
&z|                                                                            |
&z|                 IMMORTAL WIZLIST of the Eye of the Storm II                |

		To be decided later
This is a complete list of socials:
accuse       adjust      air          apologize     applaud     babble
bark         bcatch      beckon       beer          bearhug     beg
bird         bkiss       bleed        blink         blush       boast
boggle       bonk        bounce       bow           brb         burp
cackle       caress      charge       cheer         chuckle     clap
claw         collapse    comfort      comb          cough       cover
cower        cringe      criticize    cry           cuddle      curse
curtsey      dance       daydream     drool         duck        embrace
explode      eyebrow     faint        fart          flare       flash
flex         flinch      flip         flirt         flutter     fondle
french       frown       fume         gasp          giggle      glare
goose        grimace     grin         groan         grope       grovel
growl        grumble     hand         head          hiccup      highfive
hop          howl        hug          hush          ignore      innocent
insane       judge       kiss         knee          laugh       lick
love         lust        massage      meditate      moan        moon
mosh         mutter      nibble       nod           nudge       nuzzle
pant         passout     pat          peck          pie         pinch
pissed       plead       point        poke          ponder      pout
pray         propose     puke         punch         purr        ramble
raspberry    rofl        roll         rub           ruffle      run
scratch      scream      serenade     shake         shiver      shrug
sigh         sing        slap         slobber       smile       smirk
snap         snarl       sneeze       snicker       sniff       snore
snort        snowball    snuggle      sob           spam        spank
spit         squeal      squeeze      squirm        stare       stretch
strip        stroke      strut        sulk          swoon       tackle
tease        thank       threaten     tickle        tip         tongue
twiddle      type        undress      view          wave        whine
whistle      wiggle      wince        wink          wonder      worry
worship      yawn        yeehaw       yodel
(list and many of the socials written by Sara)
Ah! Another mortal, seeking adventure.  You should go through mudschool first,
to gain experience to face the trials outside.  Be sure to practice a weapon
in the guild room, or your stay with us shall be very short indeed.  Type
'equipment' to see what your are wielding, 'spells' to see your spells, 
'skills' to see your skills, and 'commands' for a list of commands. Help is
available on most commands and abilities.
-1 MOTD~
To be fixed when we go up :)
&G<Hit Enter>
101 IMOTD~
&RGreetings Imm types. As you all know we still have a long way to go until
we are ready to go back up. Keep up the good work and keep us notified as
to your progress.


&w<Hit Return> 

This is a listing of the various immortal levels and their functions. Please
type help <level or title> to see what each immortal is charged with.
0 AVATAR 106~
An Avatar is in essence a brand new immortal. These individuals are charged
with making sure all help files are correct, as well as other minor tasks.
All people seeking to become an immortal will begin here.
An Immortal is the mortals best friend. They are here to supply the mortals
with help as best they can. This does not, however, mean they will cast
spells on you, give you free items or anything of the like. They will
be there to help answer questions, and to point you in the right direction.
If you have a problem, these are the ones you should try and contact first.
0 BUILDER 108~
A Builder is the one who keeps adding new and exciting areas to our world.
One of the most needed and highly regarded levels, the builder level allows
a person to be as creative as he/she wants, while still remaining in the
main theme of the MUD.
0 DEITY 110~
The Deity is the immortal advisor to a clan. Charged with upkeep of the clan
headquarters and items to be given out to it's members, the Deity is an
invaluable aid to all clan members. The Deity is also the clans voice when
it comes to Immortal issues, so having them around is always helpful. Although
the Deity is the highest ranking member of the clan, it is still run by the
mortal leadership, and only steps in when nothing else can resolve an issue.
0 GOD 109~
Gods are select individuals who excel in a certain area, and are chose to help
teach the lower level Immortals in that are. There will be Gods for such things
as Areas, Mortal Affairs, Clan Affairs and so on.
The Guardians are the law enforcers of the MUD.  These are the ones you
will have to deal with if you are charged with a crime, or accused of a
wrong doing.  Be aware that Guardians enfore Immortal laws as well as Mortal
laws, so no one is exempt from their justice.  
0 COUNCIL 112~
The Council members will be a select few individuals who are put in charge of
the Gods. The individual Council members will delegate tasks through out
their area, as well as submit people to be promoted to a higher rank.
The Council is the right arm of the Storm Lord and Lady, and are justly
deserving of the respect and trust of their peers.
This is the highest level attainable in Eye of the Storm II. The Storm Lord
and Lady positions are set in stone. There is one Storm Lord, Thalador.  This
is the Implementor of the system, the one who brought life to the game.
He is here to oversee everything, mortal and immortal.
                         ** The Rules of EOS **
1)  Do not kill mortals, do not kill mortals, do not kill mortals.
    This includes transferring/summoning them to aggressive mobs.
2)  Do not cheat for ANY mortal in ANY way, especially your own. 
    Unless of course you LIKE deletion. Yes this includes tanking,
    healing/restoring, casting protection spells <armor, sanct>,    
    and softening up or altering mobs.
3)  Do not transfer or summon mobs to mortals or mortals to mobs.
    They have legs, if they want to kill a mob, they can easilly
    go there themselves.
4)  DO NOT kill the shopkeepers for any reason at ALL.
5)  DO NOT use reboot.  <--- Note, simple English.
6)  Do not give out free equipment.  You don't need to win brownie
    points with the mortals.  Quest are fine but handing out items
7)  A note on quests: Quests are a good thing, more or less, BUT 
    do not give out overly extravagant prizes.  Exercise some 
    common sense here folks.  Do not load items more than 4 levels
    below their normal level (i.e. no level 5 ogre gauntlets).
8)  Do not undermine the authority of a higher level god.  If you 
    see that someone has been frozen or nochannelled do not restore
    their priveleges.  They are being punished for a reason.
9)  Do not try to overrule each other.  
10) Trusted mortals:  Do not use your god powers to help your mortal
    character.  If you do, your trust will be taken away.

-1 PUFF~
No plain fanfold paper could hold that fractal Puff --
He grew so fast no plotting pack could shrink him far enough.
Compiles and simulations grew so quickly tame
And swapped out all their data space when Puff pushed his stack frame.
        Puff the fractal dragon was written in C,
        And frolicked while processes switched in mainframe memory.
        Puff the fractal dragon was written in C,
        And frolicked while processes switched in mainframe memory.
Puff, he grew so quickly, while others moved like snails
And mini-Puffs would perch themselves on his gigantic tail.
All the student hackers loved that fractal Puff
But DCS did not like Puff, and finally said, "Enough!"
Puff used more resources than DCS could spare.
The operator killed Puff's job -- he didn't seem to care.
A gloom fell on the hackers; it seemed to be the end,
But Puff trapped the exception, and grew from naught again!
These are the rules of EOS.  For other matters, use commom sense.

* foul and/or abusive language will not be tolerated on EoS, from anyone
  (including gods). Punishments range from deletion to NOCHANNELing.

* sexual harassment of any form will not be tolerated, punishable by deletion

* your presence here is a privilige not a right
* no multiple logins, multiple playing, or helping your own characters with 
  other characters you own -- by any arrangment.
* no kill stealing.  This means you cannot attack a mob someone else is 
  fighting, unless they ask you to. Also avoid attacking fleeing mobs.

* cheating will not be tolerated.  This includes accepting favors from gods
  and exploiting bugs. If you find a bug, report it, then do not use it.
  You risk deletion should you be caught.
* Absolutely NO summonsing any mobs to Bethaven or Ravenwood.  I do NOT
   wish newbies jeopardized.  There's plenty of room outside those towns,
   use them.
-1 NEWS~
4/20/96 - EOSII returns
4/28/96 - EOSII is officially open to the public!
8/96    - Added the races Ghoul and Illithid 
8/96    - Added the classes Necromancer and Werewolf
More new exciting changes in the works!
In the beginning, the earth was... oh too far back.
*crumbles up help file and throws it away*
Use the delete command to erase unwanted characters, so the name will be
available for use.  This command must be typed twice to delete a character,
and you cannot be forced to delete.  Typing delete with an argument will
return your character to 'safe' status if you change your mind after the
first delete.
  clone obj <object>
  clone mob <mobile>
  clone <name>

The clone command duplicates an object or mobile.  The level of item or mobile
that may be cloned depends on your level.  The target object or mob must be in
the same room as you, or in your posession.  Strung and set information is
preserved by clone, as well as any spell effects and container contents or
mobile inventory, except for items which are too high for you to clone.  
Strung extended descriptions on objects are not kept, however.
The spells command is used to display your character's list of available
skills and spells.  Slist will also show you all skills and spells available
to your character.  Skills and spells are listed showing amount of pts
(points) it costs for each particular one, when you type spells.  
The outfit command, usable by levels 5 and below, equips your character with
a new set of sub issue gear (banner, weapon, helmet, shield, and vest), 
courtesy of the Mayor's warehouses.  Only empty equipment slots are affected.
ROM uses varies automatic actions, to ease the boredom of always splitting
gold and sacrificing corpses.  The commands are as follows:

autolist  : list all automatic actions
autoloot  : take all equipment from dead mobiles
autogold  : take all gold from dead mobiles
autosac	  : sacrifice dead monsters (if autoloot is on, only empty corpes)
autoexit  : display room exits upon entering a room
autosplit : split up spoils from combat among your group members
autoassit : makes you help group members in combat

