~~                          NEW EXITS CODE PATCH                           ~~
**                                                                         **
--                     Coded on the fly by StormRider                      --
--                 for Winds of Storm, soran.ici.net 4004                  --
**                                4/23/1997                                **

  This is a fairly basic patch, written to add 4 exits (northeast, northwest,
southeast, southwest) to the MUD and into OasisOLC. I wrote this on a "clean"
copy of CircleMUD patched with OasisOLC and no other changes made. Granted, I
wrote it and have yet to test it thoroughly, but it seems like it should work
perfectly the way that the MUD checks for exits.

  It also allows you to change your autoexit code easily... just go into
constants.c and edit the values of AEdirs. I had to do this from the stock
method because the LOWER(*dirs[dir]) would take "northeast" and turn it into
"n"... along with "north" and "northwest".

  One thing that I didn't do that I wish I could have figured out how to do in
the time that I had was to be able to make the commands "ne", "nw", "se", and
"sw" work. If someone can tell me, I'll be more than happy to update this.

     -~{ StormRider }~-       "So now that it's over, can we
  -=~{ Winds of Storm }~=-    just say goodbye? I'd like to move
-=~~{soran.ici.net 4004}~~=-  on with the rest of my life..."
-~{stormerider@hotmail.com}~- --Ozzy Osbourne, No More Tears--