/* ************************************************************************
*   File: castle.c                                      Part of CircleMUD *
*  Usage: Special procedures for King's Castle area                       *
*                                                                         *
*  All rights reserved.  See license.doc for complete information.        *
*                                                                         *
*  Special procedures for Kings Castle by Pjotr (     *
*  Coded by Sapowox (                                 *
*  CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991.               *
************************************************************************ */

#include "conf.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "command.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "handler.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "spells.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "room.h"
#include "zone.h"
#include "item.h"
#include "mobile.h"

 * Define for the zone that the castle is.
 * This can likely be removed completely due to the fact that zones are now
 * addressed by keyword, not by a static number.
 * However, for the sake of conversion, I'm keeping it in place as a string
 * value as an example.

#define Z_KINGS_C "welmarCastle"

/* external variables */
extern timeInfoData_t time_info;
extern int mini_mud;

/* local functions */
charData_t *castle_mobile(mobileVnum_t numInZon);
roomData_t *castle_room(roomVnum_t numInZone);
charData_t *find_npc_by_name(charData_t *chAtChar, const char *pszName, int iLen);
int block_way(charData_t *ch, const commandData_t *cmd, char *arg, roomData_t *iIn_room, int iProhibited_direction);
void assign_kings_castle(void);
int member_of_staff(charData_t *chChar);
int member_of_royal_guard(charData_t *chChar);
charData_t *find_guard(charData_t *chAtChar);
charData_t *get_victim(charData_t *chAtChar);
int banzaii(charData_t *ch);
int do_npc_rescue(charData_t *ch_hero, charData_t *ch_victim);
int is_trash(itemData_t *i);
void fry_victim(charData_t *ch);
int castle_cleaner(charData_t *ch, const commandData_t *cmd, int gripe);
int castle_twin_proc(charData_t *ch, const commandData_t *cmd, char *arg, int ctlnum, const char *twinname);
void castle_mob_spec(mobileVnum_t mobnum, SPECIAL(*specproc));

|* Special procedures for Kings Castle by Pjotr ( *|
|* Coded by Sapowox (                             *|


 * Assign castle special procedures.
void castle_mob_spec(mobileVnum_t mobVnum, SPECIAL(*specproc)) {
  charData_t *mobile = castle_mobile(mobVnum);

  if (mobile == NULL) {
    log("castle_mob_spec(): Invalid charData_t 'mobile'.");
  } else {
    mobile->func = specproc;

 * Find a mobile prototype in the castle zone by number
 * @param numInZone Vnum of mobile in zone to find
 * @returns pointer to mobile prototype or NULL
charData_t *castle_mobile(mobileVnum_t numInZone) {
  zoneData_t *zone = zoneData_find(Z_KINGS_C);
  charData_t *mob = NULL;

  if (zone) {
    mob = charData_findMobilePrototypeInZone(zone, numInZone);

  return (mob);

 * Find a room in the castle zone by number
 * @param numInZone Vnum of room in zone to find
 * @returns pointer to room or NULL
roomData_t *castle_room(roomVnum_t numInZone)
  zoneData_t *zone = zoneData_find(Z_KINGS_C);
  roomData_t *room = NULL;

  if (zone) {
    room = roomData_findInZone(zone, numInZone);

  return (room);

 * Routine: assign_kings_castle
 * Used to assign function pointers to all mobiles in the Kings Castle.
 * Called from spec_assign.c.
void assign_kings_castle(void)
  castle_mob_spec(15000, CastleGuard);	/* Gwydion */
  /* Added the previous line -- Furry */
  castle_mob_spec(15001, king_welmar);	/* Our dear friend, the King */
  castle_mob_spec(15003, CastleGuard);	/* Jim */
  castle_mob_spec(15004, CastleGuard);	/* Brian */
  castle_mob_spec(15005, CastleGuard);	/* Mick */
  castle_mob_spec(15006, CastleGuard);	/* Matt */
  castle_mob_spec(15007, CastleGuard);	/* Jochem */
  castle_mob_spec(15008, CastleGuard);	/* Anne */
  castle_mob_spec(15009, CastleGuard);	/* Andrew */
  castle_mob_spec(15010, CastleGuard);	/* Bertram */
  castle_mob_spec(15011, CastleGuard);	/* Jeanette */
  castle_mob_spec(15012, peter);		/* Peter */
  castle_mob_spec(15013, training_master);	/* The training master */
  castle_mob_spec(15016, James);		/* James the Butler */
  castle_mob_spec(15017, cleaning);	/* Ze Cleaning Fomen */
  castle_mob_spec(15020, tim);		/* Tim, Tom's twin */
  castle_mob_spec(15021, tom);		/* Tom, Tim's twin */
  castle_mob_spec(15024, DicknDavid);	/* Dick, guard of the
					 * Treasury */
  castle_mob_spec(15025, DicknDavid);	/* David, Dicks brother */
  castle_mob_spec(15026, jerry);		/* Jerry, the Gambler */
  castle_mob_spec(15027, CastleGuard);	/* Michael */
  castle_mob_spec(15028, CastleGuard);	/* Hans */
  castle_mob_spec(15029, CastleGuard);	/* Boris */

