/* ************************************************************************
*   File: utils.h                                       Part of CircleMUD *
*  Usage: header file: utility macros and prototypes of utility funcs     *
*                                                                         *
*  All rights reserved.  See license.doc for complete information.        *
*                                                                         *
*  Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University *
*  CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991.               *
************************************************************************ */

#ifndef __UTILS_H__
#define __UTILS_H__

/* external declarations and prototypes **********************************/

extern weatherData_t weather_info;

#define READ_SIZE	256

/* public functions in utils.c */
int             touch(const char *path);
int	        rand_number(int from, int to);
int	        dice(int number, int size);
size_t	        sprintbit(bitvector_t vektor, const char *names[], char *result, size_t reslen);
size_t	        sprinttype(int type, const char *names[], char *result, size_t reslen);
int	        get_line(FILE *fl, char *buf);
int	        get_filename(char *filename, size_t fbufsize, int mode, const char *orig_name);
time_t	        mud_time_to_secs(timeInfoData_t *now);
timeInfoData_t *age(charData_t *ch);
int	        num_pc_in_room(roomData_t *room);
void	        core_dump_real(const char *, int);
int             room_is_dark(roomData_t *room);
 * Replace one string with a duplicate of another
 * @param target Target string to replace
 * @param replacement Replacement string to duplicate or NULL
 * @returns address to new target
char *stringReplace(char *target, char *replacement);

#define core_dump()		core_dump_real(__FILE__, __LINE__)

 * Only provide our versions if one isn't in the C library. These macro names
 * will be defined by sysdep.h if a strcasecmp or stricmp exists.
#ifndef str_cmp
int	str_cmp(const char *arg1, const char *arg2);
#ifndef strn_cmp
int	strn_cmp(const char *arg1, const char *arg2, int n);

/* random functions in random.c */
void circle_srandom(unsigned long initial_seed);
unsigned long circle_random(void);

/* undefine MAX and MIN so that our functions are used instead */
#ifdef MAX
#undef MAX

#ifdef MIN
#undef MIN

int MAX(int a, int b);
int MIN(int a, int b);
char *CAP(char *txt);

/* Followers */
int	num_followers_charmed(charData_t *ch);
void	die_follower(charData_t *ch);
void	add_follower(charData_t *ch, charData_t *leader);
void	stop_follower(charData_t *ch);
bool	circle_follow(charData_t *ch, charData_t *victim);

/* in act.informative.c */
void	look_at_room(charData_t *ch, int mode);

/* in act.movmement.c */
int	do_simple_move(charData_t *ch, int dir, int following);
int	perform_move(charData_t *ch, int dir, int following);

/* in limits.c */
int	mana_gain(charData_t *ch);
int	hit_gain(charData_t *ch);
int	move_gain(charData_t *ch);
void	advance_level(charData_t *ch);
void	set_title(charData_t *ch, char *title);
void	gain_exp(charData_t *ch, int gain);
void	gain_exp_regardless(charData_t *ch, int gain);
void	gain_condition(charData_t *ch, int condition, int value);
void	check_idling(charData_t *ch);
void	point_update(void);
void	update_pos(charData_t *victim);

/* various constants *****************************************************/

/* get_filename() */
#define CRASH_FILE	(0)
#define ETEXT_FILE	(1)
#define ALIAS_FILE	(2)
#define ZONE_FILE       (3)

/* breadth-first searching */
#define BFS_ERROR		(-1)
#define BFS_ALREADY_THERE	(-2)
#define BFS_NO_PATH		(-3)

 * XXX: These constants should be configurable. See act.informative.c
 *	and utils.c for other places to change.
/* mud-life time */
#define SECS_PER_MUD_HOUR	75

/* real-life time (remember Real Life?) */
#define SECS_PER_REAL_MIN	60

/* string utils **********************************************************/

#define YESNO(a) ((a) ? "YES" : "NO")
#define ONOFF(a) ((a) ? "ON" : "OFF")

