 * @file sstring.c
 * Shared string objects.
 * @author Geoff Davis <>
 * @par Copyright:
 *   Copyright (C) 2006 Geoff Davis <><br>
 *                      Greg Buxton <>
 * @par
 *   Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University<br>
 *   CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991.
 * @par
 *   All rights reserved.  See license.doc for complete information.
 * @ingroup sstring
 * @package cs
 * @version 1.0

#define __SSTRING_C__

#include "base.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "sstring.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "utils.h"

 * Gets the byte size of a shared string entry.
 * @param e the shared string hash entry whose size is to be gotten
 * @return the size of the entry
  ((e) != NULL ? sizeof((e)[0]) + (e)->length + 1 : 0)

 * The maximum number of bytes allocated.
 * @ingroup sstring
 * @var size_t
size_t g_maxRealStringBytes = 0;

 * The maximum number of string objects allocated.
 * @ingroup sstring
 * @var size_t
size_t g_maxRealStringCount = 0;

 * The maximum number of virtual bytes allocated.
 * @ingroup sstring
 * @var size_t
size_t g_maxVirtualStringBytes = 0;

 * The maximum number of virtual string objects allocated.
 * @ingroup sstring
 * @var size_t
size_t g_maxVirtualStringCount = 0;

 * The current number of bytes allocated.
 * @ingroup sstring
 * @var size_t
size_t g_realStringBytes = 0;

 * The current number of string objects allocated.
 * @ingroup sstring
 * @var size_t
size_t g_realStringCount = 0;

 * The current number of virtual bytes allocated.
 * @ingroup sstring
 * @var size_t
size_t g_virtualStringBytes = 0;

 * The current number of virtual string objects allocated.
 * @ingroup sstring
 * @var size_t
size_t g_virtualStringCount = 0;

 * The hash table containing the shared string objects.
 * @ingroup sstring
 * @var sstring_t *[STRING_TABLE_SIZE]
sstring_t *g_stringTable[STRING_TABLE_SIZE] = {NULL};

 * Creates a shared string with one reference.
 * @param format the printf-style format specifier string
 * @return the new shared string, or NULL
char *sstr_create(const char *format, ...) {
  char *string = NULL;

  if (format == NULL) {
    log("sstr_create(): invalid 'format' string.");
  } else {
    /* Declare a local buffer to contain the formatted string. */
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = {'\0'};
    /* Declare a variable argument list. */
    va_list args;
    /* Build the string using VA formatting. */
    va_start(args, format);
    vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, args);
    /* Call sstr_createRaw() to allocated the shared string. */
    string = sstr_createRaw(buf);
  return (string);

 * Creates a shared string with one reference.
 * @param str the contents of the shared string to be created
 * @return the new shared string, or NULL
char *sstr_createRaw(const char *str) {
  sstring_t *entry = NULL;

  if (str) {
    /* Cache the length of the string. */
    const size_t length = strlen(str);
    /* Generate a hash code for this string. */
    const unsigned long hashCode = sstr_getHashCode(str);
    /* Translate the hash code into a hash table index. */
    const size_t bucket = hashCode % STRING_TABLE_SIZE;

    /* Try to find a shared string hash entry for the hash code. */
    for (entry = g_stringTable[bucket]; entry; entry = entry->next) {
      if (entry->hashCode == hashCode)

    /* If we've found a entry, use it. */
    if (entry) {
    } else {
      /* Allocate memory for the new shared string entry. */
      char *dummy = CIRCLE_ALLOCN(char, sizeof(sstring_t) + length + 1);

      if (dummy == NULL) {
        /* Write an error message to the log file. */
        log("sstr_createRaw(): CIRCLE_ALLOCN() failed: errno=%d.", errno);
      } else {
        /* Cast dummy to a shared string hash entry. */
        entry = (sstring_t*) dummy;

        /* Initialize the entry structure. */
        entry->data = (char*) &entry[1];
        entry->hashCode = hashCode;
        entry->length = length;
        entry->references = 1;
        entry->next = NULL;

        /* Copy in the new string data. */
        strncpy(entry->data, str, length);

        /* Add the new string entry to the hash table. */
        entry->next = g_stringTable[bucket];
        g_stringTable[bucket] = entry;