 * Routine: member_of_staff
 * Used to see if a character is a member of the castle staff.
 * Used mainly by BANZAI:ng NPC:s.
int member_of_staff(charData_t *chChar)

  if (chChar == NULL) {
    return FALSE;
  } else if (!IS_NPC(chChar)) {
    return FALSE;
  } else if (chChar->prototype == NULL) {
    return FALSE;
  } else if (chChar->zone == NULL) {
    return FALSE;
  } else if (chChar->zone != zoneData_find(Z_KINGS_C)) {
    return FALSE;
  } else {
    if ((chChar->vnum == 15001) ||
        (chChar->vnum > 15002 && chChar->vnum < 15015) ||
        (chChar->vnum > 15015 && chChar->vnum < 15018) ||
        (chChar->vnum > 15018 && chChar->vnum < 15030)) {
      return TRUE;      
  return FALSE;

 * Function: member_of_royal_guard
 * Returns TRUE if the character is a guard on duty, otherwise FALSE.
 * Used by Peter the captain of the royal guard.
int member_of_royal_guard(charData_t *chChar)

  if (chChar == NULL) {
    return FALSE;
  } else if (!IS_NPC(chChar)) {
    return FALSE;
  } else if (chChar->prototype == NULL) {
    return FALSE;
  } else if (chChar->zone == NULL) {
    return FALSE;
  } else if (chChar->zone != zoneData_find(Z_KINGS_C)) {
    return FALSE;
  } else {
    if ((chChar->vnum == 15003) ||
        (chChar->vnum == 15006) ||
        (chChar->vnum > 15007 && chChar->vnum < 15012) ||
        (chChar->vnum > 15023 && chChar->vnum < 15026)) {
      return TRUE;      
  return FALSE;

 * Function: find_npc_by_name
 * Returns a pointer to an npc by the given name.
 * Used by Tim and Tom
charData_t *find_npc_by_name(charData_t *chAtChar, const char *pszName, int iLen)
  charData_t *ch;

  for (ch = chAtChar->room->people; ch; ch = ch->next_in_room)
    if (IS_NPC(ch) && !strncmp(pszName, ch->player.short_descr, iLen))
      return (ch);

  return (NULL);

 * Function: find_guard
 * Returns the pointer to a guard on duty.
 * Used by Peter the Captain of the Royal Guard
charData_t *find_guard(charData_t *chAtChar)
  charData_t *ch;

  for (ch = chAtChar->room->people; ch; ch = ch->next_in_room)
    if (!FIGHTING(ch) && member_of_royal_guard(ch))
      return (ch);

  return (NULL);

 * Function: get_victim
 * Returns a pointer to a randomly chosen character in the same room,
 * fighting someone in the castle staff...
 * Used by BANZAII-ing characters and King Welmar...
charData_t *get_victim(charData_t *chAtChar)
  charData_t *ch;
  int iNum_bad_guys = 0, iVictim;

  for (ch = chAtChar->room->people; ch; ch = ch->next_in_room)
    if (FIGHTING(ch) && member_of_staff(FIGHTING(ch)))

  if (!iNum_bad_guys)
    return (NULL);

  iVictim = rand_number(0, iNum_bad_guys);	/* How nice, we give them a chance */
  if (!iVictim)
    return (NULL);

  iNum_bad_guys = 0;

  for (ch = chAtChar->room->people; ch; ch = ch->next_in_room) {
    if (FIGHTING(ch) == NULL)

    if (!member_of_staff(FIGHTING(ch)))

    if (++iNum_bad_guys != iVictim)

    return (ch);

  return (NULL);