#define LOWER(c)   (((c)>='A'  && (c) <= 'Z') ? ((c)+('a'-'A')) : (c))
#define UPPER(c)   (((c)>='a'  && (c) <= 'z') ? ((c)+('A'-'a')) : (c) )

#define ISNEWL(ch) ((ch) == '\n' || (ch) == '\r') 

/* See also: ANA, SANA */
#define AN(string) (strchr("aeiouAEIOU", *string) ? "an" : "a")

/* memory utils **********************************************************/

#define CREATE(result, type, number)  do {\
	if ((number) * sizeof(type) <= 0)	\
		log("SYSERR: Zero bytes or less requested at %s:%d.", __FILE__, __LINE__);	\
	if (!((result) = (type *) calloc ((number), sizeof(type))))	\
		{ perror("SYSERR: malloc failure"); abort(); } } while(0)

#define RECREATE(result,type,number) do {\
  if (!((result) = (type *) realloc ((result), sizeof(type) * (number))))\
		{ perror("SYSERR: realloc failure"); abort(); } } while(0)

 * the source previously used the same code in many places to remove an item
 * from a list: if it's the list head, change the head, else traverse the
 * list looking for the item before the one to be removed.  Now, we have a
 * macro to do this.  To use, just make sure that there is a variable 'temp'
 * declared as the same type as the list to be manipulated.  BTW, this is
 * a great application for C++ templates but, alas, this is not C++.  Maybe
 * CircleMUD 4.0 will be...
#define REMOVE_FROM_LIST(item, head, next)	\
   if ((item) == (head))		\
      head = (item)->next;		\
   else {				\
      temp = head;			\
      while (temp && (temp->next != (item))) \
	 temp = temp->next;		\
      if (temp)				\
         temp->next = (item)->next;	\
   }					\

/* basic bitvector utils *************************************************/

#define IS_SET(flag,bit)  ((flag) & (bit))
#define SET_BIT(var,bit)  ((var) |= (bit))
#define REMOVE_BIT(var,bit)  ((var) &= ~(bit))
#define TOGGLE_BIT(var,bit) ((var) ^= (bit))

 * Accessing player specific data structures on a mobile is a very bad thing
 * to do.  Consider that changing these variables for a single mob will change
 * it for every other single mob in the game.  If we didn't specifically check
 * for it, 'wimpy' would be an extremely bad thing for a mob to do, as an
 * example.  If you really couldn't care less, change this to a '#if 0'.
#if 1
/* Subtle bug in the '#var', but works well for now. */
#define CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL(ch, var) \
	(*(((ch)->player_specials == &dummy_mob) ? (log("SYSERR: Mob using '"#var"' at %s:%d.", __FILE__, __LINE__), &(var)) : &(var)))
#define CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL(ch, var)	(var)

#define MOB_FLAGS(ch)	((ch)->char_specials.saved.act)
#define PLR_FLAGS(ch)	((ch)->char_specials.saved.act)
#define PRF_FLAGS(ch) CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->saved.pref))
#define AFF_FLAGS(ch)	((ch)->char_specials.saved.affected_by)
#define ROOM_FLAGS(loc)	((loc)->roomFlags)
#define SPELL_ROUTINES(spl)	(spell_info[spl].routines)

 * See to eliminate MOB_ISNPC.
 * IS_MOB() acts as a VALID_MOB_RNUM()-like function.
#define IS_NPC(ch)	(IS_SET(MOB_FLAGS(ch), MOB_ISNPC))
#define IS_MOB(ch)	(IS_NPC(ch))

