Tartarus code was started in late 1996 and completed around mid 1997. It
was developed at darkmists.mudservices.com for use on the mud Dark Mists
and used Rom2.4b3 code. The original coder on the mud was Thrym who
began the mud with Styx, who contributed ideas and help. Ceran joined
the team and contributed most of the core code, including all the class
and clan skills/spells as well as the majority of fully new code, before
leaving in 1997 because of conflicts with the other immortals.

This code release is named Tartarus and contains Ceran's original coding
plus rewritten code. This code is for use on Rom2.4b muds, although it can
be easily hacked for parts to use on other code bases. It is provided
solely for the MUDing community as a way of giving back to it what has
been freely given many times before.
The following people contributed to the Tartarus release:

Code --
	Thrym who installed the MOBProgs patch into the base ROM code.

Areas --
	-Lilith (Arkham) (Unable to contact this person. See 
         README.tararus file which comes with this derivative code)
	-Kay, who wrote a lot of Nightfall and Thorbardin.
	-Zenan, who did Rakshasa Domain when I got bogged down with code
         and other areas.


                                     /|   /|
                                    / /  / /
                                   | |  | |
                                   ; /  ; /
                     ___  __      / .\_/ ,(   ___ 
                    /  {.' {     / ;;;/ ;;;`"`_.-'        KBK
                 .--'-./ .-'    / ;;;/ ;;' .-'      ===================
              _.-` _  `;;\_,   / ;;;/ .' ,/         Kill or be killed ?
          ,-"` ;-= g>=- .; /  / ;;;/ ;',;;|
           \`__/_     ; ';|  | ;;;/.',;;;;'\___,
     _    ,=,-V-' __  ;;  _\ /.;/`.`.'` .,:---'
     `"=="  |_.-'`  7_;;  | | ;|  .',;;;;;/         Based on Tartarus
                   /_,;'  /  \'\ `,;;;;;;|
                  {_,;'^ _\  /;;).,,,,,`'\          Made from Rom 2.4
                 {_;;' ^|   /;/`.;;;;;;;-'`
                {_,;'^  _\ //`.,..`_';/
               (__;;  ^  \/`.;;;;;( ',|            Title Screen by: 
               (__,;,^ .'`.;;,.`';;      _.-/    Deomanix, Merthairu
               (__,';,/ ,;'.`;;;,._\  _.'  ( 
                (__,';|/|;';;.';/` .-' _   /       MUD Maintained by:
                 (__,-';|; ;;;. |._  `//)_/      Kraenesk, Swist, Detlef,
                  (_/ '- \,'``\ | `'.//          	Deomanix 
                .-' |'-' '-'';|/ ^   ';
               /'-' | '-' '-' ;`;;.^   `\
              /  '-' \  '-' '/\_, ';,  ^ \         
              |'-' .-'\-' '-'|  \_,';,  ^ \        
         _     \  /    '.'-' \  //\_,; ^  |
       ,_v\     \ |      \ '-( |;/ \_ ;   |        
       v_\ `---_-' \      ;  / |;|  <_; ^ |
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                   v-=_;` __ `)
                   v-(_.-'  `v
By what name do you wish to be known in KBK? ~


		=== Commandments of Thera ===
These rules also apply to all Immortals.

1)  Do not kill mortals, do not kill mortals, do not kill mortals.
    This includes transferring/summoning them to aggressive mobs.
    Any immortal found killing a mortal will be deleted.

2)  Do not cheat for ANY mortal in ANY way, especially your own.
    Unless of course you LIKE deletion. Yes this includes tanking,
    healing/restoring, casting protection spells <armor, sanct>,
    and softening up or altering mobs, handing out equipment.
3)  Do not transfer or summon mobs to mortals or mortals to mobs.
    They have legs, if they want to kill a mob, they can easilly

4)  DO NOT use reboot unless you have a very good reason.

5)  Do not induct anyone into a clan just because they ask. Clans grant 
    special abilities and are a reward for good playing.

6)  Do NOT create and keep objects which are limited. If you choose to
    keep limited equipment then you should stay mortal instead. Limited
    equipment is for mortals to fight over and earn, not for Immortals
    whom mortal players can never kill.

7)  If you are running a quest make sure you balance the prize(s). Do not 
    hand out anything that will upset the balance of the MUD.

8)  Do not undermine the authority of a higher level god.  If you
    see that someone has been frozen or nochannelled do not restore
    their priveleges.  They are being punished for a reason.
9)  Do not try to overrule each other.

10) Do not ban a site without posting a note about why it was banned.
    Likewise do not unban a site without consulting other Immortals first.

As an Immortal you have chosen to build and work on the mud. If you simply
want to play then stay mortal and enjoy the fun, but as an Immortal you
are expected to do certain duties and a minimum of building (you are also
supposed to have fun, but if that's all you want to do - sit and talk,
play around etc - then you should choose to be mortal and allow others to
immort and build).

These are the rules for Immortals to follow. 

.              Olympus                        
                  +-----+--Ofcol--New  Moria----Orc caves  
                  |     |        Ofcol  |                       
            Dark Forest |               |  Catacombs        
                  |  Stone's            |      |                
                  |  of G'harne         |      |   Past      Grove of
                  |       |             | Dwarven     \       Despair
                  |        \            | kingdom    Void         |
               Northern   Nightfall     |    |         |          |
                plains   /       |      +----+      Holy          | 
                  |     |   Nightfall   |    |      Grove         |   
                  |     |       Keep    |  Daycare  /             |       
                  |  Thorbardin         |           | /  To Grove Despair 
                  |                     |           | |           |       
                  |                     |           | |   |       |       __TO legion->
                  |                     |           | |   |       |       |
Areas west<---Midgaard---------------Crossroads-----+-+-New----Dragon---Arkham
                                        |               Thalos   Sea       
                  Old Thalos----Dwarven Forest  
                                           |          |         |
                                      Dead Forest     |     Mahn-tor
                                           |       Elemental
                                     Dying Forest   Canyon

This map shows major areas east of Midgaard. Locations are relative and are
only shown as general positions. It is not to scale. See also help 'west

.            Dale---Drannnor regions
            (Dale is north and west of colossal tree)
High Tower          |
     |   Galaxy     |                     Shire
     |   | Arachnos |                       |
    Shadow     |    |                       |
    Grove------+----+------Haon Dor---------+-----------Midgaard-->Areas
    |                        |                  Grove of    |       East
Dragon tower                 |                   Despair    |
                     [River path]                       \   |
                             |                    -Midennir-+
                  Strange Carnival                  

This map shows major areas west of Midgaard. Locations are relative and are
only shown as general positions. It is not to scale. See also help 'east


Player Killing (PK) Rules:

Player killing and player stealing are allowed for anyone over level 10.
You will see a (PK) flag next to anyone you can attack -- you yourself
will always be in your own PK range. If you kill in town you may become a
criminal if an Enforcer flags you wanted. In this case cityguards and
Enforcer guards may all attack you, even guards who's masters are out of
PK range.

