{35 50} Macabre Ilium~
29500 29600
Ajax stands proudly before you.
Ajax is a mighty warrior, the most powerful of the Achaens, save for
Achilles. He is a proud man, and his pride may one day lead to his
BDGT H 400 29500 
47 +2 25d10+3750 0d0+500 6d6+17 punch
-17 -17 -17 3 
CIJF 0 0 X 
stand stand male 4000 
0 0 medium 0 
Achilles sits here, sulking.
Achilles is sulking in his tent due to a slight from Agamemnon. This is 
unfortunate for the Achaeans, as he is their most powerful warrior. He is 
favored of the gods, and possessed of supernatural defenses as he was 
dipped in the Styx while a babe. He was given a choice long ago to live a
long but uneventful life, or a short but action-filled life, and he
chose the latter.
FDGT H 0 29500
50 +2 50d10+4000 0d0+500 5d8+19 punch 
-20 -20 -20 -2 
stand stand male 15000 
0 0 medium 0 
King Odysseus~
Odysseus, King of Ithaca, grins as he concocts another scheme. 
Odysseus is a powerful warrior, the strongest of the Achaens, and the 
most cunning. While not the best combatant, he more than compensates for 
this with his quick wits, which keep him alive long after all his allies
have died.
BTDG DFH 600 29500
45 0 25d10+2300 0d0+500 8d4+15 punch 
-16 -16 -16 -3
HF 0 0 0 stand stand male 10000 
0 0 medium 0 
King Agamemnon~ 
Agamemnon, king of Mycenae and commander of the Achaens, stands before you. 
Agamemnon, one of the two Atreides, is the commander-in-chief of the 
Greek forces who are amassed here to "rescue" Helen from the Trojans. He 
is stern and haughty, and also quite hard and unrelenting in his quest 
for vengeance. 
BDGT H 400 29500 
43 1 25d10+2000 0d0+500 3d12+15 punch 
-15 -15 -15 4 
FICD 0 0 0 
stand stand male 10000 
0 0 medium 0 
King Nestor~ 
Nestor, king of Pylos,smiles politely at you. 
Nestor is ruler of the port of Pylos, who came with a small force to aid 
his allies Menelaus and Agamemnon. An elderly man, he is one of the few 
to survive the Trojan War and the subsequent journey home. 
BDGT H 700 29500
39 0 15d10+1200 0d0+500 5d6+13 punch
-13 -13 -13 4 
ICN 0 0 0 stand stand male 10000 
0 0 medium 0 
King Menelaus~ 
Menelaus, King of Sparta, frowns worriedly. 
Menelaus, one of the Atreides, is one of the central players in this war,
for it is because of the kidnapping of his wife Helen by Paris that the
Achaens have come here. Menelaus is worried for his wife, whom he loves
BDGT H 600 29500
41 0 25d10+1500 0d0+500 4d8+14 punch 
-14 -14 -14 4 
CDIQ 0 0 0 
stand stand male 10000 
0 0 medium 0 
Patroclus, favorite of Achilles, stands here quietly. 
Patroclus is the favored err... "companion" of Achilles. Achilles cares
deeply for him, but when he goes into his sulk, Patroclus enters the field
wearing his armor, and is slain by Hector, who thinks him to be Achilles.
But that is another story. 
BGT N 780 29500
38 0 10d10+1600 0d0+500 5d6+12 punch 
-13 -13 -13 5 
CINQ 0 0 0 
stand stand male 5000 
0 0 medium 0
Paris, a prince of Troy, glares arrogantly at you. 
Here he is, the rogue who stole away Helen from Menelaus. Paris is not a
mean or spiteful man, just a lustful one. Unfortunately his breach of the
host- guest code of behaviour will cost his whole city its existence. 
BGH N 200 29501
40 0 15d10+2300 0d0+500 5d6+14 punch 
-13 -13 -13 4 
CFIN 0 0 0 
stand stand male 5000 
0 0 medium 0 
Hector,brother of Paris, stands before you. 
Hector is one of the mightiest heroes of Troy, save maybe for Aeneas if 
you believe Virgil. He is the favorite son of his parents, and of Troy. 
He is in charge of the Trojan forces.
BGTX H 400 29501
45 +3 25d10+3000 0d0+500 8d4+15 punch 
-16 -16 -16 3 
CDFIN 0 0 0 
stand stand male 10000 
0 0 medium 0 
King Priam~ 
Priam, king of Ilium, hobbles weakly forward. 
~ Priam is the elderly king of Troy, and father of Paris and Hector. He 
is too infirm to command his army in battle so that task falls to his 
favorite son, Hector.
BDG H 500 29501
36 0 10d10+1200 0d0+500 3d10+11 punch 
-11 -11 -11 5
FIJN 0 0 0 
stand stand male 10000 
 0 0 medium 0 
Aeneas, champion of Troy, stands before you. 
Aeneas is according to Virgil the greatest of the Trojans, and the one 
who escapes to found Rome. He is a powerful warrior, and a just and 
honorable, if proud, man. 
TDH H 500 29501
48 0 25d10+3750 0d0+500 6d6+18 punch 
-18 -18 -18 3 
FINJ 0 0 0 
stand stand male 10000 
0 0 male 0 
Helen,consort of Paris and wife of Menelaus, stands here. 
Helen is the cause, albeit not willingly, of the war. She was "kidnapped" 
by Paris, whom she developed a deep affection for due to the machinations 
of Aphrodite. 
BGH N 400 0 
37 0 10d10+2000 0d0+500 3d10+12 slap 
-12 -12 -12 5
FNJ 0 0 0
stand stand female 5000 
0 0 medium 0 
Cassandra, priestess of Apollo, foretells the fall of Troy. 
Cassandra is the sister of Hector and Paris. She fooled the god Apollo 
into giving her the power of prophecy, which he couldn't reverse, so he 
cursed her by having it that no-one would ever believe her prophecies. 
BGHQ H 700 29501
40 0 15d10+2000 0d0+1500 5d6+12 slap 
-13 -13 -13 2 
FN 0 0 0 
stand stand female 5000 
0 0 medium 0 
Andromache,the wife of Hector, stands here. 
Andromache is married to Hector, Ilium's favorite son. She stands here on 
the walls watching her husband lead the soldiers into battle. 
BGH N 400 29501
37 0 10d10+1500 0d0+500 3d10+12 slap 
-12 -12 -12 5 
FEN 0 0 0 
stand stand female 5000 
0 0 medium 0 
Hecabe, Queen of Ilium, smiles sadly. 
Hecabe is the wife of Priam, and mother of Hector, Paris and Cassandra.
And that's all there is to say, really. 
BGH N 500 29501
35 0 10d10+1300 0d0+500 4d7+11 slap 
-11 -11 -11 5 
FIN 0 0 0 
stand stand female 10000 
0 0 medium 0 
Automedon, squire of Achilles, stands ready here. 
~ Automedon is one of Achilles' Myrmidons, and serves as his squire. He 
also serves as squire for Patroclus when he goes into battle. 
BGD N 400 29500
37 0 10d10+2000 0d0+500 3d10+12 punch 
-12 -12 -12 4 
FIN 0 0 0 
stand stand male 2000 
0 0 medium 0 
Aias stands here whining insolently. 
Aias was in a race for the armor of Achilles, against Odysseus, and was 
tripped when he was ahead by Athena so Odysseus would win. He got a face 
full of dung, and isn't happy about it. 
TBDG N 0 29500
40 0 15d10+2000 0d0+500 15d10+1850 punch 
-13 -13 -13 4 
FNIJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 10000
0 0 medium 0