#define MOB_FLAGGED(ch, flag) (IS_NPC(ch) && IS_SET(MOB_FLAGS(ch), (flag)))
#define PLR_FLAGGED(ch, flag) (!IS_NPC(ch) && IS_SET(PLR_FLAGS(ch), (flag)))
#define AFF_FLAGGED(ch, flag) (IS_SET(AFF_FLAGS(ch), (flag)))
#define PRF_FLAGGED(ch, flag) (IS_SET(PRF_FLAGS(ch), (flag)))
#define ROOM_FLAGGED(loc, flag) (IS_SET(ROOM_FLAGS(loc), (flag)))
#define EXIT_FLAGGED(exit, flag) (IS_SET((exit)->exitInfo, (flag)))
#define NEWEXIT_FLAGGED(exit, flag) (IS_SET((exit)->exitInfo, (flag)))
#define ITEMAFF_FLAGGED(item, flag) (IS_SET(GET_ITEM_AFFECT(item), (flag)))
#define ITEMVAL_FLAGGED(item, flag) (IS_SET(GET_ITEM_VAL((item), 1), (flag)))
#define ITEMWEAR_FLAGGED(item, flag) (IS_SET(GET_ITEM_WEAR(item), (flag)))
#define ITEM_FLAGGED(item, flag) (IS_SET(GET_ITEM_EXTRA(item), (flag)))
#define HAS_SPELL_ROUTINE(spl, flag) (IS_SET(SPELL_ROUTINES(spl), (flag)))

/* IS_AFFECTED for backwards compatibility */
#define IS_AFFECTED(ch, skill) (AFF_FLAGGED((ch), (skill)))

#define PLR_TOG_CHK(ch,flag) ((TOGGLE_BIT(PLR_FLAGS(ch), (flag))) & (flag))
#define PRF_TOG_CHK(ch,flag) ((TOGGLE_BIT(PRF_FLAGS(ch), (flag))) & (flag))

/* room utils ************************************************************/

#define SECT(room)	((room) ? (room)->sectorType : SECT_INSIDE)

#define IS_DARK(room)	room_is_dark((room))
#define IS_LIGHT(room)  (!IS_DARK(room))

#define GET_ROOM_SPEC(room)	((room) && (room)->func ? (room)->func : NULL)

/* char utils ************************************************************/

#define IN_ROOM(ch)	((ch)->room)
#define GET_WAS_IN(ch)	((ch)->wasInRoom)
#define GET_AGE(ch)     (age(ch)->year)

#define GET_PC_NAME(ch)	((ch)->
#define GET_NAME(ch)    (IS_NPC(ch) ? (ch)->player.short_descr : GET_PC_NAME(ch))
#define GET_TITLE(ch)   ((ch)->player.title)
#define GET_LEVEL(ch)   ((ch)->player.level)
#define GET_AUTH(ch)    ((ch)->player.auth)
#define GET_PASSWD(ch)	((ch)->player.passwd)
#define GET_PFILEPOS(ch)((ch)->pfilepos)

 * I wonder if this definition of GET_REAL_AUTH should be the definition
 * of GET_AUTH?  GD
#define GET_REAL_AUTH(ch) \
   (ch->desc && ch->desc->original ? GET_AUTH(ch->desc->original) : \

 * I wonder if this definition of GET_REAL_LEVEL should be the definition
 * of GET_LEVEL?  JE
#define GET_REAL_LEVEL(ch) \
   (ch->desc && ch->desc->original ? GET_LEVEL(ch->desc->original) : \

#define GET_CLASS(ch)   ((ch)->player.chclass)
#define GET_HOME(ch)	((ch)->player.hometown)
#define GET_HEIGHT(ch)	((ch)->player.height)
#define GET_WEIGHT(ch)	((ch)->player.weight)
#define GET_SEX(ch)	((ch)->

#define GET_STR(ch)     ((ch)->aff_abils.str)
#define GET_ADD(ch)     ((ch)->aff_abils.str_add)
#define GET_DEX(ch)     ((ch)->aff_abils.dex)
#define GET_INT(ch)     ((ch)->
#define GET_WIS(ch)     ((ch)->aff_abils.wis)
#define GET_CON(ch)     ((ch)->aff_abils.con)
#define GET_CHA(ch)     ((ch)->aff_abils.cha)