Charmies of masters who are not in your PK will not be attackable, nor
will they be able to normally harm you. If you find that people are
somehow able to use pets/charmies to kill out of PK then note to immortal
about it and we will look into the problem.

You must be level 10 or over to PK, and anyone below level 10 is immune to

Rules on KBK:

- Do not spam, this lags the MUD for you and everyone else. This includes
spamming yells, tells, say, prays, emotes, etc.

- Player Killing (PK), is encouraged on KBK. You may PK
and be PK'd by anyone in your range once your "newbie" status wears off.

- Roleplaying is not enforced but encouraged. Don't hope for anything but
the norm without a bit of roleplaying. This includes things like cabals,
tattoes, quest skills, titles, etc.

- Descriptions are not mandatory but we judge your character by the effort
put into it, this strongly helps the outcome of your character.

- Your being here is a privilege, and a privilege we reserve the right to
take away at any time. If you are caught cheating or helping someone else
cheat, expect to be denied and/or banned. If you feel you've been pushished
wrongly please send a note to "immortal" or bring it up on the Forum.

- Multi-Charring is {RNOT{x allowed here. This includes logging on two chars
at the same time, passing equipment between chars, using out of character
information to obtain special things, and killing a character and looting him
with another character of your own. This will result in your being denied,
if the problem continues you will be banned for a long period of time.

- Do not try to copy equipment, at all. If you are caught doing this you will
be banned from the MUD and most likely not let back for a long, long time.

- The word of an immortal is final, if an immortal tells you to do something,
do it. If you feel an immortal is telling you to do something wrong, leave a
note to "immortal" about it.

- Hoarding limited items is grounds for first, it being taken from you, and
second your being slain. Do not hold over a half screen or so of limited eq
for long. It keeps the good stuff away from others. Just sac it or give it
to cabal mates. *Giving it to your other chars or OOC Friends will get you
denied without a single word in.

- An immortal may find other smaller things that are cheating but not posted
here offensive. If you are caught for something an Immortal tells you is wrong,
it is (at least until an implementor or another implementor decides otherwise).

-- These rules apply to mortals and Immortals alike. If you are caught breaking
any of the rules above, you will be punished. You have been warned!

The following races may be chosen by players:

  Human       The standard race, average stats.
  Changling   Smart, weak creatures able to shift their shape.
  Dwarf       Short & stout fellows, make good warriors.
  Elf         Not very strong, but exceedingly smart. Make good mages.
  Grey Elf    Cross breed between Dark and normal Elves. Good mages.
  Dark Elf    Frail, make excellent clerics and varied mages. 
  Ethereal    Living mist, marginally smart, make good mages.
  Draconian   Offshoots of true dragons, good warriors and Anti-Paladins.
  Gnome       Short and smart, inventors by nature. Good mages.
  Centaur     Big and strong, like giants. Good warriors. Always good aligned.
  Troll       Strong and dumb, lucky if they know what a sword is. Always evil.
  Storm Giant Good Giants.
  Cloud Giant Neutral Giantss
  Fire Giant  Evil Giants.
  Lich        Undead Creatures - Necromancer quest.
  Wood-Elf    Forest elves of ancient times.
  Illithid    A strange, tentacled humanoid, adept at sorcery and psionicism.

Different races have different starting statistics, and also different
stat maximums for magic items and training.

For more information, see the help files for each race (i.e. 'help dwarf')

The most populous species in the world, Humans are found in every walk 
of life and come in just about every shape, size, and coloring. They 
average 6' in height. Magical devices tend to benefit them greatly. 
They may follow any path (good/neutral/evil).

Slightly taller but lighter in build than Humans, Elves lack the 
strength of other races, but are more agile, both mentally and 
physically. Averaging 6'5" in height, Elves are fair skinned and have 
golden blonde to reddish to brown hair, and their eyes are usually 
green or blue (although there are some grey-eyed Elves). 
Elves are magical in nature, and it is rare to find an Elf who has 
forsworn magic. They are somewhat resistant to charm spells and 
other magic, but a strong spell can penetrate that resistance. Elves 
are difficult to locate and often walk unnoticed. Infravision allows 
them to see in the dark. Elves must stay good in order to keep their 
magical abilities. Elves who have turned to evil (even to neutrality) 
are frowned upon.

Syntax: Automatic

Using the parting blow skill, a warrior can attempt to strike a fleeing 
with their weapon a final time as they flee in hopes of killing the 
target. Only
warriors can obtain the parting blow skill.

Syntax: blackjack <target>
            bj <target>

Using the blackjack ability, a thief can strike his victim in the head 
with a sack
in an attempt to knock out their target for a certain amount of time. This 
cannot be used during combat and is only obtained by the thief class.

Syntax: circle

Using the circle stab skill, a thief can attempt to sneak behind his 
while they are distracted by fighting and stab them in the back. Although
similar to the backstab skill, this skill is not as powerful and can only 
be used
during combat. The circle stab ability is only obtained by the thief 

Syntax: Automatic

Using the downstrike ability, a thief can attempt to stab his opponent 
they are on the ground after being tripped, lashed, or bashed. The 
ability may also execute after the opponent fails to bash and crashes to 
ground. This skill is only obtained by the thief class.

0 'BIND'~
Syntax: bind <target>

Using the bind ability, a sleeping person, whether sleeping normally or 
by force, can be bound by a thief using ropes and tight knots. Binding an
opponent may keep them from seeing, fleeing, or both. 

