
/* ************************************************************************
*   File: comm.c                                        Part of CircleMUD *
*  Usage: Communication, socket handling, main(), central game loop       *
*                                                                         *
*  All rights reserved.  See license.doc for complete information.        *
*                                                                         *
*  Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University *
*  CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991.               *
************************************************************************ */

#define __COMM_C__

#include "conf.h"
#include "sysdep.h"

#ifdef CIRCLE_MACINTOSH		/* Includes for the Macintosh */
# define SIGPIPE 13
# define SIGALRM 14
  /* GUSI headers */
# include <sys/ioctl.h>
  /* Codesaiyan dependant */
# include <SIOUX.h>
# include <console.h>

#ifdef CIRCLE_WINDOWS		/* Includes for Win32 */
# ifdef __BORLANDC__
#  include <dir.h>
# else /* MSVC */
#  include <direct.h>
# endif
# include <mmsystem.h>
#endif /* CIRCLE_WINDOWS */

#ifdef CIRCLE_AMIGA		/* Includes for the Amiga */
# include <sys/ioctl.h>
# include <clib/socket_protos.h>
#endif /* CIRCLE_AMIGA */

#ifdef CIRCLE_ACORN		/* Includes for the Acorn (RiscOS) */
# include <socklib.h>
# include <inetlib.h>
# include <sys/ioctl.h>

 * Note, most includes for all platforms are in sysdep.h.  The list of
 * files that is included is controlled by conf.h for that platform.

#include "structs.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "handler.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "house.h"
#include "olc.h"
#include "dg_scripts.h"

#include <arpa/telnet.h>
#include "telnet.h"


#define YES	1
#define NO	0

/* externs */
extern sh_int r_death_start_room;
extern sh_int r_trans_space;
extern sh_int r_trans_earth;
extern sh_int r_trans_vegeta;
extern sh_int r_trans_frigid;
extern sh_int r_trans_namek;
extern sh_int r_trans_orainas;
extern sh_int r_trans_konack;
extern int reboot_time;
extern int reboot_state;
extern int interest_state;
extern int interest_time;
extern int transport_state;
extern struct ban_list_element *ban_list;
extern int num_invalid;
extern char *startup;
extern char *startup2;
extern const char circlemud_version[];
extern int circle_restrict;
extern int mini_mud;
extern int no_rent_check;
extern FILE *player_fl;
extern int DFLT_PORT;
extern char *DFLT_DIR;
extern char *DFLT_IP;
extern char *LOGNAME;
extern int MAX_PLAYERS;

extern struct room_data *world;	/* In db.c */
extern int top_of_world;	/* In db.c */
extern struct time_info_data time_info;		/* In db.c */
extern char help[];
void proc_color(char *inbuf, int color);

extern int top_of_zone_table;
extern struct zone_data *zone_table;
extern const char *save_info_msg[];   /* In olc.c */

/* local globals */
struct descriptor_data *descriptor_list = NULL;		/* master desc list */
struct txt_block *bufpool = 0;	/* pool of large output buffers */
int buf_largecount = 0;		/* # of large buffers which exist */
int buf_overflows = 0;		/* # of overflows of output */
int buf_switches = 0;		/* # of switches from small to large buf */
int circle_shutdown = 0;	/* clean shutdown */
int circle_reboot = 0;		/* reboot the game after a shutdown */
int no_specials = 0;		/* Suppress ass. of special routines */
int max_players = 0;		/* max descriptors available */
int tics = 0;			/* for extern checkpointing */
int scheck = 0;			/* for syntax checking mode */
int dg_act_check;               /* toggle for act_trigger */
unsigned long dg_global_pulse = 0; /* number of pulses since game start */
extern int nameserver_is_slow;	/* see config.c */
extern int auto_save;		/* see config.c */
extern int autosave_time;	/* see config.c */
struct timeval null_time;	/* zero-valued time structure */
FILE *logfile = NULL;		/* Where to send the log messages. */

static bool fCopyOver;          /* Are we booting in copyover mode? */
int  mother_desc;        /* Now a global */
int     port;

/* functions in this file */
RETSIGTYPE reread_wizlists(int sig);
RETSIGTYPE unrestrict_game(int sig);
RETSIGTYPE reap(int sig);
RETSIGTYPE checkpointing(int sig);
RETSIGTYPE hupsig(int sig);
ssize_t perform_socket_read(socket_t desc, char *read_point,size_t space_left);
ssize_t perform_socket_write(socket_t desc, const char *txt,size_t length);
void echo_off(struct descriptor_data *d);
void echo_on(struct descriptor_data *d);
void check_reset(void);
void check_interest(void);
void check_dtimer(void);
void check_reboot(void);
void check_trans(void);
void check_spam(void);
void sanity_check(void);
int get_from_q(struct txt_q *queue, char *dest, int *aliased);
void init_game(int port);
void signal_setup(void);
void game_loop(int mother_desc);
int init_socket(int port);
int new_descriptor(int s);
int get_max_players(void);
int process_output(struct descriptor_data *t);
int process_input(struct descriptor_data *t);
struct timeval *timediff(struct timeval a, struct timeval b);
struct timeval *timeadd(struct timeval a, struct timeval b);
void flush_queues(struct descriptor_data *d);
void nonblock(socket_t s);
int perform_subst(struct descriptor_data *t, char *orig, char *subst);
int perform_alias(struct descriptor_data *d, char *orig);
void record_usage(void);
char *make_prompt(struct descriptor_data *point);
void check_idle_passwords(void);
void heartbeat(int pulse);

void    init_descriptor (struct descriptor_data *newd, int desc);/*eighteen*/
struct in_addr *get_bind_addr(void);
int parse_ip(const char *addr, struct in_addr *inaddr);
int set_sendbuf(socket_t s);
#if defined(POSIX)
sigfunc *my_signal(int signo, sigfunc * func);

/* extern fcnts */
void fishcheck(void);
void reboot_wizlists(void);
void boot_world(void);
void affect_update(void);	/* In spells.c */
void mobile_activity(void);
void string_add(struct descriptor_data *d, char *str);
void perform_violence(void);
void show_string(struct descriptor_data *d, char *input);
int isbanned(char *hostname);
extern int reseted;
void weather_and_time(int mode);
void redit_save_to_disk(int zone_num);
void oedit_save_to_disk(int zone_num);
void medit_save_to_disk(int zone_num);
void sedit_save_to_disk(int zone_num);
void zedit_save_to_disk(int zone_num);
int real_zone(int number);

#ifdef __CXREF__
#undef FD_ZERO
#undef FD_SET
#undef FD_ISSET
#undef FD_CLR
#define FD_ZERO(x)
#define FD_SET(x, y) 0
#define FD_ISSET(x, y) 0
#define FD_CLR(x, y)

*  main game loop and related stuff                                    *

#if defined(CIRCLE_WINDOWS) || defined(CIRCLE_MACINTOSH)

/* Windows doesn't have gettimeofday, so we'll simulate it. */
/* The Mac doesn't have gettimeofday either. */
void gettimeofday(struct timeval *t, struct timezone *dummy)
#if defined(CIRCLE_WINDOWS)
  DWORD millisec = GetTickCount();
#elif defined(CIRCLE_MACINTOSH)
  unsigned long int millisec;
  millisec = (int)((float)TickCount() * 1000.0 / 60.0);

  t->tv_sec = (int) (millisec / 1000);
  t->tv_usec = (millisec % 1000) * 1000;


int main(int argc, char **argv)

  int pos = 1;
  char *dir;

  /* Initialize these to check for overruns later. */

   * ccommand() calls the command line/io redirection dialog box from
   * Codesaiyans's SIOUX library
  argc = ccommand(&argv);
  /* Initialize the GUSI library calls.  */

  port = DFLT_PORT;
  dir = DFLT_DIR;

   * It would be nice to make this a command line option but the parser uses
   * the log() function, maybe later. -gg
  if (LOGNAME == NULL || *LOGNAME == '\0')
    logfile = fdopen(STDERR_FILENO, "w");
    logfile = freopen(LOGNAME, "w", stderr);

  if (logfile == NULL) {
      printf("error opening log file %s: %s\n",
		LOGNAME ? LOGNAME : "stderr", strerror(errno));


  while ((pos < argc) && (*(argv[pos]) == '-')) {
    switch (*(argv[pos] + 1)) {
    case 'd':
      if (*(argv[pos] + 2))
	dir = argv[pos] + 2;
      else if (++pos < argc)
	dir = argv[pos];
      else {
	log("SYSERR: Directory arg expected after option -d.");
    case 'm':
      mini_mud = 1;
      no_rent_check = 1;
      log("Running in minimized mode & with no rent check.");
    case 'c':
      scheck = 1;
      log("Syntax check mode enabled.");
    case 'C': /* -C<socket number> - recover from copyover, this is the control socket */
	fCopyOver = TRUE;
	mother_desc = atoi(argv[pos]+2);
    case 'q':
      no_rent_check = 1;
      log("Quick boot mode -- rent check supressed.");
    case 'r':
      circle_restrict = 1;
      log("Restricting game -- no new players allowed.");
    case 's':
      no_specials = 1;
      log("Suppressing assignment of special routines.");
      log("SYSERR: Unknown option -%c in argument string.", *(argv[pos] + 1));

  if (pos < argc) {
    if (!isdigit(*argv[pos])) {
      log("Usage: %s [-c] [-m] [-q] [-r] [-s] [-d pathname] [port #]\n", argv[0]);
    } else if ((port = atoi(argv[pos])) <= 1024) {
      log("SYSERR: Illegal port number %d.", port);

  if (chdir(dir) < 0) {
    perror("SYSERR: Fatal error changing to data directory");
  log("Using %s as data directory.", dir);

  if (scheck) {
  } else {
    log("Running game on port %d.", port);

  return 0;

int enter_player_game(struct descriptor_data *d);

