.				                        ............. .
				                     . ........... .. . .
   Ascension to Darkness Policy       	         .. ......................  
				                 .  ...........................
     type 'help (policy name)'          .......................................
				      .  ......................................
                        	       . .. -||..........__....................
                        	        . /  ||......../-- \\.::::.............
                		       ..|   ||...... / o o| |.::::::::::::::::
  1. ArtifactPolicy     	       .|  _-||.......||   / /.::::::::::::....
  2. MultiPlaying (and Charsharing)     | |..||...... -\_  \ |\-.::::::::::::::
  3. Spam       	               .| |.[< \ .../            \.::::::......
  4. Crashing   	                .||.|||\|\ |           .  \.:::::::....
  5. Botting and Triggers              ...|.\|| |  \  |        |   |.:::.......
  6. NonAvatars 		      . .....|||_      |       /    |.::.......
  7. Hacking (of players)                . ..||/..-__\   ---  |     |.::::.....
  8. Idling     		           ..||.......|.__         |.:::::::...
  9. Bugs   			            .||.......|           /.::::::.....
 10. Suicide or FeedingStatus  	          ...||......|          /.::::::::::...
 11. Admin or NewImm or Code             . ..||......|          |.:::::::::....
               {Rsee also {x'help excess'      ..||......|          |.:::::::::::::
				          ...||.....|            |.::::::::::::
				      . .....||.....|             |.:::::::::::

  Any and ALL rules or policy are interpreted by the Admin.  These posted and 
  implied standards may be changed or re-interpreted by the Admin at any time.
  The FINAL say on any matter is the word of an Admin, or the higher Admin

** We're currently -not- looking for immortals.

{W* {yCloning of Artifacts is banned! And always has been.
{W* {yStorage of Artifacts is illegal. {x
  Cloning of ANY artifact will result in all copies of the cloned artifact
  being removed from the game and any further action deemed appropriate.    
  You are not allowed to place your artifact(s) on a "storage character"
  Any storage characters found will be deleted and the artifact(s) they
  were storing will be placed back in the game at the immortals discression.

  A storage character is any non-active Avatar, OR any avatar deemed unworthy
  to properly maintain an Artifact.  (ie. a 4k across, 25 hour joke avatar)
  If you spend all or most of your online time in safe rooms, this is storage.

  Artifacts are for Avatars+ only... NO MORTALS will handle an Artifact
  for any reason.  You will be deleted if you are a mortal char storing an 
  artifact.  You will lose the artifact if you are avatar+ and give one to
  a mortal.

  Any one character may only posess 2 artifacts, of any kind, at anytime.
  Note, the 'Ultimate Quest Card' is the only exception to this rule, and
  the player may posses 3 artifacts if, and only if, the quest card is
  one of them.


-1 POLICY2 Multiplaying Charsharing~
{W* {yMultiplaying is illegal!
{W* {ySharing characters is illegal!{x

  'Multi playing' is 'p-l-a-y-i-n-g--m-u-l-t-i-p-l-e' characters at same time.

    This means two or more characters are being controlled by same person, at 
    the same time, and they are currently logged into the MUD.  

  'Char sharing' is 's-h-a-r-i-n-g--c-h-a-r-s' between two or more people.

    This means two or more people are controlling the same characters, at 
    various times, or giving away characters to other players. 

    Rule of thumb: If you started a character, play your character... DO
    NOT play someone elses at all.  However, you can give your character
    to someone.  A note must be given in advance to the entire mud.
  Anyone caught doing so will have ALL of the concerned characters deleted
  or any lesser penalty deemed appropriate by the immortal dealing with it.
  This includes going link-dead and immediately logging on another char to
  whine about the first.

  Also, there will be NO helping your own characters with other characters you
  own, by ANY arrangement.  How clear does this need to be?  


-1 POLICY3 Spam~
{W* {yNo spamming any channels{x

  This is unfriendly and upsets people. The penalty for this is that the
  offending player will be silenced for a period determined by the immortal.

  Spamming also includes spamming spells in popular public locations.  If you
  need to, use The Spell-Spamming Roo, or an equally non-public room, 
  on either side of By The Temple Altar (healer), don't spam the healer.
  Also, do not idle in leveling areas or quest zones, with the purpose of
  slowing repops, while practicing spells for extended periods of time.
  It is a common courtesy.


-1 POLICY4 Crashing~
{W* {yNo purposeful crashing of the mud.{x

  Deliberate crashing of the mud will cause you to be denied or possibly
  deleted and may even end up in your site being prevented from connecting
  to the mud (banned).

  Any bugs that cause this MUST be reported immediately.


-1 POLICY5 Botting Triggers~
{W* {yNo 'bots' or other series of triggers to maintain a afk connection except
  for spell training.{x

  Actively train your weapon skills or stances, or you may find your gains lost, 
  or worse.  zMUD or Tintin macros and hotkeys are fine, as long as they are 
  NOT maintaining your connection.

  This is highly frowned upon by the Admin, and you will be set back.

* SIMPLE triggers, macros, and hot keys are fine, as long as gameplay is 
  actively maintained by the player, not a intricate series scripts.