Chalcas,son of Thestor, prophesies about the future. 
Chalcas is the chief prophet and augur of the Achaen expedition, and 
offers wise advice with his gods-granted powers. 
BGD H 500 29500
39 0 15d10+1750 0d0+1000 5d6+13 punch
-13 -13 -13 4 
FIN 0 0 0
stand stand male 5000
0 0 medium 0
Chryseis, daughter of Chryses, weeps to herself. 
Chryseis was captured at Thebe by Achilles and alloted to Agamemnon. 
Apollo, deity of her father, forced Agamemnon to return her. 
BGH N 700 29501
33 0 10d10+1100 0d0+500 6d4+10 slap
-11 -11 -11 5 
FNJ 0 0 0
stand stand female 2000
0 0 medium 0
Briseis stands here looking confused. 
Briseis is the source of the quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon. 
When Agamemnon was forced to return Chryseis, he took Briseis from 
Achilles, who had rightfully captured her. Achilles lost face, and 
decided to retreat to his tent to nurse his injured pride. 
BGH N 200 29500
33 0 10d10+1500 0d0+500 6d4+10 slap
-11 -11 -11 5
FN 0 0 0
stand stand male 3000
0 0 medium 0
Antilochus, son of Nestor, grunts in greeting. 
Antilochus is the brother of Thrasymedes, and the son of King Nestor of 
Pylos. He is a brave and capable warrior, and loyal to his father. 
DGT H  500 29500
38 0 10d10+2200 0d0+500 5d6+12 punch
-13 -13 -13 4
FCTNE 0  0 0
stand stand male 10000
0 0 medium 0
Thrasymedes, son of Nestor, grunts in greeting. 
Thrasymedes is the brother of Antilochus, and the son of King Nestor of 
Pylos. He is a brave and capable warrior, and loyal to his father. 
DGT H 500 29500
37 0 10d10+1400  0d0+500 3d10+12 punch
-12 -12 -12 4 
FIJN 0 0 0
stand stand male 7000
0 0 medium 0
King Diomedes~ 
Diomedes, king of Argos, smiles and greets you. 
Diomedes is an affable-enough fellow, very found of Tydeus his
father. He is of even temper, and much more likeable than most of the
surly Achaeans. 
DGT H 800 29500
40 0 15d10+2000 0d0+500 5d6+14 punch 
-13 -13 -13 4
FIJN 0 0 0
stand stand male 10000
0 0 medium 0
Eurypylus stands ready for combat. 
An Achaean soldier who has seen action fighting Paris. He is unremarkable. 
DGT N 0 29500
36 0 10d10+1600 0d0+500 3d10+11 punch
-12 -12 -12 5
FNIJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 5000
0 0 medium 0
King Idomeneus~
Idomeneus, son of Deucalion and King of Crete, is one of Agamemnon's 
Idomeneus is easily one of the most ablest officers in Agamemnon's staff, 
and quite amiable to boot. He is able in command and in combat. 
GDT H 600 29500
43 0 25d10+2700 0d0+500 03d12+15 punch
-15 -15 -15 3
FIJN 0 0 0
stand stand male 4000
0 0 medium 0
Machaon, son of the famous Asclepius, tends to the sick here. 
Machaon, along with his brother Podaleirius, serves as chief physician to
the Achaen troops. 
TBDGK N 500 29500
35 0 10d10+4000 0d0+500 4d7+11 punch
-11 -11 -11 5
FNIJ 0 0 0 
stand stand male 3000
0 0 medium 0
Menestheus, son of Prince Peteos, leads the Athenian contingent. 
Menestheus is the son of Prince Peteos, ruler of Athens, and has been 
sent in charge of the troops Athens sent to aid her allies. 
BDGT H 400 29500
40 0 15d10+1850 0d0+500 5d6+14 punch
-13 -13 -13 4
FNIJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 4000
0 0 medium 0
Meriones, nephew of Idomeneus, stands ready. 
Meriones is squire to Idomeneus, and also second in command of the Cretan 
DG H 500 29500
40 0 15d10+2000  0d0+500 5d6+14 punch
-13 -13 -13 4
FEJN 0 0 0 
stand stand male 4000
0 0 medium 0
Sthenelus, squire of Diomedes, stands ready to assist his master. 
Sthenelus is an unremarkable squire. 
BGH N 0 29500
33 0 10d10+1200 0d0+0 6d4+10 punch
-11 -11 -11 5
FEJN 0 0 0
stand stand male 2500
0 0 medium 0
Talthybius, herald of Agamemnon, stands outside the tent. 
He is Agamemnon's chief herald. 
BGH N 0 29500
35 0 10d10+1300 0d0+500 4d7+11 punch
-11 -11 -11 5
FEIN 0 0 0 
stand stand medium 2500
0 0 medium 0
greater aias~ 
the greater Aias~ 
The greater Aias strings his bow and eyes you cautiously. ~
The greater Aias is the greatest archer of all the Achaeans. He is the son
of King Telamon, the ruler of Salamis, and is thus sometimes called
Telamonian Aias. 
DGT H 500 29500