 * Function: banzaii
 * Makes a character banzaii on attackers of the castle staff.
 * Used by Guards, Tim, Tom, Dick, David, Peter, Master, King and Guards.
int banzaii(charData_t *ch)
  charData_t *chOpponent;

  if (!AWAKE(ch) || GET_POS(ch) == POS_FIGHTING || !(chOpponent = get_victim(ch)))
    return (FALSE);

  act("$n roars: 'Protect the Kingdom of Great King Welmar!  BANZAIIII!!!'",
	FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
  hit(ch, chOpponent, TYPE_UNDEFINED);
  return (TRUE);

 * Function: do_npc_rescue
 * Makes ch_hero rescue ch_victim.
 * Used by Tim and Tom
int do_npc_rescue(charData_t *ch_hero, charData_t *ch_victim)
  charData_t *ch_bad_guy;

  for (ch_bad_guy = ch_hero->room->people;
       ch_bad_guy && (FIGHTING(ch_bad_guy) != ch_victim);
       ch_bad_guy = ch_bad_guy->next_in_room);

  /* NO WAY I'll rescue the one I'm fighting! */
  if (!ch_bad_guy || ch_bad_guy == ch_hero)
    return (FALSE);

  act("You bravely rescue $N.\r\n", FALSE, ch_hero, 0, ch_victim, TO_CHAR);
  act("You are rescued by $N, your loyal friend!\r\n",
	FALSE, ch_victim, 0, ch_hero, TO_CHAR);
  act("$n heroically rescues $N.", FALSE, ch_hero, 0, ch_victim, TO_NOTVICT);

  if (FIGHTING(ch_bad_guy))
  if (FIGHTING(ch_hero))

  charData_setFighting(ch_hero, ch_bad_guy);
  charData_setFighting(ch_bad_guy, ch_hero);
  return (TRUE);

 * Procedure to block a person trying to enter a room.
 * Used by Tim/Tom at Kings bedroom and Dick/David at treasury.
int block_way(charData_t *ch, const commandData_t *cmd, char *arg, roomData_t *iIn_room,
	          int iProhibited_direction)

  return (FALSE);
 * For now don't block.  We need to fix this to pass the correct castle room
 * as it's currently trying to pass mob->room for the prototype, which is NULL

  int dir = 0;

  if (cmd == NULL)
    return (FALSE);

  if (!IS_MOVE(cmd))
    return (FALSE);

  dir = search_block(cmd->command, dirs, FALSE);

  if (dir != iProhibited_direction)
    return (FALSE);

  if (ch->player.short_descr && !strncmp(ch->player.short_descr, "King Welmar", 11))
    return (FALSE);

  if (IN_ROOM(ch) != iIn_room)
    return (FALSE);

  if (!member_of_staff(ch))
    act("The guard roars at $n and pushes $m back.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

  send_to_char(ch, "The guard roars: 'Entrance is Prohibited!', and pushes you back.\r\n");
  return (TRUE);

 * Routine to check if an object is trash...
 * Used by James the Butler and the Cleaning Lady.
int is_trash(itemData_t *i)
    return (FALSE);

    return (TRUE);

  return (FALSE);

 * Function: fry_victim
 * Finds a suitabe victim, and cast some _NASTY_ spell on him.
 * Used by King Welmar
void fry_victim(charData_t *ch)
  charData_t *tch;

  if (ch->points.mana < 10)

