// Copyright (c) 2003 Raoul M. Gough
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy
// at
// Header file container_proxy.hpp
// A container-wrapper that provides Python-style reference semantics
// for values stored in vector-like containers via element proxies.
// Class invariant:
//   size() == m_proxies.size()
//   for 0 <= i < size()
//     m_proxies[i].get() != 0
//     m_proxies[i]->owner() == this
//     m_proxies[i]->index() == i
//     m_proxies[i]->m_element_ptr.get() == 0
// History
// =======
// 2003/ 8/26   rmg     File creation
// 2003/10/23   rmg     Change pointer container from map to sequence
// 2008/12/08   Roman   Change indexing suite layout
// $Id: container_proxy.hpp,v 2004/02/08 18:57:42 raoulgough Exp $


#include <indexing_suite/proxy_iterator.hpp>
#include <indexing_suite/shared_proxy_impl.hpp>
#include <indexing_suite/element_proxy.hpp>
#include <indexing_suite/element_proxy_traits.hpp>
#include <indexing_suite/workaround.hpp>
#include <indexing_suite/methods.hpp>

#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/apply.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_traits.hpp>
#include <indexing_suite/container_traits.hpp>
#include <indexing_suite/container_suite.hpp>
#include <indexing_suite/algorithms.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {

  template<typename T> struct identity {
    typedef T held_type;

    static T &       get(T &       obj) { return obj; }
    static T const & get(T const & obj) { return obj; }

    static T    create ()                     { return T(); }
    static T    copy   (T const &copy)        { return copy; }
    static void assign (T &to, T const &from) { to = from; }
    static void pre_destruction (T &)         { }
    static void swap   (T &one, T &two)       { std::swap (one, two); }

  template<typename P> struct deref {
    typedef P held_type;

    typedef typename boost::iterator_value<P>::type     value;

    static value &       get (P &       ptr)  { return *ptr; }
    static value const & get (P const & ptr)  { return *ptr; }

    static P    create ()                     { return P(); }
    static P    copy   (P const &copy)        { return copy; }
    static void assign (P &to, P const &from) { to = from; }
    static void pre_destruction (P &)         { }
    static void swap   (P &one, P &two)       { std::swap (one, two); }

  struct vector_generator {
    // Generates vector type for any element type with default allocator
    template<typename Element> struct apply {
      typedef std::vector<Element> type;

  // Early template instantiation (ETI) workaround
  namespace detail {
    template<typename Container> struct msvc6_iterator {
      typedef Container::iterator type;

    template<> struct msvc6_iterator<int> {
      typedef int *type;

  template<class Container,
           class Holder = identity<Container>,
           class Generator = vector_generator>
  class container_proxy
    typedef container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator> self_type;
    typedef typename Container::iterator raw_iterator;
    typedef ::boost::detail::iterator_traits<raw_iterator> raw_iterator_traits;

    template<class C> friend class shared_proxy_impl;
    template<class C, typename E, typename T, typename S, typename I>
        friend class proxy_iterator;

    typedef typename Holder::held_type held_type;

    typedef typename Container::size_type size_type;
    typedef typename Container::difference_type difference_type;

    typedef shared_proxy_impl<self_type> shared_proxy;

    typedef typename Container::value_type raw_value_type;

    typedef element_proxy<self_type> value_type;
    typedef value_type               reference;  // Already has ref. semantics

    typedef const_element_proxy<self_type> const_value_type;
    typedef const_value_type               const_reference; // Ref. semantics

    typedef proxy_iterator <self_type, value_type, raw_iterator_traits,
        size_type, raw_iterator> iterator;
    typedef iterator const_iterator; // No const_iterator yet implemented

    // Constructors
    template<typename Iter> container_proxy (Iter start, Iter finish)
      // Define inline for MSVC6 compatibility
      : m_held_obj (Holder::create()),
      m_proxies ()
      insert (begin(), start, finish);

    container_proxy ();
    explicit container_proxy (held_type const &h);

    container_proxy (container_proxy const &);
    container_proxy &operator= (container_proxy const &);
    ~container_proxy ();