Bind has a permanent effect that is only removable by using the 'unbind'

Syntax: Automatic

Dual backstab is an automatic ability that is utilized by thieves after a
successful backstab. If the first backstab is successful, then there is a
chance that a second, or even third, backstab will execute to follow up
on the third. The dual backstab skill is only used by thieves and can do
tremendous amounts of damage to an unprotected victim.

See also: 'BACKSTAB'.

Syntax: Automatic

Used by thieves, the cheap shot skill is very similar to the downstrike
ability. Striking when an opponent is down, the thief can deliver a kick
to his foe. The cheap shot ability is only learned by thieves.

Syntax: bearcharge <target>

A skill similar to the bash ability that can only be used by rangers, a 
of the forest can charge into his victim similar to the way a bear charges 
into his prey, dazing his opponent temporarily.

Syntax: acute

Using the acute vision ability, a ranger is able to focus his eyes and see
things in the woodlands that ordinary travelers cannot see, such as other
camouflaged rangers. The acute vision skill also allows you to see earth-
faded elementalists. Only rangers obtain this ability.

See also: 'CAMOUFLAGE'.

Syntax: camouflage

Using their knowledge of the wilds, a ranger can become invisible to the
ordinary eye in woodland areas. The ranger can use this ability to hide
or to prepare to ambush a foe. Camouflaged rangers can only be seen
through the acute vision skill. Only rangers obtain this useful ability.


0 'CREEP'~
Syntax: creep <direction>

Using the creep ability, a camouflaged ranger can use his knowledge of
the wilderness to move quietly from room to room without being detected.
Only the ranger 

See also: 'CAMOUFLAGE'.

Syntax: Automatic

While camouflaged, a ranger can wait for an opening in combat between 
two characters and strike them while they are in motion, dealing large 
amounts of damage to the victim. This skill is automatically executed when
the ambush command is used. Only rangers may obtain the moving ambush


Syntax: barkskin

After spending vast amounts of time in the wilderness, a ranger learns to
change the composition of their flesh into a layer of skin similar to the 
of a tree. This layer of skin protects the ranger against small amounts of
damage and is not permanent. Only rangers learn this ability.

0 'CAMP'~
Syntax: camp

After a life in the wilderness, the ranger learns to establish a temporary
camp to rest in comfortably and, in turn, heal faster. When sleeping in
a camp, a ranger's regeneration rate is much higher than when sleeping on
the ground. 

0 'HERB'~
Syntax: herb <target>

After studying and surviving in the wilderness for many years, the ranger
learns to search for herbs on the ground. If the ranger succeeds in 
finding these special herbs, they, or the one they use them on, will be
healed greatly.

0 'SNARE'~
Syntax: snare

Using materials from the wilderness, a ranger is able to put together a
cunningly-hidden snare in which they can capture unsuspecting foes. 
If the ranger and an unsuspecting victim are of the same organization,
the victim will not be affected by the ranger's snare. A victim of a 
snare will remain snared for a certain period of time or briefly after
they are attacked.

0 'TAME'~
Syntax: tame <target>

Using their knowledge of beasts in the forests and their reasons for 
being aggressive towards intruders, a ranger can attempt to tame an
aggressive being to stop attacking others. This skill is available only
to those of the ranger class.

Syntax: ambush <target>

Using the ambush ability, a camouflaged ranger is able to ambush
an unsuspecting victim, dealing large amounts of damage. This skill
can only be used when the ranger is not seen, so a wise ranger 
would always be immune to an ambush by another ranger.


Syntax: animal <animal>
The choices for called animals are lion, bear, and wolf.

Using their relationship with the wilderness to their advantage, a 
ranger can attempt to summon two animals from the wilderness to
help him in combat. The lion can berserk, the wolf is the quickest,
and the bear can deal the most damage.

0 'SKIN'~
Syntax: skin <corpse>

Using the corpse of a fallen being, a ranger is able to skin the corpse
to create a sack to put things in. This skill is only obtained by the 

0 'PALM'~
Syntax: palm

Focusing their mind, a monk is able to pass power to their hands. In
this focused state, a monk is able to deliver brutal open-handed attacks
using his hands. Monks are the only class that can focus their mental
energy in this manner.

0 'ROLL'~
Syntax: Automatic

Using their adept abilities in the martial arts, a monk is able to 
roll free from crush attempts by attackers. 

See also: CRUSH.

Syntax: poisondust

Using the poisondust ability, a monk is able to throw a cloud of poison-
ous dust into the air. The poisonous dust has a chance to afflict everyone
in the room with poison or do nothing at all except cause the victims to
angrily attack the one who threw the dust. The poisondust skill is only
learned by monks.

0 'BLOCK'~
Syntax: Automatic

A monk's adept ability with the hands and body give them the unique 
ability to parry attacks with their bare hands. Block is similar to dodge
and parry, but the monk must not be wielding any weapons to use it 

Syntax: Automatic

A monk's control of his body can allow him to skillfully execute a 
second kick to follow through on his first kick to deliver more damage
to an opponent.

See also: KICK.

0 'STUN'~
Syntax: stun

The monk's adept skill at the martial arts allows him the ability to
strike an opponent powerfully with their fists, stunning them tempor-
arily. The stun ability can only be used during combat.

Syntax: endure

Using great concentration and focusing their mind on their body, a
monk can make their body more resistant to magical attacks using
the endure skill.

Syntax: blindness

Hurling a handful of dust, a monk can attempt to blind everyone in
the respective room.

Syntax: assassinate <target>

Using the assassinate skill, an assassin attempts to strike at his 
critical nerves, dealing damage. There is a small chance that the ass-
assination attempt will kill the victim outright.

Syntax: piethrow <target>

Using this skill, a Killer-Clown attempts to throw a pie into his victim's
face, covering their eyes and making them unable to see for a short
period of time.

Syntax: clown mallet

Using the clown mallet ability, a Killer-Clown is able to fashion an 
enormous mallet he can use as a weapon against his opponents.

Syntax: poisonous flower <target>
            poisonous flower

Utilizing one of their many clown tools, a Killer-Clown is able to
attempt poisoning a victim using a poisonous flower.

Syntax: thrknife

Using the thrknife skill, a Killer-Clown is able to throw a group
of throwing knives at their opponent, dealing massive amounts of
damage to the victim.

0 'SITON'~
Syntax: siton <target>

After years of honing their skills, a Killer-Clown can learn how to
sit on his opponent, knocking him down.  If the attack is
powerful enough, the Killer-Clown has a chance to unleash a
terrible blast of gas.