#define GET_EXP(ch)	  ((ch)->points.exp)
#define GET_AC(ch)        ((ch)->points.armor)
#define GET_HIT(ch)	  ((ch)->points.hit)
#define GET_MAX_HIT(ch)	  ((ch)->points.max_hit)
#define GET_MOVE(ch)	  ((ch)->points.move)
#define GET_MAX_MOVE(ch)  ((ch)->points.max_move)
#define GET_MANA(ch)	  ((ch)->points.mana)
#define GET_MAX_MANA(ch)  ((ch)->points.max_mana)
#define GET_GOLD(ch)	  ((ch)->
#define GET_BANK_GOLD(ch) ((ch)->points.bank_gold)
#define GET_HITROLL(ch)	  ((ch)->points.hitroll)
#define GET_DAMROLL(ch)   ((ch)->points.damroll)

#define GET_POS(ch)	  ((ch)->char_specials.position)
#define GET_IDNUM(ch)	  ((ch)->char_specials.saved.idnum)
#define IS_CARRYING_W(ch) ((ch)->char_specials.carry_weight)
#define IS_CARRYING_N(ch) ((ch)->char_specials.carry_items)
#define FIGHTING(ch)	  ((ch)->char_specials.fighting)
#define HUNTING(ch)	  ((ch)->char_specials.hunting)
#define GET_SAVE(ch, i)	  ((ch)->char_specials.saved.apply_saving_throw[i])
#define GET_ALIGNMENT(ch) ((ch)->char_specials.saved.alignment)

#define GET_LOADROOM(ch)	((ch)->loadRoom)

#define GET_COND(ch, i)		CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->saved.conditions[(i)]))
#define GET_PRACTICES(ch)	CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->saved.spells_to_learn))
#define GET_INVIS_AUTH(ch)	CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->saved.invis_auth))
#define GET_WIMP_LEV(ch)	CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->saved.wimp_level))
#define GET_FREEZE_AUTH(ch)	CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->saved.freeze_auth))
#define GET_BAD_PWS(ch)		CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->saved.bad_pws))
#define GET_TALK(ch, i)		CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->saved.talks[i]))
#define POOFIN(ch)		CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->poofin))
#define POOFOUT(ch)		CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->poofout))
#define GET_LAST_OLC_TARG(ch)	CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->last_olc_targ))
#define GET_LAST_OLC_MODE(ch)	CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->last_olc_mode))
#define GET_ALIASES(ch)		CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->aliases))
#define GET_LAST_TELL(ch)	CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->last_tell))

#define GET_SKILL(ch, i)	CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), ((ch)->player_specials->saved.skills[i]))
#define SET_SKILL(ch, i, pct)	do { CHECK_PLAYER_SPECIAL((ch), (ch)->player_specials->saved.skills[i]) = pct; } while(0)

#define GET_EQ(ch, i)		((ch)->equipment[i])

#define GET_DEFAULT_POS(ch)	((ch)->mob_specials.default_pos)
#define MEMORY(ch)		((ch)->mob_specials.memory)

        ( ((GET_ADD(ch)==0) || (GET_STR(ch) != 18)) ? GET_STR(ch) :\
          (GET_ADD(ch) <= 50) ? 26 :( \
          (GET_ADD(ch) <= 75) ? 27 :( \
          (GET_ADD(ch) <= 90) ? 28 :( \
          (GET_ADD(ch) <= 99) ? 29 :  30 ) ) )                   \

#define CAN_CARRY_W(ch) (str_app[STRENGTH_APPLY_INDEX(ch)].carry_w)
#define CAN_CARRY_N(ch) (5 + (GET_DEX(ch) >> 1) + (GET_LEVEL(ch) >> 1))
#define AWAKE(ch) (GET_POS(ch) > POS_SLEEPING)
#define CAN_SEE_IN_DARK(ch) \

#define IS_GOOD(ch)    (GET_ALIGNMENT(ch) >= 350)
#define IS_EVIL(ch)    (GET_ALIGNMENT(ch) <= -350)
#define IS_NEUTRAL(ch) (!IS_GOOD(ch) && !IS_EVIL(ch))