39 0 15d10+1900 0d0+500 5d6+13 punch
-13 -13 -13 4
FINJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 6000
0 0 medium 0
Thersites scratches himself and spits on the ground.
A common foot soldier, Thersites is remarkable only for his unruliness, 
and his big mouth, which gets him killed by Achilles eventually. 
GHT 0 -400 29501
30 0 6d12+950  0d0+500 4d6+9 punch
-10 -10 -10 5
I 0 0 0
stand stand male 1000
0 0 medium 0
Tleopolemus smiles grimly and readies his weapons. 
Tleopolemus is the son of Heracles and Astyocheia, and hails from Rhodes. 
TDG H 400 29500
39 0  15d10+2000 0d0+500 5d6+13 punch
-13 -13 -13 4
FIN 0 0 0 
stand stand male 7000
0 0 medium 0
Antenor the traitor sneaks past. 
Antenor was called a traitor for he advised his king to give up Helen 
to the Achaeans, and when they took Ilium they spared him. He was a 
Trojan noble. 
GH N 0 29500
35 0 10d10+1400 0d0+500 4d7+11 punch
-11 -11 -11 50
FN 0 0 0
stand stand male 4000
0 0 medium 0
Deiphobus, another Prince of Troy, strolls past you. 
Deiphobus is another son of Priam and Hecabe. When Paris is slain he 
weds Helen and is subsequently slain by Menelaus for his troubles. 
DG H 0 29501
37 0 10d10+1500  0d0+500 3d10+12 punch
-12 -12 -12 4
EFIJN 0 0 0 
stand stand male 7000
0 0 medium 0
Glaucus son of Hippolochus stands here. 
Glaucus is second in command of the Lycian allies under Sarpedon his 
DGT N 200 29501
35 0 10d10+1400 0d0+500 4d7+11 punch
-11 -11 -11 5
FIN 0 0 0
stand stand male 4000
0 0 medium 0
Helenus, yet another Prince of Troy, casts an augury. 
Helenus is another son of Priam and Hecabe. Like Cassandra, his sister, 
he has the gift of prophecy. He eventually weds Andromache. 
BDG H 400 29501
38 0 10d10+1800 0d0+500 5d6+12 punch
-13 -13 -13 4
FEN 0 0 0
stand stan male 8000
0 0 medium 0
Neoptolemus, son of Achilles, swaggers past you. 
Neoptolemus may be the son of Achilles, but he isn't a patch
on his father in terms of ability or strength. 
GH N 0 29500
35 0 10d10+1300 0d0+500 4d7+11 punch
-11 -11 -11 5
FIN 0 0 0
stand stand male 5000
0 0 medium 0
Idaeus stands ready in the court. 
Idaeus is the herald of king Priam, his chief herald in fact. Not the 
most exciting of jobs, really. 
BGH N 0 29501
33 0 10d10+1200 0d0+500 6d4+10 punch
-11 -11 -11 5
FIN 0 0 0
stand stand male 4000
0 0 medium 0
Pandarus, son of Lycaon, is here. 
Pandarus is a fool, a treacherous one at that too. He isn't very 
GH N 0  29501
30 0 6d12+900 0d0+500 4d6+8 punch
-10 -10 -10 5
FIN 0 0 0
stand stand male 3000
0 0 medium 0
Polydamus, a Trojan general, surveys his men. 
Despite being a commoner, Polydamus is one of Troy's best warriors and
leaders. He is a cautious, clear-headed strategist, one of the ablest of
the leaders on either side. 
DGT H 500  29501
43 2 25d10+2600 0d0+500 03d12+18 punch
-15 -15 -15 3
FDIJN 0 0 0
stand stand male 10000
0 0 medium 0
King Sarpedon~ 
King Sarpedon, king of Lycia and a son of Zeus himself, is here. 
Sarpedon is the commander of Troy's Lycian allies, and is a competent 
ruler. His mother, Laodameia, was the daughter of Bellerophon, slayer of 
the Chimera, and tamer of the Pegasus. 
BDGT H 400 29501
45 2 25d10+3000  0d0+500 8d4+15 punch
-16 -16 -16 3
FJN 0 0 0 
stand stand male 10000
0 0 medium 0 
achaean soldier~ 
an Achaean soldier~ 
An Achaean soldier marches back and forth. 
This fellow has been fighting for nine years. 
DGT 0 0 29500
 35 0 10d10+1300 0d0+500 4d7+11 punch
-11 -11 -11 5
FIN 0 0 0
stand stand male 3000
0 0 medium 0
trojan soldier~
a Trojan soldier~
A Trojan soldier marches back and forth.
This fellow has been fighting for nine years. 
DGT 0 0 29501
35 0 10d10+1300  0d0+50 4d7+11 punch
-11 -11 -11 5
FIN 0 0 0
stand stand male 2000
0 0 medium 0
trojan citizen~ 
a Trojan citizen~ 
A Trojan citizen hurries by. 
These citizens are sick of the war. 
GH 0 0 29501
25 0 6d12+1200 0d0+500 4d6+9 punch
-8 -8 -8 6
FN 0 0 0 
stand stand male 1000
0 0 medium 0 
trojan citizen~ 
a Trojan citizen~ 
A Trojan citizen hurries by. 
These citizens are sick of the war. 
GH 0 0 29501
25 0 6d12+1100 0d0+500 4d6+6 punch
-8 -8 -8 6
FN 0 0 0
stand stand male 1000
0 0 medium 0