  /* Find someone suitable to fry ! */
  if (!(tch = get_victim(ch)))

  switch (rand_number(0, 8)) {
  case 1:
  case 2:
  case 3:
    send_to_char(ch, "You raise your hand in a dramatical gesture.\r\n");
    act("$n raises $s hand in a dramatical gesture.", 1, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
    cast_spell(ch, tch, 0, SPELL_COLOR_SPRAY);
  case 4:
  case 5:
    send_to_char(ch, "You concentrate and mumble to yourself.\r\n");
    act("$n concentrates, and mumbles to $mself.", 1, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
    cast_spell(ch, tch, 0, SPELL_HARM);
  case 6:
  case 7:
    act("You look deeply into the eyes of $N.", 1, ch, 0, tch, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n looks deeply into the eyes of $N.", 1, ch, 0, tch, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("You see an ill-boding flame in the eye of $n.", 1, ch, 0, tch, TO_VICT);
    cast_spell(ch, tch, 0, SPELL_FIREBALL);
    if (!rand_number(0, 1))
      cast_spell(ch, ch, 0, SPELL_HEAL);

  ch->points.mana -= 10;


 * Function: king_welmar
 * Control the actions and movements of the King.
 * Used by King Welmar.
  char actbuf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

  const char *monolog[] = {
    "$n proclaims 'Primus in regnis Geticis coronam'.",
    "$n proclaims 'regiam gessi, subiique regis'.",
    "$n proclaims 'munus et mores colui sereno'.",
    "$n proclaims 'principe dignos'."

  const char bedroom_path[] = "s33004o1c1S.";
  const char throne_path[] = "W3o3cG52211rg.";
  const char monolog_path[] = "ABCDPPPP.";

  static const char *path;
  static int path_index;
  static bool move = FALSE;

  if (!move) {
    if (time_info.hours == 8 && IN_ROOM(ch) == castle_room(51)) {
      move = TRUE;
      path = throne_path;
      path_index = 0;
    } else if (time_info.hours == 21 && IN_ROOM(ch) == castle_room(17)) {
      move = TRUE;
      path = bedroom_path;
      path_index = 0;
    } else if (time_info.hours == 12 && IN_ROOM(ch) == castle_room(17)) {
      move = TRUE;
      path = monolog_path;
      path_index = 0;
  if (cmd || (GET_POS(ch) < POS_SLEEPING) ||
      (GET_POS(ch) == POS_SLEEPING && !move))
    return (FALSE);

  if (GET_POS(ch) == POS_FIGHTING) {
    return (FALSE);
  } else if (banzaii(ch))
    return (FALSE);

  if (!move)
    return (FALSE);

  switch (path[path_index]) {
  case '0':
  case '1':
  case '2':
  case '3':
  case '4':
  case '5':
    perform_move(ch, path[path_index] - '0', 1);

  case 'A':
  case 'B':
  case 'C':
  case 'D':
    act(monolog[path[path_index] - 'A'], FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

  case 'P':

  case 'W':
    act("$n awakens and stands up.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

  case 'S':
    act("$n lies down on $s beautiful bed and instantly falls asleep.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

  case 'r':
    act("$n sits down on $s great throne.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

  case 's':
    act("$n stands up.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

  case 'G':
    act("$n says 'Good morning, trusted friends.'", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

  case 'g':
    act("$n says 'Good morning, dear subjects.'", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

  case 'o':
    do_gen_door(ch, strcpy(actbuf, "door"), find_command("unlock"));	/* strcpy: OK */
    do_gen_door(ch, strcpy(actbuf, "door"), find_command("open"));	/* strcpy: OK */

  case 'c':
    do_gen_door(ch, strcpy(actbuf, "door"), find_command("close"));	/* strcpy: OK */
    do_gen_door(ch, strcpy(actbuf, "door"), find_command("lock"));	/* strcpy: OK */

  case '.':
    move = FALSE;

  return (FALSE);

 * Function: training_master
 * Acts actions to the training room, if his students are present.
 * Also allowes warrior-class to practice.
 * Used by the Training Master.
  charData_t *pupil1, *pupil2 = NULL, *tch;

  if (!AWAKE(ch) || (GET_POS(ch) == POS_FIGHTING))
    return (FALSE);

  if (cmd)
    return (FALSE);

  if (banzaii(ch) || rand_number(0, 2))
    return (FALSE);

  if (!(pupil1 = find_npc_by_name(ch, "Brian", 5)))
    return (FALSE);

  if (!(pupil2 = find_npc_by_name(ch, "Mick", 4)))
    return (FALSE);

  if (FIGHTING(pupil1) || FIGHTING(pupil2))
    return (FALSE);

  if (rand_number(0, 1)) {
    tch = pupil1;
    pupil1 = pupil2;
    pupil2 = tch;