Typing a command sets the action (except for autolist), typing it again removes
The count command displays the number of people (that you can see) logged
into the mud.  It also displays the highest number observed that day, if
it is higher.
101 HEDIT~
% hedit <name>
% hedit create <name>
asave 0 to save help files
The mobprog arglist changes from type to type.
For most types it is a percentage (1-100), and on others it is keywords
or an ammount.
I.e., for the hit_prcnt_prog, it's a percentage.. namely if the arglist is 30,
then when the mobs hp is at 30% or less of max, then the prog is triggered.
For give_prog, the arglist is all the keywords of the object to trigger that program
when the object is given to the mob.
And for all_greet_prog, arglist is a percentage, 100 will make the prog run
whenever anyone enters the room (excluding invis imms).
105 INEWS~
Numerous commands have been added.
Note:  vused
Syntax: restrict [commandname] [level]
Syntax: restrict [commandname] log [logtype]
Commandname is the name of the command you wish to change the level or
logtype of, you can use shortforms of commands giving there aren't any
other commands with those sames letters or you may not get the one you
wish. :)  Logtype is the type of logging you wish a command to have,
type restrict by itself for quick syntax and the logtypes.  Also,
it is possible to type:  restrict all [firstcmd#] [secondcmd#]
for a listing of commands and the levels which they are currently at.
Firstcmd# is the first command you wish to list from, and secondcmd#
is the number of the command you wish to list to.
Syntax: wrlist [type(r/o/m/p)] [lvnum] [uvnum]
Wrlist lists the vnums and names of the items in those vnums.  You can list
room vnums and their names with r, objects with o, and mobs with m.  When
listing rooms, it also shows you the resets in each room.  Lvnum is the
beginning vnum you wish to list from, and uvnum is the ending vnum.
Note, with m, if the mob has mobprogs, it will list each of the
different types of mobprogs the mob has.  P will list all the mobs with
mobprogs within the range.  It will show the full mobprog: type, arglist,
AND comlist, unlike with m.
106 VUSED~
Vused simply lists all the blocks of vnums which have been created to date.
The last line it shows tells you just how many free vnums there are. :)
Here is a list of variables that can possibly be used in most mobprog commands
, etc.
 $i   the name of the mob being triggered
 $I   the mobs short description
 $n   the name of the mob/pc triggering the mobprog
 $N   the short description of the person triggering the mobprog if it
      is a mob, or the name of the trigger person plus their title if it
      is a pc
 $t   the name of the victim
 $T   the same as $N except for the victim
 $r   the name of a pc/npc taken from random in the room
 $R   the same as $N except the random person is used
 $e   returns he/she/it according to the sex of the trigger person
 $m   returns him/her/it according to the sex of the trigger person
 $s   returns his/her/its according to the sex of the trigger person
 $E   same as $e except for victim
 $M   same as $m except for victim
 $S   same as $s except for victim
 $j   returns he/she/it for t
 $k   returns him/her/its for t
 $l   returns his/her/its for t
 $J   returns he/she/it for the random char
 $K   returns him/her/it for the random char
 $L   returns his/hers/its for the random char
 $o   returns the name of an object
 $O   returns the short description of an object
 $p   returns the name of a secondary object
 $P   returns the short description of a secondary object
 $a   returns a/an according to the first letter of an objects name
 $A   returns a/an according to the first letter of a secondary objects name
101 SPEC~
{MEdit Command}
syntax: spec spec_xxx
spec_breath_acid: Acid breath attack.
spec_breath_frost: Ice breath attack.
spec_breath_gas: Gas breath attack.
spec_breath_fire: Fire breath attack.
spec_breath_lightning: Lightning breath attack.
spec_breath_any: All breath attacks above. 
cast_adept: Mob hits target more frequently.
cast_cleric: Mob uses selected Cleric spells.
cast_mage: Mob uses selected Mage spells.
cast_undead: Mob uses chill touch, weaken and curse spells.
cast_ghost: Mob uses selected spells (Cleric) and dies in sunlight.
cast_judge: Mob uses the 'high explosives' spell.
cast_psionicist: Mob uses selected Psi spells (including Disintegrate!).
spec_executioner: Mob will auto-attack player with Thief or Killer flag.
spec_fido: Mob devours npc-corpses.
spec_guard: Depending on alignment, mob helps fight player or other mob. 
spec_janitor: Mob will scavenge the area for items (with take-flag).
spec_mayor: Mob will walk a hardcoded route. (Not useful)
spec_poison: Mob will attack with poison bite (same as poison spell).
spec_repairman: Currently not supported.
spec_thief: Mob will steal gold from players.
spec_healer: Mob will cast armor, bless, shield, heal, refresh on player.
spec_wanderer: Mob will steal, teleport, and cast spells at itself.
spec_summon_demon: Mob will cast spells at itself and summons help.
spec_summon_light: Mob will cast spells at itself and summons help.
[note: breath attacks are area effects and detroy inventories.]
[note: the spec_summon_zzz are for highest level mobs only!]
Syntax: deposit <amount> coins
Syntax: deposit <amount>
Syntax: withdraw <amount> coins     
Syntax: withdraw <amount>
Syntax: account
Syntax: store <object> 
Syntax: store
Syntax: retrieve <object>
DEPOSIT (# of coins)
   This will deposit this number of coins into your account.
WITHDRAW (# of coins)
   This will withdraw this number of coins from your account.
   This will tell you what your current balance is.
Store (item)
   This will store an item in locker. A charge for storage is deducted
   from your account when placing the item in locker and logging into
   Store alone lists items in your locker.
Retrieve (item)
   This will get an item from your locker.   
&wA very ordinary class, without any enhancements or drawbacks.
Good for players who are new to MUD games in general.
-1 ELF~
&wSpawned of the fairy folk, elvenkin have commonly been known as some of the
strongest sorcerers in the realms.  Born with an above average intelligence
most elves live far beyond the life expectances of their fellow creatures of
the storm.  At home in the forests, close to where their magic lay strongest,
elves can tap into the very source of their magical energy, allowing them to
regain their inner pools of magic twice as fast.  Though, long living, those
of the elven race tend not to have a below average stamina when it comes down
to physical fights.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&w Infravision.
&z*&w Spells cost them only 75% of the normal cost.
&z*&w Elves regenerate mana twice as fast as normal.
&WStat Modifications&w:
&CInt: &w+1, &CCon: &w-1
&wTaunted by other races for their unnaturally small height, dwarves prefer to
live alone in the sanctuaries of their mountain caves.  Very stocky by nature,
dwarves make excellent fighters, with their high stamina and natural resistance
to magical attacks, but as an average they lack the intellect pocessed by many
of the other races throughout the lands.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&w Infravision.
&z*&w +25% added to their save vs spell.
&z*&w Highest maximum of saving over other races.
&z*&R Forge&w: Allows a dwarf to forge specific equipment.
&WStat Modifications&w:
&CCon: &w+2, &CInt: &w-2
&wBeing very dextrous, pixies are great thieves.  They seem to lose out in
matches of physical strength, though.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&w Pixies naturally have the 'fly' spell on at all times.
&z*&w Pixies do not use movement points.
&z*&w Can't be tripped due to their flying abilities.
&WStat Modifications&w:
Dex: +2, Str: -2
&wOf a height similar to those known as dwarves, halflings, often also called
hobbits, are a small, fun loving race of people.  Due to their tiny size and
naturally shod feet, protected beneath by patches of thick, short hair,
halflings are quick and light on their feet.  Even the slowest of these
creatures can sneak up behind you without you even noticing, a trait these
creatures have learned in order to survive would-be attackers.  Prefering to
hide away in their homes and stay out of sight or contact with any other
races while abroad, halflings generally don't accumulate the level of wisdom
found in the rest of the lands' races.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&w Being light in their step, a halfling is always sneaking.
&z*&w Their small stature keeps them from being detected.
  (Halflings can not be seen via the 'where' command.)
&z*&w Curious in nature and quick in sight, halflings can use the 'peek' skill
  as well as any thief.
&WStat Modifications&w:
&CDex: &w+2, &CWis: &w-2
&wThe drow are a weaker race, but make up for their loss with their speed.
The drow are good for thieves.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&w Infravision.
&z*&R Drow Fire&w: Improved Faerie Fire & Incinerate skill attack.
&z*&R Globe of Darkness&w: Creatures of the dark, members of the drow race are able
  to cloak their surrounding area in completely darkness, cancelling the
  effects of any nearby lanterns of spells of magical sight.
&WStat Modifications&w:
&CDex: &w+1, &CStr: &w-1
&wNearly as ancient as the immortals themselves, these beings, commonly 
referred to as elders, hold a place of high respect among the realms of the
storm.  They often spend their entire life wandering throughout the lands, 
spreading their near infinate wisdom to those they meet and are constantly 
seeking new knowledge.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&w Elders do not use movement.  (They are never too tired to move)
&z*&w They naturally 'levitate' in the air at all times.
&z*&w Due to their floating nature, they cannot be tripped in combat.
&z*&w Spells cost 75% of the normal spell cost.
&z*&w Elders regenerate mana twice as fast as normal.
&WStat Modifications&w:
&CWis: &w+3, &CStr: &w-3
&wThese lumbering brutes, although not smart, have great strength, and
usually end up becoming the warriors of the Storm.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&w Ogres naturally have a shield to reduce damage by 1/20th.
&z*&w Natural form of enhanced damage.  (+1 damage per 10 damage done)
&WStat Modifications&w:
Str: +3, Int: -3
&wA race with lots of hitpoints, Lizardmen make good fighters.  Their
offset to the hitpoints is their lack of speed.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&w Lizardmen don't use movement points.  (They never tire of walking)
&z*&R Spit&w: Utilizing the acidic fluids beneath their tongues, lizardmen are
  able to excrete a harmful venom often causing temporary blindness or
  inability to form the words necessary for casting.
&WStat Modifications&w:
&CCon: &w+2, &CDex: &w-2
&wBy far the race with the most hitpoints, demons are some of the best
warriors in the game.  Their major downfall is their lack of wisdom.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&w Detect Invisibility.
&z*&w Detect Hidden.
&z*&w Infravision.
&WStat Modifications&w:
Con: +4, Wis: -4
Syntax: mpstat <mobname>
This command gives some general stats on <mobname> and then lists all of the
mobprograms which are currently assigned to it.
Syntax: mpasound $? message
This command echos a message to all the characters in the rooms surrounding
the room in which $? is in. (One room in each direction from $?'s room.)
Syntax: mpjunk <objname>
Syntax: mpjunk <#.objname>
Syntax: mpjunk <all.objname>
Syntax: mpjunk all
This command purges objects from a mob's inventory/equipped.  The syntaxes
are self explanitory.  (Note: the command does not tell anyone in the room
that the mob has junked an item, perhaps use mpecho if you need a message.)
Syntax: mpecho message
This command echos a message to all the characters in the room in which
the mob with the mobprog is in.
Syntax: mpechoat $? message
This command sends a message only to $?.
Syntax: mpechoaround $? message
This command sends a message to all the characters in the room of the mob
with the mobprog except for $?.
Syntax: mpkill <$?/moborplayername>
This is a mobs version of kill which bypasses checks on clan, pc, etc so
that the mob doesn't have to 'MURDER' $?/moborplayername.
Syntax: mpmload vnum
This command works exactly the same as the imm command mload.
Syntax: mpoload vnum
This command works in exactly the same fashion as the imm command oload.
Syntax: mppurge <mobname/objname>
This command works the same as the imm command purge, it purges an object/
mob from the room.  This command must be used instead of purge if the mob
needs to purge something.
Syntax: mpgoto vnum
This command works exactly the same as the imm command goto.
105 MPAT~
Syntax: mpat vnum commandstring
This command works exactly the same as the imm command 'AT'.
Syntax: mptransfer <mob/playername> [vnum]
Syntax: mptransfer all <vnum>
This command works exactly the same as the imm command transfer, except
that 'mptransfer all' will only affect the characters in the room with
the mob which has the mobprog.
Syntax: mpforce <$?> <commandstring>
This command works exactly the same as the imm command force.
Syntax: mpteleport
This will cause the mob to teleport to another room within the same area.
Syntax: mpcommands
This command will list all the mpcommands which can be used in
105 QECHO~
Syntax: qecho message
This command echos a message to everyone which has a quest flag.
Skill, initiated during combat.
syntax: drain, drain <target>
Drain Life allows the Vampire to do significant damage to a victim while
adding to his/her own life force.
Skill, initiated in combat.
syntax: feed
Feed allows the Vampire to do moderate damage to a victim while restoring
his/her own bloodpoints.
101 EXTRA~
Extra         flag #       Extra            flag #
glow               1       hum                   2
dark               4       lock                  8
evil              16       invis                32 
magic             64       nodrop              128  
bless            256       anti-good           512  
anti-evil       1024       anti-neutral       2048   
anti-mage      32768       anti-paladin    4194304   
anti-cleric    65536       anti-thief       131072  
anti-warrior  262144       anti-psi         524288  
anti-druid   1048576       anti-ranger     2097152   
anti-bard    8388608       anti-vamp      16777216   
noremove        4096       inventory          8192
poisoned       16384       nolocate              ?
nodamage   536970912       flame          33554432     