Syntax: crushingblow

Lacing his hands together, a warrior specialized in the technique 
of hand to hand fighting can unleash a powerful blow to their 
opponent.  This blow has a chance to knock the opponent down,
stunning them temporarily.

Syntax: weaponbreaker

Delivering a powerful strike, a warrior studying the axe special-
ization can attempt to destroy their opponent's weapons, rendering
that opponent unable to use that weapon any longer. Weapons of
a high caliber cannot be broken.

0 'WHIRL'~
Syntax: whirl

Striking with the tips of their axes, a warrior studying the axe
specialization is able to whirl their axe at their opponent, causing
damage, and resulting in a loss of dexterity and strength.

Syntax: headclap

Striking their opponent powerfully on the sides of the head, a
warrior specializing in hand to hand fighting is able to deafen 
their opponent with this brutal skill.

See also: DEAFEN.

Syntax: Automatic

Using their bare hands as a defense, a warrior specialized in hand to
 hand fighting can parry attacks without a weapon.

Syntax: intimidate <target>

Using their fearsome presence, an Anti-Paladin is able to intimidate
a target into giving the Anti-Paladin a piece of equipment or other

Syntax: shieldbash <target>

After many years of training with a shield, a Paladin is able to bash
his foe with his shield, causing minor damage and stunning the target
for a short period of time. This skill is similar to the bash skill and
requires a shield to execute.

Syntax: Automatic

A Paladin's determination to destroy evil allows him to achieve an
even greater power than those of ordinary people. Using the zealot-
ism skill, a Paladin is able to skillfully strike his opponent with zeal,
dealing several more blows per combat round.

Syntax: Automatic

Using the questdodge ability, it is possible for any person to become
more efficient at dodging attacks from his opponents.

Syntax: Automatic

Noticing a theft is often something very difficult to do.  Using a keen
eye, a person can detect a theft that is not done to himself.

Syntax: Automatic

Similar to the enhanced damage and enhanced damage II skills, any
person with this ability is able to deal even greater damage to their foe
with their attacks.

Syntax: cast 'minion sanc'

Available only to the Lich race, this powerful spell allows the Lich to
cast sanctuary on himself and his minions, protecting them from 

See also: SANCTUARY.

Syntax: cast 'minion flight'

Available only to the Lich race, this spell allows the Lich's minions
to fly.

See also: FLY.

Syntax: cast 'minion haste'

Available only to the Lich race, this powerful spell allows the Lich to
cast haste on himself and his minions, allowing them land a larger 
amount of blows in a period of time.

See also: HASTE.

Syntax: cast 'minion recall'

Available only to the Lich race, this powerful spell allows the Lich to
cast the Word of Recall spell on himself and his minions, returning
them to the Lich's hometown.


Syntax: cast 'minion tactics'

Available only to the Lich race, this spell allows the Lich's minions 
to become more intelligent and tactical in combat, allowing them to trip
the Lich's foes.

Syntax: cast 'minion sneak'

Available only to the Lich race, this spell allows the Lich's minions to
move unnoticed and catch the Lich's foes unaware.

See also: SNEAK.

Syntax: cast 'minion trans'

Available only to the Lich race, this spell allows the Lich and his
minions to become translucent, allowing them to pass through doors
with ease.

See also: PASS DOOR.

Syntax: cast 'incinerate' <target>

Using the incinerate skill, a character is able to burn their victim,
causing massive loss of dexterity and strength, and even a chance to
kill the target outright.

Syntax: decapitate <target>

Using the decapitate skill, a character wielding axes may attempt to
decapitate their enemy by bringing their axes together at their oppo-
nent's neck. This skill has a small chance to instantly kill the target.

Syntax: cast 'fortitude'

Using the fortitude spell, a character can increase his hit points
drastically to withstand more damage before taking mortal damage.

Syntax: executioners grace

With the skill and grace of an executioner, a character wielding
this ability is able to strike his opponent an increased amount of times
with blows of increased damage.

Syntax: Automatic

Similar to the dodge ability, the agility skill allows the user to evade
attacks to avoid damage.

See also: DODGE.

Syntax: Automatic

A more developed form of the parry skill used by many, the counter
parry ability allows a character to counter attack their foe as they
parry the foe's attacks.

0 deafen~
syntax: c deafen <target>

Deafen makes it difficult to cast spells and to hear, therefor 
instead of speaking normally the target will yell.

0 iceball~
syntax: c iceball

Iceball is an area spell and affects everyone in the room 
except group mates.

0 'power word stun'~
syntax: c 'power word stun' <target>

This stuns the target, but cannot be cast during battle.

0 demand~
syntax: demand <item> <mob>

This is an Anti-paladin skill that tries to force an
unwilling mob to give up and item they are carrying.

0 cremate~
syntax: c cremate <target>

This unleashes a blast of fire at the target.

0 dark summons~
syntax: c 'dark summons'

If you have lost your minions along the way, this
spell will bring them back to you.

0 wraithform~
syntax: c wraithform

Wraithform is protective shield for a necromancer.

0 hex~
syntax: c hex <target>

Hex drains the casters strength but modifies save
versus spell by 30 and poisons the target.

0 forget~
syntax:c forget <target>

This makes the target forget how to cast spells

0 wither~
syntax: c wither <target>

This makes the targets arms start to wither and
causes them great pain.

0 power word kill~
syntax: c 'power word kill' <target>

If done properly, this spell will slay the target
out right.

0 talk to dead~
syntax: c 'talk to dead' corpse

This spell allows you to speak momentarily with a
corpse and find out who slayed it.

0 globe of darkness~
syntax: c 'globe of darkness'

This spell makes a room go completely dark for a
period of time.

0 acid needles~
syntax: c 'acid needles' <target>

This spell cause needles of acid to shoot forth
from your hand at your opponent.

0 acid spit~
syntax: c 'acid spit' <target>

this spell causes you to spit acid at your opponent.

0 alarm~
syntax: c alarm

Places an alarm in the room you cast it in to let you 
know who is entering it.

0 hold person~
syntax: c 'hold person' <target>

Can not be cast during battle, causes the target to 

0 cone of cold~
syntax: c 'cone of cold' <target>

Draws air from the room to create a sharp blast
of cold at your oppenent.