  switch (rand_number(0, 7)) {
  case 0:
    act("$n hits $N on $s head with a powerful blow.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("You hit $N on $s head with a powerful blow.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n hits you on your head with a powerful blow.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_VICT);

  case 1:
    act("$n hits $N in $s chest with a thrust.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("You manage to thrust $N in the chest.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n manages to thrust you in your chest.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_VICT);

  case 2:
    send_to_char(ch, "You command your pupils to bow.\r\n");
    act("$n commands $s pupils to bow.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
    act("$n bows before $N.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$N bows before $n.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("You bow before $N, who returns your gesture.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_CHAR);
    act("You bow before $n, who returns your gesture.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_VICT);

  case 3:
    act("$N yells at $n, as he fumbles and drops $s sword.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, ch, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$n quickly picks up $s weapon.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
    act("$N yells at you, as you fumble, losing your weapon.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, ch, TO_CHAR);
    send_to_char(pupil1, "You quickly pick up your weapon again.\r\n");
    act("You yell at $n, as he fumbles, losing $s weapon.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, ch, TO_VICT);

  case 4:
    act("$N tricks $n, and slashes him across the back.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("$N tricks you, and slashes you across your back.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_CHAR);
    act("You trick $n, and quickly slash him across $s back.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_VICT);

  case 5:
    act("$n lunges a blow at $N but $N parries skillfully.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("You lunge a blow at $N but $E parries skillfully.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n lunges a blow at you, but you skillfully parry it.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_VICT);

  case 6:
    act("$n clumsily tries to kick $N, but misses.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("You clumsily miss $N with your poor excuse for a kick.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n fails an unusually clumsy attempt at kicking you.", FALSE, pupil1, 0, pupil2, TO_VICT);

    send_to_char(ch, "You show your pupils an advanced technique.\r\n");
    act("$n shows $s pupils an advanced technique.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

  return (FALSE);

  return castle_twin_proc(ch, cmd, argument, 48, "Tim");

  return castle_twin_proc(ch, cmd, argument, 49, "Tom");

 * Common routine for the Castle Twins.
int castle_twin_proc(charData_t *ch, const commandData_t *cmd, char *arg, int ctlnum, const char *twinname)
  charData_t *king, *twin;

  if (!AWAKE(ch))
    return (FALSE);

  if (cmd)
    return block_way(ch, cmd, arg, NULL, 1);

  if ((king = find_npc_by_name(ch, "King Welmar", 11)) != NULL) {
    char actbuf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

    if (!ch->master)
      do_follow(ch, strcpy(actbuf, "King Welmar"), 0);	/* strcpy: OK */
    if (FIGHTING(king))
      do_npc_rescue(ch, king);

  if ((twin = find_npc_by_name(ch, twinname, strlen(twinname))) != NULL)
    if (FIGHTING(twin) && 2 * GET_HIT(twin) < GET_HIT(ch))
      do_npc_rescue(ch, twin);

  if (GET_POS(ch) != POS_FIGHTING)

  return (FALSE);

 * Routine for James the Butler.
 * Complains if he finds any trash...
 * This doesn't make sure he _can_ carry it...
  return castle_cleaner(ch, cmd, TRUE);

 * Common code for James and the Cleaning Woman.
int castle_cleaner(charData_t *ch, const commandData_t *cmd, int gripe)
  itemData_t *i;

  if (cmd || !AWAKE(ch) || GET_POS(ch) == POS_FIGHTING)
    return (FALSE);

  for (i = ch->room->contents; i; i = i->nextContent) {
    if (!is_trash(i))

    if (gripe) {
      act("$n says: 'My oh my!  I ought to fire that lazy cleaning woman!'",
          FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
      act("$n picks up a piece of trash.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
    itemData_toChar(i, ch);
    return (TRUE);

  return (FALSE);

 * Routine for the Cleaning Woman.
 * Picks up any trash she finds...
  return castle_cleaner(ch, cmd, FALSE);

 * Routine: CastleGuard
 * Standard routine for ordinary castle guards.
  if (cmd || !AWAKE(ch) || (GET_POS(ch) == POS_FIGHTING))
    return (FALSE);

  return (banzaii(ch));

