variable type, and it's
value. Note that it's important to keep non-changeable and changeable sys 
vars separated! 
  If you just want to add a constant, you're done. If you wish to add a 
changing variable such as COMMAND or EVENT_THING, search the various compile.c,
interp.c, and decomp.c files for similar variables and model your activity
after those. It's not easy.

^c  To add an @ event
^b  -----------------
^a  To add an @ event, you need go no further than code.* and the main CrimsonII
code. You shouldn't have to touch interp, decomp, compile, or function.
Look at how events are handled in code.c for help. As for adding your event
into the CrimsonII code so it's called at the right time, you're on your own.
If documentation for the CrimsonII code exists (Cryogen!), consult that for 

^c  To do other things
^b  ------------------
^a  To do something more complex, such as add functionality to C4 in the form 
of grammar (eg switch() case statements), you are really asking for it. First,
you have to decide how you are going to compile the source code. What assembly
language commands are you going to use. Do you need to add assembly commands?
Next, how are you going to interpret any new commands quickly and in a form
that's compatible with the existing system? Lastly, you have to figure out
how the heck you are going to disassemble the new grammar. This is probably
the hardest step. Your assembly code must be unique in it's structure and 
in its use of assembly commands so that decomp can figure out how to convert
the assembly back into C4 source code! Then, sit down and start coding,
first with compile, then interp, then decomp.
  I have some pointers to start you out. All the assembly commands - the
COP_* variety - are completely movable - change their actual numerical 
values to whatever you like to make things neat and tidy for yourself.
Same goes for the CODE_BLK_* codes if you are adding a new code block.
If you are adding a new reserved word, the order IS IMPORTANT because of how
the array cResWord is initialized. 
  Okay, now for the funky stuff. The compiler is a huge state machine. The
states are broken up into major states, designated at the start of compile.c.
The minor states are broken up by adding constants to the major states within
the state machine. Look through the while(1) loop in Compile() in compile.c.
Pay attention to where the input string is read, how it is processed, and then
how the state machine (the great huge switch() statement) is entered and 
handled. I've broken up the state machine into it's major parts - try following
an existing grammar example such as the if-else or the while() loop. REMEMBER!
Everything must be compiled into assembler in post-fix notation!
  Next, the interpreter is run off a stack and does everything in post-fix. 
That's reverse-Polish notation (I can say that-I'm part Polish :) ) Look at 
the comments in the code for further help. The entire program is converted into
a great big post-fix expression - cool eh? No accumulators or registers are 
used. The stack is the only means of data storage available to the interpreter.
  Lastly, the decompiler runs off a multi-pass stack-loop type kludge. First,
the program is translated into a big text array. Then things like `;' and 
indents are added. Good luck.
c4optimize c47.~
^a^v6. Optimizing C4 code^V

^C  C4 code, because of its interpreted nature, cannot run as fast as compiled 
C code; speed is the price paid for the safety and flexibility of C4 code.

^C  However, there are techniquese that can be employed to optimize the 
execution of C4 code. 

^C  The general principles to use are: 
      ^y- whenever possible, call library functions from within C4
      ^y- avoid using large while() loops and complex calculations
      ^y- add complex functions directly to the MUD code in function.c

^C  Functions are called and executed very quickly in C4. If you have the 
option of doing a while() loop, or calling a function which does the same 
thing, call the function!

^C  In fact, due to the built-in instruction-execution limiter, a while(0) loop
will only loop about 200 times before the C4 script is aborted (assuming
a maximum instruction count of 1000, the default value). So you see, large
while() loops are not even possible, let alone practical. 

^C  To be more specific, let's look at a while() loop example: 

^a  int i;
^a  i=0;
^a  while(i<10) {
^a    dummy();    /* This is a completely empty function which does nothing */
^a    i++;
^a  }

^C  In the above program, the purpose of the loop, calling dummy() ten
times, only consumes about 28% of the CPU time. The rest of the time is spent 
incrementing the variable 'i' and executing the while() portion of the code. 

^C  A far superior solution to this problem would be to build in the looping
functionality into the dummy() function in the module function.c. 

^C  The general philosophy behind C4 is this: the hard stuff gets coded 
directly into the Crimson II mud server using custom functions in function.c.
The C4 code is used in simplistic terms to simply call those functions. The
built-in arithmetic and looping structures are present in C4 as a convenience
for when their use is somewhat unavoidable. However, it is strongly encouraged
that complex code be moved into function.c directly.

