&00G&10u&00&02l&00&10d&00o&15, a member of the &00&05G&16i&00n&15y&13u&00 &11F&00&03o&16r&00&06c&14e&00&15 stands here.&00
   &15A short fat grean creature with four eyes, two protruding from the sides
of his head stands here.  &00
16394 0 -100 E
100000 -60 0 0d0+1500000 0d0+30000
4000 3750000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 4
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
&06B&00&14u&00rt&00&14e&00&06r&00&15, a member of the &00&05G&16i&00n&15y&13u&00 &11F&00&03o&16r&00&06c&14e&00&15 stands here.&00
&15A purple colored being stands here.
16394 0 0 E
0 -20 10 0d0+2000000 0d0+30000
5000 4000000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 8
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
&09J&00e&00&15i&00c&09e&00&15, a member of the &00&05G&16i&00n&15y&13u&00 &11F&00&03o&16r&00&06c&14e&00&15 stands here.&00
&15A short orang-reddish man stands here with white hair.&00
16394 0 0 E
100000 -60 0 0d0+2250000 0d0+30000
5500 4200000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 10
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
&09R&00&01e&00&03c&11o&00&03o&00&01m&09e&00&15, a member of the &00&05G&16i&00n&15y&13u&00 &11F&00&03o&16r&00&06c&14e&00&15 stands here.&00
   You see a large man, with an orange tuft of hair on his head.    
16394 512 0 E
100000 -60 0 0d0+4000000 0d0+30000
8000 4500000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 6
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
&00&09G&00&16o&15z&00&15, the strong&00~
&00&09G&00&16o&15z&00&15, the strong is waiting here for the match to begin.&00
   &15You see a larged blue skinned man with a larg tan horn on the top of his
head.  He is wearing funny white shorts and a shirt that says "Hell.  "&00
16394 8 0 E
100000 -60 0 0d0+500000 0d0+30000
2000 500000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 6
NumAttacks: 2
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
T 4804
&15M&00&16e&00&09z&00&15, the incredibly fast&00~
&15M&00&16e&00&09z&00&15, the incredibly fast stands here waiting to spar you.&00
   &15You see a larg man slighty smaller than Goz with red skin.  On his head
are two, tan horns surrouned by nicely combed black hair.  He is wearing the
same outfit as Goz.  The funny white shorts and shirt with "Hell" printed on
it.  &00
16394 8 0 E
100000 -60 0 0d0+500000 0d0+30000
2000 500000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 13
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
T 4805
insane soul~
&16I&00&09n&00&01sa&00&09n&16e &09S&16o&00&15u&00&09l&00~
&16I&00&09n&00&01sa&00&09n&16e &09S&16o&00&15u&00&09l&00&15 wanders around looking to regain his soul.&00
   &15A man who has lost his soul wanders around the layers of hell to try and
regain back his soul so that he may yet again live in peace.  &00
40 64 0 E
0 0 10 1d1+300 1d1+40
100 35000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 3
NumAttacks: 2
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
a tortured lady~
A lady dragging a huge anvil of enormous proportions is here.
   You see a lady, dragging a HUGE anvil, attached by chains to her wrists and
40 64 0 E
0 20 10 1d1+0 1d1+0
0 0
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 2
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
&00&06C&14a&15p&16t&15a&14i&00&06n &00&05G&16i&00n&15y&13u&00~
&00&06C&14a&15p&16t&15a&14i&00&06n &00&05G&16i&00n&15y&13u&00&15, leader of the &00&05G&16i&00n&15y&13u&00 &11F&00&03o&16r&00&06c&14e&00&15 stands here prepared for battle.&00
   &15A purple skinned being with an ego to boot stands here and he is the
leader of the Ginyu Force.  &00
8 0 0 E
100000 -60 0 0d0+6000000 0d0+70000
15000 5500000
8 8 1
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
Moonraper stands here.
   You see Moonraper, he is very dirty.    
40 8 0 E
0 20 10 1d1+0 1d1+0
0 0
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 1
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
Cell JR~
a Cell JR~
A miniture Cell stands here, ready to fight.
You see a younger looking version of Cell.
196634 1064 -1000 E
1000 -30 -20 10d100+1000 30d50+100
0 100000
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 12
NumAttacks: 2
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
Shattered Soul~
&00&06Sh&14at&16te&15re&00&07d &00&01S&09o&16u&15l&00~
&00&06Sh&14at&16te&15re&00&07d &00&01S&09o&16u&15l &15mopes around here weeping.&00
This soul emits a ear splitting cry.  Naked with cuts
from head to toe, the soul looks as if it were tortured.  &00
8 0 0 E
20000 -60 0 0d0+545000 0d0+30000
620 2400000
8 8 2
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
Sheer - Bah~
Sheer Clone~
Sheer - BAH is standing here.
   He looks like Sheer.    
6156 2360320 -1000 E
100 -30 -20 30d1000+10000 20d127+1000
99999999 2147483647
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 13
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
&15A male &13Majin&15 with black eyes and &13Purple&15 hair is standing here.
You see a pink guy.
206888 2097160 -1000 E
1000000 -30 -20 30d1000+100000 30d127+10000
100000 1000000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 12
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
T 151
Fifth Form Cooler~
&15A male &12Icer&15 with black eyes and no hair is standing here.
You see Cooler.  He is in his fifth form.    
56 32768 -1000 E
1000000 -30 -20 30d1000+100000 30d127+1000
100000 1000000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 8
NumAttacks: 2
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13
T 150
Frost, the Icer~
Frost, the Builder~
Frost stands here, waving his tail idoly.
You see an average sized Icer, with piercing eyes.
16394 136 1000 E
1 20 10 1d1+500 5d30+0
100000000 2147483647
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 8
Str: 12
Dex: 13
Int: 12
Con: 13