chaos       67108864       patched               ? 
syntax: worth
Displays the current level, all stats, and amount of gold carried.
For all spell casting classes, once you reach a certain level, you recieve 
spells which you may practice, and then cast.  There are spells devoted to
protection, attack, healing, and one or two other miscellaneous subject
areas.  To be able to cast a spell, it must be practiced to at least 1% or
higher, otherwise you will eternally lose concentration.  Spell casting costs
vampires blood points, and with all other spell casting classes it costs mana.
How much mana or how many blood points it takes, is mainly dependant on what
kind of spell it is and how many levels you have been able to practice it.  As
you gain levels, spells that you had on previous levels will drop in mana/bp
cost.  To see how much mana/bp your currently practiced spells will
cost to cast, you may type SPELLS.  Typing PRACTICE will list all currently
practiced spells and skills.  Also, to see all the spells and skills that
your class will recieve, type SLIST.
Syntax:  cast 'spellname'
Syntax:  cast 'spellname' target
Syntax: alias [old] [new]
Typing alias by itself will give you a list of current command alias'
If you include the [old] string, but not the [new] string, the alias that
was on the [old] string will be removed.
If you use the full syntax, the alias [old] will be assigned/reassigned the
replacement string [new].
A command alias can be used in any place where a command is valid.
I.E, any time you see your normal prompt.  By typing a command alias, the
game driver will replace what you typed with the string found in [new].
[old] is a one-word string of any length (ie, no spaces or punctuation)..
[new] is any string, including spaces and punctuation.
<prompt> alias clb cast 'lightning breath'
Alias 'clb' added.
<prompt> clb
Cast spell on whom?
<prompt> clb dragon
Your blast of lightning MUTILATES the dragon.
And continue on playing as normal.
syntax:  cast truesight
This spell is an enhanced version of the detect invis spell.  It allows
the caster to see just about anything that's hidden, invis or otherwise
obscured from vision.
Syntax: cast 'animate dead' corpse
When successful, this spell causes a corpse on the ground to rise and become
animated, following the caster as if it were charmed by a 'Charm person' spell.
NOTE: See 'CHARM PERSON' for more details on charmed monsters and how to
control them.
Syntax: cast 'astral walk' <target>
This spell allows instant travel between your location and another
character or mob in the world.
NOTE: This spell doesn't always work because certain areas and rooms
cannot be reached by this spell.
Syntax: cast 'portal' <target>
This spell temporarily creates a shimmering two-way portal between the
caster and another mob/player in the game.  Other players are able to see
and enter the portal from both points until the portal eventually fades
NOTE: This spell doesn't always work because certain areas and rooms cannot
be reached by spells of this nature.
Syntax: dual <weapon>
This skill allows you to use two weapons at one time effectively doubling your
attacks per round.  You may not be holding anything or wearing a shield to dual
This spell summons a demon from the deepest darkest pits of the abyss.
Fortunately for the player, the demon is charmed.  The demon will last
longer as the players level increases.
See charm person for help in controlling your new pet.
Syntax: cast 'summon demon   (not to be confused with cast summon demon
which may summon a demon of the unfriendly persuation)
Syntax: cast 'mental drain <opponent>
This spell drains hit points and mana from the recipient.
This skill increases your chances of hitting an opponent when attacking.
Use of this skill is automatic once you have practiced it.
Syntax: cast vibrate
Syntax: cast vibrate <target>
This spell creates a complex set of vibrations around the affected
character's body, creating a protective psionic shield around them. This
shield consequently retalliates all melee attacks against the affected
character with a blast of powerful psionic energy.
Use of this spell also decreases damage done to the recipient by 1/4.
NOTE: This spell is defensive in nature, and cannot be casted in combat,
and the duration of this spell is proportional to the caster's level.
Syntax: cast shockshield
This spell causes sparks of electricity to flow into the caster's body,
creating a protective shield around them.  This shield consequently
retalliates all melee attacks against the affected character with deadly
bolts of lightning.
Use of this spell also decreases damage done to the recipient by 1/4.
NOTE: This spell is defensive in nature, and cannot be casted in combat,
and the duration of this spell is proportional to the caster's level.
Syntax: cast icestorm <victim>
This spell causes a frigid, tornado-like spiral of wind to consume and
forcibly chill it's victim, as large chunks of ice are hurled around at
blinding speed ...slashing and crushing it's target in an icy fury.
Syntax: cast 'aura of peace'
This spell calls upon the character's deity to bless them with a peaceful
aura that protects them from harmful aggressors for the duration of the
spell.  Nobody can attack characters with an aura of peace, this includes
characters and mobs.
NOTE: The duration of this spell is proportional to the caster's level.
Syntax: cast 'dispel evil' <victim>
This spell invokes the wrath of the character's deity upon an evil victim,
causing massive damage.
NOTE: The character's alignment must not be EVIL in order to cast this spell.
Syntax: cast bless <character>
This spell improves the to-hit roll and saving throw versus spell of the
target character by a base value of +1 each.
NOTE: This spell's duration and effects are proportional to the level of
the caster.
Syntax: cast bless <character>
This spell improves the to-hit roll and saving throw versus spell of the
target character by a base value of +1 each.
NOTE: This spell's duration and effects are proportional to the level of
the caster.
Syntax: cast earthquake
This spell causes the ground-shattering earthquake that damages every
mob in the room, and causes a tremendous noise that can be heard by anyone
in the immediate area.
NOTE: Any mobs in the room that haven't attacked you yet WILL attack you 
upon casting this spell.
Syntax: cast 'enchant weapon' <weapon>
This spell magically enchants a weapon, increasing its to-hit and to-dam
bonuses.  The weapon must be un-magical to start with.  This spell also
causes the weapon to be aligned with the alignment of the caster.
Syntax : cast fireshield
Syntax : cast fireshield <target>
This spell engulfs the recipient in magical flames, effectively creating
a protective shield around them.  This shield consequently retalliates all
melee attacks against the affected character with a fierce fireball.
Use of this spell also decreases damage done to the recipient by 1/8th.
NOTE: This spell is defensive in nature, and cannot be casted in combat,
and the duration of this spell is proportional to the caster's level.
Syntax: cast iceshield
This spell covers the caster in a layer of frost and ice, effectively creating
a protective shield around them. This shield consequently retalliates all
melee attacks against the affected character with a chilling, icy blast.
Use of this spell also decreases damage done to the recipient by 1/4.
NOTE: This spell is defensive in nature, and cannot be casted in combat,
and the duration of this spell is proportional to the caster's level.
Syntax: cast flamestrike <victim>
This spell causes the victim to be engulfed in a large, blazing column of
This skill give one a chance to block a blow with their shield
when it is equiped.
SYNTAX: cast 'holy strength'
This spell modifies strength by 2 and hit/dam rolls.
106 ADVM_106~
&BEnergy enters your body and you find yourself floating through mid-air.
Looking around, you sense the presence of many different beings of power,
though all immortal to different extents.  Congratulations, and welcome
to the immortal plane of existance on Eye of the Storm.&w
107 ADVM_107~
&REnergies flow into your body, striking you unconscious.  A short
time later (you think) you finally revive.  Oddly though, all is not as it
was before.  Somehow, you can see things in a new light now;  though
everything had lost meaning before, now everything seems to have gained a
new dimension which you could not detect before.&w
108 ADVM_108~
You have been promoted to BUILDER level.  (Level 108)
109 ADVM_109~
You have been promoted to GOD level.  (Level 109)
110 ADVM_110~
&YSuddenly, your mind fogs over.  You can think clearly about nothing,
then... even more rapidly than your thinking fogged over, an idea forms
in your mind.  It is more than any other idea though; somehow, this idea
seems very much more so real than any other you have ever thought
of.  You idea is this... you wish to be able to create nations and lands
and peoples and watch them grow and die and prosper.  Such would be the life
of a creator;  you believed it to be a dream, but as your mind clears, you
realize that your hands and mind and soul are enacting the very dreams of
your deepest wishes.&w
111 ADVM_111~
You have been promoted to COUNCIL level.  (Level 111)
112 ADVM_112~
You have been promoted to CODER level.  (Level 112)
113 ADVM_113~
You have been promoted to STORM LORD level.  (Level 113)
Syntax: cast 'dancing lights' <target>
Syntax: cast 'dancing lights' <target>
When successfully cast, this spell lowers the target's hit roll.  In
addition to this, it also increases the damage done to the victim.
Syntax: cast 'holy sword' <weapon>
This spell permanently increases the target weapon's Hitroll and Damroll
bonuses by filling the weapon with the magical force of the caster's deity.
By enchanting a weapon this way, it makes it useable by classes of a holy
nature only <Clerics and Paladins> due to the holy nature of the spell.
NOTE: The effectiveness of this spell is directly proportional to the level
of the caster.
Syntax: cast cancellation
The spell cancellation is a personalized 'dispel magic' spell.  It takes less
mana than 'dispel magic'.  This cancellation spell, removes unwated
magical effects.
Note:  Cannot be casted on others, only yourself.
Syntax: c 'flame blade' <object>
Flame blade magically enchants your weapon (if it has not been previously
enchanted).  If your weapon has flame blade casted on it, every few rounds
the weapon will cast a fireball spell.
Syntax: cast 'aura of peace'
When cast, this spell protects the caster.  If aura of peace is on, people
cannot attack you.  Unless it is dispelled.
&WSyntax&w: alchemy <spell>
Alchemy is the ability to create your spells in potions.  You will need to
visit Bandal's Cleric Shop to gain certain items necessary in the process of
making your potions, but be aware that certain spells will either not work
or will backfire almost all of the time.  A backfire on alchemy destroys one
set of alchemy equipment and causes you damage.
&z* &WItem&w: Iron Cauldron
&z* &WItem&w: Magical Fire
&z* &WItem&w: Empty Flask &w(&COne PER alchemy potion&w)
See Also&w: SCRIBE
Syntax: cast 'summon swarm'
When casting summon swarm, a large swarm of insects appear.  They act as
any normal charmed character.  They obey orders, etc.
Syntax: cast 'frost blade' <object>
When casted, this spell enchants a weapon magically.  If weapon has been
enchanted by frost blade, it will cast ice storm every few rounds.
The spell will not work, if it has been previously enchanted.
Syntax: cast 'summon angel'
When cast, you summon an angel from heaven.  There are a few catches
though.  You can't be evil, for angels do not help evil people.
Other than that, it is pretty simple.
Syntax: cast 'summon pack'
When casted, you summon a pack of wolves.  They act just like any other
charm creature.  Take orders, etc.
105 BLOAT~
To be bloated... to bloat... to be inflated
Syntax: cast 'dark blessing'
When you recieve a dark blessing, your hp's and dam roll goes up.
Syntax: cast 'holy fires' <victim>
This spell calls upon the power of the caster's deity to engulf the target's
body and soul in a holy inferno, causing massive damage.
Syntax: cast 'holy strength' <target>
Holy strength, takes the will and strength of the gods and fuses it into
the target's body.  When this happens, your strength goes up, as does
your dam roll and hit roll.
Syntax: cast 'chaos field'
This spell draws forth the substance of chaos, creating a shield around
the caster's body. This shield consequently retalliates some melee
attacks against the caster by draining the life force of the attacker to
heal the caster.
Use of this spell also decreases damage done to the recipient by 1/4.
NOTE: This spell is defensive in nature, and cannot be casted in combat,
and the duration of this spell is proportional to the caster's level.
1 'TRACK'~
Syntax: track <prey>
The track skill, let's you track your prey.  Everytime you enter a room
a message will come up telling you which way your prey is.
Syntax: cast 'summon demon'
When cast, you summon a demon from the abyss.  The demon acts like any
normal charmed character.  Takes orders, follows you, etc.
Syntax: cast 'blade barier'
This spell causes thousands of razor-sharp blades to spin around the body
of the caster, creating a shield. This shield consequently retalliates all
melee attacks against the caster and severely damages the attacker.
Use of this spell also decreases damage done to the recipient by 1/4.
NOTE: This spell is defensive in nature, and cannot be casted in combat,
and the duration of this spell is proportional to the caster's level.
Syntax: cast bio-acceleration
When this spells is cast, it accelerates you bios.  This increases your
movement points, and hit points.
Syntax: cast haste
When you cast haste upon your self, you feel much quicker, and more
athletic.  In other words it increases your dexterity.
Syntax: cast entangle <target>
When you entangle your target, they cannot flee.  This is especially good,
when you have a chicken enemy, this way you can kill them.
Syntax: cast 'detect good'
This spell enables the caster to detect good characters, which will
reveal a characteristic blue aura.
Sytnax: stun
Stun is a command used in battle to try and stun the other person.  If it
succeeds, the opponent will be stunned.
Syntax: cast 'meteor swarm' <target>
Meteor swarm, is another offensive spell.  When you cast it, flaming
meteors fly from your outstretched hand into the target, for lotsa
Syntax: cast 'chain lightning'
Chain lightning is an offensive spell, that hits everyone in the room.
For example if there was a goat, dog, and cat in the room.  The electrical