/* Reload players after a copyover */
void copyover_recover()
	struct descriptor_data *d;
	FILE *fp;
	char host[1024];
    struct char_file_u tmp_store;
	int desc, player_i;
    bool fOld;
   char name[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
	log ("Copyover recovery initiated");
	fp = fopen (COPYOVER_FILE, "r");
	if (!fp) /* there are some descriptors open which will hang forever then ? */
		perror ("copyover_recover:fopen");
		log ("Copyover file not found. Exitting.\n\r");
		exit (1);

	unlink (COPYOVER_FILE); /* In case something crashes - doesn't prevent reading	*/
	for (;;)
        fOld = TRUE;
		fscanf (fp, "%d %s %s\n", &desc, name, host);
		if (desc == -1)

		/* Write something, and check if it goes error-free */		
		if (write_to_descriptor (desc, "\n\rRestoring from copyover...\n\r") < 0)
			close (desc); /* nope */
        /* create a new descriptor */
        CREATE (d, struct descriptor_data, 1);
        memset ((char *) d, 0, sizeof (struct descriptor_data));
		init_descriptor (d,desc); /* set up various stuff */
		strcpy(d->host, host);
		d->next = descriptor_list;
		descriptor_list = d;

        d->connected = CON_CLOSE;
		/* Now, find the pfile */
        CREATE(d->character, struct char_data, 1);
        CREATE(d->character->player_specials, struct player_special_data, 1);
        d->character->desc = d;

        if ((player_i = load_char(name, &tmp_store)) >= 0)
            store_to_char(&tmp_store, d->character);
            GET_PFILEPOS(d->character) = player_i;
            if (!PLR_FLAGGED(d->character, PLR_DELETED))
                REMOVE_BIT(PLR_FLAGS(d->character),PLR_WRITING | PLR_MAILING | PLR_CRYO);
                fOld = FALSE;
            fOld = FALSE;
		if (!fOld) /* Player file not found?! */
			write_to_descriptor (desc, "\n\rSomehow, your character was lost in the copyover. Sorry.\n\r");
			close_socket (d);			
		else /* ok! */
            write_to_descriptor (desc, "\n\rCopyover recovery complete.\n\r");
            d->connected = CON_PLAYING;
            look_at_room(d->character, 0);
	fclose (fp);

/* Init sockets, run game, and cleanup sockets */
void init_game(int port)
  /* We don't want to restart if we crash before we get up. */


  log("Finding player limit.");
  max_players = get_max_players();
  if (!fCopyOver) /* If copyover mother_desc is already set up */
		log ("Opening mother connection.");
		mother_desc = init_socket (port);


  log("Signal trapping.");

	if (fCopyOver) /* reload players */

  /* If we made it this far, we will be able to restart without problem. */

  log("Entering game loop.");


  log("Closing all sockets.");
  while (descriptor_list)


  if (circle_reboot != 2 && olc_save_list) { /* Don't save zones. */
    struct olc_save_info *entry, *next_entry;
    int rznum;

    for (entry = olc_save_list; entry; entry = next_entry) {
      next_entry = entry->next;
      if (entry->type < 0 || entry->type > 4) {
        sprintf(buf, "OLC: Illegal save type %d!", entry->type);
      } else if ((rznum = real_zone(entry->zone * 100)) == -1) {
        sprintf(buf, "OLC: Illegal save zone %d!", entry->zone);
      } else if (rznum < 0 || rznum > top_of_zone_table) {
	sprintf(buf, "OLC: Invalid real zone number %d!", rznum);
      } else {
        sprintf(buf, "OLC: Reboot saving %s for zone %d.",
		save_info_msg[(int)entry->type], zone_table[rznum].number);
        switch (entry->type) {
        case OLC_SAVE_ROOM: redit_save_to_disk(rznum); break;
        case OLC_SAVE_OBJ:  oedit_save_to_disk(rznum); break;
        case OLC_SAVE_MOB:  medit_save_to_disk(rznum); break;
        case OLC_SAVE_ZONE: zedit_save_to_disk(rznum); break;
        case OLC_SAVE_SHOP: sedit_save_to_disk(rznum); break;
        default:      log("Unexpected olc_save_list->type"); break;

  if (circle_reboot) {
    exit(52);			/* what's so great about HHGTTG, anyhow? */
  log("Normal termination of game.");

 * init_socket sets up the mother descriptor - creates the socket, sets
 * its options up, binds it, and listens.
int init_socket(int port)
  int s, opt;
  struct sockaddr_in sa;

    WORD wVersionRequested;
    WSADATA wsaData;

    wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1, 1);

    if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData) != 0) {
      log("SYSERR: WinSock not available!");
    if ((wsaData.iMaxSockets - 4) < max_players) {
      max_players = wsaData.iMaxSockets - 4;
    log("Max players set to %d", max_players);

    if ((s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) {
      log("SYSERR: Error opening network connection: Winsock error #%d",
   * Should the first argument to socket() be AF_INET or PF_INET?  I don't
   * know, take your pick.  PF_INET seems to be more widely adopted, and
   * Comer (_Internetworking with TCP/IP_) even makes a point to say that
   * people erroneously use AF_INET with socket() when they should be using
   * PF_INET.  However, the man pages of some systems indicate that AF_INET
   * is correct; some such as ConvexOS even say that you can use either one.
   * All implementations I've seen define AF_INET and PF_INET to be the same
   * number anyway, so the point is (hopefully) moot.

  if ((s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
    perror("SYSERR: Error creating socket");
#endif				/* CIRCLE_WINDOWS */

#if defined(SO_REUSEADDR) && !defined(CIRCLE_MACINTOSH)
  opt = 1;
  if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0){
    perror("SYSERR: setsockopt REUSEADDR");


#if defined(SO_LINGER)
    struct linger ld;

    ld.l_onoff = 0;
    ld.l_linger = 0;
    if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *) &ld, sizeof(ld)) < 0) {
      perror("SYSERR: setsockopt LINGER");

  /* Clear the structure */
  memset((char *)&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));

  sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
  sa.sin_port = htons(port);
  sa.sin_addr = *(get_bind_addr());

  if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) {
    perror("SYSERR: bind");
  listen(s, 5);
  return s;

int get_max_players(void)
  return MAX_PLAYERS;

  int max_descs = 0;
  const char *method;

 * First, we'll try using getrlimit/setrlimit.  This will probably work
 * on most systems.  HAS_RLIMIT is defined in sysdep.h.
    struct rlimit limit;

    /* find the limit of file descs */
    method = "rlimit";
    if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit) < 0) {
      perror("SYSERR: calling getrlimit");

    /* set the current to the maximum */
    limit.rlim_cur = limit.rlim_max;
    if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit) < 0) {
      perror("SYSERR: calling setrlimit");
    if (limit.rlim_max == RLIM_INFINITY)
      max_descs = MIN(MAX_PLAYERS + NUM_RESERVED_DESCS, limit.rlim_max);
    max_descs = MIN(MAX_PLAYERS + NUM_RESERVED_DESCS, limit.rlim_max);

#elif defined (OPEN_MAX) || defined(FOPEN_MAX)
#if !defined(OPEN_MAX)
  method = "OPEN_MAX";
  max_descs = OPEN_MAX;		/* Uh oh.. rlimit didn't work, but we have
				 * OPEN_MAX */
#elif defined (_SC_OPEN_MAX)
   * Okay, you don't have getrlimit() and you don't have OPEN_MAX.  Time to
   * try the POSIX sysconf() function.  (See Stevens' _Advanced Programming
   * in the UNIX Environment_).
  method = "POSIX sysconf";
  errno = 0;
  if ((max_descs = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)) < 0) {
    if (errno == 0)
    else {
      perror("SYSERR: Error calling sysconf");
  /* if everything has failed, we'll just take a guess */
  method = "random guess"

  /* now calculate max _players_ based on max descs */
  max_descs = MIN(MAX_PLAYERS, max_descs - NUM_RESERVED_DESCS);

  if (max_descs <= 0) {
    log("SYSERR: Non-positive max player limit!  (Set at %d using %s).",
	    max_descs, method);
  log("Setting player limit to %d using %s.", max_descs, method);
  return max_descs;
#endif /* CIRCLE_UNIX */

 * game_loop contains the main loop which drives the entire MUD.  It
 * cycles once every 0.10 seconds and is responsible for accepting new
 * new connections, polling existing connections for input, dequeueing
 * output and sending it out to players, and calling "heartbeat" functions
 * such as mobile_activity().
void game_loop(int mother_desc)
  fd_set input_set, output_set, exc_set, null_set;
  struct timeval last_time, before_sleep, opt_time, process_time, now, timeout;
  char comm[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  struct descriptor_data *d, *next_d;
  int pulse = 0, missed_pulses = 0, maxdesc, aliased;
  /* initialize various time values */
  null_time.tv_sec = 0;
  null_time.tv_usec = 0;
  opt_time.tv_usec = OPT_USEC;
  opt_time.tv_sec = 0;

  gettimeofday(&last_time, (struct timezone *) 0);

  /* The Main Loop.  The Big Cheese.  The Top Dog.  The Head Honcho.  The.. */
  while (!circle_shutdown) {