        /* Adjust the real string byte count. */
        g_realStringBytes += SSTRING_ENTRY_SIZE(entry);
        /* Adjust the real string count. */
        g_realStringCount += 1;
    if (entry) {
      /* Adjust the virtual string byte count. */
      g_virtualStringBytes += SSTRING_ENTRY_SIZE(entry);
      /* Adjust the virtual string count. */
      g_virtualStringCount += 1;
    /* Adjust maximum real string bytes if needed. */
    if (g_realStringBytes > g_maxRealStringBytes) {
      g_maxRealStringBytes = g_realStringBytes;
    /* Adjust maximum real string count if needed. */
    if (g_realStringCount > g_maxRealStringCount) {
      g_maxRealStringCount = g_realStringCount;
    /* Adjust maximum virtual string bytes if needed. */
    if (g_virtualStringBytes > g_maxVirtualStringBytes) {
      g_maxVirtualStringBytes = g_virtualStringBytes;
    /* Adjust maximum virtual string count if needed. */
    if (g_virtualStringCount > g_maxVirtualStringCount) {
      g_maxVirtualStringCount = g_virtualStringCount;
  return (entry && entry->data ? entry->data : NULL);

 * Releases one refrence to a shared string. When no references remain, the
 * shared string is freed.
 * @param str the shared string to which one reference is to be released
 * @return none
void sstr_free(const char  *str) {
  if (str) {
    /* Look up the shared string hash entry. */
    sstring_t *entry = sstr_getEntry(str);

    if (entry) {
      /* Adjust the virtual byte count. */
      g_virtualStringBytes -= SSTRING_ENTRY_SIZE(entry);
      /* Adjust the virtual string count. */
      g_virtualStringCount -= 1;

      /* Decrement the shared string's reference count. */
      if (entry->references) {
      if (entry->references == 0UL) {
        /* Declare an iterator variable. */
        register sstring_t *temp = NULL;
        /* Figger out which index we want to look at. */
        const size_t index = entry->hashCode % STRING_TABLE_SIZE;

        /* Adjust the real byte count. */
        g_realStringBytes -= SSTRING_ENTRY_SIZE(entry);
        /* Adjust the real string count. */
        g_realStringCount -= 1;

        /* Remove the entry string the hash table. */ 
        REMOVE_FROM_LIST(entry, g_stringTable[index], next);
        /* Free any non-embedded string data. */
        if (entry->data && entry->data != str) {
        /* free string entry resources */
    } else {
      /* Call free() to release the string. */
      free((char*) str);

 * Gets the shared string hash entry for a string.
 * @param str the string for which the hash entry is to be gotten
 * @return the shared string entry, or NULL if the string is not shared
sstring_t *sstr_getEntry(const char  *str) {
  if (str) {
    /* Calculate the hash code for the string. */
    const unsigned long hashCode = sstr_getHashCode(str);
    /* Calculate the hash bucket to search for the string entry. */
    const size_t bucket = hashCode % STRING_TABLE_SIZE;
    /* Declare an iterator variable. */
    register sstring_t *temp = NULL;
    /* Iterate over the string entries in the hash bucket. */
    for (temp = g_stringTable[bucket]; temp; temp = temp->next) {
      /* Determine if this is the string entry we're looking for. */
      if (temp->hashCode == hashCode && temp->data == str)
        return (temp);
  return (NULL);

 * Gets a hash code suitable for representing the specified string in a hash
 * table. Note: Strings differing in cases will generate unique hash code.
 * @param str the string for which to get a hash code
 * @return the hash code
unsigned long sstr_getHashCode(const char  *str) {
  unsigned long hashCode = 0UL;

  if (str) {
    /* Declare an iterator variable. */
    register int n = 0;
    /* Prime the hash code with a prime number. How punny. */
    hashCode = 37UL;
    /* Iterate over the string. */
    for (n = 0; str[n] != '\0'; n++) {
       * each iteration the key is multiplied by a prime number and the
       * ASCII value of the next character is then added
      hashCode = (hashCode * 17) + (int) str[n];
  return (hashCode);

 * Adds a reference to a shared string.
 * @param str the string to which a reference is to be added
 * @return none
char *sstr_share(const char  *str) {
  char *copy = NULL;

  if (str) {
    /* Look up the shared string hash entry. */
    sstring_t *entry = sstr_getEntry(str);

    if (entry) {
      /* Increment reference count for the string entry. */
      /* Adjust virtual string byte count. */
      g_virtualStringBytes += SSTRING_ENTRY_SIZE(entry);
      /* Adjust virtual string count. */
      /* The copy is the shared string itself. */
      copy = (char*) str;

      /* Adjust maximum virtual string bytes if needed. */
      if (g_virtualStringBytes > g_maxVirtualStringBytes) {
        g_maxVirtualStringBytes = g_virtualStringBytes;
      /* Adjust maximum virtual string count if needed. */
      if (g_virtualStringCount > g_maxVirtualStringCount) {
        g_maxVirtualStringCount = g_virtualStringCount;
    } else {
      /* If its not shared, just strdup() it instead. */
      copy = strdup(str);
      /* Check whether the allocation was successful. */
      if (copy == NULL) {
        /* Write an error message to the log. */
        log("sstr_share(): strdup() failed: errno=%d.", errno);
  return (copy);