blast would get them all.
Syntax: cast mana <target>
A mana spell increase the mana of your target (unless they have full).
But be careful how much you cast this, cause it also lowers your own.
Syntax: cast bloodbath
Bloodbath is a healing spell for vampires.  You need to have two puddles
of blood.  Then you bathe in it.  This restores alot of hit points.
Syntax: cast incinerate <target>
This spell sets the victim's body on fire.  Every few rounds, the victim
will recieve damage from this fire.  That is until the fire wears out.
Syntax: Iron
Iron grip, makes you wield your weapon tighter.  So therefore iron grip
modifies your anti-disarm score.
Syntax: punch <target>
This is another option you have while fighting.  You can try to punch
your opponent, while hitting him with weapon, etc.
Syntax: cast 'enchanted song' <victim>
When this spell is succesfully cast, it pacifies yours victim.
1 WEB~
Syntax: cast web <target>
When you cast web on your target, they cannot flee.  This is especially good,
if your opponent has a tendancey to run, this way you can kill them.
Syntax: cast 'mental barrier'
Mental block, provides a mental block around your mind.  If you ahve this
up you cannt be summoned, astral walked to, or any other spell of this
Syntax: cast 'spell bind' <item>
When you spell bind an item, it will restore charges.  So you would use it
on things, such as wands, staffs, etc.
Syntax: patch <object>
When you patch something, you are trying to repair it, like the
Syntax: cast goodberry <food>
Goodberry changes a normal piece of food, into a healing berry.
This berry will heal alot of your hit point's but not stop hunger.
Syntax:  finger <playername>
Syntax:  finger desc
Using the first format will give you the last login of a person, and their
finger description.
Using the second format will allow you to enter your own finger description.
Syntax:  cast shatter <victim>
Casting this spell before combat will auto-start the battle after attempting
to wreck one of your victims worn/wielded items.  Can also be cast from within combat.   The victim of the spell is given a save to negate
the affects.
Syntax:       cast "summon angel"
Description:  Summons an angel to do your bidding for a short while.
Syntax:       cast 'stone skin'
Description:  This spell turns the caster's skin to stone
              therby improving the caster's AC by 45.
Syntax: mental
When you are fighitng you can mentally drain your opponent.  You have
to be fighting to do this.  Mental drain, does moderate damage.
Syntax: throw <item> <target>
By throwing an item at a victim, you start a fight.  The item that is
thrown will do damage to the unfourtunate victim.
Syntax: cast 'chaos blade' <weapon>
This is another enchant weapon spell.  If successfully cast, the weapon
will unleash raw chaos every few rounds.  Note if the weapon is
already enchanted this will not work.
Syntax: cast 'summon trent'
When casted, you will summon a trent.  It will act just like any other
charmed creature.  Take orders, etc.
Syntax: cast 'curse of nature' <target>
When someone has a curse of nature upon them, their dam roll, hit roll, and
strength all decrease.  So try not to get cursed.
Syntax: gouge
Gouge is another skill you can use to hurt people while in combat.  It does
moderate damage, but be careful.  You could gouge someone's eye out!!!
Syntax: cast permenancy <item>
Permenancy will put unlimited charges on wands, staffs, etc.
Syntax: cast 'true sight'
True sight allows you to see through invisible things, such as Dark Invis.
Syntax: cast 'summon shadow'
This spell is the opposite of summon angel.  You have to be evil to do it,
and also you have to have lots of blood points to bind the shadow in this
Syntax: cast 'phase shift'
Phase shift is another invis routine, kinda like Dark invis.  Only a little
bit different.  Try for yourself, enjoy.
Syntax: berserk
While in a fight, if you go berserk.  Your dam roll, and hit roll go up
and your armour class goes down.
Syntax: circle
Circle is another attack.  If you are in battle, and do a successful circle
you will get behind your opponent for another attack.
Syntax: cast fumble <target>
If fumble is successfully cast on someone, it will make them very clumsy.
Syntax: cast confusion <victim>
Your target will become very confused.  It will not attack as often,
because of this confusion.
&WSyntax&w: scribe <spell>
Scholars in the arts of sorcery, mages and necromancers alike can scribe,
or write down, the secrets of their spells on paper for others to unlock
these magical powers.  You can find the proper equipment needed for the
process at Jahrem's Scribe Shop in Bethaven.  Be aware though that certain
spells are more likely to backfire than others and a backfire will destroy
one set of scribing equipment and cause you damage.
&z*&W Item&w: A quill
&z*&W Item&w: A blank parchment  (&COne PER scribed spell&w)
&z*&W Item&w: A bottle of magical ink  (&COne PER scribed spell&w)
See Also&w: ALCHEMY
Syntax: cast turn >mob<
If successful this spell will instantly kill any undead creature.
There is a good chance of the spell failing.
Syntax: cast 'summon beast'
This spell summons a beast to protect the caster.
Obvious, huh?
Syntax: cast 'mind probe' player
This is perhaps the very best spell you can cast to find out another players
stats.  Successfully cast, it will show you thier score just like when
you type score to see your own stats.
This spell does not work against mobs.
Syntax: cast 'psychic quake'
This spell unleashes the chaos within your mind to do devastating damage
upon all creatures in the room.
Syntax: cast 'turn evil' >mob<
This spell will severely injure or even kill any creature that is evil.
Syntax:       cast 'summon angel'
Description:  This spell summons an angel to help the caster for a short while.
All obj_progs may use these variables:
  $i, $n, $o, $r, and modifications of these (like $e for $n)
prog name     | param type | useable variables
get_prog      | percent    | (none)
get_from_prog | percent    | $p
drop_prog     | percent    | (none)
put_prog      | percent    | $p
give_prog     | percent    | $t
fill_prog     | percent    | $p
wear_prog     | percent    | (none)
look_prog     | percent    | (none)
look_in_prog  | percent    | (none)
invoke_prog   | percent    | see below
use_prog      | percent    | see below
cast_prog     | percent    | (none)
cast_sn_prog  | slot       | (none)
join_prog     | percent    | $p
separate_prog | percent    | (none)
buy_prog      | percent    | $t
sell_prog     | percent    | $t
store_prog    | percent    | (none)
retrieve_prog | percent    | (none)
open_prog     | percent    | (none)
close_prog    | percent    | (none)
lock_prog     | percent    | $p
unlock_prog   | percent    | $p
pick_prog     | percent    | (none)
throw_prog    | percent    | (none)
rand_prog     | percent    | (none)
Note: rand_prog does *NOT* have a $n variable available.
for invoke_prog, variables are determined by type
  Type 1 (ObjLoad): $p
  Type 2 (MobLoad): $t
  Type 3 (Transfer): (none)
  Type 4 (ObjMorph): $p - $o is original object, $p is new object
  Type 5 (Spell): Same as for use_prog
For use_prog, variables are determined by spell target
  Target Offensive (Attack): $t
  Target Defensive (Shield): $t
  Target Self (Personal): (none)
  Target Object: $p
  Target Ignore (Out of room; eg: Astral Walk): (none)
All room_progs may use the following variables:
  $i, $n, $r, and modifications of these (like $e for $n)
prog name    | param type | useable variables
enter_prog   | percent    | (none)
exit_prog    | percent    | (none)
pass_prog    | percent    | (none)
cast_prog    | percent    | (none)
cast_sn_prog | slot       | see below
sleep_prog   | percent    | (none)
wake_prog    | percent    | (none)
rest_prog    | percent    | (none)
death_prog   | percent    | (none)
time_prog    | hour       | (none)
rand_prog    | percent    | (none)
Note: rand_prog and time_prog do *NOT* have a $n variable available.
For cast_sn_prog, variables are determined by spell target
  Target Offensive (Attack): $t
  Target Defensive (Shield): $t
  Target Self (Personal): (none)
  Target Object: $o
  Target Ignore (Out of room; eg: Astral Walk): (none)
All exit_progs may use the following variables:
  $i, $n, $r, and modifications of these (like $e for $n)
prog name   | param type | useable variables
enter_prog  | percent    | (none)
exit_prog   | percent    | (none)
pass_prog   | percent    | (none)
look_prog   | percent    | (none)
scry_prog   | percent    | (none)
open_prog   | percent    | (none)
close_prog  | percent    | (none)
lock_prog   | percent    | $o
unlock_prog | percent    | $o
pick_prog   | percent    | (none)
All x_progs are triggered by certain actions, and then are passed through
a check to see if the trigger is activated.  There are various types
of parameters based on these checks, which are compared to the information
received by the game driver.
Percent Parameters:
  These are the most common kind of checks.  The parameter is a number
between 0 and 100, 0 meaning the trigger will never activate, and 100
meaning the trigger will activated every time it is called.
Word Parameters:
  These parameters may be specified in one of two ways: As a word list or
as a phrase.  As a word list, each word of the parameter is check against
each word of the incoming data, and if any of the words match, the trigger
will be activated.  A phrase parameter starts off with the letter 'p' as
the first word, followed by the phrase to be compared.  In a phrase, all
words compared much match (excluding the initial 'p').
Slot Parameters:
  These indicate a spell slot.  Spell slots may be found by using the
'slookup' command.  Be careful to use the SLOT and not the SN, as they
are two different numbers, used for different purposes.
Hour Parameters:
  This type takes two arguments: The starting hour and the finishing
hour.  These are called every game hour, and if the time is between the
two numbers, the trigger will activate.  Numbers must be in 24 hour format,
and may wrap around midnight.  (ie: '20 8' would activate every hour between
8:00pm and 8:00am, game time, every game night.)
Hitpoints Parameters:
  The parameters for this trigger is a number between 0 and 100, indicating
the percentage of hitpoints the mob has from its max hitpoints.  The trigger
is activated when the mobile's hitpoints to max hitpoints percentage fall
below the specified percentage.
Itemlist Parameters:
  This is a list of items which may activate the trigger.  Use quotation
marks (' or ") if you wish to use items with more than one keyword.
eg: 'orange dagger' as opposed to orange dagger.  The first example would
need an item with both names to activate the trigger, and the second
example would need an item with either name to activate.
Goldpieces Parameters:
  The ammount specified in the single parameter is the minimum ammount
of gold needed to activate the trigger.
All mob_progs may use the following variables:
  $i, $n, $r, and modifications of these (like $e for $n)
prog name      | param type | useable variables
act_prog       | word       | see below
speech_prog    | word       | (none)
rand_prog      | percent    | (none)
fight_prog     | percent    | (none)
death_prog     | percent    | (none)
hitprcnt_prog  | hitpoints  | (none)
entry_prog     | percent    | (none)
greet_prog     | percent    | (none)
all_greet_prog | percent    | (none)
give_prog      | itemlist   | $o
bribe_prog     | goldpieces | (none)
Note: rand_prog and entry_prog do *NOT* have a $n variable available.
For act_prog, the variables depend on the information received
Any action that involves an object may use $o.
Any action that involves two or more objects may use $o and $p.
Any action that involves a third party may use $t.
These actions do not have to be done by the programmed mobile.
ie: A person types 'give <object> <target>'.  $o becomes <object>, and
$t becomes <target>.  $t may be the same as $i if the mobile itself is
the target of the action.
&RPK -> Pkill -> Player Killing
&GRules for Player Killing (8/03/96)
&z[&W1&z]  &RPlayer Killing &Wrange is +/- 5 levels.
     Regardless of whether or not you think you can take on
     a higher level foe.  +/- 5 levels strictly enforced.
&z[&W2&z]  &RSummoning &Wto &Raggressive &Wmobs is &RILLEGAL&W.
     Summoning to Clan Headquarters is &RILLEGAL&W.
     Pkilling in Clan Headquarters is &RILLEGAL&W.
     Summoning to places where a player is unlikely to recover
     their corpse is illegal.
     &CLEGAL&W, summoning to yourself (no aggressive mobs in room)
     and/or to yourself and a fellow clan mem &W ber.
&z[&W3&z]  &RYou MAY &Wprovide healing and shields for other players
     &GBEFORE &Wthe fighting begins &GUNLESS &Wyou are in a PKILL clan
     and WITHIN level range (+/- 5) of the TARGET.
&z[&W4&z]  &RCausing the death &Wof other players by shielding/healing
     mobs is &RILLEGAL&W, unless you are in a PKILL Clan and
     within the TARGET's level range.
&z[&W5&z]  &ROnce a person has been killed&W, that person is off limits
     until their corpse DECAYS.  That is about 12 minutes.
     Use 'c locate corpse', if you have the spell, to check.
&z[&W6&z]  &RDo NOT start a fight &Wif a reboot warning has been given.
     This constitutes making it impossible for a player to retrieve
     his/her corpse.  Also makes unnecessary trouble for Immortals.
     Only stipulation on looting &GCLAN EQUIPTMENT &Wis that it cannot
     be BOUGHT, SOLD, or TRADED.
&z[&W8&z]  &RYou may only PLOOT &Wif you MADE the KILL.
     You MUST make the killing blow.  If a MOB made the kill,
     you CANNOT LOOT the corpse.  Everyone can now see on the
     &B[&wINFO&B]&w: &Wchannel what mob killed a person.
&G          Welcome &WTraveller &Gto the Eye of the &RStorm &YII&w
                  &b,,''                   '';;;;,;''
                 &b;'    ,&R;@@;'  &r,@@;, &W@@&R, '&b;;;@@;,;';.
                &b''  ,;&R@@@@&r@'  ;@@@@; &b''    ;;&R@@&b@@@;;;;
                &b   ;;@@@@&R@;&b    '''     &r.,,;;;&R@@@&b@@@@;;;
                &b  ;;@&R@@@@@;           &r, ';;;@@@@@@&b@@;;;.
                   &b'';@@&R@@@,&r.  ,   .   &b'&r,;&R;;@@@@&b@@;;;;;;
                      &b.   &R''&r;;;&W;;&r;;;;,&b;;;;&R@@@&b@@;;' ,.;:'
                        &b''.&R.,,     &r''''    '  &R.&b,;'
     &YOriginal &RDikuMUD &Yby &RHans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
     &RTom Madsen, Michael Seifert, &Yand &RSebastian Hammer&Y.
     &YBased on &RMERC 2.1 &Ycode by &RHatchet, Furey, and Kahn
     &YAnd based on &RENVY &Ycode by &RMichael Quan, David Love,
     &RGuilherme Arnold, Mitchell Tse&Y.
                        &Y Thalador - Implementor