^C  Efficient, clean, and simple C4 code can be executed with only a 
performance hit of about 50% (ie executes half as quickly as compiled C code).
Complex C4 code with loops and calculations can take 100 or more times longer
than compiled C code.
c4library c4a1~
^a^vAppendix 1: C4 Function Library Reference^V

^rSection  Keyword      Description
^b-------  -----------  ---------------------------------------------------------
^P A 1.1   ^Gc4preface     ^CC4 Function Library Reference Preface
^P A 1.2   ^Gc4index       ^CC4 Function Library Reference Index
c4a1.1 c4preface~
^a^vAppendix 1.1: C4 Function Library Reference Preface^V

^CBefore we delve right into the function listing for C4, let's go over how the
functions are presented. 

First note: things (ie anything of type `thing') can be of the following 
types: WLD  - rooms (Embassy Centre, Club Med, etc)
       PLR  - players (actual living breathing human beings - theoretically)
       MOB  - mobiles (the computer-run creatures inside the game)
       OBJ  - objects (pistols, food items, that sort of thing)

Okay! So each function is presented as such:

^gint   ^rThingGetType  ^a(^gthing WLD/PLR/MOB/OBJ ^psomething^a)
^C      Returns the type of the thing <^psomething^C>. Returns the following values:
^a          TTYPE_UNDEF
^a          TTYPE_WLD        
^a          TTYPE_OBJ
^a          TTYPE_MOB
^a          TTYPE_PLR
^C      Returns 0 on error.

^a      See also: ^Gc4thing ^rSendAction SendThing 

^CSo let's disect this entry: 
The `int' at the start is the data type of the function return value. If there
is no value returned, this space will say <null>. Next, the "ThingType",
is the name of the function as you would type it in C4. Next, we have, in
parentheses, the parameter list (comma delimited). For parameters of type
`thing', you will notice a list of valid thing types. For the above function,
the parameter <something> may be of any type WLD, PLR, MOB or OBJ. Many
functions will only act on a few thing types. Next, we have a description
of how the function works and what it returns. Lastly, we have a brief 
description of what is returned if an error occurs. 

So you would call the above function like this:
^a  value=ThingType(something);
^CAnd if you called it like this:
^a  value=ThingType(TNULL);
^Cyou would get 0 because TNULL is not a valid `thing' and has no type.

Also, some functions have a parameter list ending in "etc p1, etc p2..."
This is an unlimited parameter list. You can use as many parameters
as you like, of any type, and C4 will let you do it. Be warned, however,
if you go sticking in wrong data types, C4 will simply not respond 
and your code will not work properly. Unlimited parameter lists are used
mostly with string substitutions.

^cString Substitutions
^C  String Substitutions are modeled after functions like the "printf" function
in C, with the variable number of parameters, and in the way the substitution 
is performed. If you are already familiar with "printf", you probably are only
interested in the last part of this section which describes what substitutions
are currently available and how they work.

  Many functions use string substitutions; strings which are modified by
C4 to reflect variable contents. For example, look at this function call:

^a      SendThingStr(EVENT_THING,"Hello %s\n",BaseGetKey(CODE_THING));

^C  BaseGetKey will retrieve the name of the character CODE_THING. Then, 
the function SendThingStr uses the string substitution to insert this name
into the string at the location specified by "%s". Suppose CODE_THING's name
is "Mary". From the above command, the thing EVENT_THING would recieve 
the following text:

^a      Hello Mary

^C  Look at this:

^a      SendThingStr(EVENT_THING,"Hi %s, my name is %s.\n",

^C  Now we've done 2 substitutions. Notice the parameters following the
string MUST be in the same order as they appear in the substitution string!

^a  The string substitutions currently availabe are:
      %s              - str substitution
      %i              - int substitution
      %c              - single character (int) substitution

^C  Any function ending in "Str" uses string substitution.
c4glossary c4a2~
^a^vAppendix 2: Glossary of Terms^V
mob, mobile 
obj, object
plr, player
wld, world
c4reserved c4a3~
^a^vAppendix 3: List of C4 Reserved Words^V

^C  Many of the C4 reserved words are not currently implemented. The 
un-implemented words are reserved now to avoid conflicts in the future, should
the word become available in the C4 language. It is reccommended that 
un-implemented words ARE NOT removed from the reserved word list. The reserved
word list is defined in codestuf.c.

^cC4 Reserved Words:
^a  asm