    Container const &raw_container() const;   // OK to expose const reference

    reference       at (size_type index);
    const_reference at (size_type index) const;

    reference       operator[] (size_type index)       { return at(index); }
    const_reference operator[] (size_type index) const { return at(index); }

    size_type size ()     const { return raw_container().size(); }
    size_type capacity () const { return raw_container().capacity(); }
    void reserve (size_type s);

    iterator begin() { return iterator (this, static_cast<size_type>(0)); }
    iterator end() { return iterator (this, raw_container().size()); }

    iterator erase (iterator);
    iterator erase (iterator, iterator);
    iterator insert (iterator, raw_value_type const &);

    template<typename Iter> void insert (iterator iter, Iter from, Iter to)
      // Define here for MSVC6 compatibility
      // Forward insertion to the right overloaded version
      typedef typename BOOST_ITERATOR_CATEGORY<Iter>::type category;
      insert (iter, from, to, category());

    void push_back (raw_value_type const &copy) { insert (end(), copy); }

    value_type pop_back () {
      value_type result = at (size() - 1);
      erase (end() - 1);
      return result;

    // These functions are useful only when client code has direct
    // non-const acccess to the raw container (e.g. via an indirect
    // holder supplied to our constructor). Any code that directly
    // modifies the contents of the raw container (by replacing,
    // inserting or erasing elements) must notify the container_proxy.

    void detach_proxy (size_type index);
    void detach_proxies (size_type from, size_type to);
    // Call before overwriting element(s) in the raw container

    void prepare_erase (size_type from, size_type to);
    // Call before erasing elements directly from the raw container

    void notify_insertion (size_type from, size_type to);
    // Call after inserting elements directly into the raw container

    // Convenient replacement of elements (automatic proxy detachment)
    void replace (size_type index, raw_value_type const &);
    //    template<typename Iter> void replace (size_type index, Iter, Iter);

    void swap_elements (size_type index1, size_type index2);

    bool is_valid () const; // Check the class invariant (for testing purposes)

    // Overloads for insertions with/without useful std::distance
    template<typename Iter>
    void insert (iterator iter, Iter from, Iter to, std::forward_iterator_tag)
      // Define here for MSVC6 compatibility
      assert (iter.ptr == this);
      size_type count = std::distance (from, to);

      // Add empty proxy pointers for the new value(s) (could throw)
      m_proxies.insert (m_proxies.begin() + iter.index, count, pointer_impl());

          // Insert the new element(s) into the real container (could throw)
              raw_container().begin() + iter.index,

              // Create new proxies for the new elements (could throw)
              write_proxies (iter.index, iter.index + count);

          catch (...)
                  raw_container().begin() + iter.index,
                  raw_container().begin() + iter.index + count);


      catch (...)
              m_proxies.begin() + iter.index,
              m_proxies.begin() + iter.index + count);


      // Adjust any proxies after the inserted elements (nothrow)
          m_proxies.begin() + iter.index + count,
          static_cast<difference_type> (count));

    template<typename Iter>
    void insert (iterator iter, Iter from, Iter to, std::input_iterator_tag)
      // Define here for MSVC6 compatibility
      // insert overload for iterators where we *can't* get distance()
      // so just insert elements one at a time
      while (from != to)
          iter = insert (iter, *from++) + 1;

    typedef boost::shared_ptr<shared_proxy> pointer_impl;

    typedef typename mpl::apply1<Generator, pointer_impl>::type

    typedef detail::msvc6_iterator<pointer_container>::type pointer_iterator;
    typedef typename pointer_container::iterator pointer_iterator;

    // Proxies need mutable access, and can't be friends with MSVC6
    Container &raw_container();

    void adjust_proxies (pointer_iterator, pointer_iterator, difference_type);
    void write_proxies (size_type, size_type);
    bool clear_proxy (pointer_impl &);         // detach and do not reset
    void clear_proxies (size_type, size_type); // detach and do not reset
    void claim_all_proxies (); // Makes all proxies point at this object

    held_type m_held_obj;
    pointer_container m_proxies;

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::container_proxy ()
    : m_held_obj (Holder::create()),
    m_proxies ()
    // Container is empty - no further processing

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::container_proxy (held_type const &held)
    : m_held_obj (Holder::copy (held)),
    m_proxies (size())
    write_proxies (0, size());

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::container_proxy (container_proxy const &copy)
    : m_held_obj (Holder::copy (copy.m_held_obj)),
    m_proxies (size())
    write_proxies (0, size()); // Create our own proxies for the copied values

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator> &
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::operator= (container_proxy const &copy)
    container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator> temp (copy);
    // This could throw, but none of the remaining operations can