                   &CAltrag, Decklarean, Angi - Coders

                   &REmail &p(&Rstorm@cybercom.net)&p)

&WPlease choose a non-offensive, non-vulgar and medieval name!
&wWhat shall others call you within the Storm? ~
Syntax: cast 'animate dead' corpse
This spell will cause the target corpse to become undead and serve the you.
The undead corpse will automatically follow you and do what you 'order' it
to do.
Syntax: cast 'astral walk' <intended name of mob or character>
This spell enables the caster to 'astral' (automatically go) to an intended
location anywhere in the Storm.  As long as the area will allow you to
astral to it or out of it.
Eye of the Storm II perfers to have new and UNIQUE zones.  If the zone
is on anothermud please do not submit it here.  When you create an area for
use with EOSII, you give to the admin of the mud and those assigned by them
the right to use it and modify it on a permanent basis, because of the large
effort required by us to help you build the zone.  We retain the right to
use (or not use) any area submitted to us.  Once a zone is submitted and it
is linked into the mud the author of the zone gives up any rights to remove
the zone from the mud.  We will not give your area away without doing
everything in our power to ask your permission first and we kindly ask that
you do the same for us.  
If you feel you are qualified to build for us please speak to
Grunt, who is head of building here.
(Previous building experience is highly recommended)
To the absolute beginner:
Welcome to The Storm.  The Storm is a multi user Dungeon game or Mud for
short.  If you have gotten this far you have already chosen your race and
class.  Those choices you have made have created the character you are now
controlling.  You can make your character do almost anything by using a command
and pressing enter.  If your screen scrolls while you are typing just continue
to enter your command the mud will understand you.
Some commands to get you going are as follows:
   >look           and also 'look in <item>'
   >say            followed by the sentence you wish to say
   >who will show all visible players.
   >tell <person> and what you want to tell a person.
   >chat and what you want the world to hear.
   >exits          will reveal all obvious exits from the room you are in
   >north          will take you to the north if you can go there
   >south          -------------------- south -------------------
   >east           -------------------- east  -------------------
   >up             --------------------  up   -------------------
   >down           -------------------- down  -------------------
   >inventory      lists the items you carry
   >equipment      lists the items you are using
   >get <item>     to pick up an item
   >score          gives you your current score.
   >save saves your char and equipment.
   >quit  quits the game.
All commands can be abbreviated.  Thus the command 'look' can be abbreviated to
just 'l'.  Names of things and items can NOT be abbreviated, you must write
their full name to refer to them.  Be careful! Learn which abbreviations trigger
which commands.  For instance, 's' is an abbreviation for 'south' not 'say' and
sc is an abbreviation for score.
If you want to know more commands try just typing "help" by its self on a
line and press enter.  Also to find out more about commands try typing the
word "help" followed by the command for example try:
  help look
  help autoexits
For the extreem newbie and even the seasoned mudders we suggest you go through
mud school to learn how all the commands work.  In mud school you can do
everything from make your first few levels to buying a few needed items for
If you get stuck feel free to ask questions on the chat channel or check the
who list for a god with "Mortal Council" in their title.  Please try not to
bother other gods as they are usually very busy trying to add  to the world.
  From all the gods here at Storm we hope you have fun and wish your
  character luck as it runs into anything and everything.
Thalador, once a mortal druid is now one of the top Immortals of the land.. 
And so on.  
And modest too. :P
To contact Thal send email to
The RANGER is a class devoted primarily towards hand-to-hand
combat.  The RANGER has a powerful affiliation with nature and
receives limited spells from the DRUID class repetoire.  Though the
RANGER does not have as many multiple attacks as the WARRIOR,
his spellcasting ability makes the RANGER a formidable foe.  Few can 
best a prepared RANGER.
&GBards &gare travelling minstrels, collecting tales and lore
wherever they happen to be.  They are extremely curious and
have a deep wanderlust.  They usually form their stories into
songs.  Bards rarely stay in one place too long.  On their
many journeys, Bards have become jacks of all trades, but
masters of none.  They possess many spells and skills from
the different classes gathered as they wandered.
&GBards &gpossess the gift for words and singing.  Their voices
and songs possess great powers.  They &GSING&g their songs in
preparation of battle, during battle, and after to protect,
destroy and heal.
DRUIDS are a powerful nature based class.  There intimate
knowledge of the land allows them to draw magic from it.
They use nature as their ally, controlling it and shaping it to 
fit their needs.  Druids are the priests of nature, and the
guardians and protectors of the forests.
The PALADIN is an incredible fighter that lives by his deeds.
As strong as a Warrior, the Paladin fairs well in battle.  His 
skills in the art of healing others make him an excellent
player to group with.  With luck, tales of a Paladin's deeds
will live long after that Paladidn has ceased to exist.
The Vampire is a class that owns the night.  Their spells are
focused on draining the life from the living.  They get their power
from the blood of others.  Vampires possess the spell Dark Blessing,
which greatly increases hit points and damage roll.  Vampire's are
powerful fighters that also receive the dual wield skill. A Vampire  
has a huge disadvantage in the sunlight, and must be indoors to
be safe from the suns' harmful light during the daylight hours.
Syntax: newcorpse <player> Syntax: newcorpse <player> <corpse #>
Newcorpse allows you to recreate a corpse for a player who has lost thiers. 
The player must be online in order for the corpse to be recreated.  The 5
most recent corpses will be saved.  Typing newcorpse <player> will display a
list of corpses and number of items each corpse contains The corpses will be
flagged as valid or invalid.  DO NOT recreate an invalid corpse.  The
newcorpse routine is fairly intelligent and will not save corpses containing
only one item.  Therefore if the player has died trying to get his original
corpse, and has only a light source, that corpse will not be saved.  Once
the apporiate corpses to be recreated is decided upon , typing newcorpse
<player> <corpse #> will recreate the corpse.  The corpse will be recreated
in the room in which you issued the command.  
&wThere are 16 races available to choose from in the MUD, each with their
own bonuses and penalties.  Type Help (race name) for more information
about a particular race.  The races available are:
Human        Elf          Elder        Ogre
Dwarf        Pixie        Lizardman    Demon
Halfling     Drow         Ghoul        Illithid
Minotaur     Troll        Shadow       Tabaxi
*&zNOTE&W*&w Some races have their special racial abilities listed, but not
all are listed yet, so don't pass up a race because it's aren't listed
at this time.  Abilities listed in &Rred&w denote a race-specific skill,
while those in plain white are natural effects that are automatic.
The MUD contains 13 classes, each varying in abilities and proficiencies.
The classes are as follows;
Mage       Cleric       Thief       Warrior       Psionisist       Druid
Ranger     Paladin      Bard        Vampire       Necromancer      Werewolf    
For information on each class, type help <class name>
Pet Shops are one of the more tricky aspects of building, because a pet
shop requires 2 rooms in order to function correctly.  The first room is
where the person goes to buy their pet.  The second room is where the mobs
for sale are reset to.  It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that the second room be
the VERY NEXT VNUM after the first.  (Thus if the pet shop is room 1234,
then the second room where the pets are stored should be 1235) 
Room1: Gets the pet_shop flag. No mob is necessary but one just standing there
       pretending to be a shopkeeper adds to the reality. The mob is not a 
       shopkeeper, the room itself is the shopkeeper.
Room2: This is where you reset the mobs for sale. the mobs must have the flag
       'Pet' toggled under the act section. Prices are set by mob level.
Syntax: Pray This is a powerful spell for both CLERICS and PALADINS. 
When cast on a character with good alignment, the spell will bestow many
positive effects.  A blessing from the gods, you can temporarily increase
you hit points, by praying for yourself..  When a evil characters cast
prayer, their alignment will move toward that of a good character, though
they won't receive the blessings a good character would receive.  
Here is a list of all the possible classes here at EOSII
Mage     Cleric     Thief     Warrior     Psionicist     Druid
Ranger   Paladin    Bard      Vampire     Necromancer    Werewolf
For further information on a particular class, type help <class name>.
Syntax: soulstrike
A skill for paladins that uses some of their hp to inflict damage on the enemy.
This skill is used while in combat, and only by those who are good of heart.
Syntax: cast disrupt <target>
A very powerful high level Psionisist spell, that can inflict major 
damage on an enemy  by disrupting the fabric of their being
causing intense pain and suffering.
Syntax cast 'molecular unbinding' <victim>
Casting this spell before combat will auto-start a battle after 
attempting to wreck one of your victim's worn/wielded items.  Can
also be cast from within combat.  The victim of the spell is given
a save to negate the affects.
Ok builders,.... here's the info you all have been waiting for.
While in oedit, you have the possibility to do 5 things with INVOKE.
These are set by the ac_type command.  (See help AC_TYPE)  The most 
common of these is ac_type 5, which is for casting spells. Once you set the
ac_type, you then must fill in any other information required.  For casting a
spell, you must provide a spell (help ac_setspell) and a current and maximum
charge level (help ac_v1, and ac_v2).  To change an object from the current
one to another, you must provide a second object the current one will 
transform to (help ac_vnum).  Here's a sample for invoking invis:
ac_type 5
ac_setspell invisibility
ac_v1 5
ac_v2 5
Your friendly help file person Muerte :)
101 AC_TYPE~
AC_TYPE is used to set the function that the invoke command will
execute.  There are 5 different functions possible:
ac_type 1  will oload an item 
ac_type 2  will mload a mob
ac_type 3 will trans a player
ac_type 4 will change one item to another
ac_type 5  will cast a spell
For all except 5, you must provide a vnum for either an object, mob, or location
101 AC_VNUM~
This command is used in conjunction with the ac_type command.
Syntax ac_vnum <vnum>
You can use the vnum of an object, a mob, or a location.
The vnum does not have to be from your area.
Syntax ac_setspell <spell name>
This command is used in conjunction with using the ac_type 5.
It will set the spell that will be invoked.
101 AC_V1~
Syntax:  ac_v1 <#>  
This will set the current number of charges, or times an object can 
be invoked.    
101 AC_V2~
Syntax:  ac_v2 <#> (use -1 for infinite amount)
This will set the maximum number of charges allowed on the object.
Syntax:   cast 'Healing hands' <player>
This is a powerful healing spell that paladins can use to heal others.
You cannot cast this spell on yourself.
Syntax: class <message> 
        or      >      {message}
The Class Channel will broadcast your message to everybody 
who is on from your class.  
CHAMPIONS, aka HEROes are those players who have progressed as 
far as can be attained in the game on a mortal level. Having mastered
the mud, they are a good first source of information should you need
Champions can communicate with each other using the HERO
channel, by typing hero <message> or -<message>
To use the REMOTE EMOTE actions, type <player's name (action) for example
<Thalador hugs you!  Thalador would see + <your name> hugs you!  Try them
out on your friends or victims and have a ball!  
Syntax: Lapdance
        Beg for Lapdance
NOTE: Do NOT attempt this maneuver on anyone wearing spiked armor.
&GSyntax:  donate <object> ; don <object>
&YDonate&G is a new command that will send an item in your
inventory to one of the 4 donation rooms in Bethaven.  The
donation rooms are located *&YWEST&G* of the Oracle.  Each
room will contain different types of objects.  One for
weapons, armor, magical, and miscellaneous.  Once donated,
the items will 'disappear' if not taken within 20 mud hours.
You can donate an object from anywhere in the Storm.  It
will be magically transported to the right donation room.
&wA race of ghastly abominations, rising from the ground to feed on other
denizens.  What they lack in intelligence, wisdom, and dexterity, they make
up for in strength and constitution.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&w Immunity to poison.
&z*&w Damage done to them is reduced by 1/8th.
&z*&w They poison enemies with each touch lowering a victim's CON statistic.
&WStat Modifications&w:
Str: +2, Int: -1, Wis: -1, Dex: -1, Con: +1
*&zNOTE&W*&w Ghouls find food by eating corpses left behind by fallen foes, NOT
through conventional means.  Ghouls are also considered 'undead' and are 
treated accordingly.
&wAlso known as Mindflayers, Illithids are a race of spellcasters that
usually live deep underground.  Because they are so absorbed by the mind,
they have become very frail of body.  They are best suited as Psionicists or
any type of Spellcaster.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&w They're able to use the 'mental drain' skill 3 times as fast.