    /* Sleep if we don't have any connections */
    if (descriptor_list == NULL) {
      log("No connections.  Going to sleep.");
      FD_SET(mother_desc, &input_set);
      if (select(mother_desc + 1, &input_set, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, NULL) < 0) {
	if (errno == EINTR)
	  log("Waking up to process signal.");
	  perror("Select coma");
      } else
	log("New connection.  Waking up.");
      gettimeofday(&last_time, (struct timezone *) 0);
    /* Set up the input, output, and exception sets for select(). */
    FD_SET(mother_desc, &input_set);

    maxdesc = mother_desc;
    for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) {
      if (d->descriptor > maxdesc)
	maxdesc = d->descriptor;
      FD_SET(d->descriptor, &input_set);
      FD_SET(d->descriptor, &output_set);
      FD_SET(d->descriptor, &exc_set);

     * At this point, we have completed all input, output and heartbeat
     * activity from the previous iteration, so we have to put ourselves
     * to sleep until the next 0.1 second tick.  The first step is to
     * calculate how long we took processing the previous iteration.
    gettimeofday(&before_sleep, (struct timezone *) 0); /* current time */
    process_time = *timediff(before_sleep, last_time);

     * If we were asleep for more than one pass, count missed pulses and sleep
     * until we're resynchronized with the next upcoming pulse.
    if (process_time.tv_sec == 0 && process_time.tv_usec < OPT_USEC) {
      missed_pulses = 0;
    } else {
      missed_pulses = process_time.tv_sec * PASSES_PER_SEC;
      missed_pulses += process_time.tv_usec / OPT_USEC;
      process_time.tv_sec = 0;
      process_time.tv_usec = process_time.tv_usec % OPT_USEC;

    /* Calculate the time we should wake up */
    last_time = *timeadd(before_sleep, *timediff(opt_time, process_time));

    /* Now keep sleeping until that time has come */
    gettimeofday(&now, (struct timezone *) 0);
    timeout = *timediff(last_time, now);

    /* Go to sleep */
    do {
      Sleep(timeout.tv_sec * 1000 + timeout.tv_usec / 1000);
      if (select(0, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, &timeout) < 0) {
	if (errno != EINTR) {
	  perror("SYSERR: Select sleep");
#endif /* CIRCLE_WINDOWS */
      gettimeofday(&now, (struct timezone *) 0);
      timeout = *timediff(last_time, now);
    } while (timeout.tv_usec || timeout.tv_sec);

    /* Poll (without blocking) for new input, output, and exceptions */
    if (select(maxdesc + 1, &input_set, &output_set, &exc_set, &null_time) < 0) {
      perror("Select poll");
    /* If there are new connections waiting, accept them. */
    if (FD_ISSET(mother_desc, &input_set))

    /* Kick out the freaky folks in the exception set and marked for close */
    for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = next_d) {
      next_d = d->next;
      if (FD_ISSET(d->descriptor, &exc_set)) {
	FD_CLR(d->descriptor, &input_set);
	FD_CLR(d->descriptor, &output_set);

    /* Process descriptors with input pending */
    for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = next_d) {
      next_d = d->next;
      if (FD_ISSET(d->descriptor, &input_set))
	if (process_input(d) < 0)

    /* Process commands we just read from process_input */
    for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = next_d) {
      next_d = d->next;

      /* Not combined to retain --(d->wait) behavior. -gg 2/20/98 */
      if (d->character) {
        GET_WAIT_STATE(d->character) -= (GET_WAIT_STATE(d->character) > 0);

        if (GET_WAIT_STATE(d->character))
      if (!get_from_q(&d->input, comm, &aliased))

      if (d->character) {
	/* Reset the idle timer & pull char back from void if necessary */
	d->character->char_specials.timer = 0;
	if (STATE(d) == CON_PLAYING && GET_WAS_IN(d->character) != NOWHERE) {
	  if (d->character->in_room != NOWHERE)
	  char_to_room(d->character, GET_WAS_IN(d->character));
	  GET_WAS_IN(d->character) = NOWHERE;
	  act("$n has returned.", TRUE, d->character, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
         GET_WAIT_STATE(d->character) = 1;
      d->has_prompt = 0;

       * I reversed these top 2 if checks so that you can use the
      if (d->showstr_count) /* Reading something w/ pager */
        show_string(d, comm);
      else if (d->str)
	string_add(d, comm);
      else if (STATE(d) != CON_PLAYING) /* In menus, etc. */
	nanny(d, comm);
      else {			/* else: we're playing normally. */
	if (aliased)		/* To prevent recursive aliases. */
	  d->has_prompt = 1;	/* To get newline before next cmd output. */
	else if (perform_alias(d, comm))    /* Run it through aliasing system */
	  get_from_q(&d->input, comm, &aliased);
	command_interpreter(d->character, comm); /* Send it to interpreter */

    /* Send queued output out to the operating system (ultimately to user) */
    for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = next_d) {
      next_d = d->next;
      if (*(d->output) && FD_ISSET(d->descriptor, &output_set)) {
	/* Output for this player is ready */
	if (process_output(d) < 0 && d) {
          sprintf(buf1, "%s was spamming!", GET_NAME(d->character));
          mudlog(buf1, NRM, MAX(LVL_IMMORT, GET_INVIS_LEV(d->character)), TRUE); 
	else {
	  d->has_prompt = 1;

    /* Print prompts for other descriptors who had no other output */
    for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) {
      if (!d->has_prompt) {
	write_to_descriptor(d->descriptor, make_prompt(d));
	d->has_prompt = 1;

    /* Kick out folks in the CON_CLOSE or CON_DISCONNECT state */
    for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = next_d) {
      next_d = d->next;
      if (STATE(d) == CON_CLOSE || STATE(d) == CON_DISCONNECT)

     * Now, we execute as many pulses as necessary--just one if we haven't
     * missed any pulses, or make up for lost time if we missed a few
     * pulses by sleeping for too long.

    if (missed_pulses <= 0) {
      missed_pulses = 1;

    /* If we missed more than 30 seconds worth of pulses, just do 30 secs */
    if (missed_pulses > (30 * PASSES_PER_SEC)) {
      log("SYSERR: Missed %d seconds worth of pulses.", missed_pulses / PASSES_PER_SEC);
      missed_pulses = 30 * PASSES_PER_SEC;

    /* Now execute the heartbeat functions */
    while (missed_pulses--)

    /* Roll pulse over after 10 hours */
    if (pulse >= (600 * 60 * PASSES_PER_SEC))
      pulse = 0;

    /* Update tics for deadlock protection (UNIX only) */
void check_spam(void) {
  struct descriptor_data *d;

