 *                                                                                  *
 *          _______.____    __    ____       _______                  _______       *
 *         /       |\   \  /  \  /   /  _   |   ____|          __    |   ____|      *
 *        |   (----` \   \/    \/   /  (_)  |  |__    ____   _/  |_  |  |__         *
 *         \   \      \            /    _   |   __|  /  _ \  \   __\ |   __|        *
 *     .----)   |      \    /\    /    (_)  |  |    (  <_> )  |  |   |  |____       *
 *     |_______/        \__/  \__/          |__|     \____/   |__|   |_______|      *
 *                                                                                  *
 * SWFotE v2.0 (FotE v1.1 cleaned up and considerably modded)  by:                  *
 * Greg (Keberus) Mosley                                                            *
 * Roman (Trelar) Arnold                                                            *
 *                                                                                  *
 * SWFotE v1 & v1.1 copyright (c) 2002 was created by                               *
 * Chris 'Tawnos' Dary (cadary@uwm.edu),                                            *
 * Korey 'Eleven' King (no email),                                                  *
 * Matt 'Trillen' White (mwhite17@ureach.com),                                      *
 * Daniel 'Danimal' Berrill (danimal924@yahoo.com),                                 *
 * Richard 'Bambua' Berrill (email unknown),                                        *
 * Stuart 'Ackbar' Unknown (email unknown)                                          *
 *                                                                                  *
 * SWR 1.0 copyright (c) 1997, 1998 was created by Sean Cooper                      *
 * based on a concept and ideas from the original SWR immortals:                    *
 * Himself (Durga), Mark Matt (Merth), Jp Coldarone (Exar), Greg Baily (Thrawn),    *
 * Ackbar, Satin, Streen and Bib as well as much input from our other builders      *
 * and players.                                                                     *
 *                                                                                  *
 * Original SMAUG 1.4a written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag,                *
 * Blodkai, Haus, Narn, Scryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard,                *
 * Grishnakh, Fireblade, and Nivek.                                                 *
 *                                                                                  *
 * Original MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn.                              *
 *                                                                                  *
 * Original DikuMUD code by: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,              *
 * Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer.                                           *
 *                                                                                  *

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "mud.h"

 * Make a fire.
void make_fire(ROOM_INDEX_DATA *in_room, sh_int timer)
    OBJ_DATA *fire;

    fire = create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_FIRE ), 0 );
    fire->timer = number_fuzzy(timer);
    obj_to_room( fire, in_room );

 * Make a trap.
OBJ_DATA *make_trap(int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3)
    OBJ_DATA *trap;

    trap = create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_TRAP ), 0 );
    trap->timer = 0;
    trap->value[0] = v0;
    trap->value[1] = v1;
    trap->value[2] = v2;
    trap->value[3] = v3;
    return trap;

 * Turn an object into scraps.		-Thoric
void make_scraps( OBJ_DATA *obj )
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  OBJ_DATA  *scraps, *tmpobj;

  separate_obj( obj );
  scraps	= create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_SCRAPS ), 0 );
  scraps->timer = number_range( 5, 15 );

  /* don't make scraps of scraps of scraps of ... */
  if ( obj->pIndexData->vnum == OBJ_VNUM_SCRAPS )
     STRFREE( scraps->short_descr );
     scraps->short_descr = STRALLOC( "some debris" );
     STRFREE( scraps->description );
     scraps->description = STRALLOC( "Bits of debris lie on the ground here." );
     sprintf( buf, scraps->short_descr, obj->short_descr );
     STRFREE( scraps->short_descr );
     scraps->short_descr = STRALLOC( buf );
    if(obj->item_type != ITEM_SHIPBOMB)
     sprintf( buf, scraps->description, obj->short_descr );
     STRFREE( scraps->description );
     scraps->description = STRALLOC( buf );
     sprintf(buf, "Bits of debris, buildings, people, and bomb scraps litter the area.");
     STRFREE( scraps->description );
     scraps->description = STRALLOC(buf);
     REMOVE_BIT( scraps->wear_flags, ITEM_TAKE );


  if ( obj->carried_by )
    act( AT_OBJECT, "$p falls to the ground in scraps!",
		  obj->carried_by, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
    if ( obj == get_eq_char( obj->carried_by, WEAR_WIELD )
    &&  (tmpobj = get_eq_char( obj->carried_by, WEAR_DUAL_WIELD)) != NULL )
       tmpobj->wear_loc = WEAR_WIELD;