&z*&w They are able to cause more damage with the 'mental drain' skill and
  receive more mana with each drain.
&z*&w Damage dealt with the spell 'energy drain' is doubled.
&z*&w They can use the 'detonate' spell every round instead of every other round.
&z*&w Enemies don't get a saving throw vs 'psionic blast' so that spell always
  does full damage vs an attacker.
&WStat Modifications&w:
Str: -3, Int: +3, Wis: +2, Con: -2
1 HEX~
syntax: c 'hex' <target>
Drawing on the powers of the dead and the dark, Necromancers are able
to place very powerfull hexes on their opponents.  This spell has been
known to affect it's victims in many different, and nefarious, ways.
syntax: c 'dark ritual'
When a Necromancer performs a dark ritual, he calls upon his powers to
drain all of the remaining mystical energies from a fallen opponent.
The drained energies are then added to his own.
syntax: gravebind corpse
While the other habitants of the land are not able to control what they
get when they sacrifice corpses, Necromancers have developped a technique
which let's them aborb all the remaining life force in a corpse when they
destroy it.  They have named this skill gravebind and it is the best
method to get rid of corpses.
When Mages become more knowledgable in the arts, they are given to the
learning of this skill.  A Mage skilled in spellcraft is able to double the
power of his damage dealing spells.  
syntax: multiburst <spell> <spell>
With this skill, a mage is able to summon enough energy within himself to
cast two spells at once at his opponent.  Because this process takes
much concentration, the mana cost of using this is much greater than
that of the regular spells totalled up.
&wThe romancer of the undead causing pain, death and rebirth
in the form of a tainted soul in unrest. They possess powers
to drain energy from corpses and animate them to their will.
Possessing dark magic to feed off the living and the dead,
Necromancers are feared throughout life... and death.
Werewolves are the beastly killers of the realm.  Using their claws and
jaws to fight, they have become more than equal adversaries to the warriors
of the lands.  They use all sort of tactics to frighten their opponents into
not fighting at their peak level.  
Werewolves being animals, the adore fighting with their claws.  At an
early period in their lives, the develop a better fighting style with only
the use of their claws.  Enhanced claws is the skill in which a werewolf
learns how to better wound his opponent when fighting bare handed.  (If you
can call razor sharp claws bare hand, that is...)  
When a werewolf becomes more adept at fighting bare hand, he becomes more
skilled and better balanced.  It is at this point that one starts to fight
using both claws at once.  No longer raking and clawing only with one hand,
werewolves become even fiercer adversaries.  
Rage is the ability of a werewolf too unleash all his anger and revert to
the most primitive form of his species.  When enraged, werewolves lose all
sense of modern warfare, refusing the use of weapons.  They, however, become
a force to be rekonned with with in melee battles, using brute force to
crush their opponents.  
syntax: c 'stench of decay' <victim>
With this spell, Necromancers invoke the foulest weapon in their arsenal to
inflict damage on their opponents.
106 EMAIL~
&RThalador   &w=&C storm&c@&Bcybercom&w.&Bnet
&RServer     &w=&C storm&c@&Baaron&w.&Btechline&w.&Bcom
&RSherf      &w=&C martrebor&c@&Bgolden&w.&Bnet
&RXavier     &w=&C bell&c@&Borc&w.&Bca
&RFlint      &w=&C flint&c@&Borc&w.&Bca
&RAngi       &w=&C angi&c@&Bcyberbeach&w.&Bnet
&RMalaclypse &w=&C mperez&c@&Btao&w.&Bagoron&w.&Bcom
&RGrunt      &w=&C playboy&c@&B@ziplink&w.&Bnet
&RDolguard   &w=&C dolguard&c@&Bcyberbeach.net
&RIsabo      &w=&C jesslee&c@&Buriel&w.&Bnet
&RVermilion  &w=&C vermin&c@&Bleary&w.&Bhuron&w.&Bnet
&RKeirkan    &w=&C ????
&RShayDn     &w=&C ????
For all &WImmortals &cof the Storm, Whotype allows you to
create & change the title before your name on 'who'.
The title is the one in &W[ ]&c's.
&CSyntax:  &Wwhotype &w<&Wtext&w>
&cNote:  &PC&Wo&Rl&Yo&Gr &cCodes are &CEXEMPT&c from the &W10&c space limit.
       To set whotype to default, type &Cwhotype default&c.
This skill allows a master thief to pick up a object lying on the ground or
a object in a container without it being seen by others in the room.
Scent allows a Werewolf to use their sense of smell to scan their surroundings
two rooms deep and in all directions, they can even detect invisible mobiles.
While fighting, if you use frenzy, your damroll and hitroll will go up
and your armor class will go down.
Adrenaline rush lowers DEX by 2 but it improves the number of attacks per round
that you will deal.
Bite is a extra attack for werewolves, similar to kick.
This skill will improve with each level you gain.
This skill lowers the damroll and hitroll of your opponent.
Bards are masters of song.  Their voices possess magical powers that
protect, heal, and destroy.
&CSyntax&C: &c  &WSing &w<&WSong/Spell&w>
&RBanlist&w: Shows the current list of banned sites and users.
&RPermban&w: Permanently bans a site.  Can only be removed by level
         108 trust immortals.  Use this to ban SITES only, not users.
&RTempban&w: Temporarily bans a site or user until desicion to &Rpermban &wis
         made. 107 trust immortals may remove a &Rtempban&w.
&RNewban&w : Prevents a site or user from making new characters.
         ALWAYS use this when banning a specific username.
&RAllow&w  : Command used to remove a site or user from the ban list.
&wUse &RPERMBAN&w, &RTEMPBAN&w, &RNEWBAN&w & &RALLOW&w without arguments to see the syntax
of these commands.
This skill increases the damage a werewolf's claws do in combat.  The use of
this skill is automatic once practiced, but only works while the werewolf is
using his claws.  It will not give a werewolf any extra damage while the
werewolf is using conventional weapons.
Syntax: howl <target>
Faced with the bellowing howl of rage from a werewolf's towering form, most
enemies will be stricken by a sudden overwhelming feeling of fear and paralysis.
Victims effected by a werewolf's beastly howl are generally disheartened and
therefor inflict less damage with each hit and find themselves too afraid to
press their oppenent making their hits landed fewer.
Syntax: enhance
Note  : This spell is the skill equivalent of 'haste' and is not accumulative
        with it.
The art of fluid movement, trained by thieves and natural to werewolves, is
displayed through either of these graceful opponent's specialized reflexes.  By
concentrating on your objective and making yourself feel one with it these
groups of men, women and beasts are able to hone their skills and speed into a
near dance of gracefully dealt death allowing them to land blows faster than the
eye can keep up with.
After gaining a certain amount of experience in the art of barehanded fighting
werewolves give up some of their defensive forms to learn the tactics of
attacking with both claws.  For them to be allowed this freedom of movement they
must not use a shield or hold any items, freeing their hands and arms enough to
allow quick movement.  This skill once learned is automatic in function and
works similar to 'dual wield', but does not require a second weapon to be used.
&wSyntax: &Wrake <target>
Sensing an opening in your defenses a trained werewolf will quickly
press his or her advantage by taking a swift and savage strike at your
eyes, gouging them with their sharp claws.  This attack will almost
always leave an opponent blind and wishing he'd paid closer attention,
but is not accumulative, due to it's damaging nature.
A true master of the thieving arts might learn the skill of striking with not
one, but two backstabs.  Requiring the agility known only to a select few of the
world's adventurers, this ability demands a high mastery in the art of stealth
to slip behind someone and take them by surprise enough to land more than the
first backside blow.  Although while it has many advantages, this does leave a
thief's striking range rather short, since to strike multiple blows he must use
both hands with daggers ready.
102 DEMM_102~
101 DEMM_101~
&RThe world twist and spirles in.  Power drains away from you leaving you
empty.  A meager spark remains from the power you once had.  
&z|              &B The Collective Champions of &rEye of the Storm II          &z|
&z| Level 101 Champions:                                                       &z|
&z| Level 100 Champions:                                                       &z|
&z| &w"&CMay the legends of their deeds stay true to their actions with the        &z|
&z| &Cpassing of time.&w"&B  Please do NOT use the names of champions no longer with &z|
&z| &Bus or no longer graced by that title unless you were the original user of  &z|
&z| &Bthat name.  Champion names in &Rred&B are no longer with us or are no longer   &z|
&z| &Bchampions by level.                             Total # of Champions &w= &R120 &z|
106 'CEDIT'~
Syntax: &Wcedit # &C(# found in 'clans' command)
&z           ______________________________________________
&z           | &RCommands &w>&rin cedit&w<&z| &CClan Position         &z|
&z           |--------------------------------------------|
&z           |&r deity <name>       &z|&c Clan Deity            &z|
&z           |&r power 1 <name>     &z|&c Champion              &z|
&z           |&r power 2 <name>     &z|&c Leader                &z|
&z           |&r power 3 <name>     &z|&c Council               &z|
&z           |&r power 4 <name>     &z|&c Centurion             &z|
&z           |&r pkill yes/no       &z|&c PlayerKill Toggle     &z|
&z           |&r recall #           &z|&c Recall Room           &z|
&z           |&r pkills #           &z|&c # of kills (players)  &z|
&z           |&r pkilled #          &z|&c # of deaths (players) &z|
&z           |&r mkills #           &z|&c # of deaths (mobs)    &z|
&z           |____________________|_______________________|
The use of this command should generally only be done by the MUD's IMP's, Thalador,
or the Clan Administrator and his/her Assistant.  Unless otherwise
asked by the above listed please do not edit clan statistics.
&z___________________  _____________________  
&z| RACE       |  # |  | CLASS        |  # |  Other settings of MSET:
&z|------------|----|  |--------------|----|  --------------------------------
&z| &BHuman      &z|&R  0 &z|  | &BMage         &z|&R  0 &z|  &z[&Rstr, int, wis, dex & con&z]
&z| &BElf        &z|&R  1 &z|  | &BCleric       &z|&R  1 &z|  &wTrained stats of a character.
&z| &BDwarf      &z|&R  2 &z|  | &BThief        &z|&R  2 &z|  &Wsyntaxname.
              &W-&RT&Ya&Gl&Bi&Pa&w, &rMistress &wof the &zBlack Arts&W-
101 GRUNT~
&COk, Arch had a good idea in mind when he set a schedule for his usual
times to be around here on the mud, so I've decided to follow along, here is
when you can usually find me either here, or on the builders port.  I'm
usually on both at the same time when I am on, to make it easier for people
to find me.  
&BMonday&w:    &c6-11pm EST
&BTuesday&w:   &c6-11pm EST
&BWednesday&w: &c6-11pm EST
&BThursday&w:  &c6-11pm EST
&BFriday&w:    &c6-11pm EST
&BSaturday&w:  &cVarious Times EST
&BSunday&w:    &cVarious Times EST
&CAnd if all else fails, you can email me at:
&BWhile mortals are the lifeblood of a MUD, immortals are the guiding force
directing it in the right direction, but how each immortal (imm) acts in
their job varies greatly.  Thalador have been receiving a GREAT
many notes upon subjects they either shouldn't have to or don't have time
to deal with.  Please only note them if the problem -requires- their
direct help or an immortal specifically asks you to do so.  Here's a list
of those to look for in help, wether they're on or not:
&z &B                                                 &w        &z|&R Note to:
&z*&B Pfile errors (check with an imm first to varify)&w........&z|&R &RThalador
&z*&B Coding bugs of any sort, suspected or fact&w..............&z|&R 1045
&z*&B Suggestions for new abilities&w...........................&z|&R 1045
&z*&B Errors in areas, items and\or mobs of any sort&w..........&z|&R Grunt &w& &RSherf
&z*&B Inquiring of becoming a builder&w.........................&z|&R Grunt &w& &RSherf
&z*&B Questions in general of clans&w...........................&z|&R CLANS
&z*&B Questions for immortals in general&w......................&z|&R Immortal
&BCLANS     &w=&R the Clan Guild &C(Anyone related to clan running)
&B1045      &w=&R the Coder Guild &C(All of the MUD's coders)
&BIf in doubt, look at the help files on immortals help '106', '107', etc..
which will give a more indepth look at their job description.  Then type:
&w"&rwho 106&w"&B, check the &w'&rwizlist&w'&B and ask the lowest leveled person on you
can see.  This is our 'chain of command', please use and respect it.
Thank you for your time & effort into making this MUD what it is today.
An Imm Toy is any item created by an Imm with illegal stats on it.
Illegal stats meaning something that would NOT be allowed in game.
Imm Toys cause more crashes and headaches around here, and that leads
to pissing me off, and you really don't want to do that.  Imm Toys are NOT
allowed, and if you've created any, delete them NOW!  There's enough 
Imm crap in game as it is.
&W Autoquesting is for every level and there are certain rules and
commands to know about.  &W You have to be at a Quest Master mob to use most
the available commands.  
&wQUEST INFO:&W This will tell you what you are currently questing for.
&wQUEST TIME:&W Displays the amount of time you have left to complete your current
&W            quest or the amount of time until you can quest again if you just
&W            quested.
&wQUEST POINTS:&W This will tell you the amount of quest points you have so far.
&wQUEST REQUEST:&W This allows you to -request- an autoquest. The &cQuest Master&W
&W               will then see if it has a quest to give you.
&wQUEST COMPLETE:&W Once you've completed a quest, return to the &cQuest Master&W
&W                who assigned you the quest, and type QUEST COMPLETE.
&wQUEST LIST:&W This lists the available items you can buy with your quest points. 
&W            You must be at a &cQuest Master&W to list or buy items also.