a short thrusting spear~
A short thrusting spear is jabbed in the dirt here.~
weapon  0 AN
spear 6 4 thrust 0
25 500 2000 P
18 2
19 2
a long throwing spear~
A long throwing spear has been thrust into the dirt here.~
weapon  0 ANO
spear 5 6 thrust 0
25 600 2500 P
18 4
19 4
ox hide shield~
an ox hide shield~
An ox hide shield rests on the ground here.~
armor 0 AJ
15 15 15 9 3
30 300 2000 P
17 -10
boar tusk helm~
a boar tusk helm~
A boar tusk helm lies here.~
armor 0 AE
15 15 15 9 3
30 300 2000 P 
A 5 2
A 13 15
leather jerkin~
a leather jerkin~
A leather jerkin lies in the dirt here.~
armor 0 AD
15 15 15 9 3
30 200 4000 P
bronze breastplate~
a bronze breastplate~
A bronze breastplate has been left here.~
armor 0 AD
16 16 16 10 5
35 1500 5000 P
1 2
2 -1
17 -10
goblet wine~
a goblet of watered wine~
A goblet of watered wine rests here.~
drink 0 AO
4 4 'red wine' 0 0
0 10 30 P
board game~
a board game~
A board game rests on a table here.~
trash 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0 
1 50 0 P
4 2
achilles breastplate~
achilles' breastplate~
Achilles' breastplate lies here.~
armor AGK AD
15 15 15 9 4
45 1000 5000 P
5 3 
17 -16
19 4
achilles greaves~
achilles' greaves~
Achilles' greaves lie here.~
armor AGK AF
15 15 15 9 4
45 500 5000 P
A 2 3
A 14 60
achilles helm~
achilles' helm~
Achilles' helm lies here.~
armor AGK AE
15 15 15 9 4
45 500 5000 P
A 4 3
A 19 1
A 18 1
achilles' spear~
achilles' spear~
Achilles' spear lies here.~
weapon AGK AN
spear 7 5 thrust 0
45 500 5000 P 
18 2
19 2
bronze sword~
a bronze sword~
A bronze sword lies here.~
weapon 0 AN
sword 5 6 slash 0
30 150 1500 P
18 -2
19 2
bronze dagger~
a bronze dagger~
A bronze dagger with lions carved upon it lies here.~
weapon 0 AN
dagger 5 6 stab 0
29 40 1500 P 
bronze shield~
a bronze shield~
A bronze shield has been left here.~
armor 0 AJ
13 13 13 8 4
29 600 2000 P
17 -13
achilles' shield~
achilles' shield~
Achilles' shield lies here.~
armor AGK AJ
11 11 11 7 3
45 500 5000 P
19 4
F A 0 0 N
a pair of sandals~
A pair of sandals lie here.~
armor 0 AG
10 10 10 5 0
29 50 1000 P
stone axe~
a stone axe~
A stone axe lies here.~
weapon 0 AN
axe 6 5 slice F 
30 1500 3000 P
a banner~
A banner is stuck in the ground here.~
light 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0
25 10 300 P
bronze helm~
a bronze helm~
A bronze helm with horsehair plume lies here.~
armor 0 AE
15 15 15 9 5
30 600 4000 P
5 2
17 -11
a cot~
A cot with heavy furs piled on it sits here.~
trash 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
25 0 0 P
ivory bow paris~
The Bow of Paris~
A bow made from ivory waiting for you.~
weapon A AN
exotic 10 4 pierce F
40 45 4000 P
18 3
19 3
2 2
plate hector~
The Plate of Hector~
The Plate of Hector is left here.~
armor A AD
8 8 8 2 2
38 100 1000 P
2 -4
1 2
17 -30
19 2
spear hector burning~
The Burning Spear of Hector~
The Spear of Hector is lying here.~
weapon AHT AN
staff 13 3 pierce A
45 150 9000 P
18 3
19 3
dagger savage~
Savage dagger~
Savage dagger is waiting for its owner.~ 
weapon A AN
dagger 11 3 pierce 0
39 100 8000 P
18 3
19 3
blood drinker sword~
The Blood Drinker~
A big bloody sword is glowing here.~
weapon AGHMT AN
sword 5 9 slash C
44 200 1000 P
18 3
19 3
shield ajax~
the shield made from buffalo~
The shield made from buffaloskin and bronze left here.~
armor 0 AJ
10 10 10 6 4
21 500 9000 P
17 -50
2 -2
19 5
ring blue~
the Blue Ring~
The Blue Ring was throwen here.~
treasure AGK AB
0 0 0 0 0
37 5 640 P
3 -1
4 1
18 2
19 2
The Blue Belt~
The Blue Belt was forgotten here.~
armor AM AL
5 5 5 5 0
35 50 3200 P
5 1
18 2
19 1
white robe wisdom~
The Robe of Wisdom~
The White Robe of Wisdom is glowing here.~
armor AFKT AK
8 8 8 8 0
45 30 9300 P
3 2
4 3
5 1
24 -3
a staff of curing~
A staff of curing is waiting for you.~
staff G AO
40 10 10 'cure disease' 0
20 10 3200 P
halberd ajax~
The Halberd of Ajax~
The Halberd of Ajax is here.~
weapon A AN
polearm 6 5 cleave D
35 100 5670 P
19 1
helm helmet divination~
the Helm of Divination~
The Helm of Divination is waiting for you.~
armor ABT AE
7 7 7 2 2
34 30 3000 P
A 0 0 CDEG
The Girdle of Giant Strength~
The Girdle of Giant Strength is here.~
armor ABHMT AL
7 7 7 2 0
45 40 40000 P
1 3
silver necklace~
The Silver Necklace~
The Silver Necklace was forgotten here.~
armor ALK AC
9 9 9 9 0
41 30 3000 P
18 4
19 2
23 -1
24 -1
mirror wand helena~
Mirror of Helana~
Mirror with golden frame is here.~
wand GKL AO
40 10 10 'charm person' 0
20 10 320 P
Crown helm~
Crown of Agamemnon~
Crown with diamonds is waiting to taking.~
armor GKL AE
7 7 7 8 0
20 90 900 P
12 10
13 30
17 -20
18 3
belt linen~
linen belt~
linen belt is here~
armor G AL
5 5 5 3 0
23 10 1000 P
18 3
brass mace~
The Brass Mace~
The Mace made of up brass is lying here.~
weapon AFT AN
mace 5 6 crush 0
30 100 1000 P
18 4
19 4
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29505
0 -1 29501
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29506
0 -1 29502
0 -1 29500
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
Mountains loom to the south, though you do see a point where you could 
set ashore.
0 0 7
0 -1 29507
0 -1 29503
0 -1 901
0 -1 29501
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29508
0 -1 29504
0 -1 29502
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29509
0 -1 29503
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29510
0 -1 29506
0 -1 29500
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29511
0 -1 29507
0 -1 29501
0 -1 29505
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29512
0 -1 29508
0 -1 29502
0 -1 29506
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29513
0 -1 29509
0 -1 29503
0 -1 29507
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29514
0 -1 29504
0 -1 29508
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29515
0 -1 29511
0 -1 29505
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29516
0 -1 29512
0 -1 29506
0 -1 29510
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29517
0 -1 29513
0 -1 29507
0 -1 29511
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29518
0 -1 29514
0 -1 29508
0 -1 29512
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29519
0 -1 29509
0 -1 29513
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29520
0 -1 29516
0 -1 29510
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29521
0 -1 29517
0 -1 29511
0 -1 29515
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29522
0 -1 29518
0 -1 29512
0 -1 29516
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29523
0 -1 29519
0 -1 29513
0 -1 29517
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29524
0 -1 29514
0 -1 29518
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29525
0 -1 29521
0 -1 29515
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.

