[  642] Sycho: read
[13152] Boogieman: mace of water doesnt hit with drowning
[13152] Boogieman: mace of water doesnt hit with drowning
[24366] Smurf: Wraith form doesnt fly you.
[ 3526] Smurf: Zombies dont follow through doors, that is badd.
[13100] Smurf: Wither just does shitty damage..
[ 3800] cloaked figure: Noticed that barrier can still be stacked by casting barrier on a target, it insteads adds it to the affects again.
[ 3054] Smoxur: Hellfire after death?
[ 3011] Essobi: dagger
[13237] Essobi: You stop using the staff of knowledge and protection.
[25517] Flantax: bag backpack
[ 4501] Tiririr: Can still cast chaos blade without outlaw powers
[13005] Zanodar: There's a bug in the affect when you use trophy
[29350] Erbium: Doesn't seem to be any way back
[ 9609] Raider: teleport should not work if person is cursed.
[ 9609] Raider: please,tone down windwal blind.
[ 3501] Zornath: The bloody swordsman at the rager cabal tracks? ...