&wQUEST BUY:&W To buy an item type QUEST BUY <item>.
&wQUEST AREA:&W When you are assigned a quest, you may type QUEST AREA to see what
&W            area your quest is in.
&WAutoquests are random, and chosen suitable to your level. Sometimes you will
&Wget a quest to kill a mob, or a quest to find an object. If you are assigned an
&Wobject quest, the object is placed in the room of a suitable mob according to 
&Wyour level. You must go get the object and return to the &cQuest Master&W and
&Wtype QUEST COMPLETE.  He will then take the object from you and reward you with
&Wquest points.
&WIf you are assigned a mob quest, you must go find the mob and kill it, then 
&Wreturn to the &cQuest Master&W and type QUEST COMPLETE.  The mob you are to kill
&Wwill have a [TARGET] flag and while you are questing you will have a [QUESTING]
&R --- Before you begin questing, make sure you read HELP AUTOQUEST RULES ---
&WThe amount of time you are given for a quest is random, and can range anywhere
&Wfrom 10-30 minutes.  Once you have completed a quest, you must wait 30 minutes 
&W-REAL- time before you can autoquest again.  If you request a quest and the
&cQuest Master&W doesn't have a quest for you, you must wait 10 minutes before
&Wtrying to quest again.
&WThe points you gain while questing are saved every time you log off, but don't
&Wlast forever.  Each ten levels you lose any quest points you might of gained,
&Wfor example at level 10 you would be back at 0 quest points.  So quest lots and
&Wspend your quest points! Don't forget to read &RHELP AUTOQUEST RULES.&W Anyone
&Wwho doesn't abide by the rules will have to deal with the consequences. We want
&Wthis to be enjoyable for everyone.
syntax: Ironfist
With this skill, a monk is able to turn his fist to iron, making him hit
more often and harder.
syntax: cast 'iron skin'
This spell enables a monk to turn his skin to iron-like solidity.  While
this spell is active, the monk is harder to hit and absorbs a bit of damage
inflicted to him.
syntax: cast 'chi shield'
This spell surrounds the caster with shield of his own chi.  This shield
is highly impervious to magic and will reduce the chance of magical spells
hitting the monk.  It also serves to reduce a bit of damage.
Although he is not unfamiliar with weapon combat, the
Monk believes in "using what you have" to fight with.
In the form of the martial arts, the Monk uses his
hands as his weapons and defense system. The power
of the mind is also one of the Monks high points.
&wMade from the joining of man and bull, these ancient creatures are
often found guarding various treasures throughout the realms of the land.
Born with massive strength and amazing stamina, these noble beasts can often
live centuries before passing on with only their slow movement, due to their
massive bulk, hindering them.  Using the dual horns of their head they can
often temporarily paralyse an enemy with one mighty slam of their head.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&R Headbutt&w: Causes minor damage & has a 10% chance at stunning an opponent.
&WStat Modifications&w:
&CStr: &w+1, &CWis: &w+2, &CDex: &w-4, &CCon: &w+1
&WSyntax:&w headbutt
Minotaurs armed naturally with horns atop their head and built with the
strength of the combination of man and bull are able to use their massive
heads to cause heavy damage to an attacker.  As a minotaur gains experience
out in the world through their lifetime they are able to increase the speed
in which they recover from a sprawling headbutt and slam an opponent again.
Naturally due to their chosen profession, those learned in the arts of
melee combat are easier able to recover from performing a headbutt attack
before those of the magical profession.
*&WNOTE&z*&w Headbutt is a race-specific spell.  You must be of the "minotaur" race
or it will not work.
&Wsyntax:&w sing 'song of missiles' <victim>
Summoning magic from depths of their souls, these wandering entertainers are
able to spread out magical missiles comprised of the strength of their voice.
&Wsyntax:&w sing 'song of voices' <speaker> <message>
Having spent years training their voices in the arts of entertainment, many
bards have learned how to form the illusion of casting their voice from a
different direction.  Using this they can often make people believe that
someone entirely different from the bard said something they didn't actually
&Wsyntax:&w sing 'song of evil sight'
Often having to travel from village to village entertaining in the local
inns and taverns, bards have learned to spot those of evil nature through
cautious observation, so they don't find themselves working for someone who
won't pay up after the performance.  This learned ability is invaluable to
a bard's pouch of gold.
&Wsyntax:&w sing 'song of icy touch' <victim>
Modifying the tone of their trained voices, bards are sometimes able to not
simply give the sound of ice to their speech, but cause the actual freezing
of their opponent, spreading fear throughout the victim's soul.
&Wsyntax:&w sing 'song of night vision'
After spending years training themselves to listen to the most acute of
sounds for musical perfection, bards have become adept at focusing into
sounds around them in the dark, where they can then use their eyes to focus
in upon the source of sound.
&Wsyntax:&w sing 'song of protection' <target>
Taping into their arts of entertainment the skilled performer is often able
to strengthen the moral of their own fearing heart or that of their companion
with a simple song, causing the affected person to increase their ability to
keep out of harm's way.
&Wsyntax:&w sing 'song of earthquake'
Focusing their voice to such a pitch, learned after years of practice, a
skilled bard can bring about terrifying damage by shaking the very ground
around them with their voice.
&Wsyntax:&w sing 'song of soothing' <target>
Using their voice to entertain and relax a weary fighter, bards can offer
a slight amount of healing towards the soul, helping to speed up the healing
of the players body.  Bards are also able to lighten their own hearts with
their music through these means.
&Wsyntax:&w sing 'song of sleeping' <victim>
Carrying the motherhood songs for the purpose of luling an infant child into
sleep to the form of an art, bards can turn this skill to combatitive uses by
making their enemies fall to the ground in exhaustion.
&Wsyntax:&w sing 'song of adrenaline'
Using their voice as a cataclyst for focusing their thoughts and strength to
the task at hand, many bards can unleash the powers of the body through music
bringing the body's adrenaline to bear at will.
&wSpending their time training in the techniques of the martial arts, a skilled
monk is able to eventually achieve the status of a blackbelt.  One of this
skill level is able to attack with both hands instead of just one as the
begining monks do.  (Use of this skill is automatic once practiced, but you
can't be holding any item or wearing any shield or it will be disengaged.)
&Wsyntax:&w df <victim>
Harnessing the magical powers of the drow race, these creatures of the dark
can engulf their enemies in a terrifying display of flame.  Someone falling
victim to such an attack is often unable to flee the storm for safty and
finds themselves an easier to hit target for their prey.
*&WNOTE&z*&w Drow fire is a race-specific spell.  You must be of the "drow" race
or it will not work.
&wAfter spending years training in the martial arts, many monks further enhance
their studies in hand-to-hand combat learning the makeup of the human body.
This teaches them were the weaker places of the body, including the many
"pressure points" of the body, are, allowing them to cause massive amounts of
damage with a single touch.  Use of these pressure points can often lead to a
monk stunning an attacker in a single move or even on rare occassions lead to
an enemy's death.
&C(Use of 'anatomy knowledge' is automatic once trained.)
&Wsyntax:&w flying  &C(while in combat)
Highly trained in the martial arts, skilled monks often improve their kicking
abilities, using their incredible speed and agility to lauch themselves into
the air towards an attacker, heightening the impact.  &C(Flying Kick is very
similar to the common 'kick' skill, just stronger.)
&z* &wKick
See Also&w: KICK, MONK
&Wsyntax:&w trip  &C(While in combat)
&wMaster thieves, pocessing a near perfect fluid grace to their movements, are
often fast enough to duck down low, using one leg to sweep an attacker's
legs out from under him, before their enemy is even aware of their
intenions.  This usually leaves the victim stunned on the ground as the
impact of the fall knocks the wind from him.
&C(Trip is similar to the warrior skill of 'stun' in it's effect.)
&wThis skill increases the damage you inflict when attacking.  Use of the skill
is automatic once you have practiced it.
&z* &wEnhanced Damage
&wThis skill increases the damage you inflict when attacking.  Use of the skill
is automatic once you have practiced it.
&z* &wEnhanced Damage
&z* &wEnhanced Damage Two
&wHere's a quick reference of the skills available to the various races at this
point in time:
&WSkill             Race          Use
&RHeadbutt          &BMinotaur      &wMinor damage & 10% chance of stun.
&RDrow Fire         &BDrow          &wHeavily improved faerie fire & incinerate.
&RSidestep          &BShadow        &w50% chance of dodge + bonus %.
&RForge             &BDwarf         &wAllows a player to make specific eq.
&RSpit              &BLizardman     &wMinor damage, chance: blindness or stun.
&RGlobe of Darkness &BDrow          &wCloaks surrounding area in darkness.
See Also&w: RACE
&wHere's a quick reference of the statistics modified by the various races at
this point in time:
&z|&B Human      &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|
&z|&B Elf        &z|&C    &z|&C +1 &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|&C -1 &z|
&z|&B Dwarf      &z|&C    &z|&C -2 &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|&C +2 &z|
&z|&B Pixie      &z|&C -2 &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|&C +2 &z|&C    &z|
&z|&B Halfling   &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|&C -2 &z|&C +2 &z|&C    &z|
&z|&B Drow       &z|&C -1 &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|&C +1 &z|&C    &z|
&z|&B Elder      &z|&C -3 &z|&C    &z|&C +3 &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|
&z|&B Ogre       &z|&C +3 &z|&C -3 &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|
&z|&B Lizardman  &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|&C -2 &z|&C +2 &z|
&z|&B Demon      &z|&C    &z|&C    &z|&C -4 &z|&C    &z|&C +4 &z|
&z|&B Ghoul      &z|&C +2 &z|&C -1 &z|&C -1 &z|&C -1 &z|&C +1 &z|
&z|&B Illithid   &z|&C -3 &z|&C +3 &z|&C +2 &z|&C    &z|&C -2 &z|
&z|&B Minotaur   &z|&C +1 &z|&C    &z|&C +2 &z|&C -4 &z|&C +1 &z|
&z|&B Troll      &z|&C    &z|&C -1 &z|&C -1 &z|&C -2 &z|&C +4 &z|
&z|&B Shadow     &z|&C    &z|&C -2 &z|&C    &z|&C +2 &z|&C    &z|
&z|&B Tabaxi     &z|&C +1 &z|&C -2 &z|&C -2 &z|&C +2 &z|&C +1 &z|
&WSyntax&w: blade <victim>
Highly trained in the martial arts, monks are capable of causing much damage
by just one move.  Using the palm of their hand, these noble fighters are
able to cause serious damage to an attacker, possibly leaving the enemy
stunned on the ground or on the very rare occassion kill their opponent.
&z* &wAnatomy Knowledge
  &w(&CFor you to be able to stun or kill with this command.&w)
-1 'SNATCH'~
&Wsyntax&w: snatch  <item> <victim>
&Wsyntax&w: snatch  coins  <victim>
Utilizing their enhanced dexterity in combat, the experienced thief can
manage to steal from you even during combat.  This command works exactly
like the 'steal' command and comes with the same penalties as steal does when
you fail.
&z *&w Steal
-1 'NERVE'~
&Wsyntax&w: nerve  &C(While in combat)
Having spent their lives training in the martial arts and learning where the
various pressure points of the body are, highly experienced monks are able to
disarm an opponent in one move, leaving their arms utterly useless for a
short amount of time.  Due to this nerving attack an enemy can't get things,
quaff potions or retrieve their disarmed weapons, shield & held item until
the pain stops.
&WWhat is a flag?&w
When a player fails to steal successfully from another player they gain a
&z(THIEF)&w flag before their names and are now open game to be hunted down by
members of the &r[MERCENARY]&w guild.  Until their flag is removed, certain mobs
flagged as executioners will autoattack any thief they find.  Generally
you'll find such executioners at town gates and by healing facilities, but
not always.
Removing your flag&w:
Quite simple.  You can't :).  Only by death from one of the &r[MERCENARY]&w Guild
can you lose your flag or by one of the IMPs deciding to pardon you, which is
extremely rare to never.  But that's the risks.
&Wsyntax&w: push <player> <direction>
&Wsyntax&w: drag <player> <direction>
Push&w: This is used to move a _standing_ player from a room against their own
will, by pushing them in an available direction.  It also works vs mobs.
When you push the player, they will be moved into that adjoining room, but
you will remain in the current room.
Drag&w: This you use to move a _resting_ player from a room against their own
will, by dragging them from that room into an adjoining room.  It works vs
mobs as well.  When you drag a victim you AND the victim will be moved to
the adjoining room.
*&WNOTE&z*&w These work in safe rooms as well.
&wThese are the laws set forth by the immortals of this MUD pertaining to the
command 'Steal' when used against players.
*&w You may NOT under any circumstances lend, borrow, sell, trade or give
  equipment that has been stolen to anyone, including your own characters.
  This pertains to ALL equipment, clan or regular.  This includes hiding
  your stolen equipment in a container and auctioning it or donating it for
  others to retrieve or giving it to mobs to kill and take back later with
  another character.
With the aid of this spell, the Necromancer manifests its greatest power...
The power over life and death itself!
When successfully cast, this spell entraps the soul of the victim which
then becomes the Necromancer's slave.  As a side-effect, the victim's
body is consumed and transformed into a gem-like artifact which