   for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) {
    if (STATE(d) != CON_PLAYING)
    if (!d->character) /* just to make sure */
     if (STATE(d) == CON_PLAYING && d->character && !IS_NPC(d->character)){
      if (GET_ADD(d->character) >= 1) {
       GET_ADD(d->character) = 0;
void check_trans(void) {
  struct descriptor_data *d;
   for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) {
    if (STATE(d) != CON_PLAYING)
    if (!d->character) /* just to make sure */
     if (STATE(d) == CON_PLAYING && d->character && !IS_NPC(d->character)){
        if (PRF2_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF2_TRANS1)) {
             send_to_char("&16As the ship ascends from the port, it gradually picks up speed. As the ship gets further away it activates its primary drive, taking off at full speed! It passes many lifeless star systems while it shoots at top speed towards its destination.&00\r\n", d->character);
             REMOVE_BIT(PRF2_FLAGS(d->character), PRF2_TRANS1);
             SET_BIT(PRF2_FLAGS(d->character), PRF2_TRANS2);
          else if (PRF2_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF2_TRANS2)) {
          send_to_char("&16Spinning around the ship begins to slow down as its engines fire in the opposite direction. Suddenly the ship  begins to burn through the atmosphere of the planet, coming in for a landing at the station.&00\r\n", d->character);
             REMOVE_BIT(PRF2_FLAGS(d->character), PRF2_TRANS2);
             SET_BIT(PRF2_FLAGS(d->character), PRF2_TRANS3);
          else if (PRF2_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF2_TRANS3)) {
             send_to_char("&16The ship approaches the landing dock and it fires its landing thrusters, gently setting it down at the port. You rise from your seat and make your way back to the pilot. You step from the ship and into the port.&00\r\n", d->character);
             REMOVE_BIT(PRF2_FLAGS(d->character), PRF2_TRANS3);
             if (PRF2_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF2_EARTH)) {
              char_to_room(d->character, r_trans_earth);              
              REMOVE_BIT(PRF2_FLAGS(d->character), PRF2_EARTH);
             else if (PRF2_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF2_VEGETA)) {
              char_to_room(d->character, r_trans_vegeta);              
              REMOVE_BIT(PRF2_FLAGS(d->character), PRF2_VEGETA);
             else if (PRF2_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF2_FRIGID)) {
              char_to_room(d->character, r_trans_frigid);              
              REMOVE_BIT(PRF2_FLAGS(d->character), PRF2_FRIGID);
             else if (PRF2_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF2_KONACK)) {
              char_to_room(d->character, r_trans_konack);              
              REMOVE_BIT(PRF2_FLAGS(d->character), PRF2_KONACK);
             else if (PRF2_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF2_ORAINAS)) {
              char_to_room(d->character, r_trans_orainas);              
              REMOVE_BIT(PRF2_FLAGS(d->character), PRF2_ORAINAS);
             else if (PRF2_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF2_NAMEK)) {
              char_to_room(d->character, r_trans_namek);              
              REMOVE_BIT(PRF2_FLAGS(d->character), PRF2_NAMEK);
             look_at_room(d->character, 0);
void check_dtimer(void) {
   struct descriptor_data *d;
  for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) {
     if (STATE(d) != CON_PLAYING)
     if (!d->character) /* just to make sure */
     if (STATE(d) == CON_PLAYING && d->character && !IS_NPC(d->character)){
      if (GET_DTIMER(d->character) >= 1) {
      if (GET_DTIMER(d->character) <= 0 && CLN_FLAGGED(d->character, CLN_Death)) {
       GET_DTIMER(d->character) = 0;
       REMOVE_BIT(CLN_FLAGS(d->character), CLN_Death);
       sprintf(buf, "&16[&10Revival&16] &14%s &15has been revived!&00\r\n", GET_NAME(d->character));
     if (GET_PTIMER(d->character) >= 1) {
     if (GET_PTIMER(d->character) <= 0 && (PRF_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF_NOGRATZ) || PLR_FLAGGED(d->character, PLR_FROZEN))) {
      GET_PTIMER(d->character) = 0;
      if (PRF_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF_NOGRATZ)) {
       REMOVE_BIT(PRF_FLAGS(d->character), PRF_NOGRATZ);
       sprintf(buf, "&16[&14PARDON&16] &11%s &15has been released from hell&09!&00\r\n", GET_NAME(d->character));
       char_to_room(d->character, r_death_start_room);
      else if (PLR_FLAGGED(d->character, PLR_FROZEN)) {
       REMOVE_BIT(PLR_FLAGS(d->character), PLR_FROZEN);
       sprintf(buf, "&16[&10ALERT&16] &15%s has been &09T&00&01h&09a&00&01w&09e&00&01d&15 unfortunatly...&09!&00\r\n", GET_NAME(d->character));
       char_to_room(d->character, r_death_start_room);
     if (GET_RAGET(d->character) >= 1) {
     if (GET_RAGET(d->character) <= 0 && CLN_FLAGGED(d->character, CLN_RAGE) && !CLN_FLAGGED(d->character, CLN_BLUST)) {
      GET_RAGET(d->character) = 0;
      REMOVE_BIT(CLN_FLAGS(d->character), CLN_RAGE);
      act("&15Your rage dies out, and you revert to your former power.&00", FALSE, d->character, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
      act("&14$n's &15rage dies out, and $e reverts to $s former power.&00", FALSE, d->character, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
      GET_MAX_HIT(d->character) -= 10000000;
      GET_HIT(d->character) -= 10000000;
      if (GET_HIT(d->character) <= 0) {
       GET_HIT(d->character) = 1;
     if (GET_LUSTT(d->character) >= 1) {
     if (GET_LUSTT(d->character) <= 0 && CLN_FLAGGED(d->character, CLN_BLUST)) {
      GET_LUSTT(d->character) = 0;
      REMOVE_BIT(CLN_FLAGS(d->character), CLN_BLUST);
      act("&15You stop focusing your saiyan blood, your battle lust has left you exhausted...&00", FALSE, d->character, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
      GET_MAX_MANA(d->character) += 10000000;
      GET_HIT(d->character) -= 1;
    if (GET_RAGET(d->character) <= 0 && PRF2_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF2_GO)) {
      GET_RAGET(d->character) = 0;
      REMOVE_BIT(PRF2_FLAGS(d->character), PRF2_GO);
      act("&15Your body begins to shrink back to normal, as your body also absorbs your &11g&00&03o&11l&00&03d&11e&00&03n&15 fur back into your skin.&00", FALSE, d->character, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
      act("&14$n's &15body begins to shrink back to normal, as $s body absorbs $s &11g&00&03o&11l&00&03d&11e&00&03n&15 fur back into $s skin.&00", FALSE, d->character, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
      GET_MAX_HIT(d->character) -= 57500000;
      GET_HIT(d->character) -= 57500000;
      if (GET_HIT(d->character) <= 0) {
       GET_HIT(d->character) = 1;
void check_reset(void) {
 if (reseted == TRUE) {
  reseted = FALSE;
void check_interest(void) {
  struct descriptor_data *d;
   if (interest_time == 301) {
    send_to_all("&14Interest in &105&14 minutes.&00\r\n");
   if (interest_time == 241) {
    send_to_all("&14Interest in &104&14 minutes.&00\r\n");
   if (interest_time == 181) {
    send_to_all("&14Interest in &103&14 minutes.&00\r\n");
   if (interest_time == 121) {
    send_to_all("&14Interest in &102&14 minutes.&00\r\n");
   if (interest_time == 61) {
    send_to_all("&14Interest in &101&14 minute!!!&00\r\n");
   if (interest_time == 1) {   
    for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) {
     if (STATE(d) != CON_PLAYING)
     if (!d->character) /* just to make sure */
     if (STATE(d) == CON_PLAYING && d->character && !IS_NPC(d->character)){
        sprintf(buf, "&12[&11Interest &10GAIN&16: &15%d&12 ]\r\n", MIN(GET_BANK_GOLD(d->character) / 20, MAX(1, 10000000)));
        send_to_char(buf, d->character);
        *buf = '\0';
        GET_BANK_GOLD(d->character) = GET_BANK_GOLD(d->character) + MIN(GET_BANK_GOLD(d->character) / 20, MAX(1, 10000000));
        save_char(d->character, NOWHERE);
      interest_time = 28800;
     else {

void check_reboot(void) {
        if (reboot_time == 600) {
         send_to_all("&1410&15 minutes until automated reboot!&00\r\n");
        if (reboot_time == 480) {
         send_to_all("&148&15 minutes until automated reboot!&00\r\n");
        if (reboot_time == 300) {
         send_to_all("&145&15 minutes until automated reboot!&00\r\n");
        if (reboot_time == 120) {
         send_to_all("&142&15 minutes until automated reboot!&00\r\n");
        if (reboot_time == 60) {
         send_to_all("&111 minute until automated reboot, make sure to save!&00\r\n");
        if (reboot_time == 1) {
         send_to_all("Rebooting.. come back in a minute tops!\r\n");
        else if (reboot_time <= 0) {
         circle_shutdown = circle_reboot = 1;
    if (reboot_time >= 1) {
void heartbeat(int pulse) {
  static int mins_since_crashsave = 0;
  struct descriptor_data *pt;
  void process_events(void);
  void auction_update();
  void process_program_output(void);



  if (!(pulse % PULSE_DG_SCRIPT)) {

  if (!(pulse % (30 * PASSES_PER_SEC))) {
  if (!(pulse % PULSE_ZONE)) {
  if (!(pulse % (15 * PASSES_PER_SEC))) {		/* 15 seconds */
  if (!(pulse % (6 * PASSES_PER_SEC))) {
  if (!(pulse % (5 * PASSES_PER_SEC))) {
  if (!(pulse % (PASSES_PER_SEC))) {            /* Timed Reboot */
    if (interest_state) {
    if (reboot_state) {

   if (!(pulse % (15 * PASSES_PER_SEC))) {
  if (!(pulse % PULSE_MOBILE)) {
  if (!(pulse % PULSE_VIOLENCE)) {
  if (!(pulse % (SECS_PER_MUD_HOUR * PASSES_PER_SEC))) {
  if (auto_save && !(pulse % (60 * PASSES_PER_SEC))) {	/* 1 minute */
    if (++mins_since_crashsave >= autosave_time) {
      mins_since_crashsave = 0;
  if (!(pulse % (5 * 60 * PASSES_PER_SEC)))	/* 5 minutes */

/* ******************************************************************
*  general utility stuff (for local use)                            *
****************************************************************** */

 *  new code to calculate time differences, which works on systems
 *  for which tv_usec is unsigned (and thus comparisons for something
 *  being < 0 fail).  Based on code submitted by ss@sirocco.cup.hp.com.

 * code to return the time difference between a and b (a-b).
 * always returns a nonnegative value (floors at 0).
 * Fixed the 'aggregate return' warning.  Now it's not thread-safe.
 *	-gg 6/18/98
struct timeval *timediff(struct timeval a, struct timeval b)
  static struct timeval rslt;

  if (a.tv_sec < b.tv_sec)
    return &null_time;
  else if (a.tv_sec == b.tv_sec) {
    if (a.tv_usec < b.tv_usec)
      return &null_time;
    else {
      rslt.tv_sec = 0;
      rslt.tv_usec = a.tv_usec - b.tv_usec;
      return &rslt;
  } else {			/* a->tv_sec > b->tv_sec */
    rslt.tv_sec = a.tv_sec - b.tv_sec;
    if (a.tv_usec < b.tv_usec) {
      rslt.tv_usec = a.tv_usec + 1000000 - b.tv_usec;
    } else
      rslt.tv_usec = a.tv_usec - b.tv_usec;
    return &rslt;

 * add 2 timevals
 * Fixed the 'aggregate return' warning. Not thread-safe now.
 *	-gg 6/18/98
struct timeval *timeadd(struct timeval a, struct timeval b)
  static struct timeval rslt;

  rslt.tv_sec = a.tv_sec + b.tv_sec;
  rslt.tv_usec = a.tv_usec + b.tv_usec;

  while (rslt.tv_usec >= 1000000) {
    rslt.tv_usec -= 1000000;

  return &rslt;

void record_usage(void)
  int sockets_connected = 0, sockets_playing = 0;
  struct descriptor_data *d;

  for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) {
    if (STATE(d) == CON_PLAYING)

  log("nusage: %-3d sockets connected, %-3d sockets playing",
	  sockets_connected, sockets_playing);

#ifdef RUSAGE
    struct rusage ru;

    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
    log("rusage: user time: %ld sec, system time: %ld sec, max res size: %ld",
	    ru.ru_utime.tv_sec, ru.ru_stime.tv_sec, ru.ru_maxrss);


 * Turn off echoing (specific to telnet client)
void echo_off(struct descriptor_data *d)
  char off_string[] =
    (char) IAC,
    (char) WILL,
    (char) TELOPT_ECHO,
    (char) 0,

  SEND_TO_Q(off_string, d);