0 barrier~
syntax: c barrier

Barrier is a protective shield that modifies your
armor class  by -50.

0 ball lightning~
syntax: c 'ball lightning' <target>

This creates a ball of lightning that you throw at
your opponent.

0 pyrotechnics~
syntax: c pyrotechnics

This affects everyone in the room, it creates pretty
but deadly fireworks.

0 ice slick~
syntax: c 'ice slick'

This spell makes the floor around you icy and very slick.
It cannot be cast on others or in battle.

0 create vacume~
syntax: c 'create vacume'

This spell draws all the air out of the room, creating a 

0 summon fire air water earth elemental~
syntax: c 'summon <fire/earth/water/air> elemental'

Summoning an elemental is not always safe, be sure you can
fend him off if he decides he doesn't want to serve you!

0 shield of wind frost dust lightning flames bubbles~
syntax: c 'shield of wind/frost/dust/lightning/flames/bubbles'

These are protective shields for an elementalist.

0 hellfire~
syntax: c hellfire <target>

Engulfs the target in flames doing continuous damage throughout

Averaging 5'6", with ebony skin and stark white or silver hair, and eyes
that spark red with infravision (although there are a few who have 
lavender eyes), Dark-Elves are a species of renegade Elf who have turned
their energy toward evil. They are highly intelligent but not as studious
as Elves, and their nimbleness has been honed nearly to perfection through
generations of thievery and trouble-making. Like Elves, they can walk
unnoticed and are not easily locatable, and they are magical and resistant
to charm spells. Dark-Elves must remain evil to keep their magical
abilities. Dark-Elves who have turned to good (or neutrality) are frowned

In physical appearance much like Elves, you really cannot tell them 
apart just by looking at them. Grey Elves came into being as the 
offspring of Elves and Dark-Elves, neither inherently good nor 
inherently evil. Such breeding was common practice during surface 
raids, a torture set upon female Elves by male Dark-Elves, and in 
some cases as a part of the torture of male Elves by female 
Dark-Elves (who after the breeding made a bloody sacrifice of the 
male Elves). Grey Elves average about 5'10" in height. It is as a 
result of their mixed heritage that Grey Elves have chosen not to 
follow the Light, nor to walk entirely in Shadow, but to move between 
the paths, seeking balance (although not always finding it). Grey 
Elves may be neutral only or risk losing their ability to cast magic. 
Grey Elves are highly intelligent and very wise, although not as
nimble as Dark-Elves, and are, for the most part, very likeable.

An offbreed species between 5'8" and 6'3" in height. They are half
man and half beast. Brute strength and raw power are their thing. 
They make good warriors (if you get past their infighting and 
other untrustworthy attributes). Centaurs are resistant to most
diseases and poisons. They excel in enhanced damage and bashing. 
All centaurs are good.

These mighty people once lived in the mountains north of Thalos.
They lived by themselves in colonies and villages.  This was their way of
life until people started exploring and expanding into their lands.  The
ginats immediately took up arms against these people and tried to defend
the invasion.  The giants soon found themselves outnumbered by the humans
and other races invading their lands.  They gave up and accepted this new
way of life. Eventually groups of giants dispersed throughout Thera, and
they became just as "normal" as any other race.
         Giants are the largest sentient species in the land. They average 
around 12-13' in height, although some have been sighted who are 27'  
tall. Due to their size, they tend to resist blows well. They excel at 
bashing and enhanced damage. Due to their size they are not good  swimmers
and cannot breathe under water easily.

Used in stories to frighten children, in war stories to impress bar lasses
and as sources of humor in puppet shows, the troll is always a villain for
the "civilized" world.  Standing well over the tallest human, their
monstrous looks and unclean smell have earned them this image.
        Living in the high mountains, the troll has grown used to the cold
sterile air and dangerous heights.  Being some of the most hearty of many
of the races, few wounds ever are deep enough to cause long term damage to
a troll.  Though the fact brings much fear into human infantry, it is now
well known that fire and acid cause great damage to these creatures.
        Due to their nature, all trolls are evil.  And because of their
lack of proper learning, they are often to dull to become learned in the
ways of magely sorcery.  They are among the strongest of all the races,
and often the most deadly.

Draconians are some of the foulest creatures that inhabit the planet. 
They scavenge bodies left on the battlefield for little trinkets or useful
items that they might wear. They are intelligent and strong but not very
fast. Some of the deadliest people to walk the land have been draconians
who have excelled in the ways of magic. Due to the wings on their back 
they are capable of flight. They are about 5' tall. They are resistant to
poison and disease. They must remain evil or risk losing all that they

The smallest sentient species in the land, averaging 3' in height, 
Gnomes are usually pale grey to light brown skinned, and see in 
the dark with infravision. Tough, wiry little cretures, Gnomes 
live a long time and accumulate wisdom and knowledge. Resistant 
to poisons, they are vulnerable to bashing. Gnomes walk in all
paths, good, neutral, or evil.

An Illithid is a medium-sized humanoid with an octopuslike head, and
lengthly, tentacled hands. Known more for their incredibly ability with the
less martial, Illithids possess psionic abilities, are telepathic, and
possess a keen mind when it comes to the ways of magic. Their skin usually
ranges from a deep purple to the odd green, giving them an unwholesome alien
look. Their lunkish figures make them less adept in combat, but they are most
certainly some of the strongest minds in Thera.

Illithids, with such odd hands, are unable to make use of normal weapons and
shields, but instead use their tentacles in combat with good effect. Weak to
the pains of both light and fire, the mindflayer Illithids are quite
resistant to both magic and mental attacks, providing them with excellent
durability against other magely forces. 

These creatures, as scholarly and secretive as they are, are inclined to take
up the studies of necromancy, channeling and elementalism, dismissing the
more brutish classes as uncivilized and weak.

Ethereals origins and species progression is unknown.  They do come from
another plane, possibly a wizard summoned them and lost control and they
started to reproduce on this plane.  They have no discernable body or
mass, simply a floating mist which makes them highly resistant to weapons
but electricity is a big weakness of theirs due to the water particles
present in their form.  They can fly and are some of the best minds in the
world.  They are more akin to mage professions than fighting.  They must
be good or neutral.

Syntax: forage

Lets a ranger in a forest search for edible berries.

