Necrid's Cookie of Eternal Loathing~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &11C&00&07o&15o&00&03k&00&07i&11e &00&07o&15f &15E&16t&15e&16r&15n&16a&15l &00&02Lo&00&01a&16t&15hi&00&01n&00&02g&00~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &11C&00&07o&15o&00&03k&00&07i&11e &00&07o&15f &15E&16t&15e&16r&15n&16a&15l &00&02Lo&00&01a&16t&15hi&00&01n&00&02g&00 &15is lying here spreading an evil aura around the area.&00~
19 0 1
1000 0 0 0
0 0 0
Necrid's Demonic Soul Cookie~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &09D&15e&00&01m&00&07o&09n&16i&00&01c &14S&00&07o&00&06u&15l &11C&00&07o&15o&00&03k&00&07i&11e&00~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &09D&15e&00&01m&00&07o&09n&16i&00&01c &14S&00&07o&00&06u&15l &11C&00&07o&15o&00&03k&00&07i&11e &16is sitting here made from the souls of the dammed.&00~
19 0 1
10000 0 0 200
0 0 0
Necrid's Cookie of Eternal Hate~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &11C&00&07o&15o&00&03k&00&07i&11e &00&07o&15f &15E&16t&15e&16r&15n&16a&15l &09H&00&01a&09t&00&01e&00~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &11C&00&07o&15o&00&03k&00&07i&11e &00&07o&15f &15E&16t&15e&16r&15n&16a&15l &09H&00&01a&09t&00&01e&00 &16is lying here poisoning the area with its hate.&00~
19 0 1
1000 0 0 200
0 0 0
Necrid's Cookie of Eternal Yummyness~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &11C&00&07o&15o&00&03k&00&07i&11e &00&07o&15f &15E&16t&15e&16r&15n&16a&15l &12Y&15u&00&05m&00&04m&16y&13n&12e&15s&00&05s&00~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &11C&00&07o&15o&00&03k&00&07i&11e &00&07o&15f &15E&16t&15e&16r&15n&16a&15l &12Y&15u&00&05m&00&04m&16y&13n&12e&15s&00&05s&00 &15is sitting here looking all tasty and yummy!&00~
2 0 1
0 39 0 0
0 0 0
3 2
6 1
A Can of Necrid's Jungle Pimp Juice~
&00&07A &15C&00&07a&16n &15o&00&07f &10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &10J&16u&00&01n&00&02g&15l&10e &00&05P&15i&13m&00&04p &09J&16u&00&01i&15c&09e&00~
&00&07A &15C&00&07a&16n &15o&00&07f &10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &10J&16u&00&01n&00&02g&15l&10e &00&05P&15i&13m&00&04p &09J&16u&00&01i&15c&09e&00 &00&02is sitting here lookin all pimp.&00~
23 0 1
2 2 3 0
1 0 0
4 2
3 3
A Glass of Necrid's Ye Old Fashioned Lemonade~
&00&07A &15G&00&07l&16a&15s&00&07s &00&06o&15f &10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &15Y&00&07e &16O&00&06l&15d &12F&15a&00&06s&16h&12i&15o&00&06n&12e&15d &11L&00&07e&00&03m&16o&11n&00&07a&00&03d&16e&00~
&00&07A &15G&00&07l&16a&15s&00&07s &00&06o&15f &10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &15Y&00&07e &16O&00&06l&15d &12F&15a&00&06s&16h&12i&15o&00&06n&12e&15d &11L&00&07e&00&03m&16o&11n&00&07a&00&03d&16e&00 &16is sittinig here with a strange urine smell eminating from it.&00~
23 0 1
2 2 6 50
1 0 0
A Bottle of Necrid's Rotten Eggnog~
&00&07A &15B&00&07o&16t&15t&00&07l&16e &00&06o&15f &10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &00&03R&15o&00&03t&16t&00&03e&15n &11E&00&07g&00&03g&15n&11o&00&16g&00~
&00&07A &15B&00&07o&16t&15t&00&07l&16e &00&06o&15f &10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &00&03R&15o&00&03t&16t&00&03e&15n &11E&00&07g&00&03g&15n&11o&00&16g&00 &16is sitting here stinking up the room.&00~
23 0 1
10 10 9 200
15 0 0
Ancient Parchment Scroll~
&00&02A&15n&00&04c&00&02i&15e&00&04n&15t &00&03P&15a&11r&00&07c&00&03h&15m&11e&00&07n&00&03t &00&03S&15c&11r&00&07o&00&03l&15l&00~
&00&02A&15n&00&04c&00&02i&15e&00&04n&15t &00&03P&15a&11r&00&07c&00&03h&15m&11e&00&07n&00&03t &00&03S&15c&11r&00&07o&00&03l&15l &16is lying rolled up on the ground.&00~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Ancient Parchment Scroll~
&00&02The Story Of Necrid's Past: He was once a warior who managed to reach the Soul Edge. However, the weapon's evil energy contaminated his body and mind, turninig him into a disfigured beastly monster. Now he is a bloodthirsty abomination in constant pain that only the power of souls can quench.  As a result, he is in constant search of souls to feed his endless hunger.
