 * @file character.c
 * @ingroup character
 * Character based code
 * @author Geoff Davis <>
 * @author Greg Buxton <>
 * @par Copyright:
 *   Copyright (C) 2006 Geoff Davis <><br>
 *                      Greg Buxton <>
 * @par
 *   Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University<br>
 *   CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991.
 * @par
 *   All rights reserved.  See license.doc for complete information.
 * @package cs
 * @version 1.0

#define __CHARACTER_C__

#include "sysdep.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "character.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "dao.h"

 * Here for now

const char *auth_types[] = {
  /* 0 */ "none",
  /* 1 */ "guest",
  /* 2 */ "player",
  /* 3 */ "wizard",
  /* 4 */ "owner",

const char *genders[] = {
 /* 00 */ "Neuter",
 /* 01 */ "Male",
 /* 02 */ "Female",

const char *pc_class_types[] = {
  "Magic User",

const char *npc_class_types[] = {

/* Saving Throw Types */
const char *save_types[] = {
 /* 00 */ "paralyzation",
 /* 01 */ "rod",
 /* 02 */ "petrification",
 /* 03 */ "breath",
 /* 04 */ "spell"

 * Convert a charPlayerData_t to it's DAO representation
 * @param parentDao the container DAO to contain the item's DAO
 * @param cpData the charPlayerData_t to be converted
 * @param isPlayer TRUE if being called for a Player, FALSE if being called for a Mobile
 * @return none
void charPlayerData_toDao(daoData_t *parentDao, struct char_player_data *cpData, bool isPlayer) {
  if (parentDao == NULL) {
    log("charPlayerData_toDao(): invalid 'parentDao' daoData_t.");
  } else if (cpData == NULL) {
    log("charPlayerData_toDao(): invalid 'cpData' struct char_player_data.");
  } else {
    /* Declare some working DAO pointers */
    daoData_t *cpDao = NULL;

    /* Declare some temporary buffer space. */
    char temp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = {'\0'};

    cpDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "playerData");

    if (isPlayer) {
      /* Save PC specific data */
      dao_newScalar(cpDao, "password", "%s", cpData->passwd);
      dao_newScalar(cpDao, "age", "%ld", cpData->time);
      sprinttype(cpData->chclass, pc_class_types, temp, sizeof(temp));
      if (cpData->name && *(cpData->name) != '\0') {
        dao_newScalar(cpDao, "name", "%s", cpData->name);
    } else {
      /* Save Mob specific data */
      sprinttype(cpData->chclass, npc_class_types, temp, sizeof(temp));
      if (cpData->short_descr && *(cpData->short_descr) != '\0') {
        dao_newScalar(cpDao, "shortDescription", "%s", cpData->short_descr);
      if (cpData->name && *(cpData->name) != '\0') {
        dao_newScalar(cpDao, "keywords", "%s", cpData->name);
    dao_newScalar(cpDao, "class", "%s", temp);
    /* Data in common to both PCs and NPCs */
    if (cpData->long_descr && *(cpData->long_descr) != '\0') {
      dao_newScalar(cpDao, "longDescription", "%s", cpData->long_descr);
    if (cpData->description && *(cpData->description) != '\0') {
      dao_newScalar(cpDao, "description", "%s", cpData->description);
    if (cpData->title && *(cpData->title) != '\0') {
      dao_newScalar(cpDao, "title", "%s", cpData->title);
    dao_newScalar(cpDao, "level", "%d", cpData->level);
    sprinttype(cpData->sex, genders, temp, sizeof(temp));
    dao_newScalar(cpDao, "sex", "%s", temp);
    sprinttype(cpData->auth, auth_types, temp, sizeof(temp));
    dao_newScalar(cpDao, "auth", "%s", temp);
    dao_newScalar(cpDao, "homeTown", "%d", cpData->hometown);
    dao_newScalar(cpDao, "weight", "%d", cpData->weight);
    dao_newScalar(cpDao, "height", "%d", cpData->height);

 * Convert a charAbilities_t to it's DAO representation
 * @param parentDao the container DAO to contain the item's DAO
 * @param caData the charAbilities_t to be converted
 * @return none
void charAbilities_toDao(daoData_t *parentDao, struct char_ability_data *caData) {
  if (parentDao == NULL) {
    log("charAbilities_toDao(): invalid 'parentDao' daoData_t.");
  } else if (caData == NULL) {
    log("charAbilities_toDao(): invalid 'caData' struct char_ability_data.");
  } else {
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "strength", "%d", caData->str);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "strengthAdd", "%d", caData->str_add);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "intelligence", "%d", caData->intel);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "wisdom", "%d", caData->wis);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "dexterity", "%d", caData->dex);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "constitution", "%d", caData->con);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "charisma", "%d", caData->cha);