Syntax: cast 'ranger staff'

   Creates a powerful staff that a ranger can use to fight his or her
opponents with. It has a chance of healing in combat as well.

Outdoorsmen, hunters, masters of woodcraft, Rangers are the guardians of
the forests.  In addition to having excellent fighting skills, they are
also wielders of some powerful magic.  Some Rangers have been known to
call large bears, lions, wolves and falcons to their aid, fashion mystical
staves, and be able to camouflage beyond detection.  Their ability to
ambush opponents makes them deadly foes.

Warriors live for the combat and the thrill of battle. They are the best 
fighters of all the current classes but lack the subtle skills that others
possess. They possess no magical talent whatsoever and rely on brute 
strength and combat know-how instead.

Clerics are the most defensively oriented of all the classes.  Most of
spells focus on healing or defending the faithful, with their few combat
spells being far less powerful than those of mages. However, clerics are
the best class by far at healing magics, and they possess an impressive
area of protective magics, as well as fair combat prowess.

Channelers are the local sponges, not a very outstanding title but one
which they bare with much pride. These select few have been chosen by
the gods to absorb the excess powers of the world and redirect them for
their use at their descrection. It has been said that a channeler can
stand face to face with a dragon and absorb his fireballs as if they
were not there, and then to shoot them back at the dragon with even more
power then they were originally formed.

Wielders of black magic, they study the darkest and most hated of all of
magical arts, that of giving life to something without any. In other words
raising the dead. It is said once a necro reaches a certain level of
efficiency with his spell weaving the dead themselves will heed his call.

The elementalist seeks to harness and control the powerful forces
of earth, air, fire and water.  While lacking the sheer raw magical power
of the channeler, and the armies of servants of the necromancer, the
elementalist can tailor his powers to exploit the specific weaknesses of
the creatures of Thera.  The elementalist is the caller of earthquakes and
the summoner of tidal waves.  Truly adept elementalists can call upon
creatures from the elemental planes to serve them.

Monks are martial artists dedicated to the understanding of
the body and the perfection of it into total control. Monks are adept
at unarmed combat and lose much of their skill when using weapons.
   A monk who fights hand to hand can get up to fourth attack,
but lose the ability to hit with third and fourth attacks when using
weapons. All monks are lawful due to their strict regime of meditation
and martial arts parctice. They can be either good or neutral.

Thieves are a marginal average class. They do a few things better than any 
other class, but have a wide range of skills available.  Thieves are 
specialists at, of course, thieving, sneaking, and being unseen. They can
enter areas undetected where others can not. 

The following classes are available for study in the Mists. 
For more specific help on a certain class type help <classname>

        Warrior       - Fighters by nature, master of weapons.
        Thief         - Stealthy and sneaky, adept at the arts of stealing.
        Cleric        - Master of the healing arts and blessed of the gods.
        Paladin       - Half mage, half fighters.
        Anti-Paladin  - Dark Paladins, those who have turned from the light.
        Ranger        - Master Outdoorsmen.
        Monk          - Martial art experts. Strive for perfection of the body.
        Assassins     - Masters of fast and deadly strikes.
        Channeler     - Magical sponges, capable of absorbing magic around them.
        Necromancer   - Students of the dark arts.
        Elementalist  - Controllers of the elements.

Little is known about the origin of the Anti-Paladins. However, it is 
clear that they came (in force) into the world shortly after the rise 
of the Paladins. It is rumored that these warriors of chaos and evil 
were traitor paladins, children trained by demons, or possibly even
demons themselves.

There have been those who have claimed to learn the secrets of these
"anti-paladins", but this is all most would reveal: It is said the
guild of Legion (which is claimed to be the true name of the AP's guild)
is similar to that of the monks. Young men and women of all races come
to the guilds in hope of learning to better themselves and harming the
world. Through years of training, the Legionaires learned to embrace
the ways of chaos and evil. It is this mindframe that allows them to 
unleash their dangerous magics upon Thera. There are stories that tell
of those who have left the guild to lead more peaceful lives, and found
themselves unable to use their former magics, their powerful skills, 
and even unable to walk or speak. 

It is unknown if these stories are true or false, however, one thing is 
clear. These mage-warriors want nothing more than the destruction of all
that does belong to them and their guild.  

These warriors have chosen the path of virtue and chivalry above all others. 
This dedication to their cause grants them priest-like spells and healing
powers.  They are also formidable fighters, always questing to stamp out
evil. Paladins must stay good in order to cast their spells.  Those who
forsake goodness are frowned upon.  Paladins are expected to be truthful,
chivalrous, humble, merciful, kind, bold, and noble of spirit.  Paladins
must be Lawful Good.

You must now choose your hometown. This is the town which you will
recall to when using word of recall, or whenever you die. Midgaard
is for all alignments. Ofcol is for good only, New  Thalos for neutrals
only, and Arkham for evil only.
New players should choose Midgaard as it is most central.

0 AGE~
Ageing is just that, a character getting older. In Tartarus your
characters will age slowly as you spend time exploring the world. The age
at which you die will vary depending on your race (the biggest factor),
your constitution and a small random factor.

When you eventually die of old age you will expire premenantly. Immortals
may be able to increase your lifespan if quests are undertaken.

Expect a human to live for around 400 hours of real time, other races are
variations on that, with some longer (elves are almost double), and some a
little shorter.

Syntax: morph <color>

This allows a changeling to shapeshift into a dragon form. Colors
available are red, green, blue, black and white. In dragon form the
player can use the 'breath' command to send forth a blast of dragonbreath
(the breath attack depends on what color dragon you shapeshift into).

Morphing is enabled only for immortals in the stock mud. 
See also: 'help shapeshift'


Syntax: shapeshift <form>

This allows a changeling to shapeshift into bat, wolf or bear form. 
Bats fly, wolves move faster, bears are tougher. Each form has a some
different plusses and minuses, and the character appears as a
bat/wolf/bear to others who see him or her.

The other form currently supported is that of forming a third arm
('shapeshift arm'). Changelings that choose this option are able to triple
wield (if they have the dual wield skill) and also to hold up to three
objects rather than two.

See also: 'help morphdragon'

Syntax: rename <player> <new name>

Renames a player on-line

Syntax: cloak

This puts the player into a cloaked form that hides them from others. You
can not cloak while in another shapeshifted form.

