In Dibrova, we allow for a limited pkill based on many things (clan,
level, etc). Another factor is the 'bounty' flag. If a player has
a bounty on their head, they may be attacked by anyone who wishes
to give it a shot. The charge in the current setup is 550,000 gold
to set the bounty on a player, 500,000 of which goes to the player
who gets the kill.

The code below is that which enables the bounty option.

Anyone who might need any help with this, feel free to visit me
at port 5150 (Dibrova). If I'm not on, send me a

- Kaan

First, in structs.h, add the player flag:

#define PLR_BOUNTY      16  /* Player has a bounty on life      */

In act.informative.c:

          if (PLR_FLAGGED(tch, PLR_KILLER))
            strcat(buf, " (KILLER)");
+          if (PLR_FLAGGED(tch, PLR_BOUNTY))
+            strcat(buf, " /cR(/crBounty/cR)/c0 ");
          if (PRF_FLAGGED(tch, PRF_AFK))
             strcat(buf, " /cR(AFK)/c0"); 

In fight.c, in void damage, after the victim dies (look for 'Uh oh, victim
died) add this:

       if (PLR_FLAGGED(victim, PLR_BOUNTY)) {
         GET_GOLD(ch) = GET_GOLD(ch) + 500000;
         sprintf(buf, "\r\n/cRBOUNTY:: The bounty on %s has been collected "
                      "by %s!/c0\r\n", GET_NAME(victim), GET_NAME(ch));

In interpreter.c, add:

  { "bounty"   , POS_STANDING, do_not_here , 0, 0 },

In utils.c, in the pkill_ok function, after the PLR_KILLER check, add:

   return TRUE;

In spec_procs, add the spec for the bounty shop:

  struct char_data *victim;
  struct descriptor_data *i;

  if (CMD_IS("bounty")) {

    one_argument(argument, arg);

    if (!*arg) {
      send_to_char("Who is it that you wish to place a bounty on?\r\n", ch);
      return TRUE;
    for (i = descriptor_list; i; i = i->next) {
      if (!i->connected && i->character && i->character != ch) {
        victim = i->character;
        if (!(victim = get_char_vis(ch, arg))) {
          send_to_char(NOPERSON, ch);
          return TRUE;
        if (victim == ch) {
          send_to_char("You want to place a bounty on yourself? Nah.\r\n", ch);
          return TRUE;
        if (GET_LEVEL(victim) >= LVL_IMMORT) {
          send_to_char("Let's just call that person 'priviledged', okay?\r\n", c
          return TRUE;
        if (GET_LEVEL(victim) < 100 && GET_CLASS(victim) < 9) {
          send_to_char("You can't place bounties on players under level "
                       "100 unless they are remorts.\r\n", ch);
          return TRUE;
        if (GET_GOLD(ch) < 550000) {
          send_to_char("You do not have the funds to place a bounty upon them.\r
                       "The cost to place a bounty is 550,000 gold.\r\n", ch);
          return TRUE;
        if (PLR_FLAGGED(victim, PLR_BOUNTY)) {
          send_to_char("That person already has a bounty on them.\r\n", ch);
          return TRUE;
        } else
          SET_BIT_AR(PLR_FLAGS(victim), PLR_BOUNTY);
          GET_GOLD(ch) = GET_GOLD(ch) - 550000;
          send_to_char("You pay the 550,000 gold to place the bounty.\r\n", ch);
          send_to_char("A bounty has been placed upon your head - watch your "
                       "back!\r\n", victim);
          sprintf (buf, "\r\n/cRBOUNTY:: A bounty has been placed upon %s's "
                        "life!/c0\r\n", GET_NAME(victim));
          return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

And that should be it. ;-)