 * Convert a charPointData_t to it's DAO representation
 * @param parentDao the container DAO to contain the item's DAO
 * @param cpData the charPointData_t to be converted
 * @return none
void charPointData_toDao(daoData_t *parentDao, struct char_point_data *cpData, bool isPlayer) {
  if (parentDao == NULL) {
    log("charPointData_toDao(): invalid 'parentDao' daoData_t.");
  } else if (cpData == NULL) {
    log("charPointData_toDao(): invalid 'cpData' struct char_point_data.");
  } else {
    /* Declare a DAO pointer */
    daoData_t *subContainerDao = NULL;
    if (isPlayer == TRUE) {
      /* Save points for a Player */

      subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "hitPoints");
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "current", "%d", cpData->hit);
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "maximum", "%d", cpData->max_hit);
      subContainerDao = NULL;

      subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "manaPoints");
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "current", "%d", cpData->mana);
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "maximum", "%d", cpData->max_mana);
      subContainerDao = NULL;

      subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "movePoints");
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "current", "%d", cpData->move);
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "maximum", "%d", cpData->max_move);
      subContainerDao = NULL;
    } else {
      /* Save points for a Mobile Prototype.  No currents, just maxes so we can trim things down */

      if (cpData->max_hit == 0) {
        subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "hitPoints");
        dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "diceNumber", "%d", cpData->hit);
        dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "diceSize", "%d", cpData->mana);
        dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "diceAdd", "%d", cpData->move);
        subContainerDao = NULL;
      } else {
        dao_newScalar(parentDao, "hitPoints", "%d", cpData->hit);
        dao_newScalar(parentDao, "manaPoints", "%d", cpData->mana);
        dao_newScalar(parentDao, "maxHitPoints", "%d", cpData->max_hit);

      dao_newScalar(parentDao, "maxManaPoints", "%d", cpData->max_mana);
      dao_newScalar(parentDao, "maxMovePoints", "%d", cpData->max_move);
    /* Common data between players and mobiles */

    subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "gold");
    dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "inHand", "%d", cpData->gold);
    dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "inBank", "%d", cpData->bank_gold);
    subContainerDao = NULL;

    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "armor", "%d", cpData->armor);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "experience", "%d", cpData->exp);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "hitRoll", "%d", cpData->hitroll);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "damRoll", "%d", cpData->damroll);

 * Convert a playerSpecials_t to it's DAO representation
 * @param parentDao the container DAO to contain the item's DAO
 * @param psData the playerSpecials_t to be converted
 * @return none
void playerSpecials_toDao(daoData_t *parentDao, struct player_special_data *psData) {
  if (parentDao == NULL) {
    log("playerSpecials_toDao(): invalid 'parentDao' daoData_t.");
  } else if (psData == NULL) {
    log("playerSpecials_toDao(): invalid 'psData' struct player_special_data.");
  } else {
    /* Declare a DAO pointer */
    daoData_t *subContainerDao = NULL;

    subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "poofs");
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "in", "%s", psData->poofin);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "out", "%s", psData->poofout);
    subContainerDao = NULL;

    /* Now for the savedPlayerSpecials */
    subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "savedPlayerSpecials");
    savedPlayerSpecials_toDao(subContainerDao, &(psData->saved));
    subContainerDao = NULL;

    /* Aliases */
    subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "aliases");
    subContainerDao = NULL;

 * Convert a savedPlayerSpecials_t to it's DAO representation
 * @param parentDao the container DAO to contain the item's DAO
 * @param psData the savedPlayerSpecials_t to be converted
 * @return none
void savedPlayerSpecials_toDao(daoData_t *parentDao, struct player_special_data_saved *psData) {
  if (parentDao == NULL) {
    log("savedPlayerSpecials_toDao(): invalid 'parentDao' daoData_t.");
  } else if (psData == NULL) {
    log("savedPlayerSpecials_toDao(): invalid 'psData' struct player_special_data_saved.");
  } else {
    /* Declare a DAO pointer */
    daoData_t *subContainerDao = NULL;
    /* Declare an iterator variable. */
    register int i = 0;
    /* Declare some temporary buffer space. */
    char temp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = {'\0'};

    if (psData->wimp_level > 0) {
      dao_newScalar(parentDao, "wimpLevel", "%d", psData->wimp_level);
    if (psData->freeze_auth > AUTH_NONE) {
      sprinttype(psData->freeze_auth, auth_types, temp, sizeof(temp));
      dao_newScalar(parentDao, "freezeAuth", "%s", temp);
    if (psData->invis_auth > AUTH_NONE) {
      sprinttype(psData->invis_auth, auth_types, temp, sizeof(temp));
      dao_newScalar(parentDao, "invisAuth", "%s", temp);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "loadRoom", "%d", psData->load_room);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "badPWAttempts", "%d", psData->bad_pws);
    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "spellsToLearn", "%d", psData->spells_to_learn);

    subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "skills");
    for (i = 0; i <= MAX_SKILLS; i++) {
      if (psData->skills[i] > 0) {
        snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%d", i);
        dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, temp, "%d", psData->skills[i]);
    subContainerDao = NULL;