Necrids Truth Point Token~
&151 &12T&00&07r&00&06u&00&07t&12h &00&05Point&00~
&151 &12T&00&07r&00&06u&00&07t&12h &00&05Point &15is floating in mid-air surrounded in a dark blue aura.&00~
&16A TP Token that if owned, is good for one truth point from Necrid Only!&00
13 3 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Necrids Truth Point Token~
&16A TP Token that if owned, is good for one truth point from Necrid Only!&00
Necrid's The Soul Reaper Plushy~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's "&15T&16h&15e &10S&00&07o&15u&00&02l &00&01R&15e&09a&16p&00&01e&15r" &16Plushy&00~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's "&15T&16h&15e &10S&00&07o&15u&00&02l &00&01R&15e&09a&16p&00&01e&15r" &16Plushy &15is lying on the ground glowing with an evil energy.&00~
11 0 16385
0 0 0 0
0 500000 0
T 16200
T 16201
T 16202
T 16203
T 16204
3 1
4 1
Necrid's Condemned Soul Fountain~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &00&01C&15ond&16emn&00&01e&09d &10S&00&07o&15u&00&02l &14F&00&07ou&15nt&00&06a&15i&14n&00~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &00&01C&15ond&16emn&00&01e&09d &10S&00&07o&15u&00&02l &14F&00&07ou&15nt&00&06a&15i&14n &16is sitting here spewing out a constant supply of fresh souls.&00~
23 0 0
2147483647 2147483647 9 0
-2147483644 0 0
Necrids Chocolate Easter Bunny~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &00&03Ch&15oco&11l&00&03ate &13E&00&07a&14s&11t&15e&12r &11B&15u&00&03nn&11y&00~
&10N&09e&16c&10r&09i&00&02d&16's &00&03Ch&15oco&11l&00&03ate &13E&00&07a&14s&11t&15e&12r &11B&15u&00&03nn&11y &15is sitting here with a piece bitten out of its head.&00~
19 1 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Necrids Chocolate Easter Bunny~
&00&03A chocolate Easter Bunny made by Necrid himself. It has been quality tested for taste and has found to be delicious! Necrid wishes you a Happy Easter and hopes you get lots of eggs and other goodies from the Easter Bunny!&00
Astral Fist Key~
&11A&00&03s&16t&15r&11a&00&03l &15F&10i&00&02s&16t &16Key&00~
&15The &11A&00&03s&16t&15r&11a&00&03l &15F&10i&00&02s&16t &16Key &15has been dropped here.&00~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
First key~
First key~
First key~
18 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Second key~
Second key~
Second key~
18 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Third Key~
Third Key~
Third Key~
18 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Fourth Key~
Fourth Key~
Fourth Key~
18 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Final Key~
Final Key~
Final Key~
18 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Astral Scroll~
&11A&00&03s&16t&00&07r&11a&00&03l &00&07S&11c&00&03r&16o&11l&00&07l&00~
&15The &11A&00&03s&16t&00&07r&11a&00&03l &00&07S&11c&00&03r&16o&11l&00&07l &15has been dropped here.&00~
12 4 1
0 0 0 0
1 1 0
Astral Crest~
&11A&00&03s&16t&00&07r&11a&00&03l &00&07C&14r&00&06e&14s&00&07t&00~
&15An &11A&00&03s&16t&00&07r&11a&00&03l &00&07C&14r&00&06e&14s&00&07t &15has been dropped here.&00~
11 268435456 2049
0 0 0 0
1 10000000 0
5 4
3 4
4 4
25 4
2 8