 * Turn on echoing (specific to telnet client)
void echo_on(struct descriptor_data *d)
  char on_string[] =
    (char) IAC,
    (char) WONT,
    (char) TELOPT_ECHO,
    (char) TELOPT_NAOFFD,
    (char) TELOPT_NAOCRD,
    (char) 0,

  SEND_TO_Q(on_string, d);

char *make_prompt(struct descriptor_data *d)
  static char prompt[256];
  char maxhit[50], hit[50], maxmana[50], mana[50];
  int percent = 0, perc1 = 0, perc2 = 0;
  /* Note, prompt is truncated at MAX_PROMPT_LENGTH chars (structs.h )*/

   * These two checks were reversed to allow page_string() to work in the
   * online editor.
  if (d->showstr_count)
	    "\r[ Return to continue, (q)uit, (r)efresh, (b)ack, or page number (%d/%d) ]\r\n",
	    d->showstr_page, d->showstr_count);
  else if (d->str)
    strcpy(prompt, "] ");
  else if (STATE(d) == CON_PLAYING && !IS_NPC(d->character) && d->character) {
    commafmt(maxhit, sizeof(maxhit), GET_MAX_HIT(d->character));
    commafmt(maxmana, sizeof(maxmana), GET_MAX_MANA(d->character));
    commafmt(mana, sizeof(mana), GET_MANA(d->character));
    commafmt(hit, sizeof(hit), GET_HIT(d->character));
    *prompt = '\0';

    if (FIGHTING(d->character)) {
      perc1 = GET_HIT(FIGHTING(d->character)) / 1000;
      perc2 = GET_MAX_HIT(FIGHTING(d->character)) / 1000;
      if (perc1 <= 0) {
       perc1 = 1;
      if (perc2 <= 0) {
       perc2 = 1;
      percent = (perc1 * 100) / perc2;
      sprintf(prompt + strlen(prompt), "\x1B[1;30m[\x1B[1;36mEnemy PL\x1B[1;30m:\x1B[1;31m %d\x1B[0;0m\x1B[1;37m%\x1B[0;0m\x1B[1;34m\x1B[1;30m]\r\n", percent);
    if (PRF_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF_DISPHP) && GET_HIT(d->character)) {
      sprintf(prompt + strlen(prompt), "&16[&09PL&11: &15%s&11/&12%s&16]", hit, maxhit);     
    if (PRF_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF_DISPMANA)) {
      sprintf(prompt + strlen(prompt), "&16[&14Ki&11: &15%s&11/&12%s&16]", mana, maxmana);     
      sprintf(prompt + strlen(prompt), "&16[&10Lp&11: &15%d&16]&00\r\n", GET_PRACTICES(d->character));
    strcat(prompt, "");
    proc_color(prompt, (clr(d->character, C_NRM)));
  } else if (STATE(d) == CON_PLAYING && IS_NPC(d->character))
    sprintf(prompt, "%s ", GET_NAME(d->character));
    *prompt = '\0';

  return prompt;

void write_to_q(const char *txt, struct txt_q *queue, int aliased)
  struct txt_block *newt;

  CREATE(newt, struct txt_block, 1);
  newt->text = str_dup(txt);
  newt->aliased = aliased;

  /* queue empty? */
  if (!queue->head) {
    newt->next = NULL;
    queue->head = queue->tail = newt;
  } else {
    queue->tail->next = newt;
    queue->tail = newt;
    newt->next = NULL;

int get_from_q(struct txt_q *queue, char *dest, int *aliased)
  struct txt_block *tmp;

  /* queue empty? */
  if (!queue->head)
    return 0;

  tmp = queue->head;
  strcpy(dest, queue->head->text);
  *aliased = queue->head->aliased;
  queue->head = queue->head->next;


  return 1;

/* Empty the queues before closing connection */
void flush_queues(struct descriptor_data *d)
  int dummy;

  if (d->large_outbuf) {
    d->large_outbuf->next = bufpool;
    bufpool = d->large_outbuf;
  while (get_from_q(&d->input, buf2, &dummy));

/* Add a new string to a player's output queue */
void write_to_output(const char *txt, struct descriptor_data *t)
  char i[MAX_SOCK_BUF];
  int size;

  size = strlen(txt);
  /* if we're in the overflow state already, ignore this new output */
  if (t->bufptr < 0)

  /* if we have enough space, just write to buffer and that's it! */
  if (t->bufspace >= size) {
    strcpy(t->output + t->bufptr, txt);
    t->bufspace -= size;
    t->bufptr += size;

   * If the text is too big to fit into even a large buffer, chuck the
   * new text and switch to the overflow state.
  if (size + t->bufptr > LARGE_BUFSIZE - 1) {
    t->bufptr = -1;
  /* if the pool has a buffer in it, grab it */
  if (bufpool != NULL) {
    t->large_outbuf = bufpool;
    bufpool = bufpool->next;
  } else {			/* else create a new one */
    CREATE(t->large_outbuf, struct txt_block, 1);
    CREATE(t->large_outbuf->text, char, LARGE_BUFSIZE);
  strcpy(t->large_outbuf->text, t->output);	/* copy to big buffer */
  t->output = t->large_outbuf->text;	/* make big buffer primary */
  strcat(t->output, txt);	/* now add new text */

  /* set the pointer for the next write */
  t->bufptr = strlen(t->output);

  /* calculate how much space is left in the buffer */
  t->bufspace = LARGE_BUFSIZE - 1 - t->bufptr;

/* ******************************************************************
*  socket handling                                                  *
****************************************************************** */

 * get_bind_addr: Return a struct in_addr that should be used in our
 * call to bind().  If the user has specified a desired binding
 * address, we try to bind to it; otherwise, we bind to INADDR_ANY.
 * Note that inet_aton() is preferred over inet_addr() so we use it if
 * we can.  If neither is available, we always bind to INADDR_ANY.

struct in_addr *get_bind_addr()
  static struct in_addr bind_addr;

  /* Clear the structure */
  memset((char *) &bind_addr, 0, sizeof(bind_addr));

  /* If DLFT_IP is unspecified, use INADDR_ANY */
  if (DFLT_IP == NULL) {
    bind_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
  } else {
    /* If the parsing fails, use INADDR_ANY */
    if (!parse_ip(DFLT_IP, &bind_addr)) {
      log("SYSERR: DFLT_IP of %s appears to be an invalid IP address",DFLT_IP);
      bind_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);

  /* Put the address that we've finally decided on into the logs */
  if (bind_addr.s_addr == htonl(INADDR_ANY))
    log("Binding to all IP interfaces on this host.");
    log("Binding only to IP address %s", inet_ntoa(bind_addr));

  return &bind_addr;


 * inet_aton's interface is the same as parse_ip's: 0 on failure, non-0 if
 * successful
int parse_ip(const char *addr, struct in_addr *inaddr)
  return inet_aton(addr, inaddr);


/* inet_addr has a different interface, so we emulate inet_aton's */
int parse_ip(const char *addr, struct in_addr *inaddr)
  long ip;

  if ((ip = inet_addr(addr)) == -1) {
    return 0;
  } else {
    inaddr->s_addr = (unsigned long) ip;
    return 1;


/* If you have neither function - sorry, you can't do specific binding. */
int parse_ip(const char *addr, struct in_addr *inaddr)
  log("SYSERR: warning: you're trying to set DFLT_IP but your system has no\n"
      "functions to parse IP addresses (how bizarre!)");
  return 0;

#endif /* INET_ATON and INET_ADDR */

/* Sets the kernel's send buffer size for the descriptor */
int set_sendbuf(socket_t s)
#if defined(SO_SNDBUF) && !defined(CIRCLE_MACINTOSH)
  int opt = MAX_SOCK_BUF;

  if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char *) &opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
    perror("SYSERR: setsockopt SNDBUF");
    return -1;

#if 0
  if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *) &opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
    perror("SYSERR: setsockopt RCVBUF");
    return -1;


  return 0;
/* Initialize a descriptor */
void init_descriptor (struct descriptor_data *newd, int desc)
    static int last_desc = 0;	/* last descriptor number */
	newd->descriptor = desc;
	newd->connected = CON_GET_NAME;
	newd->idle_tics = 0;
	newd->output = newd->small_outbuf;
	newd->bufspace = SMALL_BUFSIZE - 1;
	newd->next = descriptor_list;
	newd->login_time = time (0);

	if (++last_desc == 1000)
		last_desc = 1;
	newd->desc_num = last_desc;

   * This isn't exactly optimal but allows us to make a design choice.
   * Do we embed the history in descriptor_data or keep it dynamically
   * allocated and allow a user defined history size?
  CREATE(newd->history, char *, HISTORY_SIZE);

int new_descriptor(int s) {
  socket_t desc;
  int sockets_connected = 0;
  unsigned int i;
  struct descriptor_data *newd;
  struct sockaddr_in peer;
  struct hostent *from;

  /* accept the new connection */
  i = sizeof(peer);
  if ((desc = accept(s, (struct sockaddr *) &peer, &i)) == INVALID_SOCKET) {
    return -1;
  /* keep it from blocking */

  /* set the send buffer size */
  if (set_sendbuf(desc) < 0) {
    return 0;

  /* make sure we have room for it */
  for (newd = descriptor_list; newd; newd = newd->next)

  if (sockets_connected >= max_players) {
    write_to_descriptor(desc, "Sorry, CircleMUD is full right now... please try again later!\r\n");
    return 0;
  /* create a new descriptor */
  CREATE(newd, struct descriptor_data, 1);
  memset((char *) newd, 0, sizeof(struct descriptor_data));

  /* find the sitename */
  if (nameserver_is_slow || !(from = gethostbyaddr((char *) &peer.sin_addr,
				      sizeof(peer.sin_addr), AF_INET))) {