Syntax: rating

This shows your current number of PKs (player kills), mob kills, PK deaths
and mob deaths. Mob kills are also listed with the total level worth of
mobs that have been killed. 

Syntax: cast venueport <target>

This gates the caster and anyone grouped with them and in the same room to
the specified victim. It is an Arcana skill.

Syntax: cast team <target>

This allows one arcana member to transfer mana to another one at the cost
of some health.

Syntax: cast familiar

Summons a familiar to the caster, for Arcana members.

Syntax: riot

Causes the user to incite a riot in his or her group. Rioting characters
gain a huge bonus to attacking but are so inflamed with indignation that
they will attack anything they see. This is an Outlaw skill.

Syntax: vanish

Allows a person to slip away and vanish to another part of the area they
are in. This is an Outlaw skill.

Syntax: cast decoy <target>

Creates fragile mirror decoys of the target. Decoy without a target
creates decoys of the caster. This is an Outlaw skill.

Syntax: cast revolt <victim>

Attempts to make any charmed followers of the victim revolt and attack
their master. This is an Outlaw skill.

Syntax: induct <person> <clan>

Allows a clan leader or an immortal to induct others into a clan. Only
immortals can specifiy a particular clan, mortal leaders automatically
induct into their own clan. Clans to induct into are: Arcana, crusader,
outlaw, enforcer, ancient and life.

Syntax: steel

Grants greater resistance to physical damage. This is a Crusader skill.

Syntax: battlecry

This enables the delivering of particularly powerful blows in combat. It 
is a Crusader skill.

Syntax: trophy <part>

Lets a Crusader make a battle trophy from a body part such as a heads,
arms and legs. The poncho made can be worn as both a trophy and for
beneficial uses. 

Syntax: evaluation

This lets you get a more detailed look at a victim's current state of
health. Using evaluation you will be able to gauge better how wounded a
foe is (provided you figure out what the stages of injury are represented
by). If you fail an evaluation check your skill will improve but you will
have to start re-evaluating again to turn it back on.

Syntax: spellbane

A crusader using this is able to reflect a lot of magic that is cast at
him or her.

Syntax: aura

Grants the character immunity to hunger and thirst for the duration of the
affects. Aura of sustenance is a Life skill.

Syntax: cast lifeline <target>

Creates and ethereal line between the caster and a target. Casting it
without any argument results in the caster being transported to the
previously lifeline target. If a caster lifelines themself the line is
severed from the previous target. It is a Life spell.

A victim may 'nofollow' to cut a lifeline that is unwanted.

Syntax: cast safety

Recalls all members of the casters group who are in the same room. It is a
Life skill.

Syntax: cast 'life transfer' <target>

Transfers some health from the caster to the target for healing. It is a
Life spell.


Syntax: cast 'animate dead' corpse
	cast 'animate skeleton' skeleton
	cast mummify corpse
	cast decay corpse
	cast preserve corpse
 	cast soulbind <target>

These are the basis of a necromancer's power. Decay corpse strips the
flesh off a corpse and leaves the skeletal remains. The skeleton may then
be animated using the 'animate skeleton' spell.

Corpses that are still intact may be animated with the more powerful
animate dead spell, or, at much higher levels, raised as mummies with the
mummify spell.

'Embalm' skill will preserve a corpse and extend the duration before a
it decays to dust.

In all cases of animates the undead raised will have a level of power
comparable to it's living existence but slightly lowered. Thus an orc
zombie won't be as powerful as a demon zombie. Skeletons are weaker than
zombies, which are in turn weaker than mummies. The number of undead you
can raise is level dependant and also modified by the type of undead you
already have following you.

Soulbind will bind an undead follower to your soul and it will act as a
loyal pet, entering and leaving the realms with you like a normal pet.

See also: help 'animate object' for the Channeler's version of animation

Syntax: cast shadowself

Creates a shadowy, fragile mirror from your shadow. Useful to trick your

Syntax: gaseous <direction 1> <direction 2>

Allows an ethereal to turn into a cloud of gas very briefly and rip
through one or two rooms. If you specify just one direction you will be
go gaseous and attempt to travel two rooms in that direction. If a second
direction is given you will attempt to travel one room in the first
direction, then change path and go to the next room via the second
direction. This is most useful in rushing past tracking mobs or aggressive
ones that are blocking the way.

Syntax: door <direction>

Attempt to bash down a door using brute force. A giant, centaur and troll
ability. Failing can cause harm, and usually a successful bashing will
result in the basher flying into the next room.

Syntax: cast 'lesser golem'
	cast 'greater golem'
	cast preserve <object>

A necromancer may create a lesser golem by gathering body parts and then
forming them into a flesh automaton. The power of the golem is dependant
on the caster's level and the number of parts. The 'preserve' spell is
used to keep body parts such as hearts, arms, legs and heads from

Greater golem fashions a more powerful golem to serve and requires no
material components to cast.

Syntax: cast disintergrate <victim>

Allows a channeler to blast a victim into dust. Objects on the victim have
a good chance of vaporising too unless they save against the spell.

Syntax: cast timestop

Places everything in the room which fails to save into a time trap. Those
affected by it are outside the normal flow of time and may not be harmed,
but at the same time are unable to move or do anything themselves. Has
varying usefulness in varying situations.

Syntax: cast 'animate object' <item>

When cast on a weapon, armor or key it animates the item and causes it to
follow the caster like a normal charmie. The itself is destroyed in that
it cannot be used again. The power of the animated object is dependant on
the level of the item animated. Animated keys may be ordered to unlock

Syntax: cast absorb

Forms a magic absorbing shield about the caster which also channels mana
back to them when absorbing offensive spells.

Syntax: cast 'transfer object' <object> <target>

Sends an item in the caster's inventory to the target. If the target has
notransfer set on his or her autos then they will be unable to accept the
object. You can not transfer Clan items.

Syntax: cast grounding

Grounds the caster and makes him or her immune to electrical attacks.

Syntax: cast 'shock sphere' <victim>

Blasts the victim with a powerful sonic boom. The first blast can damage
their ears and result in temporary loss of hearing.

Syntax: cast regeneration <target>
	cast atrophy <victim>

The recipient of this benedication begins to regenerate at an unnatural
rate. Wounds will heal literally ever second or so. Trolls who have
natural regeneration will regenerate even faster.

