// Header file algorithms.hpp
// Uniform interface layer for all containers.
// Copyright (c) 2003 Raoul M. Gough
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy
// at
// History
// =======
// 2003/ 9/11   rmg     File creation from suite_utils.hpp
// 2003/10/28   rmg     Split container-specific versions into separate headers
// 2006/10/25   Roman   Adding keys function to assoc_algorithms class
// 2008/12/08   Roman   Change indexing suite layout
// $Id: algorithms.hpp,v 2004/02/08 18:57:42 raoulgough Exp $


#include <indexing_suite/suite_utils.hpp>

#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/python/errors.hpp>
#include <indexing_suite/int_slice_helper.hpp>
#include <indexing_suite/slice.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/limits.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <set>

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {
  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr = detail::no_override>
  class default_algorithms
    typedef default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr> self_type;
    typedef typename detail::maybe_override<self_type, Ovr>
        ::type most_derived;

    typedef ContainerTraits container_traits;

    // Import typedefs from the container_traits for convenience
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::container   container;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::iterator    iterator;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::reference   reference;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::size_type   size_type;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::value_type  value_type;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::value_param value_param;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::index_param index_param;
    typedef typename ContainerTraits::key_param   key_param;

    // Defer selection of supported_methods to the ContainerTraits
    // template argument. This makes sense because default_algorithms
    // derives all of its other information from this argument, and
    // can't decide which of the static member functions will
    // instantiate successfully for the container. Obviously a
    // custom-written Algorithms implementation could choose to
    // provide the supported_methods directly.

        supported_methods = ContainerTraits::supported_methods);

    static size_type size       (container &);
    static iterator  find       (container &, key_param);
    static size_type get_index  (container &, key_param);
    static size_type count      (container &, key_param);
    static bool      contains   (container &, key_param);
    static void      reverse    (container &);
    static reference get        (container &, index_param);
    static void      assign     (container &, index_param, value_param);
    static void      insert     (container &, index_param, value_param);
    static void      erase_one  (container &, index_param);
    static void      erase_range(container &, index_param, index_param);
    static void      push_back  (container &, value_param);
    static void      sort       (container &);
    //    static void      sort       (container &, PyObject *);

    static iterator  begin      (container &c) { return c.begin(); }
    static iterator  end        (container &c) { return c.end(); }

    // Reasonable defaults for slice handling
    typedef int_slice_helper<self_type, integer_slice> slice_helper;

    static slice_helper make_slice_helper (container &c, slice const &);

    // Default visit_container_class
    template<typename PythonClass, typename Policy>
    static void visit_container_class(
        PythonClass &pyClass, Policy const &policy)
      container_traits::visit_container_class (pyClass, policy);

    // MSVC6 and 7.0 seem to complain about most_derived::bounds_check
    // for an instantiation of list_algorithms.
    static size_type bounds_check(
        container &, index_param, char const *msg,
        bool one_past = false,
        bool truncate = false);
    // Throws std::out_of_range if necessary. If one_past is set, then
    // indexes up to container.size() *inclusive* are allowed. If
    // truncate is set, then out of bounds values are reset to the
    // nearest in-bound value (and if none exists, throws an
    // exception). If truncate is *not* set, then negative values index
    // from the upper bound backwards and are bounds-checked.

  // Base class for associative containers

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr = detail::no_override>
  class assoc_algorithms
    : public default_algorithms
        BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME detail::maybe_override
            <assoc_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>, Ovr>
    typedef assoc_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr> self_type;
    typedef typename detail::maybe_override<self_type, Ovr>
        ::type most_derived;
    typedef default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, most_derived> Parent;

    typedef typename Parent::iterator iterator;
    typedef typename Parent::size_type size_type;
    typedef typename Parent::container container;
    typedef typename Parent::reference reference;
    typedef typename Parent::key_param key_param;
    typedef typename Parent::value_param value_param;
    typedef typename Parent::index_param index_param;

    static reference get        (container &, index_param);

    // Use member functions for the following (hiding base class versions)
    static void      erase_one (container &, key_param);
    static iterator  find      (container &, key_param);
    static size_type count     (container &, key_param);
    static bool      contains  (container &, key_param);

    // Default visit_container_class
    template<typename PythonClass, typename Policy>
    static void visit_container_class( PythonClass &pyClass, Policy const &policy)
      ContainerTraits::visit_container_class (pyClass, policy);

    static iterator  find_or_throw (container &, index_param);

  // Get the size of a container

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::size_type
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::size (container &c)
    return c.size();

  // Range check an index and throw out_of_range if necessary

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::size_type
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::bounds_check(
      container &c,
      index_param ix,
      char const *msg,
      bool one_past,
      bool truncate)
    size_type bound = most_derived::size(c) + (one_past ? 1 : 0);
    size_type result;

    if (truncate)
        if (ix < 0)
            result = 0;

            result = ix;

            if ((result >= bound) && (bound > 0))
                result = bound - 1;

    else if (ix < 0)
        if (size_type(-ix) > bound)
            throw std::out_of_range (msg);

        result = bound + ix;

        result = ix;

    if (result >= bound)
        throw std::out_of_range (msg);

    return result;