the caster uses to manipulate the soul.
-1 'HAGGLE'~
&wProfit-minded as always, thieves learn at an early age to haggle the storm's
shopkeepers into much better prices than what is listed.  Use of the haggle
skill is automatic once trained.
See Also&w: THIEF
&wThe experienced thief, highly trained in the arts of stealth, is capable of
increasing his dodging abilities from being a mere form of evading an attack
to a near art form.  Using this enhanced ability they're able to dodge
attacks that even the nimblest of warriors would be unable to evade.  Use of
the skill is automatic once you have practiced it.
&z* &wDodge
&WSyntax&w: retreat <direction>
As a member of a profession trained for the skills of thieving, these
would-be thieves often need a quick way of escaping a scene unnoticed.
Applying their arts of stealth, thieves can retreat from a battle without
losing any experience, but in their haste should they retreat into a door
or wall's direction they won't see it before they run right into it,
temporarily stunning them on the ground.
&z* &WItem&w: Smoke Bomb  &C(Sheridan's Thieving Supplies)
See Also&w: FLEE
&wDue to their prime time of thieving being at night, thieves have learned to
do their handiwork without even needing to see.  Warriors as well have
learned with experience to hunt down their prey by sound when their sight is
impaired.  Blind fighting allows a thief or warrior the ability to use their
melee attacks (Kick, Punch, Circle, Gouge..etc..) even while blinded.
Use of this skill is automatic once trained.
&wExperienced in the arts of poisoning, thieves are also masters of making
quick antidotes to their handiwork.  Able to reverse their own deadly
concoctions, they can create a remedy in seconds.
&z* &WItem&w: Empty Flask &C(Sheridan's Thieving Supplies [Bethaven])
&wLong hidden within the sanctity of their mountain caves, a race known in the
past only as a myth, lies the civilization of the trolls.  Built with the
undying stamina of the mountains they reside in, these green skinned beasts
often grow to obtain a state of health few other races believed possible.
Hindered by their slow intellect and mobility, the troll society seems to
have decided as a whole to rejoin the races of the realms, moving out of
their sanctuaries in numbers reaching high into the thousands.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&w Fast Healing
  &w(&CThis allows a player to regenerate hp five times as fast per tick.&w)
&WStat Modifications&w:
&CInt: &w-1, &CWis: &w-1, &CDex: &w-2, &CCon: &w+4
&wAs black in soul as the night, known by the races of the realms only as
shadows, these lurkers of the dark are ever present, moving beyond the eye's
range of sight through the darkness.  As graceful in movement as the flow of
liquid, shadows are only limited by their lack of independant thought.  Their
general dislike of other races keeps them from gaining the benefits of the
wisdom from the individual races throughout the storm.
&WRacial Abilities&w:
&z*&R Sidestep&w: Allows a player to dodge out of the way of an incoming attack.
&z*&w Pass Door&w: Allows a player to pass through some locked doors.
&WStat Modifications&w:
&CInt: &w-2, &CDex: &w+2
Syntax: shadow <mob>
Syntax: shadow 'mob's name'
Syntax: (Ie.  shadow 'white dragon')
Thieves and werewolves of high level and experience are able to apply their
skills at the art of stealth into a form of stalking.  Able to simple disappear
into the shadows before your eyes, these shadow walkers can appear in the blink
of an eye.  Some areas, due to their conditions, are unable to support enough
shadows for their arts, such as deserts in the daytime.  Also their ability is
limited within a certain distance of range, due to the tiring strain of
attempting to remain unseen.
&wUtilizing the darkness of the shadows about them, people of the 'shadow' race
are able to dodge even the quickest of attacks, moving before an attacker's
eye can even register them.  &C(Sidestep has a base dodge % of 50 and goes down
1% per level the mob/player is higher than you.  Example: You (level 40
shadow) are attacking a level 55 mob.  &w% = 50 - (55 - 40) = 35%&C).
*&WNOTE&z*&w Sidestep is a race-specific spell.  You must be of the "shadow" race
or it will not work.
&WSyntax&w:  Forge <obj> <race> <lvl>
&WExample&w: Forge Ring  Elf    50
&Bobj &W=&w ring necklace armor helm       &c|&B race&W=&w any valid race. HELP FORGE RACES
&w      mask leggings boots gauntlets  &c|&w       to see race groupings.
&w      gauntlets armplates shield     &c|&B lvl &W=&w minimum 30, maximum 105.
&w      belt bracer anklet weapon      &c|&B cost&W=&w 10000 * lvl
&wLong known as being among the finest crafters of equipment, dwarves have
gained a place of some respect among the races of the realms.  Able to craft
equipment for any race or of any type, these stocky people are sought out by
adventurers all across the storm for their expertise.
There are several things you should know about 'forge' before using it
though.  So please remember to read all of the necessary help files so you
don't find yourself wasting your money.
*&WNOTE&z*&w Forge is a race-specific spell.  You must be of the "dwarf" race or it 
       will not work.
&w(&CInformation for the Dwarven racial ability of FORGE.&w)
Due to the general sizes of many races or their physical attributes, the
forging of equipment for specific races has to be specified.  Here's a list
to the grouping of races.
&WReminder&w:&C (Forge Syntax)
&wforge <placement> <race> <level of EQ>
&WGroup 1&w: Human, Elder, Elf & Drow
&WGroup 2&w: Ogre, Demon, Minotaur & Troll
&WGroup 3&w: Halfling, Dwarf & Shadow
&WGroup 4&w: Illithid & Ghoul
&WGroup 5&w: Pixie
&WGroup 6&w: Lizardman
*&WNOTE&z*&w The group #'s mean nothing.  You &RMUST&w use the name of the race.
       &w(&BExample&w:&c forge leggings elf 50&w)
&w(&CInformation for the Dwarven racial ability of FORGE.&w)
&wHere are the limits on a what a person can do with forged equipment:
&z*&WNOTE&z*&w level = level of the _Equipment_, NOT the dwarven forger.
       All values are truncated.  Ie: 7.6 = 7
&BDamroll      &W=&w *NOTE*             &BHitroll       &W=&w Damroll/2
&BMana & HP    &W=&w level              &BAnti-disarm   &W=&w level / 2.5
&BAC           &W=&w -(lvl/2+10)        &BWeight        &W=&w level * .15
&BSaving-Spell &W=&w -(level/7)         &BSaving-Breath &W=&w -(level/7)
&B# of Affects &W=&w (level/10) Max: 6  &BBlood         &W=&w Mana / 3
Flags to Dwarven EQ&w:
&cWeapon&w: dwarven
&cArmor&w: dwarven & magic
*&WNOTE&z*&w If the equipment is level 101+ it gets the 'indestructable' flag.
&z*&WNOTE&z*&w Item damroll is based on weather it's a weapon or armor.  'body' armor
       and weapons are (level / 2.5).  All other forms of armor are
       (level / 8).
&cBy Multiclassing, a character expands his horizons and abilities, in the
process, he also needs a greater time to learn all these different skills
&WBefore Champ&w:
&R1&w - &W1000&wxp &cper level.
&R2&w - &W4000&wxp &cper level. &w( &WNumClasses &w* &W2000&w )
&R3&w - &W6000&wxp &cper level. &w( &WNumClasses &w* &W2000&w )
&WAfter Champ&w:
&R#     &cHero&w, &cChamp 1&w, &cChamp 2&w,  &cChamp 3
&R1 &w- &W100000&w,  &W400000&w, &W1000000&w,  &W2000000&wxp
&R2 &w- &W400000&w, &W1600000&w, &W4000000&w,  &W8000000&wxp
&R3 &w- &W600000&w, &W2400000&w, &W6000000&w, &W12000000&wxp
        &B SYNTAX: &C(in Medit)         &z|&B Hours &W:&w 0-24 is the range, but unless
&c____________________________________&z|&w         you want them closed on a
&wshop hours [#opening] [#closing]    &z|&w         regular basis keep it at 0-24.
&wshop profit [#buying%] [#selling%]  &z|&B Profit&W:&w Check the guidelines on this.
&wshop type [#0-4] [item type]        &z|&B Type  &W:&w wand, armor, weapon, pill...
&wshop delete [#0-4]                  &z|&w         This sets what kind of items
&wshop remove                         &z|&w         your shopkeeper can sell/buy.
&WSyntax&w: cast 'golden aura' <target>
Masters of self-defense and healing, clerics are able to errect an aura about
themselves reducing damage by 3/4's.  This spell may be used with sanctuary
for an accumulative effect and clerics are able to offer their holy
protection to others around them, but none save a cleric is able to control
the sheer power of this magic.  Mobs & Players affected by golden aura have a
line saying: "&Y<Target> body radiates a crisp golden aura.&w" when you type look
in the same room.
(&CGolden Aura can't be invoked by any, but those with the ability to cast it.&w)
&WSyntax&w: shriek  &C(While in combat)
Harnessing the pure destructive power of sound, bards are able to shatter
glass in a player's inventory or even in a protected container.  The only
glass generally found on players of any value is that used in the creation of
potions, vials & flasks.
(&CAside from causing a base damage amount with each shriek, every potion that
is shattered adds an extra 10 damage, with a maximum limit of 25 potions
destroyed per shriek.&w)
See Also&w: BARD
1 'SPIT'~
&WSyntax&w: spit  &C(While in combat)
Using their own acidic saliva, lizardmen have become very adept at fighting
while spiting at their opponents.  The saliva causes a fair ammount of damage
and poisons the ennemy.  On occasion, they aim their spit at the facial part
of their ennemies, thus they can hit the eyes or mouth, rendering their
opponent either blind or unable to cast spells.
*&WNOTE&z*&w Spit is a race-specific spell.  You must be of the "lizardman" race or 
it will not work.
See Also&w: LIZARDMAN&z
&WSyntax&w: transport <item> <player>
Transport was created as a convience to players so they wouldn't have to use
the auction channel to pass items between themselves when they're far apart
throughout the mud.  There are a couple things to keep in mind here though:
*&w This command is for your convience, do NOT abuse it in any way.  This means
  sending tons of items to a player that does not want them and loading up
  their eq for either annoyance or PK reasons.  I don't care the reasoning
  behind it, it's not here as a new PK strategy.
*&w Please ASK a player before transporting them equipment to keep misunder-
  standings from occuring.
Ok, now that that's out of the way, here's how it works:
&wYou type:&g  transport quill ashin
&wYou see:&g   You transport magical quill to Ashin.
&wSent back:&g Magical quill appears magically in your hands from Ashin.
&WSyntax&w: afkmes <message>  &C(Your name is autoput before the message.)
This is just a way of customizing the messages others receive when they try
to send you tells while you're AFK (Away From the Keyboard).
&cYou are a &YDwarf&c and have chosen the vocation of a &YMage&c.
&RAfk Message: &rAshin &W.  &W<---- &wFound in the 'score' list.
&cYou have &Y126/20&c hit, &C140/100&c mana, &G100/100&c movement, 21 practices.
&wLet's keep these clean though, ok?
&WYou type&w: afkmes is AFK mixing up a cup of coffee.
&cSomeone tries to tell you something...
&cSomeone sees:&Y Ashin is AFK mixing up a cup of coffee.
&wWhile much of the work in a dwarf's forging is magic coming from the forger,
a good deal of supplies are needed for creation of equipment.  Here's a list
of what forging will cost you:
&WBase Cost&w: level * 10000 &Y<GOLD>  &C(level 30 = 30000, level 105 = 1050000)
Due to the differences in supplies necessary for the varying magical affects
there lies extra costs within the actual making of the equipment:
&B             Damroll      &W=&w 10k      &B Hitroll       &W=&w 10k
&B             Stat Raises  &W=&w 5k       &B Hp\mana\AC    &W=&w 1k
&B             Blood        &W=&w 3k       &B Anti-disarm   &W=&w 3k
&B             Saving-spell &W=&w 10k      &B Saving-breath &W=&w 10k
&z*&WNOTE&z*&w "Stat Raises" are referring to str, int, wis, dex & con
&z*&WNOTE&z*&w Every listed price is set to PER affect.  Ie +5 damroll = +50k gold.
&wForging an item; type &RDONE&w only when finished.
&zName and descriptions:
&WKeywords:    &z[&Wdwarven work&z]
&WShort Desc:  &z[&Wa unfinished piece of dwarven work&z]
&WLong Desc:   &z[&WAn unfinished piece of dwarven work lies on a small forge.&z]
&zAvailble stats and affects:
&z[&WStat 1:      &R +2&z] [&WDamroll:      &R +8&z] [&WHitroll:      &R +4&z]
&z[&WHit Points:  &R+50&z] [&WMana:         &R+50&z] [&WArmor Class:  &R-60&z]
&z[&WSaving-Spell:&R -2&z] [&WSaving-Breath:&R -2&z] [&WStat 2:       &R +2&z]
Added stats and affects:
&W#- &z[&W  affect  &z] [&Wmodifier&z]
&W1- &z[&W      none&z] [&R       0&z]
&W2- &z[&W      none&z] [&R       0&z]
&W3- &z[&W      none&z] [&R       0&z]
&W4- &z[&W      none&z] [&R       0&z]
&W5- &z[&W      none&z] [&R       0&z]
&BAdding an affect&w:
   &WSyntax&w:  # <affect> <modification>
   &WExample&w: 1 wisdom   +2
&BAdding "Keywords"&w:
   &WSyntax&w:  keyword <keywords>
   &WExample&w: keyword black platemail leggings
&BAdding a "Short Desc":
   &WSyntax&w:  short <description>
   &WExample&w: short &ca pair of &zblack platemail &cleggings&w
&w(&CShort Descriptions are seen in the 'eq' list & inventory&w)
&BAdding a "Long Desc":
   &WSyntax&w:  long <description>
   &WExample&w: long &BA pair of black platemail leggings lie here.
&w(&CLong Descriptions are seen when the item is lying on the ground&w)
&WSyntax&w: cast 'mist form'
Ever the rulers of the night, vampires of medium experience are able to call
a cloaking of mist about themselves, blocking them from being seen by nearly
anything.  Moving silently behind their natural screen they're able to slip
by the various creatures of the realm without raising an alarm or approach
a victim to feed upon before anyone is aware.
(&CMist Form is similar in action to the Phase Shift spell.&w)
&wBeing feline in nature, members of the tabaxi race lack the average level of
intelligence and wisdom found in many of the various storm races, while they
make up for it with their uncanny agility and undying stamina.
Stat Modifications&w:
&CStr: &w+1, &CInt: &w-2, &CWis: &w-2, &CDex: &w+2, &CCon: &w+1
Use this command while in redit to view which objects, mobs, and/or rooms
have programs on them.  It shows you the vnum and name or short description.
It -doesn't- show you each vnum's programs.  
Syntax: &R proglist <all/mob/obj/room>

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