    /* resolution failed */
    if (!nameserver_is_slow)

    /* find the numeric site address */
    strncpy(newd->host, inet_ntoa(peer.sin_addr), HOST_LENGTH);
    *(newd->host + HOST_LENGTH) = '\0';
  } else {
    strncpy(newd->host, from->h_name, HOST_LENGTH);
    *(newd->host + HOST_LENGTH) = '\0';

  /* determine if the site is banned */
  if (isbanned(newd->host) == BAN_ALL) {
    sprintf(buf2, "Connection attempt denied from [%s]", newd->host);
    mudlog(buf2, CMP, LVL_GOD, TRUE);
    return 0;
#if 0
  /* Log new connections - probably unnecessary, but you may want it */
  sprintf(buf2, "New connection from [%s]", newd->host);
  mudlog(buf2, CMP, LVL_GOD, FALSE);
init_descriptor(newd, desc);

/*This isn't exactly optimal but allows us to make a design choice.
   * Do we embed the history in descriptor_data or keep it dynamically
   * allocated and allow a user defined history size?
/*  CREATE(newd->history, char *, HISTORY_SIZE);*/
/*prepend to list */
  newd->next = descriptor_list;
  descriptor_list = newd;
  switch (number(1, 2)) {
  case 1:
   SEND_TO_Q(startup, newd);
  case 2:
   SEND_TO_Q(startup2, newd);
  default :
   SEND_TO_Q(startup, newd);

  SEND_TO_Q("What name would you like to appear on your tomb stone? ", newd);

  return 0;

 * Send all of the output that we've accumulated for a player out to
 * the player's descriptor.
 * FIXME - This will be rewritten before 3.1, this code is dumb.
int process_output(struct descriptor_data *t)
  char i[MAX_SOCK_BUF];
  int result;
  /* we may need this \r\n for later -- see below */
  strcpy(i, "\r\n");
  /* now, append the 'real' output */
  strcpy(i + 2, t->output);
  /* if we're in the overflow state, notify the user */
  if (t->bufptr < 0)
    strcat(i, "**OVERFLOW**\r\n");
  /* add the extra CRLF if the person isn't in compact mode */
  if (STATE(t) == CON_PLAYING && t->character && !IS_NPC(t->character) && !PRF_FLAGGED(t->character, PRF_COMPACT)) 
      strcat(i + 2, "\r\n");
     if (t->character)
      proc_color(i, (clr(t->character, C_NRM)));
  /* add a prompt */
    strncat(i + 2, make_prompt(t), MAX_PROMPT_LENGTH);
   * now, send the output.  If this is an 'interruption', use the prepended
   * CRLF, otherwise send the straight output sans CRLF.
  if (t->has_prompt)           /* && !t->connected) */
    result = write_to_descriptor(t->descriptor, i);
    result = write_to_descriptor(t->descriptor, i + 2);
  /* handle snooping: prepend "% " and send to snooper */
  if (t->snoop_by) {
    SEND_TO_Q("% ", t->snoop_by);
    SEND_TO_Q(t->output, t->snoop_by);
    SEND_TO_Q("%%", t->snoop_by);
   * if we were using a large buffer, put the large buffer on the buffer pool
   * and switch back to the small one
  if (t->large_outbuf) {
    t->large_outbuf->next = bufpool;
    bufpool = t->large_outbuf;
    t->large_outbuf = NULL;
    t->output = t->small_outbuf;
  /* reset total bufspace back to that of a small buffer */
  t->bufspace = SMALL_BUFSIZE - 1;
  t->bufptr = 0;
  *(t->output) = '\0';
  return (result);

 * perform_socket_write: takes a descriptor, a pointer to text, and a
 * text length, and tries once to send that text to the OS.  This is
 * where we stuff all the platform-dependent stuff that used to be
 * ugly #ifdef's in write_to_descriptor().
 * This function must return:
 * -1  If a fatal error was encountered in writing to the descriptor.
 *  0  If a transient failure was encountered (e.g. socket buffer full).
 * >0  To indicate the number of bytes successfully written, possibly
 *     fewer than the number the caller requested be written.
 * Right now there are two versions of this function: one for Windows,
 * and one for all other platforms.

#if defined(CIRCLE_WINDOWS)

ssize_t perform_socket_write(socket_t desc, const char *txt, size_t length)
  ssize_t result;

  result = send(desc, txt, length, 0);

  if (result > 0) {
    /* Write was sucessful */
    return result;

  if (result == 0) {
    /* This should never happen! */
    log("SYSERR: Huh??  write() returned 0???  Please report this!");
    return -1;

  /* result < 0: An error was encountered. */

  /* Transient error? */
  if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
    return 0;

  /* Must be a fatal error. */
  return -1;


#if defined(CIRCLE_ACORN)
#define write	socketwrite

/* perform_socket_write for all Non-Windows platforms */
ssize_t perform_socket_write(socket_t desc, const char *txt, size_t length)
  ssize_t result;

  result = write(desc, txt, length);

  if (result > 0) {
    /* Write was successful. */
    return result;

  if (result == 0) {
    /* This should never happen! */
    log("SYSERR: Huh??  write() returned 0???  Please report this!");
    return -1;

   * result < 0, so an error was encountered - is it transient?
   * Unfortunately, different systems use different constants to
   * indicate this.

#ifdef EAGAIN		/* POSIX */
  if (errno == EAGAIN)
    return 0;

#ifdef EWOULDBLOCK	/* BSD */
  if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
    return 0;

#ifdef EDEADLK		/* Macintosh */
  if (errno == EDEADLK)
    return 0;

  /* Looks like the error was fatal.  Too bad. */
  return -1;

#endif /* CIRCLE_WINDOWS */

 * write_to_descriptor takes a descriptor, and text to write to the
 * descriptor.  It keeps calling the system-level write() until all
 * the text has been delivered to the OS, or until an error is
 * encountered.
 * Returns:
 *  0  If all is well and good,
 * -1  If an error was encountered, so that the player should be cut off
int write_to_descriptor(socket_t desc, const char *txt)
  size_t total;
  ssize_t bytes_written;

  total = strlen(txt);

  while (total > 0) {
    bytes_written = perform_socket_write(desc, txt, total);

    if (bytes_written < 0) {
      /* Fatal error.  Disconnect the player. */
      perror("Write to socket");
      return -1;
    } else if (bytes_written == 0) {
       * Temporary failure -- socket buffer full.  For now we'll just
       * cut off the player, but eventually we'll stuff the unsent
       * text into a buffer and retry the write later.  JE 30 June 98.
      return -1;
    } else {
      txt += bytes_written;
      total -= bytes_written;
  return 0;

 * Same information about perform_socket_write applies here. I like
 * standards, there are so many of them. -gg 6/30/98
ssize_t perform_socket_read(socket_t desc, char *read_point, size_t space_left)
  ssize_t ret;

#if defined(CIRCLE_ACORN)
  ret = recv(desc, read_point, space_left, MSG_DONTWAIT);
#elif defined(CIRCLE_WINDOWS)
  ret = recv(desc, read_point, space_left, 0);
  ret = read(desc, read_point, space_left);

  /* Read was successful. */
  if (ret > 0)
    return ret;

  /* read() returned 0, meaning we got an EOF. */
  if (ret == 0) {
    log("EOF on socket read (connection broken by peer)");
    return -1;

   * read returned a value < 0: there was an error

#if defined(CIRCLE_WINDOWS)	/* Windows */
  if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
    return 0;

#ifdef EINTR		/* Interrupted system call - various platforms */
  if (errno == EINTR)
    return 0;

#ifdef EAGAIN		/* POSIX */
  if (errno == EAGAIN)
    return 0;

#ifdef EWOULDBLOCK	/* BSD */
  if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
    return 0;
#endif /* EWOULDBLOCK */

#ifdef EDEADLK		/* Macintosh */
  if (errno == EDEADLK)
    return 0;

#endif /* CIRCLE_WINDOWS */

  /* We don't know what happened, cut them off. */
  perror("process_input: about to lose connection");
  return -1;

 * ASSUMPTION: There will be no newlines in the raw input buffer when this
 * function is called.  We must maintain that before returning.
int process_input(struct descriptor_data *t)
  int buf_length, failed_subst;
  ssize_t bytes_read;
  size_t space_left;
  char *ptr, *read_point, *write_point, *nl_pos = NULL;
  char tmp[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

  /* first, find the point where we left off reading data */
  buf_length = strlen(t->inbuf);
  read_point = t->inbuf + buf_length;
  space_left = MAX_RAW_INPUT_LENGTH - buf_length - 1;

  do {
    if (space_left <= 0) {
      log("WARNING: process_input: about to close connection: input overflow");
      return (-1);

    bytes_read = perform_socket_read(t->descriptor, read_point, space_left);

    if (bytes_read < 0) /* Error, disconnect them. */
      return (-1);
    else if (bytes_read == 0)   /* Just blocking, no problems. */
      return (0);

    /* at this point, we know we got some data from the read */

    *(read_point + bytes_read) = '\0';  /* terminate the string */

    /* search for a newline in the data we just read */
    for (ptr = read_point; *ptr && !nl_pos; ptr++)
      if (ISNEWL(*ptr))
        nl_pos = ptr;

    read_point += bytes_read;
    space_left -= bytes_read;

 * on some systems such as AIX, POSIX-standard nonblocking I/O is broken,
 * causing the MUD to hang when it encounters input not terminated by a
 * newline.  This was causing hangs at the Password: prompt, for example.
 * I attempt to compensate by always returning after the _first_ read, instead
 * of looping forever until a read returns -1.  This simulates non-blocking
 * I/O because the result is we never call read unless we know from select()
 * that data is ready (process_input is only called if select indicates that
 * this descriptor is in the read set).  JE 2/23/95.
  } while (nl_pos == NULL);
  } while (0);

  if (nl_pos == NULL)
    return (0);