The coastline is visible from here, though there is no place to land.
0 0 7
0 -1 29526
0 -1 29522
0 -1 29516
0 -1 29520
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.

The coastline is visible from here, though there is no place to land.
0 0 7
0 -1 29523
0 -1 29517
0 -1 29521
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.

The coastline is visible from here, as are several black hulled ships, all
moored to the north.
0 0 7
0 -1 29528
0 -1 29524
0 -1 29518
0 -1 29522
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.

The coastline is visible from here, though there is no place to land.
0 0 7
0 -1 29519
0 -1 29523
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.
0 0 7
0 -1 29527
0 -1 29526
0 -1 29520
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.

The coastline is visible from here, though there is no place to land.
0 0 7
0 -1 29521
0 -1 29525
Sailing Over the Wine Dark Sea~
You are sailing across the deep seas of the north. Dawn appears, fresh and
rosy-fingered, and catches you making your way across the wine dark stretches
of the deep sea, sailing toward whatever adventures may wait.

The coastline is visible from here. You could moor in a small inlet to the
east near the walls of a great city.
0 0 7
0 -1 29529
0 -1 29525
The Shallows~
You are currently bobbing up and down in the shallows. To the north lies
a huge plain, littered with tents and armored men, who are grouped around
the walls of a huge city. It looks as if some fierce fighting has taken
place here.
0 0 7
0 -1 29533
0 -1 29523
An Inlet~
You are bobbing up and down in an inlet below a small cliff than lies beneath
the walls of a massive city- TROY. You could ascend this way, if you have
the means, otherwise you will have to sail round till you find a more
convenient disemarkation point.
0 0 7
0 -1 29527
0 -1 29530
Flying up the Cliffs~
You are traveling by a method which eluded the Achaeans besieging Troy-
flight. If they could fly the war would have ended years ago. You chuckle
at their misfortune and continue to travel. The walls lie to the east of you.
Below lies the wine-dark sea.
0 0 9
0 -1 29594
0 -1 29529
The Battlefield~
You are walking across the battlefield before the walls of Troy, where the
besieging army of the Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, have sat encamped for
years, the monotony only broken by the occasional battle. Tents lay
everywhere, housing the many soldiers that currently call this place home.
0 0 2
0 -1 29534
0 -1 29532
The Battlefield~
You are walking across the battlefield before the walls of Troy, where the
besieging army of the Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, have sat encamped for
years, the monotony only broken by the occasional battle. Tents lay
everywhere, housing the many soldiers that currently call this place home.
0 0 2
0 -1 29535
0 -1 29533
0 -1 29531
The Battlefield~
You are walking across the battlefield before the walls of Troy, where the
besieging army of the Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, have sat encamped for
years, the monotony only broken by the occasional battle. Tents lay
everywhere, housing the many soldiers that currently call this place home.
0 0 2
0 -1 29536
0 -1 29528
0 -1 29532
Achilles' Tent~
Achilles is in here, moping. He lost face when Agamemnon took Briseis from
him, and he is punishing the Mycenaean ruler by refusing to take to the
field, a move which is costing the Achaeans dearly, as he is their best
0 8 0
0 -1 29531
Ajax's Tent~
This tent is the abode of the hero Ajax. He is usually not here, as he
prefers to be out fighting or in the wine tent drinking.
0 8 0
0 -1 29532
The Battlefield~
You are walking across the battlefield before the walls of Troy, where the
besieging army of the Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, have sat encamped for
years, the monotony only broken by the occasional battle. Tents lay
everywhere, housing the many soldiers that currently call this place home.
0 0 2
0 -1 29544
0 -1 29537
0 -1 29533
The Battlefield~
You are walking across the battlefield before the walls of Troy, where the
besieging army of the Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, have sat encamped for
years, the monotony only broken by the occasional battle. Tents lay
everywhere, housing the many soldiers that currently call this place home.
0 0 2
0 -1 29538
0 -1 29540
0 -1 29539
0 -1 29536
Nestor's Tent~
This is the tent of King Nestor, leader of the contingent from Pylos. He
is one of the older generals here, and one of the more wiser. However,
he is not one of the more influential.
0 8 0
0 -1 29537
Odysseus' Tent~
This is the tent of noble Odysseus, the most notable of all the heroes
assembled for this battle. Chances are he won't be here, but rather off
fixing up his little equine surprise for the Trojans...
0 8 0
0 -1 29537
The Battlefield~
You are walking across the battlefield before the walls of Troy, where the
besieging army of the Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, have sat encamped for
years, the monotony only broken by the occasional battle. Tents lay
everywhere, housing the many soldiers that currently call this place home.
0 0 2
0 -1 29541
0 -1 29543
0 -1 29542
0 -1 29537
Menelaus' Tent~
Here resides King Menelaus of Sparta, the man who is at the center of all
the trouble, for it is his wife (Helen) everyone from all over Greece is
here to rescue. He must feel terribly embarrassed for having dragged half of
Greece to some remote Turkish city for 9 years.
0 8 0
0 -1 29540
Agamemnon's Tent~
Here the head of the Achaean expedition resides, and also holds his staff
meetings. Battle plans hang on the walls and are also strewn over tables,
chairs, cots and the floor. Agamemnon is rather irritated at having spent
nine years in this tent, and the stress is starting to show.
0 8 0
0 -1 29540
The Physicians' Tent~
Here Machaon, son of Asclepius, and his brother tend to the sick and the
wounded. They will even tend your injuries, for a fee.
0 8 0
0 -1 29540
The Battlefield~
You are walking across the battlefield before the walls of Troy, where the
besieging army of the Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, have sat encamped for
years, the monotony only broken by the occasional battle. Tents lay
everywhere, housing the many soldiers that currently call this place home.
0 0 2
0 -1 29548
0 -1 29536
0 -1 29545
The Battlefield~
You are walking across the battlefield before the walls of Troy, where the
besieging army of the Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, have sat encamped for
years, the monotony only broken by the occasional battle. Tents lay
everywhere, housing the many soldiers that currently call this place home.
0 0 2
0 -1 29544
0 -1 29546
The Games~
Even during times of war, the Achaeans find time for competitive sports
meets, and this war is no exception. This area has been converted into
a rudimentary arena, with lanes for running and chariot racing, circles
for discus and shotput, and a ring for boxing.
0 0 2
0 -1 29545
0 -1 29547
The Games~
Even during times of war, the Achaeans find time for competitive sports
meets, and this war is no exception. This area has been converted into
a rudimentary arena, with lanes for running and chariot racing, circles
for discus and shotput, and a ring for boxing.
0 0 2
0 -1 29546
The Battlefield~
You are walking across the battlefield before the walls of Troy, where the
besieging army of the Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, have sat encamped for
years, the monotony only broken by the occasional battle. Tents lay
everywhere, housing the many soldiers that currently call this place home.
0 0 2
0 -1 29556
0 -1 29555
0 -1 29544
0 -1 29549
The Battlefield~
You are walking across the battlefield before the walls of Troy, where the
besieging army of the Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, have sat encamped for
years, the monotony only broken by the occasional battle. Tents lay
everywhere, housing the many soldiers that currently call this place home.
0 0 2
0 -1 29550
0 -1 29548
0 -1 29551
0 -1 29552
Idoemeneus' Tent~
This is the tent of Idomeneus, King of the Cretans (NOT Cretins ;P). He is
Agamemnon's best and most trusted captain, and as such is highly respected
by the Achaeans.
0 8 0
0 -1 29549
Menestheus' Tent~
Menestheus is a prince from Athens, and leader of the Athenian contingent
sent to the war. He is not a major player so I won't give him a major
room description.
0 8 0
0 -1 29549
The Battlefield~
You are walking across the battlefield before the walls of Troy, where the
besieging army of the Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, have sat encamped for
years, the monotony only broken by the occasional battle. Tents lay
everywhere, housing the many soldiers that currently call this place home.
0 0 2
0 -1 29553
0 -1 29549
0 -1 29554
0 -1 29557
Tlepolemus' Tent~
This is the tent of the Argive prince Tlepolemus, son of the legendary
Heracles. He is a mighty warrior and a great ally of the Achaean forces.
Notice how all these Achaeans have names ending with 's'?
0 8 0
0 -1 29552
Aias the Greater's Tent~
This is the tent of Aias the Greater, the best archer of all the Achaeans,
and a superb athlete. He is most probably currently competing in some
competition even as we speak.
0 8 0
0 -1 29552
The Horse~
This is a broad clearing full of tradesmen and a huge, half-finished wooden
horse. You see scattered about the clearing wooden rabbits, badgers, stoats,
turtles, hawks and echidnas. Evidently a lot of thought went into the final
choice for the lure...
0 0 3
0 -1 29548
The Battlefield~
You are walking across the battlefield before the walls of Troy, where the
besieging army of the Achaeans, led by Agamemnon, have sat encamped for
years, the monotony only broken by the occasional battle. Tents lay
everywhere, housing the many soldiers that currently call this place home.
0 0 2
0 -1 29558
0 -1 29548
Diomedes' Tent~
This is the tent of Diomedes, King of Argos, the most amicable and well-
liked of the Achaean leaders on the field. He is also a competent warrior
and military leader, and engenders great likeness and respect from the
0 8 0
0 -1 29552
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.
0 0 2
0 -1 29565
0 -1 29561
0 -1 29556
0 -1 29560
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.
0 0 2
0 -1 29563
0 -1 29560
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.
0 0 2
0 -1 29564
0 -1 29558
0 -1 29559
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.
0 0 2
0 -1 29566
0 -1 29562
0 -1 29558
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.
0 0 2
0 -1 29567
0 -1 29561
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.
0 0 2
0 -1 29568
0 -1 29564
0 -1 29559
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.