-1 POLICY6 Nonavatars~
{W* {yAvatars and Non Avatars will in NO way harm or hinder each other.{x

  Non Avatars will NOT heal, spell up, scout for, or where any Avatar.
  Avatars will NOT attack, charm, command, trick, deceive or in any other way
  hurt a Non Avatar.  EVER.  You will be killed and looted, to include your
  claimed gear and any artifacts you may have acquired.  Worth it?

  If any Non Avatar or newbie ask a question, you are not required to answer it
  although that would keep in the spirit of helping others and promote a
  friendly atmosphere.  If in fact you do choose to open your mouth, you WILL
  NOT give out false information, or you will be severely punished.


-1 POLICY7 Hacking~
{W* {yThere will be no excessive hindering of gameplay to other characters{x

  This includes being tied, gagged, and blindfolded and left for an extended
  period of time, without the active attempt to gain a decapitation.  Holding
  of a mortally wounded character should be limited to a 'few minutes', or set
  them free.  Holding and continued mortally wounding a character for the sole
  purpose of torso-ing is illegal, unless immediately followed by a decap.

  This is to prevent EXCESSIVE abuse, not normal PK.  Do not immediately whine
  as soon as you get smacked down, or start your stop watch... How do you time
  a 'few minutes'?  You typed 'train avatar', you should expect to be PKed.


-1 POLICY8 Idling~
{W* {yIdling to maintain an afk connection is ILLEGAL.{x

  If you come on here, we expect you to talk, or train in some sort or
  another.  Because hours plays such a large part here, you cannot idle
  and let your character build hours.


-1 POLICY9 Bugs~
{W* {yExploiting bugs and not reporting them is illegal.  (duh!){x

  If you find a bug, no matter how small, you WILL report it.               
  If you find a bug and do not report it, you WILL be severely punished.  Use
  some common sense here people...                                            

  There is no place for cheaters here.


-1 POLICY10 Suicide FeedingStatus~
{W* {yDo NOT PK suicide or feed others your own status.{x

  There is NO reason to immediately leave the healer after you have been capped
  and re-avatared, without fully healing, just to inflate the status of others.
  If you are running around with sub standard gear, and involving yourself in
  pointless PK battles, you will be frozen or deleted.  Suicide and status
  feeding involves anything similar to this as deemed by the Admin.

  If for any reason you 'retire' your character, just quit.  You do not have to
  piss off the Admin, sac your gear, and widdle out your status by breaking 
  rules and policy.  This also includes handing off full sets of created gear,
  quested gear, or tons of quest tokens. You will permanently lose your char
  and the gear/tokens will be confiscated.  It is not fair to others if they
  have to earn thier Qpts, but others get it all free.

  Besides, you may choose to come back at a later time, if of course, that
  option is still open.

  A feed is constituted by having a larger player mortally wound a smaller
  player, then inviting a 3rd party to come and decapitate or tear them.
  If any damage is done by the 3rd party, even in the slightest amount, then
  it is not considered a feed.

-1 POLICY11 Admin NewImm Code~
{W* {yDo not ask for high level Admin spots or to code on AtD.{x

  We DO NOT hire Admin Immortals that are not active AtD players or have
  NO Admin experience in the first place.  The only exceptions are if you 
  are approached by the Impl.  Don't call us, we'll call you.

  We are NOT in need of another or new coders, and No, our coders will not code
  for you.  We have rather large heaping platters, with little to no extra time
  to tackle other side projects.  This is our MUD, this is where we work.

  Ascension to Darkness is NOT public domain.  If you are looking for MUD code
  to start your own MUD, we will be of no help to you.  We would suggest that
  you search for any of the tons of released MUD source code, such as Merc, 
  ROM, Circle, etc...   Not hard to find.  You will NOT get GodWars or AtD
  code from us.

  This policy has stemed from MULTIPLE inquiries, resulting in a combined file
  of information on this subject.  We are not trying to be rude, but our work 
  is our work, done for the enjoyment of our players.  We don't have time to 
  train new Admin, baby sit new Admin, or otherwise detract ourselves from 
  constant improvements here.  Our players understand and so should you.


-1 Excess~
Excessive or repeated violations to the same rule or policy, by the same actual
player, without any concern for different characters played by that person that
may have commited the crimes, will result in much harsher punishments.

Just because you create a new char and break a rule again with a different name, 
does not mean you will get off with a first time warning.  First time warnings
may or may not be given, at the discretion of the Admin handling the issue.


Ascension to Darkness enhanced PlayerKill (PK) MUD.

General rule (also see policy)

1) PK is allowed, expect to be PKed.  You can PK any avatar, but certain
   kingdom restrictions must be followed at the discretion of your king.

 The final say on ANY matter are the words of an Admin.
 Inter-kingdom rules at the discretion of the kingdom.
 {Rsee also:{x 'help policy', 'help pk', 'help status'


PENALTIES- for breaking rules...
  1) Silenced.
  2) Frozen for however long.
  3) Paradox
  4) Deletion of Pfile
  5) Ban
  6) Whatever the immortal wants.

-1 $~