  // Find an element in a container (std algorithm version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::iterator
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::find(
      container &c, key_param key)
    typedef typename container_traits::value_traits_type vtraits;
    typedef typename vtraits::equal_to comparison;

    return std::find_if(
        std::bind1st (comparison(), key));

  // Find an element and return its index (std algorithm version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::size_type
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::get_index(
      container &c, key_param key)
    iterator found (most_derived::find (c, key));

    if (found == most_derived::end(c))
            PyExc_ValueError, "get_index: element not found");

        boost::python::throw_error_already_set ();

    iterator start (most_derived::begin (c));
    return std::distance (start, found);

  // Count occurances of an element in a container (std algorithm version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::size_type
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::count(
      container &c, key_param key)
    typedef typename container_traits::value_traits_type vtraits;
    typedef typename vtraits::equal_to comparison;

    return std::count_if(
        std::bind1st (comparison(), key));

  // Check whether a container contains the given element (std algo ver)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::contains(
      container &c, key_param key)
    return most_derived::find (c, key) != most_derived::end(c);

  // Index into a container (generic version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::reference
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::get(
      container &c, index_param ix)
    return c[most_derived::bounds_check (c, ix, "get")];

  // Assign a value at a particular index (generic version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::assign(
      container &c, index_param ix, value_param val)
    c[most_derived::bounds_check (c, ix, "assign")] = val;

  // Insert at end of a container (generic version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::push_back(
      container &c, value_param v)
    c.push_back (v);

  // Insert at an index in the container (generic version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::insert(
      container &c, index_param i, value_param v)
    iterator insert_pos (most_derived::begin(c));

    // Index may range up to c.size() inclusive to allow inserting at end
        insert_pos, most_derived::bounds_check (c, i, "insert", true, true));

    c.insert (insert_pos, v);

  // Erase between given indexes in the container (generic version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::erase_range(
      container &c, index_param from, index_param to)
    iterator start (most_derived::begin(c));
    iterator finish (most_derived::begin(c));

    // Start index must be properly in bounds
      (start, most_derived::bounds_check (c, from, "erase_range (from)"));

    // End index is one-past-the-end, so may range up to c.size() inclusive
      (finish, most_derived::bounds_check (c, to, "erase_range (to)", true));

    c.erase (start, finish);

  // Erase one element at the given index in the container (generic version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::erase_one(
      container &c, index_param ix)
    iterator iter (most_derived::begin(c));
    std::advance (iter, most_derived::bounds_check (c, ix, "erase_one"));
    c.erase (iter);

  // Reverse the contents of a container (std algorithm version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  void default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::reverse (container &c)
    std::reverse (most_derived::begin(c), most_derived::end(c));

  // Sort the contents of a container (std algorithm version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  void default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::sort (container &c)
    typedef typename container_traits::value_traits_type vtraits;
    typedef typename vtraits::less comparison;
    std::sort (most_derived::begin(c), most_derived::end(c), comparison());

  // slice_helper factory function (default version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::slice_helper
  default_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>
  ::make_slice_helper (container &c, slice const &sl)
    return slice_helper (c, integer_slice (sl, most_derived::size (c)));

  // Index into a container (associative version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME assoc_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::reference
  assoc_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::get (container &c, index_param ix)
    return *most_derived::find_or_throw (c, ix);

  // Erase elements with the given key (associative version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  assoc_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::erase_one(
      container &c, key_param key)
    if (c.erase (key) == 0)
            PyExc_ValueError, "Container does not hold value to be erased");

        boost::python::throw_error_already_set ();

  // Find an element in an associative container

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME assoc_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::iterator
  assoc_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>
  ::find (container &c, key_param key)
    return c.find (key);

  // Find an element in an associative container

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  assoc_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::contains(
      container &c, key_param key)
    return most_derived::find (c, key) != most_derived::end(c);

  // Find an element in an associative container - throw an exception if
  // not found

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME assoc_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::iterator
  assoc_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::find_or_throw(
      container &c, index_param ix)
    iterator iter = most_derived::find (c, ix);

    if (iter == most_derived::end(c))
            PyExc_ValueError, "associative container: key not found");

        boost::python::throw_error_already_set ();

    return iter;

  // Count occurances of an element in a container (associative version)

  template<typename ContainerTraits, typename Ovr>
  BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME assoc_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::size_type
  assoc_algorithms<ContainerTraits, Ovr>::count(
      container &c, key_param key)
    return c.count (key);

  // Some meta-information to select algorithms for const and
  // non-const qualified containers. All algorithms_selector specializations
  // include two publically accessible typedefs, called
  // mutable_algorithms and const_algorithms.  This saves having to
  // have separate partial specializations of algorithms for
  // const and non-const containers. Client code should probably
  // specialize algorithms directly.

  namespace detail {
    template<typename Container> class algorithms_selector
# if defined(BOOST_MPL_MSVC_ETI_BUG)
      // Bogus types to prevent compile errors due to ETI
      typedef algorithms_selector<Container> mutable_algorithms;
      typedef algorithms_selector<Container> const_algorithms;
# endif

  // Algorithms selection for mutable containers

  template<class Container>
  struct algorithms
    : public detail::algorithms_selector<Container>::mutable_algorithms

  // Algorithms selection for const-qualified containers

  template<class Container>
  struct algorithms<Container const>
    : public detail::algorithms_selector<Container>::const_algorithms
# endif
} } }