The City of Troy lies directly to the north.
0 0 2
0 -1 29565
0 -1 29560
0 -1 29563
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.
The City of Troy lies directly to the north.
0 0 2
0 -1 29572
0 -1 29566
0 -1 29558
0 -1 29564
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.

The City of Troy lies directly to the north.
0 0 2
0 -1 29567
0 -1 29561
0 -1 29565
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.
0 0 2
0 -1 29570
0 -1 29562
0 -1 29566
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.

The City of Troy lies directly to the east.
0 0 2
0 -1 29569
0 -1 29563
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.

The City of Troy lies directly to the east.
0 0 2
0 -1 29568
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.

The City of Troy lies directly to the west.
0 0 2
0 -1 29571
0 -1 29567
The Front Line~
You are on the front line, in the midst of the field that has hosted the
bulk of the senseless conflict between Achaean and Trojan. The blood of
thousands slain on both sides has soaked into the soil here, and there are
weapons, armor and bones littered all about here.

The City of Troy lies directly to the west.
0 0 2
0 -1 29570
Outside the Gates of Ilium~
The Gates of Ilium loom before you, tall and magnificent. They are crafted
of solid oak bound with bronze. Surprisingly, they are closed but unlocked-
the Achaean never thought to turn the handle...;)
0 4 2
1 0 29573
0 -1 29565
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The city gates lie to the south.
0 0 1
0 -1 29580
0 -1 29576
1 0 29572
0 -1 29575
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the west look strong enough to
repel any foe, though.
0 0 1
0 -1 29578
0 -1 29575
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the south look strong enough to
repel any foe, though.
0 0 1
0 -1 29579
0 -1 29573
0 -1 29574
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the south look strong enough to
repel any foe, though.
0 0 1
0 -1 29581
0 -1 29577
0 -1 29573
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the east look strong enough to
repel any foe, though.
0 0 1
0 -1 29582
0 -1 29576
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the west look strong enough to
repel any foe, though.
0 0 1
0 -1 29583
0 -1 29574
A Residence~
This is the home of some important citizen of Troy. Fine tapestries adorn
the walls, while a thick rug woven from materials unfamiliar to you
covers the stone floor. There is an ornate sofa near one wall, and a table
holding a bronze urn near the doorway.
0 8 0
0 -1 29575
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the south look strong enough to
repel any foe, though. The palace lies to the north of here.
0 0 1
0 -1 29584
0 -1 29573
A Residence~
This is the home of some important citizen of Troy. Fine tapestries adorn
the walls, while a thick rug woven from materials unfamiliar to you
covers the stone floor. There is an ornate sofa near one wall, and a table
holding a bronze urn near the doorway.
0 8 0
0 -1 29576
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the east look strong enough to
repel any foe, though.
0 0 1
0 -1 29585
0 -1 29577
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the west look strong enough to
repel any foe, though.
0 0 1
0 -1 29586
0 -1 29578
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the south look strong enough to
repel any foe, though. The walls of the magnificent palace loom to the
0 0 1
0 -1 29588
0 -1 29580
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the east look strong enough to
repel any foe, though.
0 0 1
0 -1 29590
0 -1 29582
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the west look strong enough to
repel any foe, though.
0 0 1
0 -1 29591
0 -1 29587
0 -1 29583
A Residence~
This is the home of some important citizen of Troy. Fine tapestries adorn
the walls, while a thick rug woven from materials unfamiliar to you
covers the stone floor. There is an ornate sofa near one wall, and a table
holding a bronze urn near the doorway.
0 8 0
0 -1 29586
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the south look strong enough to
repel any foe, though. The entrance to the palace is directly north of
0 0 1
1 -1 29592
0 -1 29584
A Residence~
This is the home of some important citizen of Troy. Fine tapestries adorn
the walls, while a thick rug woven from materials unfamiliar to you
covers the stone floor. There is an ornate sofa near one wall, and a table
holding a bronze urn near the doorway.
0 8 0
0 -1 29590
The Streets of Ilium~
You are standing on a street in the city of Ilium, also known as Troy.
Trojans run here and there, with worried looks on their faces, for they
are concerned for the safety of their city and their families during this
war. This state of war has lasted for nine years, with no sign of abating.
The massive walls of the city that loom to the east look strong enough to
repel any foe, though.
0 0 1
0 -1 29593
0 -1 29589
0 -1 29585
The End of the Road~
The road ends here at the sheer face of the northern wall of the city, which
faces onto the tall, impenetrable mountains that loom north of the plains
of Ilium.