    /* Saving these for now, but it doesn't appear they're actually used anywhere */
    subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "talks");
    for (i = 0; i <= MAX_TONGUE; i++) {
      snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%d", i);
      if (psData->talks[i]) {
        dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, temp, "%s", "Yes");
      } else {
        dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, temp, "%s", "No");
    subContainerDao = NULL;

    if (psData->pref != 0UL) {
      subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "preferences");
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "brief", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_BRIEF)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "compact", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_COMPACT)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "deaf", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_DEAF)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noTell", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_NOTELL)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "displayHP", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_DISPHP)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "displayMana", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_DISPMANA)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "displayMove", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_DISPMOVE)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "autoExit", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_AUTOEXIT)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noHassle", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_NOHASSLE)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "quest", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_QUEST)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "summon", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_SUMMONABLE)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noRepeat", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_NOREPEAT)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "holyLight", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_HOLYLIGHT)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "color1", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_COLOR_1)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "color2", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_COLOR_2)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noWiznet", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_NOWIZ)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "log1", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_LOG1)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "log2", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_LOG2)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noAuction", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_NOAUCT)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noGossip", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_NOGOSS)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noGrats", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_NOGRATZ)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "roomFlags", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_ROOMFLAGS)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "displayAuto", YESNO(IS_SET(psData->pref, PRF_DISPAUTO)));
      subContainerDao = NULL;

    subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "conditions");
    dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "drunk", "%d", psData->conditions[DRUNK]);
    dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "hunger", "%d", psData->conditions[FULL]);
    dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "thirst", "%d", psData->conditions[THIRST]);
    subContainerDao = NULL;

 * Convert a savedCharSpecials_t to it's DAO representation
 * @param parentDao the container DAO to contain the item's DAO
 * @param csData the savedCharSpecials_t to be converted
 * @param isPlayer TRUE if being called for a Player, FALSE if being called for a Mobile
 * @return none
void savedCharSpecials_toDao(daoData_t *parentDao, struct char_special_data_saved *csData, bool isPlayer) {
  if (parentDao == NULL) {
    log("savedCharSpecials_toDao(): invalid 'parentDao' daoData_t.");
  } else if (csData == NULL) {
    log("savedCharSpecials_toDao(): invalid 'csData' struct char_special_data_saved.");
  } else {
    /* Declare a DAO pointer */
    daoData_t *subContainerDao = NULL;

    /* Declare an iterator variable. */
    register int i = 0;

    /* Declare some temporary buffer space. */
    char temp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = {'\0'};

    if (isPlayer) {
      /* PC Data */
      dao_newScalar(parentDao, "idnum", "%d", csData->idnum);

      subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "playerFlags");
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "killer", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_KILLER)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "thief", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_THIEF)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "frozen", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_FROZEN)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "wiriting", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_WRITING)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "mailing", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_MAILING)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "crash", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_CRASH)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "siteOK", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_SITEOK)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noShout", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_NOSHOUT)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noTitle", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_NOTITLE)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "deleted", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_DELETED)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "loadRoom", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_LOADROOM)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noWizlist", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_NOWIZLIST)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noDelete", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_NODELETE)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "invisStart", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_INVSTART)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "cryoSaved", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_CRYO)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "Dead", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, PLR_NOTDEADYET)));
      subContainerDao = NULL;
    } else {
      /* NPC Data */
      subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "mobileFlags");
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "spec", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_SPEC)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "sentinel", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_SENTINEL)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "scavenger", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_SCAVENGER)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "isNPC", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_ISNPC)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "aware", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_AWARE)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "aggressive", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_AGGRESSIVE)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "stayZone", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_STAY_ZONE)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "wimpy", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_WIMPY)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "aggroEvil", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_AGGR_EVIL)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "aggroGood", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_AGGR_GOOD)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "aggroNeutral", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_AGGR_NEUTRAL)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "memory", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_MEMORY)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "helper", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_HELPER)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noCharm", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_NOCHARM)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noSummon", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_NOSUMMON)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noSleep", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_NOSLEEP)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noBash", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_NOBASH)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "noBlind", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_NOBLIND)));
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, "Dead", YESNO(IS_SET(csData->act, MOB_NOTDEADYET)));
      subContainerDao = NULL;

    dao_newScalar(parentDao, "alignment", "%d", csData->alignment);

    subContainerDao = dao_newChild(parentDao, "savingThrows");
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s", save_types[i]);
      dao_newScalar(subContainerDao, temp, "%d", csData->apply_saving_throw[i]);
    subContainerDao = NULL;