#define GET_MOB_SPEC(ch)	(((ch) && IS_MOB(ch) && (ch)->prototype && (ch)->prototype->func) ? ((ch)->prototype->func) : ((ch) && IS_MOB(ch) && (ch)->func) ? ((ch)->func) : NULL)

/* These three deprecated. */
#define WAIT_STATE(ch, cycle) do { GET_WAIT_STATE(ch) = (cycle); } while(0)
#define CHECK_WAIT(ch)                ((ch)->wait > 0)
#define GET_MOB_WAIT(ch)      GET_WAIT_STATE(ch)
/* New, preferred macro. */
#define GET_WAIT_STATE(ch)    ((ch)->wait)

/* descriptor-based utils ************************************************/

/* Hrm, not many.  We should make more. -gg 3/4/99 */
#define STATE(d)	((d)->connected)

/* item utils ************************************************************/

#define GET_ITEM_TYPE(item)	((item)->typeFlag)
#define GET_ITEM_COST(item)	((item)->cost)
#define GET_ITEM_RENT(item)	((item)->costPerDay)
#define GET_ITEM_AFFECT(item)	((item)->bitvector)
#define GET_ITEM_EXTRA(item)	((item)->extraFlags)
#define GET_ITEM_WEAR(item)	((item)->wearFlags)
#define GET_ITEM_VAL(item, val)	((item)->value[(val)])
#define GET_ITEM_WEIGHT(item)	((item)->weight)
#define GET_ITEM_TIMER(item)	((item)->timer)

#define GET_ITEM_SPEC(item)	((item) && (item)->func ? (item)->func :                                            \
                                 (item) && (item)->prototype && (item)->prototype->func ? (item)->prototype->func :  \

#define IS_CORPSE(item)		(GET_ITEM_TYPE(item) == ITEM_CONTAINER && \
					GET_ITEM_VAL((item), 3) == 1)

#define CAN_WEAR(item, part)	ITEMWEAR_FLAGGED((item), (part))

/* This macro works for both mobiles and items */
#define DIFFERS(o, f)		((o) && ((o)->prototype == NULL || (o)->prototype->f != (o)->f))

/* compound utilities and other macros **********************************/

 * Used to compute CircleMUD version. To see if the code running is newer
 * than 3.0pl13, you would use: #if _CIRCLEMUD > CIRCLEMUD_VERSION(3,0,13)
#define CIRCLEMUD_VERSION(major, minor, patchlevel) \
	(((major) << 16) + ((minor) << 8) + (patchlevel))

#define HSHR(ch) (GET_SEX(ch) ? (GET_SEX(ch)==SEX_MALE ? "his":"her") :"its")
#define HSSH(ch) (GET_SEX(ch) ? (GET_SEX(ch)==SEX_MALE ? "he" :"she") : "it")
#define HMHR(ch) (GET_SEX(ch) ? (GET_SEX(ch)==SEX_MALE ? "him":"her") : "it")

#define UHSHR(ch) (GET_SEX(ch) ? (GET_SEX(ch)==SEX_MALE ? "His":"Her") :"Its")
#define UHSSH(ch) (GET_SEX(ch) ? (GET_SEX(ch)==SEX_MALE ? "He" :"She") : "It")
#define UHMHR(ch) (GET_SEX(ch) ? (GET_SEX(ch)==SEX_MALE ? "Him":"Her") : "It")

#define ANA(item) (strchr("aeiouAEIOU", *(item)->name) ? "An" : "A")
#define SANA(item) (strchr("aeiouAEIOU", *(item)->name) ? "an" : "a")

/* Various macros building up to CAN_SEE */

#define LIGHT_OK(sub)	(!AFF_FLAGGED(sub, AFF_BLIND) && \

#define INVIS_OK(sub, item) \

#define MORT_CAN_SEE(sub, item) (LIGHT_OK(sub) && INVIS_OK(sub, item))