However, you may climb the wall here at a weak point should you wish to.
0 8 0
0 -1 29586
0 -1 29594
Inside the Palace~
This opulent abode is heavily furnished with items of bronze, gold and silver.
There is a central throne room to the north of here. This place appears to
be fairly deserted compared to the rest of the city.
0 8 0
0 -1 29597
1 0 29588
The End of the Road~
The road ends here at the sheer face of the northern wall of the city, which
faces onto the tall, impenetrable mountains that loom north of the plains
of Ilium.
0 0 1
0 -1 29590
Atop the Walls~
You are strolling along the battlements of the mammoth walls of Troy. To
the south lies the massive battlefield where Trojans have fought Achaeans
for the last nine years. To the west lies the wine-dark sea.
0 4 1
0 -1 29595
0 -1 29530
0 -1 29591
Atop the Walls~
You are strolling along the battlements of the mammoth walls of Troy. To
the south lies the massive battlefield where Trojans have fought Achaeans
for the last nine years. To the west lies the wine-dark sea.
0 0 1
0 -1 29594
0 -1 29596
Up the Walls~
You are strolling along the battlements of the mammoth walls of Troy. To
the south lies the massive battlefield where Trojans have fought Achaeans
for the last nine years. To the east lies the wine-dark sea.
Progress further south is prevented by a new barricade. Evidently this
section of the city has been hard-pressed in the siege.
0 0 1
0 -1 29595
The Center of the Palace~
Here stands the throne of King Priam, and is the room in which he conducts
business and receives visitors. To the north, east and west lie the chambers
of his family.
0 8 0
0 -1 29600
0 -1 29598
0 -1 29592
0 -1 29599
In these luxurious rooms reside the many members of Priam's family. Soft
cushions and fabrics are draped over ornate furniture while naked slaves
walk about pouring wine for the residents who are currently relaxing here.
Even in times of war, the rich citizens of Ilium live well.
0 8 0
0 -1 29597
In these luxurious rooms reside the many members of Priam's family. Soft
cushions and fabrics are draped over ornate furniture while naked slaves
walk about pouring wine for the residents who are currently relaxing here.
Even in times of war, the rich citizens of Ilium live well.
0 8 0
0 -1 29597
In these luxurious rooms reside the many members of Priam's family. Soft
cushions and fabrics are draped over ornate furniture while naked slaves
walk about pouring wine for the residents who are currently relaxing here.
Even in times of war, the rich citizens of Ilium live well.
0 8 0
0 -1 29597
M 1 29500 1 29535 1              *   loads ajax
E 1 29531 99 16                   *   wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                    *  holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                    *   wears bronze helm
E 1 29526 99 11                   *   wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                    *   wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                    *   wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535                *    loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535                *    loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535                *    loads game
M 1 29501 99 29534 1               *    loads achilles
E 1 29508 99 5                    *   loads special eq
E 1 29509 99 7
E 1 29510 99 6
E 1 29511 99 16
E 1 29515 99 11
E 1 29516 99 8                    *   wears sandals
E 1 29501 99 17
O 1 29520 99 29535
O 1 29506 99 29535
O 1 29507 99 29535
M 1 29502 1 29555 1              *      loads odysseus
E 1 29500 99 16                   *   wields spear
E 1 29528 99 13                   *   wear belt
E 1 29519 99 6                    *   wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                   *   wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                    *   wears bronze plate
E 1 29527 99 1                    *   wears ring
M 1 29503 1 29542 1      *             loads agamemnon
E 1 29538 99 16          *            wields mace
E 1 29536 99 6           *            wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11          *            wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5           *            wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8           *            wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535       *             loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535       *             loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535       *             loads game
M 1 29504 1 29538 1      *            loads nestor
E 1 29500 99 16           *           wields spear
E 1 29530 99 17           *           holds staff
E 1 29532 99 6            *           wears helm
E 1 29514 99 11           *           wears bronze shield
E 1 29529 99 12            *           wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8            *           wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535        *            loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535        *            loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535        *            loads game
M 1 29505 1 29541 1       *           loads menelaus
E 1 29500 99 16           *          wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17           *           holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6            *           wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11           *           wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5            *           wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8             *          wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535         *           loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535        *            loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535                    loads game
M 1 29506 1 29534 1       *            loads patroclus
E 1 29500 99 16           *           spear
E 1 29534 99 3           *           spear
E 1 29502 99 11            *           hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6            *           tusk helm
E 1 29533 99 13            *           jerkin
M 1 29507 1 29598  1      *            loads paris
E 1 29521 99 16           *           wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17           *           holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6            *           wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11           *           wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5            *           wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8            *           wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535        *            loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535        *            loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535        *            loads game
M 1 29508 99 29596   1     *            loads hector
E 1 29523 99 16           *           wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17           *           holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6            *           wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11           *           wears bronze shield
E 1 29522 99 5            *           wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8            *           wears sandals
M 1 29509 1 29597    1    *            loads priam
E 1 29500 99 16           *           wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17           *           holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6            *           wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11           *           wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5            *           wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8            *           wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535         *           loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535         *           loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535         *           loads game
M 1 29510 1 29589     1    *           loads aeneas
E 1 29525 99 16            *          wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17            *          holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6             *          wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11            *          wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5             *          wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8             *          wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535         *           loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535         *           loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535         *           loads game
M 1 29511 1 29598      1   *           loads helen
E 1 29535 99 17            *          hold mirror
M 1 29512 1 29600       1  *           loads cassandra
E 1 29513 99 16            *          wields dagger
M 1 29513 1 29596 1         *          loads andromache
E 1 29513 99 16             *         wields dagger
M 1 29514 1 29597 1         *          loads hecabe
E 1 29513 99 16             *         wields dagger
M 1 29515 1 29531 1         *          loads automedon
E 1 29500 99 16             *         spear
E 1 29501 99 17             *         spear
E 1 29502 99 11              *         hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6              *         tusk helm
E 1 29537 99 13             *         belt
M 1 29516 1 29546 1          *         loads aias
E 1 29500 99 16              *        spear
E 1 29501 99 17              *        spear
E 1 29502 99 11               *        hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6               *        tusk helm
E 1 29504 99 5               *        jerkin
M 1 29517 1 29542  1          *        loads chalcas
M 1 29518 1 29579   1        *       loads chryseis
E 1 29513 99 16             *         wields dagger
M 1 29519 1 29542    1       *         loads briseis
M 1 29520 1 29538     1       *        loads antilochus
E 1 29500 99 16               *       wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17               *       holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                *       wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11               *       wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                *       wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99  8                *       wears sandals
M 1 29521 1 29538      1      *        loads thrasymedes
E 1 29500 99 16               *       wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17               *       holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                *       wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11               *       wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                *       wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                       wears sandals
M 1 29522 1 29557       1     *        loads diomedes
E 1 29500 99 16               *       wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17               *       holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                *       wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11               *       wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                *       wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                *       wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535            *        loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535            *        loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535            *        loads game