    obj_to_room( scraps, obj->carried_by->in_room);
  if ( obj->in_room )
    if ( (ch = obj->in_room->first_person ) != NULL )
      act( AT_OBJECT, "$p is reduced to little more than scraps.",
	   ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      act( AT_OBJECT, "$p is reduced to little more than scraps.",
	   ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
    obj_to_room( scraps, obj->in_room);
  if ( (obj->item_type == ITEM_CONTAINER
  ||   obj->item_type == ITEM_CORPSE_PC) && obj->first_content )
    if ( ch && ch->in_room )
	act( AT_OBJECT, "The contents of $p fall to the ground.",
	   ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
	act( AT_OBJECT, "The contents of $p fall to the ground.",
	   ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
    if ( obj->carried_by )
	empty_obj( obj, NULL, obj->carried_by->in_room );
    if ( obj->in_room )
	empty_obj( obj, NULL, obj->in_room );
    if ( obj->in_obj )
	empty_obj( obj, obj->in_obj, NULL );
  extract_obj( obj );

 * Make a corpse out of a character.
OBJ_DATA *make_corpse( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *killer )
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    OBJ_DATA *corpse;
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    OBJ_DATA *obj_next;
    char *name;

    if ( !IS_NPC(ch)  && ch->top_level < 10 )
       return NULL;

    if ( IS_NPC(ch) )
	name		= ch->short_descr;
        if ( IS_SET ( ch->act , ACT_DROID ) )
           corpse		= create_object(get_obj_index(OBJ_VNUM_DROID_CORPSE), 0);
	   corpse		= create_object(get_obj_index(OBJ_VNUM_CORPSE_NPC), 0);
	corpse->timer	= 6;
	if ( ch->gold > 0 )
	    if ( ch->in_room )
	      ch->in_room->area->gold_looted += ch->gold;
	    obj_to_obj( create_money( ch->gold ), corpse );
	    ch->gold = 0;

/* Cannot use these!  They are used.
	corpse->value[0] = (int)ch->pIndexData->vnum;
	corpse->value[1] = (int)ch->max_hit;
/*	Using corpse cost to cheat, since corpses not sellable */
	corpse->cost     = (-(int)ch->pIndexData->vnum);
        corpse->value[2] = corpse->timer; 
	name		= ch->name;
	corpse		= create_object(get_obj_index(OBJ_VNUM_CORPSE_PC), 0);
	corpse->timer	= 40;
        corpse->value[2] = (int)(corpse->timer/8);
	corpse->value[3] = 0;
	if ( ch->gold > 0 )
	    if ( ch->in_room && ch->in_room->area )
	      ch->in_room->area->gold_looted += ch->gold;
	    obj_to_obj( create_money( ch->gold ), corpse );
	    ch->gold = 0;

    /* Added corpse name - make locate easier , other skills */
    sprintf( buf, "corpse %s", name );
    STRFREE( corpse->name );
    corpse->name = STRALLOC( buf );

    sprintf( buf, corpse->short_descr, name );
    STRFREE( corpse->short_descr );
    corpse->short_descr = STRALLOC( buf );

    sprintf( buf, corpse->description, name );
    STRFREE( corpse->description );
    corpse->description = STRALLOC( buf );

    if( corpse->killer )
    corpse->killer = str_dup(killer);

    for ( obj = ch->first_carrying; obj; obj = obj_next )
	obj_next = obj->next_content;
	obj_from_char( obj );
	    extract_obj( obj );
	    obj_to_obj( obj, corpse );

    return obj_to_room( corpse, ch->in_room );

void make_blood( CHAR_DATA *ch )
	OBJ_DATA *obj;

	obj		= create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_BLOOD ), 0 );
	obj->timer	= number_range( 2, 4 );
	obj->value[1]   = number_range( 3, UMIN(5, ch->top_level) );
	obj_to_room( obj, ch->in_room );

void make_bloodstain( CHAR_DATA *ch )
	OBJ_DATA *obj;

	obj		= create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_BLOODSTAIN ), 0 );
	obj->timer	= number_range( 1, 2 );
	obj_to_room( obj, ch->in_room );

 * make some coinage
OBJ_DATA *create_money( int amount )
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    OBJ_DATA *obj;

    if ( amount <= 0 )
	bug( "Create_money: zero or negative money %d.", amount );
	amount = 1;

    if ( amount == 1 )
	obj = create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_MONEY_ONE ), 0 );
	obj = create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_MONEY_SOME ), 0 );
	sprintf( buf, obj->short_descr, amount );
	STRFREE( obj->short_descr );
	obj->short_descr = STRALLOC( buf );
	obj->value[0]	 = amount;

    return obj;