    Holder::swap (m_held_obj, temp.m_held_obj);
    std::swap (m_proxies, temp.m_proxies);

    claim_all_proxies ();
    temp.claim_all_proxies ();  // Prepare for detach

    return *this;
    // temp destruction detaches any proxies that used to belong to us

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::~container_proxy ()
    // Copy original values into any proxies being shared by external pointers
    clear_proxies (0, size());
    Holder::pre_destruction (m_held_obj);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  Container &
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::raw_container ()
    return Holder::get (m_held_obj);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  Container const &
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::raw_container () const
    return Holder::get (m_held_obj);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  void container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::reserve (size_type size)
    raw_container().reserve (size);
    m_proxies.reserve (size);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::reference
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::at (size_type index)
    pointer_impl const &ptr = m_proxies.BOOST_PYTHON_INDEXING_AT (index);
    assert (ptr->owner() == this);
    assert (ptr->index() == index);
    return reference (ptr);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::const_reference
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::at (size_type index) const
    pointer_impl const &ptr = m_proxies.BOOST_PYTHON_INDEXING_AT (index);
    assert (ptr->owner() == this);
    assert (ptr->index() == index);
    return const_reference (ptr);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::replace (size_type index, raw_value_type const &copy)
    detach_proxy (index);
    raw_container().BOOST_PYTHON_INDEXING_AT (index) = copy;
    write_proxies (index, index + 1);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::swap_elements (size_type index1, size_type index2)
    pointer_impl &ptr1 = m_proxies[index1];
    pointer_impl &ptr2 = m_proxies[index2];

    assert (ptr1->owner() == this);
    assert (ptr2->owner() == this);
    assert (ptr1->index() == index1);
    assert (ptr2->index() == index2);

    // Swap produces the diagrammed transformation. Any external
    // pointers that refer to proxy1 or proxy2 will end up still
    // pointing to their original (now relocated) values.
    // .. ptr1 .. ptr2 ..     .. ptr1 .. ptr2  ..  (m_proxies)
    //      |      |                 \  /
    //      |      |                  \/
    //      |      |                  /\.
    //      V      V                 /  \.
    //   proxy1  proxy2  -->    proxy1  proxy2
    //      |      |                 \  /
    //      |      |                  \/
    //      |      |                  /\.
    //      V      V                 /  \.
    //  .. v1 ... v2 ..         .. v2 .. v1 ..  (raw_container)

    std::swap (ptr1->m_index, ptr2->m_index);
    std::swap (ptr1, ptr2);
    std::swap (raw_container()[index1], raw_container()[index2]);

    assert (m_proxies[index1]->index() == index1);
    assert (m_proxies[index2]->index() == index2);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::iterator
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::erase (iterator iter)
    return erase (iter, iter + 1);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::iterator
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::erase(
      iterator from, iterator to)
    assert (from.ptr == this);
    assert (to.ptr == this);

    // Detach and remove the proxies for the about-to-be-erased elements
    prepare_erase (from.index, to.index);

    // Erase the elements from the real container
    raw_iterator result
      = raw_container().erase(
          raw_container().begin() + from.index,
          raw_container().begin() + to.index);

    return iterator (this, result);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::iterator
  container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::insert(
      iterator iter, raw_value_type const &copy)
    // Use the iterator-based version by treating the value as an
    // array of size one (see section 5.7/4 of the C++98 standard)
    insert (iter, &copy, (&copy) + 1, std::random_access_iterator_tag());

    return iter;

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  bool container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::clear_proxy(
      pointer_impl &ptr)
    // Warning - this can break the class invariant. Use only when the
    // pointer is about to be overwritten or removed from m_proxies

    assert (ptr->owner() == this);

    if (!ptr.unique())
        ptr->detach (); // Cause proxy to copy element value
        return true;

        // If the pointer isn't shared, don't bother causing a copy of
        // the container element, since the proxy is about to be
        // deleted or reused.
        return false;

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  void container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::clear_proxies(
      size_type from_index, size_type to_index)
    while (from_index != to_index)
        clear_proxy (m_proxies[from_index]);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  void container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::detach_proxy (size_type index)
    pointer_impl &ptr = m_proxies[index];

    assert (ptr->index() == index);

    if (clear_proxy (ptr))
        // To maintain class invariant
        ptr.reset (new shared_proxy (this, index));