M 1 29523 1 29563  1           *       load euryplyus
E 1 29500 99 16                *      wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                *      holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                 *      wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                *      wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                 *      wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                 *      wears sandals
M 1 29524 1 29550   1          *       loads idomeneus
E 1 29500 99 16                *      wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                *      holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                 *      wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                *      wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                 *      wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                 *      wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535             *       loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535             *       loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535             *       loads game
M 1 29525 1 29543    1         *       loads machaon
E 1 29500 99 16                *      wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                *      holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                 *      wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                *      wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                 *      wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                 *      wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535             *       loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535             *       loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535             *       loads game
M 1 29526 1 29551     1        *       loads menesthenes
E 1 29500 99 16                *      wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                *      holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                 *      wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                *      wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                 *      wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                 *      wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535             *       loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535             *       loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535             *       loads game
M 1 29527 1 29567      1       *       loads meriones
E 1 29500 99 16                *      wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                *      holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                 *      wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                *      wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                 *      wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                 *      wears sandals
M 1 29528 1 29557       1      *       loads sthenelus
E 1 29500 99 16                *      spear
E 1 29501 99 17                *      spear
E 1 29502 99 11                 *      hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6                 *      tusk helm
E 1 29504 99 5                       jerkin
M 1 29529 1 29540        1     *       loads talthyblius
E 1 29500 99 16                *      spear
E 1 29501 99 17                *      spear
E 1 29502 99 11                 *      hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6                 *      tusk helm
E 1 29504 99 5                 *      jerkin
M 1 29530 1 29554         1    *       loads aias greater
E 1 29500 99 16                *      wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                *      holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                 *      wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                *      wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                 *      wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                 *      wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535              *      loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535             *       loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535             *       loads game
M 1 29531 99 29559          1    *      loads thersites
E 1 29500 99 16                 *     spear
E 1 29501 99 17                 *     spear
E 1 29502 99 11                  *     hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6                  *     tusk helm
E 1 29504 99 5                  *     jerkin
M 1 29532 1 29553           1    *     loads tlepolemus
E 1 29500 99 16                  *    wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                  *    holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                   *    wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                  *    wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                   *    wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                   *    wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535               *     loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535               *     loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535               *     loads game
M 1 29533 1 29581  1              *    loads antenor
E 1 29513 99 16                   *   wields dagger
M 1 29534 1 29584   1                 loads deiphobus
E 1 29500 99 16                      wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                       wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                      wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                       wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                       wears sandals
M 1 29535 1 29587    1                loads glaucus
E 1 29500 99 16                      wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                       wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                      wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                       wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                       wears sandals
M 1 29536 1 29599     1               loads helenus
E 1 29513 99 16
M 1 29537 1 29561      1              loads neoptolemus
E 1 29500 99 16                      wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                       wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                      wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                       wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                       wears sandals
M 1 29538 1 29592     1               loads idaeus
E 1 29500 99 16                      wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                       wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                      wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                       wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                       wears sandals
M 1 29539 1 29578      1              loads pandarus
E 1 29517 99 16
M 1 29540 1 29581       1             loads polydamus
E 1 29500 99 16                      wields spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                       wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                      wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                       wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                       wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535                    loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535                    loads wine
O 1 29507 99 29535                    loads game
M 1 29541 1 29587      1              loads sarpedon
E 1 29524 99 16                      wields 
E 1 29501 99 17                      holds spear no.2
E 1 29519 99 6                       wears bronze helm
E 1 29514 99 11                      wears bronze shield
E 1 29505 99 5                       wears bronze plate
E 1 29516 99 8                       wears sandals
O 1 29520 99 29535                    loads cot
O 1 29506 99 29535                    loads wine
O 1 29507 1 29535                    loads game
M 1 29542 16 29536      1             loads soldiers
E 1 29500 99 16                      spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      spear
E 1 29502 99 11                       hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6                       tusk helm
E 1 29504 99 5                       jerkin
M 1 29542 16 29548      1            loads soldiers
E 1 29500 99 16                      spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      spear
E 1 29502 99 11                       hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6                       tusk helm
E 1 29504 99 5                       jerkin
M 1 29542 16 29566   1                loads soldiers
E 1 29500 99 16                      spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      spear
E 1 29502 99 11                       hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6                       tusk helm
E 1 29504 99 5                       jerkin
M 1 29542 16 29568    1               loads soldiers
E 1 29500 99 16                      spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      spear
E 1 29502 99 11                       hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6                       tusk helm
E 1 29504 99 5                       jerkin
M 1 29543 12 29571     1              loads soldiers
E 1 29500 99 16                      spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      spear
E 1 29502 99 11                       hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6                       tusk helm
E 1 29504 99 5                       jerkin
M 1 29543 12 29577      1             loads soldiers
E 1 29500 99 16                      spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      spear
E 1 29502 99 11                       hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6                       tusk helm
E 1 29504 99 5                       jerkin
M 1 29543 12 29583       1            loads soldiers
E 1 29500 99 16                      spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      spear
E 1 29502 99 11                       hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6                       tusk helm
E 1 29504 99 5                       jerkin
M 1 29543 12 29585        1           loads soldiers
E 1 29500 99 16                      spear
E 1 29501 99 17                      spear
E 1 29502 99 11                       hide shield
E 1 29503 99 6                       tusk helm
E 1 29504 99 5                       jerkin
M 1 29544 6 29578          1          loads citizens
E 1 29512 99 16
M 1 29545 6 29578           1         loads citizens
E 1 29513 99 16
M 1 29544 6 29584            1        loads citizens
E 1 29512 99 16
M 1 29545 6 29584             1       loads citizens
E 1 29513 99 16
M 1 29544 6 29591              1      loads citizens
E 1 29512 99 16
M 1 29545 6 29593               1     loads citizens
E 1 29513 99 16
O 1 29520 99 29539
O 1 29506 99 29539
O 1 29507 99 29539
O 1 29518 99 29531
O 1 29518 99 29532
O 1 29518 99 29533
O 1 29518 99 29537
O 1 29518 99 29540
O 1 29518 99 29549
O 1 29518 99 29552

M  29512 spec_cast_cleric			Cassandra
M  29525 spec_cast_adept			Machaon
M  29536 spec_cast_cleric			Helenus
