new trigger~
0 g 100
wait 1 sec
say Oh thank goodness.....
wait 2 sec
say I am near death...but I have a request for you....
wait 3 sec
say Dr. Wily has taken over the factory, and is making robots so he can take over the world. With megaman retired.... I hope you can take him out for me.
wait 3 sec
say Here.... take the key to the.... factory.... good luck.
wait 1 sec
drop key
wait 2 sec
mecho Dr. Light falls down, breathing his last as blood flows from his severed wrist arterey.
mgoto 10669
0 g 100
wait 2 sec
say So, you made it to me, eh?
wait 1 sec
say Well it is about time I got to have some fun!
wait 1 sec
Protoman 2~
0 f 100
mload mob 3820
Wily's Ship~
0 n 100
wait 1 sec
mecho The floor begins to shake as cracks form along the walls.
wait 2 sec
mecho Suddenly a ship rips up through the floor, carrying you with it!
mteleport all 3889
wait 2 sec
mecho The hatch on the ship opens, and a short old man's head pops up out of it.
wait 1 sec
mecho Wily says "So, instead of that infernal Megaman I have you to deal with!? Let's go then...."
Wily's Drop~
0 f 100
mload mob 3821
0 n 100
if (%random.100% <= 10)
mload obj 3810
wait 3 sec
mecho Suddenly, a green pod shoots out of the remains of the ship.
wait 1 sec
mecho The green pod spins around faster and faster as the pieces of the ship are drawn to it.
wait 2 sec
mecho In it's place a gigantic robot floats. After a moment the robot drops down crashing to the roof.
wait 1 sec
say Now you will face the wrath of my greatest creation!!!
wait 3 sec
mecho Suddenly, a green pod shoots out of the remains of the ship.
wait 1 sec
mecho The green pod spins around faster and faster as the peices of the ship are drawn to it.
wait 2 sec
mecho In it's place a gigantic robot floats. After a moment the robot drops down crashing to the roof.
wait 1 sec
say Now you will face the wrath of my greatest creation!!!
Megabot Drop~
0 f 50
if (%random.100% <= 10)
mload obj 3811
mload obj 14201
Megabot Drop 2~
0 n 100
if (%random.100% == 5)
mload obj 3811
say You will be dieing now!
0 n 100
mload mob 3822
Teleporter 2~
0 n 100
wait 1 sec
mecho As the Megabot hits the ground the roof begins to collapse
wait 3 sec
mecho The factory begins to shake as parts of the roof catch fire.
wait 6 sec
mecho The roof finally completely collapses, dropping you to the ground...
mteleport all 3800
mgoto 10669
mpurge light
mpurge self
Megabot drop 2~
0 f 50
if (%random.100% <= 10)
mload obj 3811
mload obj 14201
Dr. Light reset~
0 ab 10
say hahahahahaha someone gets my key now bitches!
mpurge self
0 b 5
say You will not win!
2 d 100
say i challege thee~
mload mob 14450
Kain's Soul Reaver~
1 l 100
wait 2 sec
oecho As Kain relinquishes his hold on the Soul Reaver the Hilt snakes it's way back to normal size as the screaming souls are once again silenced forever.
Kain's Soul Reaver~
1 j 100
wait 1 sec
oecho As Kain wields the Soul Reaver the handle snakes down wrapping it's hilt around his arm making them inseperable.
wait 2 sec
oecho The sound of souls screaming for their last will and judgement are heard as Kain forces the Soul Reaver to reap the souls it contains.