   * okay, at this point we have at least one newline in the string; now we
   * can copy the formatted data to a new array for further processing.

  read_point = t->inbuf;

  while (nl_pos != NULL) {
    write_point = tmp;
    space_left = MAX_INPUT_LENGTH - 1;
    /* The '> 1' reserves room for a '$ => $$' expansion. */
    for (ptr = read_point; (space_left > 1) && (ptr < nl_pos); ptr++) {
      if (*ptr == '\b' || *ptr == 127) { /* handle backspacing or delete key */
        if (write_point > tmp) {
          if (*(--write_point) == '$') {
            space_left += 2;
          } else
      } else if (isascii(*ptr) && isprint(*ptr)) {
        if ((*(write_point++) = *ptr) == '$') {         /* copy one character */
          *(write_point++) = '$';       /* if it's a $, double it */
          space_left -= 2;
        } else
    *write_point = '\0';

    if ((space_left <= 0) && (ptr < nl_pos)) {
      char buffer[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH + 64];

      sprintf(buffer, "Line too long.  Truncated to:\r\n%s\r\n", tmp);
      if (write_to_descriptor(t->descriptor, buffer) < 0)
        return (-1);
    if (t->snoop_by) {
      SEND_TO_Q("% ", t->snoop_by);
      SEND_TO_Q(tmp, t->snoop_by);
      SEND_TO_Q("\r\n", t->snoop_by);
    failed_subst = 0;

    if (*tmp == '!' && !(*(tmp + 1)))   /* Redo last command. */
      strcpy(tmp, t->last_input);
    else if (*tmp == '!' && *(tmp + 1)) {
      char *commandln = (tmp + 1);
      int starting_pos = t->history_pos,
          cnt = (t->history_pos == 0 ? HISTORY_SIZE - 1 : t->history_pos - 1);

      for (; cnt != starting_pos; cnt--) {
        if (t->history[cnt] && is_abbrev(commandln, t->history[cnt])) {
          strcpy(tmp, t->history[cnt]);
          strcpy(t->last_input, tmp);
          SEND_TO_Q(tmp, t); SEND_TO_Q("\r\n", t);
        if (cnt == 0)   /* At top, loop to bottom. */
          cnt = HISTORY_SIZE;
    } else if (*tmp == '^') {
      if (!(failed_subst = perform_subst(t, t->last_input, tmp)))
        strcpy(t->last_input, tmp);
    } else {
      strcpy(t->last_input, tmp);
      if (t->history[t->history_pos])
        free(t->history[t->history_pos]);       /* Clear the old line. */
      t->history[t->history_pos] = str_dup(tmp);        /* Save the new. */
      if (++t->history_pos >= HISTORY_SIZE)     /* Wrap to top. */
        t->history_pos = 0;
    if (!failed_subst)
      write_to_q(tmp, &t->input, 0);

    /* find the end of this line */
    while (ISNEWL(*nl_pos))

    /* see if there's another newline in the input buffer */
    read_point = ptr = nl_pos;
    for (nl_pos = NULL; *ptr && !nl_pos; ptr++)
      if (ISNEWL(*ptr))
        nl_pos = ptr;
  /* now move the rest of the buffer up to the beginning for the next pass */
  write_point = t->inbuf;
  while (*read_point)
    *(write_point++) = *(read_point++);
  *write_point = '\0';

  return (1);

/* perform substitution for the '^..^' csh-esque syntax orig is the
 * orig string, i.e. the one being modified.  subst contains the
 * substition string, i.e. "^telm^tell"
int perform_subst(struct descriptor_data *t, char *orig, char *subst)
  char newsub[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH + 5];

  char *first, *second, *strpos;

   * first is the position of the beginning of the first string (the one
   * to be replaced
  first = subst + 1;

  /* now find the second '^' */
  if (!(second = strchr(first, '^'))) {
    SEND_TO_Q("Invalid substitution.\r\n", t);
    return 1;
  /* terminate "first" at the position of the '^' and make 'second' point
   * to the beginning of the second string */
  *(second++) = '\0';

  /* now, see if the contents of the first string appear in the original */
  if (!(strpos = strstr(orig, first))) {
    SEND_TO_Q("Invalid substitution.\r\n", t);
    return 1;
  /* now, we construct the new string for output. */

  /* first, everything in the original, up to the string to be replaced */
  strncpy(newsub, orig, (strpos - orig));
  newsub[(strpos - orig)] = '\0';

  /* now, the replacement string */
  strncat(newsub, second, (MAX_INPUT_LENGTH - strlen(newsub) - 1));

  /* now, if there's anything left in the original after the string to
   * replaced, copy that too. */
  if (((strpos - orig) + strlen(first)) < strlen(orig))
    strncat(newsub, strpos + strlen(first), (MAX_INPUT_LENGTH - strlen(newsub) - 1));

  /* terminate the string in case of an overflow from strncat */
  newsub[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH - 1] = '\0';
  strcpy(subst, newsub);

  return 0;

void close_socket(struct descriptor_data *d)
  char buf[128];
  struct descriptor_data *temp;

  REMOVE_FROM_LIST(d, descriptor_list, next);

  /* Forget snooping */
  if (d->snooping)
    d->snooping->snoop_by = NULL;

  if (d->snoop_by) {
    SEND_TO_Q("Your victim is no longer among us.\r\n", d->snoop_by);
    d->snoop_by->snooping = NULL;

  /*. Kill any OLC stuff .*/
  switch(d->connected) {
    case CON_OEDIT:
    case CON_REDIT:
    case CON_ZEDIT:
    case CON_MEDIT:
    case CON_SEDIT:
    case CON_HEDIT:
    case CON_AEDIT:
    case CON_TRIGEDIT:
      cleanup_olc(d, CLEANUP_ALL);

  if (d->character) {
     * Plug memory leak, from Eric Green.
    if (PLR_FLAGGED(d->character, PLR_MAILING) && d->str) {
      if (*(d->str))
      save_char(d->character, NOWHERE);
      act("$n has lost $s link.", TRUE, d->character, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
      sprintf(buf, "Closing link to: %s.", GET_NAME(d->character));
      mudlog(buf, NRM, MAX(LVL_IMMORT, GET_INVIS_LEV(d->character)), TRUE);
      d->character->desc = NULL;
    } else if (!PLR_FLAGGED(d->character, PLR_DELETED)) {
      sprintf(buf, "Losing player: %s.",
	      GET_NAME(d->character) ? GET_NAME(d->character) : "<null>");
      mudlog(buf, CMP, LVL_IMMORT, TRUE);
  } else
    mudlog("Losing descriptor without char.", CMP, LVL_IMMORT, TRUE);

  /* JE 2/22/95 -- part of my unending quest to make switch stable */
  if (d->original && d->original->desc)
    d->original->desc = NULL;

  /* Clear the command history. */
  if (d->history) {
    int cnt;
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < HISTORY_SIZE; cnt++)
      if (d->history[cnt])

  if (d->showstr_head)
  if (d->showstr_count)


void check_idle_passwords(void)
  struct descriptor_data *d, *next_d;

  for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = next_d) {
    next_d = d->next;
    if (!d->idle_tics) {
    } else {
      SEND_TO_Q("\r\nTimed out... goodbye.\r\n", d);
      STATE(d) = CON_CLOSE;

 * I tried to universally convert Circle over to POSIX compliance, but
 * alas, some systems are still straggling behind and don't have all the
 * appropriate defines.  In particular, NeXT 2.x defines O_NDELAY but not
 * O_NONBLOCK.  Krusty old NeXT machines!  (Thanks to Michael Jones for
 * this and various other NeXT fixes.)

#if defined(CIRCLE_WINDOWS)

void nonblock(socket_t s)
  long val;

  val = 1;
  ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &val);

#elif defined(CIRCLE_AMIGA)

void nonblock(socket_t s)
  long val;

  val = 1;
  IoctlSocket(s, FIONBIO, &val);

#elif defined(CIRCLE_ACORN)

void nonblock(socket_t s)
  int val = 1;

  socket_ioctl(s, FIONBIO, &val);

#elif defined(CIRCLE_UNIX) || defined(CIRCLE_OS2) || defined(CIRCLE_MACINTOSH)

#ifndef O_NONBLOCK

void nonblock(socket_t s)
  int flags;

  flags = fcntl(s, F_GETFL, 0);
  flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
  if (fcntl(s, F_SETFL, flags) < 0) {
    perror("SYSERR: Fatal error executing nonblock (comm.c)");


/* ******************************************************************
*  signal-handling functions (formerly signals.c).  UNIX only.      *
****************************************************************** */

#if defined(CIRCLE_UNIX) || defined(CIRCLE_MACINTOSH)

RETSIGTYPE reread_wizlists(int sig)
  mudlog("Signal received - rereading wizlists.", CMP, LVL_IMMORT, TRUE);

RETSIGTYPE unrestrict_game(int sig)
  mudlog("Received SIGUSR2 - completely unrestricting game (emergent)",
  ban_list = NULL;
  circle_restrict = 0;
  num_invalid = 0;


/* clean up our zombie kids to avoid defunct processes */
RETSIGTYPE reap(int sig)
  while (waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0);

  my_signal(SIGCHLD, reap);

RETSIGTYPE checkpointing(int sig)
  if (!tics) {
    log("SYSERR: CHECKPOINT shutdown: tics not updated. (Infinite loop suspected)");
  } else
    tics = 0;

RETSIGTYPE hupsig(int sig)
  log("SYSERR: Received SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGTERM.  Shutting down...");
  exit(1);			/* perhaps something more elegant should
				 * substituted */

 * This is an implementation of signal() using sigaction() for portability.
 * (sigaction() is POSIX; signal() is not.)  Taken from Stevens' _Advanced
 * Programming in the UNIX Environment_.  We are specifying that all system
 * calls _not_ be automatically restarted for uniformity, because BSD systems
 * do not restart select(), even if SA_RESTART is used.
 * Note that NeXT 2.x is not POSIX and does not have sigaction; therefore,
 * I just define it to be the old signal.  If your system doesn't have
 * sigaction either, you can use the same fix.
 * SunOS Release 4.0.2 (sun386) needs this too, according to Tim Aldric.