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  void container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::detach_proxies(
      size_type from_index, size_type to_index)
    while (from_index != to_index)
        detach_proxy (from_index);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  void container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>
  ::prepare_erase (size_type from_index, size_type to_index)
    difference_type deleting = to_index - from_index;
    pointer_iterator erase_begin = m_proxies.begin() + from_index;
    pointer_iterator erase_end = m_proxies.begin() + to_index;

    // Adjust the indexes of any trailing proxies
    adjust_proxies (erase_end, m_proxies.end(), -deleting);

    // Detach any proxies without updating our pointers to them
    clear_proxies (from_index, to_index);

    // Remove the pointers
    m_proxies.erase (erase_begin, erase_end);

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  void container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::notify_insertion(
      size_type from_index, size_type to_index)
    size_type count = to_index - from_index;

        m_proxies.begin() + from_index, count, pointer_impl());

        write_proxies (from_index, to_index); // Could throw

    catch (...)
            m_proxies.begin() + from_index,
            m_proxies.begin() + to_index);


    // Adjust any proxies after the inserted elements (nothrow)
        m_proxies.begin() + to_index,
        static_cast<difference_type> (count));

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  void container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::adjust_proxies(
      pointer_iterator from,
      pointer_iterator to,
      difference_type offset)
    while (from != to)
        (*from)->m_index += offset;

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  void container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::write_proxies(
      size_type from, size_type to)
    // (over)write proxy pointers in the given range. Re-uses existing
    // shared_proxy objects where possible. Does not call detach_proxy
    // since it is assumed that the original values could have already
    // been modified and copying them now would be wrong.

    while (from != to)
        pointer_impl &ptr = m_proxies[from];

        if ((ptr.get() == 0) || (!ptr.unique()))
            // Either no proxy yet allocated here, or there is one
            // but it is being shared by an external pointer.
            ptr.reset (new shared_proxy (this, from));

            // Re-use the existing object since we have the only pointer to it
            assert (ptr->owner() == this);
            ptr->m_index = from;


  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  void container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::claim_all_proxies ()
    for (pointer_iterator iter = m_proxies.begin();
         iter != m_proxies.end();
        (*iter)->m_owner_ptr = this;

  template<class Container, class Holder, class Generator>
  bool container_proxy<Container, Holder, Generator>::is_valid () const
    bool ok = size() == m_proxies.size(); // Sizes must match

    for (size_type count = 0; ok && (count < size()); ++count)
        pointer_impl const &ptr = m_proxies[count];

        ok = ptr.get() && (ptr->owner() == this) && (ptr->index() == count)
          && !ptr->m_element_ptr.get();

    return ok;

  // ContainerTraits implementation for container_proxy instances

  template<typename Container>
  struct container_proxy_traits : random_access_sequence_traits<Container>
    typedef Container container;
    typedef typename container::raw_value_type value_type; // insert, ...
    typedef typename container::raw_value_type key_type;   // find, count, ...
    typedef typename container::reference reference;  // return values

    typedef typename BOOST_PYTHON_INDEXING_CALL_TRAITS <value_type>::param_type
    typedef typename BOOST_PYTHON_INDEXING_CALL_TRAITS <key_type>::param_type

    // value_traits for the reference type (i.e. our element_proxy
    // instance) supplies a custom visit_container_class. Compilers
    // without partial specialization need help here.

    typedef element_proxy_traits<Container> value_traits_type;

    // Hide base class visit_container_class, which would call the
    // unspecialized value_traits version
    template<typename PythonClass, typename Policy>
    static void visit_container_class(
        PythonClass &pyClass, Policy const &policy)
      value_traits_type::visit_container_class (pyClass, policy);

  namespace detail {
    // algorithms support for container_proxy instances

    template <typename RawContainer, typename Holder, typename Generator>
    class algorithms_selector<container_proxy<RawContainer, Holder, Generator> >
      typedef container_proxy<RawContainer, Holder, Generator> Container;

      typedef container_proxy_traits<Container>       mutable_traits;
      typedef container_proxy_traits<Container const> const_traits;

      typedef default_algorithms<mutable_traits> mutable_algorithms;
      typedef default_algorithms<const_traits>   const_algorithms;
      class Container,
      method_set_type MethodMask = all_methods,
      class Traits = container_proxy_traits<Container>
  struct container_proxy_suite
    : container_suite<Container, MethodMask, default_algorithms<Traits> >

} } }