Atrophy is the opposite to regeneration and results in health loss at a
constant and fast rate. While not lasting long it can have a deadly effect
on victims.

Syntax: cast restoration <victim>

A powerful healing spell that cures wither, forget, prevent healing and
undead drain affects. It is the only way that level loss due to undead
draining may be restored. Healers at temples, and clerics, have this

Syntax: cast 'prevent healing' <victim>

Attempts to destroy a victim's ability to heal naturally. If successful
the victim will stop healing on ticks until it wears off or is cured.
Trolls who have natural fast regeneration are immune to this.

Syntax: wield <weapon>

These skills allow you to use more than one weapon at once. Most fighting
classes gain the dual wield skill at some stage and if such a character
attempts to wield a weapon while already using a primary weapon they will
attempt to dual wield it. (This is provided that they are not using a
light, shield or held item which would occupy their other hand).

Trinal wield is a bit different. It requires a changeling who has
shapeshifted to form a third arm and hand using the 'shapeshift arm'
command. Such a changeling who has the dual wield skill and the trinal
wield skill learned may then attempt to wield up to 3 weapons at once.
(They may also choose to dual wield and hold a shield, or any other
combination of three hand uses).

Syntax: cast nightfall <victim>

This binds the caster's essence to the victims and if the caster can
deliver the killing blow on the target at any stage while the spell is in
affect the victim's soul is ripped away and formed into a shadowy follower
of the caster. Only very high level assassins can learn this spell.

Syntax: cast 'fire and ice' <victim>

Blasts the victim with both a flaming blast and an icy cold one.
-Fire and Ice will only work on Mobs.

0 'Knight' 'Knights'~
The Knights of Thera are the champions of light and honor in the world of thera.
They are always seeking to end the destruction that the forcesof darkness cause
in the world.  The life of a knight is not an easy onebecause it is full of
personal sacrifice.  The process to become a knightcan be long and frustrating,
and only those who are pure of heart are ableto do so.  Your path begins with a
note to the castle (Knights) and endswhen you take your last breath in the world.
To be a knight is a life long commitment and is not something that is 
taken lightly.

0 'Muse' 'Muses of the Valley'~
A band of musicians and entertainers have gathered and named
themselves the "Muses of the Valley". These people strive to
enjoy life to its fullest and strive to express themselves
through the arts of music and poetry. Laughter, happiness,
and good times are what the Muses stand for. The Muses will
defend themselves and are known to aid people according to
their own beliefs. Those of the darkness of Chaotic ethos may
not become Muses for they do not naturally breed beauty or art.

Syntax: ooctell (character) (message)
This is a command used to separate Roleplaying from out of character
communication. You may use this for various questions to imms or other
characters that can not be asked in character. However, this will not be
used as a venue to curse at players when you are upset etc., that kind of
behavior will be severely punished. Also overuse of this command will be
looked down upon by immortals so if you want to make something out of the
character you are playing, use OOCTELL sparingly.

He is the Source of Magic, and the Potentate of Time. Those who chose to
follow Deomanix are known as the Seekers of Infinity. Deomanix is
magic, he created it, and is one with it. Magic is outside of time, only
when wielded by mortals are limitations put upon it. Followers who seek
the mark of Infinite Tome know that it is only by the feeble mind of most
mortals that magic finds its limits. They seek to free thier mind and
gather as much knowledge as possible so they may know the true powere
availible to them. Deomanix is also the Lord of the Tower, he therefore
holds to the ideals of the Tower as well. Seek the Shrine of Deomanix in a 
place where magic flows freely.~

0 'Knife'~
Thieves with the this skill can surprise a opponent with a strike used at a beginning
of a fight. This fighting technique may even be used against opponents that are injured
or others occupied with fighting someone else. This power is used only with a dagger.

0 'Enforcer'~

Enforcer is the Law. They Enforce the Laws of Thera and are the executioners ofcriminals.
Their decisions are Final and not to be argued. Criminals are a the true enemy of Enforcer
and they will be hunted until death as punishment for breaking the law. Only people with
a lawful ethos and never convicted of breaking the law may hope to join Enforcer. Enforcers
can join with other enforcers to slay criminals if needs be. An Enforcers job is to protect
the town not hunt. All enforcers have the flag [ENFORCER] visable near 
their name.

0 'Cleave'~
Cleaver is very similur to backstab (It can only be used to start fights). It inflicts massive
damage and can instantly kill the victim. Cleave cannot be done to a target much larger than
the player who is cleaving. This skill is for axes and swords only.

0 'Strangle'~
Monks and assassins can attempt to strangle an opponent, putting them to sleep. This skill can keep
the victim asleep for around 2 ticks. Some people find it works best when hiding. Strangle can only
be used to start a battle and not used more than once for a few ticks.

0 'Throw'~
Throw is like and trip, it does little damage but keeps the opponent from fleeing or entering commands.
Throw lags the victim but also the character who is throwing. Throw cannot be entered more than once
every 2-3 rounds.

0 'Pugil'~
Pugil is used by a staff, the attempt is made to do a quick combination hit with both ends of the staff.
This is done with a quick punching movement from each hand. You can use this skill only during a fight. 

0 'Wrath'~
This spell calls upon a holy wrath on an evil player. This does damage as has a small chance of cursing
the target. This spell is only known to Paladins.

0 'Nerve' ~
A skilled monk or assassin has the power to increase pressure to it's victim with various strikes to the
vulnerable ares. This skill can be used on anyone. It deals no damage but weakens the victim. 

0 'Swist'~
He is the guy who is in charge of coding here.

Long ago when high elves ruled Thera a sub race of elven whom only lived in the
peace and tranquility of the forest excited. These elves where known as chaotic
creatures and where murder and destroyed, for the most part. In modern days
wood-elves are still rare but do exist as ancient folk lore tells us. Wood-elves
are much like high elves but not quite as intelligent but more heartier and
dexterous. In modern day Wood-elves may become lawful but are shunned upon by
all other of their breed. Wood-elves may become warriors, clerics, and rangers.

Syntax: cast 'unholy bless'

An Anti-Paladin with this spell casted upon him will become stronger
in many forms every time they kill someone.~

Syntax: cast 'curse weapon' <object>

This spell is castable on a weapon, this weapon becomes more powerful
the more times it is castable on the object. However, this spell can
destroy the weapon it is casted upon.

-1 $~