#define IMM_CAN_SEE(sub, item) \
   (MORT_CAN_SEE(sub, item) || (!IS_NPC(sub) && PRF_FLAGGED(sub, PRF_HOLYLIGHT)))

#define SELF(sub, item)  ((sub) == (item))

/* Can subject see character "item"? */
#define CAN_SEE(sub, item) (SELF(sub, item) || \
   ((GET_REAL_AUTH(sub) >= (IS_NPC(item) ? 0 : GET_INVIS_AUTH(item))) && \
   IMM_CAN_SEE(sub, item)))

/* End of CAN_SEE */

#define INVIS_OK_ITEM(sub, item) \

/* Is anyone carrying this item and if so, are they visible? */
#define CAN_SEE_ITEM_CARRIER(sub, item) \
  ((!item->carriedBy || CAN_SEE(sub, item->carriedBy)) &&	\
   (!item->wornBy || CAN_SEE(sub, item->wornBy)))

#define MORT_CAN_SEE_ITEM(sub, item) \
  (LIGHT_OK(sub) && INVIS_OK_ITEM(sub, item) && CAN_SEE_ITEM_CARRIER(sub, item))

#define CAN_SEE_ITEM(sub, item) \
   (MORT_CAN_SEE_ITEM(sub, item) || (!IS_NPC(sub) && PRF_FLAGGED((sub), PRF_HOLYLIGHT)))

#define CAN_CARRY_ITEM(ch,item)  \
   (((IS_CARRYING_W(ch) + GET_ITEM_WEIGHT(item)) <= CAN_CARRY_W(ch)) &&   \
    ((IS_CARRYING_N(ch) + 1) <= CAN_CARRY_N(ch)))

#define CAN_GET_ITEM(ch, item)   \
   (CAN_WEAR((item), ITEM_WEAR_TAKE) && CAN_CARRY_ITEM((ch),(item)) && \

#define PERS(ch, vict)   (CAN_SEE(vict, ch) ? GET_NAME(ch) : "someone")

#define ITEMS(item, vict) (CAN_SEE_ITEM((vict), (item)) ? \
	(item)->shortDescription  : "something")

#define ITEMN(item, vict) (CAN_SEE_ITEM((vict), (item)) ? \
	fname((item)->name) : "something")

#define EXIT(ch, door)  (IN_ROOM(ch)->dir[door])

#define CAN_GO(ch, door) (EXIT(ch,door) && \
			 (EXIT(ch,door)->toRoom != NULL) && \
			 !IS_SET(EXIT(ch, door)->exitInfo, EX_CLOSED))

#define CLASS_ABBR(ch) (IS_NPC(ch) ? "--" : class_abbrevs[(int)GET_CLASS(ch)])

#define IS_MAGIC_USER(ch)	(!IS_NPC(ch) && \
#define IS_CLERIC(ch)		(!IS_NPC(ch) && \
#define IS_THIEF(ch)		(!IS_NPC(ch) && \
#define IS_WARRIOR(ch)		(!IS_NPC(ch) && \


/* OS compatibility ******************************************************/

/* there could be some strange OS which doesn't have NULL... */
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL (void *)0

#if !defined(FALSE)
#define FALSE 0

#if !defined(TRUE)
#define TRUE  (!FALSE)

/* defines for fseek */
#ifndef SEEK_SET
#define SEEK_SET	0
#define SEEK_CUR	1
#define SEEK_END	2

 * NOCRYPT can be defined by an implementor manually in sysdep.h.
 * CIRCLE_CRYPT is a variable that the 'configure' script
 * automatically sets when it determines whether or not the system is
 * capable of encrypting.
#if defined(NOCRYPT) || !defined(CIRCLE_CRYPT)
#define CRYPT(a,b) (a)
#define CRYPT(a,b) ((char *) crypt((a),(b)))

#endif /* __UTILS_H__ */