 * Routine: DicknDave
 * Routine for the guards Dick and David.
  if (!AWAKE(ch))
    return (FALSE);

  if (!cmd && GET_POS(ch) != POS_FIGHTING)

  return (block_way(ch, cmd, argument, NULL, 1));

 * Routine: peter
 * Routine for Captain of the Guards.
  charData_t *ch_guard = NULL;

  if (cmd || !AWAKE(ch) || GET_POS(ch) == POS_FIGHTING)
    return (FALSE);

  if (banzaii(ch))
    return (FALSE);

  if (!(rand_number(0, 3)) && (ch_guard = find_guard(ch)))
    switch (rand_number(0, 5)) {
    case 0:
      act("$N comes sharply into attention as $n inspects $M.",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_NOTVICT);
      act("$N comes sharply into attention as you inspect $M.",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_CHAR);
      act("You go sharply into attention as $n inspects you.",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_VICT);
    case 1:
      act("$N looks very small, as $n roars at $M.",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_NOTVICT);
      act("$N looks very small as you roar at $M.",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_CHAR);
      act("You feel very small as $N roars at you.",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_VICT);
    case 2:
      act("$n gives $N some Royal directions.",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_NOTVICT);
      act("You give $N some Royal directions.",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n gives you some Royal directions.",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_VICT);
    case 3:
      act("$n looks at you.", FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_VICT);
      act("$n looks at $N.", FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_NOTVICT);
      act("$n growls: 'Those boots need polishing!'",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_ROOM);
      act("You growl at $N.", FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_CHAR);
    case 4:
      act("$n looks at you.", FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_VICT);
      act("$n looks at $N.", FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_NOTVICT);
      act("$n growls: 'Straighten that collar!'",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_ROOM);
      act("You growl at $N.", FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_CHAR);
      act("$n looks at you.", FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_VICT);
      act("$n looks at $N.", FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_NOTVICT);
      act("$n growls: 'That chain mail looks rusty!  CLEAN IT !!!'",
	  FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_ROOM);
      act("You growl at $N.", FALSE, ch, 0, ch_guard, TO_CHAR);

  return (FALSE);

 * Procedure for Jerry and Michael in x08 of King's Castle.
 * Code by Sapowox modified by Pjotr.(Original code from Master)
  charData_t *gambler1, *gambler2 = NULL, *tch;

  if (!AWAKE(ch) || (GET_POS(ch) == POS_FIGHTING))
    return (FALSE);

  if (cmd)
    return (FALSE);

  if (banzaii(ch) || rand_number(0, 2))
    return (FALSE);

  if (!(gambler1 = ch))
    return (FALSE);

  if (!(gambler2 = find_npc_by_name(ch, "Michael", 7)))
    return (FALSE);

  if (FIGHTING(gambler1) || FIGHTING(gambler2))
    return (FALSE);

  if (rand_number(0, 1)) {
    tch = gambler1;
    gambler1 = gambler2;
    gambler2 = tch;

  switch (rand_number(0, 5)) {
  case 0:
    act("$n rolls the dice and cheers loudly at the result.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("You roll the dice and cheer. GREAT!",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n cheers loudly as $e rolls the dice.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_VICT);
  case 1:
    act("$n curses the Goddess of Luck roundly as he sees $N's roll.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("You curse the Goddess of Luck as $N rolls.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n swears angrily. You are in luck!",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_VICT);
  case 2:
    act("$n sighs loudly and gives $N some gold.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("You sigh loudly at the pain of having to give $N some gold.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n sighs loudly as $e gives you your rightful win.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_VICT);
  case 3:
    act("$n smiles remorsefully as $N's roll tops $s.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("You smile sadly as you see that $N beats you. Again.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n smiles remorsefully as your roll tops $s.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_VICT);
  case 4:
    act("$n excitedly follows the dice with $s eyes.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("You excitedly follow the dice with your eyes.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n excitedly follows the dice with $s eyes.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_VICT);
    act("$n says 'Well, my luck has to change soon', as he shakes the dice.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_NOTVICT);
    act("You say 'Well, my luck has to change soon' and shake the dice.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n says 'Well, my luck has to change soon', as he shakes the dice.",
	    FALSE, gambler1, 0, gambler2, TO_VICT);
  return (FALSE);