#ifndef POSIX
#define my_signal(signo, func) signal(signo, func)
sigfunc *my_signal(int signo, sigfunc * func)
  struct sigaction act, oact;

  act.sa_handler = func;
  act.sa_flags = 0;
  act.sa_flags |= SA_INTERRUPT;	/* SunOS */

  if (sigaction(signo, &act, &oact) < 0)
    return SIG_ERR;

  return oact.sa_handler;
#endif				/* POSIX */

void signal_setup(void)
  struct itimerval itime;
  struct timeval interval;

  /* user signal 1: reread wizlists.  Used by autowiz system. */
  my_signal(SIGUSR1, reread_wizlists);

   * user signal 2: unrestrict game.  Used for emergencies if you lock
   * yourself out of the MUD somehow.  (Duh...)
  my_signal(SIGUSR2, unrestrict_game);

   * set up the deadlock-protection so that the MUD aborts itself if it gets
   * caught in an infinite loop for more than 3 minutes.
  interval.tv_sec = 180;
  interval.tv_usec = 0;
  itime.it_interval = interval;
  itime.it_value = interval;
  setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &itime, NULL);
  my_signal(SIGVTALRM, checkpointing);

  /* just to be on the safe side: */
  my_signal(SIGHUP, hupsig);
  my_signal(SIGCHLD, reap);
  my_signal(SIGINT, hupsig);
  my_signal(SIGTERM, hupsig);
  my_signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
  my_signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);

#endif	/* CIRCLE_UNIX */

/* ****************************************************************
*       Public routines for system-to-player-communication        *
**************************************************************** */

void send_to_char(const char *messg, struct char_data *ch)
  if (ch->desc && messg)
    SEND_TO_Q(messg, ch->desc);

void send_to_all(const char *messg)
  struct descriptor_data *i;

  if (messg == NULL)

  for (i = descriptor_list; i; i = i->next)
    if (STATE(i) == CON_PLAYING)
      SEND_TO_Q(messg, i);

void send_to_outdoor(const char *messg)
  struct descriptor_data *i;

  if (!messg || !*messg)

  for (i = descriptor_list; i; i = i->next) {
    if (STATE(i) != CON_PLAYING || i->character == NULL)
    if (!AWAKE(i->character) || !OUTSIDE(i->character))
    SEND_TO_Q(messg, i);

void send_to_room(const char *messg, int room)
  struct char_data *i;

  if (messg == NULL)

  for (i = world[room].people; i; i = i->next_in_room)
    if (i->desc)
      SEND_TO_Q(messg, i->desc);

const char *ACTNULL = "<NULL>";

#define CHECK_NULL(pointer, expression) \
  if ((pointer) == NULL) i = ACTNULL; else i = (expression);

/* higher-level communication: the act() function */
void perform_act(const char *orig, struct char_data *ch, struct obj_data *obj,
		const void *vict_obj, struct char_data *to)
  const char *i = NULL;
  char lbuf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], *buf;
  struct char_data *dg_victim = NULL;
  struct obj_data *dg_target = NULL;
  char *dg_arg = NULL;

  buf = lbuf;

  for (;;) {
    if (*orig == '$') {
      switch (*(++orig)) {
      case 'n':
	i = PERS(ch, to);
      case 'N':
	CHECK_NULL(vict_obj, PERS((struct char_data *) vict_obj, to));
        dg_victim = (struct char_data *) vict_obj;
      case 'm':
	i = HMHR(ch);
      case 'M':
	CHECK_NULL(vict_obj, HMHR((struct char_data *) vict_obj));
        dg_victim = (struct char_data *) vict_obj;
      case 's':
	i = HSHR(ch);
      case 'S':
	CHECK_NULL(vict_obj, HSHR((struct char_data *) vict_obj));
        dg_victim = (struct char_data *) vict_obj;
      case 'e':
	i = HSSH(ch);
      case 'E':
	CHECK_NULL(vict_obj, HSSH((struct char_data *) vict_obj));
        dg_victim = (struct char_data *) vict_obj;
      case 'o':
	CHECK_NULL(obj, OBJN(obj, to));
      case 'O':
	CHECK_NULL(vict_obj, OBJN((struct obj_data *) vict_obj, to));
        dg_target = (struct obj_data *) vict_obj;
      case 'p':
	CHECK_NULL(obj, OBJS(obj, to));
      case 'P':
	CHECK_NULL(vict_obj, OBJS((struct obj_data *) vict_obj, to));
        dg_target = (struct obj_data *) vict_obj;
      case 'a':
	CHECK_NULL(obj, SANA(obj));
      case 'A':
	CHECK_NULL(vict_obj, SANA((struct obj_data *) vict_obj));
        dg_target = (struct obj_data *) vict_obj;
      case 'T':
	CHECK_NULL(vict_obj, (char *) vict_obj);
        dg_arg = (char *) vict_obj;
      case 't':
        CHECK_NULL(obj, (char *) obj);
      case 'F':
	CHECK_NULL(vict_obj, fname((char *) vict_obj));
      case '$':
	i = "$";
	log("SYSERR: Illegal $-code to act(): %c", *orig);
	log("SYSERR: %s", orig);
      while ((*buf = *(i++)))
    } else if (!(*(buf++) = *(orig++)))

  *(--buf) = '\r';
  *(++buf) = '\n';
  *(++buf) = '\0';

  if (to->desc)
    SEND_TO_Q(CAP(lbuf), to->desc);

  if ((IS_NPC(to) && dg_act_check) && (to != ch))
    act_mtrigger(to, lbuf, ch, dg_victim, obj, dg_target, dg_arg);

/* moved this to utils.h --- mah */
#ifndef SENDOK
#define SENDOK(ch)	((ch)->desc && (to_sleeping || AWAKE(ch)) && \

void act(const char *str, int hide_invisible, struct char_data *ch,
	 struct obj_data *obj, const void *vict_obj, int type)
  struct char_data *to = NULL;
  int to_sleeping;

  if (!str || !*str)

  if (!(dg_act_check = !(type & DG_NO_TRIG)))
    type &= ~DG_NO_TRIG;

   * Warning: the following TO_SLEEP code is a hack.
   * I wanted to be able to tell act to deliver a message regardless of sleep
   * without adding an additional argument.  TO_SLEEP is 128 (a single bit
   * high up).  It's ONLY legal to combine TO_SLEEP with one other TO_x
   * command.  It's not legal to combine TO_x's with each other otherwise.
   * TO_SLEEP only works because its value "happens to be" a single bit;
   * do not change it to something else.  In short, it is a hack.

  /* check if TO_SLEEP is there, and remove it if it is. */
  if ((to_sleeping = (type & TO_SLEEP)))
    type &= ~TO_SLEEP;

  if (type == TO_CHAR) {
    if (ch && SENDOK(ch))
      perform_act(str, ch, obj, vict_obj, ch);

  if (type == TO_VICT) {
    if ((to = (struct char_data *) vict_obj) && SENDOK(to))
      perform_act(str, ch, obj, vict_obj, to);
  /* ASSUMPTION: at this point we know type must be TO_NOTVICT or TO_ROOM */

  if (ch && ch->in_room != NOWHERE)
    to = world[ch->in_room].people;
  else if (obj && obj->in_room != NOWHERE)
    to = world[obj->in_room].people;
  else {
    log("SYSERR: no valid target to act()!");

  for (; to; to = to->next_in_room) {
    if (!SENDOK(to) || (to == ch))
    if (hide_invisible && ch && !CAN_SEE(to, ch))
    if (type != TO_ROOM && to == vict_obj)
    perform_act(str, ch, obj, vict_obj, to);
 * This function is called every 30 seconds from heartbeat().  It checks
 * the four global buffers in CircleMUD to ensure that no one has written
 * past their bounds.  If our check digit is not there (and the position
 * doesn't have a NUL which may result from snprintf) then we gripe that
 * someone has overwritten our buffer.  This could cause a false positive
 * if someone uses the buffer as a non-terminated character array but that
 * is not likely. -gg
#define offset	(MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1)
void sanity_check(void)
  int ok = TRUE;

   * If any line is false, 'ok' will become false also.
  ok &= (buf[offset] == MAGIC_NUMBER || buf[offset] == '\0');
  ok &= (buf1[offset] == MAGIC_NUMBER || buf1[offset] == '\0');
  ok &= (buf2[offset] == MAGIC_NUMBER || buf2[offset] == '\0');
  ok &= (arg[offset] == MAGIC_NUMBER || arg[offset] == '\0');

   * This isn't exactly the safest thing to do (referencing known bad memory)
   * but we're doomed to crash eventually, might as well try to get something
   * useful before we go down. -gg
  /*if (!ok)
    log("SYSERR: *** Buffer overflow! ***\n"
	"buf: %s\nbuf1: %s\nbuf2: %s\narg: %s", buf, buf1, buf2, arg);*/
#if 0
  log("Statistics: buf=%d buf1=%d buf2=%d arg=%d",
	strlen(buf), strlen(buf1), strlen(buf2), strlen(arg));