VDD-Variable Dependent Descriptions

The system is quite simple: Every time a room description is checked to be
displayed, it is scanned for VDD markers (double pipes ||).  If they are
found, it checks the marker list (in function CheckVDD) for the marker
that immedeatly follows it.  Depending on what CheckVDD returns, the
routine then copies all text in either the first or the second set of {}'s
after the marker.  It then removes the marker, and rescans for any other
markers.  (This includes any that may have been in previous ones, so
nesting is possible.) Once none are found, it returns a buffer with the
reformatted description.

Sorry about the lack of a .diff file or similar, but I couldn't use patch
or diff to save my life.

Note: This was originally written in C++.  There weren't many changes
needed to convert it to C (just removal of bools and references) but if it
doesn't work, contact me.  I can try to help, but I won't gaurentee
anything (even a reply, see below.)

NOTE: I will not be held responsible for any damages to your MUD that come
through the use of this system.  The following is presented 'AS-IS'
without warrenty of any kind.  It is always wise to back-up your code
before adding anything new. (I know, I usually forget to. ;)

Yet another Note: I require nothing of you to use this system, but it'd be
nice if you dropped me a line to tell me you're using it (although you are
in no way obligated to.) It'd be even nicer to include me in your MUD's
credits, but again, you are in no way obligated to.

Current e-mail: enspapp@apci.net
To add new VDD's:
To add new VDD's, you must add a new marker in the CheckVDD function.

Insert the following into the else-if ladder. It doesn't matter where, as
long as it's not after the final else:

else if (!strn_cmp(TextBuf,"<insert new marker here>",<put length of new marker here)) {
	<put whatever code you need here>
	return <int return code>;

Return codes are as follows:

Example: ||time {A} {B}

0: Replace VDD with the second text field. (IE field 'B' above.)
-1: Error.  Causes VDD replacement routine to stop and return a
    completely unedited description.
Anything else: Replace VDD with the first text field. (IE field 'A' above.)

Other aspects that should be known:

When replaced, the original is removed from the first | to the last }, so

ABCDE||time{F}{G}HIJ would print (assuming the first was selected) ABCDEFHIJ

Any spaces before the || and after the last } are kept.  There can be any
characters between the marker (ie ||time) and the first {, as well as in
between the first } and second { but they are thrown away.

ABCDE ||time lalala {FGH}...{IJK} :) LNMOP (with first again) would be

There cannot, however, be any spaces between the pipes (||) and the
marker (ie time), so:

||time : OK
|| time : Bad, will cause error and print out entire unedited description.

To Install:

In the act.informative.cc file (assuming the look_at_room function hasn't
changed to a different file)

Add the following prototype:

char* ProcRoomDesc(char* desc,char_data* ch);

and in the look_at_room function, change the following:

send_to_char(world[ch->in_room].description, ch);



And add the file vdd.c (shown at the end of this file), then compile:

(Sorry I can't help with makefiles, the MUD I made this for has gone
through so many drastic changes (ie conversion from C to C++) that I don't
use the makefile anymore.)

Good luck and happy describing!

Oh yes, you may be wondering what the current markers are.. Well,

||time {day, ie time_info.hours between 5 and 21 inclusive}{night}
||clouds {not cloudy, ie weather_info.sky==SKY_CLOUDLESS}{cloudy}
||rain {not raining, ie weather_info.sky<SKY_RAINING}{raining}

||random25 {25% of being chosen}{75% chance}
||random50 {50%}{50%}
||random33 {33%}{67%}
||random00 {.1%}{99.9%}
It should be noted that for the random ones, there is no save between
looks, ie, a person standing in a 50/50 room could look around once and
see one description, then look around again and see the other.  Use them

||god {god not in room}{god in room}
For a god to be considered in room means that a PC, of level >=
LVL_IMMORT, and with an invisibility level of 0 (ie fully visible) is in
the room. Useful for having people in the background bow down to you }:)

File: vdd.c

#include "conf.h"
#include "sysdep.h"

#include "structs.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "db.h"

extern time_info_data time_info;

int FindOpenClose(char* buf,char** begin,char** end) {
        int Level=0;
        while (*buf && *buf!='{') buf++;
        if (!(*buf)) return 0;
        while (*buf && Level) {
                if (*buf=='{') Level++;
                else if (*buf=='}') Level--;
        if (Level) return 0;
        return 1;

int CheckVDD(char* TextBuf,char_data* ch) {
        char_data* temp;
        int First;
                if (!strn_cmp(TextBuf,"time",4))
                else if (!strn_cmp(TextBuf,"clouds",6))
                else if (!strn_cmp(TextBuf,"rain",4))
                else if (!strn_cmp(TextBuf,"random00",8))
                else if (!strn_cmp(TextBuf,"random25",8))
                else if (!strn_cmp(TextBuf,"random50",8))
                else if (!strn_cmp(TextBuf,"random33",8))
                else if (!strn_cmp(TextBuf,"god",3)) {
                        for (;temp;temp=temp->next_in_room) {
                                if (IS_NPC(temp)) continue;
                                if (GET_LEVEL(temp)<LVL_IMMORT) continue;
                                if (GET_INVIS_LEV(temp)) continue;
                else return -1;
        return First;

int DoVDDReplace(char* Read,char* Write,char* pos,char_data* ch) {
        int Level=0;
        char *Begin,*End;
	int First;
        if (First==-1) return 0;
        if (!FindOpenClose(pos,&Begin,&End)) return 0;
        if (!First)
                if (!FindOpenClose(pos,&Begin,&End)) return 0;
        if (First)
                if (!FindOpenClose(pos,&Begin,&End)) return 0;
        return 1;

char* ProcRoomDesc(char* desc,char_data* ch) {
        static char BufA[8192],BufB[8192];
        char *ReadingBuf,*WritingBuf,*pos,*T;
        while (pos=strstr(ReadingBuf,"||")) {
                if (!DoVDDReplace(ReadingBuf,WritingBuf,pos,ch)) return desc;
        return ReadingBuf;